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Princeton University Class Records, 1798-2023

AC130 502 boxes 9 folders 8 items 3996 digital files 29.1 GB
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Library. Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
The Class Records consist of a diverse set of materials documenting the history and activities of Princeton University classes during their time as undergraduates and as alumni. In the collection are correspondence, newsletters, publications, photographs, and memorabilia, all of which pertain to a particular Princeton University graduating class and its members.

James A. Baker III Oral History Collection, 1991-2016

MC212 13 boxes 54 items
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Library. Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
The James A. Baker III Oral History Project is a joint project run by the Seeley G. Mudd Library at Princeton University and the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University. The collection consists of transcripts and audio files of interviews with individuals who knew and worked closely with James A. Baker III during his career in politics and public service.

Princeton University Library Records, 1734-2017 (mostly 1952-1995)

AC123 635 boxes 5 folders 10 items 87 Volumes 1605 digital files 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Library. Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
The Princeton University Library is one of the foremost university libraries in the world. With collections totaling over 12 million volumes, manuscripts, and nonprint items spread across fifteen buildings, the Princeton University Library system serves not only the Princeton University community but the world at large. The Princeton University Library Records consist of the files of the University Librarian and other Library administrators and departments, as well as of the Friends of the Princeton University Library. Materials in the record group include correspondence, reports, publications, clippings, minutes, press releases, proposals, statistics, photographs and other audiovisual materials, and microfilm. The records document the Library's day-to-day operations as well as its involvement with other departments on campus, other college and university libraries, and library users.

Lewis Center for the Arts Records, 1969-2017

AC398 18 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Lewis Center for the Arts.
The Lewis Center for the Arts was created in 2006 to serve as the organizational home of several of the University's academic programs, including creative writing, dance, music theater, theater, visual arts, and the Princeton Atelier. The records currently contain files of the Princeton Atelier, photographs of dance at Princeton, recordings of public lectures, and books to commemorate visual arts thesis shows.

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance Records, 1972-2019

AC037 7 boxes 1 folder 1.9 GB
Princeton University. Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance.
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance (LGBA), is the social and political organization for lesbian, gay, and bisexual students at Princeton University. The LGBA is the successor to the Gay Alliance of Princeton (GAP), Gay Women of Princeton (GWOP), the Lesbian and Bisexual Task Force (LBTF), and Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Princeton (GALAP). The records contain material regarding the LGBA's programs and its publications, as well as subject files assembled by the LGBA's officers and staff.

Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies Records, 1935-2017

AC448 5 boxes 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Institute for International and Regional Studies.
The Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) is Princeton University's international and regional studies center. The PIIRS Records document the institute's activities and include material from its precursor organizations, the Yale Institute of International Studies and the Center of International Studies at Princeton University.

Humanities Council Records, 1935-2021

AC143 6 boxes 1 websites .03 GB
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Humanities Council.
The Council of the Humanities was founded in 1953 at Princeton University to foster teaching, research and intellectual exchange. Consists of materials collected and generated by the Council of the Humanities, including materials pertaining to the Ford Foundation Project.

Graduate Alumni Records, 1839-2016

AC105 792 boxes
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Princeton University. Graduate School
The records consist of the academic files of former graduate students of Princeton University. The information contained in each file varies greatly but can include grades cards, Graduate School applications, a photograph of the student, letters of recommendation, as well as biographical information, lists of achievements, news clippings, and obituaries. Please see "Other Finding Aids" under "Find More" for a list of the five finding aids to the Graduate Alumni Records, divided by time period.

Graduate Alumni Records, 1990-2022

AC105-05 385 boxes
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Graduate School
The records consist of the academic files of former graduate students of Princeton University. The information contained in each file varies greatly but can include grade cards, Graduate School applications, a photograph of the student, letters of recommendation, biographical information, lists of achievements, news clippings, and obituaries.

Graduate School Records, 1870-2015 (mostly 1890-1995)

AC127 77 boxes 6511 digital files 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Graduate School
The Graduate School at Princeton offers masters and doctorate programs in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. The Graduate School Records consist of minutes, correspondence, reports, writings, applications, surveys, and memoranda, as well as forms, course listings, and information on examinations and fees.

Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Records, 1994-2017

AC399 4 boxes 1 websites
Princeton University. Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures.
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures was formed from the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures in 2001 and offers an undergraduate major in Spanish and/or Portuguese as well as a graduate program in the field. The records consist of undergraduate course syllabi from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures for the academic years 1994/1995 through 2009/2010.

Physics Department Records, 1909-2015

AC133 36 boxes 1 websites
Princeton University. Dept. of Physics.
The records of the Physics Department document the scientific and teaching activities of Princeton University physicists from 1909 to 1962. While routine activities such as the hiring of faculty and the education of graduate and undergraduate students are recorded, these records also detail the Department's activities in early studies of theoretical physics, as well as its participation in World War II research activities. There is also a small amount of material that documents Milton White's efforts toward builing the cyclotron (1936).

