Antonio Pace Correspondence with Princetonians, 1938-1976
Consists primarily of incoming correspondence to Antonio Pace (1914-2004), a professor of Romance Languages at Syracuse University and the University of Washington, from Princeton faculty, particularly those in the fields of language and cultural studies, as well as from former Princeton classmates (*43). Other notable scholars are also represented. Some correspondents include: Gilbert Chinard (1881-1972), Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), Julian P. Boyd (1903-1980), Kenneth McKenzie (1870-1949), Theodore Fred Kuper (1886-1981), and Giuliano Bonfante (1904-2005).
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Eugene and Jerine Bird Papers, 1932-2012 (mostly 1962-1984)
Eugene Bird (1925-) is a retired Foreign Service Officer who served primarily in the Middle East. During Eugene Bird's tenure with the State Department, he and his family lived in Jerusalem, Beirut, Cairo, Bombay, New Delhi, and the Saudi Arabian cities of Jeddah and Dhahran. His wife, Jerine "Jerri" Bird (1926-2012), was an activist who started the nonprofit organization Partners for Peace, which sponsored speaking tours by Israeli and Palestinian women throughout the United States. The collection contains Eugene and Jerine Bird's personal and professional correspondence, subject files on the Middle East, and writings, especially pertaining to Jerine Bird's unpublished manuscript on Saudi Arabian women.
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Anton Tedesko Collection, 1936-1985
Anton Tedesko was a German-born structural engineer who pioneered the development of thin-shell concrete roofs. Consists of four small groups of papers of Anton Tedesko.
Letters from Anton Tedesko, 1936-1966
c.115 (one hundred and fifteen), c.170pp. total, mainly typewritten (some handwritten), a few incomplete, 4to, on flimsy paper, substantial content, from his addresses in Chicago/Evanstown/Bronxville, about half in German, others in English.
Miscellaneous, 1934-1961
This includes a quantity of copy letters from Franz Weiss to Tedesko; Affidavits signed by Tedesko supporting the temporary (wartime) stay of Margaret and Mary Weiss in the US, details including his income; typewritten list of stocks and shares, inc. maturity; a Christmas newsletter (1961) from Sally and Anton Tedesko.
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Appropriation Ledger, 1945-1946
Appropriation Ledger, 1946-1947
Budgets and Controller's Office Files, 1941-1975
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George R. Beach Princeton Football Scrapbooks Collection, 1924-1969
George R. Beach was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1926. Consists of bound scrapbooks assembled by George R. Beach documenting Princeton's football team.
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Archer, Glenn L., 1943-1980
Eisenhower, 1943-1963
Files, 1943-1976
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Archery Papers of Robert P. Elmer, 1914-1952
Consists of manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, and printed matter of Archery Hall of Fame member Robert P. Elmer (Princeton Class of 1899) related to archery.
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Archibald MacLeish Collection, 1925-1962
Consists of selected manuscripts and correspondence of American poet/dramatist and Pulitzer Prize winner Archibald MacLeish.
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Architectural Reference Books, 1767-1952 (mostly 1919-1952)
Includes 7 bound volumes on architecture and related subjects, many of which are signed and notated by Félix Candela. Of note is a 1767 copy of El Arquitecto Práctico by Antonio Plo y Camín and Jean Minguet.
Artículos Microfilmados, 1937-1952
Includes prints made from microfilm of technical articles by others. The original folder was retained, which contains a detailed description of contents, likely including many articles Candela translated. Additional technical articles on microfilm that Candela filed with his photographic negatives can be found in Series 1.
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Archives of Derrydale Press, 1926-1960 (mostly 1928-1942)
Consists of correspondence and business papers of the Derrydale Press, from its foundation in 1926 by Eugene V. Connett III (Princeton Class of 1912) through its liquidation in 1942. There is also a great deal of correspondence by Connett and his staff concerning the acquisition and editing of manuscripts, sales, and distribution, and promotion of the books.
Series 1: Correspondence, 1926-1961
Consists of the correspondence of the Derrydale Press, ranging from the years 1926-1942.
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Archives of Harold Ober Associates, 1913-2002 (mostly 1968-2002)
This collection consists of correspondence of the New York City literary agency Harold Ober Associates, Inc. and its three London affiliates. Established by Harold Ober (1881-1959) in the 1920s, the agency quickly grew in size and reputation, and has been considered one of the leading representatives for American and British writers in the world. The correspondence includes letters between the agency or affiliates and clients, editors, publishers, and other agents. Also included are other organizational files, such as date books and financial ledgers.
