Abigail Klionsky Oral History Collection on Jewish Student Life at Princeton, 1979-2014 (mostly 2013-2014)
Abigail Klionsky is a member of the Princeton University undergraduate Class of 2014 who undertook an oral history project on Jewish student life at Princeton as part of her senior thesis. The collection consists of fifteen transcripts of Klionsky's interviews with Jewish alumni and also includes a copy of a transcript of Henry Morgenthau III's interview with David Frisch in 1979.
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¡Adelante Tigres! Latino Alumni Conference Collection, 1970-2010
The Alumni Association of Princeton University organized the conference ¡Adelante Tigres! Celebrating Latino Alumni at Princeton University in the spring of 2017. The conference brought more than 750 alumni and guests to campus to reflect on and engage with not only the memories of Latino alumni but also the current experiences of Latino students at Princeton. The ¡Adelante Tigres! Collection consists of photographs and other records that Princeton alumni created and maintained during their time as Princeton students. Documented in the collection are a range of student activities, including cultural performances (dance and music), activism, reunions, and graduation. These materials were collected as part of the conference of the same name organized by the Alumni Association.
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Admission Office Records, 1854-2017 (mostly 1922-1998)
The Admission Office has determined who should be allowed to enroll as undergraduates at Princeton University since 1922. The actual composition and the desired composition of each class have been contentious campus issues since the introduction of selective admission. The debates over the value of recruiting and admitting alumni sons, war veterans, athletes, disadvantaged students (especially racial minorities), and women are reflected in the records of the Admission Office. This collection includes a number of reports and minutes, some of which are restricted, news clippings and releases about Princeton admission, historical materials, and a series of Admission Office publications.
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Albert Bensoussan Working Files on Latin American Writers, 1968-2017
Albert Bensoussan is a writer, translator, and professor emeritus of Spanish literature at the University of Haute-Bretagne in Rennes, France. This collection consists of correspondence to Bensoussan from various Latin American authors whose works he has translated. Also included are writings from Bensoussan and others, interview transcripts, typescripts, and collected articles and essays about Latin American authors.
Vargas Llosa, Mario, 1972-2010
Consists of correspondence from publishers related to translations of Vargas Llosa's work by Bensoussan; essays and interviews related to Vargas Llosa and Bensoussan's work as a translator; programs and ephemera from a French production of La Chunga; an interview with Vargas Llosa's first wife, Julia Urquidi Illanes; and four photographs of Vargas Llosa (two with Bensoussan).
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Albert O. Hirschman Papers, 1900-2008 (mostly 1950-2000)
Albert O. Hirschman (1915- ) was a leading scholar in the field of economic development whose work focused on Latin America but encompassed the globe. He was a professor at Yale, Columbia, Harvard, and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Hirschman's papers document his scholarship on economic development and his academic career and include his correspondence written while he was at the Institute for Advanced Study, his writings, and his research notes and materials, especially related to his work in Latin America and for the World Bank.
Series 6: July 2012 Accession, 1956-2008
These records, donated by Professor Jeremy Adelman, include a small cache of Hirschman's papers and records of events with which he was affiliated.
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Alejandro Rossi Papers, 1812-2010 (mostly 1955-2009)
The Alejandro Rossi Papers consist of personal notebooks, manuscripts, correspondence with writers, academics, editors and artists, and printed material of the writer.
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Alicia Ostriker Papers, 1956-2021
Alicia Ostriker (1937- ) is a Jewish-American feminist literary critic and poet whose work explores themes of family, social justice, Jewish identity, Biblical stories and characters, and the relationship between gender and literature. The collection consists of drafts of her poems, articles, nonfiction books, essays, reviews, and student writings, personal and professional correspondence with fellow poets, family, and friends, teaching and research files, drafts and recordings of lectures and readings, and subject files.
Additional Papers, 1958-2021
This series includes additional papers, primarily drafts of writings, correspondence, photographs, and born-digital files acquired from Alicia Ostriker after 2016. Materials are minimally processed and remain in their original order.
