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Kristen Timothy papers, 1990-2000 (mostly 1995)

MC251 9 boxes
These records include the working papers of Kristen Timothy in preparation for the 1995 United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing. They contain materials that document the evolution of the Platform for Action adopted at the conference from a short statement of major campaigns for the international community to mount, drawing on the recommendations of three previous world conferences on women organized by the UN, to a major statement of policy goals in twelve critical areas of concern to women and girls globally.

Harold Sprout Collection on the London Naval Conference (1930), 1924-1933 (mostly 1927-1930)

MC122 2 boxes
Harold Sprout was a professor of Politics at Princeton University. Consists of Sprout's collection of copies of papers in the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library (Iowa) pertaining to the London Naval Conference of 1930 which resulted in a treaty for the limitation of naval armaments and the exchange of information concerning naval construction between the United States, Great Britain, and Japan.

Women's World Banking Records, 1964-2017 (mostly 1980-1996)

MC198 247 boxes 144 items
Restrictions may apply.
Women's World Banking (WWB), one of the world's leaders in microenterprise financing, is a not-for-profit international financial institution founded by a global group of independent women working together with the support of the United Nations in 1979. The Women's World Banking mission is to facilitate the participation of poor women entrepreneurs in the modern economy at the local level, especially those who are generally without access to established financial institutions. The organization consists of an international network of affiliates (independent local institutions that provide a variety of financial and training services to meet the needs of local women) with a central coordinating office in New York City. WWB's records document the administration of the organization, mainly during the tenure of its first president, Michaela Walsh, and include founding documents, financial records, correspondence, records related to affiliates and other organizations, audiovisual materials, and the files of Michaela Walsh.
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Series 7: July 2009 Accession, 1730-2008

Restrictions may apply.
The July 2009 Accession contains historical documents originating in the offices of the Linkages and Learning Team (Nicola Armacost, Director) and Presidents Mary Ellen Iskenderian, Nancy Barry, and Michaela Walsh. They pertain to workshops, programs, training, media coverage, and meetings. Materials include compact disks, correspondence, newletters, and reports.

Chess Papers of Eugene B. Cook, 1857-1906

C0411 21 boxes 2 items 5.9 linear feet
The Chess Papers of Eugene B. Cook consists of correspondence, copies of classic chess manuscripts and diagrams, and memorabilia of Cook (Class of 1850), as well as notes and printed matter of the Appalachian Mountain Club.

Vicente Llorens Collection of Blanco White Family Materials, 1713-1930 (mostly 1798-1841)

C0075 19 boxes 28 items 7.4 linear feet
The collection contains manuscripts related to four generations of the Blanco White family, spanning two centuries: including works, diaries, correspondence, documents, accounts and expense records, and printed material. Joseph Blanco White, the Spanish-English writer and religious figure, remains the focus of the collection; however, his brother Fernando, a politician and intellectual of 19th-century Seville, also accounts for a substantial part of the material. Of particular interest are autograph manuscripts of several of Joseph's literary efforts, as well as other genealogical material relating to the Blanco White family.

Silvia S. Bennet Collection on the Olyphant Family, 1764-1897

C0360 13 boxes 5.3 linear feet
Consists of genealogist Silvia S. Bennet's works about, and research papers of, various members of the Olyphant family of Charleston, South Carolina, and New York State.

F. Scott Fitzgerald Papers, 1897-1944

C0187 32.45 linear feet in 61 containers
The F. Scott Fitzgerald Papers (C0187) is a comprehensive literary archive containing the original manuscripts, working drafts, corrected galleys, personal and professional correspondence, autobiographical scrapbooks, photographs, and other original materials of F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940), Princeton Class of 1917.
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Walter Savage Landor Correspondence, 1797-1887

C0254 1 box 0.20 linear feet
Walter Savage Landor was an English poet and prose writer. This correspondence includes some of his letters to family members and friends and a collection of transcribed letters to and from Landor.

China Papers of Samuel Cochran, 1898-1926

C0406 2 boxes 0.6 linear feet
Consists of notes, letters, photographs, memorabilia, and newspaper clippings of Samuel Cochran (Princeton Class of 1893) during the years (1898-1926) he served as a Presbyterian medical missionary in Hwaiyuan, Anhwei Province, China.

Evgenii Ivanovich Zamiatin Collection, 1918-1936

C0824 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of selected papers in Russian and English of Russian playwright, novelist, and storywriter Evgenii Ivanovich Zamiatin, primarily after 1931, when he emigrated to Paris, France. Included are autograph and typed manuscripts, articles, and letters.