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Antonio Pace Correspondence with Princetonians, 1938-1976

C1497 1 box 0.4 linear feet
Consists primarily of incoming correspondence to Antonio Pace (1914-2004), a professor of Romance Languages at Syracuse University and the University of Washington, from Princeton faculty, particularly those in the fields of language and cultural studies, as well as from former Princeton classmates (*43). Other notable scholars are also represented. Some correspondents include: Gilbert Chinard (1881-1972), Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), Julian P. Boyd (1903-1980), Kenneth McKenzie (1870-1949), Theodore Fred Kuper (1886-1981), and Giuliano Bonfante (1904-2005).
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Antonio Pace Correspondence with Princetonians, 1938-1976

Consists primarily of incoming correspondence to Antonio Pace (1914-2004), a professor of Romance Languages at Syracuse University and the University of Washington, from Princeton faculty, particularly those in the fields of language and cultural studies, as well as from former Princeton classmates (*43). Other notable scholars are also represented. Some correspondents include: Gilbert Chinard (1881-1972), Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), Julian P. Boyd (1903-1980), Kenneth McKenzie (1870-1949), Theodore Fred Kuper (1886-1981), and Giuliano Bonfante (1904-2005).

Eugene and Jerine Bird Papers, 1932-2012 (mostly 1962-1984)

MC281 15 boxes
Eugene Bird (1925-) is a retired Foreign Service Officer who served primarily in the Middle East. During Eugene Bird's tenure with the State Department, he and his family lived in Jerusalem, Beirut, Cairo, Bombay, New Delhi, and the Saudi Arabian cities of Jeddah and Dhahran. His wife, Jerine "Jerri" Bird (1926-2012), was an activist who started the nonprofit organization Partners for Peace, which sponsored speaking tours by Israeli and Palestinian women throughout the United States. The collection contains Eugene and Jerine Bird's personal and professional correspondence, subject files on the Middle East, and writings, especially pertaining to Jerine Bird's unpublished manuscript on Saudi Arabian women.
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Eugene and Jerine Bird Papers, 1932-2012 (mostly 1962-1984)

Eugene Bird (1925-) is a retired Foreign Service Officer who served primarily in the Middle East. During Eugene Bird's tenure with the State Department, he and his family lived in Jerusalem, Beirut, Cairo, Bombay, New Delhi, and the Saudi Arabian cities of Jeddah and Dhahran. His wife, Jerine "Jerri" Bird (1926-2012), was an activist who started the nonprofit organization Partners for Peace, which sponsored speaking tours by Israeli and Palestinian women throughout the United States. The collection contains Eugene and Jerine Bird's personal and professional correspondence, subject files on the Middle East, and writings, especially pertaining to Jerine Bird's unpublished manuscript on Saudi Arabian women.

Anton Tedesko Collection, 1936-1985

C1456 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Anton Tedesko was a German-born structural engineer who pioneered the development of thin-shell concrete roofs. Consists of four small groups of papers of Anton Tedesko.
3 results

Howard C. Petersen Papers, 1915-1995 (mostly 1935-1970)

MC196 26 boxes
Howard C. Petersen (1910-1995) was an expert in international economics and foreign trade. He served in the War Department under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, as Assistant Secretary of War for President Harry S. Truman, as National Finance Chairman and fundraiser for the Dwight D. Eisenhower campaigns, and as Special Assistant on International Trade for President John F. Kennedy. Petersen was also a principal drafter of the Selective Service Act, a lawyer, and president of Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company. Petersen's papers document his entire career, especially his work with the new Security and Exchange Commission regulations as a lawyer in the 1930s and with the United States War Department during World War II, and include correspondence, articles, and publications.

Office of the Controller Records, 1769-2009 (mostly 1921-2009)

AC161 70 boxes 173 Volumes
Restrictions may apply.
Established in 1920, the Office of the Controller is responsible for the preparation of the University's annual audited financial statements, as well as financial and tax reports to several government agencies including the Internal Revenue Service. Consists of records produced by the Office of the Controller that document University financial matters.

George R. Beach Princeton Football Scrapbooks Collection, 1924-1969

AC287 35 Volumes
George R. Beach was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1926. Consists of bound scrapbooks assembled by George R. Beach documenting Princeton's football team.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State Records, 1947-2013

MC185 87 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
The organization that became Americans United for Separation of Church and State was founded in 1947 to protect church-state separation and religious freedom, as well as to educate lawmakers, religious leaders, and the general public regarding Constitutional religious liberties. The records document the administration and issues of the organization from its founding and include correspondence, meeting materials, and publications.

Archery Papers of Robert P. Elmer, 1914-1952

C0425 21 boxes 9.1 linear feet
Consists of manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, and printed matter of Archery Hall of Fame member Robert P. Elmer (Princeton Class of 1899) related to archery.
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Charles Hodge Papers, 1773-1930 (mostly 1811-1886)

C0261 27 boxes 13.5 linear feet
Consists primarily of the personal papers of Hodge, including lectures, speeches, articles, books an correspondence dealing with questions of Presbyterian theology in the mid and latter nineteenth century. The papers reflect Hodge's lifelong association with the Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS).

Archibald MacLeish Collection, 1925-1962

C0239 3 boxes 1.0 linear feet
Consists of selected manuscripts and correspondence of American poet/dramatist and Pulitzer Prize winner Archibald MacLeish.

Félix Candela Papers, 1767-2007 (mostly 1924-1997)

C1455 37 boxes 32.0 linear feet
Félix Candela was an influential Spanish-born architect and structural engineer, known for his innovative designs using reinforced thin-shell concrete to create the highly efficient hyperbolic parabaloid shapes used in his construction of many well-known churches, factories, and other buildings, primarily in and around Mexico City in the mid-20th century. The collection consists of professional and personal papers, including photographic files documenting his projects, architectural drawings and designs, drafts of lectures and published papers, correspondence, appointment books, student notebooks and artwork, personal photographs and albums, awards and certificates, architectural reference books and magazines, construction materials catalogs, and clippings on various architecture and design topics and on Candela's own work.
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Artículos Microfilmados, 1937-1952

Includes prints made from microfilm of technical articles by others. The original folder was retained, which contains a detailed description of contents, likely including many articles Candela translated. Additional technical articles on microfilm that Candela filed with his photographic negatives can be found in Series 1.

Princeton University Library Collection of Historical Subject Files, Grounds and Buildings, 1802-2000

AC110 21 boxes 342 items 20 digital files
The Princeton University Library Collection of Historical Subject Files, Grounds and Buildings contains information relating to the buildings, grounds, and architects of Princeton University. The collection also includes information on the development of the campus and the various chronologies of construction and land acquisition that have been gathered.

Archives of Derrydale Press, 1926-1960 (mostly 1928-1942)

C0070 111 boxes 69.60 linear feet
Consists of correspondence and business papers of the Derrydale Press, from its foundation in 1926 by Eugene V. Connett III (Princeton Class of 1912) through its liquidation in 1942. There is also a great deal of correspondence by Connett and his staff concerning the acquisition and editing of manuscripts, sales, and distribution, and promotion of the books.
2 results

Archives of Derrydale Press, 1926-1960 (mostly 1928-1942)

Consists of correspondence and business papers of the Derrydale Press, from its foundation in 1926 by Eugene V. Connett III (Princeton Class of 1912) through its liquidation in 1942. There is also a great deal of correspondence by Connett and his staff concerning the acquisition and editing of manuscripts, sales, and distribution, and promotion of the books.

