Miscellaneous, 1942-1974
Membership card for Museum of Modern Art (NY), "Scouts de México" membership card, certification of employment as professor of Theatre Arts, marriage certificate (photocopy), apartment lease, ISSSTE registration, authorization of JGP's wife to sign documents relating to the children on his behalf.
Juan García Ponce Papers, 1932-2004 (mostly 1965-2001)
Contains the personal and working papers of Juan García Ponce, a Mexican novelist, dramatist, short story writer, and critic.
Series 3: Documents, 1932-2003
Contains various forms of identification, medical records, contracts with various publishers, and miscellaneous documents.
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Miscellaneous, 1916-1950
Contains two newsletters (1940 and 1952); two membership brochures (undated, ca. 1930s and 1950s); news clippings relating to book publications (1930s and 1940s); miscellaneous notes; and one yellow ribbon dated 1916 and bearing what appears to be the sea.
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Harold R. Medina Papers regarding Service to Princeton University, 1942-1966
Harold R. Medina was a well-known judge and active Princeton alumnus. These records document Judge Harold Medina's role as a trustee of Princeton University, a member of the Graduate Council, and a member of the advisory council for modern languages and literatures.
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Esther and Doris Hoffman Correspondence, 1925-1959
Esther Hoffman served with the Intelligence Establishment of the Department of the Army for over forty-one years. Doris Hoffman worked as a secretary for the League of Nations Commission in Peking, China between 1929 and 1934. The collection consists largely of letters written home by sisters Esther and Doris Hoffman while employed in Peking, China between 1925 and 1941.
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Franklin Book Programs Records, 1920-1978 (mostly 1952-1977)
The Records of the Franklin Book Programs document the activities of the organization from its inception in 1952 to its dissolution in 1978. For 26 years, Franklin assisted developing countries in the creation, production, distribution, and use of books and other educational materials. Its efforts were based on the premise that through wider and improved education, underdeveloped nations could better utilize their human resources to help eliminate hunger, poverty, overpopulation, and economic paralysis.
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Edgar Lee Masters Collection, 1915-1983
Consists of selected correspondence, manuscripts, and photographs of noted American poet Edgar Lee Masters.
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Donald L. Derrom Papers, 1941-1952
Consists of selected papers of American engineer, Donald L. Derrom; the bulk of which deals with the building of a rock crushing plant for the Rock Products Corp., Ltd., of Tel Aviv, Israel.
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Gilbert Troxell Correspondence, 1939-1949
Consists of letters to Gilbert Troxell from Sinclair Lewis, John O'Hara, and Carlotta Monterey O'Neill, the wife of Eugene O'Neill, discussing the donation of manuscripts to the Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University.
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Series 2: Molly Shenstone Correspondence, 1939 December 23-1969 March 16
Consists of the correspondence of Molly Shenstone, including William S. Dix, Monika Lanyi-Mann, and Katharina Pringsheim Mann, as well as others.
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Agenda "Actividad Semanal" (poemas de 1952-2003), 1941-2006
Agenda con actividad semanal y anotaciones varias. Contiene poesías manuscritas no incluidas en su Poesía completa con fecha de 1952 a 2003. Incluye un poema fechado en 1941, 8 hojas a máquina con poemas, 2 invitaciones a eventos, un email, fotocopia de un artículo de prensa y dos recortes de hojas manuscritas.
Cuadernos y agendas, 1941-2006
Incluye cuadernos y una agenda que Vilariño utilizó para realizar anotaciones sobre diversos temas como el tango, la crítica literaria, Octavio Paz, Roland Barthes, Arthur Schopenhauer, entre otros. La mayoría de los cuadernos incluyen las transcripciones de Vilariño de su poesía con índices.
Correspondencia, 1937-2002
Incluye correspondencia entre Vilariño y sus hermanos/as, invitaciones a eventos y cartas de su tiempo como profesora de literatura en la Universidad de la República Uruguay.
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Series 1: Screenplays and Television Scripts, 1941-2005
The series consists of scripts (both typewritten and photocopied) of films, television series episodes, and made-for-TV films, ranging from comedies to tragedies and romances and spanning a period of almost sixty-five years.