Additional Writings, 1958-2020
Consists of additional papers, including drafts of reviews, essays, and other writings. Contents include: Review for Women's R of Books; "Millennial Prayer" for Tikkun; Draft of "Eros and Metaphor" Zoom lecture for Dominican Univ.; Draft of "Muriel Rukeyser: Learning to Breathe Under Water" for Rukeyser conference; Draft of "Celan, TS Eliot, Goethe, The Song of Songs: Celan's Deathfugue and the Eternal Feminine," with photo of prisoners' band at Auschwitz; Multiple drafts of "Renascence: EdnaSt Vincent Millay Today" for American Poets, plus correspondence on Millay Today Celebration; Multiple drafts of review of Adrienne Rich essays for Tikkun; Multiple drafts of "The Return of the Repressed: women Poets and the Sacred," for 2019 AWP panel; Multiple drafts of "The Soul Selects: Dickinson and Me" for Dickinson conference and ED journal; Multiple drafts of "Does Poetry Make Nothing Happen?"; Multiple drafts of "Poetry and the City" for various occasions; Introduction for Wendy Barker poems; Miscellaneous short prose pieces; Photographs for chapbook: Ideas of Order and Disorder; Draft of "Eros and Metaphor" Zoom lecture for Dominican Univ.; Letter to Don Hall; Manuscript of The Volcano and After, with occasional comments by Peter Pitzele and Wendy Barker; Earlier Manuscript of "Selected and New Poems" with various suggested titles and occasional comments by Peer and Wendy; Manuscript of "new" section of The Volcano and After, with full comments by Toi Derricotte; Drafts of Book of Seventy and Other Poems with comments by Toi Derricotte; Manuscript of The Old Woman, the Tulip and the Dog, with working drafts of French translation by Jean Migrenne; Envelope containing Alicia Ostriker undergraduate reviews of Robert Frost and J.V. Cunningham in Brandeis student paper, 1958-59; Envelope containing photographs of poets at Dodge Poetry Festival, NJ 1998, and Berkeley, CA 2000, by J.P. Ostriker.
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Allen Macy Dulles Papers, 1940-2008 (mostly 1946-1961)
Allen Macy Dulles, son of Clover Todd and Allen Welsh Dulles, was a student of history and politics with plans for a career in public service until he sustained a serious injury in the Korean War. The collection consists of correspondence between family members prior to and following Allen Macy Dulles' injury as a Marine lieutenant in the Korean War.
Series 1: May 2008 Accession, 1940-2008
May 2008 Accession consists of correspondence between family members prior to and following Allen Macy Dulles' injury as a Marine lieutenant in the Korean War. Prior to the injury, the correspondence documents Dulles's education and activities at primary school, Phillips Exeter Academy, Princeton University and Oxford University. Following the injury, materials include correspondence to and from Allen Macy Dulles, professional and personal correspondence of Allen Welsh Dulles and the Dulles family, correspondence with doctors regarding Dulles' physical condition, and military records including a citation for the Silver Star Medal which Dulles earned for his wartime leadership and bravery.
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Alumni Association Records, 1826-2016
The Alumni Association of Nassau Hall, Princeton's first official organization of alumni, was founded on commencement day 1826. The collection consists primarily of administrative materials such as correspondence, meeting minutes, notebooks and reports belonging to both national and regional associations and their committees, most from the first half of the 20th century. Also contains newsletters, alumni directories, scrapbooks, reunion-related ephemera, photographs, and materials documenting reunions and alumni organization activities from the late 19th century forward.
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Ambassador Achilleas Antoniades Files on Cyprus, 1956-2009 (mostly 1974-2009)
Achilleas Antoniades (1947-) is a career diplomat who served as Ambassador for the Republic of Cyprus to the Czech Republic from 2007 to 2009. The files consist of his documents, notes, minutes of meetings, analytical reports, and maps, regarding the political situation in Cyprus from the late 1950s through 2009.
