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James Hugh Keeley, Jr. Papers, 1898-1975 (mostly 1921-1975)

MC191 59 boxes 2 items
The James H. Keeley Jr. papers document Keeley's career in the Foreign Service from 1920 through the 1960s. Over the course of his career, Keeley served in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Canada, Greece, Belgium, and Italy.

Edward Mead Earle Papers, 1894-1954

MC020 39 boxes 2 items
The Papers of Edward Mead Earle (1894-1954) document the career of Earle, a specialist in the role of the military in foreign relations. He was a university lecturer, author, and consultant to various departments of the U.S. government. The papers reflect Earle's work as a professor at the School of Economics and Politics at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. The collection emphasizes Earle's major work of establishing a seminar designed to research issues associated with military and foreign policies of the United States during World War II. It also highlights a number of other professional activities during his time at the Institute.
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Series 1: Biographical Material/Reading Lists, 1940-1954

Series 1: Biographical Material/Reading Lists consists of three folders, the first containing biographical sketches, most geared toward submission to the editor of Who's Who in America. The second folder contains articles concerning Earle's education and career (e.g. Earle's Armistice Day Speech in November 1941). Earle's personal reading lists include lists of American History volumes and assorted fiction titles.

Edward S. Corwin Papers, circa 1860-1961 (mostly 1920-1958)

MC012 24 boxes
This collection contains correspondence, speeches, lecture notes, writings, and photographs of Edward S. Corwin, a noted constitutional scholar who taught at Princeton University for much of his academic career. Nationally-known and widely published, Corwin consulted with many other academics as well as politicians involved with constitutional issues, most notably when he publicly supported Franklin D. Roosevelt's Supreme Court reorganization ("court packing") plan.

Allen W. Dulles Papers: Digital Files Series, 1939-1977

MC019-09 50 items 1878 digital files
Allen W. Dulles (1893-1969), though a diplomat and lawyer, was renowned for his role in shaping United States intelligence operations, including the longest service as director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Allen W. Dulles Digital Files contain scanned images of professional correspondence, reports, lectures, and administrative papers, declassified and released by the CIA in 2007. The collection spans Dulles's time as Chief of the Office of Strategic Services office in Bern, Switzerland during World War II, his work at the Central Intelligence Agency, and his retirement.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Printed and Audiovisual Materials Series, 1918-2006 (mostly 1978-2006)

MC001-03-06 34 boxes
The Printed and Audiovisual Materials series contains the published works of the ACLU, including publications, audio recordings, and videos. These include educational materials published by the ACLU, newsletters, press releases, and public appearances and interviews with ACLU staff.

Gilbert F. Close Papers, 1906-1952 (mostly 1918-1919)

MC202 4 boxes 2 items
During World War I, Gilbert Fairchild Close held several positions in the government of President Woodrow Wilson, culminating with that of Stenographer and Private Secretary to the President. The papers document Close's work with Wilson, including the trip Close took to Europe with Wilson for the Paris Peace Conference at the conclusion of World War I.
3 results

Series 1: Correspondence, 1906-1948

The Correspondence series contains letters sent and received by Close during his work with President Wilson. The letters to his wife, Helen Close, document his journey to Europe aboard the USS George Washington for the Paris Peace Conference, the people encountered in Europe, the places visited, and the treaty's progress.

Gilbert F. Close Papers, 1906-1952 (mostly 1918-1919)

During World War I, Gilbert Fairchild Close held several positions in the government of President Woodrow Wilson, culminating with that of Stenographer and Private Secretary to the President. The papers document Close's work with Wilson, including the trip Close took to Europe with Wilson for the Paris Peace Conference at the conclusion of World War I.

John E. Rovensky Papers, 1920-1968 (mostly 1920-1929)

MC116 3 boxes
John E. Rovensky (1880-1970) was a banker and economist. As a banker, he held the position of vice president at the National Bank of Commerce, Bank of America, and City Bank. As an economist, he was a member of the Economists' National Committee on Monetary Policy, the National Monetary Association, and the Stable Money Association. Rovensky's papers document his work as an economist, including his tenure as president of the Stable Money Association in 1927. The papers are comprised of correspondence, offprints, and newspaper clippings.
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Series 1: Associations, 1920-1968

This series documents Rovensky's participation in the Economists' National Committee on Monetary Policy, the National Monetary Association, and the Stable Money Association, including his tenure as president of the Stable Money Association in 1927. The papers include discussions of logistics and operations, policies, and recruitment. Rovensky's participation ranges from merely paying dues and commenting on publications to active research, writing, and meeting attendance. The Stable Money Association papers also include discussions of the formation of the group and its mission statement, literature, and meeting minutes and agenda.

C. Pardee Foulke Papers on Woodrow Wilson, 1916-1948

MC023 2 boxes
C. Pardee Foulke was a prominent Philadelphia businessman. The C. Pardee Foulke Papers on Woodrow Wilson contain an unpublished biography of Woodrow Wilson.
2 results

American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, 1864-2006 (mostly 1970-1995)

MC001-03 12 items
Restrictions may apply.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is the pre-eminent civil liberties organization in the United States, utilizing litigation, lobbying, and public education to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. These records document the administration and work of the ACLU's national office, regional offices, and legal projects, with particular emphasis on the areas of civil rights, children and women's rights, freedom of speech (and all First Amendment questions), and due process, among many others. The records include case files, correspondence, meeting minutes, research files, and files of staff members. Subgroup 3, Subseries 5B (Southern Regional Office) has been digitized and is available for members of the Princeton community to view here. To view the database from outside Princeton University, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.

Robert F. Goheen Papers, 1889-2008 (mostly 1939-2000)

MC204 25 boxes 1 folder 2 items
The Robert F. Goheen Papers contain records that Robert F. Goheen kept mainly before and after he was president of Princeton University (1957-1972). They include files Goheen kept as a graduate student, instructor and professor in Princeton University's Department of Classics for the period 1939-1957. The collection also contains U.S. army records for 1942-1945, when Goheen had interrupted his studies for service in the Second World War, and for 1945-1956, when he served in the Officers Reserve Corps. The majority of the files concern Goheen's post-presidential years, when he was Chair of the Council on Foundations (1972-1977), Ambassador to India (1977-1980), and Director of the Mellon Fellowships in the Humanities (1981-1998), as well as Senior Fellow Public and International Affairs at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School. In addition, the collection contains some speech notes Goheen kept and some photographs of Goheen from his tenure as President of Princeton University.

William Cattell Trimble Papers, 1931-1976 (mostly 1954-1968)

MC027 18 boxes
William C. Trimble, Princeton University Class of 1930, was a career diplomat, serving as United States ambassador to Cambodia (1959-1962) and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (1965-1968) as well as serving in Brazil and Germany. The collection contains correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, photographs, and assorted memorabilia documenting Trimble's career.
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Series 1, Correspondence, 1942-1968

Series 1, Correspondence, 1942-1968, is arranged chronologically, and consists primarily of carbon copies of letters Trimble sent, though there are some letters that he received. As he rose in rank, the volume of correspondence increases. Each posting created a different range of correspondents and concerns. In general, Trimble's correspondence is routine in nature. Primarily in English, some correspondence is in the local language of the country in which he served, specifically Spanish, Portuguese, German and French.

Series 2, Speeches and Writings, 1937-1968

Series 2, Speeches and Writings, 1937-1968, is arranged chronologically and consists primarily of speeches delivered by Trimble as part of his duties. Many of them are written in the local language, i.e. German for his time in Germany and French for his time in Cambodia. A majority of the speeches are routine in nature with such subjects as the celebration of American holidays abroad, dedication ceremonies, and speeches delivered to organizations, such as the National War College.

Norman Armour Papers, 1913-1983

MC028 2 boxes
The Norman Armour Papers are comprised primarily of Armour's correspondence with State Department officials, American presidents, and foreign leaders.Reports, telegrams, transcripts of speeches and newspaper clippings documenting Armour's diplomatic career, and personal correspondence are also preserved in the collection.

