Clive Bell Correspondence, 1922-1962
The Clive Bell Correspondence collection consists of letters received by the English writer and art critic Clive Bell (1881-1964) from Raymond Mortimer, Harold Nicolson, and V. (Victoria) Sackville-West ["Vita"]. Their content reflects both personal and professional matters.
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Collection of Ephemera Relating to the Marketing of Books, 1742-2014
Collection of ephemera relating to the marketing of books, consisting of prospectuses, adverts, catalogs, etc.
Jordan, Edward S.: The inside story of Adam and Eve, 1946
Bifolium, 4to; prospectus "To the friends of Adam Eve: An autographed, numbered Library Edition...and a Standard Edition". Provides history of the book, three reduced specimen pages (7-9), and press reviews. Previous fold.
Lorant, Stefan, ed.: The new world. The first pictures of America, 1946
Folio, unpaginated; 2 double-sided color plates laid into integral folder, text illustrations throughout; mostly fine.
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Collection of Harry H. Hess Materials, 1932-1968
Consists primarily of a few writings and field notes of American geologist Harry Hammond Hess (1906-1969).
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Collection on William F. McCombs, 1910-1948 (mostly 1912-1921)
The Collection on William F. McCombs contains materials on and by William F. McCombs, a lawyer who was actively involved in Woodrow Wilson's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns. McCombs' secretary, Maurice F. Lyons, provided transcripts of correspondence and notes authored by McCombs to Arthur S. Link, as part of Link's work on The Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Correspondence between Lyons and Link concerning the typescripts is also located in this collection, as well as a set of bound newspaper clippings on Wilson's campaigns and administrations created by McComb's sister.
Series 1: Maurice F. Lyons Collection on William F. McCombs, 1910-1948 March
2 results
Committee on Safety and Insurance records, 1945-1961
The Committee on Safety and Insurance was an administrative organization that dealt with occupational safety and insurance issues throughout University facilities and departments. The records consist of Commitee minutes, accident reports, insurance policies, general subject files, and correspondence.
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Conrad Richter Papers, 1801-1977
Consists of material relating to the American author Conrad Richter, including manuscripts, writing notebooks, notes, and galley proofs for several of his novels and other writings. Includes a substantial amount of personal and professional correspondence, as well as photographs.
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Corliss Lamont Papers, 1920-1995
Corliss Lamont was a humanist philosopher and socialist who served as a director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) from 1932 to 1954. The Corliss Lamont Papers document the breadth of Lamont's career as a humanist, civil libertarian, and philanthropist.
2 results
Council on Athletics Trophy Committee Records, 1929-1949
Following a fire that destroyed the University Gymnasium in 1944, a committee was formed by the Council of Athletics for the purpose of replacing as many of the athletic trophies of the University as possible. The collection consists of the records of the Council on Athletics Trophy Committee, including subject files containing photographs, drawings, purchase orders, and other general information about the trophies.
Council on Athletics Trophy Committee Records, 1929-1949
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Council on Books in Wartime Records, 1942-1947
The Council on Books in Wartime Records (1942-1947), an organization of publishers and other literary professionals focusing on the promotion of books and reading to further the war effort, consists of records from the preliminary foundation meetings at Times Hall, New York, through the cessation of formal operations in 1946. The major activities of the organization were focused on its two subsidiary publishing ventures, the Armed Services Editions (1943-1947) and the Overseas Editions, Inc. (1944-1945). The Records consist primarily of correspondence of council members, publishers, printers, booksellers, librarians, and the general public. Also present are meeting minutes, press releases, bulletins, radio scripts, contracts, financial records, letters from servicemen, a few photographs of authors and council members, newspaper clippings, and posters. At its last annual meeting in January 1946 the Council's Board of Directors determined that at the end of operations "such records of the Council as merit preservation shall be deposited in an appropriate public institution such as Princeton University Library." The Records were subsequently acquired by Princeton University Library and then librarian Julian P. Boyd.
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Council on Foreign Relations Meetings Records, 1920-1995
The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and national membership organization dedicated to promoting improved understanding of international affairs and to contributing ideas to United States foreign policy. The Meetings Series documents the work of the Council's Meetings Department, including administrative issues, such as correspondence with speakers, attendance records, and the non-attribution rule, as well as the records of the actual meetings themselves.
