Blair Family Papers, 1829-1977 (mostly 1829-1945)
Consists of a group of family papers and genealogical research collected by members of the Blair family, a prominent political family in the United States in the 19th century. Materials relate to Francis Preston Blair Sr. (1791-1876) and his descendents, including Frank P. (Francis Preston) Blair Jr., Apolline Alexander Blair, Francis Preston Blair III, Andrew A. Blair, James L. Blair, Gist Blair, Emily Blair Henrotin, and others. Included are correspondence, documents, genealogical research, photographs, printed materials, and writings related to politics, military service, family history, and domestic life.
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Board of Trustees Records, 1746-2024
This collection provides the most basic source of information about Princeton University's governing body. In addition to minutes of the Trustees' meetings, the collection contains related papers and reports, organized according to purpose.
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Booksellers' League of New York Records, 1895-1967
Founded in 1895, the Booksellers' League of New York was an organization aimed at promoting a professional and collaborative spirit among members of the book trade. The bulk of the collection consists of meeting minutes of the annual meetings and Board of Managers meetings, 1895-1932 (5 vols.) and of materials relating to the League's monthly dinners and other social events, 1901-1958 (invitation cards, programs, menus, handbills, and related membership mailings).
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Booth Tarkington Papers, 1812-1956 (mostly 1899-1946)
Consists of extensive writings -- novels, plays, short stories, articles, film scenarios, radio scripts -- and correspondence of "The Gentleman from Indiana" Booth Tarkington, noted American author and winner of the Pulitzer Prize.
Series 1: Writings, 1893-1986
Consists of writings of Booth Tarkington, including novels, plays, short stories, radio scripts, and poems, as well as others.
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Borgese Family Collection, 1937-1970
Consists of manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, postcards, and clippings of Elizabeth Mann Borgese, her husband, Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, and her mother, Katia Mann.
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Brandt & Brandt Contract Files, 1907-1997
The Brandt & Brandt Contract Files consists primarily of contract files from Brandt & Brandt, the New York City literary agency, for published works where the rights have reverted to the author. Some represented authors are Margaret Banning, Bessie Brewer, Raymond Chandler, Carlos Fuentes, Arthur Machen, Mary McCarthy, Derek Patmore, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Wallace Stegner. The Fuentes material (1967-1995) is extensive and covers a fuller range of literary agency activities.
2012 Accession (Frederic Faust), 1918-1991
Contains contract files for Frederic Faust (pseudonym Max Brand and others), 1918-1991. Faust is best known for "Destiny Rides Again" and "Dr. Kildare."
2013 Accession, 1914-1995
Consists of contract files for individuals such as Stewart Edward White, S. Josephine Baker, Edward Hale Bierstadt, and Stephen Vincent Benet, as well as others.
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Brazilian Literature and Criticism: Pamphlets I, 1916-1991
This microfilm contains pamphlets on Brazilian literature and criticism published in Brazil between 1916 and 1991.
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Brazilian Poetry: Pamphlets I, 1948-1998
This microfilm contains poetry pamphlets by Brazilians issued between 1948 and 1998.
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Brendan Behan Papers, 1943-1983 (mostly 1943-1963)
Consists of selected manuscript and typescript drafts, notebooks, and notes, of 20th-century Irish author Brendan Behan (1923-1964), as well as some correspondence and ephemera. The papers constitute the principal archives of the manuscripts of Behan's writings.
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Bretaigne Windust Collection, 1929-1958
Contains records concerning plays directed by Bretaigne Windust (Princeton Class of 1929), mainly for the University Players, of which he was a co-founder.