Department of Near Eastern Studies Records, 1933-2017

AC164 25 boxes 4 items 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Dept. of Near Eastern Studies.
The Department of Oriental Studies was formed at Princeton University in the spring of 1927 as the Department of Oriental Languages and Literature. It offered an interdisciplinary curriculum centered on the study of the Arabic, Turkish, and Persian languages and the regions in which they were spoken until 1969, when it was reorganized into the separate Departments of Near Eastern Studies and East Asian Studies. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, printed materials, course syllabi, and other materials which document the activities of the department and it's faculty inside and outside of the classroom.

Department of Music Records, 1932-2015

AC151 21 boxes 2 items 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Dept. of Music.
Since 1935 Princeton University's Department of Music has offered courses in composition, music history, and related areas to students at the graduate and undergraduate level. The records of the Department of Music document the department's wide range of activities including teaching, research, curriculum development, and the planning of music-related programs on campus.

Department of History records, 1926-2017 (mostly 1926-1979)

AC049 14 boxes 1 website
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Dept. of History.
From the time of the department's institution in 1924, history has typically been one of Princeton's most popular undergraduate concentrations, with the Department of History offering 40 or more undergraduate courses each year. The records consis of subject and faculty files, correspondence, departmental budgets, course syllabi, as well as records from several special projects.

Department of French and Italian Records, 1909-2019

AC219 11 boxes
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Princeton University. Dept. of French and Italian.
The Department of French and Italian as it exists today at Princeton University originated in 1958 when the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures was split into the separate departments of Romance and Germanic Languages and Literatures. Consists of the records of the contemporary Department of French and Italian, collected while it was operating as the Department of Modern Languages and later the Department of Romance Languages and Literature.

Department of Facilities Records, 1803-2015 (mostly 1955-1981)

AC041 64 boxes 2 items 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Dept. of Facilities.
The Department of Facilities at Princeton University is responsible for the construction, maintenance, renovation, and financial management of the buildings and properties owned by the university. The Department of Facilities records document the daily activities of the department and its numerous divisions through blueprints, photographs, correspondence, memos, sketches, contracts, ledgers, tax returns, incorporation papers, by-laws, annual reports, financial statements, newspaper clippings, booklets, and meeting minutes.

Department of Chemistry Records, 1893-2017

AC358 10 boxes 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Dept. of Chemistry.
The Department of Chemistry at Princeton University dates back to the early days of the College of New Jersey, and today it is one of the University's largest undergraduate concentrations. The collection contains examinations and grade books, records pertaining to chemistry research performed at the department in support of the U.S. Manhattan project and departmental records.

Department of African American Studies Records, 1969-2016

AC020 2 boxes 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Dept. of African American Studies.
The Department of African American Studies at Princeton University is an academic department of Princeton University. The records consist of course proposals and descriptions, proposals for a post-doctoral program, and meeting minutes and correspondence of the interdepartmental committee as well as past versions of the department's website.

Department of Psychology Records, 1880-2017

AC397 1 box 1 websites
Princeton University. Department of Psychology
The Department of Psychology dates from 1893, but was not officially established as an independent department until 1920. This collection includes group portraits and portraits of deparment faculty as well as some photos of individuals and locations that may not be Princeton-related.

Department of Politics Records, 1921-2017 (mostly 1921-1978)

AC166 39 boxes 4 items 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Department of Politics
The Department of Politics at Princeton University is one of the University's largest academic departments, offering undergraduate and graduate courses touching on nearly every aspect of the discipline of political science. The Department of Politics records document the activities of the Department of Politics and its faculty from the time of its founding in 1924 until the mid-1960s, and contain correspondence, course syllabi and notes, examinations, and subject files.

Department of English Records, 1872-2017

AC134 34 boxes 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton university, Department of English
The papers of Princeton University's English Department document the many varied aspects of one of Princeton's largest academic departments. With some writings that pre-date the Department's formal establishment in 1904, the collection includes faculty meeting and sub-committee minutes; faculty personnel papers and correspondence; the papers of many prominent faculty members, which include class lectures, syllabi, and original scholarship; records of departmental majors; student work; and scrapbooks of publicity and memorabilia about the Department, its faculty, staff, and students, both undergraduate and graduate.

Department of Classics Records, 1894-2017 (mostly 1894-1935)

AC225 3 boxes 3 Volumes 1 websites
Princeton University. Department of Classics
The Department of Classics at Princeton University offers courses, both in English and in the original languages, that treat the whole range of ancient culture, from its mythology to its philosophy, law, and literature. Consists of the records of the Department of Classics from the late 19th and early 20th century.

Department of Art and Archaeology Records, 1882-2017 (mostly 1925-1981)

AC140 17 boxes 2 items 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton university. Department of art and archaeology
The Art and Archaeology Department is one of the University's most distinguished academic departments, responsible for the education of students on the graduate and undergraduate level as well as the administration of the Princeton Art Museum. This collection consists of the records of the Department of Art and Archaeology, which include advisory council minutes; faculty files; gift records; correspondence; recommendations; project files; course lists; historical documents; and lists of images used in classes.

