Series 1: Alumni Files, 1748-1799
Series 1 contains files from students in the classes of 1748-1799.
The files are arranged first by class year and then alphabetically by last name.
Ayres, Enos, 1748
Chestnut, Benjamin, 1748
Henry, Hugh, 1748
Read, Israel, 1748
Stockton, Richard, 1748
Thane, Daniel, 1748
Brown, John, 1749
Burnet, William, 1749
Hoge, John, 1749
Kennedy, Thomas, 1749
Moffat, John, 1749
Todd, John, 1749
Bay, Hugh, 1750
Beard, James, 1750
Clinton, Alexander, 1750
Farrand, Daniel, 1750
Mitchell, Simeon, 1750
Badger, Jonathan, 1751
Clark, Samuel, 1751
Gordon, Alexander, 1751
Henry, Robert, 1751
Martin, Henry, 1751
Ross, Robert, 1751
Scudder, Nathaniel, 1751
Thurston, David, 1751
Clinton, Charles, 1752
Duffield, George, 1752
Halsey, Jeremiah, 1752
Livermore, Samuel, 1752
Low, Cornelius, 1752
Wright, John, 1752
Canfield, Israel, 1753
Harris, John, 1753
Harris, Robert, 1753
Houston, John, 1753
Jamison, David, 1753
McAden, Hugh, 1753
McKesson, John, 1753
Ogden, Lewis, 1753
Potter, Nathaniel, 1753
Sherman, Nathaniel, 1753
Williams, Elijah, 1753
Woodruff, Benjamin, 1753
Woodruff, Joseph, 1753
Barrett, Moses, 1754
Chapman, Benjamin, 1754
Chapman, Benjamin, 1754
Ewing, John, 1754
Hait, Benjamin, 1754
Horton, Ezra, 1754
Kennedy, Samuel, 1754
Knox, Hugh, 1754
Mathews, David, 1754
Odell, Jonathan, 1754
Osborn, Sylvanus, 1754
Purviance, David, 1754
Ramsay, William, 1754
Reeve, James, 1754
Roots, Benajah, 1754
Sherman, Josiah, 1754
Smith, Thomas, 1754
Thomson, William, 1754
Wadham[s], Noah, 1754
Baldwin, Jonathan, 1755
Bradner, Benoni, 1755
Burr, Thaddeus, 1755
Case, Wheeler, 1755
Conklin, Benjamin, 1755
Crawford, William, 1755
Hanna, John, 1755
Montgomery, John, 1755
Montgomery, Joseph, 1755
Smith, Isaac, 1755
Stratton, Smith, 1755
Townsend, Isaac, 1755
Camp, Stephen, 1756
Hull, David, 1756
Livermore, Isaac, 1756
Livermore, William, 1756
Martin, Alexander, 1756
Mills, William, 1756
Ogden, Josiah, 1756
Peck, Joseph, 1756
Roe, Azel, 1756
Root, Jesse, 1756
Smith, Jeffrey, 1756
Baldwin, Moses, 1757
Barnum, Caleb, 1757
Bayard, Nicholos, 1757
Benedict, Noah, 1757
Boyd, John, 1757
Browne, William Burnet, 1757
Brush, Abner, 1757
Curtis, Caleb, 1757
Edwards, Timothy, 1757
Faneuil, Peter, 1757
Gregory, Elnathan, 1757
Hun, Thomas, 1757
Low, Nicholas, 1757
Murray, ?, 1757
Murray, unknown, 1757
Parkhurst, Samuel, 1757
Reed, Joseph, 1757
Sayre, Stephen, 1757
Smith, David, 1757
Smith, James, 1757
Strain, John, 1757
Taylor, Samuel, 1757
Treat, Joseph, 1757
Wells, Abner, 1757
Wells, Henry, 1757
Borkuloe, John, 1758
Douw, Peter Winne, 1758
Hanna, William, 1758
Johnston, John, 1758
Ker, Jacob, 1758
Milner, John, 1758
Ogden, Isaac, 1758
Paterson, James, 1758
Pomeroy, Ralph, 1758
Shippen, John, 1758
Smith, Jasper, 1758
Smith, Thomas, 1758
Ten Broeck, Dirk, 1758
Tichenor, Joseph, 1758
Whitwell, William, 1758
Williams, Jesse, 1758
Anderson, James, 1759
Anderson, James, 1759
Caldwell, James, 1759
Campfield, Jabez, 1759
Carmichael, John, 1759
Clark, John, 1759
Hunt, James, 1759
Huntington, John, 1759
Johnston, Philip, 1759
Lesly, James, 1759
Livingston, Walter, 1759
Lyon, James, 1759
Nivins, Samuel, 1759
Noyes, Ebenezer, 1759
Noyes, Joshua, 1759
Noyes, Nathaniel, 1759
Pierce, Thomas, 1759
Reynolds, Thomas, 1759
Sherburne, Henry, 1759
Spencer, Samuel, 1759
