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Caribbean Theses, 1928-1983
1983 printout of catalog cards for theses having to do with geology in South and Latin America
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Alumni Council, 1940-1997
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Series 2: Files on Dedications, Memorials, Inscriptions and Donors, 1939-2010
Series 2: Files on Dedications, Memorials, Inscriptions and Donors, 1939-1978, 1991-1992, 2010 (bulk 1959-1975) consists primarily of correspondence and memoranda, along with a limited amount of architectural sketches and other planning documents related to various projects and events.
Office of the Recording Secretary Records, 1939-2010 (mostly 1958-1984)
Working in conjunction with the Office of Development, Princeton University's Office of the Recording Secretary receives and officially acknowledges gifts to Princeton on behalf of the president and the trustees of the University, and keeps donors informed as to the impact of their gifts. The files from the Office of the Recording Secretary consist of records of gifts donated to Princeton.
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Miscellaneous and Loose Negatives, 1943-1950
Miscellaneous negatives were found loose, outside of the envelopes labeled by J. Wayman Williams. Some of these negatives may have belonged with the "Activities" or "Public Relations" groups. They imclude images of laboratory equipment, maps of Princeton's main campus, cartoon tigers with a "P", Williams' Christmas greetings for 1948, a dance in front of a bandstand reading "Prince Tiger"; various groups of people, airplanes flying in formation, people at a stadium, football players posing, ice skaters in skirts, graduation ceremonies, tennis courts, and more.
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Reunions -- Class of 1887 -- Reunion, 1940s
Image number: 25299. Folder or item number: 14. Additional information: probably 60th reunion, Mrs. Glenda Richards 3rd from left, top row.
Classes of the 1880s, 1870-1952
The 1880s series consists of class photos of Princeton Classes 1880-1889.
Reunions -- Class of 1899 -- Reunions, 1940s
Image number: 25536. Folder or item number: 17. Additional information: Names on Front.
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Series 6: Personal, 1943-1989
Although relatively small, the series, arranged alphabetically, contains items from Schechner's school years, including his scrapbook from his tenure at Cornell University's newspaper, The Daily Sun. Of special interest is a draft of The Engleburt Stories (written in collaboration with his son Sam), as well as a radio play Schechner performed and directed while still in high school.
Richard Schechner Papers and The Drama Review Collection, 1943-2012 (mostly 1960-2007)
The material in this collection pertains not only to an individual, Richard Schechner, but also to TDR, The Drama Review, a scholarly journal concerned with the broad range of performance in society and in the arts. Schechner, a renowned scholar, director, writer, and educator, edited The Drama Review from 1962-1969 and again from 1986 to the present date. Particularly in the 1960s, and again in the 1990s, both Schechner and TDR challenged traditional, prevailing ideas about theater-what it is, how it should be presented, and the ritual and ideals behind it. Schechner argued for thinking of "performance" as an all-encompassing genre with "theater" as one of its sub-categories. He is widely recognized as the founder of "performance studies" as an academic discipline. In the process of working out what performance studies is, Schechner and his colleagues at New York University created new ideas and new ways of thinking that still affect today's world of performance, theater, dance, and the social sciences. As "the journal of performance studies," TDR did much to shape the new discipline.
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Unidentified Group Photograph, circa 1940s
Names written below photograph. Includes Hitti, Miss Erdman, Miss Taslock, Miss Winder, and many others.
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Subseries 3A: General, 1893-1992
The General Subseries contains material relating to the bicker process, Sally Frank's bicker registration forms, memoranda, copies of deeds, newspaper clippings, and campus publications, as well as the handwritten notes of Nadine Taub and Sally Frank. There may be some duplication of material within this series.
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Richard Stillwell files for book on Chapel, 1920s-1960s
(including A. M. Friend and others)
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Series 1, History, 1854-1978
Series 1, History, 1854-1978, is a documentary record of admission policy divided into chronological timeframes. Documents include articles, entrance exams, entrance requirement guides, guides to assessing applicants, guides to specialized degree programs, histories of admission policies, press releases, reports, and sample correspondence. These folders were originally labeled "documents."