Archives of Harold Ober Associates, 1913-2002 (mostly 1968-2002)

C0129 856 boxes 400 linear feet
This collection consists of correspondence of the New York City literary agency Harold Ober Associates, Inc. and its three London affiliates. Established by Harold Ober (1881-1959) in the 1920s, the agency quickly grew in size and reputation, and has been considered one of the leading representatives for American and British writers in the world. The correspondence includes letters between the agency or affiliates and clients, editors, publishers, and other agents. Also included are other organizational files, such as date books and financial ledgers.
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Archives of Harold Ober Associates, 1913-2002 (mostly 1968-2002)

This collection consists of correspondence of the New York City literary agency Harold Ober Associates, Inc. and its three London affiliates. Established by Harold Ober (1881-1959) in the 1920s, the agency quickly grew in size and reputation, and has been considered one of the leading representatives for American and British writers in the world. The correspondence includes letters between the agency or affiliates and clients, editors, publishers, and other agents. Also included are other organizational files, such as date books and financial ledgers.

Archives of Henry Holt and Company, 1859-1981 (mostly 1890-1943)

C0100 191 boxes 435 Volumes 133 linear feet
Henry Holt was a prominent publisher in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The collection consists of correspondence and manuscripts of authors published by the company, various bookkeeping records, and a collection of photographs, publicity materials, and clippings about Robert Frost.
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Archivo de Alma Concepción, 1939-2021

C1700 15.0 linear feet (12 containers)
El archivo de Alma Concepción consiste principalmente en 43 álbumes de la bailarina, educadora y coreógrafa puertorriqueña Alma Concepción, que contienen fotografías, recortes, programas, cartas, tarjetas postales, folletos, material de difusión y memorabilia. También incluye escritos de Alma Concepción, material de investigación, imágenes digitales, recuerdos, afiches y partituras musicales.
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Archivo de Alma Concepción, 1939-2021

El archivo de Alma Concepción consiste principalmente en 43 álbumes de la bailarina, educadora y coreógrafa puertorriqueña Alma Concepción, que contienen fotografías, recortes, programas, cartas, tarjetas postales, folletos, material de difusión y memorabilia. También incluye escritos de Alma Concepción, material de investigación, imágenes digitales, recuerdos, afiches y partituras musicales.

Archivo de Elena Garro, 1932-1998

C0827 7.21 linear feet (15 containers)
El archivo de Elena Garro contiene manuscritos, correspondencia, cuadernos, diarios, fotografías, material impreso y un diario de la escritora mexicana Elena Garro (1916-1998). También se incluye correspondencia y documentos personales de la hija de Garro, la poeta Helena Paz Garro (1939-2014).
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Archivo de Elena Garro, 1932-1998

El archivo de Elena Garro contiene manuscritos, correspondencia, cuadernos, diarios, fotografías, material impreso y un diario de la escritora mexicana Elena Garro (1916-1998). También se incluye correspondencia y documentos personales de la hija de Garro, la poeta Helena Paz Garro (1939-2014).

Elena Garro con otras personas, circa 1940s-1968

Una fotografía de Elena Garro con Pablo Picasso y otras personas, sin fecha [hacia finales de la década de 1940]; se ve a Helena Paz Garro detrás de Picasso, cuando era una niña de unos 9-10 años. Dos fotografías de Elena Garro en el verano de 1954 en casa de Suzanne de Tézenas, en el lago Lemán; en una de ellas aparece Garro con André Pieyre de Mandiargues y Guy Dumur, y en la otra con Bona Tibertelli de Pisis (Bona de Mandiargues). Tres fotografías de Hector García, Foto Press, México. Una está fechada el 23 de junio de 1967 y es de una protesta que Elena Garro organizó en favor de Régis Debray frente a la Embajada de Bolivia, Ciudad de México, México. Otras dos sin fecha, de hacia 1967 o 1968, una incluye a Elena Poniatowska. También incluye una fotografía de Roberto Fernández Retamar con nota autógrafa al dorso, circa 1967.

Radio Scripts Collection, 1938-1947

TC059 36 boxes 15.40 linear feet
The Radio Scripts Collection consists of typescripts of scripts for various radio programs such as "The Cavalcade of America" (represented by the most scripts), "The Eternal Light," "Books and Authors," "What's New in Books," "Pepper Young's Family," "The Goldbergs," and others.

Floyd H. Black Papers, 1860-1983 (mostly 1939-1977)

C0651 3 items 4 Volumes 1.6 linear feet
Contains seven bound volumes of transcripts of Floyd H. Black's papers, including an unpublished autobiography, diaries, and correspondence.

American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Legal Case Files Series, 1947-1995

MC001-02-04 699 boxes
The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. The files contain materials on freedom of speech, expression, and association; due process of law; equality before the law; legal case files; and organizational records. Within these categories files reflect subject areas such as academic freedom, censorship, racial discrimination, aliens' rights, privacy concerns, labor concerns, amnesty, and government loyalty and security. The files reflect work on litigation, advocacy and public policy, and subject files on various areas of interest connected with civil liberties. Materials include correspondence, court documents, memoranda, printed matter, minutes, reports, briefs, and legal files. Also included are materials from ACLU affiliate organizations, and the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee. Subgroup 2, Series 4 has been digitized and is available for members of the Princeton community to view here. To view the database from outside Princeton University, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.

Department of English Records, 1872-2017

AC134 34 boxes 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
The papers of Princeton University's English Department document the many varied aspects of one of Princeton's largest academic departments. With some writings that pre-date the Department's formal establishment in 1904, the collection includes faculty meeting and sub-committee minutes; faculty personnel papers and correspondence; the papers of many prominent faculty members, which include class lectures, syllabi, and original scholarship; records of departmental majors; student work; and scrapbooks of publicity and memorabilia about the Department, its faculty, staff, and students, both undergraduate and graduate.

Physics Department Records, 1909-2015

AC133 36 boxes 1 websites
The records of the Physics Department document the scientific and teaching activities of Princeton University physicists from 1909 to 1962. While routine activities such as the hiring of faculty and the education of graduate and undergraduate students are recorded, these records also detail the Department's activities in early studies of theoretical physics, as well as its participation in World War II research activities. There is also a small amount of material that documents Milton White's efforts toward builing the cyclotron (1936).

Arnold A. Rogow Papers on James V. Forrestal, 1933-1993 (mostly 1940-1960)

MC240 3 boxes
Arnold A. Rogow (1924-2006) was a political scientist, author, and psychotherapist. His main area of research was psychological explanations for politics, especially the decision-making of leaders, notably James Forrestal and Alexander Hamilton. The Rogow Papers are composed of materials he collected for his book James Forrestal: A Study of Personality, Politics, and Policy (The Macmillan Press: New York, 1963) and include correspondence with individuals who knew Forrestal, Rogow's notes, and other research materials.
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Arnold A. Rogow Papers on James V. Forrestal, 1933-1993 (mostly 1940-1960)

Arnold A. Rogow (1924-2006) was a political scientist, author, and psychotherapist. His main area of research was psychological explanations for politics, especially the decision-making of leaders, notably James Forrestal and Alexander Hamilton. The Rogow Papers are composed of materials he collected for his book James Forrestal: A Study of Personality, Politics, and Policy (The Macmillan Press: New York, 1963) and include correspondence with individuals who knew Forrestal, Rogow's notes, and other research materials.

