Search Results
1840: Southard, Isaac - Southard, James W., 1840
Box 72, Folder 6
1840: Southworth - Sullivan, 1840
Box 72, Folder 9
1840: Taft - Thompson, 1840
Box 72, Folder 10
1840: Thornton - V, 1840
Box 72, Folder 11
1840: Waddell - Watson, 1840
Box 72, Folder 12
1840: Webster - Wickham, 1840
Box 72, Folder 13
1840: Williamson - Young, 1840
Box 72, Folder 14
1840: Anonymous and unidentified, 1840
Box 72, Folder 15
Cherokee Indians - Article in New York Journal of Commerce, 1840
Box 95, Folder 2
Slave Trade, Pamphlets, 1840
Box 138, Folder 9
"Address on the Characters of Lafayette and Washington", 1840
Box 156, Folder 12
"Condition of American Seamen at the Port of Havana", 1840
Box 156, Folder 14
"Facts for the Laboring Man: By a Laboring Man", 1840
Box 156, Folder 16
"The Laboring Classes, an Article from the Boston Quarterly Review", 1840
Box 156, Folder 17
"Letter from a Portion of the Representatives of the State of Georgia", 1840
Box 156, Folder 20
"Letters to the People of the United States, by Concivis", 1840
Box 156, Folder 21
"The Picture of the Baptism of Pocahontas", 1840
Box 157, Folder 2
"Review of the Question of the Outlet Lock at Black's Eddy", 1840
Box 157, Folder 3
The Jerseyman, 1840
Box 164, Folder 2
Hon. John Banks, 1840
Box 169, Folder 1
Clement T. Coote, 1840
Box 169, Folder 9
Walter Forward, 1840
Box 169, Folder 18
Deed Of Release, 1840
Box 195
Junius: The crisis of the country, 1840
Box b-000869
232. T. H. Crawford to Joseph Street, Washington, 1839 September 30
Box s-000337, Folder 6
Proudfit, Susan, 1839 September 29
Box 7, Folder 11
Dod, Albert Baldwin, 1839 September 29
Box 2, Folder 25
Mr. Burg's opinion regarding Mr. Babington's case, 1839 September 28
Box 1, Folder 17
194. Joseph Street to Robert Lucas, Sac and Fox Agency, 1839 September 16
Box s-000337, Folder 3
64. (withdrawn) Joseph Street to Robert Lucas, Sac and Fox Agency, 1839 September 14
Box s-000320, Folder 9
112. J. M. Street to Robert Lucas, Sac and Fox Agency, 1839 September 14
Box s-000336, Folder 4
191. Joseph Street to Robert Lucas, Sac and Fox Agency, 1839 September 14
Box s-000337, Folder 3
192. Joseph Street to Robert Lucas, Sac and Fox Agency, 1839 September 14
Box s-000337, Folder 3
193. Report of Joseph Street to Robert Lucas, 1839 September 14
Box s-000337, Folder 3
33. Joseph Street to Robert Lucas, Sac and Fox Agency, 1839 September 14
Box s-000353, Folder 8
Instructions to Mr. Mylne, 1839 September 10
Box 1, Folder 16
Rough Minutes, Bonds, Accounts, Letters, 1839 September
Box 7, Folder 21
Copies of Letters by Delafield, 1839 September
Box 76, Folder 9
(Seville), 1839 October 30
Box 10, Folder 5
(Liverpool), 1839 October 3
Box 7, Folder 4
(Seville), 1839 October 26
Box 10, Folder 5
(Seville), 1839 October 25
Box 10, Folder 5