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Ogden Family Collection, 1682-1853

C0695 2 boxes 6 items 0.6 linear feet
Consists of miscellaneous letters and documents--originals as well as copies--relating to multiple generations of the Ogden family of Elizabeth (formerly Elizabethtown), New Jersey.
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AD, undated

copy of a document written by Ogden for his children describing his activities in the American Revolution, including attempt to exchange Andre for Benedict Arnold (he was the messenger) (This document has been quoted by Carl Van Lorne in his Secret History of the American Revolution and is published.)

Preston Beyer Collection of John Steinbeck, 1939-1995 (mostly 1970-1990)

C0768 19 boxes
Consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and ephemera by and relating to John Steinbeck collected by Preston Beyer, cofounder of the John Steinbeck Society of America. Included is a large amount of correspondence (circa 1939-1993) of Beyer with bibliographers, critics, collectors, biographers, universities, friends, and relatives concerned with the life and works of John Steinbeck.

A. Walton Litz Papers, 1969-1993

C0955 5 boxes 4.4 linear feet
A. Walton Litz was a member of the Princeton Class of 1951, and later became the Holmes Professor of English Literature at Princeton, where he taught from 1956-1993 (?). Consists of Litz's English literature course materials and preliminary chapters for the Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, Volume 7 (2000), edited by Litz, Louis Menand, and Lawrence Rainey.

Mario Vitti Papers, 1947-1992

C0809 5 boxes 2.2 linear feet
Restrictions may apply.
Consists of papers of Mario Vitti, an Italian author, translator, and educator specializing in modern Greek literature. Included are letters (1947-1992) from Greek, Turkish, Italian, and other poets and authors, and manuscripts of Greek authors collected by Vitti.

Benjamin Harris Brewster Papers, 1820-1887

C0309 25 boxes
Consists mainly of correspondence and legal documents of Benjamin Harris Brewster (Princeton Class of 1834), much of it related to the Star Route prosecutions during Brewster's tenure as attorney general under President Chester Alan Arthur.

Mauricio Wacquez Papers, 1957-1983

C0258 14 boxes 5.30 linear feet
Consists of selected papers of Chilean novelist Mauricio Wacquez.

William Kelly Prentice Papers, 1797-1965 (mostly 1900-1955)

C0811 7 boxes
Consists of works, correspondence, and documents of William Kelly Prentice, a Greek scholar and authority on classical inscriptions, as well as selected papers of his father and various other family members.

Rodolfo Alonso Correspondence and Photographs, 1910-2016 (mostly 1953-2016)

C1439 6 boxes 2.5 linear feet
Rodolfo Alonso is an Argentine poet, translator, essayist, and editor. The collection includes Alonso's correspondence with various Latin American writers including Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Raúl Gustavo Aguirre, Juan Gelman, Augusto Roa Bastos, Juan José Saer, Ernesto Sábato, Lêdo Ivo, Hector Tizón, Edgar Bayley, António Ramos Rosa, Milton de Lima Sousa, and Claudio Magris. In addition, the collection includes photographs of Alonso throughout his career with many Latin American figures as well as a personal collection of his family and travels.

Liliane Hasson Collection of Latin American Writers, 1963-2005

C0807 6 boxes 2.0 linear feet
Contains the letters of Reinaldo Arenas and other Latin American authors to the French translator Liliane Hasson. Also includes copies of manuscripts by Arenas and others, photographs, and audio recordings of interviews with Latin American writers.

Moe Berg Papers, 1866-1991 (mostly 1943-1958)

C1413 25 boxes 19 linear feet
Morris "Moe" Berg (1902-1972) was a Major League Baseball player, linguist, and lawyer who became a spy in World War II. The papers are comprised of correspondence, notes, photographs, and miscellaneous and printed materials covering all aspects of his life and work, but relating primarily to Berg's work with multiple government agencies.

Garret D. Wall Collection, 1699-1909 (mostly 1807-1850)

C0467 10 boxes
The Garret D. Wall Collection, dating from 1609-1909, consists primarily of material from the legal practice of Garret D. Wall (1783-1850). The bulk of the material dates from 1807 to 1850, when Wall was actively practicing law, serving in the United States Senate, and serving as judge of the Court of Appeals of New Jersey.
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Letters, undated

Correspondents include: Robert L. Armstrong, Frederica R. Beardsley, John Brown, Geroge Chambers, Peter H. Clarke, David Craig, Charles Croxall, John Gulick, William N. Jeffers, C.F. LeGrand, John Neal, M. Ogden, Joseph E. Potts, David Thompson, [Illegible] Turnball, John P. Vanpelt, Eliza B. Wallace, J.B. Wallace, N. Walton, and B. Williamson.

Stockton Family Papers, 1700-1902 (mostly 1775-1850)

C0490 4 boxes 10 Volumes 1.7 linear feet
Consists of various personal and business papers of members of the Stockton family of Princeton, New Jersey, particularly those of American lawyer, farmer, and politician Richard Stockton (Princeton Class of 1779).

