Series 1: Correspondence, 1908-1979
This series contains correspondence between Miriam Young Holden and other individuals or organizations. Notable individuals include mid-20th-century feminists such as Pauli Murray and Betty Friedan; U.S. Presidents Richard Nixon, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Lyndon Baines Johnson; women's history scholars such as Eugenie Leonard Andruss and Lerna Gerder; universities and educational institutions such as Columbia University and the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in the U.S. (Radcliffe Institute); women's organizations such as NOW, birth control groups, and the Urban League; and extensive correspondence with family members (largely concentrated in the surnames of Young, Holden, and Clay).
This series is arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent or by the name of the organization. Unidentified correspondence and three record books containing lists of letters written are at the end of the series.
Abraham, Dennis W., 1960-1964
Academy of American Poets, 1964-1966
Achille J. St. Onge, 1963-1965
Adams, Mr., 1967 November 18
Air Warden Service, 1942-1943
Allan, Helen, undated
Allen-Stevenson School, 1934 June 15
Allen, Willis B., undated
Allison, Jane, undated
Allwork, Eleanor, 1964 October 3-30
Altman, Henrietta, 1954-1956
Alumnae Advisory Service, 1962-1965
Alyea, Dorothy, 1969 November 3
America First Committee, 1941
American Birth Control League, 1929
American Hebrew, 1949 August 9
American Heritage, 1955-1959
American Indian Museum, 1941
American Jewish Committee, 1961-1965
American P.E.N. Club, undated
American Woman's Council, 1954
American Youth Congress, 1939
America's Future, Inc., 1960-1963
Anshen, Ruth Nanda, 1940-1967
Antheonsen Press, 1964 July 2
Anthony, Katharine, 1956-1957
Antiquarian Bookman, 1962-1965
Argosy Book Stores, Inc., 1942-1968
Arizona Librarian, 1965 September 14
Arno Press, 1969 January 9-20
Artus, Marjorie Cooke, 1960-1969
Ashman, Jane, 1941 May 2
Asprey, Winifred, 1961 May 26-30
Ave Maria, 1962 April 24
Babcock, Edith, undated
Bach, Ruth L., undated
Baer, Albert and Helene, 1950-1966
Badenhausen, Dot, undated
Bailey, Dorothy, 1963 January 21-26
Balcom, Lois, 1972
Baldwin, Belle, 1965
Baldwin, Roger, 1944-1946
Bangs, Catherine, undated
Barczay, J., 1964-1965
Baretto, Edith, undated
Barker, Betty, undated
Barlow, Marjorie, 1960-1965
Barr, Nancy (Hanksie), 1935-1955
Barnard College, 1950-1972
Barry, Robert J., 1964 April 8
Barstow, Marjorie, undated
Bassett, Marion P., undated
Baughman, Roland, 1961-1966
Baylor, Ruth, 1960-1965
Beam, Lura, 1963 May 7
Beard, Mary, 1946-1953
Bedoy, Olga, 1964
Belknap, Chauncey, 1925-1971
Belknap Press, 1966 January 29
Bell, Susan, 1967 September 29
Benjamin Blom, Inc., 1965 October 8
Bennington College, 1939 February 3
Berol, Alfred C., 1964-1965
Berwind, Elizabeth G., 1938-1967
Betts, Mrs., undated
Bierstadt, Edward Hale, 1922-1965
