American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, 1864-2006 (mostly 1970-1995)
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is the pre-eminent civil liberties organization in the United States, utilizing litigation, lobbying, and public education to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. These records document the administration and work of the ACLU's national office, regional offices, and legal projects, with particular emphasis on the areas of civil rights, children and women's rights, freedom of speech (and all First Amendment questions), and due process, among many others. The records include case files, correspondence, meeting minutes, research files, and files of staff members. Subgroup 3, Subseries 5B (Southern Regional Office) has been digitized and is available for members of the Princeton community to view here. To view the database from outside Princeton University, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.
Series 1: Organizational Matters, 1919-2006 (mostly 1970-2000)
Series finding aid: ACLU Records, Subgroup 3: Organizational Matters Series.
Series 2: Project Files, 1877-2000 (mostly 1970-1995)
Series finding aid: ACLU Records, Subgroup 3: Project Files Series.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Legal Case Files Series, 1864-2001 (mostly 1965-1995)
The Legal Case Files series documents the ACLU's involvement in litigation, ranging from files collected on cases for research purposes to records of cases they were significantly involved in. The records include documents filed with the court, correspondence, lawyer's notes, depositions and expert testimony, transcripts of the trials, newspaper clippings, and research materials on the background of the cases and legal precedents.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Organizational Matters Series, 1919-2006 (mostly 1970-2000)
The Organizational Matters series documents the administration of the ACLU National Office and their interactions with the regional offices, affiliates, outside organizations, and the general public. The records include committee meeting minutes and mailings, staff files, and department records. The majority of the records are the files of Executive Director Ira Glasser and the records of the Legal Department.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Printed and Audiovisual Materials Series, 1918-2006 (mostly 1978-2006)
The Printed and Audiovisual Materials series contains the published works of the ACLU, including publications, audio recordings, and videos. These include educational materials published by the ACLU, newsletters, press releases, and public appearances and interviews with ACLU staff.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Project Files Series, 1877-2000 (mostly 1970-1995)
The Project Files series contains the records of twelve of the ACLU's projects, which each addressed an area of civil liberties violations. Project records typically consist of case files, research files, and project publicity and correspondence. The best documented projects are the Children's Rights Project and Women's Rights Project, and to a lesser extent the Arts Censorship Project, Capital Punishment Project, and Reproductive Freedom Project.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Regional Offices Files Series, 1894-2005 (mostly 1970-1990)
The Regional Offices series documents the work and administration of the ACLU's three regional offices: Mountain States Regional Office, concerned with civil rights in the west and Native American rights, the Southern Regional Office, focusing on civil rights in the south, and the Washington, D.C. office, which concentrates on national legislation and the actions of the federal government. The files include correspondence, case files, office publications, research files, and the papers of individual staff members. Subgroup 3, Subseries 5B (Southern Regional Office) has been digitized and is available for members of the Princeton community to view here. To view the database from outside Princeton University, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Subject Files Series, 1969-1996
The Subject Files series contains articles, reports, court documents, and other materials collected by the ACLU during the course of their work. The main subjects are drugs, homelessness, and Supreme Court nominations, especially of Robert Bork.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 4, 1920-2015 (mostly 1970-2000)
The ACLU is the preeminent civil liberties organization in the United States. These records document the work of their national office in the areas of civil rights, children and women's rights, freedom of speech (and all First Amendment questions), and due process, among many others, predominantly from 1970 to 2000.
100001 - 101290, 1977 - 1979
10. 01-242-60 Hawaii Civil Unions - Civil Union Research (1 of 2), 2002
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American Civil Liberties Union Washington, D.C. Office Records, 1948-1970
This collection consists of the papers received and generated by the staff of the Washington, D.C. Office of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) during the 1950s and 1960s. The ACLU is a leading defender of civil liberties in the United States. Founded in 1920, it has been the recipient of sharp criticism for its willingness to defend unpopular causes and has participated in a majority of the landmark cases to come before the Supreme Court in the twentieth century. The Washington Office's primary responsibility is to monitor legislative issues. In the 1950s the office worked against abuses caused by McCarthyism, including loyalty oath requirements, powers of legislative investigating committees, and censorship of free speech and expression. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the office focused on civil rights issues and the defense of alternative means of self expression. The Washington Office was also deeply involved with defending the civil liberties of those associated with the federal government and its agencies.