Moses Taylor Pyne Papers, 1686-1939 (mostly 1861-1913)

C0327 18 boxes 17.6 linear feet
Consists of various materials, including correspondence, diaries, documents, and genealogical materials related to Moses Taylor Pyne (Class of 1877), the Pyne family, and the history of Princeton University.

Fraga and Peña Collection of the Ocampo Family, 1890s-1979 (mostly 1930-1979)

C0783 3 boxes
Author Victoria Ocampo (1890-1979) was founder (1931) and editor of the magazine SUR, an important literary magazine published in Buenos Aires. The collection consists primarily of Ocampo family correspondence, particularly that of the sisters Victoria and Angelica Ocampo.

Robert Kilburn Root Papers, 1914-1950

C0674 16 boxes 7.9 linear feet
Consists of scholar Robert K. Root's manuscript and notes for his annotated edition of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde (1926), as well as six diaries he kept between the years 1914 and 1920.

Joseph Hill Collection of William Cowper, 1716-1825 (mostly 1760-1810)

C0135 1 box 0.4 linear feet
The Joseph Hill Collection of William Cowper consists of correspondence between Cowper, a famed British poet, and Hill, his close friend and mentor.

Julio Cortázar Papers, 1927-1980

C0888 5 boxes 1.9 linear feet
The Julio Cortázar Papers consists of the manuscripts, notes, and notebooks of the Argentine novelist and short story writer Julio Cortázar (1914-1984). These papers primarily contain unpublished prose and poetry, as well as some manuscripts of published materials. Though Cortázar is not generally thought of as a poet, poetry is heavily represented in the collection, including a notebook of poems he wrote at the age of 12 (1927). There are also Spanish translations of some of Jean Cocteau's poetry, and lecture notes from two courses that Cortázar taught. Furthermore, the papers contain a small selection of quotations collected from the work of others, and notebooks that include an assortment of prose, poetry, and notes.

Princeton University Library Collection on Slavery in the Americas, 1700-1888 (mostly 1790-1863)

C1210 4 boxes 6.1 linear feet
Consists of a closed collection of documents related to slavery, the trade of enslaved persons, and the colonial plantation economy, particularly in the United States, the Caribbean, and Brazil in the 18th and 19th centuries.
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(Sem Data) - Anotação, undated

Anotação de que o Capitão Silvestre Alves de Azevedo, pagou na devida repartição do Juízo dos feitos da vila de Lavras, Minas Gerais, as custas do mandado no 2593 Série F, contra o mesmo, pelo imposto de escravos, no valor de 9$200.

Record of Recaptured Enslaved People in Cuba, circa 1858

Consists of a manuscript document titled "Relacion circumstanciada de los cimarrones existentes en el Deposito municipal...", which records information about runaway enslaved people, described in the document as "cimarrones," who were recaptured in Cuba between 1856 and 1858. The document lists their names, physical descriptions, nationalities, and details about enslavers. The ages of the people described in the document range from 18 to 33 with the exception of one person who is listed as being an octogenarian. The physical descriptions are very detailed, noting distinguishing features such as scars. While most of the people listed in the document are of African descent, several are listed as "Chino," making this important documentation of Chinese people in Cuba in the 19th century.

Nikos Pappas and Rita Boumē Papa Papers, 1932-1988

C0878 6 boxes 2.4 linear feet
Consists of personal papers of the Greek poets and writers, Nikos Pappas and his wife, Rita Boumē Papa, including correspondence, autograph manuscripts and typescripts of published and unpublished poetry, articles, talks, clippings, and other printed material.

Brendan Behan Papers, 1943-1983 (mostly 1943-1963)

C1596 3 boxes
Consists of selected manuscript and typescript drafts, notebooks, and notes, of 20th-century Irish author Brendan Behan (1923-1964), as well as some correspondence and ephemera. The papers constitute the principal archives of the manuscripts of Behan's writings.
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Desmond Harmsworth Family Papers, circa 1870-1988

C1302 9 boxes 4.3 linear feet
Consists of selected papers of Desmond Harmsworth (1903-1990) and other members of the Harmsworth Family, including manuscripts, correspondence, and legal and business documents between Desmond Harmsworth Limited and The Nonesuch Press.

William Denton Correspondence, 1633-1893 (mostly 1830-1893)

C1185 1 box 0.4 linear feet
Consists of about a hundred autograph letters by nineteenth-century British politicians, clergymen, and men of letters to clergyman and reformist William Denton.
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ELDON, John Scott (1751-1838), 1st Earl of, undated

Lord Chancellor. ALS to "Mr Dean" (probably George Pellew, Dean of Norwich). One page, 4to; with the last page of another letter. The first letter thanks his correspondent for sending him his sermon, and regretting that "this Corporation bill will be more prejudicial both to the Church State, than any, or almost any bill, that has passed the House of Lords during my long Life." The second (apparently fragmentary) letter laments the death of his dog.