Contacts and Reports by Cypriot Foreign Ministry Officials Regarding Czech Presidency, 2008 November 17-2009 January 9
Czech Republic, 2007-2009
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American Civil Liberties Union Records, 1864-2011 (mostly 1917-1995)
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is the pre-eminent civil liberties organization in the United States, utilizing litigation, lobbying, and public education to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. These records document the administration and work of the ACLU's national office, regional offices, and legal projects, with particular emphasis on the areas of civil rights, children and women's rights, freedom of speech (and all First Amendment questions), and due process, among many others. The records include case files, correspondence, meeting minutes, research files, and files of staff members. Portions of the records (Subgroup 1; Subgroup 2, Series 2, 3, and 4; Subgroup 3, Subseries 5B) have been digitized and are available for members of the Princeton community to view here. To view the database from outside Princeton University, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.
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American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 4, 1920-2015 (mostly 1970-2000)
The ACLU is the preeminent civil liberties organization in the United States. These records document the work of their national office in the areas of civil rights, children and women's rights, freedom of speech (and all First Amendment questions), and due process, among many others, predominantly from 1970 to 2000.
10. FEC v. Akins (amicus 1997 term) Respondents' Brief, circa 1996-2008
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Americans United for Separation of Church and State Records, 1947-2013
The organization that became Americans United for Separation of Church and State was founded in 1947 to protect church-state separation and religious freedom, as well as to educate lawmakers, religious leaders, and the general public regarding Constitutional religious liberties. The records document the administration and issues of the organization from its founding and include correspondence, meeting materials, and publications.
2015 Accession, 1990-2013
This series is largely comprised of minutes, memorandums, correspondence, financial and departmental reports, legislative updates, and other materials related to the meetings of the Board of Trustees and the National Advisory Council (NAC). To a lesser extent, it includes the records of select committees, especially the bylaws committee.
Board of Trustees and National Advisory Council (NAC) Meeting Materials, 2004-2013
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Angus Deaton Papers, 1978-2016 (mostly 1983-2000)
Angus Deaton, born 1945 in Edinburgh, Scotland, is an economist and academic. This collection features records from Deaton's tenure at the Princeton University Department of Economics with the bulk of records from 1983-2000.
Course Materials, 1978-2016 (mostly 1984-1986)
This series contains syllabi, reading lists, midterms, final exams, problem sets, lecture notes, and powerpoints. Digital materials range from 1992 to 2015 and may require specific software to open.
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Anne Fitzgerald Papers, 1982-2021 (mostly 2000-2021)
Consists of correspondence, drafts of poems, ephemera, and photographs documenting the working career of the Irish poet, Anne Fitzgerald.
Beyond the Sea; Swimming Lessons; Map of Everything; Correspondence, 1982-1984, 1996-2021
Consists primarily of correspondence. The bulk of the correspondence contains response to her publications, Beyond the Sea, Swimming Lessons, and Map of Everything; notices and publicity; launch and readings coordination; and endorsement blurbs. Other materials documenting these books include ephemera such as flyers, programs, launch invitations, clippings of reviews, a small amount of design mockups, and a proof of Map of Everything. Other correspondence are from individuals regarding each others' works, book launches, reading events, and individual and publisher requests for inclusion in various publications. There is a small amount of logistical correspondence regarding Fitzgerald's teaching. Correspondents represented in this box include: Kieran McLoughlin, Paul Allen, John McAuliffe, Jessie Lendennie and Siobhán Hutson (on behalf of Salmon Poetry), Nessa O'Mahony, Nick Kennedy, Hélène Cardona, Carlo Gébler, David Wheatley, and Paul Casey, among others.
