Department of Civil and Geological Engineering Research Reports, undated
Consists of research reports created by the Department of Civil and Geological Engineering at Princeton University between 1944 and 1988.
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Peter N. Heydon Collection of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning Furniture, undated
Includes a few artifacts of British poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) and Robert Browning (1812-1889).
David Lowery Oil Painting of the Browning's Drawing Room of the Casa Guidi Apartment, undated
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Princeton Cuneiform Collection, 2012 B.C.-1595 B.C.
Consists of approximately 1,350 cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia, the bulk dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur (Ur III).
bead, dates not examined
Oval-shaped flat bead, meas. 10 x 8 x 3 mm. threaded on a string. Undocumented.
Clay Tablets Catalogued by Edward Chiera, dates not examined
Clay Tablets catalogued by Edward Chiera (Boxes 1-94). Note: Most of the tablets published by Chiera as dated in the "Ur dynasty" are dateable to the Third Dynasty of Ur (Ur III).
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Stone Seals Collection, 3000 BCE - 500 AD
Consists of 244 stones used in Mesopotamia and adjacent areas of the ancient Near East from prehistoric times to make impressions in clay, particularly seals on clay tablets and their envelopes.
Agate Cylinder Seal, Achaemenid period
A bearded man grasps a bull by one horn; behind the former, a winged scorpion-man.
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Undergraduate Alumni Records, Non-graduates, Undated
This finding aid contains a list of former undergraduate students of Princeton University who did not graduate, and whose dates of attendance are unknown.
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$10,000 Beauty Suit against Forepaugh, dates not examined
Some of the scrapbooks contain photographic prints which have been described with racist, colonialist, ableist, and dehumanizing language. In cases where scrapbook photographs are not captioned, descriptions in the finding aid derive from a typewritten inventory of the collection that may have been provided by the donor, or may have been created by an archivist.
10. Sword & Bachantae Dances, dates not examined
This series contains harmful and offensive descriptions of people that may include racist, colonialist, ableist, and dehumanizing language. Some of the description is original to the donor and/or the creator, and in these instances of creator- and donor-supplied titles, description may be retained to convey contextual/historical information of the materials. Otherwise, descriptions derive from a typewritten inventory of the collection that may have been provided by the donor, or may have been created by an archivist.
11. March, dates not examined
This series contains harmful and offensive descriptions of people that may include racist, colonialist, ableist, and dehumanizing language. Some of the description is original to the donor and/or the creator, and in these instances of creator- and donor-supplied titles, description may be retained to convey contextual/historical information of the materials. Otherwise, descriptions derive from a typewritten inventory of the collection that may have been provided by the donor, or may have been created by an archivist.
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10079B - Jenkins, Theodore C - National Coalition vs Cencorship Inc Materials, dates not examined
100. Bravo v. The Donna Karan Company (unlabeled folder), dates not examined
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100. LA POUPEE. Comic opera by Arthur Sturgess after M. Ordonneau. Music by E. Audran. P-1897, dates not examined
Vocal score. Lacks title-page, dramatis personae and first two pages of score.
105. THE QUAKER GIRL. Another copy, dates not examined
Vocal score. Musical Director's score with cuts and additions to be used in production with the promptbook score above.
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100 Years and Still Kicking, undated
14" gold metal necklace with Triangle Club emblem and Princeton Men's Choir emblem; J.M. McKerney, '31, undated
1984 Kickline DVD, undated
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1. Agora Excavations, dates not examined
Drafts, notes, drawings, photographs and correspondence that reflect Frantz's continued interest in the Agora excavations in Athens from the 1930s until her publication of The Athenian Agora 24: Late Antiquity: 267-700 (ASCS, Princeton, 1988). Much of this material deals with the post-Classical habitation of the site.
