Wall 4, 1686-2005
Contains books shelved on Wall 4, i.e. the wall to the right when entering the Studio.
Studio, 1686-2010
Contains books shelved by Derrida in his Studio, an addition to the house that served as Derrida's principal work environment from the time it was built in 2001 up to his death in 2004. Books are represented here as inventoried in 2011. Also includes books not inventoried in 2011 (hence presumably not shelved in the Studio at the time) but located in the Studio at the time of packing the Library for shipment to Princeton University Library.
The Library of Jacques Derrida, Studio Series, 1686-2010
Consists of the personal library of French philosopher Jacques Derrida and members of his household.
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Series 1: Correspondence, 1688-1971
Consists of the correspondence of Alfred Marshall Mayer, his son Alfred Goldsborough Mayer, and Alpheus Hyatt with individuals such as Carl Barus, Anton Julius Carlson, and Charles Eugene Delauney, as well as others.
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Will of Sir Thomas Tipping of Wheatfield, 1688-1972
Includes the original will of Sir Thomas Tipping, nephew of William Tipping. There is also a handwritten contemporary copy of the Will dated 1972.
Series 3. Documents, 1688-1980
This series consists of several legal documents, such as wills, deeds, mortgage, and certification of members of the Tipping family.
William Tipping Papers, 1688-2001
Conists of personal papers of William Tipping Esq, of Brasted Park, Sevenoaks, in Kent, and Avray near Paris. He was the son of the successful Liverpool merchant John Tipping, who in his twenties traveled extensively in Europe and the Middle East before turning to Tory politics and serving as director of the London and North Western Railway.
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Throop and Martin Family Papers, 1693-1951
Contains manuscripts, correspondence, documents, and photographs concerning the Throop and Throop Martin families of New Jersey. In addition to the family correspondence, there is an autograph collection and other miscellaneous items.
The Old Home: autograph manuscript, bound, 1817-1951
Includes photographs and clippings; written by various members of the Throop family (copy)
Series 1: Works, 1817-1951
Consists of works, including "The Old Home," "After Fifty Years," and others, as well as poetry and reflections.
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General, 1693-1999
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Henry Van Dyke Family Papers, 1694-1963 (mostly 1840-1959)
The Henry Van Dyke Family Papers consists of papers of three generations of the prominent Van Dyke family of New York and Princeton, beginning with Henry Jackson Van Dyke (1822-1891) and his wife, Henrietta [Ashmead] Van Dyke (1820-1893), followed by their children, Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933) and Paul Van Dyke (1859-1933), and ending with Henry van Dyke's son Tertius Van Dyke (1886-1958).
Series 5: Papers of Tertius Van Dyke, 1886-1958
Tertius Van Dyke was a son of Henry Van Dyke, Jr., a member of the Princeton Class of 1908, and a minister and headmaster of the Gunnery School. His papers include research material and manuscripts for Henry Van Dyke: A Biography, several short articles, and verse. The subseries of correspondence is mostly related to the acquisition of information and anecdotes for the biography and includes letters of Herbert Brookes, Margaret Deland, Frank C. Eaton, Charles Erdman, Theodore Marburg, Edwin Mims, Robert Haven Schauffler, and others. Also present are documents, memorabilia, printed matter, and papers of others, including a file of correspondence of Elizabeth Cannon Van Dyke (1958-?) and a letter by Henry Van Dyke, son of Tertius Van Dyke.
Subseries 5A: Works, 1915-1952 November 10
Consists of the works of Tertius Van Dyke, including "Henry Van Dyke, A Biography," "My Father as a Collector of Tennyson and Tennysoniana," and "A Visit to the Belgian Refugee Camp at Nunspeet," as well as others.
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Series 3: Letters and Manuscripts of Cowper Circle, 1694-1992 August
This series consists of correspondence amongst Cowper's circle of family, friends, editors, and others, as well as a few assorted manuscripts. While the majority of the letters are original, there are also some copies. The primary correspondents include Sir John Carr, William Hayley, Lady Hesketh, John Johnson, John Newton, and Samuel Teedon. This series is first organized alphabetically by correspondent, then alphabetically by recipient, and finally chronologically by date. Unidentified manuscripts are located at the end of the series.
