Container Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Frost Instability in Thermoplastic Recording MaterialsFebruary 1971, 1971 February
Collection Department of Electrical Engineering Device Physics Laboratory Technical Reports, 1971, 1971
File Correspondence, 1971-1978 Folder Series 1: W. Beaumont Whitney Collection on A Princeton Companion, 1966-1978
File Sample Entries, Clippings, and Promotional Materials Related to A Princeton Companion, 1969-1978 Folder Series 1: W. Beaumont Whitney Collection on A Princeton Companion, 1966-1978
Container A Micromorphic Theory of Mixtures With Application to Elastic Polycrystalline Solids, March 1970, 1970 March
File "Economic Pressures on the Major Private Universities" by William G. Bowen, 1969 October Folder Series 1: General, 1960-1969
File Policy Statements from the British Information Services, Economic & Political Affairs Division, 1969
File "Letters of Aubrey Beardsley to Leonard Smithers," Photostate Negatives, 1968 November-1968 December
Container "The Black, Market," Printed Material Published in The Minnesota Review, 1968 Folder Writings, 1967-1968
File Correspondence about Fact Magazine: 19 Typed Letters, 3 Typed Cards from Ralph Ginzburg to Leonard Lyons, 1967-1970
File Correspondence about Fact Magazine: 8 Typed Letters, 2 Typed Cards from Ralph Ginzburg to Leonard Lyons, 1965
File Effects of Outward Bound Training on Urban Youth Final Report, 1967 Folder Series 1: Program Materials and Reports, 1959-1967
File National Defense Language Institute for Secondary School Teachers of German Final Reports, 1964-1965 Folder Series 1: Program Materials and Reports, 1959-1967
File Summer Institute in Plasma Physics Final Report, 1964 Folder Series 1: Program Materials and Reports, 1959-1967
Container A Measurement of the Hall Effect in Metal Free Phthalocyanine, September 1966, 1966 September
Container Transient Current Measurements in Phthalocyanine, an Organic Semiconductor, January 1966, 1966 January
Collection Department of Electrical Engineering Solid State Electronics Laboratory Technical Reports, 1966, 1966
File Lecture notes and exam booklets for Art, History, Latin, Psychology, and Religious History, 1939-1940
File Reapportionment in New Jersey, Recommendations and Supporting Statements, 1965 January Folder Series 2: Reports, 1964-1965
Container Force and Mass Balances of the Incompressible, Isothermal, Planar Laminar Jet Issuing from a Finite Source, December 1965, 1965 December
Container Near Infrared Emission from the H, O3 Reaction I. Wavelength Measurements of Hydroxyl Vibration-Rotation Bands II. Oxygen Emission Bands, March 1956, 1956 March