William Courtenay Papers, 1850-1965 (mostly 1870-1897)
The collection consists of documents, correspondence, photographs, and other papers of William Courtenay (1832-1901), an English settler, veteran of the American Civil War, and frontier businessman who held positions in the United States Department of the Interior as postmaster, clerk, and Indian Agent at Fort Berthold, Dakota Territory, from 1874 to 1882. These materials document conditions at the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and are of particular interest for their documentation of frontier transactions, corruption and mismanagement within the reservation system, and the relationships between the people of the Three Affiliated Tribes (Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara), the Sioux people, and white settlers.
Courtenay and Terrett Family History and Geneaology, 1911-1965
Includes a history of Miles City, Montana, written by William Wiseham Dade Terrett, as well as other materials created or collected by members of the Terrett family.
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Council on Books in Wartime Records, 1942-1947
The Council on Books in Wartime Records (1942-1947), an organization of publishers and other literary professionals focusing on the promotion of books and reading to further the war effort, consists of records from the preliminary foundation meetings at Times Hall, New York, through the cessation of formal operations in 1946. The major activities of the organization were focused on its two subsidiary publishing ventures, the Armed Services Editions (1943-1947) and the Overseas Editions, Inc. (1944-1945). The Records consist primarily of correspondence of council members, publishers, printers, booksellers, librarians, and the general public. Also present are meeting minutes, press releases, bulletins, radio scripts, contracts, financial records, letters from servicemen, a few photographs of authors and council members, newspaper clippings, and posters. At its last annual meeting in January 1946 the Council's Board of Directors determined that at the end of operations "such records of the Council as merit preservation shall be deposited in an appropriate public institution such as Princeton University Library." The Records were subsequently acquired by Princeton University Library and then librarian Julian P. Boyd.
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Rushton Coulborn Papers, 1939-1970
Consists of papers of historian Rushton Coulborn, including manuscripts, correspondence, and bibliographic material.
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Edward S. Corwin Papers, circa 1860-1961 (mostly 1920-1958)
This collection contains correspondence, speeches, lecture notes, writings, and photographs of Edward S. Corwin, a noted constitutional scholar who taught at Princeton University for much of his academic career. Nationally-known and widely published, Corwin consulted with many other academics as well as politicians involved with constitutional issues, most notably when he publicly supported Franklin D. Roosevelt's Supreme Court reorganization ("court packing") plan.
Series 1, Biographical Material, 1865-1961
Series 1, Biographical Data, 1865-1961, contains personal information regarding Corwin's retirement, finances, and appointments, honors and awards. This series also contains bibliographies listing Corwin's works.
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Julio Cortázar Papers, 1927-1980
The Julio Cortázar Papers consists of the manuscripts, notes, and notebooks of the Argentine novelist and short story writer Julio Cortázar (1914-1984). These papers primarily contain unpublished prose and poetry, as well as some manuscripts of published materials. Though Cortázar is not generally thought of as a poet, poetry is heavily represented in the collection, including a notebook of poems he wrote at the age of 12 (1927). There are also Spanish translations of some of Jean Cocteau's poetry, and lecture notes from two courses that Cortázar taught. Furthermore, the papers contain a small selection of quotations collected from the work of others, and notebooks that include an assortment of prose, poetry, and notes.
Subseries 1A: Writings, 1937-1977
This subseries consists of both fiction and non-fiction prose manuscripts. The majority of the manuscripts are unpublished, but the collection includes the following published works (complete unless otherwise indicated): Adiós, Robinson y otras piezas breves (1995) [two short plays], Los autonautas de la cosmopista: O, un viaje atemporal París-Marsella (1983), Diario de Andrés Fava (1995), El examen (1986), Rayuela (1963) [notes and short manuscript excerpts] and Teoría del túnel (1947). Many of the items, some with titles or otherwise identifiable as individual manuscripts, have been separated from a large miscellaneous folder. For items filed together in one folder, see the reference to the alternate folder. Furthermore, there is a small selection of quotations that Cortázar collected from the works of others, as well as miscellanea that include writing notes.
