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The Library of Jacques Derrida, Studio Series, 1686-2010

RBD1 327 boxes 1 folder 6 items
Consists of the personal library of French philosopher Jacques Derrida and members of his household.
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James Gould Cozzens Papers, 1878-1978 (mostly 1940-1969)

C0061 50 boxes 22.50 linear feet
The collection illustrates the literary and military careers of James Gould Cozzens in manuscripts, notebooks, diaries (1920-1970), war journals (1911-1945), correspondence (general, family, and business), documents, memorabilia, clippings, and photographs.

McCaddon Collection of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, 1871-1907 (mostly 1895-1905)

TC040 85 boxes 9 folders 14 items
Restrictions may apply.
The McCaddon Collection of the Barnum and Bailey Circus consists of correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, and other material collected by business manager Joseph T. McCaddon prior to the 1907 merger of the circus with Ringling Bros.
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Barnum and Bailey, Lalla Rookh, The Departure from Delhi (Crookston, ), Wednesday July 7

Restrictions may apply.
This series contains harmful and offensive descriptions of people that may include racist, colonialist, ableist, and dehumanizing language. Some of the description is original to the donor and/or the creator, and in these instances of creator- and donor-supplied titles, description may be retained to convey contextual/historical information of the materials. Otherwise, descriptions derive from a typewritten inventory of the collection that may have been provided by the donor, or may have been created by an archivist.

Series of Singalese masked devil dancers, undated

Restrictions may apply.
Many of the photographs in this series contain dehumanizing and harmful descriptions using racist, colonialist, and ableist language. In the majority of cases, the descriptions of people have been transcribed from the photographs themselves. Some of the photographs have been stamped with titles (likely by the original photographic studio); other titles are handwritten. In cases where photographs have no title, descriptions derive from a typewritten inventory of the collection that may have been provided by the donor, or may have been created by an archivist.

Unidentified man, woman, and boy, Ceylonese, undated

Restrictions may apply.
Many of the photographs in this series contain dehumanizing and harmful descriptions using racist, colonialist, and ableist language. In the majority of cases, the descriptions of people have been transcribed from the photographs themselves. Some of the photographs have been stamped with titles (likely by the original photographic studio); other titles are handwritten. In cases where photographs have no title, descriptions derive from a typewritten inventory of the collection that may have been provided by the donor, or may have been created by an archivist.

John Wild Autograph Collection, 1548-1904 (mostly 1800-1850)

C0047 2 boxes 2 items 36 Volumes
Consists of over 2,000 autograph items of prominent English and European figures from the 16th to the mid-19th centuries compiled by the English collector John Wild.

Bernard M. Dwork Papers, 1950-1992

C0983 10 boxes
Consists of a chronological series of 101 mathematical notebooks (1958-1997) of Princeton mathematician Bernard M. Dwork.

Hanna Fantova Collection of Albert Einstein, 1945-1958

C0703 2 boxes 1.5 linear feet
Consists of Hanna Fantova's collection of Albert Einstein material, as well as some of her own personal papers.

Alpheus Thomas Mason Papers, circa 1925-1979

MC177 30 boxes
Alpheus T. Mason taught in the Dept. of Politics at Princeton University beginning in 1925 and authored a number of legal works as well as biographies of Supreme Court justices Harlan Fiske Stone and Louis D. Brandeis. This collection consists of papers of Mason, including material relating Stone, Brandeis and Woodrow Wilson.

Vicente Leñero Papers, 1954-2011

C1424 30 boxes 12 linear feet
The Vicente Leñero Papers contain materials pertaining to the Mexican playwright, novelist, and screenwriter Vicente Leñero (1933- ). Included are manuscripts, correspondence, and printed material.

Derso and Kelen Collection, 1922-1982 (mostly 1922-1970)

MC205 68 boxes 1 folder
The Derso and Kelen Collection consists of correspondence, writings, published material, and over 900 cartoons and caricatures in varying media ranging from pencil sketches and ink drawings to richly-hued watercolors and limited edition lithographic portfolios created by the Hungarian caricaturists and political satirists Alois Derso and Emery Kelen. The vast majority of the works were produced between 1920 and 1950, the active period of collaboration between Derso and Kelen.