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Archives of Henry Holt and Company, 1859-1981 (mostly 1890-1943)
Henry Holt was a prominent publisher in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The collection consists of correspondence and manuscripts of authors published by the company, various bookkeeping records, and a collection of photographs, publicity materials, and clippings about Robert Frost.
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Archivo de Alma Concepción, 1939-2021
El archivo de Alma Concepción consiste principalmente en 43 álbumes de la bailarina, educadora y coreógrafa puertorriqueña Alma Concepción, que contienen fotografías, recortes, programas, cartas, tarjetas postales, folletos, material de difusión y memorabilia. También incluye escritos de Alma Concepción, material de investigación, imágenes digitales, recuerdos, afiches y partituras musicales.
Fotos de Alma Concepción y material impreso, circa 1942-2011
Contiene tres fotos de Alma Concepción de niña, una con su madre Ada Suárez, una foto de Alma Concepción con algunas de sus bailarinas, cuatro afiches relacionados con varios eventos y un diploma concedido a Alma Concepción de la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
Álbum 1, 1943-1954
Contiene recortes y programas relacionados con la infancia de Alma Concepción, la Academia Figueroa (música) y el Ballets de San Juan.
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Archivo de Elena Garro, 1932-1998
El archivo de Elena Garro contiene manuscritos, correspondencia, cuadernos, diarios, fotografías, material impreso y un diario de la escritora mexicana Elena Garro (1916-1998). También se incluye correspondencia y documentos personales de la hija de Garro, la poeta Helena Paz Garro (1939-2014).
Elena Garro con Octavio Paz, circa 1935-1952
Una fotografía con otras dos parejas, hacia 1930. Una fotografía con Helena Paz Garro y otras personas, fechada en "1952 Karouzawa (Japón)". Una fotografía con la pareja sentada, sin fecha.
Elena Garro con otras personas, circa 1940s-1968
Una fotografía de Elena Garro con Pablo Picasso y otras personas, sin fecha [hacia finales de la década de 1940]; se ve a Helena Paz Garro detrás de Picasso, cuando era una niña de unos 9-10 años. Dos fotografías de Elena Garro en el verano de 1954 en casa de Suzanne de Tézenas, en el lago Lemán; en una de ellas aparece Garro con André Pieyre de Mandiargues y Guy Dumur, y en la otra con Bona Tibertelli de Pisis (Bona de Mandiargues). Tres fotografías de Hector García, Foto Press, México. Una está fechada el 23 de junio de 1967 y es de una protesta que Elena Garro organizó en favor de Régis Debray frente a la Embajada de Bolivia, Ciudad de México, México. Otras dos sin fecha, de hacia 1967 o 1968, una incluye a Elena Poniatowska. También incluye una fotografía de Roberto Fernández Retamar con nota autógrafa al dorso, circa 1967.
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Floyd H. Black Papers, 1860-1983 (mostly 1939-1977)
Contains seven bound volumes of transcripts of Floyd H. Black's papers, including an unpublished autobiography, diaries, and correspondence.
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Series 4: Legal Case Files, 1933-1990
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Army and Navy Records, 1943-1946
Army/Navy Records, 1943-1946
Beard, James F, 1943-1948
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Army Instruction Program, 1946-1950
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Arnold A. Rogow Papers on James V. Forrestal, 1933-1993 (mostly 1940-1960)
Arnold A. Rogow (1924-2006) was a political scientist, author, and psychotherapist. His main area of research was psychological explanations for politics, especially the decision-making of leaders, notably James Forrestal and Alexander Hamilton. The Rogow Papers are composed of materials he collected for his book James Forrestal: A Study of Personality, Politics, and Policy (The Macmillan Press: New York, 1963) and include correspondence with individuals who knew Forrestal, Rogow's notes, and other research materials.
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Arthur Cort Holden Papers, 1940-1993
Arthur Cort Holden was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1912. He went on to earn a graduate degree in architecture from Cornell University, and joined the New York City firm of McKim, Mead, and White, later forming his own firm and advising Frank Lloyd Wright on the design of the Guggenheim Museum in 1949. Consists of personal papers and correspondence of Arthur Cort Holden.
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Arthur C. Warner Papers, 1819-2003 (mostly 1946-2003)
Arthur Cyrus Warner (1918-2007) was an activist in the gay liberation movement, focusing his efforts on legal reform to protect the civil liberties of the gay community. Warner's papers document his involvement in legal reform and other issues pertaining to gay rights. The papers largely consist of legislative and court documents about cases affecting gay civil liberties, and related memoranda, correspondence, and writings.
