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Search Results

Joline Family Collection, 1814-1950 (mostly 1869-1912)

C1144 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and documents of members of the Joline family of Princeton, New Jersey.
1 result

Arthur Machen Collection, 1863-1953 (mostly 1895-1945)

C1120 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists chiefly of letters and photographs of Arthur Machen, the Welsh-born writer called "the Apostle of Wonder" because of his mastery of the English language and outstanding creation of supernatural fiction.
1 result

Frank Jewett Mather Papers, 1906-1948

C0025 3 boxes 28 items
Consists primarily of correspondence of the American educator, art critic, and museum director Frank Jewett Mather (1868-1953).
1 result

Charles Grosvenor Osgood Papers, 1880-1962

C0540 10 boxes
Consists of works, correspondence, documents, photographs, memorabilia, family papers, scrapbooks, and an autograph book (1880) of Charles Grosvenor Osgood, reflecting his role as one of Woodrow Wilson's original preceptors (1905) and the importance of the preceptorial system at Princeton. The collection contains typed manuscripts of Osgood's lectures on Milton, Spenser, and Samuel Johnson, addresses and note cards, and professional correspondence.
1 result

Charles Grosvenor Osgood Papers, 1880-1962

Consists of works, correspondence, documents, photographs, memorabilia, family papers, scrapbooks, and an autograph book (1880) of Charles Grosvenor Osgood, reflecting his role as one of Woodrow Wilson's original preceptors (1905) and the importance of the preceptorial system at Princeton. The collection contains typed manuscripts of Osgood's lectures on Milton, Spenser, and Samuel Johnson, addresses and note cards, and professional correspondence.

Ernest Cushing Richardson Collection, 1832-1954

C0341 20 boxes
Consists of the personal papers of Ernest Cushing Richardson, librarian of Princeton University Library from 1890 till 1925.
1 result

Edwin Arlington Robinson Letters, 1899-1968

C0193 1 box 0.5 linear feet
Consists of original letters and transcriptions of additional letters by Edwin Arlington Robinson, American poet and winner of three Pulitzer Prizes.
1 result

Auguste Rodin Collection, 1880-1966 (mostly 1900-1912)

C0195 1 box 0.45 linear feet
The Auguste Rodin Collection contains over fifty Rodin letters, cards, telegrams, and notes, of which about half are in the hand of the sculptor.
1 result

A. J. A. Symons collection, 1910-1993 (mostly 1910-1929)

C1301 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of selected manuscripts, correspondence, and documents of the twentieth-century British biographer and bibliophile A. J. A. Symons.
1 result

John Von Neumann Collection, 1919-1966 (mostly 1919-1949)

C1245 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of selected letters and a manuscript of John Von Neumann, one of the 20th century's preeminent mathematicians, and an early pioneer in fields such as game theory, nuclear deterrence, and modern computing.
1 result

Princeton University Library Collection of Andrew Fleming West Correspondence, 1873-1974 (mostly 1894-1933)

C1102 2 boxes 0.4 linear feet
Consists chiefly of correspondence of Andrew Fleming West, who served as dean of Graduate Studies at Princeton University when Woodrow Wilson served as the University's president.
1 result

Lawrence Crane Woods Collection, 1888-1957

C1275 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of selected correspondence and student account books of Lawrence Crane Woods, a member of the Princeton Class of 1891 and vice president and assistant manager for the Equitable Life Assurance Society.
1 result

William Yarrell Collection, 1830-1961 (mostly 1833-1856)

C0603 1 box 1.25 linear feet
Consists of letters and drawings of William Yarrell, a nineteenth-century British naturalist, and related printed matter.
1 result

W. B. Yeats Collection, 1888-1950 (mostly 1888-1937)

C1191 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of selected material by and about the Irish poet and dramatist William Butler Yeats, including correspondence, a poetry manuscript, photographs, family items, and Cuala Press ephemera.
1 result

Brigham Young Collection, 1846-1968 (mostly 1846-1872)