PUSEY, Edward Bouverie (1800-1882), undated

Cleric and scholar. ALS to William Denton. 35 Grosvenor Square. Two pages, small 8vo. "It is a very hard case, but I do not see how Miss T. can profess to believe what she does not believe. It seems to me a case of bearing the Cross, part of the cost of having the truth. I suppose that she has made the offer of leaving home, if her presence there is painful" With: two pages of an autograph MS by Pusey, clearly relating to the Colenso case (probably late 1860s).

ROSE, William Stewart (1775-1843), undated

Poet. ALS to "Mac Farlane." Two pages, 4to, slightly torn at fold. Giving him the address of Mansfield (a mutual friend), but advising him to apply to Murray's as to whether or not he is in London. On the more general points of his direction in life, regrets that he has little influence and that "emigration to Canada, in the absence of better prospects, would be your best resource." Some jokes about "the HOG rampant" seem to concern James Hogg the poet: "I detest pig in all its shapes; but would willingly have seen your Hog upon the table. Many thanks for the sauce with which you have served him up cold." The recipient is probably Charles Macfarlane (1799-1858), historian and miscellaneous writer, who travelled much in Italy where he met Shelley in Naples; W.S. Rose was older than him, hence the reference to his having "youth strength to friend you." Rose himself inspired Byron with the works which he wrote, with J. H. Frere, under the pseudonym of William and Robert Whistlecraft.

Roger Hinks Papers, 1932-1968

C0369 11 boxes
The collection consists of the original diaries (with typed transcriptions) of art historian Roger Hinks, with early and final drafts of The Gymnasium of the Mind: The Journals of Roger Hinks, 1933-1963 (1984), the publication edited by John Goldsmith that resulted from them. Included are some related correspondence, photographs, and estate material.

Sir Israel Gollancz Correspondence, 1890-1948 (mostly 1915-1929)

C1079 3 boxes 1.2 linear feet
Consists primarily of letters (approximately 500) from contemporaries of English editor and publisher Sir Israel Gollancz.

Princeton University Collection of George Egerton Correspondence, 1850-1958

C0105 2 boxes 0.80 linear feet
Mary Chavelita Dunne Bright (pseudonym George Egerton) was a writer and translator in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She was influential in the late-nineteenth century "New Woman" movement as well as the early modernist movement in English-language literature. The collection primarily consists of correspondence between Bright and various friends, family members, and literary and theatrical colleagues. The collection also contains a small number of manuscripts which include prose, poetry, and biographical notes.

David Gelston Family Correspondence, 1761-1864

C1547 4 boxes 2.0 linear feet
Primarily includes correspondence kept by New York merchant and politician, David Gelston, during his time as Collector of Customs for the Port of New York along with some correspondence of Floyd and Delafield family members.

Chester W. Burton Family Papers, 1809-1956 (mostly 1850-1910)

C1523 8 boxes 4.0 linear feet
Consists mostly of correspondence along with some financial records, legal documents, such as deeds and land indentures, ephemera, and photographs dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries that relate to Chester W. Burton, a farmer from Chautauqua County, New York, and his family. Among other topics, the collection documents aspects of the Civil War and early settlement and gold mining in the west.

William Tinsley Publishing Correspondence, 1866-1889

C0808 1 box 2 items 0.4 linear feet
The Tinsley brothers, Edward (1833-1866) and William (1831-1902), set up in the book trade business around 1854. They focused mainly on publishing fiction for the popular lending libraries, and specialized in luxuriously bound three-volume novels. Consists of 77 letters, 1866-1889, received by the Tinsley Brothers publishing firm of London, England.
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Carey, Rosa Nouchette, undated

Autograph note signed, 6 November n.y. Written on thickly bordered mourning stationery, to "Dear Sir" (with the previous owner's description indicating that the letter came from the papers of William Tinsley), replying: "I was out when your brother called, but I now beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the books with which I was very much pleased, as their binding is very handome attractive looking -- well adapted for presentation."

Ernest Hemingway Collection, 1918-1974

C0068 2 boxes 0.8 linear feet
Consists of selected material by and about the American author and Nobel Prize winner Ernest Hemingway.

J. M. Langford Correspondence, 1848-1881

C0944 1 box 0.2 linear feet
The J. M. Langford Correspondence consists of letters received by J. M. (Joseph Munt) Langford from an assortment of English authors and noblemen, as well as the indenture for Langford's apprenticeship as a stationer. Langford was born in 1809, the son of John Langford, a farmer in Wallingford, County of Berks, England. In 1825, Langford began a seven-year stationer's apprentice to James Nesbit, for which his brother paid £250. Later, Langford became the trusted assistant to John Blackwood, the head of William Blackwood and Sons publishing and the editor of Blackwood's Magazine. He died in 1884.
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Elizabeth Dodge Huntington Clarke Collection of Arabic, Persian and Turkish Calligraphy, 1803-1916

C0723-306e 7 boxes
Collection of Ottoman Turkish berat (imperial certificates of award or authorization), calligraphy, mottos and tughras.
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Calligraphic design on heavy brown paper, undated

The name Muḥammad is at the center, the name 'Alī is repeated five times around it, followed by a formulaic phrase. Outside these are five trapezoids containing text defending 'Alī as the rightful successor to Muḥammad. The intervening spaces hold the names of the other three "Rightly Guided" caliphs: Abū Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthmān. Outside this are four verses from the Qur'ān. The corners are decorated with floral designs. There is a 6 mm. wide gilt frame with ruled lines in blue.