Church Materials from Mexico I, 1851-1999

LAE052 1848 items
This microfilm consists mainly of Catholic religious pamphlets published in Mexico, covering a wide range of subjects such as art, liturgy and catechism, as well as social issues related to women, indigenous groups, youth, and other topics. The bulk of the material was published in the 1980s and after.

Arthur Cort Holden Papers, 1940-1993

AC246 8 boxes
Arthur Cort Holden was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1912. He went on to earn a graduate degree in architecture from Cornell University, and joined the New York City firm of McKim, Mead, and White, later forming his own firm and advising Frank Lloyd Wright on the design of the Guggenheim Museum in 1949. Consists of personal papers and correspondence of Arthur Cort Holden.
2 results

Arthur Cort Holden Papers, 1940-1993

Arthur Cort Holden was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1912. He went on to earn a graduate degree in architecture from Cornell University, and joined the New York City firm of McKim, Mead, and White, later forming his own firm and advising Frank Lloyd Wright on the design of the Guggenheim Museum in 1949. Consists of personal papers and correspondence of Arthur Cort Holden.

Arthur C. Warner Papers, 1819-2003 (mostly 1946-2003)

MC219 42 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Arthur Cyrus Warner (1918-2007) was an activist in the gay liberation movement, focusing his efforts on legal reform to protect the civil liberties of the gay community. Warner's papers document his involvement in legal reform and other issues pertaining to gay rights. The papers largely consist of legislative and court documents about cases affecting gay civil liberties, and related memoranda, correspondence, and writings.
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Arthur C. Warner Papers, 1819-2003 (mostly 1946-2003)

Restrictions may apply.
Arthur Cyrus Warner (1918-2007) was an activist in the gay liberation movement, focusing his efforts on legal reform to protect the civil liberties of the gay community. Warner's papers document his involvement in legal reform and other issues pertaining to gay rights. The papers largely consist of legislative and court documents about cases affecting gay civil liberties, and related memoranda, correspondence, and writings.

Arthur H. Thornhill Papers, 1987-2003 (mostly 1930-1992)

C0882 19 boxes 9 linear feet
Contains selected papers, photographs, and memorabilia of Arthur H. Thornhill, Jr., Princeton Class of 1946, pertaining to his publishing career at Little, Brown and Company and his involvement in a variety of organizations and activities within the publishing industry. Also present in the collection is a limited amount of material from Thornhill's father, Arthur H. Thornhill, Sr., who preceded his son as president of Little, Brown and Company.
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Arthur H. Thornhill Papers, 1987-2003 (mostly 1930-1992)

Contains selected papers, photographs, and memorabilia of Arthur H. Thornhill, Jr., Princeton Class of 1946, pertaining to his publishing career at Little, Brown and Company and his involvement in a variety of organizations and activities within the publishing industry. Also present in the collection is a limited amount of material from Thornhill's father, Arthur H. Thornhill, Sr., who preceded his son as president of Little, Brown and Company.

Arthur Machen Collection, 1863-1953 (mostly 1895-1945)

C1120 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists chiefly of letters and photographs of Arthur Machen, the Welsh-born writer called "the Apostle of Wonder" because of his mastery of the English language and outstanding creation of supernatural fiction.
1 result

Arthur Mendel Papers, 1937-1981 1950-1979 (mostly 1950-1979)

C0600 24 boxes 11 linear feet
Arthur Mendel was a prominent music scholar in the twentieth century and a professor at Princeton University. The collection contains correspondence with professional colleagues, course notes, musical notes, scrapbooks, and clippings. There is also additional unprocessed material from Mendel's time at Princeton.
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Arthur M. Greene Collection, 1902-1953

C0434 4 boxes 2.7 linear feet
Consists of works, correspondence, and memorabilia of Princeton School of Engineering dean Arthur M. Greene, as well as papers of others about him.
1 result

Arthur Mizener Papers on F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1941-1982 (mostly 1947-1951)

C0634 6 boxes 2.2 linear feet
Consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed material relating to the Fitzgerald biography The Far Side of Paradise (1951) by the literary critic, editor, biographer, author, and educator Arthur Mizener.
1 result

Arthur S. Link Papers, 1940s-1992

MC182 106 boxes
Arthur S. Link was an author, editor, scholar and publisher, but is best known as the leading historian on Woodrow Wilson and for his leadership over the publication of Wilson's papers. This collection consists of the personal papers of Link, which includes articles, correspondence, notes, office files, and presidency records of the American Historical Association.
3 results

Arthur S. Link Papers, 1940s-1992

Arthur S. Link was an author, editor, scholar and publisher, but is best known as the leading historian on Woodrow Wilson and for his leadership over the publication of Wilson's papers. This collection consists of the personal papers of Link, which includes articles, correspondence, notes, office files, and presidency records of the American Historical Association.

J. Monroe Thorington Collection, 1848-1983 (mostly 1920-1964)

WC005 43 boxes
Consists of works, correspondence, diaries, documents, photographs, maps, scrapbooks, miscellaneous material, and printed matter by and about mountaineer J. Monroe Thorington (Princeton Class of 1915), as well as some papers of other people.

Giōrgos Vakalo Papers, 1901-1999

C0921 21 boxes 11.5 linear feet
The Giōrgos Vakalo Papers consists primarily of papers by and relating to the Greek painter and stage designer George Vakalo (1902-1991). Included are autograph and typed manuscripts of Vakalo's notes, talks, articles, interviews, TV or radio productions, artwork, as well as his correspondence, notebooks, photographs, and printed matter, such as exhibition art catalogs, magazines, and clippings. Of particular importance are the hundreds pieces of his artwork in a variety of media (ink, pencil, watercolor, conté crayon, engravings) and on a variety of supports (paper, carton, and canvas).
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William E. Colby Papers, 1935-1996 (mostly 1975-1995)

MC113 18 boxes 1 folder
William E. Colby, Princeton University Class of 1940, was a career agent in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Director of Central Intelligence from 1973-1976. However, the bulk of the collection documents his post-CIA career and contains correspondence, speeches, writings, newspaper clippings, and subject files that reflect Colby's professional and private interests.

Roger Nash Baldwin Papers, 1885-1996 (mostly 1911-1981)

MC005 33 boxes
The Roger Nash Baldwin Papers document the life and career of Roger Baldwin (1884-1981), a prominent and active American civil libertarian for almost all of his prodigiously long life. Baldwin is remembered first and foremost as a founder of the American Civil Liberties Union. Many of the papers in this collection document his involvement with the conscientious objection movement that served as the forerunner to the ACLU and with the Union itself. He served as both its executive director from its foundation in 1920 to his retirement in 1950 and as an advisor from that date until his death in 1981. However, Baldwin cast his net much wider than just the ACLU. During the 1920s and 1930s, he was involved with various left-wing political organizations, including the Industrial Workers of the World. Following the end of World War II, he served as an advisor to the U.S. Army and the United Nations in Germany, Austria, Japan, and Korea, guiding the establishment of democracy in those countries, and he was for many years chair of the International League for the Rights of Man. He spoke and wrote widely, most often on issues of civil liberties and human rights, and also taught periodically throughout his life. The papers, which include correspondence, memos, writings, notes, and photographs, document all aspects of his public life, as well as some portion of his personal life.