Peter Orton Collection of Screenplays and Television Scripts, 1941-2005
Consists of a collection of screenplays and television scripts spanning a period of sixty-four years of film and television production, collected by the writer Peter Orton.
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Series 6: Photos and Memorabilia, 1941-1999
Series 6, Photos and Memorabilia, circa 1941-1984 contains a small number of photos, with the bulk from the 1970s. This also includes the photos used in Tangled Web. It also contains a large framed copy of the covers of the first and last edition of Foreign Affairs that Bundy edited.
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Lewis Thomas Papers, 1941-1992 (mostly 1973-1983)
The Lewis Thomas papers consist primarily of files from the years (1973-1983) that Thomas (Princeton Class of 1933) spent as president and, later, chancellor, of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. These contain general correspondence with doctors, drafts and reprints of his essays and books, files of lectures, presentations, and awards, and files of scientific organizations with which he was involved. There are also drafts and reprints of early scientific papers (which pre-date his years at MSKCC).
Series 1: Publication and Media Files, 1941-1992
The series has been subdivided by grouping together original and related material for each of the genres in which Dr. Thomas published: books; columns in the New England Journal of Medicine ("Notes of a Biology Watcher") and Discover magazine; general works—articles, reviews, forewords, etc.; and scientific papers. Files covering Dr. Thomas's relationship with the media (TV, radio, and film) conclude the series.
Subseries 1D: Scientific Papers, 1941-1989
A bibliography (1941-1980) of Dr. Thomas's scientific publications is provided at the beginning of this section. Reprints of the papers, if present, follow the chronological order of the bibliography; where they are lacking, a full citation is given. Later (post-1980) papers continue the chronological order. At the end have been foldered miscellaneous material, including electron microscope photographs and requests for reprints of Dr. Thomas's papers.
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Eileen B. Simpson Papers, 1941-1991 (mostly 1979-1991)
Consists of papers primarily related to Eileen Simpson's book, Poets in their Youth: A Memoir, about her married years with poet John Berryman.
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Frances de Chollet Collection, 1941-1990 (mostly 1941-1946)
Frances de Chollet (1900-1994) assisted Allen Dulles with obtaining the diaries of Galeazzo Ciano, the Foreign Minister of Italy from 1936-1943, from Ciano's wife, Edda, who was also the daughter of Benito Mussolini. The collection is mostly composed of correspondence written to Frances de Chollet from Edda Ciano, though letters from Allen Dulles and other correspondents are included to a lesser extent. The collection also contains a small amount of de Chollet's notes documenting her face-to-face meetings with Edda Ciano.
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U.S.S. Princeton [C.V.L.-23] Collection, 1941-1990
The U.S.S. Princeton [C.V.L.-23] Collection, located in the University Archives, contains research materials for the book, Carrier Down, by Marcia Clark in which the history of the U.S.S. Princeton is chronicled.
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Emir Rodriguez Monegal Papers, 1941-1985 (mostly 1965-1968)
The Emir Rodriguez Monegal Papers consists of correspondence, manuscripts of novels, short stories, verse, plays, and essays by others, mansucripts of essays and criticism by Rodriguez Monegal, photographs, and printed and recorded material.
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Helen MacInnes Papers, 1941-1984 (mostly 1941-1966)
The Helen MacInnes Papers contain the original manuscripts of twenty-two published novels, miscellaneous articles and speeches, and a play of renown Scottish novelist Helen MacInnes.
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Arthur Mizener Papers on F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1941-1982 (mostly 1947-1951)
Consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed material relating to the Fitzgerald biography The Far Side of Paradise (1951) by the literary critic, editor, biographer, author, and educator Arthur Mizener.
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William K. Selden Collection on the History of Health Services at Princeton University, 1880-1991
The William K. Selden Collection on the History of Health Services at Princeton University contains research materials gathered by Selden for the publication, The Heritage of Isabella McCosh (Princeton University Press, 1991). The collections contains drafts, comments on the drafts, photographs, manuscript notes and photocopies of documents made by Selden for the book.
