AD, undated
copy of a document written by Ogden for his children describing his activities in the American Revolution, including attempt to exchange Andre for Benedict Arnold (he was the messenger) (This document has been quoted by Carl Van Lorne in his Secret History of the American Revolution and is published.)
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Angeloglou, Alkēs Biographical note, undated
Douke, Maro, undated
Kavatzēs, A. Biographical note, undated
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Méditations de Saint-Nazaire = Meditaciones de Saint-Nazaire, undated
TMs with autograph corrections and a photocopied TMs.
Rodríguez Leyva, Nelson, undated
TMss with holograph corrections entitled "El encuadre," "La celda," "La cadena," and "Reflejos," 9 pp.
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Letters, undated
Correspondents include: Robert L. Armstrong, Frederica R. Beardsley, John Brown, Geroge Chambers, Peter H. Clarke, David Craig, Charles Croxall, John Gulick, William N. Jeffers, C.F. LeGrand, John Neal, M. Ogden, Joseph E. Potts, David Thompson, [Illegible] Turnball, John P. Vanpelt, Eliza B. Wallace, J.B. Wallace, N. Walton, and B. Williamson.
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(Sem Data) - Anotação, undated
Anotação de que o Capitão Silvestre Alves de Azevedo, pagou na devida repartição do Juízo dos feitos da vila de Lavras, Minas Gerais, as custas do mandado no 2593 Série F, contra o mesmo, pelo imposto de escravos, no valor de 9$200.
Record of Recaptured Enslaved People in Cuba, circa 1858
Consists of a manuscript document titled "Relacion circumstanciada de los cimarrones existentes en el Deposito municipal...", which records information about runaway enslaved people, described in the document as "cimarrones," who were recaptured in Cuba between 1856 and 1858. The document lists their names, physical descriptions, nationalities, and details about enslavers. The ages of the people described in the document range from 18 to 33 with the exception of one person who is listed as being an octogenarian. The physical descriptions are very detailed, noting distinguishing features such as scars. While most of the people listed in the document are of African descent, several are listed as "Chino," making this important documentation of Chinese people in Cuba in the 19th century.
Sheriff Henry Hoyle Note Concerning a "negro man legally committed as a Runaway," Carroll County, Maryland, circa 1817
Manuscript note.
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Borstal Boy: Irish Notes, undated
Autograph notes in Irish, on pages extracted from a ruled notebook. Pages might be from the notebook that contains an autobiographical essay (possibly a draft beginning for Borstal Boy) and the poem Scriosad na mblascaod.
The Hostage/ An Giall: Typescript of Act III, undated
Typescript of Act 3 of the play, as revised by D. MacDiarmid and with a note in his hand to Brendan on the final page, 6 pages.
The Hostage/ An Giall: Song Drafts, undated
Fragments for songs for the stage adaptation of The Hostage, 13 pages.
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Original poems published in Desmond's Poems, undated
TMss of many of the poems that were published under the title of Desmond's Poems by The Cuala Press, 1930
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ELDON, John Scott (1751-1838), 1st Earl of, undated
Lord Chancellor. ALS to "Mr Dean" (probably George Pellew, Dean of Norwich). One page, 4to; with the last page of another letter. The first letter thanks his correspondent for sending him his sermon, and regretting that "this Corporation bill will be more prejudicial both to the Church State, than any, or almost any bill, that has passed the House of Lords during my long Life." The second (apparently fragmentary) letter laments the death of his dog.
PUSEY, Edward Bouverie (1800-1882), undated
Cleric and scholar. ALS to William Denton. 35 Grosvenor Square. Two pages, small 8vo. "It is a very hard case, but I do not see how Miss T. can profess to believe what she does not believe. It seems to me a case of bearing the Cross, part of the cost of having the truth. I suppose that she has made the offer of leaving home, if her presence there is painful" With: two pages of an autograph MS by Pusey, clearly relating to the Colenso case (probably late 1860s).
ROSE, William Stewart (1775-1843), undated
Poet. ALS to "Mac Farlane." Two pages, 4to, slightly torn at fold. Giving him the address of Mansfield (a mutual friend), but advising him to apply to Murray's as to whether or not he is in London. On the more general points of his direction in life, regrets that he has little influence and that "emigration to Canada, in the absence of better prospects, would be your best resource." Some jokes about "the HOG rampant" seem to concern James Hogg the poet: "I detest pig in all its shapes; but would willingly have seen your Hog upon the table. Many thanks for the sauce with which you have served him up cold." The recipient is probably Charles Macfarlane (1799-1858), historian and miscellaneous writer, who travelled much in Italy where he met Shelley in Naples; W.S. Rose was older than him, hence the reference to his having "youth strength to friend you." Rose himself inspired Byron with the works which he wrote, with J. H. Frere, under the pseudonym of William and Robert Whistlecraft.
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Aherne, Brian, undated
Ashwell, Lena, undated
Black, William, undated
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Carey, Rosa Nouchette, undated
Autograph note signed, 6 November n.y. Written on thickly bordered mourning stationery, to "Dear Sir" (with the previous owner's description indicating that the letter came from the papers of William Tinsley), replying: "I was out when your brother called, but I now beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the books with which I was very much pleased, as their binding is very handome attractive looking -- well adapted for presentation."
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Gifford, Lord, undated
[addressed to Messrs Blackwood] Brief note giving the title of a books, Capt. Beauchamp's Narrative of the Ashanti War.
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Calligraphic design on heavy brown paper, undated
The name Muḥammad is at the center, the name 'Alī is repeated five times around it, followed by a formulaic phrase. Outside these are five trapezoids containing text defending 'Alī as the rightful successor to Muḥammad. The intervening spaces hold the names of the other three "Rightly Guided" caliphs: Abū Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthmān. Outside this are four verses from the Qur'ān. The corners are decorated with floral designs. There is a 6 mm. wide gilt frame with ruled lines in blue.
Pen and ink drawing in two panels, undated
Left panel shows the Ḥaram al-Sharīf in Jerusalem. At the center is the portal of al-Aqṣá Mosque and two minarets. Around the central image are drawings of other Jerusalem landmarks. Framed by a gray border 1 cm. wide. Right panel is a similar rendering of the Ḥaram in Medina. Locations of important sites in that city are identified in writing. Also bordered in gray, line drawings are highlighted with brown, green and yellow. The panels are separated by a row of geometric patterns tinted in pale yellow. The pictures are identified in 'unwans at the top of each panel.
Four lines of poetry, undated
Polychrome, floriated background. Signed: Faqīr 'Alī (author? copyist?).
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"Sweet Surrender" and "The Seed of David", undated
2 successive autograph drafts of his sonnet "Supreme Surrender" (1869), 2 separate pages; autograph manuscript of "The Seed of David" (undated), 6 lines in two stanzas: the printer's manuscript with the pencil instruction "Print this before Ballad of the Dead Lady page 65"
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