Firestone Library Architectural Drawings Collection, 1931-1963
R. B. O'Connor & W. H. Kilham, Jr. is the New York City architictural firm that was appointed in 1944 to design Princeton University's Firestone Library, which opened in 1948. The collection includes architectural drawings, plans and photographs of Firestone Library (1948) and the later addition of the John Foster Dulles Library of Diplomatic History (1962).
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Landon T. Raymond Papers on the Class of 1917, 1913-1973
Consists of typescripts of letters by Landon T. Raymond (Princeton Class of 1917) to his parents and other family members while at Princeton University and overseas during World War I; a diary for 1918; a file of correspondence related to his collection of books by and about members of the Class of 1917, especially F. Scott Fitzgerald.
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Joseph Raycroft Papers, 1888-1953, 1992
Joseph Edward Raycroft was Princeton University's Chairman of the Department of Health and Physical Education. The Papers contain correspondence, writings, press-releases, reports, newspaper clippings, photographs, and memorabilia documenting Raycroft's personal life and career. Also included are library catalog lists and other material related to Raycrofts Library of memorabilia
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Lawrence Rauch Papers, circa 1932-1951
Lawrence Rauch was a Princeton University graduate student (Ph.D. Mathematics, 1949) and a pioneer in the field of radio telemetry. The bulk of the collection consists of letters written home by Rauch during his time as a graduate student at Princeton from 1941 to 1949, which document Princeton academics and student life as well as Rauch's work in radio telemetry, and include references to his defense work for the United States government.
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Alice Raphael Collection of Faust Materials, 1938-1960
The Alice Raphael Collection of Faust Materials contains photographs and epherema relating to the Yale bicentennial of Goethe's Faust , for which Alice Raphael's translation was used, as well as information about other productions of Faust and about Raphael's other work.
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William Rankin Correspondence, 1881-1958 (mostly 1905-1940)
William Rankin (Princeton Class of 1886) was an art historian, specializing in Italian art, and was co-author, with Alice Van Vechten Brown, of A Short History of Italian Painting (1914). Consists of correspondence of Rankin.
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Karl L. Rankin Papers, 1916-1973
The Karl L. Rankin Papers consist of correspondence, writings, memoranda, diaries, scrapbooks, and photo albums kept by Mr. Rankin which span his lifetime and career as an ambassador.
Series 1: Diaries, 1931-1953
These diaries are just basic reminders about what events occurred on a given day. There exist few details about conversations and meetings. Rankin probably used his diaries to remember important events about a given day. He apparently stopped writing diaries after 1953.
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Clarence B. Randall Papers, 1932-1967 (mostly 1948-1965)
Consists of 78 bound volumes containing Randall's journals, articles, and speeches concerning his relationships with Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard M. Nixon, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson, and his government posts.
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Sergio Ramírez Papers, 1916-2005 (mostly 1963-2002)
Sergio Ramírez has been a leading Nicaraguan author and politician. In 1977 Ramírez became head of the "Group of Twelve", a group of prominent intellectuals who supported the struggle of the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN) against the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza Debayle. With the triumph of the Revolution in 1979, he became part of the Junta of the Government of National Reconstruction and in 1984 he was elected vice-president under Daniel Ortega. The collection consists of manuscripts of his writings, source materials, personal, literary and political correspondence, papers and documents related to Ramírez's political career and to Nicaraguan political history, writings of others, photographs, and graphic and printed materials.
Novels, 1932-2002
Contains notes, drafts, publisher's proofs, source materials, and some printed materials. Organized alphabetically by title.
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Frederick Quellmalz Jr. Papers on the Princeton Camera Club, 1930-1964
Frederick Quellmalz Jr. was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1934 and one of the founding members of the Princeton Camera Club, a student organization devoted to photography. This collection consists of print photographs and negatives primarily from the 1930s taken by Quellmalz Jr. and other Club members.
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Publishers' Lunch Club Collection, 1915-1959
Consists of miscellaneous business records of the Publishers' Lunch Club of New York City.
Business records (1), 1943-1957
Contains admissions records, bank statements/deposit slips, general correspondence, and paid bills grouped by fiscal year. Some years also contain form letters, remittance slips, and current files. There is a file from 1946-1949 of general corresondence and miscellaneous documents with a notation "Things I would like to discard. Efd" which appears to be written by the secretary of Storer B. Lunt, who served as both Secretary-Treasuer and Vice-President.