George McAneny Papers, 1869-1953 (mostly 1910-1921)

MC091 190 boxes
George McAneny served in numerous positions in the government of New York City, including president of the Borough of Manhattan (1910-1913), president of the Board of Aldermen (1914-1916), and chairman of the State Transit Commission (1921). This collection consists of lectures, reports, correspondence, committee and association files, clippings, scrapbooks, and photographs, all of which reflect his special interests in regional and city planning, zoning, city and state transit, and city financing.

Livingston T. Merchant Papers, circa 1944-1972 (mostly 1954-1968)

MC095 29 boxes
Livingston T. Merchant was a diplomat and high-ranking government official. This collection consists of Merchant's papers, including correspondence, articles, notes, speeches, statements, interviews, clippings, printed matter, and personal papers.

William Starr Myers Papers, 1877-1974 (mostly 1897-1956)

MC098 36 boxes
William Starr Myers (1877-1954) was a professor of history and politics at Princeton University and a noted historian of New Jersey and the Republican Party. The William Starr Myers Papers document the history of his teaching career and published works.
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Subseries 1A: Diaries, 1887-1953 October 22

The Diaries Subseries consists of Myers' diaries, which he maintained throughout his life. The diaries serve as evidence of Myers' activities and consist mostly of dates, engagements, and reminders. Myers often gave brief descriptions of his daily activities and offer a glimpse of his work habits and processes. A bulk of the entries are not lengthy. For additional information on Myers' daily activities, please see the engagements books in Subseries 1E: Miscellaneous.

Bernard Flexner Papers, 1882-1946 (mostly 1917-1943)

MC056 20 boxes 1 folder
Bernard Flexner, a lawyer, philanthropist and Zionist leader, was an early supporter of the juvenile court movement. Contains the personal papers of Flexner, including diaries and letters to his sister Mary while he served with the American Red Cross Commission to Romania (1917) and as counsel for the Zionist delegation to the Paris Peace Conference (1918-1919); material concerning Albert Einstein, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Sacco-Vanzetti trial record, and the juvenile court system of the early 1900s; and miscellaneous correspondence.

Collection on William F. McCombs, 1910-1948 (mostly 1912-1921)

MC090 9 boxes
The Collection on William F. McCombs contains materials on and by William F. McCombs, a lawyer who was actively involved in Woodrow Wilson's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns. McCombs' secretary, Maurice F. Lyons, provided transcripts of correspondence and notes authored by McCombs to Arthur S. Link, as part of Link's work on The Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Correspondence between Lyons and Link concerning the typescripts is also located in this collection, as well as a set of bound newspaper clippings on Wilson's campaigns and administrations created by McComb's sister.
2 results

Collection on William F. McCombs, 1910-1948 (mostly 1912-1921)

The Collection on William F. McCombs contains materials on and by William F. McCombs, a lawyer who was actively involved in Woodrow Wilson's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns. McCombs' secretary, Maurice F. Lyons, provided transcripts of correspondence and notes authored by McCombs to Arthur S. Link, as part of Link's work on The Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Correspondence between Lyons and Link concerning the typescripts is also located in this collection, as well as a set of bound newspaper clippings on Wilson's campaigns and administrations created by McComb's sister.

W. Arthur Lewis Papers, 1892-1990 (mostly 1950-1990)

MC092 55 boxes
Sir W. Arthur Lewis (1915-1991) was a pioneer in the field of economic development and a leading authority on economic growth in developing countries and associated political and social changes. He was a professor at the University of Manchester and Princeton University and served as an advisor to several governments. Lewis, who was from the Caribbean, also broke through racial barriers in the academic world throughout his career. Lewis's papers document his career as a scholar and as an economic advisor and include his professional correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, and writings.
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Biographical, 1938-1989

The Biographical series contains biographical and autobiographical sketches and curricula vitae, bibliographies of Lewis's work, photographs, awards and membership materials, and papers related to Lewis winning the Nobel Prize in Economics. The series also includes a comic book depicting the story of Lewis's life, his passport and will, and other scholars' analyses of his work.

Princeton Scientific Expeditions Collection, 1834-1995 (mostly 1834-1930)

AC012 26 boxes 236 items
Restrictions may apply.
The Princeton Scientific Expeditions Collection brings together original materials from the university archives that document the work of various scientific expeditions conducted under the aegis of Princeton University and its corporate predecessors. The connection with the university ranges from enterprises duly authorized in the trustees' minutes to expeditionary tasks that happen to have been carried out by members of the university faculty, often with little official notice of Princeton as an institution.
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Notes and Sources, 1877-1970s

Restrictions may apply.
Consists of typed notes about the scientific expeditions that took place during the summer of 1877, photocopied sources that document the expeditions, and correspondence between librarians, archivists and patrons that contain additional information and sources on these expeditions.

Taos Blue Lake Collection, 1947 - 1972 (mostly 1954-1970)

MC106 24 boxes
Taos Pueblo lost thousands of acres of land as well as Taos Lake, a sacred Pueblo shrine, when Carson National Forest was created in 1906. After a sixty-four year fight, the government returned the land to the Pueblo. This collection brings together four discrete collections: the papers of Barbara Greene Kilberg, a White House Presidential Fellow at the time of the dispute; the papers of Corinne Locker, secretary to Association on American Indian Affairs (AAIA) president Oliver LaFarge (1901-1963) and later AAIA Southwest Field Secretary; the papers of Rufus G. Poole, regional attorney for the AAIA in New Mexico, and the papers of William G. Schaab, an Albuquerque attorney who became involved in the fight in 1967.
3 results

Series 3: Rufus G. Poole Papers, 1903-1959

Like other Taos Blue Lake collections at Princeton, the Rufus G. Poole Papers chronicle a portion of the fight by New Mexico's Taos Indians to regain land taken from them in the 1906 creation of the Carson National Forest.Rufus G. Poole (1902 - 1968), a New York attorney who had settled in New Mexico for health reasons, was a regional attorney for tie Association on American Indian Affairs when the Pueblo retained him as a special liaison to Senator Clinton P. Anderson (1895-1975') in 1966. Anderson, a powerful New Mexico Senator, was opposed to congressional legislation which would return large amounts of land to the Pueblo directly; his opposition was enough to keep Blue Lake restoration legislation bottled up in Senate committees. Poole was hired to mollify Anderson's strident opposition. Not until President Richard Nixon issued an endorsement of the Blue Lake restoration bill in 1970, however, was the Pueblo able to see its long fight come to a successful end.The Rufus G. Poole Papers include copies of Poole's correspondence regarding the Blue Lake case and his role as special attorney to the Pueblo. Also included are copies of materials relating to Poole's role as a founding member of the National Committee for the Restoration of the Blue Lake Lands. Poole and other Pueblo supporters founded the National Committee in 1967, following a break with the Association on American Indian Affairs, included in the collection are copies of correspondence exchanged between Poole and William C. Schaab (1927--), tie Albuquerque attorney who replaced Poole as special attorney (at Poole's suggestion). Documentation regarding tie history of the Blue Lake case, contained in Box 3, was prepared by Schaab.

Robert V. Keeley Papers, 1918-2008

MC284 23 boxes
Robert Vossler Keeley ('51) was a U.S. Foreign Service member and writer who served in a number of posts. The Robert V. Keeley Papers consist of reports, correspondence, writings, journals, and photographs from the breadth of Keeley's career, including his Foreign Service postings in Uganda, Cambodia, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, and Greece, as well as correspondence and other materials created and kept by Robert Keeley's wife, Louise Keeley.
3 results

Robert V. Keeley Papers, 1918-2008

Robert Vossler Keeley ('51) was a U.S. Foreign Service member and writer who served in a number of posts. The Robert V. Keeley Papers consist of reports, correspondence, writings, journals, and photographs from the breadth of Keeley's career, including his Foreign Service postings in Uganda, Cambodia, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, and Greece, as well as correspondence and other materials created and kept by Robert Keeley's wife, Louise Keeley.