TenBroeck, Dirk, 1759
Van Buskirk, Jacob, 1759
Wait, Barnet, 1759
Alexander, Joseph, 1760
Archer, John, 1760
Blair, Samuel, Jr., 1760
Brown(e), W.B., 1760
Green, Enoch, 1760
Greville, Samuel, 1760
Greville, Samuel, 1760
Handy, Isaac, 1760
Huston, Alexander, 1760
Kelsey, Enos, 1760
Sergeant, Erastus, 1760
Slemmons, John, 1760
Thatcher, Josiah, 1760
Thompson, Amos, 1760
Wynkoop, Henry, 1760
Caldwell, David, 1761
Gillespie, David, 1761
Handy, Isaac, 1761
Henderson, Thomas, 1761
Jauncey, William, 1761
Ker, Nathan, 1761
Lefferty, John, 1761
Lockwood, Samuel, 1761
McCracken, Thomas, 1761
McDowel, Benjamin, 1761
Oliver, Peter, 1761
Rice, David Jr., 1761
Rosbrugh, John, 1761
Sloan, Samuel, 1761
Alison, Hugh, 1762
Allen, Isaac, 1762
Davis, Edmund, 1762
Gantt, Edward, 1762
Harris, John, 1762
Hazard, Ebenezer, 1762
Hulbert, John, 1762
Ludlum, Nehemiah, 1762
Manning, James, 1762
Manning, Nathaniel, 1762
Martin, Thomas, 1762
McCrea, John, 1762
Mercer, John, 1762
Mercier, John Dyer, 1762
Morrow, ?, 1762
Morrow, unknown, 1762
Ogden, Uzal, Jr., 1762
Peppard, Francis, 1762
Periam, Joseph, 1762
Ruston, Thomas, 1762
Smith, Hezekiah, 1762
White, Caleb, 1762
Woolley, Jacob, 1762
Boyd, James, 1763
Close, John, 1763
Cooper, Robert, 1763
Cowell, David, 1763
Craighead, John, 1763
Eakin, Samuel, 1763
Emerson, Ezekiel, 1763
Hart, Noah, 1763
Jauncey, James Jr., 1763
Lathrop, John, 1763
Lyon, Joseph, 1763
Noble, Obadiah, 1763
Paterson, William, 1763
Pynchon, Nathan, 1763
Redman, John, 1763
Reeve, Tapping, 1763
Simpson, John, 1763
Watt, James, 1763
Williams, Simon, 1763
Worth, Joseph, 1763
Alkin, Thomas, 1764
Foster, William, 1764
Hazard, Nathaniel, 1764
Lawrence, John, 1764
Leake, Samuel, 1764
McCrery, John, 1764
Miller, Alexander, 1764
Platt, David, 1764
Smith, Joseph, 1764
Tredwell, Thomas, 1764
Tuttle, James, 1764
Wilson, Andrew, 1764
Woodhull, William, 1764
Bacon, John, 1765
Bay, John, 1765
Benedict, Joel, 1765
Chambers, Joseph, 1765
Corbin, George, 1765
Craven, Gershom, 1765
Craven, John, 1765
Craven, Joseph, 1765
Davies, William, 1765
Finley, Joseph, 1765
Goodman, Richard, 1765
Halstead, Robert, 1765
Hutson, Richard, 1765
Kirkland, Samuel, 1765
Mitchel, Alexander, 1765
Mitchell, Alexander, 1765
Ogden, Jonathan, 1765
Ogden, Robert III, 1765
Parkinson, Henry, 1765
Pierson, Matthias, 1765
Pope, Edward, 1765
Ramsay, David, 1765
Romeyn, Thomas, 1765
Rush, Jacob, 1765
Staples, John, 1765
Stevenson, Henry, 1765
Thayer, Alexander, 1765
Van Arsdale, Jacob, 1765
Voorhees, Stephen, 1765
Wheelock, Ralph, 1765
Williams, Samuel, 1765
Williams, Simeon, 1765
Avery, Waightstill, 1766
Balch, Hezekiah, 1766
Burt, Joseph, 1766
Chase, Caleb, 1766
Cheever, Jonathan, 1766
Edmiston, Samuel, 1766
Ellsworth, Oliver, 1766
Haley, John, 1766
Hasbrouck, Joseph, 1766
Haslett, Moses, 1766
Howell, David, 1766
Jones, Daniel, 1766
Kellogg, Solomon, 1766
Lewis, Josiah, 1766
MacPherson, John, 1766
Martin, Luther, 1766
McCalla, Daniel, 1766
Niles, Nathaniel, 1766
Power, James, 1766
Skillman, Isaac, 1766
Smith, Samuel, 1766
Smith, William, 1766
Spring, Alpheus, 1766
Stelle, Benjamin, 1766
Townsend, Micah, 1766
Woodman, Joseph, 1766
Avery, Isaac, 1767
Barber, Francis, 1767
Briggs, Zephaniah, 1767
Cunningham, Samuel, 1767
Curtis, Francis, 1767
Devens, Richard, 1767
Jones, Elias, 1767
Morse, Asarelah, 1767
