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Petch Family: Photographs and Ephemera, circa 1900-1953
Includes photos of Percival Petch and of his mother and father. Ephemeral items, including a couple of food ration books, relate to Mr. and Mrs. S. Hassall.
Percival W. Petch Papers, circa 1900-1953
Consists primarily of an unpublished manuscript, dating from 1917 to 1919, along with clippings and a few original photographs documenting the experiences of Percival William Petch (1886-1940), a British army officer who was stationed along the Macedonian Front during World War I.
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Glen C.H. Perry Papers, 1944-1982
This collection consists of works, lecture note cards, correspondence, an audio tape, and printed matter of American journalist and publicist Glen C. H. Perry (Princeton Class of 1926).
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Marianne Moore Collection, 1935-1969
Consists selected correspondence and manuscripts of celebrated American poet Marianne Moore.
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Correspondence, etc., 1929-1956
Correspondence with Franklin Gary. Announcement of Scrutiny, a quarterly review. Signed Christmas Card.
Letters, 1935-1962
23 TLsS by Eliot to Luigi Berti. 1 TL (copy) by Eliot to Berti. 1 TLS by Eliot to Renato Poggioli. 2 TLs (signed by Eliot's secretary) to Berti. 1 TLs by Valentino Bompiani to Berti. 1 L (printed copy) for Kenneth Patcher Fund.
T. S. Eliot Collection, 1929-1962
Consists of selected material of Nobel prize-winning poet T. S. Eliot, primarily of correspondence but including several photographs, typescripts of poems, and corrected proofs.
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Fotografías de Elena Garro, su familia, amigos y colegas, alrededor de 1940s-1990s
Consiste en aproximadamente un centenar de fotografías originales de Elena Garro, su familia, amigos, colegas y de algunos lugares.
Series 2: Photographs, circa 1940s-1990s
Includes two sets of candid photographs of Elena Garro, Elena Garro's friend, Helena Paz, and Gabriela Mora taken in 1974 at Gabriela Mora's home in New York City and in Spain in 1979. Additionally, it includes about one hundred original photographs of Elena Garro, family, friends, colleagues, and some sites.
Gabriela Mora Collection of Elena Garro, circa 1940s-1990s (mostly 1974-1980)
The collection includes correspondence to and from Mexican author Elena Garro and Chilean American critic and scholar Gabriela Mora, a handwritten testament by Elena Garro, and photographs of Gabriela Mora, Elena Garro, and Garro's family, friends, and colleagues. Also includes audio recorded interviews of Elena Garro conducted by Gabriela Mora in 1974 and 1979.
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Memorial programs and speeches, articles, portraits, and a teleplay, 1915-1919, 1955
Contains memorial programs for Abraham Jacobi and Mary Putnam Jacobi, as well as other memorial speeches and drafts; two pamphlets of medical writings; a teleplay for a television program, "That They May Live," about Dr. Abraham Jacobi and Dr. Mary Putnam; and portraits of Abraham Jacobi.
A. Jacobi Papers, 1794-1955 (mostly 1880-1919)
The A. Jacobi Papers consists of offprints of writings and lectures, correspondence, memorials, and other miscellanea of the German physician, pediatrician, author, and first professor of children's diseases in the United States Abraham Jacobi (1830-1919).
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Subseries 3B: J. D. Salinger, 1934-1973
Consists of the correspondence of J. D. Salinger, including originals as well as photocopies.
Series 3: Correspondence, 1934-1985
Consists of the correspondence of Ian Hamilton and J. D. Salinger.
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Letters from Anton Tedesko, 1936-1966
c.115 (one hundred and fifteen), c.170pp. total, mainly typewritten (some handwritten), a few incomplete, 4to, on flimsy paper, substantial content, from his addresses in Chicago/Evanstown/Bronxville, about half in German, others in English.
Miscellaneous, 1934-1961
This includes a quantity of copy letters from Franz Weiss to Tedesko; Affidavits signed by Tedesko supporting the temporary (wartime) stay of Margaret and Mary Weiss in the US, details including his income; typewritten list of stocks and shares, inc. maturity; a Christmas newsletter (1961) from Sally and Anton Tedesko.
Anton Tedesko Collection, 1936-1985
Anton Tedesko was a German-born structural engineer who pioneered the development of thin-shell concrete roofs. Consists of four small groups of papers of Anton Tedesko.
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Miscellaneous Letters from Panofsky, 1945-1968
Receipients include Lessing J. Rosenwald, Tom Gerrit van Gelder, R. A. d'Hulst, Helmut Hatzfeld, Lotte Jacobi, Lucio Saffaro.
Articles, etc. by Panofsky, 1928-1968
Includes calendar of lecture sessions given by Panofsky at the University of California.
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Duke Arthur Wellesley of Wellington to Count D'Orsay, 1949 April 9
Copy of extract of letter. Congratulatory message to France.
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John O'Hara Collection, 1945-1966
Consists chiefly of manuscripts and related material for two novels by American novelist John O'Hara: A Rage to Live (1949) and Ten North Frederick (1955).
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Other Writings, circa 1947-2010
Includes correspondence and some manuscript materials relating to "The Lyrical Novel" (1961), "Divided" (1947), Rue the Day (2009), The Discovery of Slowness (1987), and "Paul Valéry: Protean Critic," from Modern French Criticism (1972).
Ralph Freedman Correspondence, 1947-2013 (mostly 1980-2010)
Consists primarily of professional correspondence of literary scholar, author, and novelist Ralph Freedman (1920-2016).
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Edgar Lee Masters Collection, 1915-1983
Consists of selected correspondence, manuscripts, and photographs of noted American poet Edgar Lee Masters.
