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Series 1: Biographical Material/Reading Lists, 1940-1954
Series 1: Biographical Material/Reading Lists consists of three folders, the first containing biographical sketches, most geared toward submission to the editor of Who's Who in America. The second folder contains articles concerning Earle's education and career (e.g. Earle's Armistice Day Speech in November 1941). Earle's personal reading lists include lists of American History volumes and assorted fiction titles.
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Series 1, Biographical Material, 1865-1961
Series 1, Biographical Data, 1865-1961, contains personal information regarding Corwin's retirement, finances, and appointments, honors and awards. This series also contains bibliographies listing Corwin's works.
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Series 2: Calendars, 1943-1961
The Calendar series is comprised of engagement and standard calendar pages which provide minimal information about Dulles' schedule. The calendars are not continuous, as large gaps exist between dates.
English, 1939-1967
French, 1943-1961
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Subseries 6D: Publications, 1918-2005 (mostly 1965-2005)
The Publications subseries contains reports, pamphlets, and other publications by the ACLU and ACLU projects on the full range of civil rights issues addressed by the ACLU, including their "The Rights Of..." series of handbooks and "The Civil Liberties Review." The subseries also includes briefing books on HIV and anti-gay ballot initiatives, which are studies and information collected by the ACLU on these issues.
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Personal Correspondence, 1906-1948
Series 1: Correspondence, 1906-1948
The Correspondence series contains letters sent and received by Close during his work with President Wilson. The letters to his wife, Helen Close, document his journey to Europe aboard the USS George Washington for the Paris Peace Conference, the people encountered in Europe, the places visited, and the treaty's progress.
Gilbert F. Close Papers, 1906-1952 (mostly 1918-1919)
During World War I, Gilbert Fairchild Close held several positions in the government of President Woodrow Wilson, culminating with that of Stenographer and Private Secretary to the President. The papers document Close's work with Wilson, including the trip Close took to Europe with Wilson for the Paris Peace Conference at the conclusion of World War I.
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Stable Money Association, 1920-1963
Series 1: Associations, 1920-1968
This series documents Rovensky's participation in the Economists' National Committee on Monetary Policy, the National Monetary Association, and the Stable Money Association, including his tenure as president of the Stable Money Association in 1927. The papers include discussions of logistics and operations, policies, and recruitment. Rovensky's participation ranges from merely paying dues and commenting on publications to active research, writing, and meeting attendance. The Stable Money Association papers also include discussions of the formation of the group and its mission statement, literature, and meeting minutes and agenda.
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C. Pardee Foulke Papers on Woodrow Wilson, 1916-1948
C. Pardee Foulke was a prominent Philadelphia businessman. The C. Pardee Foulke Papers on Woodrow Wilson contain an unpublished biography of Woodrow Wilson.
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Series 1: Organizational Matters, 1919-2006 (mostly 1970-2000)
Series finding aid: ACLU Records, Subgroup 3: Organizational Matters Series.
Series 2: Project Files, 1877-2000 (mostly 1970-1995)
Series finding aid: ACLU Records, Subgroup 3: Project Files Series.
Series 4: Legal Case Files, 1864-2001 (mostly 1965-1995)
Series finding aid: ACLU Records, Subgroup 3: Legal Case Files Series.
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Series 1, Correspondence, 1942-1968
Series 1, Correspondence, 1942-1968, is arranged chronologically, and consists primarily of carbon copies of letters Trimble sent, though there are some letters that he received. As he rose in rank, the volume of correspondence increases. Each posting created a different range of correspondents and concerns. In general, Trimble's correspondence is routine in nature. Primarily in English, some correspondence is in the local language of the country in which he served, specifically Spanish, Portuguese, German and French.
Series 2, Speeches and Writings, 1937-1968
Series 2, Speeches and Writings, 1937-1968, is arranged chronologically and consists primarily of speeches delivered by Trimble as part of his duties. Many of them are written in the local language, i.e. German for his time in Germany and French for his time in Cambodia. A majority of the speeches are routine in nature with such subjects as the celebration of American holidays abroad, dedication ceremonies, and speeches delivered to organizations, such as the National War College.
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Series 1: Articles, Speeches, and Statements, etc., 1902-1949
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Subseries 1A: Diaries, 1887-1953 October 22
The Diaries Subseries consists of Myers' diaries, which he maintained throughout his life. The diaries serve as evidence of Myers' activities and consist mostly of dates, engagements, and reminders. Myers often gave brief descriptions of his daily activities and offer a glimpse of his work habits and processes. A bulk of the entries are not lengthy. For additional information on Myers' daily activities, please see the engagements books in Subseries 1E: Miscellaneous.