Correspondence; Princess Grace Irish Library Residency; Thornfield Poets, 1997-2018
Consists of correspondence with Dermot McCabe (who had comments and edits for Fitzgerald's proof of Beyond the Sea), Carlo Gébler, Jessie Lendennie, Harry Clifton, Leeds University, Nessa O'Mahony, Colette O'Donoghue, Pushkin Trust, and the Duchess of Abercorn. The correspondence generally regards launch events, readings, submissions, and each others' works, and are accompanied by promotional materials like brochures and flyers, and photographs. There are some clippings and periodicals of some of Anne Fitzgerald's earliest published poetry. There is a small amount of teaching material from Fitzgerald's time at the Taos Institute of Art in New Mexico and the Poetry Ireland Centre consisting of correspondence, promotional material (brochures and pamphlets), and photographs.
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Anne Martindell Papers, 1898-2008 (mostly 1968-1990)
Anne Martindell was one of the first three women to serve in the New Jersey State Senate. After her four-year term ended in 1977, she served as director of the Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance, and was ambassador to New Zealand and Western Samoa for a two-year term. The papers document her career in politics and civil service, and also contain her unpublished memoirs and personal papers.
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Annual Reports to the President, 1940-2015
The President of the University is charged with the general supervision of the interests of the University and with special oversight of the departments of instruction. This collection consists of the collected reports to the President prepared annually by each academic department and administrative office.
Academic, 2007-2008
Academic, 2008-2010
Most of the academic department files in this box contain reports for both the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 academic years; however some files contain reports from only one of these years.
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Antōnēs Dekavalles Papers, 1935-2008
This collection consists of papers of Antōnēs Dekavalles, a Greek poet, professor at Fairleigh Dickenson University, and editor of The Charioteer, A Review of Modern Greek Culture. Included are: correspondence, autograph manuscripts and typescripts, drafts, miscellaneous notes, and files related to his affiliated organizations.
Newspaper Clippings, 1956-2010
Includes clippings of Greek and American newspapers and magazines about Dekavalles; obituaries; and a printed program of the event dedicated to his memory: "A Tribute to Andonis Decavalles," held at the Fairleigh Dickinson University.
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Arcadio Díaz Quiñones Papers, circa 1944-2019 (mostly 1970-2012)
The Arcadio Díaz Quiñones Papers consists chiefly of manuscripts and correspondence of the Puerto Rican professor of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures at Princeton University, Arcadio Díaz Quiñones (1940-), as well as a selection of manuscripts by others. The collection focuses on Puerto Rican and Cuban literature, but also provides insight into the literature and politics of other parts of Latin America.
Abreu, Adorno, circa 1990s-2000s
Allen, Stephen, 2004, 2016
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Archivo de Alma Concepción, 1939-2021
El archivo de Alma Concepción consiste principalmente en 43 álbumes de la bailarina, educadora y coreógrafa puertorriqueña Alma Concepción, que contienen fotografías, recortes, programas, cartas, tarjetas postales, folletos, material de difusión y memorabilia. También incluye escritos de Alma Concepción, material de investigación, imágenes digitales, recuerdos, afiches y partituras musicales.
Escritos y material de investigación, circa 1965-2021
Contiene escritos de Alma Concepción y material de investigación.
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Archivo de Jorge Díaz, circa 1910-2017 (mostly 1960-2007)
La colección consiste en manuscritos de las obras literarias de Jorge Díaz (particularmente obras teatrales, pero también incluye narrativa y poesía), guiones de radio y televisión, traducciones, correspondencia, fotografías, archivos digitales, documentos personales, y material impreso relacionado a su trabajo.
Carteles de obras y premios/diplomas, alrededor de 1961-2011
Correspondencia, 1968-2009
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Archivo de Pedro Juan Gutiérrez, circa 1970s-2020
La colección consiste de borradores, incluyendo prosa, poesía, y guiones; ensayos y crónicas; poesía visual; material de investigación; diarios; cuadernos; material impreso con entrevistas y textos de Pedro Juan Gutiérrez; recortes; fotografías; correspondencia; archivos digitales; y otros documentos.
