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Subseries 18E: Gift Letters (Donor Files), 1940-1987, consists of the correspondence, memoranda, and other documents related to the donation of gifts to the University from individuals. While most donors were alumni, many were not. The files include material about numerous notable individuals, including Irving Berlin, John C. Danforth '58, William O. Douglas, Doris Duke, Brooks Emeny '24, Prince Saud Al-Faisal '64 of Saudi Arabia, Roger S. Firestone '35, Robert F. Goheen '40, George Kennan '25, Richard J. Riordan '52, Charles S. Robertson '26, Laurance Rockefeller '32, Donald Rumsfeld '54, and George Shultz '42. Not every solicitation was successful. This material is similar to that found in Subseries 7C: Finances--Endowments and Gifts.
Series 18: Supplementary Materials, 1940-1998
63 boxes
1 folder
Series 18: Supplementary Materials, 1940-1998, consists of all the files and other materials pertaining to the president or the Office of the President that were not included in the regular run of records. The series includes the files of assistants to the president, confidential materials, individual donor records, the index to the files, oversized materials, and photographs.