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American Civil War Collection, 1861-1865
Consists of selected correspondence and documents related to the American Civil War.
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American Committee for Devastated France Records, 1919-1926
The American Committee for Devastated France collection contains the annual reports, promotional pamphlets and minutes of this post-World War I relief organization. Newspaper clippings and routine correspondence between the group's treasurer and other staff members are also included in the collection.
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"American Freedom and Catholic Power" Collection, 1947-1949
Consists of drafts of, and material related to, American author Paul Blanshard's American Freedom and Catholic Power (1949)
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American Institute of Electrical Engineers Collection, 1957-1961
Consists of papers (1957-1961), and accompanying letters, of scholars from both academe and industry dealing with advances in computer technology and sent to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers for presentation at the AIEE's general meetings.
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American Lottery Tickets Collection, 1761-1826
Consists of forty-five 18th and 19th-century American lottery tickets from nine different states. Before 1790, America had only three incorporated banks; therefore, lotteries were standard sources for public and private financing.
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American Minstrel Show Collection, 1854-1943 (mostly 1850-1929)
The bulk of the American Minstrel Show Collection consists of advertisement material promoting minstrel performances from the 1850s through the 1920s. The collection includes broadsheets, posters, newspaper clippings and programs, as well as pictures and photographs of minstrel show performers. In addition, a small portion of the collection contains sheet music and song and joke books.
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Americans United for Separation of Church and State Records, 1947-2013
The organization that became Americans United for Separation of Church and State was founded in 1947 to protect church-state separation and religious freedom, as well as to educate lawmakers, religious leaders, and the general public regarding Constitutional religious liberties. The records document the administration and issues of the organization from its founding and include correspondence, meeting materials, and publications.
10th Conference Pageant, 1957-1958
13th Annual Meeting - Portland, OR - February 15, 1961, 1960-1961
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American Whig Society Records, 1785-1941
The American Whig Society (1769-1941) served as a major political, debating, and literary force both on the Princeton campus and throughout the nation. The Whig records consist primarily of minutes, financial records, and correspondence of members.
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Anaconda Copper Mining Company Records, 1913-1920
Consists of approximately 300 typed pages of pollution claims, investigations, and reports created by or relating to the Anaconda Copper Mining Company in Montana, Utah, and Arizona, with approximately 35 black and white photographs.
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Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Papers, 1827-1970 (mostly 1917-1947)
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy was a noted art historian and champion of Ceylonese and Indian culture. This collection covers a broad spectrum of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy's work in the fields of art history, philosophy, religion, and social criticism.
Abell, Walter, TLS, 1943
Abhasa, dates not examined
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Anatoly Naiman Papers, circa 1928-2006
Consists of the correspondence of Russian poet, translator, and writer Anatoly Naiman (1936-2022) along with some writings, photographs, personal documents, and clippings. Other individuals represented in the collection include Anna Ahkamatova, Joseph Brodsky, Sergei Dovlatov, Lidia Chukovskaya, Evgenii Rein, and Dmitrii Bobyshev.
Аполлон, 1915
pages from a 1915 issue of the journal Аполлон, containing the text of Akhamatova's poem "У самаго моря" ["Right by the sea"] with autograph inscription to Naiman (1965)
Октябрь, 2004 October 10
October 2004 issue of the journal "October." Featuring publication of manuscript of "unknown poem" by Anna Akhmatova with commentary by Naiman. Pages/ other material inserted.