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Archivo de Elena Garro, 1932-1998

C0827 7.21 linear feet (15 containers)
El archivo de Elena Garro contiene manuscritos, correspondencia, cuadernos, diarios, fotografías, material impreso y un diario de la escritora mexicana Elena Garro (1916-1998). También se incluye correspondencia y documentos personales de la hija de Garro, la poeta Helena Paz Garro (1939-2014).
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Archivo de Elena Garro, 1932-1998

El archivo de Elena Garro contiene manuscritos, correspondencia, cuadernos, diarios, fotografías, material impreso y un diario de la escritora mexicana Elena Garro (1916-1998). También se incluye correspondencia y documentos personales de la hija de Garro, la poeta Helena Paz Garro (1939-2014).

Archivo de Idea Vilariño, 1893-2007

C1567 3.0 linear feet
La colección consiste de borradores y pruebas de la poesía de Idea Vilariño; correspondencia con sus hermanas/os Numen, Poema, Azul y Alma; fotografías personales de la familia; cuadernos de investigación; material impreso sobre Vilariño y una colección anotada de libros sobre crítica literaria y otros temas, como Shakespeare, Homero, Rubén Darío y Octavio Paz, entre otros.
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Archivo de Idea Vilariño, 1893-2007

La colección consiste de borradores y pruebas de la poesía de Idea Vilariño; correspondencia con sus hermanas/os Numen, Poema, Azul y Alma; fotografías personales de la familia; cuadernos de investigación; material impreso sobre Vilariño y una colección anotada de libros sobre crítica literaria y otros temas, como Shakespeare, Homero, Rubén Darío y Octavio Paz, entre otros.

Agenda "Actividad Semanal" (poemas de 1952-2003), 1941-2006

Agenda con actividad semanal y anotaciones varias. Contiene poesías manuscritas no incluidas en su Poesía completa con fecha de 1952 a 2003. Incluye un poema fechado en 1941, 8 hojas a máquina con poemas, 2 invitaciones a eventos, un email, fotocopia de un artículo de prensa y dos recortes de hojas manuscritas.

Archivos adicionales, 1893-1999

Los archivos adicionales incluyen libros de la biblioteca personal de Vilariño, principalmente libros anotados escritos por otros autores como Narciso Pizarro, Octavio Paz, Pablo Rocca, José Santos Gónzalez Vera, Ernesto Sábato, Daniel Vidart, Mario Benedetti y Rubén Dário. También incluye libros anotados por y sobre la autora; dos poemas escritos a mano firmados por Vilariño; una carta de la hermana de Vilariño, Poema; y un cuaderno de poemas inéditos escritos por Jorge Liberati. La descripción se basa principalmente en la descripción del comerciante.

Archivo de Jorge Díaz, circa 1910-2017 (mostly 1960-2007)

C1643 54 boxes 2 items
Restrictions may apply.
La colección consiste en manuscritos de las obras literarias de Jorge Díaz (particularmente obras teatrales, pero también incluye narrativa y poesía), guiones de radio y televisión, traducciones, correspondencia, fotografías, archivos digitales, documentos personales, y material impreso relacionado a su trabajo.
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Archivo de Jorge Díaz, circa 1910-2017 (mostly 1960-2007)

Restrictions may apply.
La colección consiste en manuscritos de las obras literarias de Jorge Díaz (particularmente obras teatrales, pero también incluye narrativa y poesía), guiones de radio y televisión, traducciones, correspondencia, fotografías, archivos digitales, documentos personales, y material impreso relacionado a su trabajo.

Archivo de Silvina Ocampo, 1949-1986

C0973 1 box 0.4 linear feet
La colección consiste de escritos, correspondencia y dibujos de la novelista, cuentista y poeta argentina Silvina Ocampo.
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Arnold A. Rogow Papers on James V. Forrestal, 1933-1993 (mostly 1940-1960)

MC240 3 boxes
Arnold A. Rogow (1924-2006) was a political scientist, author, and psychotherapist. His main area of research was psychological explanations for politics, especially the decision-making of leaders, notably James Forrestal and Alexander Hamilton. The Rogow Papers are composed of materials he collected for his book James Forrestal: A Study of Personality, Politics, and Policy (The Macmillan Press: New York, 1963) and include correspondence with individuals who knew Forrestal, Rogow's notes, and other research materials.
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Arnold A. Rogow Papers on James V. Forrestal, 1933-1993 (mostly 1940-1960)

Arnold A. Rogow (1924-2006) was a political scientist, author, and psychotherapist. His main area of research was psychological explanations for politics, especially the decision-making of leaders, notably James Forrestal and Alexander Hamilton. The Rogow Papers are composed of materials he collected for his book James Forrestal: A Study of Personality, Politics, and Policy (The Macmillan Press: New York, 1963) and include correspondence with individuals who knew Forrestal, Rogow's notes, and other research materials.

Arthur and Sylvia Mandy Collection of Philip Wylie, 1947-1957

C1169 1 box 0.2 linear feet
Consists of material by and about Philip Wylie collected by Arthur and Sylvia Mandy during the course of their friendship with the American writer.
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Arthur Cort Holden Papers, 1845-1993 (mostly 1890-1993)

C0767 39 boxes
The Arthur Cort Holden Papers consists chiefly Holden's personal and professional papers, accumulated during his life (1890-1993) as an architect and active Princeton University alumnus. Also included are photographs, the papers of friends and family members, and miscellaneous printed matter dating from the 1840s to the 1990s.
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Arthur Cort Holden Papers, 1940-1993

AC246 8 boxes
Arthur Cort Holden was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1912. He went on to earn a graduate degree in architecture from Cornell University, and joined the New York City firm of McKim, Mead, and White, later forming his own firm and advising Frank Lloyd Wright on the design of the Guggenheim Museum in 1949. Consists of personal papers and correspondence of Arthur Cort Holden.
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Arthur Cort Holden Papers, 1940-1993

Arthur Cort Holden was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1912. He went on to earn a graduate degree in architecture from Cornell University, and joined the New York City firm of McKim, Mead, and White, later forming his own firm and advising Frank Lloyd Wright on the design of the Guggenheim Museum in 1949. Consists of personal papers and correspondence of Arthur Cort Holden.

Arthur C. Warner Papers, 1819-2003 (mostly 1946-2003)

MC219 42 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Arthur Cyrus Warner (1918-2007) was an activist in the gay liberation movement, focusing his efforts on legal reform to protect the civil liberties of the gay community. Warner's papers document his involvement in legal reform and other issues pertaining to gay rights. The papers largely consist of legislative and court documents about cases affecting gay civil liberties, and related memoranda, correspondence, and writings.
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Arthur C. Warner Papers, 1819-2003 (mostly 1946-2003)

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Arthur Cyrus Warner (1918-2007) was an activist in the gay liberation movement, focusing his efforts on legal reform to protect the civil liberties of the gay community. Warner's papers document his involvement in legal reform and other issues pertaining to gay rights. The papers largely consist of legislative and court documents about cases affecting gay civil liberties, and related memoranda, correspondence, and writings.

Arthur Friedman Collection of Programs and Playbills, 1893-1973

TC019 4 boxes 13 Volumes 7 linear feet
Arthur Friedman is an American collector in music and theater. His collection consists of bound scrapbooks of opera programs and playbills for theater and concert performances covering eighty years of regular attendance by Friedman in New York City at the Metropolitan Opera House, Carnegie Hall, Town Hall, and various legitimate theaters.
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