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Barringer Family Papers, 1817-1979 (mostly 1900-1979)

C1250 113 boxes 1 folder
Consists of over 100 cartons and boxes containing correspondence, legal documents, photographs, printed matter, and other material, which document both the careers and personal lives of Princeton graduates Daniel Moreau Barringer and his son, Brandon Barringer. Much of the material about Daniel Moreau Barringer focuses on the Meteor Crater in Arizona, which he spent a large part of his career studying and promoting.

Grover Cleveland Collection, 1879-1984

AC348 1 box
Grover Cleveland was the twenty-second (1885-1889) and twenty-fourth (1893-1897) president of the United States. After leaving the White House he retired to Princeton, N.J where he was a Trustee of Princeton University. The Grover Cleveland Papers consist of collected research materials regarding Grover Cleveland, his life in Princeton, and his relation to the University.

Princeton University Library Collection of Early Photographs of Greece, circa 1852-1999

C0908 6 boxes 12.8 linear feet 1 oversize folders
The Early Photographs of Greece Collection is an open collection for general photographs of sites and subjects in Greece. Included are panoramic photographs of the Parthenon, Athens, and Smyrna, along with other photographs of Greece.
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Office of Physical Planning Records, 1869-1994 (mostly 1946-1994)

AC154 124 boxes 3 folders 160 items
Restrictions may apply.
The Office of Physical Planning was the division of Princeton University's Department of Facilities charged with oversight of the construction of new buildings on campus and alterations to existing structures. The records consist of office files and architectural drawings in a variety of formats.
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Wesley Halliburton Correspondence, 1939-1950

C0284 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of four small groups of correspondence between Wesley Halliburton and others after the death of his famous son Richard in 1939. Richard Halliburton was a celebrated adventurer and author known, among other things, for having swum the length of the Panama Canal.
2 results

Gauss Seminars in Criticism Records, 1949-1981

AC178 5 boxes
Named in honor of Christian Gauss (1878-1951), one of Woodrow Wilson's original preceptors and dean of the college from 1925 to 1946, the Gauss Seminars in Criticism were conceived in 1949 by Richard P. Blackmur (1904-1965). One of America's foremost literary critics–and one of Princeton's most distinguished professors of English–Blackmur sought to stimulate discussion and the exchange of ideas in the humanities through presentations from scholars, artists, critics, and writers. The collection is composed of correspondence with guest speakers.

Kurt Weitzmann Papers, 1930-1991

C0777 60 boxes
Kurt Weitzmann left his native Germany in 1935 for Princeton where he spent the remainder of his life, at the Institute for Advanced Study as a permanent member (1935-1972) and as a professor in Princeton University's Dept. of Art and Archaeology (1945-1972). Included are personal and professional correspondence, related files, course outlines, lectures, manuscripts and notes for various published works, scrapbooks of clippings, and printed matter.

George Nicholson Sterling Lord Literistic Author Files, 1870-2015 (mostly 1995-2015)

C1530 28 boxes 26 linear feet
Restrictions may apply.
George Nicholson (1937-2015) was a literary agent for children's and young adult books at Sterling Lord Literistic from 1995 to 2015. The collection consists of his Sterling Lord Literistic office files on the authors and illustrators with whom he worked, such as Tony Abbott, Betsy Byars, Lois Duncan, Patricia Reilly Giff, Alice Provensen, Peter Lerangis, and Zilpha Keatley Snyder, and the literary estates he managed, including those of Don Freeman, Hardie Gramatky, and Lois Lenski. Author files include correspondence and email printouts, as well as copies of contracts and agreements, royalties statements, book jacket proofs, promotional materials, drafts and proofs of book manuscripts, and photocopies and mock-ups of books.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Organizational Matters Series, 1919-2006 (mostly 1970-2000)

MC001-03-01 494 boxes
The Organizational Matters series documents the administration of the ACLU National Office and their interactions with the regional offices, affiliates, outside organizations, and the general public. The records include committee meeting minutes and mailings, staff files, and department records. The majority of the records are the files of Executive Director Ira Glasser and the records of the Legal Department.

