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Series 2: Incoming Correspondence, 1026-2937
This series includes some 10,000 letters, telegrams, postcards and other communications received by Russell and his immediate associates over the years 1897 to 1956. The letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and then chronologically for each correspondent, with corporate entries and cross reference cards as described for the outgoing correspondence. Russell's colleagues often sought his opinion of their work, and some 175 manuscripts are interspersed with the incoming letters. Folders of correspondence which contain one or more manuscripts are labeled on the right side "Manuscript enclosed with correspondence". At the same time, there is a 3 x 5 yellow card for each manuscript which lists its author, title, length, date, and location. The yellow cards are arranged alphabetically by author in a file stored in the manuscripts catalogue.
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A-Ap, 2008
Some names include the following: Richard Adams, Debra Adelaide, Carl Alasko, Sherwood Anderson (est. 2007), Patrick Andrews, and Susannah Appelbaum.
As-D, 2008
Some names include the following: Gerald Astor (empty folder), Tom Bartel, Robert Beattie, Michael Beebe, Michael Benson, Rachael Billington, Arna Bontemps, J.S. Borthwick, Malcolm Braly (Est. 2008), Steve Breen, Denis Brian, James "JB" Brown, Pearl S. Buck (est. 2008), Sheila Burnford, Robert Byrne. James M. Cain, John Dickson Carr, Agatha Christie, Jim DeFelice, Joan Dial, Stephen Dobyns, Jim Ducibella, and John Dunning.
E-H, 2008
Some names include the following: John Eidinow and David Edmonds, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Anne Fine, Marjorie Flack (est. 2008), Joan Fry, Paul Gallico (est. 2008), Jane Gardam, John Gierach, Elizabeth Goudge, Zalin Grant, Peter Green, John Gribbin, Deborah Hautzig, Peter Havholm, James Herriot, Joseph Heywood, Christopher Hibbert, David Higham (British Sub-Agency), Charlotte Hinger, Dilip Hiro, Russell Hoban, Thaddeus, and Langston Hughes.
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Subseries 2A: Personal, 1680-2999
Consists of personal correspondence between James Gould Cozzens and individuals such as M. Estelle Angier, Frederick Bracher, and William Jovanovich. Also includes correspondence with publishers, such as Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc and educational institutions, such as Princeton University.
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De atrásalante en su porfía, 2007-2008
De atrásalante en su porfía, 2007-2008
Del amor, 2007-2009
Musical recital collaboration with Rodolfo Mederos. Includes printout email correspondence and drafts of the poetry recited by Gelman.
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Notes, various, 2000s
Computer print-outs of shards of interviews, printed on card stock. Some autograph corrections in Genine Lentine's hand.
Notes, 2000s
Printed on card stock and numbered, these notes may pertain to The Wild Braid, written with Genine Lentine, or to speeches. Many are autobiographical. Kunitz annotated and corrected most of the cards.
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Autobiography: Days and Years, 1895-2999
This is an autobiography giving an account of Velikovsky's life from the earliest years until 1958.
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Individual Essay, 1991-2000s
Six versions of the essay. 1991, 1992, 1995, 1999, circa 2000, and undated.
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Section 2: Non-governmental Publications, 1974-2009
Section 2: Non-governmental Publications, represents a wider variety of sources. There are a fairly small number of items from each organization in this section, with the exception of the larger groups of documents from the Centro Boliviano de Investigación y Acción Educativas (CEBIAE), the Foro Educativo Espacio de Diálogo y Proposición, Programa de Formación en Educación Intercultural Bilingüe para los Países Andinos (PROEIB Andes), and the Universidad Técnica del Beni "Mariscal José Ballivián".
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