Bierstadt, Catherine, 1938 May 10-19
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1940-1950
Blanchard, Theresa, 1963
Blaudin, Estelle, 1951-1963
The Blue Cat, 1962-1966
The Blue Cat, 1962
Bluemel, Elinor, 1961-1967
Blum, A. Coleman, 1945 September 12
B'nai B'rith, 1962 March 30
Bobula, Ida, 1948-1961
Bogin, Ruth, 1969 June 4
Bolin, Justice Jane M., 1944 June 14
Boston Athenaeum, 1950-1956
Boston Public Library, 1960 March 2
Bower, Katherine, undated
The Boys' Club of New York, undated
Brandeis, Susan, 1941 February 21
Brooklyn Museum, 1955 February 23
Brooks, Carne, 1925 January 17
Brown, Barbara, 1943-1969
Brown, Eleanor, 1954-1966
Brown, George Dobbin, 1922-1923
Brown, Harriet, 1959-1964
Brown, Herbert, 1968 January 20
Brown, Vivienne, 1970 November 15
Brownlee, R. Jean, 1962 April 24
Bryn Mawr College, 1955-1965
Bryn Mawr College Library, 1963
Bugbee, Emma, 1963 May 4
Bullock, Hugh, undated
Burke, Lillian, 1927
Bursey, Roland, 1933-1942
Burt Franklin Books, 1944 October 5
Button, Billy, 1949 April 18-20
Byard, Margaret, 1965
Byard, Rosalie, 1967 July 11
Calderwood, Ann, 1971 June 3
Callen, Jennie, undated
Campbell, Dorcas, 1945-1960
Canby, Marion G., 1939 October 11
Carlton, Margaret, undated
Carnegie Book Shop, 1941 July 21
Carrington, Fitzroy H. P., 1915
Carroll, A. E., 1916 September 4
Case, Clifford P., 1963 April 11
Catalyst, 1963 May 9-25
Cate, Curtis Wilson, 1953
Celnick, Max, 1961 January 12
Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1945-1962
The Charuth Press, 1957 November 19
Chase Manhattan Bank, 1964 June 23
Cheshire Book Shop, 1965 March 5-9
Christian Science Monitor, 1943-1964
Cisler, Lucinda, 1970 April 29
Clay, Curtis L., III, 1958-1963
Clay, George Roberts, 1953-1971
Clay, Judith, 1949-1972
Clay, Richard, 1941-1957
Cloward, Esther, 1966-1969
Cohen, Flora R., 1972 December 15
Colonial-Wettler Agency, 1942 June 8
Columbia University, 1963-1967
Combs, Marie, 1963
Congress of Youth, 1939 June 9
Connett, Harold, undated
Corey, Lewis, 1952
Cornish, Ann, undated
Cort, M. H., 1943 December 20
Cory, Alida B., 1942 February 12
Craft, James Charles, 1958 April 24
Cunningham, Lolly, 1962 March 3-8
Curth, Helen O., 1951 April 23
Cuthbert, Margaret, 1939 July 13
D. M. & P. Manheim, 1949-1950
Daedalus, 1964-1966
Daniel, Anita, 1956 February 8
Dannett, Sylvia, 1964-1966
Darrow, Ernestine, 1963 October 4-11
Davies, Ruth, 1941 September 19
Davis, Lion, 1965
Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1964 May 7
Day, Daphne, undated
Deeble, William R., undated
Deen, Edith, 1955-1971
Derby, Rita, 1964
Desmond, Thomas C., 1945 March 10
Devereux, Virginia, undated
Dexter, Elizabeth, 1950-1952
Dexter, Sue, 1962 April 20
Dolan, Anne M., 1952-1953
Donan, Charlotte, undated
Dover Publications, 1970 March 26
Dramatists Play Service, 1961
Drinker, Sophie, 1947-1963
Durgin, Jane S. Mayer, 1962-1975
Duschnes, Philip, 1965 June 12
E. Weil Bookseller, 1965 March 31