Carl Van Vechten Photographs, 1923-1942

C0877 2 boxes
Consists of photographs taken and printed by Carl Van Vechten, primarily during the 1930s to 1940s, following his career as a music critic, journalist, and author.

Weidenfeld & Nicolson Records, 1917-2012 (mostly 1960-2005)

C1615 403 boxes
Consists of the publishing and administrative records of Weidenfeld & Nicolson, a British publishing company founded by George Weidenfeld (1919-2016) and Nigel Nicolson (1917-2004), which specialized in literary fiction and nonfiction, with an emphasis on history, biographies and memoirs, books by world leaders and political figures, glossy illustrated books, travel guides, and reference books. The collection documents the operations of the firm from its establishment in 1948 through its sale in 1991, and also includes some later records from as recent as 2012 related to its continued operation as an imprint of the Orion Publishing Group.
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Weidenfeld & Nicolson Records, 1917-2012 (mostly 1960-2005)

Consists of the publishing and administrative records of Weidenfeld & Nicolson, a British publishing company founded by George Weidenfeld (1919-2016) and Nigel Nicolson (1917-2004), which specialized in literary fiction and nonfiction, with an emphasis on history, biographies and memoirs, books by world leaders and political figures, glossy illustrated books, travel guides, and reference books. The collection documents the operations of the firm from its establishment in 1948 through its sale in 1991, and also includes some later records from as recent as 2012 related to its continued operation as an imprint of the Orion Publishing Group.

Publication Files, 1917-2012 (mostly 1960-2005)

Publication files comprise the majority of the collection and include correspondence, legal and financial documents, and editorial and production files related to specific authors and publications. While most of these materials are filed by author name and/or publication title, there are also some general files of manuscripts described as "rejected," "unsolicited," or "dead." Production files include photographs and illustrations, jacket covers, correspondence related to permissions, and other design-related materials.

W. B. Yeats Collection, 1888-1950 (mostly 1888-1937)

C1191 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of selected material by and about the Irish poet and dramatist William Butler Yeats, including correspondence, a poetry manuscript, photographs, family items, and Cuala Press ephemera.
1 result

Carlos Fuentes Papers, 1830s-2012 (mostly 1950-2012)

C0790 381 boxes 60 items
The Carlos Fuentes Papers consists of personal and working papers of Fuentes (1928-2012), Mexican author, editor, and diplomat, including notebooks, manuscripts of novels and novellas, short stories, plays, screenplays, nonfiction writings, speeches and interviews, translations of fiction and nonfiction, correspondence, juvenilia, drawings, documents, photographs, audiocassettes, videocassettes, papers of others, scrapbooks, clippings, and printed material.

Department of Grounds and Buildings Technical Correspondence Records, 1866-1988 (mostly 1930-1949)

AC035 25 boxes 1 folder
The Technical Correspondence Records, created by the Department of Grounds and Buildings, contain detailed information relating to the construction, maintenance, renovation, and demolition of buildings, and to the grounds and architects of Princeton University.

Olin R. Moyle Papers, 1929-1955

C0514 5 boxes
Consists of selected papers of Olin R. Moyle, an attorney for the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
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Joseph Coy Green Papers, circa 1907-1977 (mostly 1931-1953)

MC065 41 boxes
Joseph Coy Green (Princeton Class of 1908) served in a number of State Department positions, including his appointment as special representative to the International Institute of Agriculture in Rome (1931), chairman of the Armaments Commission (1944-1946), member of the U.S. Mission to observe the elections in Greece (1946), director of the Foreign Service Board of Examiners, and ambassador to Jordan (1952-1953). Included in this collection are correspondence, journals, scrapbooks, diaries, reports, notes, and printed matter.