General Manuscripts Collection, 1765-2016 (mostly 1836-2016)

AC001 1.9 linear feet 5 boxes 1 folder
The General Manuscripts Collection consists of manuscripts and small collections of papers and records which are related in some way to the history of Princeton University. While most documents in the General Manuscripts collection were produced by alumni or student organizations, there are several documents produced by trustees, faculty, and other members of the University community.
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Shirley Ecker Boskey Papers, 1944-2012

MC311 10 boxes
Shirley Ecker Boskey was an attorney who served as director of the International Relations Department of the World Bank. The Shirley Ecker Boskey Papers consist of reports, correspondence, meeting minutes, and publications from Boskey's time at the Department of the Interior and at the World Bank.

Andrew C. Imbrie Papers, 1895-1947

AC002 3 boxes
The Papers of Andrew C. Imbrie, Class of 1895, (1875-1965) provide information on his undergraduate years, his service as an alumni trustee from 1907 until 1912 (including a period as Financial Secretary of the Princeton University Board of Trustees (1909-1912) during which he had charge of reorganization of the business management of the University leading to the creation of what became the Office of the Controller) and his family's genealogy.
3 results

Series 2: Princeton University Records, 1906-1947

This series includes files maintained by Imbrie regarding the University. They include correspondence, clippings and reports related to Imbrie's service as Financial Secretary; clippings, correspondence and publications regarding the Graduate School controversy which occurred while Imbrie held his University office; records, correspondence, reports, publications clippings on Princeton architecture and the "Quad Plan;" correspondence and records relating to the Graduate Council Freshman Honor Prize; and memoranda and reports on the progress of reorganization of student social life at Princeton.

Andrew C. Imbrie Papers, 1895-1947

The Papers of Andrew C. Imbrie, Class of 1895, (1875-1965) provide information on his undergraduate years, his service as an alumni trustee from 1907 until 1912 (including a period as Financial Secretary of the Princeton University Board of Trustees (1909-1912) during which he had charge of reorganization of the business management of the University leading to the creation of what became the Office of the Controller) and his family's genealogy.

Esther and Doris Hoffman Correspondence, 1925-1959

MC317 0.42 linear feet (1 box)
Esther Hoffman served with the Intelligence Establishment of the Department of the Army for over forty-one years. Doris Hoffman worked as a secretary for the League of Nations Commission in Peking, China between 1929 and 1934. The collection consists largely of letters written home by sisters Esther and Doris Hoffman while employed in Peking, China between 1925 and 1941.
2 results

Esther and Doris Hoffman Correspondence, 1925-1959

Esther Hoffman served with the Intelligence Establishment of the Department of the Army for over forty-one years. Doris Hoffman worked as a secretary for the League of Nations Commission in Peking, China between 1929 and 1934. The collection consists largely of letters written home by sisters Esther and Doris Hoffman while employed in Peking, China between 1925 and 1941.

Jack Thompson papers related to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1946

MC315 4 linear feet (4 boxes)
Oliver "Jack" Thompson joined the U.S. Army in 1942, and served under General Douglas MacArthur during the Occupation of Japan from 1946-1956. During the Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE), Thompson served in the Public Information Office as a 1st Lieutenant. The collection largely consists of judgements, summation documents, and opinions from the IMTFE.
2 results

Jack Thompson papers related to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1946

Oliver "Jack" Thompson joined the U.S. Army in 1942, and served under General Douglas MacArthur during the Occupation of Japan from 1946-1956. During the Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE), Thompson served in the Public Information Office as a 1st Lieutenant. The collection largely consists of judgements, summation documents, and opinions from the IMTFE.

Albert Montefiore Hyamson Papers, 1940-1948

MC319 .5 linear feet (1 box)
Albert Montefiore Hyamson was a British civil servant, Zionist author, and historian who served from 1917-1921 in the Jewish Bureau of the United Kingdom Department of Information and from 1921-1934 in Mandate Palestine as Director of Immigration. The Albert Montefiore Hyamson Papers consist primarily of reports written by the Palestine Group in the The Royal Institute of International Affairs, correspondence regarding Palestine between Hyamnson and J. L. Magnes, and a small amount of clippings.
2 results

Albert Montefiore Hyamson Papers, 1940-1948

Albert Montefiore Hyamson was a British civil servant, Zionist author, and historian who served from 1917-1921 in the Jewish Bureau of the United Kingdom Department of Information and from 1921-1934 in Mandate Palestine as Director of Immigration. The Albert Montefiore Hyamson Papers consist primarily of reports written by the Palestine Group in the The Royal Institute of International Affairs, correspondence regarding Palestine between Hyamnson and J. L. Magnes, and a small amount of clippings.

Princeton University Archives Collection on the American Whig-Cliosophic Society, 1908-1999 (mostly 1928-1992)

AC023 26 boxes 1 websites
The American Whig-Cliosophic Society (1941-present) is a literary, political and debating society which has had an important impact on the lives of generations of Princeton students. It provides students with both social alternatives and an opportunity to develop skills not emphasized by the University curriculum. The contents of the initial group of records were acquired between 1941 and 1993 in agreements between Princeton University and the American Whig-Cliosophic Society. The library initially cataloged some of these records into the P Collection. Subsequently, an attempt was made to organize some of these records in 1975.

American Whig Society Records, 1785-1941

AC011 202 boxes 1 folder
The American Whig Society (1769-1941) served as a major political, debating, and literary force both on the Princeton campus and throughout the nation. The Whig records consist primarily of minutes, financial records, and correspondence of members.

Lindley M. Garrison Papers, 1850-1971 (mostly 1913-1916)

MC060 28 boxes
Lindley M. Garrison (1864-1932) was a lawyer who served as Secretary of War for President Woodrow Wilson from 1913 to 1916. Garrison's papers document his service as Secretary of War and include correspondence, writings, and newspaper clippings.
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Series 1: Correspondence, 1879-1971

The Correspondence series is composed of letters to and from Garrison in his capacity of Secretary of War with government and military officials and concerned citizens. The correspondence includes discussions of military policy and world events, as well as business pleasantries such as invitations, letters of introduction, letters of appreciation for materials received, requests for photographs and statements, and travel itineraries. The majority of the correspondence is concerned with World War I, including military preparedness, legislation effecting the military, training and cadet candidacy at West Point, enlistments and retirements, awards and medical care for military personnel, and aiding American citizens who were in Europe. The correspondence also discusses other issues that fell under the auspices of the War Department, including addressing violence along the border with Mexico during a civil war, the Panama Canal, the Philippines, a strike in Colorado, and water issues.

George Adams Graham Papers, 1935-1995 (mostly 1935-1964)

MC061 5 boxes
George Adams Graham, faculty member in the Department of Politics at Princeton University from 1935 to 1958, specialized in the field of public administration. He was also active in public life, serving on the Citizens Federal Committee on Education; the Committee on Indian Affairs (a subcommittee of the Hoover Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of Government); the Committee on Public Administration of the Social Science Research Council; and the second Hoover Commission's Task Force on Personnel and Civil Service. His papers consist of reports, notes, correspondence, and subject files from his service in these capacities.

Hadley Cantril Papers, circa 1940-1969

MC308 1.5 linear feet
Hadley Cantril was a psychologist who studied propaganda and public opinion research. The collection includes bound Hadley Cantril Diaries, poll results and reports on Polls During World War II, correspondence, and other reports.

George E. Hafstad Papers, 1942-1976

MC307 1 box
George Hafstad was a plant pathologist and a field technician with the U.S. Rubber Development Corporation in Brazil from 1943 to 1945. The George E. Hafstad Papers include a diary, several technician reports, and a folder of photographs from Hafstad's time as a field technician with the U.S. Rubber Development Corporation Amazon Division.
2 results

George E. Hafstad Papers, 1942-1976

George Hafstad was a plant pathologist and a field technician with the U.S. Rubber Development Corporation in Brazil from 1943 to 1945. The George E. Hafstad Papers include a diary, several technician reports, and a folder of photographs from Hafstad's time as a field technician with the U.S. Rubber Development Corporation Amazon Division.