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John Cobb Cooper Papers, 1917-1966
John "Judge" Cobb Cooper (1887-1967) was a Princeton University graduate and a pioneer in the field of Aerospace Law. The collection is composed of correspondence and other materials pertaining to Cooper's activities as Curator of Class Records and as an active member of the Friends of the Library and the Graduate Council.
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Stella Bloch Papers Relating to Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, 1890-1985 (mostly 1917-1930)
The Stella Bloch Papers Relating to Ananda K. Coomaraswamy consists of manuscripts, correspondence, drawings, photographs, printed material, and postcards of the American dance critic, art historian, and artist Stella Bloch (1898-1999). This collection documents the relationship between Bloch and the Anglo-Indian art historian, philosopher, and author Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (1877-1947) who embodied the roles of mentor, husband, and friend. The papers primarily contain correspondence by Coomaraswamy to Bloch, as well as a small amount of other letters. Writing was a vital form of communication for Coomaraswamy and Bloch, especially during their marriage, since they always resided in different cities; he lived in Boston while she lived in New York. There are also drawings by Coomaraswamy and by Bloch, as well as photographs-some taken by Coomaraswamy-that include portraits and assorted images from their travels to India and Southeast Asia. The articles in both manuscript and printed form provide a sampling of Coomaraswamy and Bloch's writings on art, religion, and philosophy. Furthermore, there is a small selection of printed material about Coomaraswamy and Bloch, and a series of memento postcards.
Subseries 3A: Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, 1919-1977
This subseries consists of both pen-and-ink and pencil drawings, as well as three prints and one tracing. The primary subject is female figures, but there are also two portraits and a small selection of miscellaneous drawings. Three drawings, "Relaxation," "Memory," and "Extension" [circa1919-1920], were published in Twenty-eight Drawings [see also Box 7, Folder 1]. Furthermore, this subseries contains three prints of drawings of Bloch. This subseries is organized by subject and then by medium, with miscellaneous material located at the end.
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Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Papers, 1827-1970 (mostly 1917-1947)
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy was a noted art historian and champion of Ceylonese and Indian culture. This collection covers a broad spectrum of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy's work in the fields of art history, philosophy, religion, and social criticism.
Andrae, Walter, TLS (xerox), ALS, 1935-1947
Baker, Richard St. Barbe, 1945
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Edward T. Cone Papers, 1924-1996 (mostly 1939-1996)
This collection contains the musical manuscripts, musical sketches, and personal papers of Edward T. Cone, a composer and member of the Princeton University faculty.
Series 1: Completed Works, 1939-1996
Contains masters of Edward T. Cone's published compositions, most done in pen on vellum, and working copies used for performance, revision, or correction.
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Archivo de Alma Concepción, 1939-2021
El archivo de Alma Concepción consiste principalmente en 43 álbumes de la bailarina, educadora y coreógrafa puertorriqueña Alma Concepción, que contienen fotografías, recortes, programas, cartas, tarjetas postales, folletos, material de difusión y memorabilia. También incluye escritos de Alma Concepción, material de investigación, imágenes digitales, recuerdos, afiches y partituras musicales.
Álbum 1, 1943-1954
Contiene recortes y programas relacionados con la infancia de Alma Concepción, la Academia Figueroa (música) y el Ballets de San Juan.
Álbumes 35-40, 1939-1946
Incluye seis álbumes fotográficos con fotos de la infancia y la familia de Alma Concepción. Un álbum contiene detalles sobre Alma Concepción durante sus primeros meses.
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Suez Canal Collection, 1838-1953 (mostly 1870-1889)
Consists of publications, reports, notes, photographs, ephemera, and print illustrations documenting the Suez Canal's administration, its development and construction, depiction in travel and tourism, and impact on shipping and world trade in the late 19th century and early 20th century.
Postcards, Souvenirs, and a Medal, 1869-1953 (mostly early 1900s)
Consists of a medal by O. Roty commemorating the opening of the Suez Canal; a set of six Liebig reward cards featuring illustrations of the Suez Canal; three souvenir leporello albums; four souvenir booklets of postcards; and a group of ten postcards, some of which contain correspondence.