Business records (2), 1915-1959
Contains admissions records, bank statements/deposit slips, general correspondence, and paid bills grouped by fiscal year. Some years also contain form letters, remittance slips, and records of elections and reinstatements. There is a file of completed business from 1956-1958, and for the year of 1958-1959 there are folders of files not included in other years. In addition, there are also miscellaneous items including constitutions and memebership lists from 1941-1958, menus from the 1957 Christmas party, 4 account books, an attendance ledger, 4 checkbooks, blank and returned checks, meeting minutes from 1941-1947, and 4 rubber stamps with the address of the club's bank and the name of the secretary-treasurer.
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Class Reunion Books Collection, 1867-2021
The collection consists of class yearbooks that are published to mark class reunions and to provide updates on the lives of alumni.
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War Service Bureau Records, 1940-1949
The records of the War Service Bureau include a wide range of documentation for Princeton men who served in World War II. Materials include biographical, military and school-related information, as well as correspondence between the students and Princeton University staff, faculty and students, and subject files for the War Service Bureau office.
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University Research Board Records, 1925-2006
The University Research Board, which consists of six faculty members from different departments, is an advisory committee to the president on all research conducted at Princeton University. The collection consists of University Research Board meeting minutes, annual reports, correspondence between members, and some subject files, as well as the memos and correspondence of Raymond J. Woodrow, executive officer and secretary of the Committee on Project Research and Invention, predecessor to the University Research Board.
Scientific Research Committee -- Correspondence, 1925-1948
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Admission Office Records, 1854-2017 (mostly 1922-1998)
The Admission Office has determined who should be allowed to enroll as undergraduates at Princeton University since 1922. The actual composition and the desired composition of each class have been contentious campus issues since the introduction of selective admission. The debates over the value of recruiting and admitting alumni sons, war veterans, athletes, disadvantaged students (especially racial minorities), and women are reflected in the records of the Admission Office. This collection includes a number of reports and minutes, some of which are restricted, news clippings and releases about Princeton admission, historical materials, and a series of Admission Office publications.
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Board of Trustees Records, 1746-2024
This collection provides the most basic source of information about Princeton University's governing body. In addition to minutes of the Trustees' meetings, the collection contains related papers and reports, organized according to purpose.
1947 October-1948 June, 1947 October-1948 June
1948 October-1949 June, 1948 October-1949 June
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Triangle Club Records, 1883-2020
The Triangle Club Records consists of records of the Club and its predecessor, the Princeton College Drama Association, for productions performed by these organizations from 1883 to the present. Materials include correspondence, playbills, scripts, scores, newspaper clippings, posters, scrapbooks, and photographs as well as audio-visual recordings.
All Rights Reserved, 1947-1948
All In Favor, 1948-1949
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Theatre Intime Records, 1919-2011
The collection contains records of the Princeton University student-run theatre organization and includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, playbills, posters, scripts, designs, and promotional materials.
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School of Engineering and Applied Science Records, 1884-2017
Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science is an academic unit which since 1921 has overseen the curriculum and administration of the University's academic departments in the engineering sciences. The records document the activities of the School of Engineering and its subordinate departments and programs from its origins in the late 19th century until the present, and consist of correspondence, subject files, research reports, photographs, and other audiovisual materials.
1944-1948, 1944-1948
'A' Miscellaneous, 1944-1954
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Cyrus Fogg Brackett Lectureship Records, 1921-1952
The Cyrus Fogg Brackett Lectureship in Applied Engineering and Technology was established in memory of Professor Brackett in 1921 and continued until 1953. The collection contains many of the lectures–both in manuscript and published form–and correspondence with lecturers and potential lecturers. The collection also includes some general materials relating to the lectureship, such as citations, registries, histories, schedules, and short summaries of Professor Brackett's life and accomplishments.
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School of Architecture Records, 1935-2015
The School of Architecture, previously known as the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, is Princeton University's academic unit dedicated to the teaching and study of architecture and related topics. The records include subject files, correspondence, course descriptions, and other administrative materials, as well as records from the Bureau of Urban Research and its successor, the Research Center for Urban and Environmental Planning.
Including 25-Year Report. Early Publicity, 1941-1967
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Program in Latin American Studies Records, 1947-2017
Princeton University's Program in Latin American Studies was founded in 1966 as an interdisciplinary course of study to supplement the regular undergraduate or graduate curriculum. Consists of publications, event information, videos of conferences, and other informational materials about the Program in Latin American Studies.
New York University School of Law Inter-American Law Institute Reports to the Advisory Council, 1947-1951
Doherty Fellowship Grants, 1948-1951
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Program in Hellenic Studies Collection of Modern Greek Theater Playbills, Second Series, 1933-1981
This collection contains playbills mostly from Greece and a few from other countries.