J. G. Cobo Borda Papers, 1951-2018

C0278 24.21 linear feet (44 containers)
Consists of personal and working papers of Cobo Borda, a Colombian poet, essayist, journalist, and diplomat, primarily manuscript poems and essays as well as correspondence, spanning the period from 1970 to 2017. There are also manuscripts of speeches and interviews, nonfiction works, documents, photographs, a few papers of others, scrapbooks, and a small amount of printed material.

Immanuel Velikovsky Papers, 1920-1996 (mostly 1930-1979)

C0968 162 boxes
The collection consists of manuscripts, writings, correspondence (both personal and professional), photographs, works of others, microfilm, printed material, and film reels, spanning more than 50 years, concerning Velikovsky's controversial ideas, the books that he wrote, and the history of opposition and criticism from the academic community that he received following the publication of his first book, Worlds in Collision, in 1950. Colleges and universities threatened to boycott the textbook division of the publisher, Macmillan & Co., which led to the transfer of the publishing rights to Doubleday & Co., even though the book had reached the number one spot on the best-sellers list. The book was eventually banned from a number of academic institutions, and several people lost their jobs because of it.

Melvin M. Tumin Papers, 1942-2007

C1396 5 boxes 1.6 linear feet
Melvin Tumin was a professor of sociology and anthropology at Princeton University. Consists of correspondence, articles, papers, and book reviews by Melvin Tumin, including his dissertation research on the ladino and Pokomám Maya population of San Luis Jilotepeque in Eastern Guatemala. The collection is especially notable for Tumin's correspondence with writers Saul Bellow, Iris Murdoch, and Philip Roth.

Woodrow Wilson Additional Materials, 1761-1974

MC215 5 boxes 1 folder
The Woodrow Wilson Additional Materials consist of materials that the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library has acquired on Woodrow Wilson since the mid-1990s.

George F. Thomas Papers, 1930-1977

C0684 13 boxes 4.6 linear feet
Consists of selected papers of George F. Thomas, professor of religious thought (1940-1968) at Princeton.

Charles Rufus Morey Papers, 1895-1955 (mostly 1924-1945)

C0511 20 boxes 3 oversize folders 22.4 linear feet
Restrictions may apply.
American art historian Charles Rufus Morey (1877-1955) served as professor in the Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University from 1918-1945 and as chairman from 1924-1945. The collection includes Morey's drafts for catalogues, mainly at the Museo Sacro and Museo Cristiano; photographs; professional papers, lecture and course notes; and drafts, extracts and contents of vertical files.
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Articles and Publications, 1906-1951

Restrictions may apply.
Includes: "Art and the History of Art in Italy" (College Art Journal, 1951); two copies of "Exhibition of Works of Art Recovered from Germany," 1947 (translated by Sara Morey); "Beginnings of Saint Worship" (The Princeton Theological Review, 1908); "A Remarkable Collection of Ancient Coins" (Princeton Alumni Weekly, vol. VI, no. 30, 1906); "Une nouvelle representation de Dusares et Autres Types de Bostra" (Revue numismatique, 1911); "A Note on the Date of the Mosaic of Hosios David, Salonica" (Byzantion, 1932); "The Landevennec Gospels: A Breton Illuminated Manuscript of the Ninth Century" (The New York Public Library, 1929); "The Origin of the Fish Symbol" (Princeton Theological Review, 1910); on Myrtilla Avery in the Wellesley College Bulletin, "Early Christian Ivories of the Eastern Empire" (reprinted from the Dumbarton Oaks Papers no. 1, 1941); "Mediaeval Art and America" (reprinted from the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 7, 1944).

Charles Rufus Morey Papers, 1895-1955 (mostly 1924-1945)

Restrictions may apply.
American art historian Charles Rufus Morey (1877-1955) served as professor in the Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University from 1918-1945 and as chairman from 1924-1945. The collection includes Morey's drafts for catalogues, mainly at the Museo Sacro and Museo Cristiano; photographs; professional papers, lecture and course notes; and drafts, extracts and contents of vertical files.

Joseph Frank Correspondence, 1930-2013 (mostly 1950-1987)

C1515 22 boxes 8.4 linear feet
Joseph Frank (1918-2013) was an American literary scholar best known for his five-volume biography of Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky, which he began in the early 1970s and completed in 2002. The collection consists of his personal and professional correspondence, including with Elizabeth Bishop, Yves Bonnefoy, Pierre Bourdieu, Ralph Ellison, Carlos Fuentes, Irving Howe, James Laughlin, Richard W. B. Lewis, Mary McCarthy, Allen Tate, and other writers, artists, and academics, as well as some family correspondence, writings, personal documents, and printed materials.

William Jovanovich Papers, 1815-2006 (mostly 1950-1996)

C1505 61 boxes 32.8 linear feet
William Jovanovich (1920-2001) was an American publisher, author, and businessman, who led the publishing firm Harcourt Brace Jovanovich from 1954 to 1991, as president and later as chief executive officer. The collection consists of Jovanovich's author and publisher files, including an extensive file on Charles A. Lindbergh, along with correspondence, writings, personal and family papers, memorabilia, and other files documenting his career as a major American publisher in the 20th century, his creative pursuits in fiction and nonfiction, and his interest in Yugoslav literature and textbook publishing.

John James Audubon Collection, 1788-1970

C0006 6 boxes 6 Volumes
John James Audubon (1785-1851) was a nineteenth-century ornithologist, artist, and naturalist who published his illustrations of American birds and quadrupeds. This collection includes several original manuscripts, transcripts and photostats of manuscripts, correspondence of John James and Lucy Bakewell Audubon (originals and copies), and other printed materials related to Audubon, which have been assembled from various sources.
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Audubon as Subject, 1836-1970

Consists of miscellaneous printed material such as pamphlets, brochures, exhibition and dealer catalogues, and clippings about John James Audubon, as well as correspondence and subject files on related topics. Much of this material was gathered by Dr. Howard C. Rice, Jr., of Princeton University Library and relates to his research on Audubon and the whereabouts of his prints, manuscripts, and paintings.

Erwin Panofsky Correspondence with William S. Hecksher, 1936-1980 (mostly 1945-1968)

C0680 1 box 0.4 linear feet
Consists of copies of correspondence primarily between art historian Erwin Panofsky and his student and fellow art historian William S. Hecksher, spanning the years from 1936 until Panofsky"s death in 1968.
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William M. Sloane Papers, 1931-1979

C0236 7 boxes 3.50 linear feet
Consists primarily of correspondence of William M. Sloane during his publishing and editorial career, which is documented in several publishing files. These include papers of the Association of American University Presses when Sloane served as vice-president and president (1966, 1969-70); the Council on Books in Wartime; the Visiting Committee of American Book Publishers; and the publishing houses of Henry Holt and Company (1938-46) and William Sloane Associates (1946-52).

William Beebe Papers, 1830-1961 (mostly 1920-1959)

C0661 22 boxes 9.2 linear feet
Consists of papers of American naturalist William Beebe, primarily relating to his association with the New York Zoological Society (NYZS).

Newton Lacy Pierce Papers, 1937-1950

C0554 5 boxes
Consists of articles, correspondence, and related materials on astronomy of Newton Lacy Pierce, a professor of astronomy at Princeton University.

