File 1941 January 23-1946 December 12, 1941 January 23-1946 December 12 Folder Series 3: Speeches, 1926-1968
File Appointment and Call Diaries, 1939-1974 Folder Series 4: Correspondence, Memoranda, and Communications, 1939-1974
File "A Formulation of the Logic of Sense and Denotation" in The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 11 1946 March p. 30. Abstract of address presented at the eighth meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic. 2 reprints, including 1946 AN addendum by Church, 1946 Folder Series 1: Writings, 1924-1995 » …
File September 2011 Accession: Correspondence between Claude F. Walker, Charles Swan Walker, Ray Stannard Baker, and Alpheus Thomas Mason, 1932-1964
File Various Justices: Chase, Fuller, Hughes, Marshall, Taft, Warren and Frankfurter, circa 1940-1985 Folder Supreme Court Justices, dates not examined