Neilson Campbell Hannay Collection of William Cowper, 1711-1965 (mostly 1750-1799)
Consists of poetry manuscripts, documents, pictorial works, correspondence, and miscellanea relating to the English poet William Cowper (1731-1800), and to his circle of family, friends, and editors, collected by Neilson Campbell Hannay.
Series 1: William Cowper Poems, Miscellaneous Documents, and Pictorial Works, 1762 July 13-1963
Consists of the poems, documents, and pictoral works of William Cowper.
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Proposals and Surveys, 1697-1972
Series 1 consists of proposals and surveys compiled by the Office of Occupational Health and Safety in regards to radiation safety measures taken to protect workers and researchers at the Princeton-Pennsylvania Accelerator, a particle research facility that operated on Forrestal Campus from 1957 to 1971.
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Subseries 1J: Samuel Sewall Diary, MHT edition 1974, 1699-1975
Consists of excerpts, illustrations, correspondence, bills, reviews, galleys, and genealogy related to Samuel Sewall Diary.
Series 1: Writings and Publications, 1699-1976
Consists of the writings of Milton Halsey Thomas, including college writings, biographical information, genealogies, and works on diaries of various individuals.
Index cards, 1796-1977
2 boxes of index cards with names of people, books and businesses, orgainzed into the groups "Corresp. Main file"; "Misc. files"; "Corresp. Not in Main File", "Dewey Bibl."' "Sewall Diary"; "Strong Diary"; "Shorter wwritings or compilations"; "Amer. colony"; "Amos Eaton Coll."; "The Gibbs Affair"; and "New York State."
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Subseries 1B: Bound Manuscripts, 1700-1951
Consists of manuscripts of authors such as Charlotte Brontë, Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, and William Makepeace Thackeray, as well as others.
Series 1: Artwork and Manuscripts, 1700-2999
Consists of manuscripts, both bound and unbound, mostly oversize, and artwork/ephemera housed in a variety of oversize containers.
Series 2: Author Files, 1734-1975
Consists of files for individual authors that contain correspondence and manuscripts (previously housed in ten file cabinet drawers and now stored on C-floor).
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Princeton University Library Single Item Acquisitions, 1700-2024
Consists of miscellaneous single-item acquisitions that span multiple collecting areas, topics, genres, and time periods.
Josephine Baker Correspondence with Hélène Berthelot, 1930-1947
Consists of Josephine Baker's correspondence (including a few postcards, a Christmas card, and an invitation card) to Philippe and Hélène Berthelot, though the bulk of the correspondence is addressed only to Hélène after Philippe's illness and death in 1933 to 1934. There are also four small publicity photographs (gelatin silver prints) of Baker that are glued to a mat. Most of the correspondence with Hélène Berthelot were brief letters of greeting to keep in touch, with only a few letters recounting happenings in Baker's life at greater length. In one of these letters Baker shares that she was appointed an officer of the resistance, but this letter is missing its first page. The 1946 invitation card from Josephine Baker invites Hélène Berthelot to attend the presentation ceremony of the Médaille d'Officier de la Résistance to Baker.
Programs and Fliers from Katherine Dunham Performances, 1940-1955
Includes: an 8-page program from the 1944 Minneapolis performances of "Tropical Revue," a 20-page illustrated program from the 1948 San Francisco run of "Bal Negre," and a pink-and-brown flier advertising her company's 1955 Broadway run. Also includes two broadsides: one is from the one-night-only 1945 Fresno performance of "Tropical Revue," the other is from her 1948 performances of "Bal Negre" at the Geary Theatre in San Francisco. There is also a flier for "Cabin in the Sky" from its 1940-1941 run at New York's Martin Beck Theater.
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Series 6: Miscellaneous, 1701-1965
This series contains miscellaneous documents found in Baruch's papers as well as documents added to the collection after the initial deposit of papers. It includes some genealogical material, papers from the Baruch School of Business and Administration, financial records for the period from 1927-1936, guest and game books, a record of office visitors for the period from 1933-1965, a cross-reference guide to the correspondence prepared by Baruch's office, and other items.
Bernard M. Baruch Papers, 1701-1965 (mostly 1917-1965)
Bernard M. Baruch was a financier and public adviser. This collection consists primarily of public papers relating to Baruch's various involvements in government affairs.