American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Printed Materials Series, 1947-1995

MC001-02-05 157 boxes
The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. The files contain materials on freedom of speech, expression, and association; due process of law; equality before the law; legal case files; and organizational records. Within these categories files reflect subject areas such as academic freedom, censorship, racial discrimination, aliens' rights, privacy concerns, labor concerns, amnesty, and government loyalty and security. The files reflect work on litigation, advocacy and public policy, and subject files on various areas of interest connected with civil liberties. Materials include correspondence, court documents, memoranda, printed matter, minutes, reports, briefs, and legal files. Also included are materials from ACLU affiliate organizations, and the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee.

Harold B. Hoskins Papers, 1822-1982

MC221 17 boxes
Harold Boies Hoskins was a businessman, diplomat, and educator working in Middle Eastern affairs. This collection consists of correspondence, diaries, notes, photographs, publications, maps, and professional files that document Hoskins' personal and professional activities, as well as the Hoskins family.

Tristan E. Beplat Papers, 1936-1953 (mostly 1945-1948)

MC222 9 boxes
Tristan E. Beplat (1912-1997) was a New York banking executive with expertise in international banking. He had a significant role in the economic reconstruction of postwar Japan through his work in the Finance Division of the Economic and Scientific Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Beplat's papers document his service in Japan and include memoranda, papers, and reports on the banks and economy of Japan from 1945 to 1948.

Woodrow Wilson Additional Materials, 1761-1974

MC215 5 boxes 1 folder
The Woodrow Wilson Additional Materials consist of materials that the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library has acquired on Woodrow Wilson since the mid-1990s.

Prentice N. Dean Papers, 1866-1964 (mostly 1910-1960)

MC207 10 boxes
Prentice Northup Dean (1897-1981) was a practicing economist for the United States Tariff Commission and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He also held teaching positions at Princeton University, the University of Pittsburgh, and Buena Vista University. Dean's papers document his service as United States delegate to the meetings of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and his years studying at the American University in Beirut, and include correspondence, diaries, documentation of conferences, memorabilia, and newspaper clippings. The papers also include the correspondence, diaries, and manuscripts of his family members May Dershimer née Walter and Martin R. Walter.

David F. Bradford Papers, 1939-1990

MC225 4 boxes
David F. Bradford (1939-2005) was a professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University and served on the faculty from 1966 to 2005. His main areas of study were public finance and urban problems, and he was internationally known as an expert on taxation. Bradford's papers document his academic career and include correspondence files and conference files, as well as papers related to his research with Harry H. Kelejian, his appointment books, and biographical materials from his years as a student.

Jessie Wilson Sayre Collection, 1886-1933

MC216 7 boxes
Jessie Wilson Sayre was the daughter of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and was a political activist. The Jessie Wilson Sayre Collection documents the close relationships amongst the Wilson and Axson families in the early twentieth century and provides details into their lives.

John and Janet Wallach Papers, circa 1973-1990

MC220 1 box
John Wallach was Foreign Affairs Editor of the Hearst Newspapers and Hearst News Service from 1968 to 1994 as well as an author and founder and President of Seeds of Peace, an international youth organization; Janet Wallach is a journalist, author, scholar, and President Emeritus of Seeds of Peace. The John and Janet Wallach Papers contain mostly interview transcripts and background information on topics relevant to John Wallach's career.

Ansley J. Coale Papers, 1935-1998 (mostly 1954-1994)

MC208 18 boxes
Professor Ansley J. Coale (1917-2002) was a demographer whose work focused on nuptiality, fertility, and mortality in several countries. Coale joined the Princeton University faculty in 1947 and spent his entire career as a member of the university's Office of Population Research (OPR). The papers contain correspondence, Coale's research papers and projects, and samples of data collected. The material spans the several decades (1950s to 1990s) Coale spent as a member of the Princeton faculty, as well as the work he did during his retirement.

Arthur C. Warner Papers, 1819-2003 (mostly 1946-2003)

MC219 42 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Arthur Cyrus Warner (1918-2007) was an activist in the gay liberation movement, focusing his efforts on legal reform to protect the civil liberties of the gay community. Warner's papers document his involvement in legal reform and other issues pertaining to gay rights. The papers largely consist of legislative and court documents about cases affecting gay civil liberties, and related memoranda, correspondence, and writings.