War Service Bureau Records, 1940-1949

AC014 77 boxes
The records of the War Service Bureau include a wide range of documentation for Princeton men who served in World War II. Materials include biographical, military and school-related information, as well as correspondence between the students and Princeton University staff, faculty and students, and subject files for the War Service Bureau office.
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Series 1: Records of Men, 1944-1950

Series 1: Records of Men consist of records of individual Princeton University students who served in the military from the Class of 1943 through the Class of 1949. There are single cards for each individual on which is noted biographical information, military rank, home address, service address, and other related information. There are also folders for individuals which include correspondence between Princeton University faculty and staff of the War Service Bureau office, as well as other materials relating to that student's class. For the Class of 1943 there are only cards, but for the Class of 1944 through 1949 there are individual folders for most men. The records are arranged chronologically by class, and alphabetically within each class. In general, the cards appear at the beginning of the chronological run.

Warren Alfred Stark Papers, 1947-1957 (mostly 1950-1952)

C1679 5 linear feet 7 boxes
Consists of correspondence, photographs, newspapers, and ephemera belonging to missile researcher Warren Alfred Stark that document his time in the United States Army at the White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico during the Korean War and the early years of the Cold War. The majority of the collection consists of correspondence between Warren Stark and Jean Anne Baldwin Stark (1928-1999), his girlfriend and later wife, and other family members and close friends.
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Warren Alfred Stark Papers, 1947-1957 (mostly 1950-1952)

Consists of correspondence, photographs, newspapers, and ephemera belonging to missile researcher Warren Alfred Stark that document his time in the United States Army at the White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico during the Korean War and the early years of the Cold War. The majority of the collection consists of correspondence between Warren Stark and Jean Anne Baldwin Stark (1928-1999), his girlfriend and later wife, and other family members and close friends.

Kenneth H. Rockey papers, 1912-1959 (mostly 1940-1945)

MC112 11 boxes
Consists of selected papers of Rockey (Princeton Class of 1916), including memoranda, correspondence, and reports from the period when he served as chairman (1942-1944) of the Navy Price Adjustment Board on the development and administration of defense contract renegotiations during World War II and post-war economic policy and planning.
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Historical Audiovisual Collection, 1912-2012 (mostly 1945-1996)

AC047 241 boxes 9 items 1 digital file 1.5 GB
This collection contains more than 2,300 items, including film, videotapes, compact discs, audio cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tape, and record albums and covers a broad range of topics including classical music, alumni reunions, lectures, and interviews.

Princeton University Library Collection of Martha Gellhorn Materials, 1936-1974

C1531 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of an open collection of letters and memorabilia of American war correspondent, journalist, and novelist Martha Gellhorn (1908-1998), assembled from various sources. Contents include approximately fifty letters (1968-1974) to her adopted son George "Sandy" Gellhorn and fourteen letters (1941-1946) to George Brown, who was Gellhorn and Ernest Hemingway's personal trainer, tennis partner, and friend, as well as badges from Gellhorn's time as a war correspondent and a portrait drawing of her.
2 results

War Correspondent Dog Tags, Pins, and Badges, circa 1936-1967

Consists of a set of dog tags, fifteen pins, and a cloth badge from Gellhorn's career as a war correspondent, primarily from the Spanish Civil War and World War II, including dog tags from her time as a war correspondent for Collier's Magazine during World War II, which are embossed "Martha G. Hemingway / War Correspondent / Colliers Magazine;" her United States War Correspondent's badge; a "¡No pasarán!" pin from the Spanish Civil War; a United States Armed Forces Parachutist Badge with four stars affixed to it; along with other pins and military pips from Great Britain, the Middle East, and Russia.

Princeton University Library Collection of Martha Gellhorn Materials, 1936-1974

Consists of an open collection of letters and memorabilia of American war correspondent, journalist, and novelist Martha Gellhorn (1908-1998), assembled from various sources. Contents include approximately fifty letters (1968-1974) to her adopted son George "Sandy" Gellhorn and fourteen letters (1941-1946) to George Brown, who was Gellhorn and Ernest Hemingway's personal trainer, tennis partner, and friend, as well as badges from Gellhorn's time as a war correspondent and a portrait drawing of her.