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George A. Hulett Papers, 1909-1962
George A. Hulett (Princeton Class of 1892) was a professor of chemistry at Princeton (1909-1935) and authority on "standard cells." The collection consists of his works, correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed matter.
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Series 2: Photographs, 1948-1974
This series consists of a photograph album and several black-and-white photographs of Edwards and his family, everyday life in Yugoslavia, Byzantine monuments in Serbia, Ohrid, Prespa, and Fyrom, historical sites, portraits, and art works.
Series 3: Miscellaneous, 1948-1970
This series consists of a few documents, a typed manuscript draft of a poem, and a handwritten draft of a genealogical tree in Serbian.
Lovett Fielding Edwards Papers, 1948-1970s
Consists of selected papers of English author Lovett F. Edwards.
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Ezra Pound Collection, 1908-1956
Consists of selected correspondence, manuscripts, and documents of and about Ezra Pound, who was one of the most ambitious, influential, and innovative American poets of the modernist period.
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George F. Shrady Collection, 1885-1951 (mostly 1885-1906)
Contains papers of George F. Shrady relating primarily to his role as Ulysses S. Grant's physician during Grant's last illness in New York in 1885.
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Correspondence, 1930-1969
Mixed correspondence, including a letter to Wade from Albert Camus and Wade's own graduate record at Princeton.
Ira Owen Wade Collection, 1914-1969
Ira Owen Wade (Princeton Class of 1924) was a professor of French in Princeton's Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. His collection consists of typescript of his writings on Voltaire, professional correspondence, research notes, and some student work.
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Correspondence I, 1946-1973
From Wilmarth S. Lewis, Editor Yale Edition of Horace Walpole's correspondence to Dr. Pleadwell and Mrs. William C. Moore.
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12 Letters from Frederick T. Brown to Katharine S. Pearce (niece), Mary Lanier Brown Leiper (half-sister), 1949-1959
11 ALsS to Katharine S. Pearce, 1949-1959. 1 ALS to Mary Lanier Brown Leiper, 1952.
Miscellaneous, 1899-1957
2 AMs Christmas Cards (verse and drawings) to his nieces Katharine and Charlotte, 1899. 2 bookplates designed by F.W.B. for K. Pearce. 1 AMs (copy) poem "To a Pink da France" 1902. 2 photographs, Mr and Mrs. John Masefield 1931 and Caroline Guerney, John Masefield, K. Adams, and Alice Morrow (Aunt of Anne Morrow Lindbergh) 1931. 1 newspaper clipping 1957.
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Series I: Correspondence, 1942-2007
Consists of Tumin's correspondence with literary authors and colleagues. Also included is correspondence from researchers concerning access to Tumin's papers, some of it addressed to his wife Sylvia Yarost Tumin after his death.
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War Correspondent Dog Tags, Pins, and Badges, circa 1936-1967
Consists of a set of dog tags, fifteen pins, and a cloth badge from Gellhorn's career as a war correspondent, primarily from the Spanish Civil War and World War II, including dog tags from her time as a war correspondent for Collier's Magazine during World War II, which are embossed "Martha G. Hemingway / War Correspondent / Colliers Magazine;" her United States War Correspondent's badge; a "¡No pasarán!" pin from the Spanish Civil War; a United States Armed Forces Parachutist Badge with four stars affixed to it; along with other pins and military pips from Great Britain, the Middle East, and Russia.
Princeton University Library Collection of Martha Gellhorn Materials, 1936-1974
Consists of an open collection of letters and memorabilia of American war correspondent, journalist, and novelist Martha Gellhorn (1908-1998), assembled from various sources. Contents include approximately fifty letters (1968-1974) to her adopted son George "Sandy" Gellhorn and fourteen letters (1941-1946) to George Brown, who was Gellhorn and Ernest Hemingway's personal trainer, tennis partner, and friend, as well as badges from Gellhorn's time as a war correspondent and a portrait drawing of her.
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Subseries 1A: Poetry, 1944-1976
Consists of manuscripts for poetry such as "El león," "Una broma colosal," "Logra que Dios...," and "Las siete en punto," as well as others.
Series 1: Writings, 1944-1979
Consists of the writings of Virgilio Piñera, including poetry, plays, and prose.
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William F. Shellman Papers, 1930s-1980s
William F. Shellman was a member of the Dept. of Architecture faculty at Princeton University faculty forty years (1946-1986). He taught introductory courses in architecture and the visual arts and courses designed to heighten architectural students' visual sensitivity. His collection consists of his papers, primarily lectures and notes for his classes, but including matted illustrations and photographs of sample forms of architecture, cassette tapes of lectures, slides, architectural drawings, and watercolors.
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Miscellaneous, 1936-1950
A program for a Class of 1901 35th Reunion Memorial Service, as well as a booklet with photographs of busts.
Stephen French Whitman Collection, 1880-1950
Consists primarily of manuscripts of Stephen French Whitman (Princeton Class of 1901), as well as correspondence and documents concerning their publication and the career of the author.
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Series 2: Correspondence (letters by Zamiatin), 1882-1976
Consists of letters to Theodore Komisarjevsky and George Reavey.
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Letters from Sylvia Beach, 1930-1956
Includes one letter from Sylvia to her father (dated July 18 1930) in which she discusses James Joyce and his vision problems.
Frederic Dennis Papers on Sylvia Beach, 1890s-1988 (mostly 1955-1988)
This collection consists of selected papers of Frederic Dennis regarding Sylvia Beach, including correspondence of Sylvia Beach and members of her family, as well as letters from Noël Riley Fitch from 1977-1988, photographs of Sylvia Beach, Shakespeare and Co., her friends and family, and assorted clippings and other miscellany.
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Burr Family Papers, 1773-1955 (mostly 1912-1939)
Consists of selected correspondence, passports, and calling cards of the Burr family of Philadelphia.
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