Carl A. Fields Papers, 1938-2009 (mostly 1960-1998)
Educator and advocate of minority education Dr. Carl A. Fields, the first African American to hold a high-ranking position at an Ivy League school, was appointed Assistant Director of Student Aid and then Assistant Dean of the College at Princeton before serving in other leadership positions outside the University. The Carl A. Fields Papers consist of correspondence, reports, research material on race relations and minority education, handwritten notes, project proposals, and other papers that document his life and career.
Series 2: Princeton University, 1962-2009
The Princeton University series consists of documentation related to the University and the surrounding community, particularly during his time as administrator in the 1960s (although later material is also represented). This includes general correspondence, a large amount of clippings, promotional material and handwritten notes related to Fields's posthumously-publised book, Black in Two Worlds: A Personal Perspective on Higher Education, and material related to early African American organizations on campus and Fields's efforts at increasing minority admissions. This series does not include a significant amount of official administrative correspondence or institutional documentation. The series does contain material on Fields's involvement as Treasurer in the Association of Black Princeton Alumni, including conference preparatory material and programs, membership lists, correspondence, newsletters, and reports. There is also documentation related to Fields after his direct involvement in the organization, including scholarships named in his honor.
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Robert Fagles Papers, 1951-2010
Robert Fagles (1933-2008) was an American professor, poet, and academic, best known for his contemporary translations of ancient Greek and Latin classics, especially his acclaimed translations of the epic poems of Homer. The papers consist of professional and publishing correspondence, along with manuscript and typescript drafts, corrected proofs and galleys, notes, revisions, and other files regarding his English translations of ancient Greek and Latin texts, including Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Virgil's Aeneid, Aeschylus's Oresteia, Sophocles's Three Theban Plays, as well as poems by Bacchylides and Pindar.
Correspondence, 2005-2008
Chronological Correspondence, 1964-2008
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John Ennis Papers, 1935-2016 (mostly 1967-2016)
Consists of writings, editorial files, correspondence, teaching materials, and other professional working files of Irish poet John Ennis (1944- ), including drafts of his published poetry and unpublished work from the late 1960s through 2016, editorial files related to anthologies of Irish and Canadian poetry he edited between 2002 and 2009, and materials documenting the activities of the Irish arts organization Poetry Ireland and its journal Poetry Ireland Review from its inception in 1978 through the 1990s.
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Diamela Eltit Papers, 1943-2012
A collection of manuscript and typescript drafts of and notebooks related to Eltit's works, personal and work-related correspondence mostly from the mid-1980s to 1990s, and other miscellaneous personal and work-related papers.
Works, 1974-2009
Consists of typescript and manuscript drafts of and notebooks relating to Eltit's works, including Lumperica, Pro la patria, El cuarto mundo, Los vigilantes, La vaca sagrada, and other published and unpublished works, as well as several notebooks of poems by Jorge Arrate, and eight master's and Ph. D. theses on Eltit's work.
Contracts for Books, Agreements with UTEM, 1986-2011
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Allen Macy Dulles Papers, 1940-2008 (mostly 1946-1961)
Allen Macy Dulles, son of Clover Todd and Allen Welsh Dulles, was a student of history and politics with plans for a career in public service until he sustained a serious injury in the Korean War. The collection consists of correspondence between family members prior to and following Allen Macy Dulles' injury as a Marine lieutenant in the Korean War.
Series 1: May 2008 Accession, 1940-2008
May 2008 Accession consists of correspondence between family members prior to and following Allen Macy Dulles' injury as a Marine lieutenant in the Korean War. Prior to the injury, the correspondence documents Dulles's education and activities at primary school, Phillips Exeter Academy, Princeton University and Oxford University. Following the injury, materials include correspondence to and from Allen Macy Dulles, professional and personal correspondence of Allen Welsh Dulles and the Dulles family, correspondence with doctors regarding Dulles' physical condition, and military records including a citation for the Silver Star Medal which Dulles earned for his wartime leadership and bravery.
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boundary 2 Records, 1962-2023
Consists of the records of boundary 2 from around the time of its founding in 1972 until 2023. It mostly documents the period of time during the tenure of Paul Bové as editor and Margaret Havran as managing editor.
General, 2007-2008
correspondence, issue planning documents, publicayion agreement, misc.