Charles W. Yost Papers, circa 1790-2015 (mostly 1930-1980)

MC193 25 boxes
Charles W. Yost (1907-1981) led a varied career as a diplomat, United Nations representative, writer, and scholar. He was a member of the foreign service intermittently between 1930 and 1971, after which time he devoted himself full-time to writing and teaching. Yost's papers document his professional life in the Foreign Service, as well as his time in academia, and include his correspondence, writings, and photographs.

Nikos Pappas and Rita Boumē Papa Papers, 1932-1988

C0878 6 boxes 2.4 linear feet
Consists of personal papers of the Greek poets and writers, Nikos Pappas and his wife, Rita Boumē Papa, including correspondence, autograph manuscripts and typescripts of published and unpublished poetry, articles, talks, clippings, and other printed material.
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Articles, Talks, 1934-1981

The folder contains autograph manuscript drafts of articles and talks by Nikos Pappas, including: "Hē periptōsē tou kritikou Antrea Karantōnē," "Gia ton Kritōna Athanasoulē" [1979], "Mia poiētria ki hena vivlio" (May 1979), "Logotechnikes tautotētes," "Apo pneumatikē skopia: Giati hypegrapsa tēn ekklēsē tēs Stokcholmēs," "Aphierōma gia ton poiētē tou eikostou prōtou aiōnos" (1934-1935), "Ho Nikos Pappas homilei gia tis ekloges sto Rizospastē" (9 Oct. 1981), "Sergei Alexandrovitch Giessenin," talk on I.N. Gryparēs, talk on the celebration of 25th March, 1821, talk on Boulgarian literature, and a text on Thessaly (Greece). There is also an autograph text regarding the gold medal award that Nikos Pappas received from the municipality of Trikala and a manuscript draft of a talk probably given in [Vraza] of Bulgaria in 2-6-76, according to Pappa's handwritten note on the top of the first page.

Historical Photograph Collection, Grounds and Buildings Series, circa 1726-1989

AC111 132 boxes 6 oversize folders 6 items 328 digital files
The Grounds and Buildings Series of the Historical Photograph Collection contains photographs of the grounds and buildings owned by Princeton University. The photographs date from the late 1850s to the present, with the bulk of the photographs dating from the 1870s to the 1940s. Many of these photographs have been digitized and are searchable in Digital PUL.

Arturo Lagorio Correspondence, 1932-1984

C0864 1 box 0.5 linear feet
This collection consists of letters to Arturo Lagorio, Argentine poet and author, by various Latin American and Spanish writers, including Samuel Eichelbaum, Maria Granata, Nicolas Olivari, and Cesar Tiempo.
2 results

Stewart M. Robinson Collection of Colonial Sermons, 1615-1960 (mostly 1745-1785)

C0513 42 boxes 16.2 linear feet
Consists of a collection compiled by American clergyman Stewart M. Robinson (Princeton Class of 1915), including photostats of sermons, letters, pamphlets, and communications to newspapers by clergymen in colonial America, which he used as research material for a proposed book entitled "The Political Thought of the Colonial Clergy."
2 results

Bernard Flexner Papers, 1882-1946 (mostly 1917-1943)

MC056 20 boxes 1 folder
Bernard Flexner, a lawyer, philanthropist and Zionist leader, was an early supporter of the juvenile court movement. Contains the personal papers of Flexner, including diaries and letters to his sister Mary while he served with the American Red Cross Commission to Romania (1917) and as counsel for the Zionist delegation to the Paris Peace Conference (1918-1919); material concerning Albert Einstein, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Sacco-Vanzetti trial record, and the juvenile court system of the early 1900s; and miscellaneous correspondence.
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Bernard Flexner Papers, 1882-1946 (mostly 1917-1943)

Bernard Flexner, a lawyer, philanthropist and Zionist leader, was an early supporter of the juvenile court movement. Contains the personal papers of Flexner, including diaries and letters to his sister Mary while he served with the American Red Cross Commission to Romania (1917) and as counsel for the Zionist delegation to the Paris Peace Conference (1918-1919); material concerning Albert Einstein, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Sacco-Vanzetti trial record, and the juvenile court system of the early 1900s; and miscellaneous correspondence.

Office of the Dean of Religious Life and the Chapel Records, 1906-2023 (mostly 1920-1981)

AC144 50 boxes 2 items 4 GB
The religious interests of members of the University are served through the offices of the Dean of Religious Life and the Chapel, which work with chaplains of different denominations and faiths on a variety of activities. The Dean of the Chapel records document the activities of the Office and the Chapel and include former dean files, historical material, minutes, and marriage, birth, baptism, and death records as well as adminsitrative files and programs of services and concerts.

Edwin Grant Conklin Papers, 1897-1952

C0322 98 boxes 2 items
An ardent evolutionist, Edwin Grant Conklin specialized in embryology and cytology and was Chairman of the biology department at Princeton from 1908-1933. His collection consists of personal and professional correspondence, documents, manuscripts and notes of articles, lectures, and speeches, many of which reflect his life-long interest in three organisms, crepidula, cynthia (styla), and amphioxus, as well as Darwinism, and heredity and environment.
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Edwin Grant Conklin Papers, 1897-1952

An ardent evolutionist, Edwin Grant Conklin specialized in embryology and cytology and was Chairman of the biology department at Princeton from 1908-1933. His collection consists of personal and professional correspondence, documents, manuscripts and notes of articles, lectures, and speeches, many of which reflect his life-long interest in three organisms, crepidula, cynthia (styla), and amphioxus, as well as Darwinism, and heredity and environment.

Bruce and Beatrice Blackmar Gould Correspondence, 1909-1969 (mostly 1927-1967)

C0673 14 boxes 5.4 linear feet
Bruce and Beatrice Blackmar Gould were co-editors at the Ladies' Home Journal in the mid 20th century. Bruce Gould also worked with the Saturday Evening Post. Their correspondence includes letters between Bruce and Beatrice about their co-editorship and co-authorship, letters with writers for the Ladies' Home Journal, and letters from actresses about the Ladies' Home Journal. Also included is a collection of letters about Marion Crawford's book The Little Princesses, some of Beatrice's speeches, speeches by others, and printed matter.

University Research Board Records, 1925-2006

AC169 26 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
The University Research Board, which consists of six faculty members from different departments, is an advisory committee to the president on all research conducted at Princeton University. The collection consists of University Research Board meeting minutes, annual reports, correspondence between members, and some subject files, as well as the memos and correspondence of Raymond J. Woodrow, executive officer and secretary of the Committee on Project Research and Invention, predecessor to the University Research Board.

Princeton University Library Collection of Western Americana Photographs, 1840-1998 (mostly 1870-1915)

WC064 144 boxes 123 linear feet
Restrictions may apply.
Consists of a closed collection of more than 5,000 Western Americana photographs, consisting mostly of documentary photographs of the Trans-Mississippi West from the late 1860s to early 1900s, largely from the perspective of white photographers and settlers. Subjects include American Indians (especially studio portraits), natural wonders, cities, towns, buildings, and economic activities (mining, railroads, logging, and agriculture). Some photographs relate to the Indigenous populations of Mexico and Central America. The dimensions, physical formats, and photographic processes of the photographs vary widely.
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At Bonampak, J. Eric S. Thompson, renowned Carnegie epigrapher enters ruins with Lacandon Indians, circa 1946

Restrictions may apply.
Racist, colonialist, and sexist language were used to describe many of the items in this collection. In some cases, descriptions were creator-supplied or generated from transcriptions of captions on the photographs. In other cases, in which photographs lacked any identifying information, descriptions were created by an archivist. These items are identified in the description with the note, "Cataloger supplied title." However, the collection is a candidate for ongoing reparative description work. We hope that researchers will engage in a dialogue with staff about issues in the collection and changes that could help.