Ramsay, Nathaniel, 1767
Schenck, William, 1767
Stoddard, Josiah, 1767
Vance, Hugh, 1767
Blackwell, Robert, 1768
Brevard, Ephraim, 1768
Culbertson, Samuel, 1768
Edwards, Pierpont, 1768
Knowles, Isaac, 1768
Osborne, Adlai, 1768
Parker, Samuel, 1768
Reese, Thomas, 1768
Sebring, Michael, 1768
Smith, Thomas, 1768
Story, Isaac, 1768
West, Benjamin, 1768
Beatty, John, 1769
Brevard, Joel, 1769
Channing, William, 1769
Cooper, Caleb, 1769
Davenport, John, 1769
Dickinson, John, 1769
Henry, John, III, 1769
Linn, James, 1769
Niles, Samuel, III, 1769
Reed, Jesse, 1769
Stockton, Philip, 1769
Thayer, Elihu, 1769
Zubly, David, 1769
Baldwin, Cornelius, 1770
Baldwin, Samuel, 1770
Blydenburg, John, 1770
Bowden, John, 1770
Campbell, John, 1770
Hartt, Joshua, 1770
Irwin, Nathaniel, 1770
McPherrin, Thomas, 1770
Ogden, John Cosens, 1770
Perkins, Nathan, 1770
Pomeroy, Josiah, 1770
Russell, Caleb, 1770
Smith, George, 1770
Smith, Isaac, 1770
Smith, John, 1770
Stewart, Robert, 1770
Taylor, John, 1770
Tracy, Stephen, 1770
Wallace, Caleb, 1770
Wallace, Caleb, 1770
Williams, Bedford, 1770
Wilson, James, 1770
Witherspoon, James, 1770
Black, John, 1771
Campbell, Donald, 1771
Cheesman, Edmund, 1771
McKnight, Charles, 1771
Ross, Joseph, 1771
Scott, William, 1771
Spring, Samuel, 1771
Taylor, James, 1771
Williamson, Jacob, 1771
Williamson, James, 1771
Alexander, Isaac, 1772
Allen, Moses, 1772
Archibald, Robert, 1772
Bryan, Andrew, 1772
DeBow, John, 1772
Eckley, Joseph, 1772
Burr, Aaron, (I), 1772
Burr, Aaron, (II), 1772
Evans, Israel, 1772
Findley, Ebenezer, 1772
Grier, James, 1772
Grier, James, 1772
Hodge, Andrew, 1772
Hodge, Andrew, 1772
Hoge, Andre, 1772
Hunter, Andrew II, 1772
Hustop, David, 1772
Keith, Robert, 1772
Linn, William, 1772
Luckey, George, 1772
McClean, Archibald, 1772
McMillan, John, 1772
Reese, Oliver, 1772
Templeton, James, 1772
Woodruff, Hunloke, 1772
Bard, David, 1773
Beekman, William, 1773
Bradford, Ebenezer, 1773
Cooke, Stephen, 1773
Craig, Archibald, 1773
Craig, Hugh, 1773
Dod, Thaddeus, 1773
Duffield, John, 1773
Dunlap, James, 1773
Graham, William, 1773
Hodge, Hugh, 1773
King, Andrew, 1773
Lewis, Morgan, 1773
Linn, John, 1773
McConnell, James, 1773
McCulloch, James, 1773
McKnight, John, 1773
Ogden, Aaron, 1773
Platt, Richard, 1773
Smith, John Blair, 1773
Tate, James, 1773
Waugh, Samuel, 1773
Bradford, William, 1774
Breck, Daniel, 1774
Fish, Peter, 1774
Forman, Jonathan, 1774
Fret, Flounce, 1774
Gale, George, 1774
Glover, John, 1774
Hall, James, 1774
Hazard, Joseph, 1774
Hodge, Hugh, Jr., 1774
Jennifer, Thomas, 1774
Jordan, John, 1774
Leake, Samuel, 1774
Morris, Lewis IV, 1774
Peck, John, 1774
Peterson, William, 1774
Phillips, John, 1774
Tate, James, 1774
Troup, Robert, 1774
Warford, John, 1774
Whitwell, Samuel, 1774
Witherspoon, David, 1774
Armstrong, John, 1775
Bostwick, William, 1775
Brown, James, 1775
Burnet, Ichabod, 1775
Claypoole, William, 1775
Craighead, Thomas, 1775
Crawford, Edward, 1775
Doak, Samuel, 1775
Duncan, James, 1775
Ely, Joseph, 1775
Elzey, Arnold, 1775
Evans, John, 1775
Fish, Nicholas, 1775
Forman, Jonathan, 1775
Joline, John, 1775
Lee, Charles, 1775
Lewis, George, 1775
Ludlow, John, 1775
Macay, Spruce, 1775
Malen, James, 1775
Martin, Daniel, 1775
McRee, James, 1775
Montgomery, John, 1775
Neal, Thomas, 1775
Neal, Thomas, 1775
Pigeon, John, Jr., 1775