Steve M. Slaby Papers, 1903-1990 (mostly 1950-1980)

AC027 6 boxes 2 items
Steve M. Slaby, professor of engineering at Princeton, 1953-1991, served as the second (and final) chair of the Graphics and Engineering Drawing Department, 1962-1968. Slaby was also one of the University's few political activists, opposing U.S. involvement in Vietnam and University investment in South Africa, and promoting student and faculty liberties.
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Series 2: Course Materials, 1903-1970

Series 2: Course Materials, 1903-1970, documents the 1950s and 1960s especially well but includes some materials dated before Slaby's tenure (including one student drawing project from 1903). The series is comprised of course proposals and descriptions, lecture notes, problem sets, student projects, tests, and exams, arranged in that order. Most of the papers are from Slaby's courses, but other professors such as Heacock and Lindgren have material preserved in the series. The courses best represented are engineering graphics, descriptive geometry and engineering drawing. Two oversized graphics projects from the early 1900s, inscribed "Crosby" and "L. Sullenberger," are housed separately in the Oversize Collection.

James Newman Collection on the Princeton University Eating Clubs, 1935-1992 (mostly 1958-1992)

AC021 5 boxes
This collection documents James Newman's efforts to establish the Princeton Prospect Foundation, a non-profit organization which adds an educational mission to the dining and social functions of the University Eating Clubs. James Newman proposed this plan via the Princeton Tower Club while he was chairman of the Graduate Inter-Club Council in 1958. The bulk of the collection includes correspondence and memorandum while Newman was president involving the Foundation and the Princeton Tower Club. Also included in the collection is correspondence with administrators at Princeton University concerning the Princeton University Eating Clubs, reports evaluating the role of the University Eating Clubs in undergraduate life, and material concerning Newman's work while chairman of the Graduate Inter-Club Council and his relations to the Council after his resignation.
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General, 1942-1992

The General subseries consists mainly of correspondence, memoranda, printed material, and reports that communicate the events and transformations that took place at the Tower Club. Some of these events were independent of the Princeton Prospect Foundation, but most are directly related to the Foundation. Also included are fundraising mailings sent to Tower Club members and alumni. The financial statements of the Tower Club are also incorporated into this subseries, as well as Tower Club newsletters. This subseries also contains operating procedures for the undergraduate officers of the Tower Club, compiled by former officers. There are also copies of the by-laws and certificate of incorporation for the Tower Club.

Historical Audiovisual Collection, 1912-2012 (mostly 1945-1996)

AC047 241 boxes 9 items 1 digital file 1.5 GB
This collection contains more than 2,300 items, including film, videotapes, compact discs, audio cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tape, and record albums and covers a broad range of topics including classical music, alumni reunions, lectures, and interviews.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Organizational Matters Series, 1947-1995

MC001-02-01 582 boxes 8 items
The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. The files contain materials on freedom of speech, expression, and association; due process of law; equality before the law; legal case files; and organizational records. Within these categories files reflect subject areas such as academic freedom, censorship, racial discrimination, aliens' rights, privacy concerns, labor concerns, amnesty, and government loyalty and security. The files reflect work on litigation, advocacy and public policy, and subject files on various areas of interest connected with civil liberties. Materials include correspondence, court documents, memoranda, printed matter, minutes, reports, briefs, and legal files. Also included are materials from ACLU affiliate organizations, and the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee.

American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Legal Case Files Series, 1947-1995

MC001-02-04 699 boxes
The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. The files contain materials on freedom of speech, expression, and association; due process of law; equality before the law; legal case files; and organizational records. Within these categories files reflect subject areas such as academic freedom, censorship, racial discrimination, aliens' rights, privacy concerns, labor concerns, amnesty, and government loyalty and security. The files reflect work on litigation, advocacy and public policy, and subject files on various areas of interest connected with civil liberties. Materials include correspondence, court documents, memoranda, printed matter, minutes, reports, briefs, and legal files. Also included are materials from ACLU affiliate organizations, and the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee. Subgroup 2, Series 4 has been digitized and is available for members of the Princeton community to view here. To view the database from outside Princeton University, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.

Alexander Leitch Princeton, Harvard, and Yale Scrapbooks Collection, 1925-1945

AC261 55 boxes
Alexander Leitch was a member of the Princeton Class of 1924 and an administrator at Princeton University for the entirety of his professional career, most notably holding the Office of the Secretary from 1933 to 1963. Consists of 55 oversized scrapbooks assembled by Alexander Leitch '24 during his career as a Princeton University administrator.

Beer Jacket Designs collection, 1917-1979

AC313 2 boxes
Among Princeton University traditions, the Beer Jacket worn by graduating seniors stands as one of the most unique and most enduring. The collection consists of materials documenting the evolution of beer jacket designs throughout the greater part of the 20th century.

Visiting Fellow and Incidental Student Records, 1915-1981

AC293 13 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton's Graduate School, established officially by the Trustees in late 1900, began its operations in the fall of 1901. These records consist of files of incidental students who earned less than a full semester's worth of credits, as well as the records of visiting fellows.

C. Bernard Shea collection on Princeton University Athletics, 1869-1960

AC278 2 boxes
Christian Bernard Shea was a member of the Princeton Class of 1916 and an avid supporter of Princeton athletics. The collection consists of Princeton University athletics statistics and newspaper clippings compiled by C. Bernard Shea between approximately 1901 and 1960.

Graduate Alumni Public Files, 1921-1997

AC478 12 boxes
The Bureau of Alumni Records was established in January 1949 as an outgrowth of the records office maintained by the Graduate Council, the governing body of the Princeton University Alumni Association. The collection consists of public files of former graduate students of Princeton University.

Bureau of Student Placement records, 1940-1953

AC234 2 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
The Bureau of Student Placement was an administrative office at Princeton University that operated roughly from 1945 to 1953 and acted as a liaison between the various armed services and the Princeton University community. The records consist of army, navy, and marine corps plans for colleges, card files containing information about students in the service, and the correspondence of director Gordon G. Sikes which includes letters to and from servicemen, military officials, and other University administrators.

George R. Beach Princeton Football Scrapbooks Collection, 1924-1969

AC287 35 Volumes
George R. Beach was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1926. Consists of bound scrapbooks assembled by George R. Beach documenting Princeton's football team.

Princeton Inn Records, 1922-1970

AC288 2 boxes 5 Volumes
Princeton Inn was conceived of by a group of University alumni and trustees in 1914 who recognized the need for a hotel to comfortably house the families of students and other visitors in close proximity to campus. Consists of the minute books of the Princeton Inn and a sample form book.
3 results

Series 1: Princeton Inn Records, 1922-1970

Series 1: Princeton Inn Records, 1922-1970 consists primarily of the minute books of the Princeton Inn Company, which generally discuss the financial state of the Inn, and cover both the Inn Company's incorporation (and Alumni appeal for funding) as well as the final sale of the Inn and its assets to the University. It also includes an oversized form book containing examples of various forms and vouchers used at the hotel.

Grover Cleveland Collection, 1879-1984

AC348 1 box
Grover Cleveland was the twenty-second (1885-1889) and twenty-fourth (1893-1897) president of the United States. After leaving the White House he retired to Princeton, N.J where he was a Trustee of Princeton University. The Grover Cleveland Papers consist of collected research materials regarding Grover Cleveland, his life in Princeton, and his relation to the University.

Firestone Library Architectural Drawings Collection, 1931-1963

AC411 4 boxes 1 folder
R. B. O'Connor & W. H. Kilham, Jr. is the New York City architictural firm that was appointed in 1944 to design Princeton University's Firestone Library, which opened in 1948. The collection includes architectural drawings, plans and photographs of Firestone Library (1948) and the later addition of the John Foster Dulles Library of Diplomatic History (1962).