Edson, Elie, 1964 April 24
Educational Heritage, 1965
Eglee, Edward Percy, 1927 March 23
Elliot, Gilbert, 1913
Elsenheimer, B. J., 1917 November 3
Emma Lazarus Foundation, 1959-1961
Ertz, Susan, 1972 March 25
Evans, Ernestine, 1953-1954
Exxon Corporation, 1974 February 13
Farions, Elizabeth Jane, undated
Farr, H. Barton, 1961 May 26-31
Farrell, Nancy, 1970 March 12
Fawcett Library, 1962-1965
Fay, Gertrude, 1960-1964
Federal Security Agency, 1950 June 7
Feingold, Miss, 1957 February 8
Ferguson, K., 1960-1964
Finch College, 1962-1973
Finlay, Edith Adams, 1943-1945
First, M. P., undated
Flanagan, Sue, 1939-1967
Flexner, Caroline A., undated
Flexner, Eleanor, 1955-1958
Flexner, Jennie M., 1941 July 14-30
Foley, John L., 1918 July 31
Fordham University, 1964
Foreign Policy Association, 1923
Fortune, 1956 July 16
Foster, Hazel J., 1959 March 4
Fox, Elaine E., 1961 February 13-15
Fox, Frederick, 1968 February 18
Frankel, Walter K., 1949
Frazier, Winnifred, 1948-1951
Freshel, Curtis P., 1962 May 28-31
Fretz, Marlene, 1964-1967
Friedan, Betty, 1967 March 11
Friedman, Daisy, 1961 March 15-29
Fuller, Mrs., 1962 January 19
G. Heywood Hill, Ltd., 1952 May 27
Gaither, Grant, 1943
Gardner, A. T., 1947 December 9
Gardner, Frank D., 1958
Garrison, Kathryn Harrod, 1959-1962
Georgia State College, 1942 July 23
Geron, Lilly, 1914
Gildersleeve, Carl, undated
Gilman, Jean, 1959
Glasgow, Maude, 1943
The Globe-Democrat, 1962 March 8
Goddard, Ruth, 1959-1972
Godfrey, Dorothy, 1922-1923
Goheen, Robert, 1969 May 13
Goldberg, Henry, 1913 December 25
Goldmann, Franz, 1964
Goldschmidt, Lucien, 1966-1967
Goldsmith Bros., 1964 December 5
Goode, Edith J., 1946 February 18
Goode, George A., 1964
Goodspeed's Book Shop, 1941-1967
Goodwin, Proctor & Hoar, 1950-1971
Gordon, Phyllis, 1960-1974
Gould, James, 1916
Graham, Virginia, 1966
Grant, Jane, 1963-1966
Grassel, Alda, undated
Greef, Charles and Adele, 1960
Greenwald, Charles, 1913 December 25
Grieb, Conrad, 1947 January 18
Grierson, Margaret Storrs, 1950-1963
Griffiths, Mary Ellen, 1946-1947
Grolier Club, 1954-1962
Grolier Enterprises, Inc., 1965
Grove, Elsa Butler, 1939-1965
Gruberg, Martin, 1964-1965
Haight, Sherman and Anne, 1962-1965
Hall, Clarence W., 1966 April 15
Hall, Edith, undated
Halm, E. W., 1964
Halpern, Irving, 1961 February 24
Halvey, Nina, undated
Hampton Animal Shelter, 1958-1966
Hampton Chronicle, 1965 October 9
Hancock, Clarence, 1945 April 22
Handimaid, 1941 January 25
Hanke, Dr., 1966
Hansl, Eva vB., 1936-1967
Hansl, Eva vB., 1939-1942
Hara, Taiichi, 1923-1924
Harchovsky, Herman, 1913 December 24
Harding, Walter, 1964 January 24
Harris, M. A., 1964
Harrison, Inez, 1940-1968
Hart, Lizzie, undated
Hartwell, Jobson and Kibbee, 1939
Harvard Law Record, 1965 March 17
Cooley, Harvey E., 1964 June 23-25
Hausman, Esther May, 1960
Haverstick, Iola, 1960-1972
Hays, Eleanor Rice, 1959-1966
Healy, Frances, 1968 March 23
Henderson, Fletcher H., Jr., undated