Kurt Gödel Papers, 1905-1980 (mostly 1930-1970)

C0282 30.75 linear feet 54 boxes, 22 items, and 9 reels
The papers comprise documents relating to all periods of the life of Kurt Gödel, foremost mathematical logician of the twentieth century, including scientific correspondence, notebooks, drafts, unpublished manuscripts, academic, legal, and financial records, and all manner of loose notes and memoranda.

Silvia S. Bennet Collection on the Olyphant Family, 1764-1897

C0360 13 boxes 5.3 linear feet
Consists of genealogist Silvia S. Bennet's works about, and research papers of, various members of the Olyphant family of Charleston, South Carolina, and New York State.

Walter Kauzmann Papers, 1940-1993

C0978 2 boxes 0.6 linear feet
Consists of correspondence and miscellaneous materials related to Walter Kauzmann's work on the Manhattan Project and his career as a professor of chemistry at Princeton University.
2 results

Walter E. Spahr Papers, 1923-1966 (mostly 1930-1950)

MC121 8 boxes 2 items
Walter E. Spahr (1891-1970) was a professor of economics at New York University who was a strong supporter of the gold standard. Spahr was a founding member and officer of the Economists' National Committee for Monetary Policy, which advocated for sound monetary policies for the United States. Spahr's papers document his scholarship and include his writings and related correspondence.
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Walter E. Spahr Papers, 1923-1966 (mostly 1930-1950)

Walter E. Spahr (1891-1970) was a professor of economics at New York University who was a strong supporter of the gold standard. Spahr was a founding member and officer of the Economists' National Committee for Monetary Policy, which advocated for sound monetary policies for the United States. Spahr's papers document his scholarship and include his writings and related correspondence.

Walter E. Edge Papers, 1782-1968 (mostly 1905-1956)

MC042 26 boxes
Walter Evans Edge (1873-1956) was a notable New Jersey businessman and politician, serving New Jersey as Governor from 1917-1919 and 1944-1947 and as a United States Senator from 1919-1929. The Walter E. Edge Papers document Edge's personal and professional life through correspondence, speeches, government documents, photographs, memorabilia, and scrapbooks.
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Walter E. Edge Papers, 1782-1968 (mostly 1905-1956)

Walter Evans Edge (1873-1956) was a notable New Jersey businessman and politician, serving New Jersey as Governor from 1917-1919 and 1944-1947 and as a United States Senator from 1919-1929. The Walter E. Edge Papers document Edge's personal and professional life through correspondence, speeches, government documents, photographs, memorabilia, and scrapbooks.

Walter de la Mare Letters to Olive C. Jones, 1927-1956

C0917 1 box 0.4 linear feet
Consists primarily of letters by British novelist and poet Walter De la Mare to Olive C. Jones, his secretary during the 1930s and, later, editor of Methuen's children's books.
2 results

Walter D. Edmonds Correspondence with Harold Ober Associates, 1924-1974 (mostly 1931-1968)

C0836 3 boxes 1.2 linear feet
Consists of letters and financial statements received by Walter D. Edmonds from his New York City literary agency, Harold Ober Associates.
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The Library of Jacques Derrida, House Series, 1793-2013

RBD1-1 675 boxes 16 items
Consists of the personal library of French philosopher Jacques Derrida and members of his household.
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The Library of Jacques Derrida, Studio Series, 1686-2010

RBD1 327 boxes 1 folder 6 items
Consists of the personal library of French philosopher Jacques Derrida and members of his household.
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Aubrey Beardsley Collection, 1890-1946

C0056 17 boxes
Aubrey Beardsley was an English draughtsman and author. The collection includes some of his Art Nouveau work, book illustrations, borders, chapter headings, title pages, and posters. Also included are various notes for his writing and holograph manuscripts of "Under the Hill" and "The Ivory Piece." Correspondence with friends and colleagues completes the collection.

