Zuchowski, Jessica, 2009
Department: ANT; date reflects year of degree or last year of enrollment; contains photo: yes.
Zhou, Xiang, 2009
Department: APC; date reflects year of degree or last year of enrollment; contains photo: yes.
Zhao, Tong, 2009
Department: FIN; date reflects year of degree or last year of enrollment; contains photo: yes.
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Zonta International Documents, 2009-2010
Women's World Banking Records, 1964-2017 (mostly 1980-1996)
Women's World Banking (WWB), one of the world's leaders in microenterprise financing, is a not-for-profit international financial institution founded by a global group of independent women working together with the support of the United Nations in 1979. The Women's World Banking mission is to facilitate the participation of poor women entrepreneurs in the modern economy at the local level, especially those who are generally without access to established financial institutions. The organization consists of an international network of affiliates (independent local institutions that provide a variety of financial and training services to meet the needs of local women) with a central coordinating office in New York City. WWB's records document the administration of the organization, mainly during the tenure of its first president, Michaela Walsh, and include founding documents, financial records, correspondence, records related to affiliates and other organizations, audiovisual materials, and the files of Michaela Walsh.
Womens World Banking Office Files, 1993-2009
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Zoller, Stephen Douglas, 2009
Zlatinov, Metodi Blagoev, 2009
Ziolkowski, Yetta, 2009
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Zoepf, Katherine, 2009 March 18
Wilson, Martin, 2004-2014
Weiner, Paul, 2009 December 22
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Zisquit, Linda, 1994-2009
Writings, 1956-2015
This series consists of drafts and proofs of poems and nonfiction books, as well as of articles, interviews, book reviews, and other writings that appeared in various publications, along with some student papers, song lyrics, drawings, and miscellaneous writings. Related editorial and publishing correspondence is also often present along with draft materials for published works.
Workshops, 1997-2010
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Zig Zag Wanderer, 1994-2010
Includes print-out chapter drafts in various forms, most with hand corrections, as well as some handwritten notes and research materials. Several stories that were not ultimately published in Zig Zag Wanderer are also present.
X-Z, 2008-2009
Writings, 1940s-2011 (mostly 1986-2011)
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Zellisha Quam Young 2008-2009, 2008-2009
Zachary Beaver Hesemeyer 2007-2008, 2007-2009
Wisconsin Tribal-State Workshop, 2009
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ZELITZER, Viviana, 1989-2013
ZEITLIN, Froma, 1990-2013
Z, 2001-2013
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Zefirino, 2005-2009
WWS Undergraduate Review, 2005-2011
Writing Program Appointments, 2008-2010
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Z, 2008-2012
Y, 1957-2009
Willis David and Christine, 1993-2017
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Wall 2, 1910-2010
Contains books shelved on Wall 2, i.e. the wall to the left when entering the Studio.
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You Will Meet a Tall, Dark Stranger (Screenplay), 2009
Early draft with autograph revisions.
Woody Allen Papers, 1955-2012
This collection contains writings by filmmaker and author Woody Allen. It includes copies of short stories, essays, articles, and the majority of Allen's films, along with original and various drafts of his prose work, plays and screenplays, some of which are either unpublished or unproduced.
The New Yorker Manuscripts, 2007-2012
Manuscript note on original envelope reads: "New Yorker Material - Some published eventually, some not." Some identifiable drafts were removed from this material and placed with appropriate files in Subseries 8C: Short Stories and Articles.
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Year in Review, 2007-2009
Washington Program Series Additions, 1921-2022
Washington Office: General Meetings Program and Studies Program: Asia, 1996-2025
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Victims Return photos and illustrations discs and files, 2009-2010
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X, Y, Z, 1970-2016
Writings, 1917-2017 April 11
Consists of research material, notes, outlines, drafts, galleys, and proofs. Yellow legal notepads contain notes, early draft material, and inserts for later typed and printed versions. Notepads are identified by their first lines, though a single notepad may contain a variety of material, including material relating to other works, correspondence drafts, and other unrelated notes. Corrected typescript and printout drafts often show significant revisions. Material from various stages of the publication process is present, including setting copies with copy-editor's and typesetter's marks, galleys, page proofs, F (folded-and-gathered pages, in signatures but not yet bound), blueline proofs ("confirmation blues"), advance copies (bound uncorrected proofs, pre-publication, often used for book reviewers) and production/design material with page and dust-jacket samples. Page numbers are noted for paginated material.
"Wrath of Children", circa 2005-2014
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Wyman house, 2002 September 08 - 2014 February 04
Writing Center, 2004 December 22 - 2013 August 05
Women in Science, 2009 November 18 - 2009 November 18
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WWS Published Reports, 1994-2011
WWS Publications and Directories, 1994-2015
WWS Facebook Directory, 2002-2009
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WWS Policy Forum Long-Term Unemployment, 2009-2016
Work, Goods and Markets Studies, 2006-2011
Unemployment - 331, 2009
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Series 8: Additional Papers, circa 1980s-2018
These papers consists of unprocessed/minimally processed additions acquired since May 1997. Included are correspondence; manuscripts of poetry, articles, speeches, etc.; galley proofs of nonfiction works; notebooks; contracts; photographs; audio and visual tapes; scrapbooks; and other materials.