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106 Alexander (Ground, Second, Third), undated
106 Alexander Street (Exterior, Attic), undated
116 Prospect (Basement, First, Second, Attic), undated
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106. Plan d'Hampton pour servir a l'Etablissement du Quartier d'hiver de la Legion de L'auzun, le 1 9bre, 1781, undated
Plan of Hampton [in Virginia] to be Used for Establishing the Winter Quarters of Lauzun's Legion. 1 November 1781. The stream at the right, flowing south, is the Hampton River. The other directional arrow, at the left of the map below the legend, is misleading (probably a mistake); the point indicates south, not the customary north. Directly below this arrow point indicates south, not the customary north. Directly below this arrow point is St. John's Episcopal Chruch. The two longest streets forming a cross are King Street (from top to bottom of map) and Queen Street (left to right). The numbers indicating available lodgings were presumably used for assigning quarters. The billeting list that might supply a key to these numbers is not preserved with the map and has not been found.
107. Établissement des hussards en Correspondance a New-Kent Courte House, New-Castle, et Linch Taverne, 1781, undated
Chain of Expresses between New Kent Courthouse, New Castle, and Lynch's Tavern, 1781. Early in November, a few weeks after the capitulation of Yorktown, Washington's Continentals left Virginia and returned northward to winter quarters on the Hudson. The French army thus remained in an "intermediary position," as Rochambeau described it, between the Northern army and the Southern army in the Carolinas under the command of General Greene. In instructions to Colonel Timothy Pickering, dated Williamsburg, 4 November 1781, Washington had noted: "For the purpose of Communicating Intelligence, I have agreed with Count Rochambeau who remains here to establish a Chain of Expresses from hence to Philadelphia. You will take Measures to furnish your part of the Chain, which is to extend from the Bowling Green to Philadelphia; from the Bowling Green to this place [Williamsburg], extending towards Genl Greene, will be continued by Count Rochambeau." Writings of GW, XXIII, 331.
108. Plans des différents camps occupés par l'Armée aux ordres de M. Le comte de Rochambeau, undated
Maps of French Army's Campsites 1-55, from Drinking Spring to Dedham, Massachusetts. The following series of maps depicts the army's camps on its march from Virginia to the Hudson and eventually to Boston. The cover sheet of the "cahier," reproduced here, is the same as the one for the 1781 south-bound camps (No. 26) except for the heading "Amérique/ Campagne/ 1782." As with the earlier series, the maps are so oriented that the direction of the march (generally northward in 1782) is at the top of the sheet; thus the two series appear reversed in relation to each other. In instances where the army camped in 1782 on a site previously occupied in 1781 the cartographer has not repeated the map; the camp is merely recorded in the heading, with a cross-reference to the 1781 map. There are no detailed road maps for the 1782 marches. The route from Williamsburg to Spurrier's Tavern (19th camp, preceding the 20th camp at Baltimore) is described mile by mile in Itinerary 6, which records the march of the wagon train when it took this route in the opposite direction in 1781.
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#107-#125, undated
#110-#400, undated
#120-#175, undated
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11 envelopes containing receipts of funds paid into the Treasury of the Appanage, dates not examined
These are numbered as follows: 1 (mandate no. 259), 11 receipts; 2 (mandate no. 1213), 45 receipts; 3 (mandate no. 1360), 1 receipt; 4 (mandate no. 1326), 6 receipts; 5 (mandate no. 1377), 4 receipts; 5 (mandate no. 89), 33 receipts; 6 (mandate no. 1412), 1 receipt; 8 (mandate no. 1451), 6 receipts; 9 (mandate no. 1452), 2 receipts; 10 (mandate no. 1547), 1 receipt; 11 (mandate no. 1560), 12 receipts. (Note: there are 2 envelopes numbered 5, and none numbered 7.)
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10 photos of RB and friends, envelope labeled "Michael and Janet Bunger(?) with his mother", undated
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13 letters to B-S, dates not examined
(includes Tucker Brooke, R. Dewar, D. Michael Smith, R. Warwick Bond, G. C. Moore Smith, E. Selincourt, Walter Peck, S. Crawford, and unidentified, with copies of advertisement)
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