Department of Music Records, 1932-2015
Since 1935 Princeton University's Department of Music has offered courses in composition, music history, and related areas to students at the graduate and undergraduate level. The records of the Department of Music document the department's wide range of activities including teaching, research, curriculum development, and the planning of music-related programs on campus.
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Department of History records, 1926-2017 (mostly 1926-1979)
From the time of the department's institution in 1924, history has typically been one of Princeton's most popular undergraduate concentrations, with the Department of History offering 40 or more undergraduate courses each year. The records consis of subject and faculty files, correspondence, departmental budgets, course syllabi, as well as records from several special projects.
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Department of French and Italian Records, 1909-2019
The Department of French and Italian as it exists today at Princeton University originated in 1958 when the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures was split into the separate departments of Romance and Germanic Languages and Literatures. Consists of the records of the contemporary Department of French and Italian, collected while it was operating as the Department of Modern Languages and later the Department of Romance Languages and Literature.
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Department of Facilities Records, 1803-2015 (mostly 1955-1981)
The Department of Facilities at Princeton University is responsible for the construction, maintenance, renovation, and financial management of the buildings and properties owned by the university. The Department of Facilities records document the daily activities of the department and its numerous divisions through blueprints, photographs, correspondence, memos, sketches, contracts, ledgers, tax returns, incorporation papers, by-laws, annual reports, financial statements, newspaper clippings, booklets, and meeting minutes.
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Department of Chemistry Records, 1893-2017
The Department of Chemistry at Princeton University dates back to the early days of the College of New Jersey, and today it is one of the University's largest undergraduate concentrations. The collection contains examinations and grade books, records pertaining to chemistry research performed at the department in support of the U.S. Manhattan project and departmental records.
Series 1: Examinations and Gradebooks, 1893-1945
Consists of collected chemistry examination questions administered by the Princeton Department of Chemistry between 1893 and 1945. Only the questions are present, not the students' responses. Also in the collection are several gradebooks listing class rosters and student grades. This series was formerly a separate collection (call no. AC171).
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Department of Grounds and Buildings Technical Correspondence Records, 1866-1988 (mostly 1930-1949)
The Technical Correspondence Records, created by the Department of Grounds and Buildings, contain detailed information relating to the construction, maintenance, renovation, and demolition of buildings, and to the grounds and architects of Princeton University.
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Department of Biology Records, 1892-2007 (mostly 1910-1969)
The study of biology began at the College of New Jersey with the appointment in 1830 of botanist John Torrey into a part-time faculty position; it expanded with the formation of the School of Science in the 1870s; and was established as a department in 1904. The collection primarily consists of the records of the Department of Biology assembled during the tenures of Department Chairmen Edwin G. Conklin and Elmer Butler. Included are correspondence, general subject files, and records pertaining to grants, research endowments, publications, and administrative matters such as budgets and staffing. Also includes sponsored research reports and student grade cards.
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Department of Sociology Records, 1962-2017
This collection consists of seven research reports written in the 1960s by faculty in the Department of Sociology.
Public Website, 2016-2017
Full text searching of this archived website is available through the Archive-It interface.
3 results
Department of Psychology Records, 1880-2017
The Department of Psychology dates from 1893, but was not officially established as an independent department until 1920. This collection includes group portraits and portraits of deparment faculty as well as some photos of individuals and locations that may not be Princeton-related.
Public Website, 2015-2017
Full text searching of this archived website is available through the Archive-It interface.
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Department of Politics Records, 1921-2017 (mostly 1921-1978)
The Department of Politics at Princeton University is one of the University's largest academic departments, offering undergraduate and graduate courses touching on nearly every aspect of the discipline of political science. The Department of Politics records document the activities of the Department of Politics and its faculty from the time of its founding in 1924 until the mid-1960s, and contain correspondence, course syllabi and notes, examinations, and subject files.
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Princeton University Department of Near Eastern Studies Faculty Research Materials, 1882-1965
Consists of research materials of faculty members of Princeton University's Department of Near Eastern Studies, most likely Philip Khuri Hitti (1886-1978) and/or his son-in-law, R. Bayly Winder (1920-1988). Materials include photocopied materials relating to Jurji Zaydan (Georgie Zeidan) (1861-1914), and Aramco records, primarily Arabian Research Division, Government Relations Division translations of Current Affairs Radio Broadcasts from 1954 to 1956.
Letters from Zaydan Concerning Al-Hilal, 1908-1911
Letters are numbered 64-123; a couple are missing.