Pen and ink drawing in two panels, undated

Left panel shows the Ḥaram al-Sharīf in Jerusalem. At the center is the portal of al-Aqṣá Mosque and two minarets. Around the central image are drawings of other Jerusalem landmarks. Framed by a gray border 1 cm. wide. Right panel is a similar rendering of the Ḥaram in Medina. Locations of important sites in that city are identified in writing. Also bordered in gray, line drawings are highlighted with brown, green and yellow. The panels are separated by a row of geometric patterns tinted in pale yellow. The pictures are identified in 'unwans at the top of each panel.

Ann Tashi Slater Collection of Cuban Writings, 1979-1987

C0799 2 boxes 0.7 linear feet
Consists of typescript drafts by Cuban writers collected by American author, translator, and educator Ann Tashi Slater (Princeton Class of 1984) on a trip to Cuba in 1987, with some later additions. Included are drafts of short stories and novels, primarily science fiction, by more than twelve different authors, one audio recording of Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas, and some letters.

Pershing Collection of Emily Dickinson, 1945-1972

C0294 2 boxes 0.8 linear feet
Consists of material related to the collection of Emily Dickinson works compiled by Margaret Jane Pershing.

Bache and Wistar Family Correspondence, 1777-1895

C0381 1 box 0.2 linear feet
The Bache and Wistar Family Collection consists of correspondence between several members of the Bache and Wistar families of Philadelphia, Pa.

Laurence Pollinger Ltd. Files Concerning D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover, 1931-1979

C0956 3 boxes 1.3 linear feet
Consists of manuscripts, correspondence, contracts, and clippings of the literary agency Laurence Pollinger Ltd. relating to the firm's involvement with the literary estate of D. H. Lawrence.

Selected Papers of Edward L. Howe, 1763-1956

C0092 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of correspondence, documents, and memorabilia of the American banker and Princeton graduate (Class of 1891) Edward Leavitt Howe (1870-1952).

Princeton University Library Collection of Robert Bridges Materials, 1896-1939

C0209 12 boxes 4.8 linear feet
Consists of correspondence and miscellany pertaining to Robert Bridges' editorial work at Charles Scribner's Sons, as well as material relating to Princeton (particularly his Class of 1879 and the Princeton Club of New York), the Century Club, and the Coffee House Club, in all of which Bridges was an active member.

Eva Maria Garrick Estate Papers Concerning David Garrick, 1750-1832

C1590 9 boxes
Consists primarily of printed materials, as well as correspondence, documents, objects, and ephemera concerning British actor David Garrick from the estate of his wife, Eva Maria Garrick.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti Collection, 1828-1881

C0185 2 boxes 1 linear foot
Consists of an open collection for material by and about the English poet and artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882).
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Booksellers' League of New York Records, 1895-1967

C1369 2 boxes 0.8 linear feet
Founded in 1895, the Booksellers' League of New York was an organization aimed at promoting a professional and collaborative spirit among members of the book trade. The bulk of the collection consists of meeting minutes of the annual meetings and Board of Managers meetings, 1895-1932 (5 vols.) and of materials relating to the League's monthly dinners and other social events, 1901-1958 (invitation cards, programs, menus, handbills, and related membership mailings).

Samuel Jackson Reid Letters, 1901-1919

C0526 1 box 0.4 linear feet
Consists of letters written by Samuel Jackson Reid (Princeton Class of 1906) to his mother, father, brother, and sister from 1901, the year before he entered Princeton, to his death in August, 1918, on a battlefield in France.

José Bianco Papers, 1928-1985 (mostly 1941-1979)

C0681 1 box 0.4 linear feet
The José Bianco Papers consists of notes and correspondence of the Argentine editor, author, and translator José Bianco, as well as a small selection of writings by others and audio recordings of Cuban poets José Lezama Lima and Nicolás Guillén reading their poetry.

Elias Boudinot Collection, 1773-1950 (mostly 1777-1820)

C0230 1 box 0.4 linear feet
Elias Boudinot was a lawyer and Revolutionary statesman, serving as member of the Continental Congress (president, 1782), secretary of foreign affairs (1783-84), New Jersey congressman (1789-95), and director of the U.S. Mint (1795-1805). The collection consists of miscellaneous letters and documents of Boudinot, many of which concern his land dealings.