Church in Taos, New Mexico, 1946

Restrictions may apply.
Racist, colonialist, and sexist language were used to describe many of the items in this collection. In some cases, descriptions were creator-supplied or generated from transcriptions of captions on the photographs. In other cases, in which photographs lacked any identifying information, descriptions were created by an archivist. These items are identified in the description with the note, "Cataloger supplied title." However, the collection is a candidate for ongoing reparative description work. We hope that researchers will engage in a dialogue with staff about issues in the collection and changes that could help.

Group portrait by the trees, 1943-1963

Restrictions may apply.
Racist, colonialist, and sexist language were used to describe many of the items in this collection. In some cases, descriptions were creator-supplied or generated from transcriptions of captions on the photographs. In other cases, in which photographs lacked any identifying information, descriptions were created by an archivist. These items are identified in the description with the note, "Cataloger supplied title." However, the collection is a candidate for ongoing reparative description work. We hope that researchers will engage in a dialogue with staff about issues in the collection and changes that could help.

Athletic Programs Collection, 1870-2017

AC042 22 boxes
This collection contains printed athletic programs for football, baseball, basketball, and ice hockey and other sports, with football predominant. The programs, especially the earlier ones, provide a sweeping view of Princeton's athletic history, documenting not only team statistics and scores, but the players, the venues in which the teams competed, social aspects of advertising, and the evolution of the various games.
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Athletic Programs Collection, 1870-2017

This collection contains printed athletic programs for football, baseball, basketball, and ice hockey and other sports, with football predominant. The programs, especially the earlier ones, provide a sweeping view of Princeton's athletic history, documenting not only team statistics and scores, but the players, the venues in which the teams competed, social aspects of advertising, and the evolution of the various games.

Dillon Gym Library Collection, 1891-2003 (mostly 1930-1991)

AC446 8 boxes
The Dillon Gym Library was housed in Dillon Gym, which opened in 1947. Dillon Gym is now mainly used as the headquarters for the Campus Recreation program, and includes various administrative and varsity athletic coaches' offices. The majority of the collection is made up of published material such as athletic handbooks, rule guides and technique charts; athletic organization convention and conference reports; and university publications (sports schedules and programs, admissions material, faculty, staff, and alumni guides and fundraising publications). The collection contains several areas of focus—notably, material on women's sports at Princeton.
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Athletic Rulebooks, Handbooks and Publications, 1902-2003

General athletic files contain published rulebooks and guidebooks for individual sports, especially from the mid-twentieth century and the 1970s, many printed by the NCAA, as well as copies of periodicals such as Modern Gymnast and football programs from Princeton and elsewhere. There are also printed NCAA championship booklets, convention bulletins, manuals, rules and regulations. Much of the material is not specific to Princeton, but some Princeton programs and press releases are included in the football, basketball, hockey, soccer, track, and wrestling files.

Department of Athletics, Administrative and Financial, 1926-1989

A series of administrative materials reflects the administration of the Princeton University Athletic Association—audit reports range from 1933 to 1949—as well as plans, budgets, and invoices for improvements to the Caldwell Field House and Frelinghuysen Field, particularly in the early 1960s, including a plan to install lighting at Frelinghuysen Field. The audit reports and later correspondence, estimates and invoices, blueprints, supply catalogs and budgets for physical improvements appear to come from the files of Director of Athletics R. Kenneth Fairman.

Dillon Gym Library Collection, 1891-2003 (mostly 1930-1991)

The Dillon Gym Library was housed in Dillon Gym, which opened in 1947. Dillon Gym is now mainly used as the headquarters for the Campus Recreation program, and includes various administrative and varsity athletic coaches' offices. The majority of the collection is made up of published material such as athletic handbooks, rule guides and technique charts; athletic organization convention and conference reports; and university publications (sports schedules and programs, admissions material, faculty, staff, and alumni guides and fundraising publications). The collection contains several areas of focus—notably, material on women's sports at Princeton.

Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students Records, 1907-2015

AC136 135 boxes 3 folders 6 items 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
The Dean of Undergraduate Students, formerly known as the Dean of Students and the Dean of Student Affairs, is the University's administrative office charged with oversight of undergraduate residential life, extracurricular activities, and student discipline. The Dean of Undergraduate Students records contain correspondence, memos, and meeting minutes, as well as the financial records of student organizations.

Atomic-bombed Roof Tiles from Hiroshima University, circa 1945-2012.

AC408 2 boxes
The Association of Hiroshima University for Sending Atomic-bombed Roof Tiles distributes the tiles in an effort to perpetuate awareness of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to oppose the use and proliferation of nuclear weapons. The collection includes seven atomic-bombed roof tiles; photographs of the location where the roof tiles were recovered; booklets and pamphlets on the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; and information and correspondence from Hiroshima University.
3 results

Atomic-bombed Roof Tiles from Hiroshima University, circa 1945-2012.

The Association of Hiroshima University for Sending Atomic-bombed Roof Tiles distributes the tiles in an effort to perpetuate awareness of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to oppose the use and proliferation of nuclear weapons. The collection includes seven atomic-bombed roof tiles; photographs of the location where the roof tiles were recovered; booklets and pamphlets on the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; and information and correspondence from Hiroshima University.

Auguste Rodin Collection, 1880-1966 (mostly 1900-1912)

C0195 1 box 0.45 linear feet
The Auguste Rodin Collection contains over fifty Rodin letters, cards, telegrams, and notes, of which about half are in the hand of the sculptor.
1 result

Augusto Monterroso Papers, 1921-2003 (mostly 1972-1996)

C1109 53 boxes 24.6 linear feet
This collection contains the manuscripts, correspondence, drawings, and other papers of twentieth-century Guatemalan author Augusto Monterroso, who spent most of his life as a writer in Mexico.
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Princeton University Library Collection of Theater Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 1726-1978

TC097 15 boxes 6 linear feet
Consists of an assembled collection of correspondence of playwrights, authors, actors and actresses, and theater managers, and other manuscript materials relating to American and English theater from the 1720s through the 1970s.

Ernest Theodore DeWald Papers, 1916-1968

C0420 10 boxes 3.6 linear feet
Consists of papers of Ernest Theodore DeWald (Princeton Class of 1916), professor in the Department of Art and Archaeology specializing in medieval Italian art and director (1946-1960) of the Princeton Art Museum.

Chester Brooks Kerr Papers, 1936-1947

MC242 1 box 2 items
This collection contains Chester Kerr's early papers on book publishing. It documents his involvement with Atlantic Monthly Press and his employment at Reynal and Hitchcock. It also documents Kerr's work with the United States International Book Association, a short-lived non-profit organization founded in 1945 and dedicated to addressing the issues surrounding international book trade and exports.
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Chester Brooks Kerr Papers, 1936-1947

This collection contains Chester Kerr's early papers on book publishing. It documents his involvement with Atlantic Monthly Press and his employment at Reynal and Hitchcock. It also documents Kerr's work with the United States International Book Association, a short-lived non-profit organization founded in 1945 and dedicated to addressing the issues surrounding international book trade and exports.