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Louis O. Coxe Collection, 1941-1977
Louis O. Coxe (Princeton Class of 1940) was a noted twentieth-century poet, playwright, and critic. The collection contains autograph and typescript versions of Coxe's poetry and sixteen of Coxe's notebooks. Also included are materials for the play Billy Budd, such as notes, drafts, worksheets, galley proofs, and production notes.
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Works of Others, 1941-1971
Includes a typescript copy of Carson McCuller's "Books I Remember" published by Harper's Bazaar in April 1941; and a typescript of "The Materal Father: Speculations on the Failure of of Love in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" by Jack De Bellis (1971).
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Harvey Smith Novels, 1941-1965
Consists of manuscripts and related material for four works of fiction by American novelist Harvey Smith (Princeton Class of 1917).
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Donald Goodchild Collection, 1918-1968
Consists primarily of correspondence of Donald Goodchild, who was secretary of the American Council of Learned Societies in Washington, D.C.
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Richard C. Holbrooke Papers, 1912-2017 (mostly 1968-2010)
Richard C. Holbrooke was an American diplomat who led negotiations at the Dayton Accords for peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995. The Richard C. Holbrooke Papers contain Holbrooke's subject files, records of public statements, correspondence, writings and drafts of writings, articles and periodicals, and audiovisual materials.
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Roosevelt Family Collection, 1911-1959
Consists of selected correspondence and documents of several members of the Roosevelt family.
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Subseries 5G: Papers of Persons Other Than Tertius Van Dyke, 1940 December 22-1963
Consists of papers of persons other than Tertius Van Dyke, including Atwood Collins and Ted Malone, as well as others.
Subseries 5B: Correspondence, 1933-1957
Consists of the correspondence of Tertius Van Dyke, including the American Foundation for the Blind, Thomas Hotchkiss, and Theodore Roosevelt, as well as others.
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Gertrude Claytor Collection, 1941-1956
Consists of selected correspondence, photographs, and printed material of the American poet Gertrude Claytor, some of which is related to the author Edgar Lee Masters.
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Selected Papers of Elizabeth Madox Roberts, 1919-1960 (mostly 1920-1939)
Consists of selected letters and poems of American poet/novelist Elizabeth Madox Roberts.
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David Laurence Pierson Scrapbooks, 1817-1953 (mostly 1927-1937)
Consists of twenty scrapbook volumes (1927-1937) of letters, documents, photographs, newspapers clippings, and printed matter concerning the observance of Constitution Day (Sept. 17), compiled by David Laurence Pierson, who was instrumental in getting national recognition for that day.
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Princeton Print Club Records, 1941-1953
The Princeton Print Club was founded in late 1940 by a group of students seeking to advance the appreciation of graphic arts among the campus community. The records consist of financial accounts, correspondence, and pamphlets which document the activities and membership of the Princeton Print Club.
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W. H. Auden Collection, 1941-1952
Consists of selected correspondence, manuscripts, and photographs of the Anglo-American poet W. H. Auden, one of the most acclaimed poets of the 20th century.
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Alonzo Gore Oakley Diaries, 1899-1948
Consists of 50 diaries of Alonzo Gore Oakley, a manager of the New York City office of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company.
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Curtis Bok Collection, 1941-1948
Consists primarily of several versions, reflecting the printing stages, of Backbone of the Herring (1941), Curtis Bok's fictionalized look at courtroom justice seen through the eyes of a judge. Bok was a common pleas court judge in Pennsylavnia at the time.
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Addresses and Papers by Elmer W. Engstrom, 1933-1970
Consists of the addresses and papers by Elmer W. Engstrom in bound volumes.
Diplomas, Certificates, Honors of Elmer W. Engstrom, 1902-1970
Consists of the diplomas, certificates, and honors of Elmer W. Engstrom in binders.
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Arthur S. Link Papers, 1940s-1992
Arthur S. Link was an author, editor, scholar and publisher, but is best known as the leading historian on Woodrow Wilson and for his leadership over the publication of Wilson's papers. This collection consists of the personal papers of Link, which includes articles, correspondence, notes, office files, and presidency records of the American Historical Association.