The Princeton Tiger Records, 1920-1985

AC266 4 boxes 1 folder 2 items
Restrictions may apply.
The Princeton Tiger is the nation's second oldest college humor magazine. The collection consists of the administrative records of The Princeton Tiger.

Murray S. Peyton Collection of Princeton Track & Field Materials, 1876-2016 (mostly 1950-2013)

AC460 9 boxes
Murray S. Peyton ('57) was on the track and football teams while at Princeton and has collected material related to Princeton and Ivy League Track & Field for over 50 years. The collection consists largely of track meet rosters, results, and program magazines.

Donald Worner Griffin Papers, 1924-1991

AC242 2 boxes
Donald Worner Griffin was a member of the Princeton class of 1923. Griffin was recognized frequently by University administration as being instrumental in revitalizing alumni ties in the years after World War II, as well as helping shape the modern state of Princeton alumni relations. Consists of the personal correspondence and clippings of Donald Worner Griffin.

Gordon Alexander Craig Papers, 1946-1956

AC353 1 box
Gordon Alexander Craig was an American historian specializing in German and diplomatic history who taught at Princeton and Stanford. The Gordon Alexander Craig Papers document several projects the historian was involved with while a professor at Princeton including the Marine Corps History Project for which Craig served as chairman of the editorial board, and the Princeton response to the loyalty oath controversy at the University of California in 1950-1951.
3 results

Gordon Alexander Craig Papers, 1946-1956

Gordon Alexander Craig was an American historian specializing in German and diplomatic history who taught at Princeton and Stanford. The Gordon Alexander Craig Papers document several projects the historian was involved with while a professor at Princeton including the Marine Corps History Project for which Craig served as chairman of the editorial board, and the Princeton response to the loyalty oath controversy at the University of California in 1950-1951.

Jonathan Belcher Collection, 1747-1967

AC352 1 box 1 folder
Jonathan Belcher, was a merchant and colonial governor of the Provinces of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New Jersey and was instrumental in the founding of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton). The Jonathan Belcher Collection consists of collected research materials regarding Jonathan Belcher's relation to the history of Princeton University and consist of correspondence, articles, clippings, and copies of original materials from Belcher collections held at Princeton and elsewhere.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Project Editor's Records, 1943-1974

AC218 5 boxes
The Thomas Jefferson Papers Project was conceived of in 1943 by Princeton University history professor Julian P. Boyd, who was serving at the time as the historian of the Thomas Jefferson Bicentennial Commission. Contained in the records is correspondence with Princeton presidents Harold T. Dodds and Robert F. Goheen, who were active advisors in the early years of the project. Also included are financial records, including Boyd's original cost estimations for the project. Other materials consist of an initial project proposal, annual reports, directives on handling of materials, typography, and editing procedures, and some photographs.
3 results

Series 1: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Project Records, 1943-1974

Series 1: The Papers of Thomas Jeffersion Project, 1943-1974 documents the Thomas Jefferson Papers Project from its conception and initial proposal in 1943 until the death of its first editor Julian P. Boyd in 1980. Contained in the records is correspondence with Princeton presidents Harold T. Dodds and Robert F. Goheen, who were active advisors in the early years of the project. Other notable correspondence is with Jefferson scholars, board members of the New York Times, and Jefferson Papers Project advisory board members. Also included are financial records, including Boyd's original cost estimations for the project. Other materials consist of an initial project proposal, annual reports, directives on handling of materials, typography, and editing procedures, and some photographs.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Project Editor's Records, 1943-1974

The Thomas Jefferson Papers Project was conceived of in 1943 by Princeton University history professor Julian P. Boyd, who was serving at the time as the historian of the Thomas Jefferson Bicentennial Commission. Contained in the records is correspondence with Princeton presidents Harold T. Dodds and Robert F. Goheen, who were active advisors in the early years of the project. Also included are financial records, including Boyd's original cost estimations for the project. Other materials consist of an initial project proposal, annual reports, directives on handling of materials, typography, and editing procedures, and some photographs.

Ralph Barton Perry Papers, 1917-1946

AC349 1 box
Ralph Barton Perry was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1896, a Harvard Philosophy Professor, and a Pulitzer-Prize winning writer producing works on philosophy, history, and politics in his lifetime. The Ralph Barton Perry Papers consist of correspondence, speeches, clippings, and other materials documenting Ralph Barton Perry's life as an alumnus of the Princeton Class of 1896.
2 results

Ralph Barton Perry Papers, 1917-1946

Ralph Barton Perry was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1896, a Harvard Philosophy Professor, and a Pulitzer-Prize winning writer producing works on philosophy, history, and politics in his lifetime. The Ralph Barton Perry Papers consist of correspondence, speeches, clippings, and other materials documenting Ralph Barton Perry's life as an alumnus of the Princeton Class of 1896.

Lawrence Rauch Papers, circa 1932-1951

AC393 3 boxes
Lawrence Rauch was a Princeton University graduate student (Ph.D. Mathematics, 1949) and a pioneer in the field of radio telemetry. The bulk of the collection consists of letters written home by Rauch during his time as a graduate student at Princeton from 1941 to 1949, which document Princeton academics and student life as well as Rauch's work in radio telemetry, and include references to his defense work for the United States government.

Cleveland Memorial Tower Visitor Logs collection, 1913-1954

AC303 11 Volumes
Included as part of the final gothic design of Princeton's Graduate School was a 173-foot tower, a national memorial to former U.S. President Grover Cleveland who was also chairman of the trustees' graduate school committee. The collection consists of 11 log books signed by visitors to the Cleveland Memorial Tower.
3 results

Alan W. Richards Photographs of Princeton University Athletics, 1946-1970

AC401 4 boxes
Alan Windsor Richards was a freelance photographer known for the images he captured of people and events associated with Princeton University from the mid-1940s through the late 1960s. The collection consists of photographic negatives and a very few photographic prints of images captured by Richards of Princeton University athletes and sports events.
3 results

Series 1: Alan W. Richards Photographs of Princeton University Athletics, 1946-1970

Series 1: Alan W. Richards Photographs of Princeton University Athletics, 1946-1970 consists of photographic negatives and a very few photographic prints of images captured by Alan W. Richards of Princeton University athletes and sports events. Approximately 3/4 of the images are related to Princeton University football. These include shots of individual players, coaches, and staff, as well as action shots of games and activities at Blairstown training camp. The Princeton University varsity, junior varsity, freshman and 150 lb. football teams are represented. The remaining 1/4 of the images are related to 16 different Princeton University sports: baseball, crew, cricket, cycling, fencing, golf, ice hockey, lacrosse, rugby, soccer, squash, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball and wrestling.

Alan W. Richards Photographs of Princeton University Athletics, 1946-1970

Alan Windsor Richards was a freelance photographer known for the images he captured of people and events associated with Princeton University from the mid-1940s through the late 1960s. The collection consists of photographic negatives and a very few photographic prints of images captured by Richards of Princeton University athletes and sports events.

Historical Photograph Collection: Slides series, circa 1899-1980

AC378 42 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Consists of several hundred lantern slides containing images of Princeton University, primarily the campus and buildings.
3 results

Princeton University Library Collection of Office of the President Records : Jonathan Dickinson to Harold W. Dodds, 1746-1999 (mostly 1830-1869)

AC117 271 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
This collection contains records relating to Princeton University presidents from Jonathan Dickinson, who served in this capacity from 1746 to 1747, to Harold W. Dodds, whose tenure spanned the period from 1933 to 1957. It brings together both primary and secondary materials pertaining to individual presidents as well as the office of the president itself. The Princeton University Presidents' Records document the lives and accomplishments of each president with varying completeness, as well as the functions of their office.

Historical Photograph Collection, Campus Life Series, circa 1850-2015

AC112 413 boxes 8 oversize folders 66 items
The Campus Life series contains photographs documenting aspects of life as experienced by students, faculty, and staff at Princeton University.