Davis International Center Records, 1982-2017

AC344 3 boxes 2 items 1 websites
Princeton University. Davis International Center.
The International Center at Princeton was founded in 1974 by a volunteer cohort of faculty, alumni, and community residents to welcome new international graduate students and visiting scholars to the University community. The collection documents the Center's programs and events, as well as international student associations and alumni groups.

Council of the Princeton University Community Records, 1965-2016 (mostly 1969-1976)

AC183 15 boxes 2 items
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Council of the Princeton University Community.
The Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC) was born out of the Special Committee on the Structure of the University established by President Robert F. Goheen in May 1968. CPUC is primarily a deliberative and consultative body, with the authority to "consider and investigate" university policy, governance, and any general issue related to the welfare of the University. Much of the work of the Council takes place through its standing committees: the Executive Committee, the Committee on Rights and Rules, the Committee on Governance, the Committee on Priorities, the Committee on Resources, and the Judicial Committee.
Princeton University. Community House.
The Princeton University Community House is a student-led organization that was established in 1969 by seven undergraduate students to provide academic and social enrichment programming to black youth and adults living in low-income Princeton neighborhoods. The Community House Records document the origins and activities of the organization since its inception and through its first three decades.
Princeton University. Carl A. Fields Center
Established in the late 1970s, the Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding (called the Third World Center until 2002) celebrates, acknowledges, and promotes diversity on the Princeton University campus. The collection documents the Carl A. Fields Center's programs and administration over a period of thirty years.
Princeton University. Athletics Department.
Princeton University was a participant in the first intercollegiate football game in America in 1869. Since then, the University has maintained a varsity football team, competing each season against other colleges in the Ivy League Athletic Conference, including traditional rival Yale. The collection consists of film reels documenting Princeton varsity football games between 1935 and 1990, as well as video of the 2012 season.

Women's Golf at Princeton Records, 1979-2011

AC394 1 box
Princeton University. Athletics Department.
These records document the struggle to establish a women's golf program at Princeton University in the 1970s and its development since that time. Records include correspondence, memoranda, notes and clippings pertaining to Women's Golf at Princeton and Betty Whelan Donovan's tenure as creator and coach of the organization.
Princeton University. Athletics Department.
Formed in the fall of 1972 under the direction of Coach Penny Hinckley, the Princeton Women's Lacrosse team was the first women's team at Princeton to reach an NCAA Final. The collection documents the history of the Princeton Women's Lacrosse team and contains a variety of records including clippings, statistics, schedules, practice notes, and a number of videorecordings of games. Also included are a limited amount of videorecordings, photographs and publications on women's field hockey.

Princeton University Asian American Student Association Records, 1978-2015

AC423 1 box 1 websites
Princeton University. Asian American Students Association
The Princeton University Asian American Students Association (AASA) was organized in 1971 to address the needs of Asian American students at Princeton through social, cultural, political, and educational programs. The Asian American Students Association Records chiefly consist of correspondence, petitions, reports, and proposals that document the campaign for developing an Asian American Studies program at Princeton as well as records that document campus events and activities led and sponsored by the Asian American Student Association.

The Anscombe Society Records, 2005-2016

AC442 73 digital files 1 websites
Restrictions may apply.
Princeton University. Anscombe Society.
The Anscombe Society is a student organization founded at Princeton University in 2005 with the stated mission to affirm the importance family, marriage, and a proper understanding for the role of sex and sexuality. The Anscombe Society Records document the organization's first decade of activities, especially the group's proposed Center for Abstinence and Chastity.

Princetoniana Committee Oral History Project Records, 1994-2015

AC259 5 boxes
Princeton University. Alumni Council. Princetoniana Committee
The Princetoniana Committee was formed by the Alumni Council in 1981 with the mission of proactively collecting worthy items of Princetoniana on the University's behalf. The Princetoniana Committee Oral History Project (POHP) Records consist of oral history interview transcripts from two separate oral history projects and related materials.
Princeton University. Alumni Association of Princeton. Princeton Prize in Race Relations
The Princeton Prize in Race Relations was established in 2003 by alumni volunteers to recognize and encourage high school students who have made efforts to improve racial harmony. The Princeton Prize in Race Relations Records consist of the files of the founder of the Princeton Prize, Henry Von Kohorn '66.

Alumni Association Records, 1826-2016

AC048 47 boxes 1 folder
Princeton University. Alumni Association.
The Alumni Association of Nassau Hall, Princeton's first official organization of alumni, was founded on commencement day 1826. The collection consists primarily of administrative materials such as correspondence, meeting minutes, notebooks and reports belonging to both national and regional associations and their committees, most from the first half of the 20th century. Also contains newsletters, alumni directories, scrapbooks, reunion-related ephemera, photographs, and materials documenting reunions and alumni organization activities from the late 19th century forward.