Collected Writings and Publications, 1901-2001
Early Years and Education, 1855-1960
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Arthur H. Thornhill Papers, 1987-2003 (mostly 1930-1992)
Contains selected papers, photographs, and memorabilia of Arthur H. Thornhill, Jr., Princeton Class of 1946, pertaining to his publishing career at Little, Brown and Company and his involvement in a variety of organizations and activities within the publishing industry. Also present in the collection is a limited amount of material from Thornhill's father, Arthur H. Thornhill, Sr., who preceded his son as president of Little, Brown and Company.
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Arthur Machen Collection, 1863-1953 (mostly 1895-1945)
Consists chiefly of letters and photographs of Arthur Machen, the Welsh-born writer called "the Apostle of Wonder" because of his mastery of the English language and outstanding creation of supernatural fiction.
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Arthur Mendel Papers, 1937-1981 1950-1979 (mostly 1950-1979)
Arthur Mendel was a prominent music scholar in the twentieth century and a professor at Princeton University. The collection contains correspondence with professional colleagues, course notes, musical notes, scrapbooks, and clippings. There is also additional unprocessed material from Mendel's time at Princeton.
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Arthur M. Greene Collection, 1902-1953
Consists of works, correspondence, and memorabilia of Princeton School of Engineering dean Arthur M. Greene, as well as papers of others about him.
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Arthur Mizener Papers on F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1941-1982 (mostly 1947-1951)
Consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed material relating to the Fitzgerald biography The Far Side of Paradise (1951) by the literary critic, editor, biographer, author, and educator Arthur Mizener.
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Arthur S. Link Papers, 1940s-1992
Arthur S. Link was an author, editor, scholar and publisher, but is best known as the leading historian on Woodrow Wilson and for his leadership over the publication of Wilson's papers. This collection consists of the personal papers of Link, which includes articles, correspondence, notes, office files, and presidency records of the American Historical Association.
Series 6: Later Additions, 1940-1970 January
Series 6: Later Additions contains Woodrow Wilson Foundation Annual Reports, Link's correspondence pre- and post-Princeton career, and some additional materials.
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Articles, 1944-1961
Includes typescripts of articles by Jacques Copeau "Le devotion a l'art dramatique" and Charles Dullin "De "L'atelier" à "La cite"; and a printed article by Takēs Sinopoulos, "Hē poiēsē stē zōgraphikē," Zygos, 65 (April 1961).
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Autobiographical Sketches of Roger N. Baldwin, 1940-1979
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Autobiography: Days and Years, 1895-2999
This is an autobiography giving an account of Velikovsky's life from the earliest years until 1958.
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Edith Bolling Wilson Letters and Related Material, circa 1907, 1946
Correspondence between Edith Bolling Wilson and Princeton's Division of Manuscripts regarding a letter written by Woodrow Wilson about the Quad Plan, along with a copy of the letter in question
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Articles and Publications, 1906-1951
Includes: "Art and the History of Art in Italy" (College Art Journal, 1951); two copies of "Exhibition of Works of Art Recovered from Germany," 1947 (translated by Sara Morey); "Beginnings of Saint Worship" (The Princeton Theological Review, 1908); "A Remarkable Collection of Ancient Coins" (Princeton Alumni Weekly, vol. VI, no. 30, 1906); "Une nouvelle representation de Dusares et Autres Types de Bostra" (Revue numismatique, 1911); "A Note on the Date of the Mosaic of Hosios David, Salonica" (Byzantion, 1932); "The Landevennec Gospels: A Breton Illuminated Manuscript of the Ninth Century" (The New York Public Library, 1929); "The Origin of the Fish Symbol" (Princeton Theological Review, 1910); on Myrtilla Avery in the Wellesley College Bulletin, "Early Christian Ivories of the Eastern Empire" (reprinted from the Dumbarton Oaks Papers no. 1, 1941); "Mediaeval Art and America" (reprinted from the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 7, 1944).
Biographical Materials, circa 1945-1955
Includes obituaries, memorials, newspaper clippings, issue of the Princeton Alumni Weekly, vol. XXIII. no. 24 (1923), and four copies of Erwin Panofksy's printed biography.
Charles Rufus Morey Papers, 1895-1955 (mostly 1924-1945)
American art historian Charles Rufus Morey (1877-1955) served as professor in the Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University from 1918-1945 and as chairman from 1924-1945. The collection includes Morey's drafts for catalogues, mainly at the Museo Sacro and Museo Cristiano; photographs; professional papers, lecture and course notes; and drafts, extracts and contents of vertical files.
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