Reid, James R., 1775
Scott, Archibald, 1775
Springer, John, 1775
Sprott, Thomas, 1775
Ten Broeck, Jacob, 1775
Ten Broeck, Jacob, 1775
Tichenor, Isaac, 1775
Van Dyke, John, 1775
Wilkinson, John, 1775
Bishop, Benjamin, 1776
Brown, John, 1776
Clark, Gardner, 1776
Clark, Lardner, 1776
Coates, William, 1776
Coats, William, 1776
Dayton, Jonathan, 1776
Dean, Nicholas, 1776
Erwin, Benjamin, 1776
Faitoute, George, 1776
Finley, John Evans, 1776
Freneau, Peter, 1776
Haslop, David, 1776
Hyslop, David, 1776
Johnes, William, 1776
Johnston, Andrew, 1776
Jordan, John, 1776
King, Samuel, 1776
Leake, John, 1776
Lewis, Charles, 1776
Martin, Robert, 1776
McAllister, John, 1776
McCallister, John, 1776
McCandless, Moses, 1776
McConkey, Samuel, 1776
McCrea, Robert, 1776
McGee, Samuel, 1776
Mount, Richard, 1776
Neil, Elisha, 1776
Olden, Benjamin, 1776
Parker, Thomas, 1776
Perkins, Eliphaz, 1776
Pierson, Cyrus, 1776
Pintard, John, 1776
Ramsay, James, 1776
Ramsay, William, 1776
Rhea, Aaron, 1776
Rue, Joseph, 1776
Rutherford, John, 1776
Shannon, Samuel, 1776
Vernon, William H., 1776
Bailey, Theodorus, 1777
Bancker, Abraham, 1777
Barber, William, 1777
Bibb, Richard, 1777
Blewer, George, 1777
Brownfield, John, 1777
Conant, Jacob, 1777
Crawford, James, 1777
Fish, Nicholas, 1777
Graham, Alexander, 1777
Graham, John, 1777
Halsey, Luther, 1777
Hanna, James, 1777
Hawkins, Benjamin, 1777
Hawkins, Joseph, 1777
Hazard, George W., 1777
Hoops, Adam, Jr., 1777
Hopkins, Levi, 1777
Jenifer, Daniel, 1777
Jordan, John, 1777
Lowther, Tristrim, 1777
Noel, John, 1777
Noel, John Young, 1777
Perkins, Matthew, 1777
Smith, Abraham, 1777
Thane, Samuel, 1777
Trottman, John, 1777
Van Rensselaer, S., 1777
Vickers, Samuel, 1777
White, John, 1777
Boyd, William, 1778
Brown, John, 1778
Brown, John, 1778
Dunlap, Benjamin, 1778
Macon, Nathaniel, 1778
McDonald, James, 1778
Morton, Jacob, 1778
Neil, Elisha, 1778
Pettit, Andrew, 1778
Ross, William, 1778
Scott, Lewis, 1778
Scudder, Joseph, 1778
Smith, Abraham, 1778
Smith, John, 1778
Smith, William, 1778
Trotman, John, 1778
Wilson, Peter, 1778
Woods, Matthew, 1778
Bayard, Andrew, 1779
Lee, Richard Bland, 1779
Merchant, George, 1779
Riddle, James, 1779
Stockton, Richard, 1779
West, George, 1779
Brown, William, 1780
Coles, Samuel, 1780
Rhea, John, 1780
Roosevelt, James, 1780
Russell, Alexander, 1780
Stockton, Ebenezer, 1780
Van Ingen, William, 1780
Watkins, William, 1780
Wherry, Robert, 1780
Whorry, Robert, 1780
Clark, Joseph, 1781
Crawford, William, 1781
Livingston, Edward, 1781
Smith, Robert, 1781
VanTugen, William, 1781
Ball, Spencer, 1782
Hanna, John Andre, 1782
Johnston, John, 1782
Kennedy, William, 1782
Mahon, William, 1782
Morton, John, 1782
Pearson, Robert, 1782
West, Daniel, 1782
West, George, 1782
Wilson, Samuel, 1782
Beach, Samuel, 1783
Clements, William, 1783
Drayton, John, 1783
Ford, Timothy, 1783
Green, Ashbel, 1783
Holmes, Obadiah, 1783
LeRoy, Jacob, 1783
Patterson, Thomas, 1783
Riddle, Joseph, 1783
Rock, James, 1783
Roosevelt, Martin, 1783
Taylor, Edward, 1783
Venable, Joseph, 1783
Baldwin, John, 1784
Baldwin, Mathew, 1784
Bayard, Samuel, 1784
Campfield, William, 1784
Clay, Joseph, 1784
Condict, Ira, 1784
Cooper, Thomas, 1784
Edwards, Alexander, 1784
Ford, Gabriel H., 1784
Forman, Agur T., 1784
Gibbes, John, 1784
Hopkins, James, 1784