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Subseries 1B: Phenomenal Observations, 1874-1966
Subseries 1B: Phenomenal Observations, 1874-1966, is arranged alphabetically by the name of the phenomenon observed and chronologically therein. It contains observational records of particular phenomena, such as the Eros asteroid, the Transit of Venus, the Total Lunar Eclipse of 1891, and various comets and satellites. Some astrophysical events, such as the Transit of Venus, have many record books for the same year.
Series 1: Observational Records, 1867-1966
Series 1: Observational Records 1867-1966 is arranged in two subseries: 1A Faculty Observations 1867-1938 and 1B: Phenomenal Observations 1874-1966. This series includes observation notes, measurements, photographs, and record books.
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The Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America (Radcliffe Institute), 1943-1971
Also known as the Women's Archives at Radcliffe College.
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III. Subject/Project Files, 1900 October 22-2004
This series consists of selected subject and project files accumulated over the course of Wilkinson's academic career. The topics range from the Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP) and the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite to Research, Administration (including financial accounts), Old Proposals, Old Course Notes and Miscellaneous. The organization of this series follows and retains, wherever possible, Wilkinson's own subject filing system, including his folder title and order.
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Witherspoon, John, Tabulation of Space Available for Members of Congress (Photostats), 1783-1945
Also includes a newspaper article about the space shortage from 1945.
New Jersey Miscellaneous Collection, 1671-1956
Consists of a collection of miscellaneous legal and financial documents, correspondence, and other manuscript materials, assembled from various sources, that relate to New Jersey history or inhabitants of New Jersey from the late 17th century through the mid 20th century.
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Yeats, W. B, 1942-1994
Includes autograph manuscripts and typescripts with handwritten annotations and some printed material. There is also correspondence with Kimon Friar and Emmanouēl Kasdaglēs.
Miscellaneous Translations, 1942-2001
Includes autograph manuscript and typescript drafts with heavy handwritten annotations of Dekavalles's Greek translations of American and English poetry. Poets included are: Crane, Hart; Wilbur, Richard; Stevens, Wallace; Jeffers, Robinson; Larsen, Carl; Eberhart, Richard; Kinnell, Galway; Mac Leish, Archibald; Muir, Edwin; Hatfield, Lee; Frost, Robert; Binyon, Laurence; Eliot, T.S.; Joyce, James; Donne, John; Maeterlinck, Maurice; Moore, Marianne; Rilke, Rainer Maria; Keats, John; Dickinson, Emily; Hughes, Ted; Auden, W.H.; H. D. (Hilda Doolittle); Tate, Allen; and Jarrell, Randall.
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Series 1: Correspondence, 1939-1982
Consists of the correspondence of Robert H. Dicke, arranged by year.
Robert H. Dicke Papers, 1939-1996 (mostly 1953-1990)
Robert H. Dicke, born in 1916, was a Princeton physicist, educator, and author. The collection includes Dicke's professional correspondence, files from his work with the Office of Naval Research, NASA, and the National Science Board, and the National Science Foundation, and assorted other documents.
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The American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society, 1945
TL (mimeograph) to Governor Walter E. Edge, 10 April 1945. AM 13791
Baldwin, Samuel Harbourne, 1891-1950
"Essay on Nihilism in Russia,"AMsS, 11 pp., Obituary in NY Times, 1891, 1950. AM 1992-112
Bevis, Leura Dorthy, 1933-1950
2 ALsS to "Dear Ted," "Dear MSS," 1944, 1950; "Christopher Kissed Me," poem, AMsS, 1 p., 29 March 1934; newspaper clipping. AM 89-91
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Subseries 1D: Poetry, 1940-2009
Consists of manuscripts of Alegría's poetry collections; also includes drafts of single poems.
Series 1: Writings, 1940-2009
This series contains Alegría's notebooks and drafts of her nonfiction writing, novels, poetry, short stories, speeches, and translations.
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General File of Published Scientific Manuscripts, 1938-1948
Corresponds to microfilm reel I file 4. File 4 in compl. works. 1-133 to 1-154.
Zum Kosmologischen Problem (Appendix I for 2nd ed. Pr. U. Pr.), 1945
Corresponds to microfilm reel II file 2. File 7 in compl. works. 2-002 to 2-003.
Unpublished Manuscripts, 1940-1950
Corresponds to microfilm reel II file 6. File 11 in compl. works. 2-122 to 2-148.