Richard A. Musgrave Papers, 1874-2008 (mostly 1999-2006)

MC236 8 boxes
Richard Abel Musgrave (1910-2007) was a leading 20th-century economist whose work transformed the field of public finance. Consists of the professional files of Richard A. Musgrave.

Chester Brooks Kerr Papers, 1936-1947

MC242 1 box 2 items
This collection contains Chester Kerr's early papers on book publishing. It documents his involvement with Atlantic Monthly Press and his employment at Reynal and Hitchcock. It also documents Kerr's work with the United States International Book Association, a short-lived non-profit organization founded in 1945 and dedicated to addressing the issues surrounding international book trade and exports.

World Press Freedom Committee Records, 1921-2009 (mostly 1975-2009)

MC241 45 boxes 160 items
The World Press Freedom Committee (1976-2009) was an organization dedicated to monitoring threats to press freedom, focusing on major intergovernmental organizations, especially UNESCO. The WPFC served as a watchdog against limitations on press freedom and provided practical assistance programs to journalists abroad, especially in developing countries, to enable them to establish and maintain a free press. The World Press Freedom Committee Records document the administration and activities of the WPFC for its entire period of operations and include project files, meeting minutes, correspondence, and publications.

William O. Baker Papers, 1912-2008

MC218 65 boxes
William O. Baker (1915-2005) was a prominent research chemist, head of Bell Laboratories, and a frequent advisor to the government on scientific affairs and technology. His government service spanned from the Truman administration through the Bush administration and focused on intelligence gathering and national security issues. Baker's papers document his government service beginning with President Eisenhower, as well as his career at Bell Labs, and include correspondence, writings, and reports.

John C. Bogle Papers, 1948-2019 (mostly 1974-2000)

MC206 17 boxes
John C. Bogle (1929-2019) founded the mutual fund company Vanguard and is a leader in the mutual fund industry. He is an outspoken advocate for low-cost investing, index funds, and the rights of investors, and a critic of the mutual fund industry. Bogle's papers document his career with Vanguard and Wellington Management Company, and his involvement with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and include his speeches and correspondence, reports, memoranda, and clippings.

General Manuscripts Collection, 1870-2003 (mostly 1900-1960)

MC230 17.83 linear feet (23 containers)
The General Manuscripts Collection is largely composed of materials related to United States politics and government, including personal and business correspondence, manuscripts, memorabilia, pamphlets, and reports. The collection includes the papers of many individuals, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt and other United States presidents, government officials, authors and journalists, bankers and businessmen, and Princeton University alumni.

Marten Van Heuven Papers, 1952-2016

MC224 6 boxes
Marten Van Heuven (1932- ) led a career in the United States foreign service, serving in several European countries, which culminated with his service as National Intelligence Officer for Europe from 1987 to 1991, a position responsible for the analysis of European and Canadian issues. Van Heuven's papers document his career in the United States foreign service and at RAND, and include his speech files, writings files, and correspondence.

Peter Grose Papers, 1933-1999

MC227 4 boxes
Peter Grose is an editor and specialist on the history of intelligence. The Peter Grose Papers document Grose's research on Allen Dulles, the origins and early years of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Soviet Union.

Robert K. Massie IV Papers, 1950-1997 (mostly 1980-1991)

MC237 11 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Robert Massie (1956- ) has led a varied life as an Episcopalian priest, university lecturer, social and environmental activist, historian, and executive. His work has focused on advocating higher standards of corporate responsibility and social justice in the conduct of capitalism. Massie's papers document his research on South Africa and anti-apartheid movements and include reports, articles, interview notes, and surveys.

American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Subject Files Series, 1947-1995

MC001-02-03 499 boxes 2 items
The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. The files contain materials on freedom of speech, expression, and association; due process of law; equality before the law; legal case files; and organizational records. Within these categories files reflect subject areas such as academic freedom, censorship, racial discrimination, aliens' rights, privacy concerns, labor concerns, amnesty, and government loyalty and security. The files reflect work on litigation, advocacy and public policy, and subject files on various areas of interest connected with civil liberties. Materials include correspondence, court documents, memoranda, printed matter, minutes, reports, briefs, and legal files. Also included are materials from ACLU affiliate organizations, and the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee. Subgroup 2, Series 3 has been digitized and is available for members of the Princeton community to view here. To view the database from outside Princeton University, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.