Correspondencia, alrededor de 1978-2018
Diarios, 2007-2010
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Archivo de Roberto Gottardi, circa 1960-2016
La colección consiste mayormente en materiales relacionados con los diversos proyectos/obras de Roberto Gottardi y materiales relacionados con sus actividades docentes como profesor de arquitectura. Incluye apuntes, modelos y esquemas, planes de clases y material de estudio, material impreso, correspondencia, material fotográfico, planos arquitectónicos y otros materials.
Correspondencia, alrededor de 1977-2015
Esta serie consiste en correspondencia variada. Al parecer, una buena parte del correo electrónico ha sido copiado a mano desde su formato original. Algunos de los corresponsales identificados incluyen: Luz María, Paolo Gottardi, Alysa Nahmias, Ariel, Maria Zielina, Giorgio Fantoni, Emmanuela Marcante, Patricia Fernández, Monica Varallo, Michele Paradiso, José Fornés, Oscar Cubarte, Mabel Llevat Soy, Felipe Dulzaides, Sandra Gottardi, John Loomis, Gabriel Feld, Rafael de la Osa Díaz, Gianluca y Mak Center.
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Arts and Culture in Cuba, 1963-2008
This collection consists mostly of pamphlets and a few serial titles related to various aspects of the arts and culture in Cuba.
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Association of Latino Princeton Alumni Records, 1974-2017
The Association of Latino Princeton Alumni was formed in 1989 with the dual mission of supporting and enhancing the role and presence of Latinos at all levels within the University as well as forming a network of Latino alumni. The collection documents the origins and development of the Association of Latino Princeton Alumni and contains minutes, board documents, correspondence, campaign materials for a Latino Studies program, and the organization's public website.
Aldo, 2008 June 10 - 2008 June 10
Existing Courses, 2008 March 23 - 2008 March 23
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Association on American Indian Affairs Records, 1851-2016 (mostly 1922-1995)
The Records of the Association on American Indian Affairs document the corporate life of an influential and resilient player in the history of twentieth-century Native American advocacy. From its formation by non-Indians in New York in 1922 to its re-establishment in South Dakota in 1995 under a wholly Indian administration, the AAIA has defended the rights and promoted the welfare of Native Americans and, in this process, has shaped the views of their fellow citizens. The AAIA has waged innumerable battles over the years, touching on the material and spiritual well-being of Indians in every state of the Union: from the right of Native Americans to control their resources to their right to worship freely; from their right to federal trusteeship to their right to self-determination. The evolving nature of this struggle, in terms of conception and execution; the environment in which it was waged, both within and without the AAIA; the parade of men and women who figured in it; and the relationships among them can all be found in the abundant and insightful records which constitute these Records. The correspondence, minutes, reports, articles, clippings, and other documents in the collection, augmented by photographic and audiovisual material, represent a window not only on the AAIA but on the entities and personalities with which it interacted. While its vision has co-existed with others, and while it has been far from alone in its contribution to Indian life, no consideration of twentieth-century Native American affairs can disregard its arduous and, for the most part, fruitful work.
2007-2008, 2007-2008
2008 OSET, 2008
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Astrophysical Sciences Department Records, 1835-2017 (mostly 1867-1966)
The papers of the Astrophysical Sciences Department represent the original observation records, correspondence, and teaching documents of Princeton astrophysicists from 1835 to 1990.
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Athletic Programs Collection, 1870-2017
This collection contains printed athletic programs for football, baseball, basketball, and ice hockey and other sports, with football predominant. The programs, especially the earlier ones, provide a sweeping view of Princeton's athletic history, documenting not only team statistics and scores, but the players, the venues in which the teams competed, social aspects of advertising, and the evolution of the various games.
Men's Basketball, 2004-2009
Rutgers, 2004; Men's vs. NJIT, Women's vs. Lehigh, 2006; Rice, 2006; Cornell and Columbia, 2009..