Frank Jewett Mather Autograph Collection, 1700-1900

C0013 1 box 1 volume
Consists primarily of letters and autograph copies of parts of manuscripts of 19th-century English and American poets and novelists collected by American art critic and Princeton professor, Frank Jewett Mather (1868-1953).

Princeton University Library Collection of Lawrance Thompson Materials, 1894-1970 (mostly 1938-1964)

C0479 7 boxes 2.6 linear feet
Consists of selected papers of Lawrance Thompson, including manuscripts for his books on Robert Frost and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, lecture typescripts, and a small amount of correspondence (1936-1942) from the time he was Princeton University Library's Curator of Manuscripts and editor of the Princeton University Library Chronicle.

P.U.L.C. American Poetry Issue Collection, 1991-1994

C0902 2 boxes 1.5 linear feet
Consists of the original poems and essays composed for the special spring 1994 issue of the Princeton University Library Chronicle on contemporary American poetry.

William Hepworth Dixon Correspondence, 1855-1877 (mostly 1861-1867)

C0992 1 box 0.4 linear feet
Consists chiefly of correspondence of the 19th-century English author and editor William Hepworth Dixon.

Charles Conrad Abbott Papers, 1770-1944 (mostly 1874-1916)

C0290 17 boxes 6.7 linear feet
Restrictions may apply.
Charles Conrad Abbott (1843-1919), American naturalist and author, was the first archaeologist to dig a historic site in New Jersey. This collection consists of diaries, correspondence, newspaper articles, essays, photographs, and other material, relating to his work and his family.
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Charles C. Abbott at Work, Landscapes, and Family Portraits: Photographs and Photomechanical Prints, undated

Restrictions may apply.
These three folders contain photographs of Charles Conrad Abbott, landscapes, buildings, and the Abbott family. The majority of these photographs are labeled by Abbott. The first folder contains images of landscapes, the city of Philadelphia, and Charles Abbott at work, either taking notes or working on archaeological digs. The second and third folders contain the same types of images as the first folder, but also contain some portraits of family members.

Adolf Hitler Collection, 1912-1946 (mostly 1933-1940)

C0735 5 boxes
Consists mostly of correspondence among members of the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistiche Deutsches Arbiterspartei) and with Hitler's adjutants Wiedemann and Brückner. Original material from Hitler himself is limited and of no real contextual importance (birthday wishes, New Year's wishes, thanks for wishes made unto him, etc.). There are a few letters concerning Nazi "Judenpolitik" (Jewish policy), some regarding arrests and camp conditions, others concerning scandalous associations with Jews. Military concerns are few and interspersed throughout. The majority of the material, mostly directed to Hitler, consists of wishes of health, happy birthdays, thank you's. Most of the Nazi officers present at the Nuremburg Trials are featured in the collection.

Leonard L. Milberg '53 Collection of Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Photographs, 1762-2001

C0962 6 boxes 3.4 linear feet
Consists of an open collection of manuscript material related to print collections of Leonard L. Milberg (Princeton Class of 1953): Leonard L. Milberg Collection of American Poetry, Leonard L. Milberg Irish Theater Collection, and the Leonard L. Milberg Collection of Jewish-American Writers.

Alvaro Yunque Correspondence, 1921-1981 (mostly 1924-1979)

C0784 2 boxes 0.8 linear feet
The Alvaro Yunque Correspondence consists of letters, manuscripts of poems, essays and other printed and miscellaneous material by Alvaro Yunque and others.

Selected Papers of George Seferis, 1935-1993 (mostly 1940-1970)

C0816 2 boxes 4 items
George Seferis was a Greek diplomat, ambassador, poet and translator. He held various posts with the Royal Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was ambassador to the United Nations, 1956-1957, and to Great Britain, 1957-1962. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1963, and was awarded an honorary degree from Princeton University in 1965.

Princeton University Library Collection of Stockton Family Materials, 1701-1942 (mostly 1750-1820)

C0491 2 boxes 0.8 linear feet
Consists of selected material of various members of the prominent Stockton family of Princeton, New Jersey, currently ranging from a 1701 deed to notes on Nassau Inn written in 1942.

Rita Guibert Collection of Latin American Authors, 1957-2000 (mostly 1968-1971)

C1502 8 boxes 2.0 linear feet
Rita Guibert (1916-2007) was an Argentine American author, journalist, editor, and translator. Guibert is best known for Seven Voices Seven Latin American Writers Talk to Rita Guibert, published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1973. The collection includes audiocassette tapes containing Guibert's in-depth interviews with Pablo Neruda, Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel García Márquez, Octavio Paz, Julio Cortázar, Miguel Ángel Asturias, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Manuel Puig, Carlos Fuentes, José Donoso, and others. Other materials include correspondence with authors, photographs, and drafts of articles Guibert wrote for magazines including LIFE en Español, Nuestro, The Paris Review, and Revista Iberoamerica.
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Typescript Copy of Cortázar's Rayuela [Incomplete], undated

Includes two incomplete sets of copies, one in the original Spanish, the other translated to English, with handwritten editions. The English translation with revisions in English and annotations in Spanish. The English revisions seem to be for minor syntax/emphasis. The Spanish are handwritten annotations that are similar to Cortázar's handwriting.