Series 6: Later Additions, 1940-1970 January
Series 6: Later Additions contains Woodrow Wilson Foundation Annual Reports, Link's correspondence pre- and post-Princeton career, and some additional materials.
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Subseries 2B: By Project, 1940-2009
This subseries consists of negatives, contact sheets, color transparencies (slides), manuscripts, research, interviews, correspondence and a few prints for Douglas Kent Hall's unpublished photography projects. The material spans Hall's entire career and most of the projects are thematically related to other concurrent projects or publications located through the rest of the collection. When known, those relationships are listed at the project level.
Series 2: Photography, 1940-2009
This series consists of photographic and manuscript material spanning Hall's entire career, from when he started experimenting with photography in 1965 until his death. Manuscripts, research, interviews, correspondence, working drafts, audio and visual materials in magnetic and optical formats, and reviews are also included with the project to which they correspond.
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Photographs of Indigenous Peoples Fishing in Washington and Oregon, 1940s-1970
Silver print photographs, created for news articles and photo essays, that document tribal fishing sites and practices in and around Washington and Oregon. Focus on Celilo Falls shortly before The Dalles Dam obliterated the sacred fishing grounds and the tide pools of La Push on the Quillayute River. Most with photographer's credit, date stamp, and affixed caption on verso. Many of the images were taken for The Seattle Times by local photographers Roy Wolfe, Josef Scaylea, and R. B. Kolsbun. Other credited photographers include Ruth Kirk, Vic Condiotty, Dell Mulkey, Bob and Ira Spring, Larry Dion, and John W. Thompson.
Programs and Fliers from Katherine Dunham Performances, 1940-1955
Includes: an 8-page program from the 1944 Minneapolis performances of "Tropical Revue," a 20-page illustrated program from the 1948 San Francisco run of "Bal Negre," and a pink-and-brown flier advertising her company's 1955 Broadway run. Also includes two broadsides: one is from the one-night-only 1945 Fresno performance of "Tropical Revue," the other is from her 1948 performances of "Bal Negre" at the Geary Theatre in San Francisco. There is also a flier for "Cabin in the Sky" from its 1940-1941 run at New York's Martin Beck Theater.
Josephine Baker Correspondence with Hélène Berthelot, 1930-1947
Consists of Josephine Baker's correspondence (including a few postcards, a Christmas card, and an invitation card) to Philippe and Hélène Berthelot, though the bulk of the correspondence is addressed only to Hélène after Philippe's illness and death in 1933 to 1934. There are also four small publicity photographs (gelatin silver prints) of Baker that are glued to a mat. Most of the correspondence with Hélène Berthelot were brief letters of greeting to keep in touch, with only a few letters recounting happenings in Baker's life at greater length. In one of these letters Baker shares that she was appointed an officer of the resistance, but this letter is missing its first page. The 1946 invitation card from Josephine Baker invites Hélène Berthelot to attend the presentation ceremony of the Médaille d'Officier de la Résistance to Baker.
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Series 8: Correspondence, 1940-1979
Consists of correspondence with individuals such as Carlos Baker, John Addison, Barbara Whitehead Holmes, and David Whitehead, as well as others.
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Edward Kendall Papers, 1935-1970
Visiting Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Princeton and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Edward Kendall conducted biochemical research and is best known for his work on the hormones of the cortex of the adrenal glands. His collection includes typescripts of scientific articles, laboratory notebooks and notes, correspondence regarding patients, and a great deal of printed material.
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Letter from A. A. Akhmatova to NM: handwritten, 1940s
Osip Mandelʹshtam Papers, 1900s-1970s (mostly 1914-1937)
Osip Mandelʹshtam was a Russian poet, novelist, essayist and critic. A member of the Guild of Poets, a radical faction of the acmeist movement in poetry, he criticized the literary conformity demanded by Russia's new communist government. The collection consists of Russian-language works, correspondence, and printed matter of Mandelʹshtam. It contains holograph and typed manuscripts of his poems, reviews, articles, and essays, often in draft form representing different stages of his work, many of which are in the hand of his wife, Nadezhda, who acted as his amanuensis.