Johnston, Abel, 1784
Morris, James, 1784
Ogden, Isaac, 1784
Penn, James, 1784
Radcliff, William, 1784
Shaw, Leonard D., 1784
Squier, Zadoc, 1784
Tenbroeck, Abraham, 1784
Woodruff, Abner, 1784
Cazier, John L., 1785
Cazier, Matthias, 1785
Henry, John Vernor, 1785
Ker, Oliver L., 1785
McCoy, James, 1785
Smith, Richard, 1785
Smith, Samuel, Jr., 1785
Snowden, Isaac, 1785
Tappan, John, 1785
Thompson, James, 1785
Whaley, Hercules, 1785
Banaker, Abraham C., 1786
Banker, Abraham, 1786
Clymer, Henry, 1786
Graham, Edward, 1786
Grant, Thomas, 1786
Howe, Nathaniel, 1786
Hugg, William King, 1786
Hunt, Ralph P., 1786
Hunt, William Pitt, 1786
Johnson, Edward, 1786
King, Richard Hugg, 1786
Marsh, Amos, 1786
Mosby, Richard, 1786
Pollock, Thomas, 1786
Smalley, Henry, 1786
Smith, Charles, 1786
Smith, Samuel, 1786
Toomer, Anthony, 1786
Vergereau, John C., 1786
Vergraw, John C., 1786
Wallace, William, 1786
Blanchard, Isaac, 1787
Brooks, unknown, 1787
Camp, Jabez, 1787
Clymer, Meredith, 1787
Crow, George, 1787
Duff, Thomas, Jr., 1787
Finley, Robert, 1787
Gibson, James, 1787
Harris, Samuel, 1787
Hughes, Robert, 1787
Irwin, James, 1787
James, William D., 1787
Jones, Cantwell, 1787
Meade, David, 1787
Pollock, George, 1787
Ramsay, John, 1787
Read, James Bond, 1787
Read, John, 1787
Smith, Daniel, 1787
Smith, John R., 1787
Snowden, Isaac, 1787
Thew, Daniel, 1787
Weir, James, 1787
Woolsey, Jeremiah, 1787
Bellach, Thomas H., 1788
Clarkson, George, 1788
Condict, Aaron, 1788
Dill, Armstrong, 1788
Drury, Edmund, 1788
Eppes, Richard, 1788
Forster, Samuel, 1788
Harris, Thomas R., 1788
Henderson, Matthew, 1788
Henderson, Matthew, 1788
Holmes, Allen S., 1788
Joomar, Anthon, 1788
Lewis, William, 1788
Marshall, William, 1788
McMillan, Ephraim, 1788
Murray, John, 1788
Randolph, Richard, 1788
Smith, Samuel, 1788
Stone, David, 1788
Taliaferro, John, 1788
Tennant, John, 1788
Thompson, Smith, 1788
Wells, John, 1788
Wiley, David, 1788
Wilson, Samuel, 1788
Wootton, Turner, 1788
Blount, Willie, 1789
Collins, John, 1789
Cook, Henry, 1789
Crane, Isaac Watts, 1789
Darrell, Edward, 1789
Deas, David, 1789
Deas, Henry, 1789
DeWint, Christian, 1789
Dickerson, Mahlon, 1789
Donaldson, Thomas, 1789
English, David, 1789
Freeman, James, 1789
Gardiner, David, 1789
Heriot, John, 1789
Hosack, David, 1789
Huger, Daniel, 1789
Hutchins, Thomas, 1789
Irwin, John, 1789
Jennings, Henry, 1789
Morgan, John, 1789
Perry, William, 1789
Pierson, Isaac, 1789
Smith, William S., 1789
Stevens, O'Neal, 1789
Whiteyes, George, 1789
Wood, Silas, 1789
Alston, Samuel, 1790
Bell, Daniel, 1790
Champ, Jabez, 1790
Clarkson, ?, 1790
Clarkson, Gerard, 1790
Colcock, Charles, 1790
Gibbes, Lewis, 1790
Gibbons, Barach, 1790
Gibbons, Joseph, 1790
Hanna, William, 1790
Harris, Israel, 1790
Howe, William, 1790
Huger, David, 1790
Hutchins, Henry, 1790
Matthews, William, 1790
McWhorter, John, 1790
Morell, Brian, 1790
Perkins, Ezekiel, 1790
Pickens, Ezekiel, 1790
Purdie, John, 1790
Ramsey, John, 1790
Reed, John, 1790
Ruan, John, 1790
Smith, Jacob, 1790
Steele, Isaac, 1790
Taylor, John, 1790
Thompson, John, 1790
Young, Thomas, 1790
Barclay, David, 1791
Bayard, ?, 1791
Boardly, William, 1791
Bordley, William, 1791
Burnet, Jacob, 1791
Callaway, Henry, 1791
Callaway, Robert, 1791
Cambell, ?, 1791
Campbell, James, 1791
Campbell, William, 1791
