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A.A.I.A. Correspondence, 1947-1963
OLIVER LA FARGE Papers and correspondence of Oliver La Farge (1901-1963), President of the Association on American Indian Affairs, regarding Taos Pueblo and early involvement with Blue Lake case.
Series 2: Corinne Locker Papers, 1947-1972
This collection of manuscript materials documents a significant part of the history of an important land title dispute between the Taos Pueblo Indians of northern New Mexico and the federal government. in creating tie Carson National Forest in 1906, Pr esident Theodore Roosevelt carved away thousands of acres of Taos Pueblo land. This land, viewed as sacred by the Indians, surrounded and included Blue Lake: a vital religious shrine in Pueblo religion. Sixty-four years passed before the United States ret urned the land to the Indians.Instrumental in the fight for the return of Blue Lake and the surrounding wilderness was Corinne Locker (1927 - ). Locker became involved in the Blue Lake case while serving as secretary to Oliver La Farge (1901-1963) in Santa Fe, during La Farge's tenure as President of the Association on American Indian Affairs (AAIA). At La Farge's death, Locker became Southwest Field Secretary for the Association and stepped up her involvement in the Blue Lake fight. in doing so, she worked closely with the members of Taos Pueblo, most notably Paul Bernal. When, in 1966, disputes arose between the Pueblo and its attorneys, Locker filed a report with the AA1A that addressed possible conflict of interest existing among lawyers for the tribe who also served on AAIA decision-making bodies. The report resulted in Locker's dismissal from her AAIA position.Shortly thereafter, Locker formed the National Committee for the return of the Blue Lake Lands in conjunction with Rufus Q. Poole, an Albuquerque attorney, Paul Bernal, and others. As Coordinator of the organization, Locker operated as an effective liaison from the tribe to the non-Taos world. The National Committee lobbied for congressional and administration support of Blue Lake's return to the Indians; it also engineered a fundraising and publicity drive. Locker also worked closely with William C. Schaab (1927- ), special attorney to the Pueblo in the Blue Lake campaign. Much of the work of the committee involved attempts to mitigate the opposition of New Mexico Senator Clinton P. Anderson (1895-1975) and the United States Forest Service.The Nixon administration endorsed Blue Lake restoration legislation in the summer of 1970. Later that year, a bill returning 48,000 acres of land, including Blue Lake, was signed into law. Corinne Locker was honored for her efforts on behalf of Taos Pueblo at a subsequent ceremony in New Mexico.The Corinne Locker Papers, originals and copies alike, include the correspondence of Oliver La Farge in regards to AAIA involvement with the Blue Lake case; correspondence and documents relating to Locker's involvement as Southwest Field Secretary; materials in regards to Locker's report addressing possible conflict of interest among Pueblo attorneys; correspondence regarding the founding and functioning of the National Committee for the Restoration of the Blue Lake Lands; considerable correspondence r elating to proposed Blue Lake Legislation; materials related to the opposition of Senator Clinton P. Anderson, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Forest Service. There are also folders that pertain to miscellaneous activities of the AAIA in New Mexico and among the Pueblo Indians in particular. Locker's files were "working files," and their organization, for that purpose, has been largely been maintained. Readers will perhaps find it helpful to first read through the entire guide.
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George E. Hafstad Papers, 1942-1976
George Hafstad was a plant pathologist and a field technician with the U.S. Rubber Development Corporation in Brazil from 1943 to 1945. The George E. Hafstad Papers include a diary, several technician reports, and a folder of photographs from Hafstad's time as a field technician with the U.S. Rubber Development Corporation Amazon Division.
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Appointment as Political Advisor for the Delegation of the United States of America to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, Petropolis, Brazil, 1947
[George Marshall letter]
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Series 1, Biographical Material, 1865-1961
Series 1, Biographical Data, 1865-1961, contains personal information regarding Corwin's retirement, finances, and appointments, honors and awards. This series also contains bibliographies listing Corwin's works.
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Series 2: Calendars, 1943-1961
The Calendar series is comprised of engagement and standard calendar pages which provide minimal information about Dulles' schedule. The calendars are not continuous, as large gaps exist between dates.
English, 1939-1967
French, 1943-1961
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Subseries 6C: Press Releases, 1947, 1985-2006
The Press Releases subseries is composed of ACLU press releases about ACLU's work and civil liberties in general. Significant topics include court decisions on ACLU cases, the ACLU condemning or praising actions with an impact on civil liberties, and analysis of legislation and government action. Civil liberties frequently addressed include government and police abuse of power, due process, and discrimination against women, children, and minorities. The subseries also includes copies of the newsletter of the Global Internet Liberation Committee (GILC), an ACLU newsletter on cyberliberties, and press clippings about the ACLU.
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C. Pardee Foulke Papers on Woodrow Wilson, 1916-1948
C. Pardee Foulke was a prominent Philadelphia businessman. The C. Pardee Foulke Papers on Woodrow Wilson contain an unpublished biography of Woodrow Wilson.