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Council on Foreign Relations Records, 1918-2018
The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and national membership organization dedicated to improving understanding of international affairs by promoting a range of ideas and opinions on United States foreign policy. The Council has had a significant impact in the development of twentieth century United States foreign policy. The Records of the Council on Foreign Relations document the history of the organization from its founding in 1921 through the present. The collection includes valuable source documents and records of the meetings, group discussions and studies, and conferences of the Council, as well as portions of its administrative records.
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Council on Foreign Relations Records: Studies Department Series, 1918-2004
The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and national membership organization dedicated to promoting improved understanding of international affairs and to contributing ideas to United States foreign policy. The Studies Department Series documents the planning and execution of the various study groups (including discussion groups, current issue review groups, seminars, workshops and conferences) and projects.
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Course Examinations Collection, 1833-1998 (mostly 1871-1967)
The course examinations collection consists of examination questions administered to applicants, undergraduates, and graduate students at Princeton University.
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C. Pardee Foulke Papers on Woodrow Wilson, 1916-1948
C. Pardee Foulke was a prominent Philadelphia businessman. The C. Pardee Foulke Papers on Woodrow Wilson contain an unpublished biography of Woodrow Wilson.
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C. T. Lanham Papers on Ernest Hemingway, 1945-1978
Charles Trueman Lanham was a life soldier who retired as a general and was also friends with Hemingway. The papers consist of Xerox copies of correspondence between Lanham and Hemingway, a chronology of his time in World War II, correspondence about Hemingway, and a draft of Carlos Baker's biography of Hemingway.
1945-1947, 1945-1947
Hemingway, Ernest: to Lanham, Charles T, 1945-1961
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Curtis Bok Collection, 1941-1948
Consists primarily of several versions, reflecting the printing stages, of Backbone of the Herring (1941), Curtis Bok's fictionalized look at courtroom justice seen through the eyes of a judge. Bok was a common pleas court judge in Pennsylavnia at the time.
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Cyril E. Black Papers, 1932-1989
Consists of papers of Cyril E. Black, a Princeton University professor of history.
Clippings Concerning Cyril Black, 1944-1989
Includes photo and drawing of Cyril Black, obituaries and eulogy, and curriculum vitae.
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Cyrus Fogg Brackett Lectureship Records, 1921-1952
The Cyrus Fogg Brackett Lectureship in Applied Engineering and Technology was established in memory of Professor Brackett in 1921 and continued until 1953. The collection contains many of the lectures–both in manuscript and published form–and correspondence with lecturers and potential lecturers. The collection also includes some general materials relating to the lectureship, such as citations, registries, histories, schedules, and short summaries of Professor Brackett's life and accomplishments.
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Daily Princetonian General records, 1876-2023
The Daily Princetonian is the newspaper of Princeton University. The records consist of subject files from the editorial offices of The Prince covering topics such as awards, events, journalism seminars, and by-laws of the paper, as well as booklets published by the Daily Princetonian corporation.
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Dana Gardner Munro Papers, 1906-1981
Dana Gardner Munro (1892-1990) was an American diplomat to Latin America and a professor of history and director of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. His papers document segments of his scholarly and diplomatic work, and include Department of State press releases, subject files, lectures, correspondence, and articles relating to United States-Latin American relations and Latin American history.
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Dance Subject Files, 1900-1980s
The Dance Subject Files consist of dance-related subject files from early 20th century through 1980s. Among the material are clippings, photos, programs, promotional materials, and dance school brochures.
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David Aiken Reed Papers, 1880-1953
The papers of David Aiken Reed (1880-1953) consist primarily of clippings illustrating the political career of Pennsylvania Senator Reed (Class of 1900) during the years 1914-1940 with a few photographs of World War I campaigns, correspondence from President Herbert Hoover, the publisher Henry Luce and General John J. Pershing, Head of the American Expeditionary Forces of World War I, two letters of commendation, a testimonial, three army documents, and printed copies of a few speeches by Senator Reed.