Walker Bleakney Papers, 1920s-1961

C0604 27 boxes 16.30 linear feet
Walker Bleakney was a renowned physicist who served as a Princeton professor of physics (1932-1969) and chairman of the physics department (1960-1967). This collection consists of Bleakney's papers, including published and unpublished reports, drafts of articles, graphic data and photographs of experiments, and other material concerning Bleakney's defense-related research on shock waves at the Princeton Gas Dynamics Laboratory, as well as lecture notes and correspondence.
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Walker Bleakney Papers, 1920s-1961

Walker Bleakney was a renowned physicist who served as a Princeton professor of physics (1932-1969) and chairman of the physics department (1960-1967). This collection consists of Bleakney's papers, including published and unpublished reports, drafts of articles, graphic data and photographs of experiments, and other material concerning Bleakney's defense-related research on shock waves at the Princeton Gas Dynamics Laboratory, as well as lecture notes and correspondence.

Arthur Cort Holden Papers, 1845-1993 (mostly 1890-1993)

C0767 39 boxes
The Arthur Cort Holden Papers consists chiefly Holden's personal and professional papers, accumulated during his life (1890-1993) as an architect and active Princeton University alumnus. Also included are photographs, the papers of friends and family members, and miscellaneous printed matter dating from the 1840s to the 1990s.

Allison Delarue Collection, 1820-1990s

TC012 32 boxes 153 items
The Allison Delarue Collection consists of a draft of Delarue's unpublished autobiography, letters received by Delarue from various friends, associates, and people involved in dance and the theater, and prints, photographs, and objects collected by Delarue relating to ballet and its history.
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Naumburg Collection of Ford Madox Ford, 1871-1992 (mostly 1910-1970)

C0263 13 boxes 2 items 5.9 linear feet
Ford Madox Ford, formerly "Ford Madox Hueffer", founded The English Review, a literary journal, in 1908 and published novels (such as The Good Soldier, 1915) and critical works. The collection consists jointly of letters and works of Ford and letters and works about Ford collected by Edward Naumburg (Princeton Class of 1924).

Antonio Pace Correspondence with Princetonians, 1938-1976

C1497 1 box 0.4 linear feet
Consists primarily of incoming correspondence to Antonio Pace (1914-2004), a professor of Romance Languages at Syracuse University and the University of Washington, from Princeton faculty, particularly those in the fields of language and cultural studies, as well as from former Princeton classmates (*43). Other notable scholars are also represented. Some correspondents include: Gilbert Chinard (1881-1972), Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), Julian P. Boyd (1903-1980), Kenneth McKenzie (1870-1949), Theodore Fred Kuper (1886-1981), and Giuliano Bonfante (1904-2005).

Maurice Pate Papers, 1904-1985 (mostly 1945-1965)

MC103 24 boxes 1 folder
Maurice Pate (1894-1965) was an international civil servant who devoted his career to improving the welfare of children. He was involved in a variety of relief efforts during both world wars and their immediate aftermaths, and was the first Executive Director of UNICEF. Pate's papers document his career as a humanitarian and include correspondence, reports, Pate's notes and writings, publications, and photographs, as well as biographical materials and Pate's personal correspondence.

Department of Near Eastern Studies Records, 1933-2017

AC164 25 boxes 4 items 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
The Department of Oriental Studies was formed at Princeton University in the spring of 1927 as the Department of Oriental Languages and Literature. It offered an interdisciplinary curriculum centered on the study of the Arabic, Turkish, and Persian languages and the regions in which they were spoken until 1969, when it was reorganized into the separate Departments of Near Eastern Studies and East Asian Studies. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, printed materials, course syllabi, and other materials which document the activities of the department and it's faculty inside and outside of the classroom.

Politics in Chile I, 1968-2001

LAE070 927 items 1 linear feet
This microfilm consists of monographs, serials, and ephemeral material associated with politics in Chile from 1968 to 2001. The bulk of the material dates from about 1985 on.

Archibald MacLeish Collection, 1925-1962

C0239 3 boxes 1.0 linear feet
Consists of selected manuscripts and correspondence of American poet/dramatist and Pulitzer Prize winner Archibald MacLeish.