John S. Hart Papers, 1826-1875

C0308 3 boxes 2.8 linear feet
The John S. Hart Papers contains speeches, essays, English lectures, sermons, and poems written by Hart (Princeton Class of 1830), as well as family correspondence and letters which reflect Hart's professional role in teaching and administration at the Edgehill School, Central High School in Philadelphia, the State Normal School of New Jersey, and at Princeton University.

Albert Schweitzer Collection, 1896-1976 (mostly 1930-1965)

C0326 14 boxes 5.8 linear feet
The collection contains both original and printed material relating to Albert Schweitzer, the French missionary physician who founded the Lambaréné Hospital in French Equatorial Africa in 1913 and who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953 for his philosophy of "reverence for life."
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William R. Barricklo Collection, 1700s-1931

C0387 3 boxes 3.2 linear feet
The William R. Barricklo Collection consists of American Revolution era documents and letters and Barricklo family genealogy materials, all belonging to the American lawyer and collector William R. (William Reed) Barricklo (1857-1933).

Irving Malin Papers, 1955-2013

C1587 7 boxes
Consists primarily of correspondence with authors such as Gordon Lish, James Purdy, Cynthia Ozick, and Paul Bowles, among many others, along with some writings and publisher files of American literary critic and professor of literature Irving Malin (1934-2014).

Henry Simonis Correspondence, 1914-1919

C0857 2 boxes 0.6 linear feet
Consists of three volumes of correspondence of British journalist Henry Simonis concerning his literary, wartime, and charitable activities.

World War I in France Photographs, 1914-1918

C0925 5 boxes
Consists of a collection of photographs of World War I scenes in France that were tipped into photo albums. Some of them have appeared in published works.

Miscellaneous European Documents Collection, 1500-1900

C1286 5 boxes 2 linear feet
Consists of miscellaneous documents and manuscripts from European and North African countries about politlcal, religious, or colonial matters between the 16th and 19th century. The countries include England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Ireland, and Poland.
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Henry Dallas Thompson Papers, 1886-1925 (mostly 1910-1920)

C0509 3 boxes
Consists primarily of correspondence of Henry Dallas Thompson (Princeton Class of 1885) relating to the planning of reunions for the Class of 1885, of which he was secretary.

Kostas and Linda S. Myrsiades Papers, 1942-2017

C1623 4.0 linear feet 7 boxes
This collection consists of personal papers of Kostas and Linda S. Myrsiades, including correspondence, autograph manuscripts and typescripts, photographs, printed and audio material.
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Literary Figures, undated

Consists of black-and-white photographs of several literary figures, including Giannēs Ritsos, George Seferis, Alexandros Papadiamantēs, Kōstas Karyōtakēs, Kōstēs Palamas, Nikos Kazantzakis, Angelos Sikelianos, Dionysios Solomos, and Kōstas Varnalēs. All photographs bear on the reverse the stamp of the studio of the photographer "K. Megalokonomou, Hellēnika Phōtographika Nea." There is only one photograph of Ritsos that is signed on the reverse by Thomas Nikolau.

Selected Papers of William Meredith, 1937-1967

C0175 5 boxes 2.5 linear feet
Consists, for the most part, of letters to American poet William Meredith (Princeton Class of 1940) from American authors, most of whom have been associated with Princeton.

Kenneth Povey Collection of William Cowper, 1727-1845

C0136 1 box 0.45 linear feet
The Kenneth Povey Collection of William Cowper consists of materials from the life of Cowper, collected by Kenneth Povey, a scholar of eighteenth-century poetry.

Arthur Collins Maclay Papers, 1875-1934

C0555 12 boxes 2.8 linear feet
Restrictions may apply.
Consists of works, correspondence, financial records, photographs (including tintypes), a map, glass lantern slides, and printed matter of American lawyer and Far East traveler Arthur Collins Maclay.

Vachel Lindsay Collection, 1903-1930

C0043 0.42 linear feet 1 container
The Vachel Lindsay Collection consists of correspondence, poetry manuscripts, photographs, drawings, and printed material of the American poet Vachel Lindsay (1879-1931).

Princeton University Library Collection of Walter Livingston Wright Materials, 1925-1947

C0119 3 boxes 1.5 linear feet
Consists of manuscripts, correspondence, and documents of Walter Livingston Wright, Jr. (Princeton Class of 1921) relating to his work in Turkey, Princeton, and Washington, D.C., as well as papers of his father, Walter Livingston Wright (Class of 1892) who was president of Lincoln University (Pa.).