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David A. Morse Papers, 1895-2003 (mostly 1942-1990)
The David A. Morse Papers document the life and times of David Abner Morse (1907-1990), American lawyer, soldier, and public official. While he distinguished himself in legal, military, and governmental circles, the most fruitful years of his life were spent at the helm of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the oldest member of the United Nations' family of specialized agencies. As Director-General of the International Labour Office in Geneva from 1948 to 1970, Morse guided the increasingly complex activities of this tripartite organization, which unites in one body the representatives of workers, governments, and employers. No one has had a longer tenure as its head, and no one has presided over such far-reaching changes in its composition and orientation. Drawing on a variety of experiences in the field of domestic and international labor, including appointments as Assistant, Under, and Acting Secretary of Labor in the Truman administration, Morse gave practical meaning in a postwar context to the ILO's underlying philosophy, namely, that "universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice." The pursuit of this object won for the ILO the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969. The David Morse Papers contain correspondence, reports, memoranda, photographs, and newspaper clippings that document this long, productive career.
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David E. Lilienthal Papers, 1900-1981 (mostly 1950-1981)
David Lilienthal served on the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (1923-1932), as a member of the board of directors (1933-1941) and then chairman (1941-1946) of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), as first chairman (1946-1950) of the Atomic Energy Commission, and, later, in private business as an industrial consultant and chairman (1955) of the Development and Resources Corporation, which was involved with the Khuzestan Program in Iran. This collection consists of the papers of Lilienthal spanning his entire career, including correspondence, reports, articles, speeches, and printed matter.
16 mm films (50 ft) and video films, 1934-1956
Consists of 13 16mm film reels and two video tapes. Two films appear to be about the Norris Dam, built in the mid-1930s and the first major project of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and two about the Wheeler Dam (1934) and the Hiwassee Dam (1938). One film seems to be about the President's dedication of the Smoky Mountain National Park dedication, 1940. One VHS film concerns an undated retirement party. .
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David F. Bradford Papers, 1939-1990
David F. Bradford (1939-2005) was a professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University and served on the faculty from 1966 to 2005. His main areas of study were public finance and urban problems, and he was internationally known as an expert on taxation. Bradford's papers document his academic career and include correspondence files and conference files, as well as papers related to his research with Harry H. Kelejian, his appointment books, and biographical materials from his years as a student.
2 results
David Graham Phillips Manuscripts, 1902-1950
Consists of selected manuscripts of novels, plays, short stories, essays, and articles of American journalist and author David Graham Phillips (Princeton Class of 1887).
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David Laurence Pierson Scrapbooks, 1817-1953 (mostly 1927-1937)
Consists of twenty scrapbook volumes (1927-1937) of letters, documents, photographs, newspapers clippings, and printed matter concerning the observance of Constitution Day (Sept. 17), compiled by David Laurence Pierson, who was instrumental in getting national recognition for that day.
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David Lawrence Papers, 1901-1975 (mostly 1933-1970)
David Lawrence, Princeton Class of 1910, was an American magazine and news service founder, editor, columnist, and author. This collection contains papers of Lawrence, including correspondence with notable twentieth century figures, articles, speeches, correspondent dispatches, radio broadcast transcripts, and manuscripts for several books.
3 results
David Lewis Papers, 1945-2019 (mostly 1960-2001)
David Kellogg Lewis (1941-2001) was an American philosopher who taught at Princeton University and the University of California, Los Angeles and contributed to metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science, decision theory, epistemology, meta-ethics, and aesthetics. Lewis's papers include over four decades of his correspondence with other philosophers and scholars, including David M. Armstrong, J. J. C. Smart, Frank Jackson, D. H. Mellor, M. J. Cresswell, Allen Hazen, John Bigelow, and others, as well as drafts of his articles, books, reviews, and unpublished writings with related correspondence, his undergraduate and graduate student papers and class notes, research materials from his time at the Hudson Institute, photographs of Lewis with friends and fellow philosophers, a group of files kept by the Australian philosopher David M. Armstrong regarding Lewis, papers of Stephanie R. Lewis, and family papers.
Photographs, 1945-2001
Consists of numerous photographs spanning from childhood photographs of David Lewis to professional headshots, travel photographs, and photographs at events and with fellow philosophers, friends, and family.