Henrickson, Ruth, 1944 May 31
Henry Perkins Hotel, 1964 November 7
Higby, Lesley, 1963 February 1
Hill, Elsie, 1959-1964
Hill, Nancy, 1942
Hill, Polly, undated
Hirsch, Willard, 1956-1962
Hodge, C. Esther, 1968
Hodges, Bet, 1958 June 19
Hofer, Philip, 1964 February 8
Holden, Agnes, 1955-1966
Holden, Arthur, 1916-1968
Holden, Barbara, 1965-1968
Holden, Edwin A., 1924-1954
Holden, Edwin A., 1942-1943
Holden, Wilson, and Corley, undated
Holden, Frances, 1953-1966
Holden, Marian, 1916-1975
Holden, Nancy, undated
Holden, Richmond Y., 1960-1974
Holden, Richmond Y., 1942-1958
Holden, Virginia, 1953-1966
Holt, Olivia C., 1923
Horizon, 1961-1963
Horner, Virginia, 1949-1967
Hosmer, Gladys E. H., 1955-1956
Hottel, Althea, 1962-1964
Houston, Charles H., 1945
Howell, Alfred, 1970 July 11
Howell, John, 1964 January 14
Hroswitha Club, 1957-1970
Hroswitha Club, 1958-1961
Hubbell, Claire, 1963
Hull, Babette, 1964 November 7
Humphrey, Hubert, 1964
Hurley, Donald J., 1961-1968
Hurley, Page, undated
Hurst, Fannie, undated
Hutchins, Evelyn, 1961-1962
Hutchins, Mira (?), 1961 June 18
Hyde, Libby, 1958-1966
Hyett, D., 1913 December 22
Ingersoll, Marion, 1940 March 21
Ira J. Friedman, Inc., 1963
Irwin, Frank E., 1954 March 20
Irwin, Inez Haynes, 1939 February 21
Isaacs, Edith, 1971
Isaacs, Stanley, 1937 March 2
Jackson, Marie, 1962
Jackson, Paul Edward, 1923 March 15
Jacoby, John, 1962-1965
Jay, Billy, circa 1912
Jeffries, Christine H., undated
Jenkins, Bill, undated
Jennings, Florence, 1950-1954
Aunt Jessie, 1940-1945
Jesuit Missions, 1965 June 11
The Jewish Center, 1954 November 3
Johnson, Grace G., 1948
Joseur (?), Flo B., undated
Junior League Magazine, 1937
Kaim, Julius, 1940-1949
Kaim, Margarete, 1949-1960
Kaim, Ursula, 1939 January 18
Kasha, Audrey, 1963-1964
Kaufman Concert Hall, 1962 January 3
Kaufman, Mrs. John, 1965 January 24
Kavovitt, Chas, undated
Keating, Kenneth B., 1964
Keller, Joseph, 1960 April 20
Kelsey, Mary, 1929-1950
Kene, Helen, undated
Kenyon, Helen, 1964 April 8
Kenyon, Dorothy, 1937-1963
Kern, Leona Gillette, 1948 July 17
Kessner, Linda, 1972 May 5
Kingdon, Frank, 1940 June 18
Kiplinger Tax Letter, undated
Kirk, Grayson, 1967
Kitchelt, Florence L. C., 1953
Knutson, Arthur, 1962-1964
Koch-Weser, Sophie, 1964 December 1
Kohn, Mrs. Robert, 1953 December 29
Kornbluh, Augusta, undated
Krimmel, Edmund, 1950 October 30
Kross, Anna M., 1938-1943
Kugler, Isreal, 1953
Kupferman, Theodore, 1963-1967
Lada-Mocarski, Valerien, 1955-1958
Laidler, Harry W., 1939 October 6
Lang, Mr., 1967 December 30
Lawrence, Jessie, 1938
Lawrence, Sandra, 1964 September 26
Leary, Lewis, 1961-1965
Lee, Amy, 1959 April 10
Lee Higginson Corporation, 1962
Lehman, Herbert H., 1938 November 4
Lehmann, Lotte, 1953-1970
Leite, Tito, 1966 May 7
Lenygon, Jeannette, 1962-1968
Kramer, Jean, 1962 October 6
Kramer, Leon, 1962 October 2
Lambie, Margaret, 1961 May 26-29
Leonard, Eugenie Andruss, 1941-1967
Leonard, Eugenie Andruss, 1942-1966