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Department of Mathematics Oral History Project records, 1984-1985
Princeton University's Department of Mathematics, founded in 1904 under the chairmanship of Henry Burchard Fine, saw the development of a unique mathematical community in the 1930s that was unlike any other in America before that time and perhaps afterwards, and that had important consequences for American mathematics. The collection consists of written transcripts of 42 interviews with surviving faculty and students of the mathematics community in Princeton in the 1930s, as well as recordings of the interviews, microfilm of interview transcripts, background information on the project, and an archived website that was created in 1999 to provide online access to the interview transcripts and related information.
Interview Recordings, 1984-1985
Includes audio recordings of interviews on cassette tapes, as well as one set of microfilm of interview transcripts.
Project Information, 1984-1985
Includes introductory text, abstracts of interviews, and table of contents.
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Department of English Records, 1872-2017
The papers of Princeton University's English Department document the many varied aspects of one of Princeton's largest academic departments. With some writings that pre-date the Department's formal establishment in 1904, the collection includes faculty meeting and sub-committee minutes; faculty personnel papers and correspondence; the papers of many prominent faculty members, which include class lectures, syllabi, and original scholarship; records of departmental majors; student work; and scrapbooks of publicity and memorabilia about the Department, its faculty, staff, and students, both undergraduate and graduate.
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Department of Electrical Engineering Device Physics Laboratory Technical Reports, 1971, 1971
Consists of technical reports created by the Device Physics Laboratory of the Department of Electrical Engineerng at Princeton University during 1971.
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Seminar on Research in Progress Papers, 1963-1971
Since its founding as part of the Department of History, Politics, and Economics in 1904, Princeton University's Department of Economics has acquired a worldwide reputation for research and scholarship, attracting faculty and students alike. he collection consists of papers produced by department faculty and doctoral candidates as part of the Department of Economics' Seminar on Research in Progress.
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Department of Classics Records, 1894-2017 (mostly 1894-1935)
The Department of Classics at Princeton University offers courses, both in English and in the original languages, that treat the whole range of ancient culture, from its mythology to its philosophy, law, and literature. Consists of the records of the Department of Classics from the late 19th and early 20th century.
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Department of Civil Engineering and Operations Research Technical Reports, 1989-1991
Consists of technical reports created by the Department of Civil Engineering and Operations Research at Princeton University from 1989 to 1991.
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Department of Art and Archaeology Records, 1882-2017 (mostly 1925-1981)
The Art and Archaeology Department is one of the University's most distinguished academic departments, responsible for the education of students on the graduate and undergraduate level as well as the administration of the Princeton Art Museum. This collection consists of the records of the Department of Art and Archaeology, which include advisory council minutes; faculty files; gift records; correspondence; recommendations; project files; course lists; historical documents; and lists of images used in classes.
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Department of Anthropology Records, 1958-1980
The Department of Anthropology was created in 1971. Records include course descriptions from the earlier Program in Anthropology as well as a map created by anthropology students in Mexico.
Map: The Archaeological Zone of Palenque, 1980
A map compiled by students who participated in the Anthropology Department's 1980 expedition to Palenque, Mexico--undergraduates David Bylund, Richard Martinez and J. Brody Neuenschwander--and edited by Alfred Bush.
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Debate Panel Public Website, 2012
Princeton University Archives Collection on the American Whig-Cliosophic Society, 1908-1999 (mostly 1928-1992)
The American Whig-Cliosophic Society (1941-present) is a literary, political and debating society which has had an important impact on the lives of generations of Princeton students. It provides students with both social alternatives and an opportunity to develop skills not emphasized by the University curriculum. The contents of the initial group of records were acquired between 1941 and 1993 in agreements between Princeton University and the American Whig-Cliosophic Society. The library initially cataloged some of these records into the P Collection. Subsequently, an attempt was made to organize some of these records in 1975.
American Whig-Cliosophic Society Public Website, 1999
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Davis International Center Records, 1982-2017
The International Center at Princeton was founded in 1974 by a volunteer cohort of faculty, alumni, and community residents to welcome new international graduate students and visiting scholars to the University community. The collection documents the Center's programs and events, as well as international student associations and alumni groups.
2 results
Council on Urban Studies Records, 1970-1977
The Council on Urban Studies was formed in 1968 to confront "the numerous intellectual challenges posed by urbanization" and to foster and coordinate the teaching and research activities of the schools and departments at the University concerned with Urban Studies, such as the School of Architecture and the Woodrow Wilson School. The records include meeting minutes, correspondence, and a questionnaire circulated to undergraduates.
2 results
Council on Athletics Trophy Committee Records, 1929-1949
Following a fire that destroyed the University Gymnasium in 1944, a committee was formed by the Council of Athletics for the purpose of replacing as many of the athletic trophies of the University as possible. The collection consists of the records of the Council on Athletics Trophy Committee, including subject files containing photographs, drawings, purchase orders, and other general information about the trophies.