Series 5: Additional Papers, 1945-2019
This series includes additional administrative and academic papers of David Lewis, papers of Stephanie Lewis, family papers, photographs, born-digital files, audiovisual media, and other materials added to the collection following the death of Stephanie Lewis in November 2019. Born-digital files were extracted from optical media and USB drives and contain writings, research, correspondence, and photographs of both David and Stephanie Lewis.
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David Lloyd Agency Records on Pearl S. Buck, 1928-1958 (mostly 1934-1952)
The David Lloyd Agency Records on Pearl S. Buck Collection consists of correspondence, publication and translation rights, financial records, and other publishing-related material collected by the David Lloyd Agency regarding their client, the American novelist Pearl S. Buck.
2 results
David N. Rowe Correspondence, 1944-1948
Consists of correspondence between David Nelson Rowe, a professor in Princeton University's School of Public and International Affairs, and five of his Princeton University students who had joined the U.S. Army, Navy, or the Marines, during World War II.
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Dean Mathey Papers, 1896-2010 (mostly 1906-1972)
Dean Mathey (d. 1972), Class of 1912, was a member of the Board of Trustees and an ardent supporter of the University. The collection documents Mathey's familial relationships, service to Princeton, tennis career and other activities from his undergraduate days to the end of his life.
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Delafield Family Papers, 1393-1985 (mostly 1800-1950)
The Delafields were avid collectors of family history and family-related memorabilia in the Hudson River Valley region of New York state. This collection consists of the papers of the Delafield family and related families, most prominently the Livingstons, containing both personal papers and papers collected for their genealogical and historical significance.
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Department of Art and Archaeology Records, 1882-2017 (mostly 1925-1981)
The Art and Archaeology Department is one of the University's most distinguished academic departments, responsible for the education of students on the graduate and undergraduate level as well as the administration of the Princeton Art Museum. This collection consists of the records of the Department of Art and Archaeology, which include advisory council minutes; faculty files; gift records; correspondence; recommendations; project files; course lists; historical documents; and lists of images used in classes.
1990 Accession of Slide and Photograph Lists, 1942-1969
The 1990 Accession of Slide and Photograph Lists, 1942-1969 consists of lists of images used by professors and instructors in the Department of Art and Archaeology while teaching.
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Department of Biology Records, 1892-2007 (mostly 1910-1969)
The study of biology began at the College of New Jersey with the appointment in 1830 of botanist John Torrey into a part-time faculty position; it expanded with the formation of the School of Science in the 1870s; and was established as a department in 1904. The collection primarily consists of the records of the Department of Biology assembled during the tenures of Department Chairmen Edwin G. Conklin and Elmer Butler. Included are correspondence, general subject files, and records pertaining to grants, research endowments, publications, and administrative matters such as budgets and staffing. Also includes sponsored research reports and student grade cards.
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Department of Chemistry Records, 1893-2017
The Department of Chemistry at Princeton University dates back to the early days of the College of New Jersey, and today it is one of the University's largest undergraduate concentrations. The collection contains examinations and grade books, records pertaining to chemistry research performed at the department in support of the U.S. Manhattan project and departmental records.
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Department of Classics Records, 1894-2017 (mostly 1894-1935)
The Department of Classics at Princeton University offers courses, both in English and in the original languages, that treat the whole range of ancient culture, from its mythology to its philosophy, law, and literature. Consists of the records of the Department of Classics from the late 19th and early 20th century.
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Department of English Records, 1872-2017
The papers of Princeton University's English Department document the many varied aspects of one of Princeton's largest academic departments. With some writings that pre-date the Department's formal establishment in 1904, the collection includes faculty meeting and sub-committee minutes; faculty personnel papers and correspondence; the papers of many prominent faculty members, which include class lectures, syllabi, and original scholarship; records of departmental majors; student work; and scrapbooks of publicity and memorabilia about the Department, its faculty, staff, and students, both undergraduate and graduate.
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Department of Facilities Records, 1803-2015 (mostly 1955-1981)
The Department of Facilities at Princeton University is responsible for the construction, maintenance, renovation, and financial management of the buildings and properties owned by the university. The Department of Facilities records document the daily activities of the department and its numerous divisions through blueprints, photographs, correspondence, memos, sketches, contracts, ledgers, tax returns, incorporation papers, by-laws, annual reports, financial statements, newspaper clippings, booklets, and meeting minutes.