Faculty and Professional Staff files, Subgroup 3: C, 1764-2014

AC107-03 403 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University's Dean of the Faculty is the senior administrator responsible for the quality and well-being of the faculty and professional staff of the university. The collection consists of personnel files for nearly every individual at one time employed as a member of Princeton University's faculty or professional staff.
Top 3 results view all 17

Faculty and Professional Staff files, Subgroup 16: Other, Unknown, and Multiple Departments, 1764-2014

AC107-16 231 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University's Dean of the Faculty is the senior administrator responsible for the quality and well-being of the faculty and professional staff of the university. The collection consists of personnel files for nearly every individual at one time employed as a member of Princeton University's faculty or professional staff.
Top 3 results view all 4

Faculty and Professional Staff files, Subgroup 10: M, 1764-2014

AC107-10 397 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University's Dean of the Faculty is the senior administrator responsible for the quality and well-being of the faculty and professional staff of the university. The collection consists of personnel files for nearly every individual at one time employed as a member of Princeton University's faculty or professional staff.
Top 3 results view all 7

Faculty and Professional Staff files, Subgroup 13: P, 1764-2014

AC107-13 384 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University's Dean of the Faculty is the senior administrator responsible for the quality and well-being of the faculty and professional staff of the university. The collection consists of personnel files for nearly every individual at one time employed as a member of Princeton University's faculty or professional staff.
Top 3 results view all 9

Faculty and Professional Staff files, Subgroup 4: E, 1764-2014

AC107-04 398 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University's Dean of the Faculty is the senior administrator responsible for the quality and well-being of the faculty and professional staff of the university. The collection consists of personnel files for nearly every individual at one time employed as a member of Princeton University's faculty or professional staff.
Top 3 results view all 5

Faculty and Professional Staff files, Subgroup 1: A, 1764-2014

AC107-01 367 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University's Dean of the Faculty is the senior administrator responsible for the quality and well-being of the faculty and professional staff of the university. The collection consists of personnel files for nearly every individual at one time employed as a member of Princeton University's faculty or professional staff.
Top 3 results view all 11

Faculty and Professional Staff files, Subgroup 14: R-S, 1764-2014

AC107-14 341 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University's Dean of the Faculty is the senior administrator responsible for the quality and well-being of the faculty and professional staff of the university. The collection consists of personnel files for nearly every individual at one time employed as a member of Princeton University's faculty or professional staff.
Top 3 results view all 8

George Field Collection of Freedom House Files, 1933-1990 (mostly 1941-1969)

MC048 7 boxes
This collection contains George Field's files of the organization Freedom House (1933-1990; Bulk Dates 1941-1969). Freedom House was formed in October 1941 as an organization dedicated to the defense of freedom throughout the world--a cause perceived to be in great danger. Founding members included George Field, Dorothy Thompson, Wendell L. Willkie, Herbert Agar, Herbert Bayard Swope, and Rex Stout. These and other members had been involved in both Fight For Freedom and in the New York Chapter of the Committee to Defend America By Aiding the Allies. Freedom House carried on the spirit of these two organizations by acting as a clearing house of information. Its first agenda was to work, during World War II, to prepare the country for peace, and then after the war to continue to defend peace and freedom throughout the world. Throughout the period from 1941 to 1967 George Field was the Executive Director of Freedom House and was in charge of the day-to-day activities as well as the long-range planning for the organization. These records reflect Field's position in Freedom House during this time. The collection contains only the records that George Field retained from Freedom House, not the official records of the organization. Included in these records are Field's copies of Freedom House meeting minutes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, publications and writings, financial files, legal files, and photographs.

John T. Find files, 1925-1968 (mostly 1930-1968)

MC049 24 boxes 2 items
Consists primarily of newspaper clippings, study materials, and other printed matter of Find (Princeton Class of 1922) reflecting his interests in the Far East, Chinese languages and education, the Soviet Union, the United States government, and the Vietnam conflict.

Herbert Adams Gibbons Papers, 1908-1934

MC062 28 boxes
Herbert Adams Gibbons was a journalist and foreign correspondent. Consists of papers of Gibbons from the periods when he was a foreign correspondent (1909-1916) in Greece, Spain, Turkey and other Near Eastern countries, a serviceman with the American Expeditionary Forces in France (1917-1918), and a correspondent (1920-1931) for various American magazines in Europe, the Orient, and Africa.
2 results

Francis Martin Ellis notes on Japan, 1946

MC045 1 box
Contains notes of Ellis (Princeton Class of 1945) entitled "Notes on the Present Political Situation" in Japan, covering June 28 to August 10, 1946, during the period in which he served as a translator and interpreter of Japanese.
2 results

Edward S. Greenbaum Papers, 1888-1969 (mostly 1930-1960)

MC069 48 boxes 1 folder 2 items
Edward S. Greenbaum (1890-1970) was a lawyer in New York City in the legal firm of Greenbaum, Wolff & Ernst who was involved in court reform efforts throughout his career. He also served in the War Department during World War II as executive officer to Under Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson, negotiating contracts with the private sector for munitions and supplies. Greenbaum's papers document his career as a lawyer, as well as his government service, and include correspondence, legal documents, reports, and publications.
Top 3 results view all 45

Charles T. Lanham Papers, 1916-1978 (mostly 1944-1978)

MC081 30 boxes
General Charles T. Lanham (1902-1978), a decorated WWII General and friend of author Ernest Hemingway, was an accomplished author, trainer, and after retiring from the military had a successful second career as a public relations executive. The Charles T. Lanham Papers document the general's WWII and post war military service and his private sector employment with several corporations. The papers contain correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, journals, speeches, and legal documents.
Top 3 results view all 20

Subseries 2A: Military Correspondence, 1944-1954

The Military Correspondence subseries is divided into two parts. The first grouping consists of letters sent, approximately three a week, by Lanham to his wife from 1944 until the end of WWII. Each letter is several pages long and detail his experiences, observations, and feelings concerning commanding a unit on the frontlines, the Battle of the Bulge, meeting up with the Russian Army, and the immediate aftermath of the war. The second grouping is Confidential SHAPE Correspondence Files, as arranged by Lanham. The letters date from 1950 until his retirement four years later. The folders are a mix of personal correspondence and official military orders and memorandum.

Raymond Blaine Fosdick Papers, 1898-1971 (mostly 1917-1952)

MC055 26 boxes
Raymond Blaine Fosdick (1883-1972) served as Under Secretary General for the League of Nations (1919-1920) and as President of the Rockefeller Foundation (1936-1948). The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence related to military life during World War I, the formation and activities of the League of Nations, and the administration of the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1920s through 1940s. The collection also contains various writings and personal memorabilia.

Harwood L. Childs Papers, 1918-1971

MC087 28 boxes
Consists of records of German political and social organizations collected by Childs and articles written by him relating to the political and social climate of the time.

William W. Lockwood Papers, 1919-1977

MC086 5 boxes 1 folder
The William W. Lockwood Papers document the American Institute of Pacific Relations and Lockwood's activities within the organization during the McCarthy era. A significant amount of the collection concerns the investigation of the Institute of Pacific Relations by Senators Joseph McCarthy and Pat McCarran. The collection also documents U.S.-Far East relations, particularly U.S.-Japanese trade and the Japanese textile industry.

Harley L. Lutz Papers, 1907-1973 (mostly 1930-1950)

MC088 17 boxes
Harley L. Lutz (1882-1975) was an economist with expertise in taxation and public finance who spent his academic career at Oberlin College, Stanford University, and Princeton University. Lutz also served as an advisor on public finance, especially taxation, to the federal and state governments and was an outspoken opponent of increases in government spending. Lutz's papers document his career as an economist, as well as his work as a consultant on taxation and public finance, and include writings, reports, and correspondence.

Peggy Lamson Collection on Roger Baldwin, 1917-1976 (mostly 1973-1976)

MC082 4 boxes 1 folder
This collection contains interview transcripts, cassette tapes, and background material collected by Peggy Lamson for her authorized biography, Roger Baldwin, Founder of the American Civil Liberties Union: A Portrait. Much of the background material was provided, and in some cases annotated, by Baldwin and documents both his professional and personal life.