Council on Athletics Trophy Committee Records, 1929-1949
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Council of the Princeton University Community Records, 1965-2016 (mostly 1969-1976)
The Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC) was born out of the Special Committee on the Structure of the University established by President Robert F. Goheen in May 1968. CPUC is primarily a deliberative and consultative body, with the authority to "consider and investigate" university policy, governance, and any general issue related to the welfare of the University. Much of the work of the Council takes place through its standing committees: the Executive Committee, the Committee on Rights and Rules, the Committee on Governance, the Committee on Priorities, the Committee on Resources, and the Judicial Committee.
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Corporate and Foundation Relations Records, 1980-1997
Corporate and Foundation Relations is an office within the department of Research at Princeton that raises funds to support education, research, and scholarship at the University. The collection includes annual reports (1980-1997), department statistics (1988-1993), and campaign status reports (1981-1985).
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Concerned Alumni of Princeton Records, 1970-1980
The Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP) was a group of politically conservative former Princeton University students that existed between 1972 and 1986. The records consists of correspondence, by-laws, and publicity items related to the Concerned Alumni of Princeton organization.
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Community House Records, 1968-2012
The Princeton University Community House is a student-led organization that was established in 1969 by seven undergraduate students to provide academic and social enrichment programming to black youth and adults living in low-income Princeton neighborhoods. The Community House Records document the origins and activities of the organization since its inception and through its first three decades.
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Committee on the Education of Women at Princeton Records, 1955-1969 (mostly 1967-1969)
The Committee on the Education of Women at Princeton Records contain the working papers and correspondence of Gardner Patterson, Committee Chair, and his assistants. In June 1967 the Board of Trustees charged the Committee with the study of "the advisability and feasibility" of enlarging the University's role in the education of women. The final report, "The Education of Women at Princeton," was submitted to the Trustees in July 1968. Adopting the recommendation of the Committee, they voted in favor of coeducation the following January and appointed an Ad-Hoc Committee to advise on how to implement their decision. The collection contains some papers Patterson received as a member of this Ad-Hoc Committee, and drafts of its final report, "The Education of Undergraduate Women at Princeton: An Examination of Coordinate Versus Coeducational Patterns."
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Committee for the Bicentennial of Nassau Hall Records, 1953-1956 (mostly 1956)
The Nassau Hall Bicentennial Committee was established to plan the 200th anniversary of Nassau Hall over a two-day period beginning on September 22, 1956. The collection documents the activities of the Committee through correspondence, publications, news articles, and press releases.
2 results
Committee on Safety and Insurance records, 1945-1961
The Committee on Safety and Insurance was an administrative organization that dealt with occupational safety and insurance issues throughout University facilities and departments. The records consist of Commitee minutes, accident reports, insurance policies, general subject files, and correspondence.
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Commission on the Future of the College Records, 1970-1973
The Commission on the Future of the College–known also as the Bressler Commission–was charged in October 1970 with assessing Princeton's undergraduate curriculum. The collection contains Professor Marvin Bressler's records as the chair of the Commission. The collection is comprised of internal and external correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, and student surveys. Bressler was a member of the Department of Sociology at Princeton University from 1963 to 1993, and for twenty years served as its chairman.
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College Republicans Records, 2004-2016
The Princeton University College Republicans are the official student group on campus of the National Republican Party. The College Republican Records consist primarily of photographs from College Republican events, campaigning, and social media.
College Republicans discussion dinner with former Congressman Ed Zschau '61 (3-26-2015), 2015
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Clay Project Records, 2016
The Princeton Clay Project is an initiative launched in January of 2016 by two first-year undergraduate students, Avigail Gilad and Chiara Ficarelli, to raise funds and awareness for the Amal Scholarship Fund, which awards scholarships for Syrian refugees at the Za'atari Refugee Camp in Jordan to attend college. The Clay Project Records document the initiative's first semester of fundraising activities for the Amal Scholarship Fund.
2.5 Mile Walk and Fundraiser, 2016 April 02
Contains flyer, map of route, and photographs of the Clay Project's walk and fundraiser held on April 2, 2016. The event was co-organized by the Nassau Presbyterian Church, the Center for Jewish Life, and the Pace Center for Civic Engagement.
Mug Making Marathon, 2016 March 26
This folder contains photographs and flyers of the Clay Project's first event, a mug-making marathon hosted on March 26, 2016, at the Wilson Ceramic Studio, an event that resulted in the creation of over 100 ceramic mugs to be sold to raise money for the Amal Scholarship Fund.