Leonard, Margery, 1963-1966
Leonard, Robert and Misia, 1952-1965
Lerner, Gerda, 1962-1971
Lescase, Mary, 1965
Levine, Sidney S., 1913 December 22
Levy, Sadye, undated
Library Journal, 1952
Life, 1956 September 10
Life Story, 1945 May 25
Lincoln House, 1923 April 11
Lindsay, John V., 1963-1964
Loening, Sarah, 1962-1970
Loftus, Anne S., 1972 January 8
Logsdon, Richard H., 1960 October 20
Long, Ethel, 1953
Long Island Forum, 1942-1965
Long Ridge Antique Shop, 1955 May 24
Longfellow's Wayside Inn, 1963-1965
Loring, Anne Bowen, 1950-1962
Loring, Valerie, 1963 March 5
Louisiana State University, 1962
Loveman, Amy, 1953 March 6
Lucy Stone League, Inc., 1953-1970
Lundbeck, Jane C., 1939 February 27
Lury (?), Jack, undated
Lutz, Alma, 1945-1966
Lutzker, Edythe, 1962-1969
Mackenzie, Mollie, 1949 October 27
Macmillan Company, 1962-1965
Macy, Mrs., 1966 January 19
Macy's, Inc., 1949-1963
Madison House, 1936 March 20
Maeda, Minna, 1966-1967
Maesing, Henrietta, 1923-1924
Maier, Ruth R., 1933
Makash, Mary Vito, undated
Marcus, Jacob, 1957 January 29
Margaret Brent Fellowship, 1963-1965
Marshall, James F., 1963 July 28
Marvin, Jean, 1963-1964
Maryland Historical Society, 1962
Massey, Mary, 1964-1966
Matakovich, J. A., 1964 April 14-25
Mathey, Dean, undated
Mayer, Jane S., undated
McAllister, Ponise (?), undated
McAneny, Marjorie, 1941 December 11
McCarthy, John, 1965-1966
McCarthy, Lily, 1966
McDonell, Emily, 1941-1964
McEwen, Kenneth, 1940 July 3-6
McGlinchee, Claire, 1951 April 16
McKitterick, Mary Chase, 1941-1965
McRevue, P., undated
McSean, Bill, 1913 August 3
Mead, James M., 1943 January 25
Meducki, Gertrude, 1945 March 6
Meiselman, Isabelle, circa 1913
Meltzer, Milton, 1964-1970
Melville, Dorothy B., 1964
Messing, Janet K., 1960 April 26
Metzdorf, Robert F., 1964
Meudell, M., 1913 July 20
Michaelis, Otto C., 1964 October 17
Middle East Institute, 1962-1964
Middle East Journal, 1964
Miriam Young Holden Library, 1969
Mitchell, MacNeil, 1961-1962
Mixer, Charles, 1961-1962
Moers, Ellen, 1961-1970
Monberg, Erik, 1920-1967
Moore, Hugh, 1958-1959
Morgan, Dorothea, 1965
Morgan, James Jay, 1936 December 29
Mount Holyoke College, 1952
Mudd, Stuart, 1914
Muirhead, Arnold, 1961 November 1
Murphy, Agnes, 1964
Murray, Pauli, 1965
Museum of Costume Art, undated
Museum of Modern Art, undated
Music Press, Inc., 1947 December 22
Muzzy, Maria, 1953-1972
National Council on the Aging, 1963
National Men's Legion, 1961
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1959 March 12
National Urban League, 1921-1970
National Woman's Party, 1936-1965
Natural History, 1962-1963
Naumburg, Edward, Jr., 1966-1970
Nebel, John, 1965 March 19
New York Daily News, 1955 March 24
New York Herald Tribune, 1962
New York Public Library, 1940-1972
New York Society Library, 1965-1966
New York Times, 1943-1965
New York University, circa 1966
New York World's Fair, 1938
Newark Museum, 1965
Newell, Mary Glenn, 1966-1969
Newkirk, Alice M. F., 1929
