Janet Camp Troxell Collection of Rossetti Manuscripts, 1832-1965 (mostly 1860-1900)
Contains over 3000 manuscripts relating to the Rossetti's and their friends. While Dante Gabriel is the central figure, his brother and sisters (William Michael, Christina Georgina, Maria Francesca) are also represented, as are several other members of the Polidori/Rossetti families. The material in the collection was acquired by Janet (Camp) Troxell between 1930 and 1965.
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Gilbert Troxell Correspondence, 1939-1949
Consists of letters to Gilbert Troxell from Sinclair Lewis, John O'Hara, and Carlotta Monterey O'Neill, the wife of Eugene O'Neill, discussing the donation of manuscripts to the Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University.
Sinclair Lewis, 1939-1947
7 A.Ls.S. (all to Troxell) and 4 T.Ls.S. (1 to Mr. Tinker, 1 to James T. Babb, 2 to Troxell).
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Three Score and Nine: Recollections and Reflections of Cornelius P. Trowbridge, 1898-1967
Consists of Cornelius Trowbridge's written recollections of Princeton.
Student Correspondence and Writings Collection, 1768-2020
The Student Correspondence and Writings Collection contains original materials from the university archives that document aspects of student life as experienced by students at Princeton University.
Philip Herzig '1946 Letters Home from World War II, 1944 May 24 - 1946 May 12
This file consists of letters sent to and from Philip Herzig, Princeton Class of 1946, during his time in World War II, when he was stationed in Germany for two years near the war's end. These letters are the originals that are published in the book Your Loving Son, Philip: Letters from an American soldier in World War II. Herzig's widow, Helene Phillips Herzig, edited the book, which was published in 2011.
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William Cattell Trimble Papers, 1931-1976 (mostly 1954-1968)
William C. Trimble, Princeton University Class of 1930, was a career diplomat, serving as United States ambassador to Cambodia (1959-1962) and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (1965-1968) as well as serving in Brazil and Germany. The collection contains correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, photographs, and assorted memorabilia documenting Trimble's career.
Series 1, Correspondence, 1942-1968
Series 1, Correspondence, 1942-1968, is arranged chronologically, and consists primarily of carbon copies of letters Trimble sent, though there are some letters that he received. As he rose in rank, the volume of correspondence increases. Each posting created a different range of correspondents and concerns. In general, Trimble's correspondence is routine in nature. Primarily in English, some correspondence is in the local language of the country in which he served, specifically Spanish, Portuguese, German and French.
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Luiz Forjaz Trigueiros Correspondence, 1935-1995
Consists of approximately 100 letters and postcards addressed to Trigueiros from seven correspondents: Jorge Amado (1967-1995), António S. Celestino (1973), Manuel Ferriera (1959-1966), Jesué Pinharanda Gomes (1960-1995), António Guedes de Amorim (1947-1971), Afonso Lopes Vieira (1935-1944), and José Rodrigues Júnior (1958-1987).
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Series 1: P.L. Travers correspondence, drafts, notes, personal writing, 1905-1996 (mostly 1960-1996)
A collection of correspondence, sketches, proofs, notes, personal writing, and legal documents relating to the life and career of P. L. Travers (1899-1996)
Series 2: Mary Shepard Art and correspondence, photographs, 1943-1986 (mostly 1950-1975)
Containing mostly Mary Shepard's original sketches for various Mary Poppins books, but also including Shepard's personal correspondence and various photographs of or with the Travers family.
Mary Poppins Business Correspondence, 1943 March 19-1986 July1 (mostly 1950-1975)
Letters to Mary Shepard (Knox), illustrator of the Mary Poppins books, spanning 1943 March 19-1968 September 25. From business correspondents, most notably her agent A. S. Knight.
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Ridgely Torrence Papers, 1833-1952 (mostly 1890-1951)
Ridgely Torrence was an American poet, playwright, and editor of The New Republic, and his papers document the literary activity and relationship of a large group of American writers between the years 1890 and 1950. Particularly well-represented are American poets William Vaughn Moody and Edwin Arlington Robinson.
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Carl Tobey Papers, 1940-1977 (mostly 1955-1976)
Consists mainly of correspondence and manuscripts of Tobey (Princeton Class of 1940) from the period (1955-1976) when he was a member of the staff of the Turkish Ministry of Education in Samsun, Turkey, teaching English.
Series 1: Correspondence and Related Material, 1940-1977
Series 1: Correspondence and Related Material contains general correspondence to and from (mostly to) Tobey while he was living and teaching in Samsun Turkey.
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William Tipping Papers, 1688-2001
Conists of personal papers of William Tipping Esq, of Brasted Park, Sevenoaks, in Kent, and Avray near Paris. He was the son of the successful Liverpool merchant John Tipping, who in his twenties traveled extensively in Europe and the Middle East before turning to Tory politics and serving as director of the London and North Western Railway.
Miscellaneous, 1821-1978
Includes correspondence between William Tipping and Edward Ford; one letter from Edward Ford to Isaac Taylor; one letter form William Tipping to Griffith; one letter from J. Holmes to John Tipping; one letter to John tipping fromn his cousin Th. Bewley (?); one letter from grandmother Fearon to Jane; two letters from unidentified senders (one in French); one letter from Anthony Titley to William Tipping (July 9, 1866); one letter from Henry Avaray Tipping to Joan (26.7.1921); a few letters sent to William Tipping from unidentified senders; one letter in Arabic.
Series 1. Correspondence, 1755-1988
This series consists of approximately one hundred and forty family letters, comprising some 450 pages, written on tours of Europe and the Middle East around 1840, several nicely illustrated. Includes a copius run of retained drafts of letters to Isaac Taylor, the publishers Houlston and Wright, Dr. Robert Trail, the painter Josiah Gilbert, and others, concerning publication of plates after drawings made on his tours. The present letters - many of which, written on large extended sheets of paper, are very long - display the élan of a young Englishman on the Grand Tour and provide the reader with a vivid view of Middle Eastern travel in the first half of the nineteenth century.
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Alice Davis Tibbetts Collection, 1934-1972
Consists of selected letters and photographs of authors, poets, and friends collected by Alice Davis Tibbetts, secretary, companion, and romantic partner of Edgar Lee Masters.