WC004 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Contains selected correspondence of American pioneer and religious leader Brigham Young. Images of this collection are also available online at Digital PUL.
1 result

Undergraduate Academic Files, 1921-2016

AC198 1293 boxes 1291 linear feet
Restrictions may apply.
Consists of individual academic files of former undergraduate students of Princeton University, containing grades, transcripts, and other information relating to the subject's academic career. To search for a student by name, please use the finding aids listed as "Other Finding Aids" under "Access and Use." The finding aids are divided by decade, beginning with 1921.
1 result

Undergraduate Academic Files, 1921-2016

Restrictions may apply.
Consists of individual academic files of former undergraduate students of Princeton University, containing grades, transcripts, and other information relating to the subject's academic career. To search for a student by name, please use the finding aids listed as "Other Finding Aids" under "Access and Use." The finding aids are divided by decade, beginning with 1921.

Program in Hellenic Studies Collection of Modern Greek Theater Playbills, Second Series, 1933-1981

RCPXR-6386581 3 boxes 1.2 linear feet
This collection contains playbills mostly from Greece and a few from other countries.
1 result

Samuel Reber Collection, 1947-1957

C1255 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists chiefly of several official documents from the years just following World War II, when Samuel Reber was Acting Deputy Director for the Office of European Affairs with the U.S. Department of State and, later, Acting United States High Commissioner for Germany.
1 result

Samuel Reber Collection, 1947-1957

Consists chiefly of several official documents from the years just following World War II, when Samuel Reber was Acting Deputy Director for the Office of European Affairs with the U.S. Department of State and, later, Acting United States High Commissioner for Germany.

David Aiken Reed Papers, 1880-1953

MC100 4 boxes 1 folder
The papers of David Aiken Reed (1880-1953) consist primarily of clippings illustrating the political career of Pennsylvania Senator Reed (Class of 1900) during the years 1914-1940 with a few photographs of World War I campaigns, correspondence from President Herbert Hoover, the publisher Henry Luce and General John J. Pershing, Head of the American Expeditionary Forces of World War I, two letters of commendation, a testimonial, three army documents, and printed copies of a few speeches by Senator Reed.
1 result

David Aiken Reed Papers, 1880-1953

The papers of David Aiken Reed (1880-1953) consist primarily of clippings illustrating the political career of Pennsylvania Senator Reed (Class of 1900) during the years 1914-1940 with a few photographs of World War I campaigns, correspondence from President Herbert Hoover, the publisher Henry Luce and General John J. Pershing, Head of the American Expeditionary Forces of World War I, two letters of commendation, a testimonial, three army documents, and printed copies of a few speeches by Senator Reed.

Stewart M. Robinson Collection of Colonial Sermons, 1615-1960 (mostly 1745-1785)

C0513 42 boxes 16.2 linear feet
Consists of a collection compiled by American clergyman Stewart M. Robinson (Princeton Class of 1915), including photostats of sermons, letters, pamphlets, and communications to newspapers by clergymen in colonial America, which he used as research material for a proposed book entitled "The Political Thought of the Colonial Clergy."
1 result

Emir Rodriguez Monegal Papers, 1941-1985 (mostly 1965-1968)

C0652 24 boxes
The Emir Rodriguez Monegal Papers consists of correspondence, manuscripts of novels, short stories, verse, plays, and essays by others, mansucripts of essays and criticism by Rodriguez Monegal, photographs, and printed and recorded material.
1 result

Alfonso Ortiz Papers, 1926-1993 (mostly 1960-1989)

WC126 86 boxes 82.5 linear feet
Restricted Content
Consists of personal, professional, and academic papers of the Pueblo anthropologist Alfonso Ortiz (1939-1997), including correspondence, working files, and materials related to the Association on American Indian Affairs (AAIA).
1 result

Charles M. Shipman Papers, 1882-2000

C0996 3 boxes 1.3 linear feet
Consists of correspondence between Charles Shipman and various artists and institutions, most notably George deForest Brush and Elliott Dangerfield.
1 result

Eileen B. Simpson Papers, 1941-1991 (mostly 1979-1991)