G. Edward Pendray papers, 1829-1981 (mostly 1923-1971)

MC105 106 boxes 2 items
Restrictions may apply.
G. Edward Pendray was an early proponent of rocket power and space flight and co-founder Pendray and Company, a prominent public relations firm. The G. Edward Pendray Papers consist of correspondence, notes, memoranda, drafts, reports, photographs, and printed material related to Pendray's career in public relations and his life-long interest and involvement in aeronautics and astronautics.

David A. Morse Papers, 1895-2003 (mostly 1942-1990)

MC097 124 boxes 1 folder 1 item
The David A. Morse Papers document the life and times of David Abner Morse (1907-1990), American lawyer, soldier, and public official. While he distinguished himself in legal, military, and governmental circles, the most fruitful years of his life were spent at the helm of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the oldest member of the United Nations' family of specialized agencies. As Director-General of the International Labour Office in Geneva from 1948 to 1970, Morse guided the increasingly complex activities of this tripartite organization, which unites in one body the representatives of workers, governments, and employers. No one has had a longer tenure as its head, and no one has presided over such far-reaching changes in its composition and orientation. Drawing on a variety of experiences in the field of domestic and international labor, including appointments as Assistant, Under, and Acting Secretary of Labor in the Truman administration, Morse gave practical meaning in a postwar context to the ILO's underlying philosophy, namely, that "universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice." The pursuit of this object won for the ILO the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969. The David Morse Papers contain correspondence, reports, memoranda, photographs, and newspaper clippings that document this long, productive career.

Allen W. Dulles Papers, 1845-1971 (mostly 1918-1969)

MC019 157 boxes
The Allen W. Dulles Papers contains correspondence, speeches, writings, and photographs documenting the life of this lawyer, diplomat, businessman, and spy. One of the longest-serving directors of the Central Intelligence Agency (1953-1961), he also served in a key intelligence post in Bern, Switzerland during World War II, as well as on the Warren Commission.

John Van Antwerp MacMurray Papers, 1715-1988 (mostly 1913-1942)

MC094 176 boxes
The John Van Antwerp MacMurray Papers describe the public and personal lives of John Van Antwerp MacMurray (1881-1960), diplomat and specialist in Far Eastern Affairs, and his father, Junius Wilson MacMurray (1843-1898).

Ivy Ledbetter Lee Papers, 1881-2003 (mostly 1915-1946)

MC085 159 boxes 1 folder
The Ivy L. Lee Papers consist of personal papers and material from the public relations firm of Ivy Lee and Associates, documenting Ivy Lee's public relations theories and practice. Included are correspondence, diaries, articles, writings, public relations material, newsreels, and photographs reflecting Lee's interest in public relations, transportation (especially railroads), financial markets, and foreign relations, among others. Digital images of the Interborough Rapid Transit posters in Series 9 are available at Digital PUL.
Top 3 results view all 79

Subseries 5E: Biographical, 1923-2003

Lee was concerned with publicity for himself as much as for his clients. He had his office write up a number of biographical sketches on him and would reprint favorable articles on himself for interested individuals. Many of the biographies are rather short and repetitive. Included in this subseries is an interview with Ivy Lee, Jr. concerning his father and a masters thesis on Lee, Ivy Lee: Founder of the Public Relations Concept. The researcher may also want to consult various Princeton University senior theses on Lee, listed under "Related Material."

Subseries 5F: Memorabilia, 1907-1985

Lee planned a trip with his family and a few friends across the country by rail in the summer of 1926, saving the itinerary and many news clippings of the trip collected over the journey. "The Trip Over the Harriman Lines" volume from 1907 contains letters of introduction, itineraries, and rail passes, along with various souvenirs collected during the journey.

Series 5: Personal, 1889-2003

This series includes a variety of material relating to Ivy Lee's personal life. The researcher will find information on Lee's immediate family. Lee would at times in his personal correspondence write on issues related to his professional life, and the researcher may want to look at the correspondence with Rev. James W. Lee, Cornelia Lee, and James W. Lee II.

Economists' National Committee on Monetary Policy Records, 1925-1971 (mostly 1940-1970)

MC022 209 boxes
The Economists' National Committee on Monetary Policy, active from November 1933 to 1970, was composed of economists and other financial experts who sought to educate the public and United States government on sound monetary policy. The Committee advocated for a return to the gold standard and sought to combat what they saw as dangerous inflationist sentiment and aggressive monetary policies of the time through public addresses, publishing articles and pamphlets, and testifying before Congress. The records document the Committee's work, as well as its organization and administration, and include correspondence, meeting minutes, and publications.

Ferdinand Eberstadt Papers, 1868-1970 (mostly 1935-1965)

MC021 277 boxes 6 items
Ferdinand Eberstadt (1890-1969) was a prominent Wall Street investment banker who also served in several government posts throughout his career. During World War II, he organized the production and distribution of supplies to the United States military through his work with the Army-Navy Munitions Board and the War Production Board, and he was subsequently involved in plans for the reorganization of the armed services and in the development of post-war economic policies. The Eberstadt papers primarily document his extensive career in public service to the United States related to defense and the economy, as well as his career as an investment banker and his personal life, and include correspondence, reports, his writings, and his personal papers.

School of Engineering and Applied Science Records, 1884-2017

AC162 192 boxes 6 folders 4 items 2056 digital files 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science is an academic unit which since 1921 has overseen the curriculum and administration of the University's academic departments in the engineering sciences. The records document the activities of the School of Engineering and its subordinate departments and programs from its origins in the late 19th century until the present, and consist of correspondence, subject files, research reports, photographs, and other audiovisual materials.

Princeton University Library Records, 1734-2017 (mostly 1952-1995)

AC123 635 boxes 5 folders 10 items 87 Volumes 1605 digital files 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
The Princeton University Library is one of the foremost university libraries in the world. With collections totaling over 12 million volumes, manuscripts, and nonprint items spread across fifteen buildings, the Princeton University Library system serves not only the Princeton University community but the world at large. The Princeton University Library Records consist of the files of the University Librarian and other Library administrators and departments, as well as of the Friends of the Princeton University Library. Materials in the record group include correspondence, reports, publications, clippings, minutes, press releases, proposals, statistics, photographs and other audiovisual materials, and microfilm. The records document the Library's day-to-day operations as well as its involvement with other departments on campus, other college and university libraries, and library users.
Top 3 results view all 581

Subseries 1C, James Thayer Gerould and Lawrence Heyl, 1920-1948

Restrictions may apply.
The James Thayer Gerould and Lawrence Heyl subseries consists primarily of correspondence documenting the development of special collections within the Library and the expansion of the Library staff. Most of the files originate with Gerould (University Librarian, 1920-1940); however there are also records in this series that were generated by Lawrence Heyl, who was acting librarian 1939-1940, and Julian Boyd, who transitioned into the role of University Librarian in 1940. The records contain correspondence and subject files which document a diverse range of topics. Several folders are dedicated to collections acquired by the Library during this time, while others such as that relating to collector and Princeton's first Curator of Graphic Arts Elmer Adler, (Box 3, Folder 3) hint at long-term plans. Another file, "Federal Aid to Libraries" documents the Library's attempt to engage New Deal funding in the midst of the Great Depression.

Office of Communications Records, 1917-2022

AC168 276 boxes 2 folders 1 website
The Office of Communications is Princeton University's administrative department with oversight of media relations and publicity, official publications, web site design and development, and photographic services. The Office of Communications Records consist of subject files and photographs created by the office, some going back to the 1920s, when the first Director of Public Relations was appointed.