Ephemera and Pamphlets, 1867-1950 (mostly late 1800s)
Consists of a pamplet of the By-Laws of the Ataka Chapter No. 3367; a souvenir leporello album with views of Port Said and the Suez Canal; "Hamltion's Grand Diorama of the New Overland Route to India" booket; a Aberdeen Commonwealth Line brochure about the Suez Canal; a Tory political leaflet for electors on Suez Canal shares; a catalog of the Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez's exhibition at the Exposition Universelle of 1867 in Paris, France; a souvenir book of views of Port Said and the Suez Canal.
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Samuel Comfort Family Papers, 1799-1963 (mostly 1860-1963)
This collection, which consists primarily of correspondence but also includes diaries, official and legal documents, ephemera, and photographs, largely relates to Samuel Comfort (1837-1923), a U.S. Civil War veteran, diplomat, inventor, and foreign representative for the Standard Oil Company in Europe and India. Documentation of Comfort's Civil War experience is particularly robust. To a lesser extent, the collection documents the family of Comfort's daughter Emma Walraven Comfort (1869-1954) and her husband, Harry Maule Crookshank (1948-1914), a distinguished physician who served as British Controller-General of the Daira Sanieh Administration in Egypt from 1897 to 1907. British Conservative politician Harry Frederick Comfort Crookshank (1893-1961) as well as several other members of the Comfort family, particularly Samuel's father, George Comfort (1808 -1887), are also represented.
Subseries 1F: Clippings and Ephemera, 1799-1963
This subseries includes newspaper clippings, writings, genealogy materials, and various types of ephemera, such as notes, programs, souvenirs, broadsides, and a few pamphlets and printed items. A few items relate to other Comfort family members.
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Varnum Lansing Collins Papers, 1842-1972
Varnum Lansing Collins was a Princeton alum of the Class of 1893 and served as the University's Secretary from 1917 to 1936. Throughout his life Collins exhibited a special interest in Princeton's history and he authored a number of works relating to that theme. The Varnum Lansing Collins Papers consist primarily of materials generated by Collins while writing several of his most well-known works on Princeton history.
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George R. Collins Papers, 1937-1985
Consists of notebooks and notes taken by George R. Collins during his years as an undergraduate and graduate student at Princeton (Classes of 1939, 1942) in the fields of art and architecture.
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William E. Colby Papers, 1935-1996 (mostly 1975-1995)
William E. Colby, Princeton University Class of 1940, was a career agent in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Director of Central Intelligence from 1973-1976. However, the bulk of the collection documents his post-CIA career and contains correspondence, speeches, writings, newspaper clippings, and subject files that reflect Colby's professional and private interests.
Series 1, Correspondence, 1943-1996
Series 1, Correspondence, 1943-1996, arranged alphabetically, contains a great deal of thank-you notes and other routine letters that he mailed out to each of his international contacts when appropriate. Very little correspondence exists from Colby's early career, although there are a few personal letters that can be found in the Colby family folder. This folder includes V-Mail that Colby's father, Colonel Elbridge Colby, sent to his wife while he was stationed in Europe during World War II. The majority of the correspondence is post-1976. As a public figure, politicians and other important figures often contacted Colby. Letters from noteworthy individuals include: Stephen Ambrose, Les Aspin, William Bundy, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, William Casey, William Donovan, Gerald Ford, Robert Gates, John Glenn, Lyndon Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, George McGovern, Dan Rather, Carl Sagan, and Stansfield Turner.
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Stephen F. Cohen Papers, 1922-2020
Stephen F. Cohen was a historian who wrote extensively on modern Russian history. The Stephen F. Cohen Papers consist primarily of research materials related to Cohen's book projects, along with other correspondence, writings, and materials related to speaking events.