Nicholes, Eleanor Louise, 1959-1968
Nixon, Richard, 1968 July
Norman, Dorothy, 1944-1970
Norton, Sara, 1908
Notable American Women, 1959-1963
Nye, Senator Gerald P., 1940 May 24
O'Brien, Leona, undated
Octagon Books, Inc., 1965
O'Hara, Mr. and Mrs. John, 1959-1964
O'Keeffe, Mr., 1961 February 10
Oliver, Mr., 1961 May 4
Olschak, Blanche Christine, 1967
Olschak, Blanche Christine, 1949-1970
Opportunity, 1940 January 15
Orcutt, William D., 1954
Palmer, Charles, 1914
Parker, Ella F., 1961 November 2
Parker, Nelia, 1952 June 27
Parker, Sally, undated
Parmalee, Alice, 1962-1968
Parson, Mary M. ("Mollie"), undated
Parton, James, 1961 February 10-14
Patio Hotel, 1963 May 7
Paul, Alice, 1950-1966
Paxton, John, 1940 March 14
Payne, Sadie, 1940
Pease, Priscilla, 1946 February 27
Peck, Clara S., 1966-1968
Pegler, Mr., 1943 March 7
Peteler, C. O., 1964 April 20-25
Peters, Dr., 1966 June 11
Peto, Florence, undated
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1956
Pierce, Catherine W., 1966
Pierpont Morgan Library, 1961-1970
Play Schools Association, 1966
Plimpton Press, undated
Plum, Dorothy, 1961-1964
Pollitzer, Anita, 1943-1974
Post, George B., 1959-1966
Post, Katherine, undated
Post, Rita, 1954 May 22
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967 November 8
Price, Nina, 1966-1971
Princeton University, 1956-1969
Publisher's Weekly, 1962-1963
Pugg, Murray T., 1913
Quinby, Jane, 1960-1964
Quogue House, 1955-1962
Quogue Library, 1948-1963
R. R. Bowker Company, 1948-1964
Radcliffe College, 1948-1958
Raditsa, Mrs. Bogdan, undated
Raff, M. E., 1947 April 1
Rangarao, Shanthi, 1963-1967
Rasberry, Joy F., 1960 August 8
Rattray, Jeannette, 1939-1941
Razey, Sylvia, undated
Read, Katherine E., 1915 March 31
Reader's Digest, 1961-1966
Realm, 1963-1965
Reese, Barbara, 1964 June 1-10
Rhoads, Mary Frank, 1943 April 22
Rice, Hazel L., 1941 December 22
Rice, Howard C., Jr., 1965
Rich-Schalit, Ruby, 1968-1975
Richmond, Carleton R., 1965
Richmond, Corinne, 1957 July 11
Richmond, Edith, 1945 December 19
Riddle, C. B., 1946-1947
Riis House, 1938 March 5
Roberts, Ruth Logan, 1942 June 14-25
Robins, Ann, 1963 February 20
Robinson, Edith D., 1939-1949
Robinson Galleries, Inc., 1939
Robinson, H. Bernard, 1941 January 2
Robinson, James B., 1962-1970
Robinson, Lenore, 1961-1965
Robinson, Lilian, undated
Rodgers, Richard, 1965 October 9
Rogers, Dr., 1965 November 20
Rollins College, 1940 March 21
Roman Books, Inc., 1961 December 6
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1962 April 24-27
Rose, Dorothy, 1950 January 9
Rosenthal, Bernard M., 1964
Rostenberg, Leona, 1954-1970
Rothe, Marschal, 1960-1961
Rubino, Elizabeth J., 1963 April 22
Rutgers University Press, 1963
Sackett, Elizabeth, 1969 April 28
Sackett, Nelson B., 1969-1971
Saffron, Dr. Morris H., 1965-1973
Sands, Patricia, undated
Sanger, Margaret, 1931 January 28
Sawyer, Mary Thompson, undated
Schaffer, Ronald, 1963 October 14