American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Project Files Series, 1947-1995

MC001-02-02 82 boxes
The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. The files contain materials on freedom of speech, expression, and association; due process of law; equality before the law; legal case files; and organizational records. Within these categories files reflect subject areas such as academic freedom, censorship, racial discrimination, aliens' rights, privacy concerns, labor concerns, amnesty, and government loyalty and security. The files reflect work on litigation, advocacy and public policy, and subject files on various areas of interest connected with civil liberties. Materials include correspondence, court documents, memoranda, printed matter, minutes, reports, briefs, and legal files. Also included are materials from ACLU affiliate organizations, and the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee. Subgroup 2, Series 2 has been digitized and is available for members of the Princeton community to view here. To view the database from outside Princeton University, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.

American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Organizational Matters Series, 1947-1995

MC001-02-01 582 boxes 8 items
The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. The files contain materials on freedom of speech, expression, and association; due process of law; equality before the law; legal case files; and organizational records. Within these categories files reflect subject areas such as academic freedom, censorship, racial discrimination, aliens' rights, privacy concerns, labor concerns, amnesty, and government loyalty and security. The files reflect work on litigation, advocacy and public policy, and subject files on various areas of interest connected with civil liberties. Materials include correspondence, court documents, memoranda, printed matter, minutes, reports, briefs, and legal files. Also included are materials from ACLU affiliate organizations, and the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee.

American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Legal Case Files Series, 1947-1995

MC001-02-04 699 boxes
The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. The files contain materials on freedom of speech, expression, and association; due process of law; equality before the law; legal case files; and organizational records. Within these categories files reflect subject areas such as academic freedom, censorship, racial discrimination, aliens' rights, privacy concerns, labor concerns, amnesty, and government loyalty and security. The files reflect work on litigation, advocacy and public policy, and subject files on various areas of interest connected with civil liberties. Materials include correspondence, court documents, memoranda, printed matter, minutes, reports, briefs, and legal files. Also included are materials from ACLU affiliate organizations, and the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee. Subgroup 2, Series 4 has been digitized and is available for members of the Princeton community to view here. To view the database from outside Princeton University, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.

John Lewis Gaddis Papers on George F. Kennan, 1982-1989

MC256 6 boxes 44 items
Restrictions may apply.
John Lewis Gaddis (1941- ) is a diplomatic historian noted for his analysis of the Cold War. The John Lewis Gaddis Papers on George F. Kennan contain interviews conducted by Gaddis for his authorized biography of noted diplomat and historian George F. Kennan and include transcripts and recordings of the interviews.

Kristen Timothy papers, 1990-2000 (mostly 1995)

MC251 9 boxes
These records include the working papers of Kristen Timothy in preparation for the 1995 United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing. They contain materials that document the evolution of the Platform for Action adopted at the conference from a short statement of major campaigns for the international community to mount, drawing on the recommendations of three previous world conferences on women organized by the UN, to a major statement of policy goals in twelve critical areas of concern to women and girls globally.
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Series 1: Audio-Visual Materials, dates not examined

This series includes compact discs, video cassettes, audio cassettes and 35mm color slides. Some videotapes are part of the "Women of the World" series, produced by TVE to coincide with the Beijing Conference. Also included are digital videos assembled for the Working Group on Girls NGO committee on UNICEF, as well as video from the Feminist Expo 2000. Some of these materials are available digitally.

W. Michael Blumenthal Papers, circa 1961-1979

MC246 81 boxes
W. Michael Blumenthal is a businessperson and economic adviser who served as Secretary of the Treasury in the Carter Administration. The W. Michael Blumenthal Papers document Blumenthal's service as Secretary of the Treasury.

Edward P. Djerejian papers, 1972-2010

MC255 11 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Edward Peter Djerejian is a former United States diplomat. This collection includes speeches, appointment books, and clippings documenting Ambassador Djerejian's life and career.

Robert Ross Papers on Development and Investment in Latin America and Africa, 1956-2011

MC245 3 boxes
Robert Ross is an economist specializing in developing Countries. This collection contains reports on the U.S.S.R.; investment proposals; government reports; internal documentation from the Adela Investment Company; documents on the Latin American Agribusiness Development Corporation and the Société Internationale Financière pour les Investissements et le Développement en Afrique; and Richard Boyle's correspondence with Eugene Gonzalez and Ernst Keller.