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Atomic-bombed Roof Tiles from Hiroshima University, circa 1945-2012.
The Association of Hiroshima University for Sending Atomic-bombed Roof Tiles distributes the tiles in an effort to perpetuate awareness of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to oppose the use and proliferation of nuclear weapons. The collection includes seven atomic-bombed roof tiles; photographs of the location where the roof tiles were recovered; booklets and pamphlets on the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; and information and correspondence from Hiroshima University.
Documentation on atomic bomb aftermath from Hiroshima University, 1945-2012
This folder contains photographs of victims of the atomic bomb.
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Ballet Folklórico de Princeton Records, 2006-2013
This collection includes images and videos from Ballet Folklórico de Princeton performances from 2006‐2013.
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Barton Gellman Papers, 1965-2014
Barton Gellman is a well-known journalist and winner of the Pulitzer Prize. The records in this collection document Gellman's work as a journalist and political advisor.
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Benjamin Taylor Collection of Philip Roth Materials, 1951-2017 (mostly 1987-2014)
Consists of a group of writings and speeches, biographical materials, correspondence, photographs, and medical records of American author Philip Roth (1933-2018) collected by his close friend and literary collaborator Benjamin Taylor (1952- ).
Biographical Materials, 2000-2015
These materials relate to Roth's relationship with his authorized biographers and his efforts to manage the information that went into his biography. Roth chose Ross Miller as his biographer in 2004. Miller was a longtime friend of Roth's, as well as a professor of English and comparative literature at the University of Connecticut, architecture critic, author of several books, and editor of the Library of America's multi-volume edition of Roth's writings. Roth's opinion of Miller rapidly declined, however. He accused him of deliberately avoiding interviewing his family and friends and of slandering him to those he did interview. The arrangement was terminated in 2009. Materials collected here include over 600 pages of Roth's notes refuting the information Miller acquired during his interviews, as well as copies of related correspondence. With Miller gone, Roth took it upon himself to compose Notes for My Biographer, a 300-page point-by-point refutation of his ex-wife Claire Bloom's memoir, Leaving a Doll's House. Some correspondence and notes pertain to this work. In 2012, Roth picked a new biographer: Blake Bailey, the biographer for Richard Yates and John Cheever, whose biography of Roth is under contract with W.W. Norton Company. Materials related to Bailey include his proposal for the biography, notes Roth provided to Bailey, and correspondence. There are also some essays by others and press clippings about Roth and Roth's notes critiquing reading guides about his work.
Correspondence, 1990-2017
Consists of a small selection of original or photocopied correspondence of Philip Roth, both outgoing and incoming. While most files consists of only one or a few letters, the file with Benjamin Taylor is the most substantial.
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Bill Bradley Oral History Collection, 2005 June 1-2018 February 22
The Bill Bradley Oral History Collection is composed of recordings of Bill Bradley's weekly radio show, American Voices, and interviews with individuals who know and have worked with Senator Bradley. Please see the series descriptions in the contents list for additional information about each series.
Series 2: American Voices Recordings, 2005 June 1-2018 February 22
Series 2 consists of audio files of Bill Bradley's weekly Sirius/XM radio show, American Voices. The show features interviews with Americans from various walks of life, both people not widely known, whose interviews often highlight their humanitarian work, occupations, or personal lives, and more famous individuals. Senator Bradley's interviewees from the fields of politics, journalism, and popular culture include Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, James Carville, Jimmy Carter, John Edwards, Ann Curry, Jon Meacham, George Lucas, and many others. Regular segments of the show include the Famous American Voices quiz, where listeners try to guess the identity of a famous American from a sound clip of their voice, and the short stories from well-known individuals about their favorite places or sounds in the United States.
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Blue Wind Press Records, 1967-2016 (mostly 1970-1993)
Consists of production files, correspondence, and administrative and financial records of Blue Wind Press and George Mattingly Design, mostly relating to books and literary journals published in the 1970s and early 1980s. Authors represented include William S. Burroughs, Ted Berrigan, Anselm Hollo, and others associated with the Iowa Writers' Workshop and the Actualist poetry movement.