Voula Papaiōannou photographs collection, 1900-1999

C1445 1 box 1 linear foot
Papaioannou was born in Lamia and grew up in Athens (Greece). She began working as a photographer during the 1930s, concentrating at first on studies of landscapes, monuments and archaeological exhibits. The outbreak of war in 1940 marked a turning point in her career, as she was intensely affected by the suffering of the civilian population of Athens. Realizing the power of her camera to arouse people's conscience, she documented the troops departing for the front, the preparations for the war effort, and the care received by the first casualties. When the capital was in the grip of starvation, she revealed the horrors of war in her moving photographs of emaciated children. After the liberation, as a member of the photographic unit of UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration), she toured the ravaged Greek countryside recording the difficult living conditions faced by its inhabitants. She often exceeded her brief, immortalizing the faces and personal stories of ordinary people in photographs that stressed dignity rather than suffering. During the 1950s Papaioannou's work expressed the optimism that prevailed in the aftermath of the war with respect to both the future of mankind and the restoration of traditional values. Nevertheless, her photographs of the historic Greek landscape are not in the least romantic, but instead portray it as harsh, barren, drenched in light, and its inhabitants proud and independent, despite their poverty. Voula Papaioannou's work represents the trend towards "humanitarian photography" that resulted from the abuse of human rights during the war. Her camera captured her compatriots' struggle for survival with respect, clarity, and a degree of personal involvement that transcends national boundaries and reinforces one's faith in the strength of the common man and the intrinsic value of human life. ( Consists of an open collection of Papaiōannou photographs.
2 results

Voula Papaiōannou photographs collection, 1900-1999

Papaioannou was born in Lamia and grew up in Athens (Greece). She began working as a photographer during the 1930s, concentrating at first on studies of landscapes, monuments and archaeological exhibits. The outbreak of war in 1940 marked a turning point in her career, as she was intensely affected by the suffering of the civilian population of Athens. Realizing the power of her camera to arouse people's conscience, she documented the troops departing for the front, the preparations for the war effort, and the care received by the first casualties. When the capital was in the grip of starvation, she revealed the horrors of war in her moving photographs of emaciated children. After the liberation, as a member of the photographic unit of UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration), she toured the ravaged Greek countryside recording the difficult living conditions faced by its inhabitants. She often exceeded her brief, immortalizing the faces and personal stories of ordinary people in photographs that stressed dignity rather than suffering. During the 1950s Papaioannou's work expressed the optimism that prevailed in the aftermath of the war with respect to both the future of mankind and the restoration of traditional values. Nevertheless, her photographs of the historic Greek landscape are not in the least romantic, but instead portray it as harsh, barren, drenched in light, and its inhabitants proud and independent, despite their poverty. Voula Papaioannou's work represents the trend towards "humanitarian photography" that resulted from the abuse of human rights during the war. Her camera captured her compatriots' struggle for survival with respect, clarity, and a degree of personal involvement that transcends national boundaries and reinforces one's faith in the strength of the common man and the intrinsic value of human life. ( Consists of an open collection of Papaiōannou photographs.

Tēlemachos Alaveras Papers and Nea Poreia Archives, 1889-2010

C1408 97 boxes 2 items 39.3 linear feet
Consists of personal papers of Tēlemachos Alaveras, a prolific Modern Greek writer and editor of the literary magazine Nea Poreia for more than fifty years. He was also the president of the Literary Society of Thessalonikē and member of boards of many other organizations. Included also are the archives of Nea Poreia, as well as the personal papers of Alaveras's father, Chrēstos Alaveras.
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Vamvakas, Petros K. Sēmeiōseis tou stratiōtikou mou viou, 1918-1990

Includes photocopies of Vamvakas's notebook with autograph corrections by Alaveras; a small diary notebook dated 1918-1921; two cartes postales with handwritten captions by Vamvakas dated 1921; one black-and-white slide; a carbon copy of a military document dated 1921; a carbon copy of a letter signed by Vamvakas; a typescript of Vamvakas's essay about his book Peri apeleutherōseōs tēs dytikēs Thrakēs; and autograph manuscript notes by Alaveras.