C0834 3 boxes 1.2 linear feet
Consists of papers primarily related to Eileen Simpson's book, Poets in their Youth: A Memoir, about her married years with poet John Berryman.
1 result

Aaron Marc Stein Mystery Novels, 1930-1984

C0255 30 boxes 9.7 linear feet
Contains manuscripts for 47 mystery novels written by American detective fiction writer Aaron Marc Stein.
1 result

James Stewart Collection, 1936-1959

TC049 3 boxes 1.2 linear feet
The James Stewart Collection contains seventeen screenplays of films in which starred American actor, Jimmy Stewart (Princeton Class of 1932).
1 result

Selected Papers of Smith Thompson, 1823-1949

C0354 2 boxes 2.0 linear feet
Consists of documents and correspondence of Smith Thompson (Princeton Class of 1788) covering, for the most part, the years (1823-1843) when he served on the U.S. Supreme Court.
1 result

Alice Davis Tibbetts Collection, 1934-1972

C1198 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of selected letters and photographs of authors, poets, and friends collected by Alice Davis Tibbetts, secretary, companion, and romantic partner of Edgar Lee Masters.
1 result

Intermission, by Calvin Tomkins, 1947-1951

C0476 2 boxes 0.8 linear feet
Consists of manuscripts of Calvin Tomkins (Princeton Class of 1947) for his first novel, Intermission (1951).
1 result

Luiz Forjaz Trigueiros Correspondence, 1935-1995

C1367 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of approximately 100 letters and postcards addressed to Trigueiros from seven correspondents: Jorge Amado (1967-1995), António S. Celestino (1973), Manuel Ferriera (1959-1966), Jesué Pinharanda Gomes (1960-1995), António Guedes de Amorim (1947-1971), Afonso Lopes Vieira (1935-1944), and José Rodrigues Júnior (1958-1987).
1 result

Luiz Forjaz Trigueiros Correspondence, 1935-1995

Consists of approximately 100 letters and postcards addressed to Trigueiros from seven correspondents: Jorge Amado (1967-1995), António S. Celestino (1973), Manuel Ferriera (1959-1966), Jesué Pinharanda Gomes (1960-1995), António Guedes de Amorim (1947-1971), Afonso Lopes Vieira (1935-1944), and José Rodrigues Júnior (1958-1987).

Mathieu-Guillaume-Thérèse Villenave's Collection on Alina d'Eldir, circa 1829 - 1950s (mostly 1829-1845)

C1624 1 box
Consists of correspondence and other materials collected by Mathieu-Guillaume-Thérèse Villenave relating to Alina d'Eldir, including her biography, her work with magnetism treatments, and the Ordre Asiatique de Morale Universelle.
1 result

Historical Novels of Jere Wheelwright, 1948-1954

C0449 5 boxes
Consists of signed typescripts and galley proofs for four works of historical fiction by author Jere Wheelwright (1905-1961), (Princeton Class of 1927).
1 result

Clinton Wilder Collection, 1934-1979

TC085 20 boxes 10.1 linear feet
Clinton Wilder (Princeton Class of 1943) was an American theatrical producer. His collection consists of playbills he collected as well as typescripts and production materials of plays he produced.
1 result

Tennessee Williams Manuscripts, 1947-1961

TC081 1 box 6 items 0.45 linear feet
This collection consists of early versions of seven works by American playwright, novelist, and storywriter, Tennessee Williams.
1 result

Bretaigne Windust Collection, 1929-1958

TC087 10 boxes 6.4 linear feet
Contains records concerning plays directed by Bretaigne Windust (Princeton Class of 1929), mainly for the University Players, of which he was a co-founder.
1 result

Yeandle Collection of Film Star Photographs, 1918-1949 (mostly 1932-1947)

TC079 2 items 91 Volumes 13.95 linear feet
consists of scrapbooks of publicity photographs of American motion-picture actors and actresses, mainly of the 1930s and 1940s, collected by Mrs. A. M. Yeandle.
1 result