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[Takagi, Selected Works], 1935-1971
Selected works of Takagi, including a 1935 manuscript "A Survey of Japanese Studies in the Universities and Colleges of the United States"
Princeton Club Tokyo, 1921-1990
Photos from a luncheon in honor of Jansen, Various Correspondence concerning the Princeton Club in Tokyo
Marius B. Jansen Papers, 1921-2000
Consists of personal papers of Marius B. Jansen, a Princeton professor of Japanese history.
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Subseries 3D: Guillermo Blanco y Nangle to and from, 1751 June 14-1957 June 19
Consists of the correspondence of Guillermo Blanco y Nangle with individuals such as José L. Anguiano and Francisco de Solera, as well as others.
Series 3: Correspondence, 1715 February 28-1957 June 19
Consists of the correspondence of the Blanco White Family.
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Subseries 1A: Cowper Poems, 1792 May-1963
This sub-series consists of assorted manuscripts and copies by Cowper, of both poetry collections and single poems. This sub-series is organized alphabetically by title.
Series 1: William Cowper Poems, Miscellaneous Documents, and Pictorial Works, 1762 July 13-1963
Consists of the poems, documents, and pictoral works of William Cowper.
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Subseries 1E: Articles, 1921 October-1945 March
Consists of articles written by or about John Peale Bishop.
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Subseries 1A: Nonfiction, 1924-1959
Consists of manuscripts and notes for works such as "American Adventures" and "Table Topics."
Series 1: Writings, 1924-1959
Consists of typescripts, manuscript notes, and proofs for 6 nonfiction works, 4 novels, 21 scripts, approximately 88 articles, plus the series of articles for Table Topics (which was a publication of Bellows and Co.), approximately 58 short stories, speeches, poems, and anecdotes and memoirs saved for a biography which was never written. Most notable are American Adventures, Table Topics, When We Were Rather Young, The Country Cousin, Rita Coventry, and "Mr. Bisbee's Princess."
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Subseries 2B: Photographic Negatives and Thumbnails, 1939-1995
Consists of photographic negatives and thumbnails.
Series 2: Photographs, 1939-1995
Nancy Crawshaw's photographs are presented in albums with explanatory notes, as negatives with thumbnails, and as mounted and unmounted prints. They include photographs of Greece, Cyprus, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, and the Middle East. The photographs on Greece focus on different topics including classical antiquities, agriculture, the Greek Civil War, shipbuilding, fishing, and architecture. There are also photographs from her accompaniment of UN expeditions in the Balkans. Her photographs on the Middle East include photographs of Turkey and photographs taken on assignment for G.B. Instructional Films on Syria and Lebanon and for the British Foreign Office on Iraq's oil industry.
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Series 9: Miscellaneous Materials, 1890 August 25 - 2011
The series contains non-photographic materials related to and derived from the collection.
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Scrap Book - Air & Space Museum, 1784-1980
Correspondence photographs of emtries on ballooning from William Upcot scrapbook
Charles Coulston Gillispie Collection, 1779-1990 (mostly 1782-1826)
Consists of the working papers used by Charles Coulston Gillispie while researching his book The Montgolfier Brothers and the Invention of Aviation, 1783-1784 (1983).
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"Schedia Synthemena", 1940-1946
Includes an enclosure (42 x 31cm.) consisting of loose drawings in pen, ink, charcoal, and one on camvas. The enclosure is titled "Schedia Synthemena." There are studies mainly of hands and female portraits. Most of the works are undated.
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Charters With Seals, 1199 October 9-1965
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Writing of Others, various, 1940-2010
Book Review of Variedades de Galiano, TM entitled "Elso Rodríguez," untitled TM about Rodríguez in French.
AM 2012-95, 1940-2012
This accession of materials includes drafts of poems and prose writings, correspondence, writings of others on the subject of Reina María Rodríguez, and some printed material and ephemera. Of special note is the group of eight letters from the Cuban writer Antonio José Ponte to Rodríguez, sent between 1988-1990.
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BEERBOHM, MAX (1872-1956). "Fenestralia", 1940s
Autograph manuscript essay first published in "Mainly on the Air," (London : Heinemann, 1946). Together with manuscript notes (5 leaves) for an essay on watching the Parisian street scene at the Gare du Nord from a window in the hotel above the station (1928). These notes, much condensed, were used for a passage in the essay "Fenestralia."