Dennis, John, 1791
Dickenson, Samuel, 1791
Dickinson, John, 1791
Edmondson, John, 1791
Ferguson, William, 1791
Gale, Robert, 1791
Gelston, Maltby, 1791
Harwood, Richard, 1791
Hayward, Thomas, 1791
Henry, George, 1791
Henry, Samuel, 1791
Hollyday, Henry, 1791
Hutchins, Isaac, 1791
Johnes, Alexander, 1791
Jones, Alexander, 1791
Lewis, Stephen J., 1791
Lott, Ralph, 1791
Marchant, Peter, 1791
Markoe, Francis, 1791
Markoe, Peter, 1791
McCrady, John, 1791
McCready, John, 1791
Mercer, Boyd, 1791
Merchant, Peter, 1791
Nicholson, James, 1791
Noble, John, 1791
Purcell, Henry, 1791
Randolph, John, 1791
Rea, ?, 1791
Rhea, Ebenezer, 1791
Ross, ?, 1791
Ross, Charles, 1791
Steel, Jacob, 1791
Steele, Isaac, 1791
Stephens, Oneal G., 1791
Stockton, Job, 1791
Stone, Frederick, 1791
Sullivan, James, 1791
Sullivan, John, 1791
Taylor, Jesse, 1791
Van Arsdale, Elias, 1791
Wayne, Isaac, 1791
Wayne, Isaac, 1791
Wayne, Stephen, 1791
Wright, Thomas, 1791
Wykoff, Peter, 1791
Bayard, Nicholas, 1792
Bayley, James P., 1792
Bayley, James P., 1792
Bibb, George M., 1792
Bleecker, Peter, 1792
Chesnut, James, 1792
Chetwood, William, 1792
Cole, ?, 1792
Corbon, ?, 1792
Coxe, Alexander, 1792
Deas, Robert, 1792
Early, Peter, 1792
Ford, Jacob, Jr., 1792
Heriot, Robert, 1792
Hodgedon, Benjamin, 1792
Hosack, William, 1792
Hughes, Samuel, 1792
Hutchins, Henry, 1792
Jones, ?, 1792
Leech, George M., 1792
Logan, Joseph, 1792
Long, J.J., 1792
McCree, David, 1792
Otto, John Conrad, 1792
Pierie, William, 1792
Reed, Joseph, Jr., 1792
Ross, James D., 1792
Ross, William, 1792
Ruan, James, 1792
Russell, Robert, 1792
Ryers, John Pelion, 1792
Sloan, John, 1792
Sloan, William B., 1792
Snowden, William, 1792
Steele, Henry, 1792
Stockton, Job, 1792
Ten Eyck, Jacob, 1792
Thompson, Jacob S., 1792
Thompson, John, 1792
White, Alexander, 1792
Willing, George, 1792
Wykoff, Henry, 1792
Archer, unknown, 1793
Bonney, Joseph, 1793
Coles, Walter, 1793
Conrad, Edward, 1793
Ditmars, Dow, 1793
Eyre, Manuel, Jr., 1793
Field, Robert, 1793
Gibson, John, 1793
Hobart, John Henry, 1793
Huger, Jacob, 1793
Hunt, Robert, 1793
Jordan, ?, 1793
Jordan, John, 1793
Litter, ?, 1793
Maia, ?, 1793
Maxwell, Stephen, 1793
McCrea, ?, 1793
McKee, David, 1793
Nandorne, ?, 1793
Neilson, John, 1793
Ogden, Robert, 1793
Ogden, Robert, 1793
Roat, William, 1793
Skinner, Abraham, 1793
Smith, Enoch, 1793
Snowden, ?, 1793
Staples, John, 1793
Steel, ?, 1793
Stelle, James T., 1793
Stewart, Alexander, 1793
Taylor, Bennett, 1793
Tennent, Charles, 1793
Terhune, John, 1793
Van Doren, Isaac, 1793
Willing, Richard, 1793
Bay, William, 1794
Broom, James M., 1794
Caldwell, Andrew, 1794
Corbin, James R., 1794
Cresap, James E., 1794
Dayton, Horatio, 1794
Dickson, John M., 1794
Elmendorf, Edmund, 1794
Furman, John White, 1794
Furman, Moore, Jr., 1794
Gibbes, ?, 1794
Gibbs, Isaac, 1794
Gibbs, Stephen, 1794
Gibson, ?, 1794
Gibson, Andrew, 1794
Henry, ?, 1794
Henry, James, 1794
Henry, James, 1794
Huger, Samuel, 1794
Hunter, Andrew, 1794
Hutchinson, Titus, 1794
Hutchison, ?, 1794
Kar, Hugh, 1794
Ker, Hugh, 1794
Kollock, Henry, 1794
Lee, ?, 1794
Lee, William, 1794
Lee, William L., 1794
Leech, George W., 1794
Leigh, Reuben, 1794
Neilson, James H., 1794
Parker, John, 1794
Paulison, Paul, 1794
Polhemus, Henry, 1794
Robinson, ?, 1794
Rush, John, 1794
Sitler, unknown, 1794
