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Correspondence consists of correspondence spanning the years 1944-1955, including personal and business correspondence. It includes documentation between George McGovern and his dissertation advisor, Arthur Link, as well as other university officials concerning McGovern's studies of History at Northwestern University, including graduate funding and the submission of his dissertation. The subseries also contains correspondence between members of the South Dakota Farmers Union.
Statements and Publicity contains statements as well as press clippings documenting George McGovern's early political activities. The early press clippings are centered around public events and politicians in South Dakota, especially Republican congressman Karl Mundt. Later clippings document George McGovern's early public appearances and political activities. The subseries also contains a small number of early speeches by McGovern on the anniversary of the Ludlow massacre, Christianity and Communism, and on the state of the Democratic party in the Dakotas.
The Early Activities series documents George McGovern's early years from 1939 to 1955, before he held public office. It contains information on his military service as a B-24 pilot during World War II as well as his early political activities in South Dakota. The series includes correspondence, statements, schedules, and press clippings. Of special interest are maps and photographs documenting McGovern's WWII bombing tours in Europe.
Subseries 4D: Legislation, 1921-2009
55 boxes
The subseries on Legislation documents George McGovern's legislative activities, 1963-1981.
Subseries 4E: Staff Files, 1944 April-1981
110 boxes
Staff files contain files that were either created or compiled and maintained by individual aides. The staff files include the files of the following individuals: Jeff Brockelsby, staff assistant (1979-1980; Robin Carpenter, staff assistant (1978-1980); Ruth Claveloux, secretary (1973-1978), staff assistant, 1979-1980; Mary Crosby, secretary (1975-1977), staff assistant (1978-1980); Owen Donley, administrative assistant (1963-1970), agriculture assistant (1976-1980); Glen Feldman, special assistant (1973-1974); Dan Grady, legislative aide (1976); Ranald Hobbs, legislative assistant (1965-1967); John Holum, staff assistant (1967-1970), legislative assistant (1971-1978); Alex Knopp, legislative assistant (1980); Ned Leonard, staff assistant (1978-1980); Alan Stone, staff assistant (1978-1979); Benton Stong, legislative assistant (1964-1969); Jane Swanson, legislative clerk (1978), staff assistant (1979-1980).
Series 4: Food for Peace and United States Senate, 1921-2009
600 boxes
1 folder
8 items
This series documents George McGovern's activities as the director of the Food for Peace Program (1961-1962) and United States Senator (1962-1980). Of special interest are files documenting McGovern's activities as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Senate Committe on Interior and Insular Affairs (1967-1972) and as Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs (1969-1970, 1973-1977) and its successor, the Subcommittee on Nutrition of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (1978-1980). In addition, the series contains documentation pertaining to McGovern's activities as chairman of the Subcommittee on Agricultural Credit and Rural Electrification (1971-1976) and the Subcommittees on South Asian Affairs (1973-1974) and Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (1975-1977). The series includes legislation and policy files, statements, schedules and invitations, travel files, patronage files, and constituent correspondence.
Series 7: Photographs, 1945-1980
10 boxes
2 items
The Photographs series contains photographs documenting George McGovern's early life as well as his national political career. It comprises private family photos and publicity photos, including head shots, family photos, and candid shots in both private and public settings. The series includes files from 1979-1980 documenting photo-ops and other publicity arrangements. The photographic materials in this series include prints, negatives, and contact sheets.
This series contains items that are peripheral to George McGovern's political activities, material belonging to family members, and secondary material. Items of note include unfiled (and some unopened) correspondence of Eleanor McGovern's and a term paper of McGovern's daughter Susan.