File Volume 2, Lecture notes on Political Economy to the senior class (1870) of The College of New Jersey, dates not examined Folder Series 1: Works, 1866-1880 » …
File "Byzantine Marginal Psalters" (project?), photostats of psalters & mss, undated Folder Additions of May 24, 1995, 1930-1939
File Correspondence, lectures & course notes, dates not examined Folder Additions of Dec. 5, 1995, 1930-1989
File "Ambassador Ellis O. Briggs on Hemingway's World War II Years in Cuba", undated Folder Series 1: Manuscripts, 1988-2010
File "Hemingway's 'A Short Story' Embedded in Across the River and into the Trees", undated Folder Series 1: Manuscripts, 1988-2010
Container Translation of Iliad Passage, undated Folder Series 1: William Cowper Papers, 1770-1793 » …
File Van Wyck Brooks: A Reference Guide: Bibliography, undated Folder Series 1: Van Wyck Brooks, 1910- 1991 » …
Container From the Shadow of the Mountain: My Post-Meridian Years: Draft, undated Folder Series 1: Van Wyck Brooks, 1910- 1991 » …
File Unidentified Creators. Handwriting Exercise and School Work, and Daguerreotype of Unidentified Man, undated Folder Series III. Family Papers, 1804-1927
File Unidentified Creators. Empty Envelopes and Stamps (Removed from Envelopes Not Included in Folder), circa 1880-1927 Folder Series III. Family Papers, 1804-1927
File "On Privacy. The American Dream: What Happened to It?" (with Autographical Corrections", undated
File ALS by Larsson regarding poem, undated, 1 p., undated Folder Series 1: Poems, 1949-1958 December 21
File Booklet signed by August Derleth, dates not examined Folder Series 4: Correspondence, 1929-1958 » …
File 1 TMs (carbon), "Dos Ciclos de Conferencias y un Recital en Tres Sesiones de Pablo de Rokha," 4 pp., undated Folder Rokha, Pablo de (Carlos Diaz Loyola) (Chile), 1894-1968
File 1 TMs, biographical notes by Pablo de Rokha, 1 p., undated Folder Rokha, Pablo de (Carlos Diaz Loyola) (Chile), 1894-1968
Container Slipcase, undated Folder Louis-Guillaume Otto, comte de Mosloy Letters to Eléonore-François-Elie, marquis de Moustier, 1789-1791
File J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur Letters to Louis-Guillaume Otto, comte de Mosloy, 1799 February 23-August 27
Container St. John de Crèvecoeur, Letter to Louis-Guillaume Otto, comte de Mosloy, 1799 February 23 Folder J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur Letters to Louis-Guillaume Otto, comte de Mosloy, 1799 February 23-August 27
File Analyse de l'ouvrage sur l'art du dessin composé par le professeur près l'École Centrale de l'Allier, undated
File Part I: Méthode pour apprendre le dessin à l'usage des élèves des Écoles centrales, undated Folder Treatise on Art, undated
File 34 ALsS, TLs, & TLsS; Correspondence as Secretary of Student Lecture Bureau at University of Michigan and as Correspondent for The Evening Sun, New York, circa 1910-1912
File Miscellaneous Papers as Secretary of Student Lecture Bureau, University of Michigan, Including the "Student Lecture Association Prospectus" for 1908-1909, circa 1910
File Corrected Typescript of "The Literature and Philosophy of Melancholy at the End of the Renaissance," by D. Goodchild, undated Folder Papers of Hamilton Cottier, undated
File Portfolios of Photographs, Magazine Articles, and Architectural Plans for Southlawn, undated Folder Papers of Alonzo E. Cottier, undated
File Batac Descriptions, Juan Lalzon and Mr. McGregor, Bureau of Science, undated Folder Writings, undated
File Poets in Their Youth: A Memoir - Photocopies, circa 1982 Folder Series 2: Photographs, circa 1982
File Letter from Henry C. Carey to the Honorable I. S. Morril Regarding the Treasury Bill, 1866 January 9
File Glass Plate Negatives, circa 1897 September Folder Series 2: Putnam Family Papers, 1870-1933 » …
File 3 guardianship petitions, 5 drafts of tract of land, 2 receipts from Michael Good and Mr. Bresler, Letter from M.H. Good, 1829-1873
File Typed Transcriptions of Guillemard's Letters to Newton Ogle, Circa 1789, undated Folder Letters from France, 1787-1823
File Radcliffe family genealogy and family photographs, undated Folder Series 2: Radcliffe Family Documents, 1657-1799
File John Evelyn, list of tenants in Surrey and Kent, undated Folder Series 3: Papers of the Clarke and Evelyn Families, 1530-1780
File Sept-Tours; [autograph text] Cònstantinopel Yedicule, dates not examined Folder AM 2003-41, dates not examined » …
Container Encyclopedia Entry about Sir Banastre Tarleton, Commander of the Regiment Light Dragoons, of which Phillips was the Chaplain, undated Folder Printed Material of John Lott Phillips, 1895-1980
Container Unsigned Short Biography of Phillips with Notes on stationary from Cathedral of St. Paul in Erie, Pennsylvania, undated Folder Related Material of John Lott Phillips, 1921-1987
Container A Memorial of the Misfortunes of Mr. Phillips an American Clergyman & First Graduate of New Jersey College, circa 1781 Folder Correspondence relating to John Lott Phillips and his relatives, 1776-1868
File Piñera, Virgilio: "Concilio y discurso", TMs, undated Folder Series 3: Papers by Others, 1963-1972
File Addresses and Papers by Elmer W. Engstrom: Bound Volume- Index, undated Folder Addresses and Papers by Elmer W. Engstrom, 1933-1970
File Diplomas, Certificates, Honors of Elmer W. Engstrom: Binder Volume, 1969-1970 Folder Diplomas, Certificates, Honors of Elmer W. Engstrom, 1902-1970
File Addresses and Papers by Elmer W. Engstrom: Bound Volume, 1968-1970 Folder Addresses and Papers by Elmer W. Engstrom, 1933-1970
Container Portfolio, undated Folder Series 1: Speeches, Articles, Editorials, and Correspondence, 1850-1903
Container "Mr. President, Fellow Citizens", undated Folder Series 2: Slavery: Speeches, Articles, and Editorials, 1860-1869
Container " Which declared that the people thereof [sic] should be left perfectly free", undated Folder Series 2: Slavery: Speeches, Articles, and Editorials, 1860-1869