Smith, ?, 1794
Smith, John, 1794
Snowden, Wallace, 1794
Snowdon, ?, 1794
Tenant, ?, 1794
Voorhees, Samuel, 1794
Agnew, James, 1795
Archer, Edward, 1795
Bowie, George G., 1795
Boyd, John Adam, 1795
Brown, Thomas, 1795
Campbell, unknown, 1795
Comfort, David, 1795
Condit, Silas, 1795
Fleming, Thomas F., 1795
Fleming, Thomas F., 1795
Gibbs, ?, 1795
Gibbs, Benjamin, 1795
Harrison, Josiah, 1795
Hartman, Isaac, 1795
Hayes, Samuel, 1795
Herring, Elbert, 1795
Houstoun, Patrick, 1795
Keyes, Eleazer W., 1795
Lefferty, Johnson, 1795
Lott, ?, 1795
Lott, Robert, 1795
Murch, ?, 1795
Pasea, Jacob, 1795
Pusa, Jacob, 1795
Riggs, Elias, 1795
Robertson, Isaac, 1795
Rumsey, ?, 1795
Rumsey, Benjamin, 1795
Scott, Moses, 1795
Sergeant, John, 1795
Simmons, ?, 1795
Simmons, Peter, 1795
Smith, Owen, 1795
Smith, Samuel, 1795
Snowden, William, 1795
Starks, ?, 1795
Striker, ?, 1795
Stryker, James S., 1795
Taylor, John, 1795
Tilton, James, 1795
Tilton, Thomas, 1795
Wright, Clayton, 1795
Axtell, Henry, Jr., 1796
Beaubien, Benjamin, 1796
Cane, ?, 1796
Cantine, Moses I., 1796
Crane, C., 1796
Dayton, ?, 1796
Dayton, Elias, 1796
Edmonds, ?, 1796
Fitzgerald, John, 1796
Fleming, William, 1796
Forsyth, ?, 1796
Guion, Isaac Lee, 1796
Halstead, unknown, 1796
Henry, E., 1796
Ivers, Thomas, 1796
Kettle, ?, 1796
Moody, John, 1796
Ogden, Henry W., 1796
Pearson, Jesse A., 1796
Reade, Joseph, 1796
Scott, George M., 1796
Shaw, ?, 1796
Willing, ?, 1796
Agnew, Martin, 1797
Agnew, William, 1797
Alston, Joseph, 1797
Bayly, Thomas, 1797
Beasley, Frederick, 1797
Clay, Ralph, 1797
Coe, Aaron, 1797
Cox, ?, 1797
Crane, Daniel, 1797
Crane, Israel, 1797
Hall, H.G., 1797
Harrison, Abraham, 1797
Harvey, unknown, 1797
Hasbrouck, Louis, 1797
Jackson, Robert H., 1797
Kerr, Alexander S., 1797
King, Asa, 1797
LeConte, Peter, 1797
Morford, Edmund, 1797
Peyton, John Howe, 1797
Rush, Richard, 1797
Stoops, John, 1797
Strawbridge, John, 1797
Van Cleve, John, 1797
Wallace, ?, 1797
Watson, John, 1797
Cunningham, ?, 1798
Ewing, Charles, 1798
Foster, ?, 1798
Foster, John, 1798
Hall, H. G., 1798
Henderson, John, 1798
Jackson, George W., 1798
Jones, Edward Hugh, 1798
King, A., 1798
Lee, Cassius, 1798
Philips, ?, 1798
Sergeant, Henry, 1798
Sergeant, Thomas, 1798
Smith, Walter T., 1798
Smock, Cornelius, 1798
Stockton, Thomas, 1798
Taylor, Thomas, 1798
Thornton, William, 1798
VanArtsdalen, Josh, 1798
VanMater, Abraham, 1798
Watson, Josiah, 1798
Yates, John Orfeur, 1798
Alston, John Ashe, 1799
Ball, Samuel, 1799
Burnet, Eleazer, 1799
Early, Clement, 1799
Forster, ?, 1799
Forsyth, John, 1799
Harris, Israel, 1799
Horsey, ?, 1799
Jenkins, William, 1799
Jones, Thomas, 1799
Ketcham, Jonathan, 1799
Lloyd, John, 1799
Meason, Isaac, 1799
Meason, John, 1799
Miller, Thomas, 1799
Nash, Frederick, 1799
Otto, Daniel Bodo, 1799
Rogers, James, 1799
Sewell, ?, 1799
Smith, W. R., 1799
Stewart, ?, 1799
Stewart, William, 1799
Van Dyke, John, 1799
Villetard, John W., 1799
Wisner, Henry G., 1799
- Scope and Contents
Consists of personal files of former undergraduate students of Princeton University. Information in each file varies greatly but can include the names of relatives, notable achievements and news items, address updates, and obituaries.
- Arrangement