Jan Valtin Papers, 1930s-1959

C0731 23 boxes 9.6 linear feet
Consists of papers of "Jan Valtin," the literary pseudonym of Richard Julius Herman Krebs.

Carlos Franqui Collection, 1952-1981 (mostly 1957-1962)

C0644 24 boxes 9.6 linear feet
The Carlos Franqui Collection contains works and correspondence of Cuban journalist, poet, and essayist Carlos Franqui, who moved to Europe in 1968 after becoming dissatisfied with Castro's Cuban regime. Included are manuscripts for Diario de la Revolucion Cubana (1976), Cuba, Libro de los Doce (1977), and Retrato de Familia con Fidel (1981) concerning the Cuban revolution of 1959 and Franqui's association with Fidel Castro.

Harlan Cleveland Papers, 1937-2006 (mostly 1960-1979)

MC234 14 boxes
Harlan Cleveland (1918-2008) was a public administrator, ambassador to NATO, and a political scientist. He served in several positions related to the administration of economic aid programs during the 1940s, as an assistant secretary in the State Department and as U.S. ambassador to NATO during the 1960s, and also held positions at three universities and the Aspen Institute. Cleveland's papers document his government service and his work at the Aspen Institute, and include his speech and writings files, as well as correspondence and photographs.
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Harlan Cleveland Papers, 1937-2006 (mostly 1960-1979)

Harlan Cleveland (1918-2008) was a public administrator, ambassador to NATO, and a political scientist. He served in several positions related to the administration of economic aid programs during the 1940s, as an assistant secretary in the State Department and as U.S. ambassador to NATO during the 1960s, and also held positions at three universities and the Aspen Institute. Cleveland's papers document his government service and his work at the Aspen Institute, and include his speech and writings files, as well as correspondence and photographs.

F. L. Pleadwell Papers, 1880-1973 (mostly 1930-1957)

C0535 2 boxes 1.65 linear feet
Consists, for the most part, of letters received by American physician and collector F. L. Pleadwell and his wife, the former Laura Mell Stith, concerning Pleadwell's collection of autographs and books in the literary and historical fields, but includes an album of letters and other items collected from prominent associates in the medical field.

General Manuscripts Miscellaneous Collection, 1502-2012

C0140 121 boxes 68.2 linear feet
Consists of a closed collection of miscellaneous single-item acquisitions that span multiple collecting areas, topics, genres, and time periods. Many materials relate to United States literary, historical, and political figures, including business and personal letters, manuscripts, drawings, photographs, and official documents due to the type of materials that were initially added to the collection.
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Autograph letters signed by Giannēs Ritsos to his Nephew Erēs Kokkōnēs, 1942

Consists of six autograph letters (postcards) signed by Giannēs Ritsos to his nephew Erēs (Leuterēs) Kokkōnēs. Five of them were sent from the village Kontopouli of Lēmnos during poet's exile there from 1948 to 1949 (October 21-December 17, 1948). All of them bear censorship stamp. The sixth card was sent from Athens on December 15, 1942.

Kaiē Tsitselē Papers, 1898-2001

C0801 17 boxes 7.3 linear feet
Consists of personal papers of Kaiē Tsitselē, Greek author and translator, who contributed to the dissemination of the Modern Greek literature outside Greece. The collection consists of manuscripts of some of Tsitselē's novels, short stories, radio scripts, and book reviews along with her English translations of Greek works. Correspondence with her friends and colleagues completes the collection.
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Autograph Manuscript and Typescript Drafts; Clippings, 1946

Includes drafts with handwritten emendations of Tsitselē's translations in English of works by various authors (some uncertain whether or not were translated by Tsitselē): "Excerpts from Erōtokritos" by George Seferis (1946); "The Boss" by M. Karagatsis; The Other Alexander by Margarita Lymperakē; Sleep by Angelos Terzakēs; the play Letter to Orestēs by Iakōvos Kampanellēs; "Birds" by Zyranna Zatelē. There are also clippings of American newspapers (1964-1965) with reviews on the book Their Most Serene Majesties by Ange Vlachos in English translation by Tsitselē. Additionally, there are loose pages of autograph manuscript notes by Tsitselē on possibly two texts translated by others from English to Greek [the inscription "White" on one of the pages refers possibly to Patrick White's Hē Historia tēs Theias, tr. Serapheim Veletzas. Athens: Hestia 1988.

Eroica, 1939-1952

Includes autograph (October 3, 1952) and typescript drafts (undated) of Tsitselē's unpublished English translation of the novel Eroica by Kosmas Politēs; an offprint of the review "Diavazontas tēn Eroica tou Kosma Politē" by Al. Dimantopoulos published in Ta Nea Grammata (1939); correspondence (1 holograph and 1 typed letter) with the editor of Penguin Books Ltd, Martin Soames, regarding the above translation.

Kaiē Tsitselē Papers, 1898-2001

Consists of personal papers of Kaiē Tsitselē, Greek author and translator, who contributed to the dissemination of the Modern Greek literature outside Greece. The collection consists of manuscripts of some of Tsitselē's novels, short stories, radio scripts, and book reviews along with her English translations of Greek works. Correspondence with her friends and colleagues completes the collection.

Warner Bros. Screenplays, 1928-1969

TC099 187 boxes 74.8 linear feet
The Warner Bros. Screenplays consists of a large collection of scripts for films produced by the Warner Bros. studio.

Selected Papers of William Meredith, 1937-1967

C0175 5 boxes 2.5 linear feet
Consists, for the most part, of letters to American poet William Meredith (Princeton Class of 1940) from American authors, most of whom have been associated with Princeton.

Kenneth H. Rockey papers, 1912-1959 (mostly 1940-1945)

MC112 11 boxes
Consists of selected papers of Rockey (Princeton Class of 1916), including memoranda, correspondence, and reports from the period when he served as chairman (1942-1944) of the Navy Price Adjustment Board on the development and administration of defense contract renegotiations during World War II and post-war economic policy and planning.

Lawrence Rauch Papers, circa 1932-1951

AC393 3 boxes
Lawrence Rauch was a Princeton University graduate student (Ph.D. Mathematics, 1949) and a pioneer in the field of radio telemetry. The bulk of the collection consists of letters written home by Rauch during his time as a graduate student at Princeton from 1941 to 1949, which document Princeton academics and student life as well as Rauch's work in radio telemetry, and include references to his defense work for the United States government.
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Richard Pleasant Papers, 1930-1970 (mostly 1940-1960)

TC056 12 boxes 5.2 linear feet
Consists of writings, correspondence, photographs, diaries, scrapbooks, press releases, newspapers, clippings, and miscellaneous material relating to Richard Pleasant, a founder of the Ballet Theatre.

Clifford Nickles Carver Papers, 1885-1965 (mostly 1910-1918)

MC010 50 boxes
Consists primarily of correspondence relating to the work of Carver (Princeton Class of 1913) as secretary (1914-1915) to Walter H. Page, the American ambassador in London, as secretary (1915) to Edward Mandell House in Europe, and as assistant to Bernard M. Baruch working for the War Industries Board, and to his commission in the U.S. Navy attached to the Office of Naval Intelligence (1917-1918).
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Clifford Nickles Carver Papers, 1885-1965 (mostly 1910-1918)

Consists primarily of correspondence relating to the work of Carver (Princeton Class of 1913) as secretary (1914-1915) to Walter H. Page, the American ambassador in London, as secretary (1915) to Edward Mandell House in Europe, and as assistant to Bernard M. Baruch working for the War Industries Board, and to his commission in the U.S. Navy attached to the Office of Naval Intelligence (1917-1918).