New Jersey Documents Collection, 1601-1983 (mostly 1750-1890)

C0522 4 boxes 1.5 linear feet
Westfield, New Jersey, was part of Elizabethtown from the time it was settled in late 1664 until 1794, when the Township of Westfield was created. The New Jersey Documents Collections, 1601 to 1983, consists of New Jersey legal documents, the bulk of which are from the town of Westfield, Union County, and include land records, financial records, estate records, and court records, many of which were created by various members of the Baker, Downer, Hetfield, Johnson, Miller, Pierson, Ripley, Ross, and Woodruff families. The majority of the collection material dates from 1750 to 1890.

Princeton University Library Collection of Aaron Burr (1756-1836) Materials, 1771-1958 (mostly 1782-1830)

C0089 2 boxes 1.7 linear feet
Consists primarily of letters by Aaron Burr (Princeton Class of 1772) to members of his family and associates, along with some documents pertaining to his legal career.

Valentine Bargmann Papers, 1908-1988 (mostly 1937-1979)

C0657 5 boxes 1.88 linear feet
The Valentine Bargmann Papers consists of personal and professional correspondence, personal papers, awards, medals, lectures notes, drafts and published writings, and documents pertaining to the Einstein Papers Project. Valentine Bargmann was an assistant to Albert Einstein at the Institute for Advanced Study and later became a Princeton University professor of mathematical physics.

Arthur Bartlett Maurice Correspondence, 1901-1945

C0102 2 boxes 0.6 linear feet
Consists of over 200 letters by American authors to to the American editor and author Arthur Bartlett Maurice (1873-1946, Princeton Class of 1894).

J. Bryan Papers, 1935-1985

C0569 10 boxes 3.6 linear feet
Joseph Bryan was an author and editor who worked with many prominent magazines and published several novels in the first half of the twentieth century. This collection contains letters to Bryan from his friends H. Allen Smith (about 160 letters, 1954-1976), Frank Sullivan (about 100 letters, 1938-1975), and Finis Farr (about 500 letters, 1935-1981). It also contains page proofs from Merry Gentlemen and a typescript of "Man of Letters: Finis Farr, 1904-1982."

Ernest Theodore DeWald Papers, 1916-1968

C0420 10 boxes 3.6 linear feet
Consists of papers of Ernest Theodore DeWald (Princeton Class of 1916), professor in the Department of Art and Archaeology specializing in medieval Italian art and director (1946-1960) of the Princeton Art Museum.

Charles Grosvenor Osgood Papers, 1880-1962

C0540 10 boxes
Consists of works, correspondence, documents, photographs, memorabilia, family papers, scrapbooks, and an autograph book (1880) of Charles Grosvenor Osgood, reflecting his role as one of Woodrow Wilson's original preceptors (1905) and the importance of the preceptorial system at Princeton. The collection contains typed manuscripts of Osgood's lectures on Milton, Spenser, and Samuel Johnson, addresses and note cards, and professional correspondence.

Marmaduke Burrough Papers, 1821-1840

C0400 5 boxes 2.08 linear feet
Consists chiefly of correspondence, both personal and official, covering the years Marmaduke Burrough served as an American consular official in Veracruz, Mexico.

Princeton University Library Collection of Patrick Henry Materials, 1743-1796

C1165 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of selected manuscript material by and about American attorney, politician, and planter Patrick Henry (1736-1799).

John Beatty Family Collection, 1768-1804

C1010 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists primarily of 18th-century letters and documents of Princeton graduate (Class of 1769) and New Jersey politician John Beatty and other Beatty family members.

Grover Cleveland Collection, 1860-1907

C0237 3 boxes
Consists of several holograph addresses, miscellaneous correspondence, and family photographs of American president Grover Cleveland.

Olin R. Moyle Papers, 1929-1955

C0514 5 boxes
Consists of selected papers of Olin R. Moyle, an attorney for the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

Severo Sarduy Family Correspondence, 1960-1993

C1475 1 box
Correspondence consists of letters from Severo Sarduy to various members of the Sarduy Aguilar family, spanning from 1959 until 1993.

Jelal A. Azal Papers, 1967-1971

C0384 2 boxes 0.8 linear feet
Consists of letters by Jelal A. Azal, an Iranian Bayani scholar in Cyprus, to William McElwee Miller, Presbyterian missionary, regarding the Babi-Bahai movement, documents referred to in the letters, and photographs of Bahai houses of worship in Israel and Chicago.

Princeton University Library Collection of John Maclean Family Materials, 1795-1874

C0342 3 boxes 2.5 linear feet
Consists of selected personal and family papers of John Maclean (1771-1814), Princeton's first professor of chemistry, including correspondence and documents of Maclean and other family members, including John Maclean Jr. (1800-1886), Archibald Maclean (1810-1894), William Bainbridge (1774-1833), Phebe Bainbridge Maclean, and Mary B. Maclean, as well as a genealogy of the Maclean, Bainbridge, and Taylor families.

Princeton University Library Collection of George Washington Materials, 1750-1904 (mostly 1750-1793)

C1264 1 box 1.7 linear feet
Consists of selected correspondence and documents by and about George Washington, first president of the United States, as well as some items of members of his family.