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Writings by Others, 1970-2016
Consists of writings by others for projects McCarthy supported or organized.
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Writings by Others about Philip Roth, 2003-2014
Printouts and copies of essays by others about Roth.
Writings and Speeches, 1987 November 9-2014
Consists of a selection of drafts, proofs, notes, and printed materials related to Philip Roth's writings and speeches, many of which Roth gifted to Taylor and are inscribed to him.
Winard, Barbara, 2009 April 19
One letter from Winard regarding the polio epidemic in Newark in 1944.
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Robert B. Oakley Papers, 1986-2014
Robert B. Oakley (1931-2014) was a Foreign Service Officer who served as U.S. Ambassador to Zaire, Somalia, and Pakistan. The collection consists of a comprehensive oral history with Oakley, along with his various speeches, articles, and papers on the topics of U.S. diplomacy and foreign relations.
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Writings, 1958-2010
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Theodore Ziolkowski Collection on Literature, 1906-2018 (mostly 1960-2001)
Consists of correspondence and printed materials collected by German studies and comparative literature scholar Theodore Ziolkowski (1932- ). The majority of the collection comprises Ziolkowski's files on Hermann Hesse, particularly pertaining to the reception of Hesse's work in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. Other materials relate more broadly to 20th and early 21st century literature, with a focus on modern German authors and authors writing in German.
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Writings, 1986-2021
Consists of drafts of short stories, novels, plays, and other writings. Also includes media coverage and academic commentary on Conlon's writings, along with ephemera from conferences and workshops. Materials are in analog and digital formats.
Workbooks, 1986-2019
7 x A5 hardback notebooks, 6 x A4 hardback notebooks, 2 x wire spiral bound notebooks. All used as workbooks, manuscript drafts mostly for short stories, research, ideas for future writings and some loose notes. Some notebooks are specific to the writing of one short story or collection, others contain a mix of writings. Short Story Collections include My Head is Opening (1987); Taking Scarlet as a Real Colour (1993); telling (2000); Moving About the Place (2021).
Typescripts and manuscript drafts for public events, 1990s-2018
Typed and manuscript drafts for various public talks, literary events, summer schools, and book launches. Also workbook with manuscript notes and drafts. Loose material.
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Writing of Others, various, 1940-2010
Book Review of Variedades de Galiano, TM entitled "Elso Rodríguez," untitled TM about Rodríguez in French.
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Writings, 1960-2017
This file group includes published and unpublished works Bunnell wrote, edited, reviewed, and/or contributed to. Also consult the Subject Files for files on publications included here, which may include drafts and other materials related to these publications.
William Schaaf, 1970-2017
Virginia Adams (Anne Adams Helms), 1989-2012
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Writings, 1955-2021
Various Writings, 2009-2015
Includes writings such as Beautiful Air, Henry Hudson, Big Bang Leading to Multiverse, Unas the Magnificent, etc.
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Writings, 1955-2012
Writings, 1951-2009
Series 5: September 2015 Accession of Research Materials and Photographs, 1950-2012
This series is predominately composed of research materials such as notes, articles and papers, interview transcripts, correspondence, and audiovisual media that were created or collected by Oberdorfer for various writing projects. Most of the materials pertain to Oberdorfer's biography of Senator Mike Mansfield or to Oberdorfer's interest in Korea, including some materials specifically related to his book The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History. Correspondence with Oberdorfer's publishers and promotional materials for these books are also present.
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Writings, 1940-2010s
This file group includes drafts, excerpts, addenda, and final versions of various writings by Pacheco, including poetry, short stories, scripts, screenplays, essays, articles, translations, and others. Also included are writings by other authors, including translations of Pacheco's works. A large number of writings were undated, untitled, unattributed, and in many cases, drafts and fragments mixed together, which were impossible to separate and identify given the disorganized state of the material upon receipt.
Translations, 1961-2010s
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Writings, 1935-2016
Consists of drafts of both individual works and full-length books and book projects by John Ennis in various stages of completion, along with proofs, poem lists, notebooks and loose notes, source materials, research, photographs, cover designs, publicity materials, reviews, correspondence, and press clippings related to Ennis's writings. While the vast majority of materials relate to his poetry, both published and unpublished, a smaller number pertain to musical works created in collaboration with composer Eric Sweeney for which Ennis composed lyrics, drafts of unpublished short stories from the 1970s, and Ennis's 1997 PhD thesis on the use of myth and archetypes in his own poetry.