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Series 1: Organizational Matters, 1919-2006 (mostly 1970-2000)
Series finding aid: ACLU Records, Subgroup 3: Organizational Matters Series.
Series 2: Project Files, 1877-2000 (mostly 1970-1995)
Series finding aid: ACLU Records, Subgroup 3: Project Files Series.
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Biographical, 1938-1989
The Biographical series contains biographical and autobiographical sketches and curricula vitae, bibliographies of Lewis's work, photographs, awards and membership materials, and papers related to Lewis winning the Nobel Prize in Economics. The series also includes a comic book depicting the story of Lewis's life, his passport and will, and other scholars' analyses of his work.
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Esther and Doris Hoffman Correspondence, 1925-1959
Esther Hoffman served with the Intelligence Establishment of the Department of the Army for over forty-one years. Doris Hoffman worked as a secretary for the League of Nations Commission in Peking, China between 1929 and 1934. The collection consists largely of letters written home by sisters Esther and Doris Hoffman while employed in Peking, China between 1925 and 1941.
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Albert Montefiore Hyamson Papers, 1940-1948
Albert Montefiore Hyamson was a British civil servant, Zionist author, and historian who served from 1917-1921 in the Jewish Bureau of the United Kingdom Department of Information and from 1921-1934 in Mandate Palestine as Director of Immigration. The Albert Montefiore Hyamson Papers consist primarily of reports written by the Palestine Group in the The Royal Institute of International Affairs, correspondence regarding Palestine between Hyamnson and J. L. Magnes, and a small amount of clippings.
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Subseries 1A: Final Minutes, 1928-1991
This subseries contains the minutes of the Governing Council from the merger of the undergraduate organizations in 1928 to the present. In addition, the minutes of some Assembly meetings (meetings of the entire Society membership) are interspersed in the early 1930s. The minutes for many years appear to be incomplete and some years are missing altogether.
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Series 2, Subseries 1, Correspondence, 1928-1963
Series 2, Subseries 1, Correspondence, 1928-1963, constitutes the office files of the organization and is arranged alphabetically by the last name of correspondent, organization or subject. In addition to correspondence, it includes articles, memoranda, reports and speeches. Particularly enlightening are the handwritten comments on letters, memoranda, and the like by the officers. They were not afraid to express their opinion and often did so with a dry wit. It was customary for the officers to receive a variety of opinions, internal as well as external, on all major issues relating to the Fund's activities. While the staff was dedicated to the Fund's mission, it is apparent they sought justification for their activities from outside experts and trusted friends. This is particularly true in the case of Frank Kelly, vice-president of public information, who relied heavily upon his mentor, public relations guru Stephen Fitzgerald.
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Subseries 1A: Novels, 1931-1956
Consists of manuscripts for novels such as The Bondmaid, China Sky, Dragon Seed, The Good Earth, and The Promise, as well as others.
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Subseries 1A: Complete and Final Minutes of Faculty Meetings, 1781-2010
The Complete and Final Minutes subseries groups together the faculty minutes in their bound, final form. The eighteenth and nineteenth century minutes consist mostly of entries written carefully in minutes books; the minutes from the twentieth century to the present also include printed reports and documents from various committees. Minutes from the later half of the twentieth century to the present include an agenda for the next meeting. Beginning in 1968 and ending in 1984, abstracts (or summaries) were created in the interest of transparency. These abstracts form subseries 1B and, from June 1970 to June 1984, are not restricted. Since 1984, the clerk of the faculty no longer wrote up an abstract in addition to minutes, and simply wrote abstracts as if they were the actual minutes. For this reason, the minutes of the faculty from 1984 to the present are not restricted. Clerks of the faculty changed frequently, and they each put their own stamp on the format and content of the minutes.
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1946 October-1947 June, 1946 October-1947 June
1947 October-1948 June, 1947 October-1948 June
Series 1: Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes, 1748-2022 September
The first volume (1748-1796) is a gold mine of information about the personalities and activities of the young College of New Jersey. As these minutes date from the very beginning of the College, they address the multitude of issues and problems the trustees initially addressed. It was the era of the group decision, with the entire Board involved in solving every type of problem at their infrequent (two or three times a year) meetings. This volume is contained in two forms: the original volume (which does not circulate) and a typed transcript in two parts.
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Series 38: Gender and Sexuality Studies, 1764-2014
The Gender and Sexuality Studies series consists of files of Gender and Sexuality Studies faculty.
Series 39: Geology, 1764-2014
The Geology series consists of files of Geology faculty.
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Series 11: Basic Engineering, 1764-2014
The Basic Engineering series consists of files of Basic Engineering faculty.
Series 12: Biochemical Sciences, 1764-2014
The Biochemical Sciences series consists of files of Biochemical Sciences faculty.
Series 13: Biology, 1764-2014
The Biology series consists of files of Biology faculty.
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Series 63: Near Eastern Studies, 1764-2014
The Near Eastern Studies series consists of files of Near Eastern Studies faculty.