James Green Correspondence, 1837-1871

C0965 1 box 0.2 linear feet
The James Green Correspondence consists of letters received from various correspondents by the 19th-century English poet James Green (of Bath).
2 results

Lulu Glaser Papers, 1821-1966 (mostly 1895-1917)

TC033 95 boxes 56.6 linear feet
The Lulu Glaser Papers contains various artifacts, letters, photographs, and other items belonging to Lulu Glaser, a popular singer and actress during the early 1900s. Glaser starred in a couple Broadway plays in the 1890s and later opened the Lulu Glaser Opera Company in 1900, where she produced a number of operas before retiring from performing in 1917. Collection includes materials relating to Glaser's many productions as well as offers insights into her personal life before and after retirement.

Bache and Hodge Family Papers, 1783-1957 (mostly 1790-1890)

C0650 3 boxes 1.2 linear feet
Consists primarily of correspondence representing five generations of the Bache and Hodge families as well as members of the Scott and Wistar families of Princeton and Philadelphia.
3 results

William McElwee Miller Papers, 1931-1979

C0385 4 boxes 1.2 linear feet
Consists of articles, correspondence, notes, miscellaneous material, and printed matter of William McElwee Miller, a Presbyterian clergyman and a missionary in Iran from 1919 to 1962.
3 results

Office of the Vice President for Public Affairs Records, 1924-2016 (mostly 1971-1994)

AC217 18 boxes 2 items 33 digital files
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University's Vice President for Public Affairs has administrative oversight, under the President, of the presentation of the objectives and activities of the University to all its various publics, and serves as spokesperson for the University when needed. The records of the Vice President for Public Affairs consist of subject files assembled on topics relevant to the office's activities, as well as chronological files containing correspondence and interoffice memoranda.

Madison Smartt Bell Papers, 1940s-2021 (mostly 1986-2003)

C0771 85 boxes 60 linear feet
Restrictions may apply.
Madison Smartt Bell (1957-) is an American novelist best known for his trilogy of novels about Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution, published between 1995 and 2004. His papers consist of writings, personal and professional correspondence, family documents, memorandum books, printed materials, and subject files, including drafts, galleys, and proofs for his novels, short stories, and other writings.
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Madison Smartt Bell Papers, 1940s-2021 (mostly 1986-2003)

Restrictions may apply.
Madison Smartt Bell (1957-) is an American novelist best known for his trilogy of novels about Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution, published between 1995 and 2004. His papers consist of writings, personal and professional correspondence, family documents, memorandum books, printed materials, and subject files, including drafts, galleys, and proofs for his novels, short stories, and other writings.

Subseries 7B: 2015 Accession, 1940s-2014 (mostly 1986-2014)

Restrictions may apply.
The 2015 accession comprises an additional 12.4 linear feet of research, draft, and publishing materials related to Bell's works, The Year of Silence, Behind the Moon, Devil's Dream, The Color of Night, Soldier's Joy, Charm City, Red Stick, Zig Zag Wanderer, Lavoisier in the Year One, Soul in a Bottle, and Toussaint Before the Spirits, as well as additional correspondence from 2002 to 2011 and subject files from 1995 to 2014.

McCarter Theatre Records, 1922-2016

AC131 209 boxes 1 folder 6 items
The McCarter Theatre was conceived as a permanent home for the Princeton University Triangle Club. McCarter began as a booking theater but ultimately moved into producing its own performances. The McCarter Theatre records document the history of the McCarter Theatre, including administration, performances and productions, and the building itself.

John Biggs Collection of F. Scott Fitzgerald Estate Papers, 1936-1978 (mostly 1940-1949)

C0628 9 boxes 3.4 linear feet
Consists of the correspondence and legal documents of John Biggs (Princeton Class of 1918) accumulated as executor and trustee of the estate of F. Scott Fitzgerald (Princeton Class of 1917).

Religion in Cuba: Protestant Churches in Cuba, 1926-1999

LAE076 183 items 6.5 linear feet
This collection contains materials published and / or distributed in Cuba by Protestant churches and organizations, and issued between 1926 and 1999.

General Manuscripts Collection, 1870-2003 (mostly 1900-1960)

MC230 17.83 linear feet (23 containers)
The General Manuscripts Collection is largely composed of materials related to United States politics and government, including personal and business correspondence, manuscripts, memorabilia, pamphlets, and reports. The collection includes the papers of many individuals, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt and other United States presidents, government officials, authors and journalists, bankers and businessmen, and Princeton University alumni.

Baroness Hyde de Neuville Collection, 1806-1968

C0463 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of correspondence, photographs, and printed matter concerning the Baron and Baroness Hyde de Neuville.
2 results

Barton Wood Currie Collection, 1918-1948

C1321 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of selected letters by authors and publishers addressed to American reporter and editor Barton Currie and his wife, Florence.
2 results

Derso and Kelen Collection, 1922-1982 (mostly 1922-1970)

MC205 68 boxes 1 folder
The Derso and Kelen Collection consists of correspondence, writings, published material, and over 900 cartoons and caricatures in varying media ranging from pencil sketches and ink drawings to richly-hued watercolors and limited edition lithographic portfolios created by the Hungarian caricaturists and political satirists Alois Derso and Emery Kelen. The vast majority of the works were produced between 1920 and 1950, the active period of collaboration between Derso and Kelen.

Nancy Price Correspondence, 1860-1966 (mostly 1900-1955)

C0642 6 boxes 2.2 linear feet
Consists of about 1500 letters to Price relating to her career as an actress and as founder and manager of the People's National Theatre (London).

Bayard Dodge Collection of Photographs of the Middle East, 1940-1959

C0885 1 box 1.25 linear feet
Consists of photographs of Middle East scenes collected by Bayard Dodge, president of the American University in Beirut, Lebanon.
1 result

William Dean Howells Collection, 1863-1919

C0168 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of correspondence and selected manuscripts of the American critic, novelist, poet, and playwright William Dean Howells.

Leonard L. Milberg '53 Collection of Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Photographs, 1762-2001

C0962 6 boxes 3.4 linear feet
Consists of an open collection of manuscript material related to print collections of Leonard L. Milberg (Princeton Class of 1953): Leonard L. Milberg Collection of American Poetry, Leonard L. Milberg Irish Theater Collection, and the Leonard L. Milberg Collection of Jewish-American Writers.

Princeton University Library Collection of Raymond Mortimer Materials, 1905-1990 (mostly 1925-1970)

C0271 13 boxes 5.2 linear feet
Consists of correspondence, notebooks, drafts and proofs of articles and reviews, photographs, documents, printed ephemera, and other papers of the English literary critic and editor Raymond Mortimer (1895-1980).

Beer Jacket Designs collection, 1917-1979

AC313 2 boxes
Among Princeton University traditions, the Beer Jacket worn by graduating seniors stands as one of the most unique and most enduring. The collection consists of materials documenting the evolution of beer jacket designs throughout the greater part of the 20th century.
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