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Series 1: Correspondence and Related Materials, 1894-1946
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Series 1: Maurice F. Lyons Collection on William F. McCombs, 1910-1948 March
Collection on William F. McCombs, 1910-1948 (mostly 1912-1921)
The Collection on William F. McCombs contains materials on and by William F. McCombs, a lawyer who was actively involved in Woodrow Wilson's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns. McCombs' secretary, Maurice F. Lyons, provided transcripts of correspondence and notes authored by McCombs to Arthur S. Link, as part of Link's work on The Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Correspondence between Lyons and Link concerning the typescripts is also located in this collection, as well as a set of bound newspaper clippings on Wilson's campaigns and administrations created by McComb's sister.
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Biographical, 1938-1989
The Biographical series contains biographical and autobiographical sketches and curricula vitae, bibliographies of Lewis's work, photographs, awards and membership materials, and papers related to Lewis winning the Nobel Prize in Economics. The series also includes a comic book depicting the story of Lewis's life, his passport and will, and other scholars' analyses of his work.
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Notes and Sources, 1877-1970s
Consists of typed notes about the scientific expeditions that took place during the summer of 1877, photocopied sources that document the expeditions, and correspondence between librarians, archivists and patrons that contain additional information and sources on these expeditions.
First Geological Expedition (1877), 1877-1977 July 1
Sources and Notes, 1882-1963
Consists of typed notes summarizing the expedition, a clipping containing a group photograph, and archives correspondence.
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Series 3: Rufus G. Poole Papers, 1903-1959
Like other Taos Blue Lake collections at Princeton, the Rufus G. Poole Papers chronicle a portion of the fight by New Mexico's Taos Indians to regain land taken from them in the 1906 creation of the Carson National Forest.Rufus G. Poole (1902 - 1968), a New York attorney who had settled in New Mexico for health reasons, was a regional attorney for tie Association on American Indian Affairs when the Pueblo retained him as a special liaison to Senator Clinton P. Anderson (1895-1975') in 1966. Anderson, a powerful New Mexico Senator, was opposed to congressional legislation which would return large amounts of land to the Pueblo directly; his opposition was enough to keep Blue Lake restoration legislation bottled up in Senate committees. Poole was hired to mollify Anderson's strident opposition. Not until President Richard Nixon issued an endorsement of the Blue Lake restoration bill in 1970, however, was the Pueblo able to see its long fight come to a successful end.The Rufus G. Poole Papers include copies of Poole's correspondence regarding the Blue Lake case and his role as special attorney to the Pueblo. Also included are copies of materials relating to Poole's role as a founding member of the National Committee for the Restoration of the Blue Lake Lands. Poole and other Pueblo supporters founded the National Committee in 1967, following a break with the Association on American Indian Affairs, included in the collection are copies of correspondence exchanged between Poole and William C. Schaab (1927--), tie Albuquerque attorney who replaced Poole as special attorney (at Poole's suggestion). Documentation regarding tie history of the Blue Lake case, contained in Box 3, was prepared by Schaab.
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Robert V. Keeley Papers, 1918-2008
Robert Vossler Keeley ('51) was a U.S. Foreign Service member and writer who served in a number of posts. The Robert V. Keeley Papers consist of reports, correspondence, writings, journals, and photographs from the breadth of Keeley's career, including his Foreign Service postings in Uganda, Cambodia, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, and Greece, as well as correspondence and other materials created and kept by Robert Keeley's wife, Louise Keeley.
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Thomas H. English Papers Relating to Morris H. Croll, 1917-1965
(Correspondence between Thomas H. English, Class of 1918 and English Professor Morris H. Croll, as well as papers regarding the posthumous printing of Croll's work.)
Robert Wagner Photographs, 1940s-1950s
The 2022 donation includes 1950s slides of buildings on campus, two prints of Professor Pascu, and a photograph of a science lab.
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Series 2: Princeton University Records, 1906-1947
This series includes files maintained by Imbrie regarding the University. They include correspondence, clippings and reports related to Imbrie's service as Financial Secretary; clippings, correspondence and publications regarding the Graduate School controversy which occurred while Imbrie held his University office; records, correspondence, reports, publications clippings on Princeton architecture and the "Quad Plan;" correspondence and records relating to the Graduate Council Freshman Honor Prize; and memoranda and reports on the progress of reorganization of student social life at Princeton.
Andrew C. Imbrie Papers, 1895-1947
The Papers of Andrew C. Imbrie, Class of 1895, (1875-1965) provide information on his undergraduate years, his service as an alumni trustee from 1907 until 1912 (including a period as Financial Secretary of the Princeton University Board of Trustees (1909-1912) during which he had charge of reorganization of the business management of the University leading to the creation of what became the Office of the Controller) and his family's genealogy.