Peter Kenen papers, 1930-2009

MC259 2 boxes
Peter B. Kenen is a well-known economist, prolific writer, and Walker Professor of Economics and International Finance, Emeritus, at Princeton University. These records document Kenen's research and teaching work.

Chalmers Benedict Wood Papers, 1929-1991 (mostly 1933-1967)

MC254 2 boxes
Chalmers Benedict Wood joined the Foreign Service after serving in World War II and held positions in several embassies as well as working in the State Department. These papers include writings, correspondence, clippings, and State Department documents from his time as a Foreign Service Officer in Vietnam in 1967-1969.

Elmer C. Werner Papers, 1937-1945 (mostly 1942-1945)

MC253 2 boxes
The records of Elmer C. Werner (diaries, notes, clippings) document an impeded Internal Revenue Service investigation into contributions from Brown & Root, Inc. to Lyndon Baines Johnson's 1941 United States Senate campaign.

Daniel C. Kurtzer Papers, 1965-2018

MC271 19 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Daniel C. Kurtzer (1949-) is a professor and former American diplomat. The collection mostly pertains to Kurtzer's work for the U.S. Foreign Service.

Todd S. Purdum Papers, 1950-2013 (mostly 2008-2012)

MC270 3 boxes 34 items
Todd S. Purdum (1959-) is a political journalist whose work has appeared in a number of publications, including Vanity Fair, The New York Times, and POLITICO. The collection is mostly composed of Purdum's research materials on various political and cultural figures created for his work with Vanity Fair. Other noteworthy materials in the collection relate to Purdum's senior thesis written for Princeton University's History Department on the Eisenhower-era State Department's Loyalty-Security Program.

David L. Aaron Papers, 1960-1999 (mostly 1976-1981)

MC275 16 boxes
David Laurence Aaron (1938-) served as Deputy National Security Advisor from 1977–1981. The collection mostly documents Aaron's service under Jimmy Carter's administration, though records dating from his time working for Walter F. Mondale and in the private sector are also present.

Livia Plaks Papers, 1992-2012

MC266 11 boxes 2 items
Livia Plaks was a co-founder of the Princeton-based Project on Ethnic Relations (PER) and served as executive director. This collection includes publications, correspondence, subject files and photographs created by Plaks relating to the PER.

Mina Mauerstein-Bail Papers, 1985-2012

MC264 23 boxes
Mina Mauerstein-Bail is a development professional with extensive international experience in the links between health and economic development. These Papers include reports, study papers and background materials collected over the course of her career and reflecting her areas of expertise: HIV and development, water and sanitation, and supporting local government and community capacity to address HIV/AIDS issues.

Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Papers, circa 1933-2000 (mostly 1942-1982)

MC209 12 boxes 1 folder
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr. served with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from its inception in 1947 until 1965. The papers document Kirkpatrick's career at the CIA, including his role as inspector general during the Bay of Pigs invasion, as well as his service in the U.S. Army and Office of Strategic Services during World War II, and his time as a professor of political science at Brown University.

Roman Bitsuie Papers, 1972-1987

MC257 11 boxes
Roman Bitsuie is associated with Navajo Hopi Land Commission Office and these papers document his service on the Navajo Tax Commission, the Navajo Tribal Council and the Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute Commission

Norman Ryder Papers, 1910-2005 (mostly 1950-1995)

MC250 8 boxes
Norman B. Ryder (1923-2010) was a demographer and sociologist who specialized in fertility studies and established the cohort approach to demographic study. The Ryder papers contain his working research notes, drafts, and publications, as well as correspondence and administrative papers from Ryder's teaching career.

Theodore K. Rabb Papers on the National Council for History Education, 2000-2019

MC260 6 boxes 2 items
The National Council for History Education is an organization that supports the teaching and learning of history. These records document Professor Ted Rabb's work as a member of the board of the National Council on History Education.

Barton Gellman Papers, 1965-2014

MC262 10 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Barton Gellman is a well-known journalist and winner of the Pulitzer Prize. The records in this collection document Gellman's work as a journalist and political advisor.