Series 64: Neuroscience Institute, 1764-2014
The Neuroscience Institute series consists of files of Neuroscience Institute faculty.
Faculty and Professional Staff files, Subgroup 11: N, 1764-2014
Princeton University's Dean of the Faculty is the senior administrator responsible for the quality and well-being of the faculty and professional staff of the university. The collection consists of personnel files for nearly every individual at one time employed as a member of Princeton University's faculty or professional staff.
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Series 65: Office of Population Research, 1764-2014
The Office of Population Research series consists of files of Office of Population Research faculty.
Series 66: Operations Research, 1764-2014
The Operations Research series consists of files of Operations Research faculty.
Series 67: Oriental Languages and Literature, 1764-2014
The Oriental Languages and Literature series consists of files of Oriental Languages and Literatures faculty.
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Series 50: Laboratory for Bioinformatics, 1764-2014
The Laboratory for Bioinformatics series consists of files of Laboratory for Bioinformatics faculty.
Series 51: Latin American Studies, 1764-2014
The Latin American Studies series consists of files of Latin American Studies faculty.
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Series 46: Institute for International and Regional Studies, 1764-2014
The Institute for International and Regional Studies series consists of files of Institute for International and Regional Studies faculty.
Series 47: Institute for Science and Technology of Materials, 1764-2014
The Institute for Science and Technology of Materials series consists of files of Institute for Science and Technology of Materials faculty.
Series 48: Judaic Studies, 1764-2014
The Judaic Studies series consists of files of Judaic Studies faculty.
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Series 2: Course Materials, 1903-1970
Series 2: Course Materials, 1903-1970, documents the 1950s and 1960s especially well but includes some materials dated before Slaby's tenure (including one student drawing project from 1903). The series is comprised of course proposals and descriptions, lecture notes, problem sets, student projects, tests, and exams, arranged in that order. Most of the papers are from Slaby's courses, but other professors such as Heacock and Lindgren have material preserved in the series. The courses best represented are engineering graphics, descriptive geometry and engineering drawing. Two oversized graphics projects from the early 1900s, inscribed "Crosby" and "L. Sullenberger," are housed separately in the Oversize Collection.
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Series 1: Buildings, circa 1900-1960
This series consists of postcards which depict buildings on the Princeton University campus. It includes buildings which no longer exist, for example, the John C. Green School of Science and Marquand Chapel.
General Postcard Additions, circa 1900-1950
Consists of Princeton-related postcards; the postcards primarily depict Princeton buildings, sites and landmarks.
Postcards of Princeton-related Sites, Buildings and Landmarks, 1891-1957
Approximately 200 postcards of Princeton University sites, buildings and landmarks. Some postcards have writing and postmarks and some are unmarked. Most of the postcards have black and white photographic images, while some are colorized.
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Subseries 1A: General, 1947-1990
The General subseries consists of correspondence between the Princeton Prospect Foundation and the Princeton Prospect Foundation Board of Trustees, members and interested people, and Princeton University faculty and administration in regards to the role of the Foundation and its acceptance by the University. Also included are general memoranda and mailings by the Foundation inquiring about assistance for their cause. There are also reports completed by the Foundation in an effort to show the positive impact it has had on the Eating Clubs and the University. Also incorporated in this subseries are the minutes of the meetings of the Foundation Board of Trustees (including address and telephone lists of the trustees), and the bylaws and certificate of incorporation for the Foundation.
Series 1: Princeton Prospect Foundation, 1947-1992
Series 1: Princeton Prospect Foundation, 1947-1992, is divided into two subseries: General material and Eating Club-Related Records.
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Series 1: Henry W. H. Baker Files, 1918-1959
Series 1: the Henry W. H. Baker Files, contains correspondence, including typescripts of Hobey A. H. Baker correspondence and notes collected by Baker in 1959. Baker was a nephew of Hobart A. H. Baker and was interested in the legacy of his uncle.
Series 5: Printed Material, 1910-1997
Series 5: Printed Material (1910-1918) contains articles from various newspapers and news magazines on Hobey Baker's career as an athlete, a member of the American Expeditionary Force during World War I and an address by President John Grier Hibben of Princeton University at Baker's memorial service in 1918.
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Series 1: Bullock Princeton Football Collection, 1947-1963
Series 1: Bullock Princeton Football Collection, 1947-1963 consists of publications and clippings pertaining to Princeton University Football. Frequent sources include Princeton Athletic News, The Daily Princetonian, and the New York Times.
Bullock Princeton Football collection, 1947-1963
Ralph Adams Bullock was a member of the Princeton University class of 1914 and a lifelong Princeton football fan. The Bullock Princeton Football collection consists of publications and clippings pertaining to Princeton University Football.
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Series 1: Songbooks, 1854-2009
Series 1: Songbooks, 1854-2009 contains books and booklets of brief musical compositions written or adapted for singing, beginning with deluxe editions of Princeton University's most beloved song, "Old Nassau." At the end of this series are a number of individual songs, including class odes from the last quarter of the nineteenth century.