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John Doar Papers, 1938-2009 (mostly 1960-1974)
John Doar (1921-2014) was a lawyer who worked for the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice (1960-1967) and was chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee investigating the Watergate scandal (1973-1974). He also served as president of the New York City Board of Education (1968-1969) and as president of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Development and Services Corporation (1967-1973). The collection primarily documents Doar's tenure with the Civil Rights Division in the form of court records, investigation files, correspondence, and notes, though materials from Doar's time on the Watergate impeachment inquiry committee and on the Board of Education are also present. To a lesser extent, the collection is composed of records from Doar's work for the Bedford-Stuyvesant Corporation and his private law practice.
"The Opportunity of Crisis: Integrating the University of Alabama", 2008 February 29
Audiovisual Materials, 1988-2010
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Edward P. Djerejian papers, 1972-2010
Edward Peter Djerejian is a former United States diplomat. This collection includes speeches, appointment books, and clippings documenting Ambassador Djerejian's life and career.
Newspapers, 1972-2010
These records include original newspapers, as well as photocopies, documenting Edward Djerejian's career.
News Summary - Office of the Press Secretary, 1986-2010
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Antōnēs Dekavalles Papers, 1935-2008
This collection consists of papers of Antōnēs Dekavalles, a Greek poet, professor at Fairleigh Dickenson University, and editor of The Charioteer, A Review of Modern Greek Culture. Included are: correspondence, autograph manuscripts and typescripts, drafts, miscellaneous notes, and files related to his affiliated organizations.
"Sifnos", 1975-2008
Includes a typescript draft (13 pp.) of Decavalles's article on Sifnos island (Greece); the program of a cultural event on Sifnos; and an issue of Siphnaika Nea 225 (Jan. 2008).
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Clinton A. Decker Papers, 1917-2008 (mostly 1917-1922)
Clinton A. Decker traveled to Russia as part of the American Advisory Commission to Russia of Railway Experts (1917) and later became a member of the Inter-Allied Technical Board (1919-1922). The collection contains personal and business correspondence and photographs documenting Decker's travels in Russia, China, and Japan.
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Angus Deaton Papers, 1978-2016 (mostly 1983-2000)
Angus Deaton, born 1945 in Edinburgh, Scotland, is an economist and academic. This collection features records from Deaton's tenure at the Princeton University Department of Economics with the bulk of records from 1983-2000.
Course Materials, 1978-2016 (mostly 1984-1986)
This series contains syllabi, reading lists, midterms, final exams, problem sets, lecture notes, and powerpoints. Digital materials range from 1992 to 2015 and may require specific software to open.
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Arcadio Díaz Quiñones Papers, circa 1944-2019 (mostly 1970-2012)
The Arcadio Díaz Quiñones Papers consists chiefly of manuscripts and correspondence of the Puerto Rican professor of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures at Princeton University, Arcadio Díaz Quiñones (1940-), as well as a selection of manuscripts by others. The collection focuses on Puerto Rican and Cuban literature, but also provides insight into the literature and politics of other parts of Latin America.
Abreu, Adorno, circa 1990s-2000s
Allen, Stephen, 2004, 2016
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Archivo de Jorge Díaz, circa 1910-2017 (mostly 1960-2007)
La colección consiste en manuscritos de las obras literarias de Jorge Díaz (particularmente obras teatrales, pero también incluye narrativa y poesía), guiones de radio y televisión, traducciones, correspondencia, fotografías, archivos digitales, documentos personales, y material impreso relacionado a su trabajo.
Varios libros, 1963-2010
Contiene: Requiem para un girasol (1963) - El lugar donde mueren los mamíferos (1972) - A imagen y semejanza (1990) - Un corazón lleno de lluvia (1992) - El jaguar azul (1992) - Percusión (1992) - Para escribir en la vía púbica (1995) - Jorge Díaz. Relación cronológica de las obras estritas y publicadas entre 1957 y 2000 (2000) - Ciertas criaturas terrestres (2003) - Andrea. El locutorio (2004) - Un Pez entre dos aguas. Jorge Díaz 75 años en las dos orillas (2005) - Los tiempos oscuros (2010).
Libros publicados - Adulto, 1963-2010
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Daniel M. Sachs Class of 1960 Graduating Scholarship records, 1960-2009
The Daniel M. Sachs Scholarship was established in 1968 by the Princeton University Class of 1960 in memory of Daniel Sachs, a class member who died of brain cancer at the age of 28. The records consist of fundraising files, committee correspondence, scholarship applications, correspondence with scholarship winners, and lists of winners.