Office of the Dean of the College Records, 1919-2015

AC149 233 boxes 26 items 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
The Office of the Dean of the College is charged with overseeing undergraduate admission, curriculum, and academic development. The records document the work of the Dean of the College and the office staff, as well as faculty, students, alumni, and trustees whose work and interests have fallen under the domain of the Office of the Dean of the College. This record group contains annual reports, meeting minutes, departmental records, and correspondence.
Top 3 results view all 103

Series 1: Academic Departments and Programs, 1936-1998

Restrictions may apply.
The Academic Departments and Programs series contains correspondence, memoranda, syllabi, reports, and other materials that make up the Dean of the College's files on the University's academic departments and centers; programs such as continuing education, orientation, and study abroad; and councils including the Humanities Council and the Council on International and Regional Studies. This series documents subjects such as freshman orientation, enrollment, accreditation, teacher preparation and placement. The series also includes annual and other reports and departmental reviews.

Subseries 3A: Awards, 1901-2000

Restrictions may apply.
The awards subseries contains files on awards and scholarships sponsored by individual Princeton classes, alumni, campus departments, and clubs and organizations, and includes valedictorian and salutatorian nominations and honor and debate prizes. Information on outside awards and scholarships such as National Merit Scholarships and the Fulbright Committee may also be found here. This subseries also includes information on Princeton Scholars and the Distinguished Teaching Award.

McCarter Theatre Records, 1922-2016

AC131 209 boxes 1 folder 6 items
The McCarter Theatre was conceived as a permanent home for the Princeton University Triangle Club. McCarter began as a booking theater but ultimately moved into producing its own performances. The McCarter Theatre records document the history of the McCarter Theatre, including administration, performances and productions, and the building itself.

Department of Politics Records, 1921-2017 (mostly 1921-1978)

AC166 39 boxes 4 items 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
The Department of Politics at Princeton University is one of the University's largest academic departments, offering undergraduate and graduate courses touching on nearly every aspect of the discipline of political science. The Department of Politics records document the activities of the Department of Politics and its faculty from the time of its founding in 1924 until the mid-1960s, and contain correspondence, course syllabi and notes, examinations, and subject files.

Department of Geosciences Records, 1845-2017

AC139 56 boxes 1 folder 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Established in 1904 as the Department of Geology, and later known as the Department of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, the Department of Geosciences has grown to become the center for the study of Earth, atmospheric, oceanographic, and environmental sciences at Princeton. The records document the department from its 19th-century origins to the recent past with departmental files, faculty files, faculty meeting minutes and visual materials.

Humanities Council Records, 1935-2021

AC143 6 boxes 1 websites .03 GB
Restrictions may apply.
The Council of the Humanities was founded in 1953 at Princeton University to foster teaching, research and intellectual exchange. Consists of materials collected and generated by the Council of the Humanities, including materials pertaining to the Ford Foundation Project.

Department of Biology Records, 1892-2007 (mostly 1910-1969)

AC142 18 boxes 2 items
Restrictions may apply.
The study of biology began at the College of New Jersey with the appointment in 1830 of botanist John Torrey into a part-time faculty position; it expanded with the formation of the School of Science in the 1870s; and was established as a department in 1904. The collection primarily consists of the records of the Department of Biology assembled during the tenures of Department Chairmen Edwin G. Conklin and Elmer Butler. Included are correspondence, general subject files, and records pertaining to grants, research endowments, publications, and administrative matters such as budgets and staffing. Also includes sponsored research reports and student grade cards.

Pyne-Henry Collection, 1747-1947

AC125 3 boxes
The Pyne-Henry Collection is a diverse group of documents, letters and writings relating to Princeton University, covering an array of topics primarily concerning student life and administrative activities. The collection consists of letters, essays and orations, reports, memoranda, minutes, proclamations, accounts and class lists, and other documents written by students, faculty and administrators which, along with other administrative records and Trustee Minutes, constitute the earliest records and documentary history of the University. Most of these papers and records were amassed by Princeton alumni Moses Taylor Pyne (Class of 1877) and Bayard Henry (Class of 1876) during the latter half of the nineteenth century.
2 results

Series 2: General Files, 1749-1947

Series 2: General Files, 1749-1947, consists of a broad group of materials touching on issues relating to Princeton life and history. Researchers should consult the container listing for the best accounting of this series. Interesting items include a letter with the earliest-known account of the College of New Jersey, circa 1749-1750 (see Princeton Alumni Weekly, 3/11/1905); a group of letters to and from Joseph Shippen, Class of 1756, describing military actions in the French and Indian War and mentioning Wolfe, Amherst, Ticonderoga and Fort Duquesne (1756-1758); a pencil sketch of three Princeton students being escorted to the depot after having been suspended for "pumping" a secessionist (1861); a letter by P. Glennon from Washington D.C., dated July 10, 1861, discussing activities of the Union Army prior to the First Battle of Bull Run; a letter from Ralph Vaughn Williams turning down an invitation to compose a work for the Princeton Chapel (1937). There is also a small general file at the conclusion of this series containing unidentified materials.

Pyne-Henry Collection, 1747-1947

The Pyne-Henry Collection is a diverse group of documents, letters and writings relating to Princeton University, covering an array of topics primarily concerning student life and administrative activities. The collection consists of letters, essays and orations, reports, memoranda, minutes, proclamations, accounts and class lists, and other documents written by students, faculty and administrators which, along with other administrative records and Trustee Minutes, constitute the earliest records and documentary history of the University. Most of these papers and records were amassed by Princeton alumni Moses Taylor Pyne (Class of 1877) and Bayard Henry (Class of 1876) during the latter half of the nineteenth century.

Joseph Raycroft Papers, 1888-1953, 1992

AC146 7 boxes
Joseph Edward Raycroft was Princeton University's Chairman of the Department of Health and Physical Education. The Papers contain correspondence, writings, press-releases, reports, newspaper clippings, photographs, and memorabilia documenting Raycroft's personal life and career. Also included are library catalog lists and other material related to Raycrofts Library of memorabilia

Sesquicentennial Celebration Records, circa 1887-1993 (mostly 1894-1904)

AC141 17 boxes
The collection consists of materials relating to the three-day Sesquicentennial Celebration in October 1896, at which the College of New Jersey became Princeton University. In addition to ephemera and printed material distributed at the celebration, the collection includes a typescript draft of President Francis Landey Patton's sermon, sesquicentennial memorial books, a published sketchbook, official congratulations from other institutions, and press releases and newspaper clippings reporting the events.
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Celebration Materials, 1887-1993

Celebration Materials, circa 1887-1993, collects invitations, programs, mass mailings, event notices, pins, and correspondence relating to the celebration (similar materials can be found in the first scrapbook in Series 4). A typed draft of President Francis Landey Patton's sesquicentennial sermon with corrections, a photograph album of the event, and a published book of sketches from the celebration by William Silas Whitehead can be found in this series as well.

Princeton University 250th Anniversary Celebration Collection, 1993-1997

AC180 105 boxes 4 folders 1 websites
The 250th anniversary of Princeton's founding as the College of New Jersey in 1746, also known by the coined term "Bicennquinquagenary", was celebrated in 1996-1997 with a yearlong series of events. The collection consists of the records of the office in charge of organizing all 250th anniversary celebration activities, as well as examples of the many publications, event programs, invitations, posters, audio and visual recordings, and commemorative artifacts created in conjunction with those activities.

Nadine Taub Collection of Sally Frank Court Documents, 1879-1992 (mostly 1979-1992)

AC194 18 boxes
The Nadine Taub Collection of Sally Frank Court Documents chronicle Nadine Taub's role as co-counsel for Sally Frank, Princeton Class of 1980, in her thirteen-year legal battle after filing a sex discrimination complaint with the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights against Ivy Club, Tiger Inn, University Cottage Club and Princeton University, alleging that the clubs discriminated against her because of her gender. A significant part of the collection contains legal documents from Sally Frank's co-counsel as well as from defending counsel; research material including minutes, reports, newspaper clippings, campus publications, correspondence, and deeds; correspondence to and from Nadine Taub and Sally Frank, which is restricted until 2016; and from various counsel and judicial members.