John Doar Papers, 1938-2009 (mostly 1960-1974)

MC247 264 boxes 5 folders
Restrictions may apply.
John Doar (1921-2014) was a lawyer who worked for the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice (1960-1967) and was chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee investigating the Watergate scandal (1973-1974). He also served as president of the New York City Board of Education (1968-1969) and as president of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Development and Services Corporation (1967-1973). The collection primarily documents Doar's tenure with the Civil Rights Division in the form of court records, investigation files, correspondence, and notes, though materials from Doar's time on the Watergate impeachment inquiry committee and on the Board of Education are also present. To a lesser extent, the collection is composed of records from Doar's work for the Bedford-Stuyvesant Corporation and his private law practice.
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Voting, 1946-1970

Restrictions may apply.
The records related to voting rights compose the majority of the Operating Files. References are made throughout this portion of the collection to 1971(a) and 1971(b), which are sections of the 1957 Civil Rights Act. 1971(a) violations involved the use of poll taxes, literacy tests, and other means to keep black citizens from voting. In 1971(b) cases, counties used intimidation and threats to suppress voting rights.

Clarence B. Randall Papers, 1932-1967 (mostly 1948-1965)

MC109 19 boxes
Consists of 78 bound volumes containing Randall's journals, articles, and speeches concerning his relationships with Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard M. Nixon, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson, and his government posts.

Rush Family Papers, 1675-1885 (mostly 1817-1849)

C0079 61 boxes 55 items 11 Volumes 26.55 linear feet
The collection documents the career of Richard Rush (Princeton Class of 1797) as lawyer, statesman, and diplomat, emphasizing diplomatic negotiations between the United States and Great Britain while he was minister to Great Britain (1817-1825) and between the United States and France when he was minister to France (1847-1849), as well as his successful efforts (1836-1838) in securing the Smithsonian bequest, which was used to establish the Smithsonian Institution. The papers of Richard Rush constitute the larger part of the collection; letters of his father, Benjamin Rush, M.D. (Princeton Class of 1760), and papers of his son, Benjamin Rush (Princeton Class of 1829, constitute the other major groups of papers in this family archive.

Vodrey Collection of Arthur Machen Papers, 1915-1972

C0240 4 boxes 120 items 2.74 linear feet
Consists of manuscripts and correspondence of Welsh writer Arthur Machen collected by Joseph Kelly Vodrey. It also contains an equal amount of manuscripts and correspondence of Machen admirers and collectors, particularly the members of the Machen Society, founded in 1948 after Machen's death.
2 results

Peter Grose Papers, 1933-1999

MC227 4 boxes
Peter Grose is an editor and specialist on the history of intelligence. The Peter Grose Papers document Grose's research on Allen Dulles, the origins and early years of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Soviet Union.

Vivilakēs Collection of Modern Greek Theater Playbills, 1948-1967

RCPXR-6386701 4 boxes 1.6 linear feet
This collection contains playbills mostly from Greece and a few from other countries.

Vivian Burnett Collection of Frances Hodgson Burnett, 1844-2003 (mostly 1885-1937)

C1304 22 boxes 17.6 linear feet
Restrictions may apply.
Consists of material relating to the British-born, American author Frances Hodgson Burnett (FHB), collected by her younger son, Vivian Burnett (VB), including manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, and artwork.
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Subseries 2H: Constance Buel Burnett, 1937-1969

Restrictions may apply.
This subseries consists of condolence letters from friends and acquaintances following the sudden death of VB due to a heart attack as a result of his rescue of four unidentified passengers from a capsized sailboat in Long Island Sound on July 25, 1937.

Dean Mathey Papers, 1896-2010 (mostly 1906-1972)

AC369 7 boxes
Dean Mathey (d. 1972), Class of 1912, was a member of the Board of Trustees and an ardent supporter of the University. The collection documents Mathey's familial relationships, service to Princeton, tennis career and other activities from his undergraduate days to the end of his life.