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Chicano Press Organization Records, 1975-1986
The Chicano Press Organization was a student news group established at Princeton University in the late 1970s with the purpose to publish newsletters, open letters, articles, leaflets, and other publications pertaining to Chicano affairs at Princeton, at other Ivy League universities, and around the world. Founding officers of the Organization include Michael Montoya (Class of 1982) as President, Robert E. Barragan (Class of 1984) as Vice President, and Anthony Carrick (Class of 1984) as Secretary and Treasurer. The Chicano Press Organization Records are mainly comprised of the group's publications and newsletters Nuestros Voces and Sol del Este.
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Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding Records, 1971-2017 (mostly 1984-1999)
Established in the late 1970s, the Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding (called the Third World Center until 2002) celebrates, acknowledges, and promotes diversity on the Princeton University campus. The collection documents the Carl A. Fields Center's programs and administration over a period of thirty years.
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Bureau of Student Placement records, 1940-1953
The Bureau of Student Placement was an administrative office at Princeton University that operated roughly from 1945 to 1953 and acted as a liaison between the various armed services and the Princeton University community. The records consist of army, navy, and marine corps plans for colleges, card files containing information about students in the service, and the correspondence of director Gordon G. Sikes which includes letters to and from servicemen, military officials, and other University administrators.
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Undergraduate Alumni Records, 1921-2008
Consists of individual files of former undergraduate students of Princeton University, compiled by the Bureau of Alumni Information. Material in each file varies greatly but most include the names of relatives, notable achievements at Princeton and post-graduation, news items, address updates, and obituaries.
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Graduate Alumni Public Files, 1921-1997
The Bureau of Alumni Records was established in January 1949 as an outgrowth of the records office maintained by the Graduate Council, the governing body of the Princeton University Alumni Association. The collection consists of public files of former graduate students of Princeton University.
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Black Justice League Records, 2014-2016
The Black Justice League (BJL) is a coalition of undergraduate students at Princeton University with the stated purpose of standing in solidarity with Ferguson (Missouri) and dismantling racism on the Princeton University campus. The collection consists of two of the organization's social media webpages as well as an online petition that states the organization's demands.
Facebook Page, 2014-2015
This page provides information, photographs, and posts about and by the Black Justice League, an organization of Princeton University students that formed in the fall of 2014 in response to the August 9, 2014 shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson.
Medium Page, 2015-2016
This page, which is intended for the general Princeton community, contains blog posts written by the Black Justice League pertaining to the group's #OccupyNassau protest and the university's response regarding the status of several buildings named for Woodrow Wilson. Also included is an open letter to black students of the Class of 2020, published on the occasion of their first week on campus.
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Black Arts Company (BAC) Dance Public Website, 2018
Black Arts Company Records, 1996-1999
The Black Arts Company was founded at Princeton in 1990 as a hip-hop dance company, with a mission to generate dialogue about the African diaspora through dance. The company also staged other types of performances, including drama and comedy, before it formally split into two separate organizations, BAC: Dance and BAC| Drama, in the mid 2000s. The dance company continues to perform and explore new styles of hip-hop. This collection includes video cassette recordings of Fall and Spring shows from 1996-1999.
BAC Performance Videos, 1996-1999
Three recordings of BAC performances from 1996-1999. They include dance, comedy, and drama performances, as well as a vocal guest performance by Princeton all-women acapella group Culturally Yours.
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Bicentennial of the American Revolution Committee Records, 1971-1976
In 1971 Princeton president Robert F. Goheen formally organized a committee of faculty, staff, students, and alumni for the purpose of planning the University's observance of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution, then five years away. The records document the organization and activities of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution Committee, and include correspondence, proposals, reports, and meeting minutes.
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Bicentennial Celebration Records, 1944-1947
The Princeton University Bicentennial Celebration was a year-long series of events that began on September 22, 1946 with a sermon delivered by Geoffrey Francis Fisher, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, in the University Chapel and ended with an address by President Truman in front of Nassau Hall at the June 17, 1947 Concluding Bicentennial Convocation. The Bicentennial Celebration Records contain correspondence, writings, speeches, press-releases, pamphlets, reports, newspaper clippings, tickets, transcripts, watercolor and pencil sketches and various other materials documenting the 1946-1947 Princeton University Bicentennial Celebration.
2 results
Princeton University Balloon Club records, 1976-1980
The Princeton University Balloon Club was the creation of Gordon Sadler '76, who sought to create an organization on campus that would provide students, alumni, faculty, and staff with the ability to participate in the increasingly popular activity of ballooning. The records consist of a scrapbook documenting the existence of the Princeton University Balloon Club.