Administrative and Financial Records, 1967-2016
Consists of administrative and business records documenting the operations of Blue Wind Press and George Mattingly Design. Files include correspondence, contracts, and other documents pertaining to subsidiary rights, book contracts, book orders and sales, advertising, grants, and financial matters. There are also some clippings of reviews and publicity for Blue Wind Press books.
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Board of Trustees Records, 1746-2024
This collection provides the most basic source of information about Princeton University's governing body. In addition to minutes of the Trustees' meetings, the collection contains related papers and reports, organized according to purpose.
2008 April, 2008 April
2008 January, 2008 January
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boundary 2 Records, 1962-2023
Consists of the records of boundary 2 from around the time of its founding in 1972 until 2023. It mostly documents the period of time during the tenure of Paul Bové as editor and Margaret Havran as managing editor.
Administrative Files, 1962-2019
Primarily consists of correspondence and copies of essays by members of the boundary 2 editorial collective, including William V. Spanos, Daniel T. O'Hara, and Ronald A. Judy. Also includes materials related to the careers and scholarship of editorial collective members as well as materials on planning special journal issues.
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Broadcast Center Recordings, circa 1980-2016
The Broadcast Center operates a full TV/audio production studio and supports recording of events, classes, and interviews at the studio and on campus. The collection includes over 2,300 video recordings of Princeton-related lectures, conferences, symposia, events, ceremonies and creative works.
2008 Princeton Sports Symposium, 2008 December 05
Part 2/3: Professional and Amateur Sports Properties
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Business Today Publications, 1969-2019
Business Today was founded as a magazine by Steve Forbes, Michael Mims, and Jonathan Perel in 1969 while they were undergraduate students at Princeton. This collection is the full run of the publication.
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Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding Records, 1971-2017 (mostly 1984-1999)
Established in the late 1970s, the Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding (called the Third World Center until 2002) celebrates, acknowledges, and promotes diversity on the Princeton University campus. The collection documents the Carl A. Fields Center's programs and administration over a period of thirty years.
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Carl A. Fields Papers, 1938-2009 (mostly 1960-1998)
Educator and advocate of minority education Dr. Carl A. Fields, the first African American to hold a high-ranking position at an Ivy League school, was appointed Assistant Director of Student Aid and then Assistant Dean of the College at Princeton before serving in other leadership positions outside the University. The Carl A. Fields Papers consist of correspondence, reports, research material on race relations and minority education, handwritten notes, project proposals, and other papers that document his life and career.
Series 2: Princeton University, 1962-2009
The Princeton University series consists of documentation related to the University and the surrounding community, particularly during his time as administrator in the 1960s (although later material is also represented). This includes general correspondence, a large amount of clippings, promotional material and handwritten notes related to Fields's posthumously-publised book, Black in Two Worlds: A Personal Perspective on Higher Education, and material related to early African American organizations on campus and Fields's efforts at increasing minority admissions. This series does not include a significant amount of official administrative correspondence or institutional documentation. The series does contain material on Fields's involvement as Treasurer in the Association of Black Princeton Alumni, including conference preparatory material and programs, membership lists, correspondence, newsletters, and reports. There is also documentation related to Fields after his direct involvement in the organization, including scholarships named in his honor.
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Carlos Fuentes Papers, 1830s-2012 (mostly 1950-2012)
The Carlos Fuentes Papers consists of personal and working papers of Fuentes (1928-2012), Mexican author, editor, and diplomat, including notebooks, manuscripts of novels and novellas, short stories, plays, screenplays, nonfiction writings, speeches and interviews, translations of fiction and nonfiction, correspondence, juvenilia, drawings, documents, photographs, audiocassettes, videocassettes, papers of others, scrapbooks, clippings, and printed material.
