Joline Family Collection, 1814-1950 (mostly 1869-1912)
Consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and documents of members of the Joline family of Princeton, New Jersey.
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Arthur Machen Collection, 1863-1953 (mostly 1895-1945)
Consists chiefly of letters and photographs of Arthur Machen, the Welsh-born writer called "the Apostle of Wonder" because of his mastery of the English language and outstanding creation of supernatural fiction.
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Frank Jewett Mather Papers, 1906-1948
Consists primarily of correspondence of the American educator, art critic, and museum director Frank Jewett Mather (1868-1953).
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Charles Grosvenor Osgood Papers, 1880-1962
Consists of works, correspondence, documents, photographs, memorabilia, family papers, scrapbooks, and an autograph book (1880) of Charles Grosvenor Osgood, reflecting his role as one of Woodrow Wilson's original preceptors (1905) and the importance of the preceptorial system at Princeton. The collection contains typed manuscripts of Osgood's lectures on Milton, Spenser, and Samuel Johnson, addresses and note cards, and professional correspondence.
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Ernest Cushing Richardson Collection, 1832-1954
Consists of the personal papers of Ernest Cushing Richardson, librarian of Princeton University Library from 1890 till 1925.
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Edwin Arlington Robinson Letters, 1899-1968
Consists of original letters and transcriptions of additional letters by Edwin Arlington Robinson, American poet and winner of three Pulitzer Prizes.
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Auguste Rodin Collection, 1880-1966 (mostly 1900-1912)
The Auguste Rodin Collection contains over fifty Rodin letters, cards, telegrams, and notes, of which about half are in the hand of the sculptor.
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Samuel Shellabarger Collection, 1916-1956
Samuel Shellabarger attended Princeton University as member of the Princeton Class of 1909 and was an English professor between 1914-1923. The collection contains Samuel Shellabarger's manuscripts for two biographies and five works of historical fiction, as well as a small amount of miscellaneous material related to his writings.
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J. Duncan Spaeth Collection, 1865-1957
Consists of works, correspondence, diaries, photographs, scrapbooks, and printed matter of J. Duncan Spaeth, a preceptor (1905-1911) and professor of English (1911-1935) at Princeton.
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A. J. A. Symons collection, 1910-1993 (mostly 1910-1929)
Consists of selected manuscripts, correspondence, and documents of the twentieth-century British biographer and bibliophile A. J. A. Symons.