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Esther and Doris Hoffman Correspondence, 1925-1959
Esther Hoffman served with the Intelligence Establishment of the Department of the Army for over forty-one years. Doris Hoffman worked as a secretary for the League of Nations Commission in Peking, China between 1929 and 1934. The collection consists largely of letters written home by sisters Esther and Doris Hoffman while employed in Peking, China between 1925 and 1941.
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Jack Thompson papers related to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1946
Oliver "Jack" Thompson joined the U.S. Army in 1942, and served under General Douglas MacArthur during the Occupation of Japan from 1946-1956. During the Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE), Thompson served in the Public Information Office as a 1st Lieutenant. The collection largely consists of judgements, summation documents, and opinions from the IMTFE.
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Albert Montefiore Hyamson Papers, 1940-1948
Albert Montefiore Hyamson was a British civil servant, Zionist author, and historian who served from 1917-1921 in the Jewish Bureau of the United Kingdom Department of Information and from 1921-1934 in Mandate Palestine as Director of Immigration. The Albert Montefiore Hyamson Papers consist primarily of reports written by the Palestine Group in the The Royal Institute of International Affairs, correspondence regarding Palestine between Hyamnson and J. L. Magnes, and a small amount of clippings.
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Subseries 1A: Final Minutes, 1928-1991
This subseries contains the minutes of the Governing Council from the merger of the undergraduate organizations in 1928 to the present. In addition, the minutes of some Assembly meetings (meetings of the entire Society membership) are interspersed in the early 1930s. The minutes for many years appear to be incomplete and some years are missing altogether.
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Subseries 8C: Jacob Beam's Correspondence, 1934-1946
These letters include several letters from the University president, Harold Dodds.
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Mexico, 1913-1971
Series 1: Correspondence, 1879-1971
The Correspondence series is composed of letters to and from Garrison in his capacity of Secretary of War with government and military officials and concerned citizens. The correspondence includes discussions of military policy and world events, as well as business pleasantries such as invitations, letters of introduction, letters of appreciation for materials received, requests for photographs and statements, and travel itineraries. The majority of the correspondence is concerned with World War I, including military preparedness, legislation effecting the military, training and cadet candidacy at West Point, enlistments and retirements, awards and medical care for military personnel, and aiding American citizens who were in Europe. The correspondence also discusses other issues that fell under the auspices of the War Department, including addressing violence along the border with Mexico during a civil war, the Panama Canal, the Philippines, a strike in Colorado, and water issues.
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Correspondence, 1941-1969
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George E. Hafstad Papers, 1942-1976
George Hafstad was a plant pathologist and a field technician with the U.S. Rubber Development Corporation in Brazil from 1943 to 1945. The George E. Hafstad Papers include a diary, several technician reports, and a folder of photographs from Hafstad's time as a field technician with the U.S. Rubber Development Corporation Amazon Division.
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Series 2: Course Materials, 1903-1970
Series 2: Course Materials, 1903-1970, documents the 1950s and 1960s especially well but includes some materials dated before Slaby's tenure (including one student drawing project from 1903). The series is comprised of course proposals and descriptions, lecture notes, problem sets, student projects, tests, and exams, arranged in that order. Most of the papers are from Slaby's courses, but other professors such as Heacock and Lindgren have material preserved in the series. The courses best represented are engineering graphics, descriptive geometry and engineering drawing. Two oversized graphics projects from the early 1900s, inscribed "Crosby" and "L. Sullenberger," are housed separately in the Oversize Collection.
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General, 1942-1992
The General subseries consists mainly of correspondence, memoranda, printed material, and reports that communicate the events and transformations that took place at the Tower Club. Some of these events were independent of the Princeton Prospect Foundation, but most are directly related to the Foundation. Also included are fundraising mailings sent to Tower Club members and alumni. The financial statements of the Tower Club are also incorporated into this subseries, as well as Tower Club newsletters. This subseries also contains operating procedures for the undergraduate officers of the Tower Club, compiled by former officers. There are also copies of the by-laws and certificate of incorporation for the Tower Club.
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Series 1: Academics, 1927-1999
The Academic series contains audiovisual materials pertaining to class lectures, presentations, and field studies. The Lectures and Interviews series contain public addresses, lectures, and debates.
General, 1926-2000
Subseries contains materials related to general alumni events and activities, including class trips.
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Correspondence--Federal Legislation, 1946
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Metal Stencils, 1921-1973
The metal stencils portion of the collection consists of a nearly complete run of stencils for the years 1921 through 1973, however, there are no stencils representing the years 1941, 1957, 1965, 1967 or 1969.
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Incidental Students to 1981: A-G, 1915-1981
Incidental Students to 1981: H-Q, 1915-1981
Incidental Students to 1981: R-Z, 1915-1981
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