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Carol Pitchersky Papers, 1963-2008
Carol Pitchersky (1947-2004) was a fundraiser and consultant who helped bring financial stability to dozens of public interest groups, notably the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). She served as Associate Director in charge of development and strategic planning at the ACLU and as a consultant to other prominent nonprofit organizations. The papers document Pitchersky's work as a fundraiser at the ACLU during the 1980s and for public interest groups in the 1970s and 1990s.
WOLA: Fundraising and Grants, 2001-2003, 2008
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Charles Ruas Papers, 1860-2022 (mostly 1974-1990)
Charles Ruas is an American author, interviewer, editor, literary and art critic, and French translator, who served as the Director of the Drama and Literature Department for New York's Pacifica radio station WBAI-FM in the late 1970s and interviewed writers for radio broadcast and print, including Toni Morrison, Michel Foucault, Carlos Fuentes, Eudora Welty, Susan Sontag, Truman Capote, Buckminster Fuller, Andy Warhol, Mario Vargas Llosa, and others. Included are photographs and documents on Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs, the St. Marks poetry project, and avant-garde artists and performers. The papers include transcripts and audiocassette tapes of Ruas's interviews with authors and artists, as well as typescripts and galleys of work by writers Ruas edited, including Marguerite Young, and some related photographs, notes, recordings, and correspondence. There are also some translations and other writings by Charles Ruas, as well as a collection of family photographs and papers documenting the history of his family in Tianjin, China, from the 1860s through the mid-20th century.
Adam, Helen, 1977-2008
Primarily contains correspondence from Helen Adam, including tarot readings Adam did for Charles Ruas and Rob Wynne, and a photograph of her by Luke Wynne.
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Charles W. Millard Correspondence, 1946-2011
Consists of select correspondence, dating from 1946 to 2011, of art historian Charles W. Millard (1932-2017) with artists such as Sir Anthony Caro, Helen Frankenthaler, Carl Chiarenza, Mark Hewitt, Nick George, Jules Olitski, and others.
General Correspondence, 1946-2010
Consists primarily of correspondence from family, friends, and colleagues of Millard during his academic and professional career. Also includes personal letters, exhibition invitations, and purchase inquiries documenting his relationships with artists like Anthony Caro, Helen Frankenthaler, Carl Chiarenza, Jules Olitski, Kenneth Noland and others. Additional correspondents include Princeton University Professor of American Art and Architecture Donald D. Egbert; Lawrence Morton, former music curator for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and artistic director of the Ojai Festival; and writer Allan Gurganus.
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Charles W. Yost Papers, circa 1790-2015 (mostly 1930-1980)
Charles W. Yost (1907-1981) led a varied career as a diplomat, United Nations representative, writer, and scholar. He was a member of the foreign service intermittently between 1930 and 1971, after which time he devoted himself full-time to writing and teaching. Yost's papers document his professional life in the Foreign Service, as well as his time in academia, and include his correspondence, writings, and photographs.
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Children and Youth in Mexico and Central America, 1984-2008
This collection contains pamphlets, flyers, working papers, institutional reports, and periodicals that address the conditions of children and youth in Mexico and Central America between 1984 and 2008.
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Claribel Alegría Papers, 1924-2010
Contains notebooks and drafts of the Nicaraguan-born Salvadoran writer Claribel Alegría's poetry, articles and essays, novels, short stories, speeches, and translations. Also includes correspondence with publishers, family, and such writers as Mario Benedetti, Julio Cortázar, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Alfonso Quijada Urías, and Sergio Ramírez. Additionally, the collection contains photographs, audiovisual material, and writings of others on Alegría.
"Clitemnestra", 2008-2009
Costa Rica, 2008
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Class of 1969 Community Service Fund Records, 1995-2009
The Class of 1969 Community Service Fund provides community service opportunities to Princeton students primarily through domestic and international internships. The records document the fund's internship programs and include applications for and evaluations of internships.