Gawine Drummond Document Collection, 1701-1819

C1282 1 box 1.4 linear feet
Consists of miscellaneous legal documents of Gawine (also spelled Gavin, Gawen, and Gavine) Drummond, county clerk for Monmouth County Court House in the state of New Jersey, and several members of his family.

Business Correspondence of Smith, Elder, and Co., 1850-1908

C0004 1 box
Consists, for the most part, of business correspondence of George Smith relating to the Cornhill Magazine, which he founded in 1859, and other publishing business of Smith, Elder, and Co., the London publishing firm.

Reynaldo Hahn Letters and Manuscripts, 1898-1945

C1386 1 box .2 linear feet
Consists of letters and other materials of the Venezuelan-born French composer Reynaldo Hahn.

Robert H. Barton Family Correspondence, 1849-1890

C1498 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists primarily of incoming correspondence to Robert H. Barton (1811-1898) of Providence, Rhode Island, from his family that begins in the winter of 1849 when Barton left his wife and four children to head to the California gold fields. The 70 plus letters, which continue until the early 1870s, are from various family members and friends all with the common theme of "come home." Also included are a few letters from Barton; some family photographs; and Barton's account statement from Gregory & Waite Groceries & Provisions (Nevada City).
Top 3 results view all 18

Ottavio Falconieri Papers, 1661-1674

C1305 1 box 0.4 linear feet
Consists of selected papers of the Italian humanist and cleric Ottavio Falconieri (1636-1675). Included are thirteen manuscripts (either autograph drafts or secretarial copies) of texts mostly written in Rome, 1661-74, and 135 autograph drafts and secretarial copies of outgoing letters from Falconieri to Cardinal Francesco Barberini (1597-1679) and others, chiefly written from Brussels between February 1673 and December 1674.

George Padmore Collection, 1933-1945

C1247 1 box
Consists of original letters, essays, and articles of George Padmore (1903-1959), a leading Pan-Africanist, journalist, and author. Padmore played a crucial role in developing the Fifth, Pan African Congress, and was also instrumental in organizing black labor movements from the 1930s onwards.
Top 3 results view all 20

Undated, undated

Western Union telegram of a press release sent by Padmore to the Pittsburgh Courier, which he enclosed with the above letter to Moon. It was the announcement of the Pan African Congress, to be held in Manchester, England, giving the names of the elected members of the British Provisional Committee including Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, James Taylor of the Gold Coast, Peter Milliard of British Guiana, and Wallace Johnson of West Africa; 2 pp.

Hugh S. Taylor Papers, 1911-1972

C0563 13 boxes 1 tube
Consists of articles, correspondence, and printed matter of Hugh S.Taylor, chairman of the Princeton Chemistry Department (1926-1951) and dean of the graduate school (1945-1958).

Alexander Chambers Papers, 1864-1938

C0612 4 boxes 1.5 linear feet
Consists of papers of American commodities agent Alexander Chambers, much of which deals with his commercial agent, H. H. Steel, in Guatemala.

MacMartin Family Correspondence, 1827-1878

C0495 2 boxes 0.8 linear feet
Consists predominantly of nineteenth-century correspondence between members of the MacMartin family of New York and New Jersey.

Glen Maitland Novels, 1957

C0497 3 boxes
Consists of the autograph and typed manuscripts of three unpublished novels by American writer Glen Maitland (Princeton Class of 1938).

Arnold Guyot Collection, 1829-1928

C1095 2 boxes 2.2 linear feet
Consists of selected correspondence, documents, and related material by and about Arnold Guyot, the Swiss-born American geologist, geographer, and educator whose extensive meteorological observations led to the founding of the U.S. Weather Bureau.

Collection Anthropologique du Prince Roland Bonaparte: American Indians, circa 1883

C1177 1 box 1.7 linear feet
Consists of twenty ethnographic albumen prints of North American Indians, commissioned by Prince Roland Bonaparte and photographed by Alfred Ayotte, plus two additional photographs of Bonaparte.

James Green Correspondence, 1837-1871

C0965 1 box 0.2 linear feet
The James Green Correspondence consists of letters received from various correspondents by the 19th-century English poet James Green (of Bath).

Ottoman Empire Photographs Collection, 1868-1919

C0930 1 box 1.4 linear feet
Consists of an open collection of general photographs of Ottoman Empire sites. Currently, there are more than 39 19th-century photographs of Constantinople [Istanbul] and the surrounding area.

W. M. Spackman Novels, 1950-1980

C0667 5 boxes
Consists of various typescript drafts, revisions, and galley proofs for three published novels by American novelist W. M. Spackman.

William Isbister Collection, circa 1860-1906

C0065 4 boxes 1.6 linear feet
Consists of correspondence mainly from Victorian novelists and other writers to W. Isbister & Co., publishers of Good Words and the Sunday Magazine.