Schatzki, Walter, 17 February 1962
Scheinberg, Sophie, 23 June 1948
Schlesinger, Elizabeth, 1963-1971
Schmitt Brothers, Inc., undated
Schmuck, Ruth, 1929
Schneir, Miriam, 1971-1972
Schultze, Mrs., 1966 March 14
Schwartz, Margie, undated
Schwender, Ursula, 1960-1966
Schwengel, Fred, 1954
Schwimmer, Rosika, 1937-1950
Searles, Edna, 1952-1960
Searles, Robert L., 1961 February 15
Searles, Stephen, 1953-1970
Seavey, Warren A., 1945 March 1
Seeger, Mika, 1965 February 6
Seiler, Grace, 1956 December 1-12
Selig, Janet A., 1941
Selmon, Bertha L., 1945 October 17
Seton, Grace Thompson, 1943
Seven Gables Book Shop, 1955-1965
Severn, Elizabeth, 1939
Sewall, Katherine W., 1924 March 22
Seymour, Whitney North, 1964 June 23
Shaw, Sheila, 1950
Shenton, James, 1963 November 11
Shert, Charles L., undated
Shirley, Wayne, 1959-1962
Shouse, Martha, 1940 October 29
Sieniawski, Risa, 1964
Simon, Caroline K., 1960-1961
Skelly, Cathleen Schurr, 1967-1968
Smigley, Bonnie, undated
Smith College, 1954-1970
Smith, Margeurite A., circa 1957
Smith, Margaret Smith, 1964-1967
Snow, Miss, 1966 June 11
Social Security Board, 1961 May 4
Source Book Press, 1970
Speedwell Society, 1929 May 29
Spenadel, Henry, 1913 December 20
Spiegel, Jeanne, 1966-1967
Sprague, Helene, 1970 April 11
St. Joan Society, 1943-1944
Stackpole Books, 1965
Stantial, Edna, 1958-1961
Statler Hilton Hotel, 1949-1963
Staupers, Mabel Keaton, 1961-1971
Steeger, Shirley, 1964
Stern, Madeleine B., 1959-1966
Stevenson, Pauline H., 1960
Stimmel, Leslie, 1978 January 5-9
Stoddard, Margaret, 1960-1969
Stokes, May, 1964
Storm King Golf Club, undated
Stowe, Hilda, undated
Stowell, Hugh William, undated
Stransky, A., 1961 November 31
Strouse, Norman, 1968 November 23
Suhl, Yuri, 1955-1965
Sullivan, Anne, 1957-1966
Susskind, David, 1961 February 10
Survey Associates, Inc., 1942-1943
Swan, William H., 1964
Sweet, Forest H., 1954
Swigart, Debbie, 1978 October 9
Syracuse University, 1942-1949
Tablet, 1963 May 9
Tardiff, Olive, 1966 April 3
Taylor, Helen, undated
Taylor, Robert, 1962 November 7
Thomas, Dorothy, 1960-1964
Thome, Reverand Florence Resor, 1956
Thoneman, Lillian, 1927 March 30
Thorp, Annie, 1912 October 30
Thorp, Margaret, 1960
Tilden, Gladys, 1969
Tillinghast, Gladys, 1963
Time-Life Books, 1966 February 5
Tolman, Sally, 1970
Treadwell, Grace A., 1960-1966
Treadwell, Grace A., 1961
Turner, Edna May, 1953 June 18
Underhill & Green, 1949 August 8
Unger, Morris, undated
Union Settlement, 1924-1935
United Church Women, undated
Vanguard Press, 1955
Verner, Marjorie, 1943 October 23
Vassar College, 1940-1961
Vassar College Library, 1962
Veille, Lawrence, undated
Villager, 1969 June 7
Vinton, Iris, 1954-1966
Vondermuhll, Valerie, 1961-1969
Wade & Dorland, 1962-1963
Wall, Wendy, 1968
Walser, Jean, undated
Walters Art Gallery, 1960 November 5
Warburg, Ingrid, 1939 October 20-30
Warren, Barbara, 1961-1970
Warren, Dale, undated
Washington Post, 1964 February 8