The Victims Return, 1937-2014
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Letters of Sir Sydney Carlyle Cockerell to Janet Camp Troxell, 1937-1959
Contains approximately 175 letters by Sir Sydney Carlyle Cockerell, written after Cockerell's retirement as director (1908-1937) of the Fitzwilliam Museum, to Janet Troxell, an American collector of manuscripts, discussing, in part, William Morris, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the Kelmscott Press, and Cockerell's rare book and manuscript collections.
Letters of Sir Sydney Carlyle Cockerell, 1937-1959
2 ALsS from Rosamund Frer, 1937. 31 ALsS to Janet Troxell, 1938-1952. 37 ALsS to Mrs. Troxell, 1953. 3 ALsS to Mrs. Troxell from Dorothy Hawksley. 1 to Cockerell from "Margaret", 1953. 1 from "Janet", 1953. 1 from not legible [Mrs. Troxell], 1953. 46 ALsS to Janet Troxell, 1954. 9 to Troxell from Dorothy Hawksley, 1954. 1 to Cockerell signed "Anna", 1954. 1 to Cockerell from [Janet Troxell]. 20 ALsS to Janet Troxell, 1955, 4 are written by Hawksley but signed by Sir Sydney. 9 ALsS to Janet Troxell, 1956. 2 ALsS to Janet Troxell, written by Hawksley but signed by Cockerell, 1957. 2 ALsS to Janet Troxell from Dorothy W. Hawksley, 1957. 1 ALsS to Cockerell from "Gilliam", 1957. 1 to Janet Troxell, written by Hawksley, but signed by Cockerell, 1958. 2 ALsS to Janet Troxell, 1958. 1 ALS to Janet Troxell, 1959. TL to Cockerell, Xmas not signed [Troxell]. TL to Cockerell, not signed [Troxell]. 3 TL to Cockerell? not dated or signed. 1 ALS to "Dearest Carlie", 1920, by John Ruskin Jevern.
Printed Material, 1931-1964
5 newspaper clippings, 1 envelope addressed to Mrs. Troxell from Cockerell, 1964. 1 to Cockerell, 1931. 1 telegram from Cockerell to Troxell. 3 pieces of printed matter.
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Ansley J. Coale Papers, 1935-1998 (mostly 1954-1994)
Professor Ansley J. Coale (1917-2002) was a demographer whose work focused on nuptiality, fertility, and mortality in several countries. Coale joined the Princeton University faculty in 1947 and spent his entire career as a member of the university's Office of Population Research (OPR). The papers contain correspondence, Coale's research papers and projects, and samples of data collected. The material spans the several decades (1950s to 1990s) Coale spent as a member of the Princeton faculty, as well as the work he did during his retirement.
Series 1: Biographical, 1935-1994
The Biographical series primarily comprises drafts of Coale's autobiography, published in 1995. Other items include press clippings related to Coale and his family, Coale's Curriculum Vitae, the text of an interview of Coale, records of his extensive travels around the world for demographic studies, and personal correspondence. See also Series 7: Media.
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Gilbert F. Close Papers, 1906-1952 (mostly 1918-1919)
During World War I, Gilbert Fairchild Close held several positions in the government of President Woodrow Wilson, culminating with that of Stenographer and Private Secretary to the President. The papers document Close's work with Wilson, including the trip Close took to Europe with Wilson for the Paris Peace Conference at the conclusion of World War I.
Personal Correspondence, 1906-1948
Series 1: Correspondence, 1906-1948
The Correspondence series contains letters sent and received by Close during his work with President Wilson. The letters to his wife, Helen Close, document his journey to Europe aboard the USS George Washington for the Paris Peace Conference, the people encountered in Europe, the places visited, and the treaty's progress.
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Harlan Cleveland Papers, 1937-2006 (mostly 1960-1979)
Harlan Cleveland (1918-2008) was a public administrator, ambassador to NATO, and a political scientist. He served in several positions related to the administration of economic aid programs during the 1940s, as an assistant secretary in the State Department and as U.S. ambassador to NATO during the 1960s, and also held positions at three universities and the Aspen Institute. Cleveland's papers document his government service and his work at the Aspen Institute, and include his speech and writings files, as well as correspondence and photographs.