Sachs Scholarship 2008, 2007-2008
Sachs Scholarship 2009, 2008-2009
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Daily Princetonian General records, 1876-2023
The Daily Princetonian is the newspaper of Princeton University. The records consist of subject files from the editorial offices of The Prince covering topics such as awards, events, journalism seminars, and by-laws of the paper, as well as booklets published by the Daily Princetonian corporation.
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Tiger Hockey Email Newsletters, 2007-2010
Tom and Ellen Crane are the parents of a Princeton Class of 2010 men's hockey player. The collection consists of email newsletters written by the Cranes for the families and fans of the Princeton men's hockey team.
2007-2008, 2007-2008
The dates in the headers of the 2007-2008 emails do not necessarily reflect the dates on which they were originally sent.
2008-2009, 2008-2009
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Edgardo Cozarinsky Papers, 1920-2016
Edgardo Cozarinsky is an Argentine-born film director, producer, screenwriter, novelist, critic, theater director, and playwright. His papers consist of film scripts, related press, correspondence, photographs, general reference files, drafts of his writings, printed matter, and audiovisual materials.
Subseries 3: La Guerre d'un seul homme, 1957-2009
Correspondence, press, events, and subtitle texts about Cozarinsky's 1982 film.
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Council on Foreign Relations Records, 1918-2018
The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and national membership organization dedicated to improving understanding of international affairs by promoting a range of ideas and opinions on United States foreign policy. The Council has had a significant impact in the development of twentieth century United States foreign policy. The Records of the Council on Foreign Relations document the history of the organization from its founding in 1921 through the present. The collection includes valuable source documents and records of the meetings, group discussions and studies, and conferences of the Council, as well as portions of its administrative records.
International Advisory Board files, 1995-2009
International Advisory Board files, 1995-2009
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Lloyd E. Cotsen Papers, 1949-2021
The Lloyd E. Cotsen Papers consist of papers and personal items of Lloyd Cotsen's related to his time as an executive at Neutrogena Corporation, his art and book collection practices, his philanthropic contributions, his archaeological interests, and photographs shot by Cotsen. Items related to the production of Cotsen Occasional Press publications are also included. Material dates from 1949 to 2021.
Papers related to Neutrogena, 1949-2009 (mostly 1980-1995)
Materials included are related to Cotsen's time working at Neutrogena. Items include Cotsen's personal and business effects, photo albums, Neutrogena souvenirs and ephemera, awards and certificates given to Cotsen, and video cassettes related to the business. Material also includes documents related to Cotsen's contributions to Neutrogena's art collections and exhibitions as well as inventories of art stored at the Neutrogena offices (including documents related to art that Cotsen bought from Nuetrogena and added to his private collection after Johnson and Johnson bought Nuetrogrena in 1994).
Papers related to Lloyd Cotsen's private art collections, 1995-2021
The material included documents Cotsen's collection practices, exhibitions of his collection material, the subsequent donation of his collections, and philanthropic contributions to various organizations. The bulk of the material is related to the traveling exhibtion "Masterworks of Form and Texture: Japanese Baskets from the Lloyd Cotsen Collection" and documents related to the Cotsen Textile Traces Study Collection.
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Evelyn Conlon Papers, 1968-2022
A literary archive containing original manuscripts, working drafts, notebooks, corrected proofs, personal and professional correspondence of Evelyn Conlon, member of Aosdána.
Workbooks, 1986-2019
7 x A5 hardback notebooks, 6 x A4 hardback notebooks, 2 x wire spiral bound notebooks. All used as workbooks, manuscript drafts mostly for short stories, research, ideas for future writings and some loose notes. Some notebooks are specific to the writing of one short story or collection, others contain a mix of writings. Short Story Collections include My Head is Opening (1987); Taking Scarlet as a Real Colour (1993); telling (2000); Moving About the Place (2021).
Typescripts and manuscript drafts for anthologies, 1986-2015
For My Head is Opening (1987), Taking Scarlet as a Real Colour (1993), Telling (2000). Manuscripts and typescripts, some heavily edited, A Little Remote, also two for On The Inside of Cars, A Night Out, Taking Scarlet as a Real Colour (a reverse "Tidying UP play by Conlon); The Boy from Dingwall, Lad's Truth, Moving About the Place, The Meaning of Missing; The Birth Certificate; with several other drafts, most untitled. Also includes sample book covers.