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Series 7: Grounds and Buildings, 1701-1982
The grounds and building memorabilia contains pieces of buildings, keys, and bells.
Series 8: Medals, 1765-2010
This series contians medals, as well as some coins, related to Princeton University. It is divided into athletic medals, many of which are from Track and Field events; medals relating to Princeton clubs; and other kinds of commemorative medals and coins.
Memorabilia Collection, 1775-2010 (mostly 1866-1997)
This collection contains over 1,800 items including mugs, pipes, canes, banners, hatbands, pins, jewelry, and other material collected by many individuals that document reunions, sporting events, student traditions, and other aspects of University life.
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Wilkinson Collection of Mary Mapes Dodge, 1703-1955 (mostly 1869-1900)
Mary Mapes Dodge was an author and editor of St. Nicholas magazine. This collection consists of manuscripts and correspondence concerning St. Nicholas, and correspondence, documents, photographs, and memorabilia relating to the Dodge family.
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Jonathan Belcher Collection, 1708-1950
Consists of correspondence and documents of Jonathan Belcher, dating from his early years in Massachusetts to his days as colonial governor of New Jersey.
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James S. Hall Collection of George Frideric Handel, 1714-1968 (mostly 1946-1968)
Consists (primarily) of manuscripts of works by Handel and his contemporaries but also of correspondence and subject files gathered by James S. Hall, the English surgeon who collected most of the manuscripts.
Series 1: Manuscripts of Handel's Works and Works by Contemporary Composers, 1720-1958
A collection of 29 bound manuscripts including but not restricted to contemporary copies of Handel's musical works. Some of these copybooks include works by other contemporary composers. Also included are several indices of Handel's works and a scrapbook concerning 19th-century performances at various Handel festivals.
Series 5: Handel Societies and Festivals, 1784-1959
Includes files of the activities of the Deal and Walmer Handelian Society, founded by Hall in 1946, arranged by event, followed by files on other such societies, including one in Brisbane, Australia. Following the files on Handel societies is material on East German Handel festivals. At the end of the series is a box of commemorative medals, minted for various anniversaries and festivals in honor of the composer.
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Series 1, Historical documents and family records, 1715-1950
Series 1 includes documents concerning Schenectady (NY), as well as the Van Antwerp and the MacMurray families.
John Van Antwerp MacMurray Papers, 1715-1988 (mostly 1913-1942)
The John Van Antwerp MacMurray Papers describe the public and personal lives of John Van Antwerp MacMurray (1881-1960), diplomat and specialist in Far Eastern Affairs, and his father, Junius Wilson MacMurray (1843-1898).
Series 7, Memorabilia and Clippings, 1803-1954
Series 7, Memorabilia and Clippings, 1803-1954, relates to the life and work of members of the Van Antwerp and MacMurray families. The memorabilia, chronologically arranged from 1803-1952, includes a family Bible with a marriage, birth, and death record of members of the Van Antwerp and MacMurray families (1829-1894). Newspaper and magazine clippings span the period 1873-1960, and Christmas and calling cards can also be found.
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Series 1: Tribes and Peoples, 1715-1999
Series 1 primarily pertains to the land and water rights of specific American Indian tribes or peoples. Most of the communities represented by Byler are native to the Southwest, especially Arizona, though issues related to tribes and peoples residing in Washington state, the Midwest, and the Southeast are also documented.
William Byler Papers, 1715-2000 (mostly 1975-1995)
William Byler was Executive Director of the Association on American Indian Affairs (AAIA) from 1962 to 1980. After leaving AAIA, Byler continued advocating for the Native American community, first at Gerard, Byler and Associates and later at William Byler Associates. Byler's papers document his work on behalf of the Native American community after leaving AAIA. The papers include legal memoranda, draft and final agreements between Native American communities and companies or government agencies, and court documents, as well as topical files of related legislation and reports on the issues.
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Series 3: Correspondence, 1715 February 28-1957 June 19
Consists of the correspondence of the Blanco White Family.
Subseries 3D: Guillermo Blanco y Nangle to and from, 1751 June 14-1957 June 19
Consists of the correspondence of Guillermo Blanco y Nangle with individuals such as José L. Anguiano and Francisco de Solera, as well as others.