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Student Academic Work Collection, 1862-2009
This collection consists of essays, notes on readings, laboratory notebooks, drawings and similar academic work products created by Princeton students.
Series 1: Student Academic Work Collection, 1862-1985
Series 1: Student Academic Work Collection, 1862-1985 consists of essays, notes on readings, laboratory notebooks, drawings and similar academic work products created by Princeton students.
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University Land Records, 1752-1992 (mostly 1752-1860)
The University Land Records consist of deeds, mortgages, bonds, other legal papers, and maps concerning the acquisition, disposition, or description of University properties. The records document the physical expansion of the University from its earliest period through the acquisition of large tracts of land in the 20th century, including the properties around Carnegie Lake and numerous farms. A portion of the papers relate to research conducted by Professor Gerald Breese for his book Princeton University Land, 1752-1984 (1986).
Gray Farm-Carnegie Lake, 1912-1976
Springdale Farm, 1882-1975
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Princeton University Fund Records, 1877-1972 (mostly 1938-1956)
Though informal fundraising groups acting under the auspices of the Graduate Council had used the name since the 1920s, the Princeton University Fund as it came to be known was officially assembled in 1940 to provide a permanent organization dedicated to annual giving and other fundraising efforts. Consists of detailed committee minutes and correspondence of the Princeton University Fund. Also included in the collection are annual fundraising reports, promotional materials and clippings, and organizational charts.
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Princeton Print Club Records, 1941-1953
The Princeton Print Club was founded in late 1940 by a group of students seeking to advance the appreciation of graphic arts among the campus community. The records consist of financial accounts, correspondence, and pamphlets which document the activities and membership of the Princeton Print Club.
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Princeton University Press Records, 1905-2014 (mostly 1940-1999)
The Princeton University Press Records document the business acitivities of Princeton University Press. They include extensive files on works published by the press, as well as staff files, review files, editorial board and board of trustees files, financial information, production files, and publications.
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President's Program Records, 1920-1961 (mostly 1935-1949)
The President's Program was a fundraising drive initiated by Princeton President Harold W. Dodds in 1936. Targeting alumni, the program had an ultimate goal of raising over 7 million dollars, to be distributed across three major projects; the construction of a new library, the developement of the school of public and international affairs, and increased scholarship funds. Consists of regional files containing correspondence with program representatives throughout the nation.
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Plastics Laboratory Status and Technical Reports, 1946-1954
Consists of quarterly status reports and technical reports created by the Plastics Laboratory at Princeton University from 1946 to 1954. The Laboratory which was established in 1946 conducted basic research involving problems of a fundamental nature as well as towards the development of plastics and materials with specific properties.
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Office of the Vice President for Public Affairs Records, 1924-2016 (mostly 1971-1994)
Princeton University's Vice President for Public Affairs has administrative oversight, under the President, of the presentation of the objectives and activities of the University to all its various publics, and serves as spokesperson for the University when needed. The records of the Vice President for Public Affairs consist of subject files assembled on topics relevant to the office's activities, as well as chronological files containing correspondence and interoffice memoranda.
Documents and Disposition, 1924-1971
Faculty Lectures, 1935-1967
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Office of the Vice President for Campus Life Records, 1868-2015 (mostly 2006-2017)
The Office of the Vice President for Campus Life is an administrative office at Princeton University responsible for enriching the student experience for the University's undergraduate and graduate students. The Office of the Vice President for Campus Life Records contain internal emails, reports, minutes, spreadsheets, and other office files that document the activities of the office from its inception in the early 21st century and through its first decade and a half of existence.
American Whig Fund, 1934-1977
Frederick Sturges 1897 McCosh, 1937-1997
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Office of the Vice President and Secretary Records, 1853-2019 (mostly 1901-1985)
This collection chronicles the administrative responsibilities and activities of the vice presidents and secretaries of the University. Included are correspondence, memoranda, and notes concerning committee activities. Also included are press releases, discussions pertaining to trustee matters, scholarship information, and biographical files on honorary degree recipients.
General, 1946-1950
Board Minutes (Use of by Outsiders), 1939-1960
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Office of the Treasurer Records, 1754-2009 (mostly 1939-2006)
The Office of the Treasurer is Princeton University's administrative office charged with the coordination and execution of the receipt, disbursement, custody, and safeguarding of the financial assets and resources of the University. The Office of the Treasurer records document the custodianship of Princeton University's finances and contain correspondence, annual reports, budgets, audited statements, and other finance-related materials which are related to the University's assets, investments, cash flow, and spending practices.