The collection consists of four series: Series 1 contains files from 1748 to 1799; and Series 2 contains files from 1800 to 1899; Series 3 contains files from 1900 to 1920; and Series 4 contains files with unknown dates.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Princeton University
The College of New Jersey was initially chartered in 1746. The first classes were held in Elizabeth, New Jersey, in the parsonage of the president, the Reverend Jonathan Dickinson. Upon his death, the College moved to Newark, New Jersey, and was headed by the Reverend Aaron Burr, Sr. Since 1756, the College has been located in Princeton, New Jersey. For the first fifty years, nearly all College operations took place within Nassau Hall. Fires, fundraising difficulties, low student enrollment, and the Civil War challenged the vitality of the College in the early and middle nineteenth century, but the College grew vigorously under the leadership of President James McCosh, and it was renamed Princeton University in 1896. The Graduate School was established in 1900, although a limited graduate program had existed since the 1870s. Princeton enthusiastically supported the country (living up to its informal motto, "Princeton in the Nation's Service") during the First and Second World Wars, offering the expertise of faculty and campus space for training, as well as facilitating the early graduation of students so they could enlist. The post-World War II years brought dramatic changes to Princeton. The size and strength of the University's facilities and academic programs—especially for the applied sciences and public policy—were increased dramatically. Under President Robert Goheen, Princeton began to admit minority students in greater numbers in the 1960s and admitted women undergraduates in 1969. Today, Princeton is widely regarded as one of the top universities in the world.
- Processing Information
Processing information for this collection is not currently available. Finding aid updated by Annalise Berdini in February 2018.
The card file of non-graduate students, known as the "non-graduate card file," is now located in Boxes 531-537.
- Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. The Trustees of Princeton University hold copyright to all materials generated by Princeton University employees in the course of their work. For instances beyond Fair Use, if copyright is held by Princeton University, researchers do not need to obtain permission, complete any forms, or receive a letter to move forward with use of materials from the Princeton University Archives.
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- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Undergraduate Alumni Records, 18th Century; Princeton University Archives, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript LibrarySeeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (scamudd): Boxes 1-63; 527-528; Non-graduate card file 531-537
- Other Finding Aids
Series 2 is available at Alumni Files, 1748-1920: Series 2.
Series 3 is available at Alumni Files, 1748-1920: Series 3.
Series 4 is available at Alumni Files, 1748-1920: Series 4.
A searchable index of undergraduate alumni files is also available: Undergraduate Alumni Database, 1748-1920.
- Subject Terms:
- College students -- New Jersey -- Princeton.
- Names:
- Princeton University. Students.