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Department of French and Italian Records, 1909-2019
The Department of French and Italian as it exists today at Princeton University originated in 1958 when the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures was split into the separate departments of Romance and Germanic Languages and Literatures. Consists of the records of the contemporary Department of French and Italian, collected while it was operating as the Department of Modern Languages and later the Department of Romance Languages and Literature.
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Department of Geosciences Records, 1845-2017
Established in 1904 as the Department of Geology, and later known as the Department of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, the Department of Geosciences has grown to become the center for the study of Earth, atmospheric, oceanographic, and environmental sciences at Princeton. The records document the department from its 19th-century origins to the recent past with departmental files, faculty files, faculty meeting minutes and visual materials.
1926 Cross Country Field Trip by Pullman Car, 1926-1982
Summer School pamphlet, clippings, negatives
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Department of Grounds and Buildings Technical Correspondence Records, 1866-1988 (mostly 1930-1949)
The Technical Correspondence Records, created by the Department of Grounds and Buildings, contain detailed information relating to the construction, maintenance, renovation, and demolition of buildings, and to the grounds and architects of Princeton University.
Architectural studies and related materials relating to proposed renovations, 1900-1986
Includes a study for the restoration of Nassau Hall by Aymar Embury II, 1900, and an issue of SNIBBE about the Tennis Pavilion, New Grad College, Hibben-Magie, and the Guard Booth, 1986.
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Department of History records, 1926-2017 (mostly 1926-1979)
From the time of the department's institution in 1924, history has typically been one of Princeton's most popular undergraduate concentrations, with the Department of History offering 40 or more undergraduate courses each year. The records consis of subject and faculty files, correspondence, departmental budgets, course syllabi, as well as records from several special projects.
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Department of Music Records, 1932-2015
Since 1935 Princeton University's Department of Music has offered courses in composition, music history, and related areas to students at the graduate and undergraduate level. The records of the Department of Music document the department's wide range of activities including teaching, research, curriculum development, and the planning of music-related programs on campus.
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Department of Near Eastern Studies Records, 1933-2017
The Department of Oriental Studies was formed at Princeton University in the spring of 1927 as the Department of Oriental Languages and Literature. It offered an interdisciplinary curriculum centered on the study of the Arabic, Turkish, and Persian languages and the regions in which they were spoken until 1969, when it was reorganized into the separate Departments of Near Eastern Studies and East Asian Studies. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, printed materials, course syllabi, and other materials which document the activities of the department and it's faculty inside and outside of the classroom.
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Department of Politics Records, 1921-2017 (mostly 1921-1978)
The Department of Politics at Princeton University is one of the University's largest academic departments, offering undergraduate and graduate courses touching on nearly every aspect of the discipline of political science. The Department of Politics records document the activities of the Department of Politics and its faculty from the time of its founding in 1924 until the mid-1960s, and contain correspondence, course syllabi and notes, examinations, and subject files.
Administrative, 1921-1964
The Administrative series contains records which pertain to the activities of the Department of Politics beyond undergraduate and graduate instruction. This includes the search for faculty, interaction with university administration and other parties, and everyday business matters such as requisitions and purchase orders. The large amount of correspondence found in the series contains routine materials such as inquiries from other universities seeking qualified graduate students for faculty positions and letters from scholarly journals regarding published articles.
1 result
Department of Psychology Records, 1880-2017
The Department of Psychology dates from 1893, but was not officially established as an independent department until 1920. This collection includes group portraits and portraits of deparment faculty as well as some photos of individuals and locations that may not be Princeton-related.
1 result
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Derso and Kelen Collection, 1922-1982 (mostly 1922-1970)
The Derso and Kelen Collection consists of correspondence, writings, published material, and over 900 cartoons and caricatures in varying media ranging from pencil sketches and ink drawings to richly-hued watercolors and limited edition lithographic portfolios created by the Hungarian caricaturists and political satirists Alois Derso and Emery Kelen. The vast majority of the works were produced between 1920 and 1950, the active period of collaboration between Derso and Kelen.
Bernard Baruch and His Musketeers, 1946
Pages 32-33, United Nations Sketchbook; "Original pencil study of a painting presented to Mr. Bernard Baruch by [two] Musketeers Derso and Kelen"
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