Reports of the Committee on Finance to the Board of Trustees, 1944-1948
Reports of the Committee on Finance to the Board of Trustees, 1948-1951
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Nassau Hall War Memorial records, 1946-1950
In 1946 the University unveiled a memorial to those students who had been lost during the Second World War in Nassau Hall. The records document the planning and execution of the memorial including pictures, preliminary lists of honorees, correspondence with parents and campus groups, and programs from the memorial's unveiling ceremony.
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Princeton University Commencement Records, 1748-2024
The Commencement Records contain programs, bulletins, announcements and newspaper clippings which document commencement activities from 1748 to the present. Files are arranged chronologically by year. In addition there are separate series consisting of bound programs, electrical broadcast transcriptions, bound commencement notices, oversize material, and audio recordings of various commencement, class day, and baccalaureate activities.
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Princeton University Diploma Collection, 1749-1998 (mostly 1749-1926)
Since its first class of six graduates and one honoree in 1748, Princeton University has awarded over 80,000 diplomas. This collection contains 213 original diplomas and photostats, including executed diplomas as well as blank, sample or spoiled diplomas.
Series 1: Diplomas from the Princeton University Archives Oversize Collection, 1749-1998
Series 1: Diplomas from the Princeton University Archives Oversize Collection, 1749-1998 (bulk 1749-1926) consists of 183 original diplomas and photostats, as well as a small number of blank, sample or spoiled diplomas.
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Office of the Registrar Records, 1802-2015
The Office of the Registrar is the administrative office of Princeton University responsible for the collection and maintenance of the academic records of the student body, as well as the establishment of course and examination schedules and the collection of fees related to matriculation and registration. The records contain the academic records of individual students, subject files on topics related to admissions and matriculation, statistical reports, and other official documents issued by the Office of the Registrar.
Registration Cards, 1922-1948
Class of 1948, 1948
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Office of the Recording Secretary Records, 1939-2010 (mostly 1958-1984)
Working in conjunction with the Office of Development, Princeton University's Office of the Recording Secretary receives and officially acknowledges gifts to Princeton on behalf of the president and the trustees of the University, and keeps donors informed as to the impact of their gifts. The files from the Office of the Recording Secretary consist of records of gifts donated to Princeton.
Inscriptions, 1947-1948, 1966-1968
Dillon, Herbert L, 1942-1968
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Office of the President Records: Robert F. Goheen Subgroup, 1924-1988 (mostly 1957-1972)
The records of the Office of President Goheen contain the files of the President's Office during the administration of President Robert F. Goheen (1957-1972). The collection contains eighteen series, which consist of correspondence and memoranda, reports, speeches, publications, and related materials, which were created or received by Robert Goheen and other members of the President's office.
Museum of Natural History–Frick Documents, 1942-1965
Geology–Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, 1942-1965
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Princeton University Library Collection of Office of the President Records : Jonathan Dickinson to Harold W. Dodds, 1746-1999 (mostly 1830-1869)
This collection contains records relating to Princeton University presidents from Jonathan Dickinson, who served in this capacity from 1746 to 1747, to Harold W. Dodds, whose tenure spanned the period from 1933 to 1957. It brings together both primary and secondary materials pertaining to individual presidents as well as the office of the president itself. The Princeton University Presidents' Records document the lives and accomplishments of each president with varying completeness, as well as the functions of their office.
Biographical Information, 1915-1977
The College of New Jersey Years, 1746-1961
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Annual Reports to the President, 1940-2015
The President of the University is charged with the general supervision of the interests of the University and with special oversight of the departments of instruction. This collection consists of the collected reports to the President prepared annually by each academic department and administrative office.
1947-1948, 1947-1948
1948-1949, 1948-1949
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Office of the President Records: Harold T. Shapiro Subgroup, 1939-2004 (mostly 1987-2001)
The Office of the President Records: Harold T. Shapiro contains the files generated and compiled by Princeton University's Office of the President during the administration of Harold Tafler Shapiro *64, the University's 18th president. The records consist of files pertaining to academic programs, campus building projects, fundraising, students, faculty, and staff and include correspondence, reports, speeches, and printed materials.
Langfitt, Thomas W. Dr., Class of, 1948, 1988-1995
Trustees, alphabetical by name, 1947-2001
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Pyne Honor Prize Records, 1930-1969
The Pyne Honor Prize, established in 1922 in honor of Moses Taylor Pyne '77, is the highest distinction conferred on an undergraduate student at Princeton University. The collection documents the annual awarding of the Pyne Honor Prize from 1939-1960. Within each year's file is correspondence, biographical and academic information about the recipients, and award statements.