Container Preliminary Design for the Stellarator, dates not examined Folder Series 2: Technical Memoranda, 1951-1958
Container Location of the Orbital Axis in Table-Top Stellarator, dates not examined Folder Series 2: Technical Memoranda, 1951-1958
Container Effect of Plasma Oscillations on the Table-Top Model, dates not examined Folder Series 2: Technical Memoranda, 1951-1958
File Asociación Bancaria Sociedad de Empleados Bancarios (Buenos Aires), dates not examined Folder Series 1: Ahorristas/deudores, 2002
File Asociación Deudores Argentinos (ADA) (s.l.), dates not examined Folder Series 1: Ahorristas/deudores, 2002
Folder Articulação Nacional de Movimentos e Práticas de Educação Popular e Saúde (ANEPS), dates not examined
File Centro de Assessoria Jurídico-Social (CAJS) (São Paulo, SP), dates not examined Folder Series 1: Labor Unions and Workers' Organizations, 1980 March-2005
File Fundação Estadual de Amparo ao Trabalhador Preso (FUNAP) (São Paulo, SP), dates not examined Folder Series 1: Labor Unions and Workers' Organizations, 1980 March-2005
File Movimento pela Valorização da Cultura, do Idioma e das Riquezas do Brasil (MV-Brasil) (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), dates not examined Folder Series 1: Labor Unions and Workers' Organizations, 1980 March-2005
File Projeto cultural São Sebastião tem alma. São Sebastião, SP: Prefeitura de São Sebastião, dates not examined Folder Series 2: Arts and Culture - General, 1971-2005 January
Container Idéias de arquitetura. Hunter Douglas. São Paulo, SP: Hunter Douglas do Brasil Ltda, undated Folder Series 1: Architecture and Heritage, 1966-1991
Container Restauração da Igreja de São Lourenço dos Índios. Niterói, RJ: Prefeitura de Niterói, undated Folder Series 1: Architecture and Heritage, 1966-1991
File Dígalo ahí!! La verdad de una región: por la unidad y defensa del proceso. Güigüe: Dígalo Ahí., dates not examined Folder Series 1: Alternative and Community Newspapers, 1998 November 13-2004 October
File Año 1, no.2 (junio), no.4 (septiembre), undated Folder Series 1: Alternative and Community Newspapers, 1998 November 13-2004 October » …
File Año 1, no.7 (enero), undated Folder Series 1: Alternative and Community Newspapers, 1998 November 13-2004 October » …
File Miscellaneous untitled publications, dates not examined Folder Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes de Cuba (ACJ), 1994-2000
File Miscellaneous untitled publications, dates not examined Folder Celebración Evangélica Cubana, 1985-1999
File Miscellaneous untitled publication, dates not examined Folder Centro Cristiano de Reflexión y Diálogo, 1998 February-2000 July
File Party: Partido del Frente Cardenista de Reconstrucción Nacional (PFCRN) Candidate: Juan Manuel Huezo Pelayo, dates not examined Folder Series 1: Elections, 1993-1997 » …
File Encuesta para los lectores de la revista Cocuyo, dates not examined Folder Cocuyo. Holguín: Diócesis de Holguín, 1999
File Miscellaneous Documents, dates not examined Folder XXVII Reunión Interamericana de Obispos, dates not examined
File Nunes, Cassiano. O "Sonho Americano" de Monteiro Lobato. São Paulo: Copidart, dates not examined
File Asociación de Instituciones de Promoción y Educación (AIPE) (La Paz), dates not examined Folder Agriculture, 1992-2009
File "Balance of Power, Theory, and Practice in the 17th and 18th Centuries," undated, dates not examined Folder Series 5: Writings, 1754-1979 » …
File "Doctrines Concerning Property," undated, dates not examined Folder Series 5: Writings, 1754-1979 » …
File International Committee of Jurists, dates not examined Folder Series 5: Printed Materials, 1917-1999 » …
File A violência da PM contra os grevistas da C.T.C., dates not examined Folder A, dates not examined » …
File Allyu Yura (Potosí), dates not examined Folder Series 1: Culture - Indigenous Arts, Literature, History, Celebrations, and Traditions, 1970-2004
File "Concurso Del Sueño a la Realidad 28/IV/02" (caption title), dates not examined Folder Series 1: Culture - Indigenous Arts, Literature, History, Celebrations, and Traditions, 1970-2004 » …
File "Conosur Ñawpaqman 2002 19 Años con el movimiento campesino" (calendar title), dates not examined Folder Series 1: Culture - Indigenous Arts, Literature, History, Celebrations, and Traditions, 1970-2004 » …
File Gobierno de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires), dates not examined Folder Series 1: ARGENTINA, 1996-2007
File Nueva Cristiandad (Institución Social Católica) (Cerrito), dates not examined Folder Series 1: ARGENTINA, 1996-2007
File Aula verde. Saltillo: Instituto Bilingüe San Lorenzo, dates not examined Folder Series 1: Children and Youth in Mexico, 1992-2003
Container Los derechos de los niños discapacitados. San José: Defensoría de los Habitantes de la República, undated Folder Series 2: Children and Youth in Central America, 1984-2008 February » …
File Acción Política LGTTTB (Buenos Aires), dates not examined Folder Series 1: ARGENTINA, 2000 September-2005 March
File Miscellaneous and Unidentified Publishers, dates not examined Folder Series 1: ARGENTINA, 2000 September-2005 March
File Afirmación Chile (Mormones Gays y Mormonas Lesbianas) (Santiago), dates not examined Folder Series 4: CHILE, 2000-2008 October
File Reciepts for monetary donations, dates not examined Folder Series 1: Publications of Gay Organizations, 1988-2001 » …
File 1 bookmark, dates not examined Folder Series 1: Publications of Gay Organizations, 1988-2001 » …
File Grupo de Jóvenes Gays, Lesbianas y Bisexuales "Construyendo nuestra sexualidad", dates not examined Folder Series 1: Publications of Gay Organizations, 1988-2001
Container French soldier's message to the soldiers of America, dates not examined Folder Europe, 1894-1926 » …
Container La neutralité belge: ses origines et sa violation, dates not examined Folder Europe, 1894-1926 » …
Container Modern Belgium: the story of a neutral state, dates not examined Folder Europe, 1894-1926 » …