Wasson, R. Gordon, 1962
Waters, Richard T., undated
WBAI, 1962-1963
Weinberg, Robert C., 1971 May 21
Weiner, Edward, 1918 December 20
Weiser, Donald, 1956 December 12
Wellman, Arthur O., 1915 January 6
Wells, Agnes E., 1949 April 27
Wemple, Suzanne, 1972 February 14
Wendell, James, 1941 December 22
Wentworth Institute, 1964 May 2-7
West, Bessie, 1914-1915
White, Carl, 1961 October 18
White, Marjorie, 1934-1966
Whitehill, Walter Muir, undated
Whitman College Library, 1946 May 5
Whitney, William M., 1947 July 15
Wightman, Julia Parker, 1965-1967
Wilcox, Gordon, 1962 May 1
Wiley, Alexander, 1948 April 20
Wilkins, Mary, 1964 May 25
Williams, Maisie, 1962-1964
Wilson, Cora, 1962
Wilson, Rosalie, 1955 May 4
Wimpfheimer, Irma, 1968-1970
Winkley, Lilian, 1961-1971
Wislocki, Mrs., 1961 February 10
Withington, Margaret, 1951
Withington, Constance, 1948
Withington, Patricia Grafton, 1965
Withington, Paul Richmond, undated
Wolf, Jack, 1965-1966
Women in Action, 1948
Women Speaking, 1959-1965
Women's Architectural Auxiliary of the New York Chapter, American Institute of Architects, 1970
Wood, Caryl H., 1934 August 14
Wood, Mrs. Cornelius Ayer, undated
Woolerton, Frances, 1950
Worcester, Helene, 1940-1951
World Council of Churches, 1954
World Perspectives, 1962-1971
WPAT, 1944 September 18
WQXR, 1964 October 10-31
Wyman, Lillie B. Chase, 1921-1925
Wynner, Edith, 1940-1964
Yoseloff, Thomas, 1961-1966
Young, Harry H., 1917-1957
Young, Harry H., 1925-1955
Young, Harry H., circa 1947
Young, Harry H., circa 1947
Young, Harry H., 1917-1938
Young, Lilian R., 1916-1938
Young, Richard, 1912-1952
Young, Sara, 1928-1966
Zaluda, Ida, 1914 January 1
Zeiler, Nancy, undated
Zion Research Library, 1945-1955
Series 2: Writings, 1936-1977
This series contains the addresses, lectures, articles, books, records, and notes of Miriam Young Holden. Of note are papers from a long-term seminar on the history of women in the world (Subseries 2A), drafts for American Women in Colonial and Revolutionary Times, 1565-1800, work on contemporary women's rights and the Equal Rights Amendment (Subseries 2A and 2B), record books containing lists of books read by Holden, people using the Miriam Holden Library, bibliographies on the history of women (Subseries 2C), and notes written by Holden on the histories of individual women, women in various countries, and women in various occupations (Subseries 2D). Although this series is smaller than some of the others, it provides a rich view of the work Holden did on the history of women and exposes the extent she attempted to encompass as much of time and geography in her research as possible.
This series is arranged into four subseries, the first three arranged in alphabetical order by document type and the fourth, being miscellaneous notes, comes after these three groups.
"The Greek Homemaker", undated
The Technology Review, 1939 January
"The Woman's Charter", 1936-1937
Series 3: Activities, 1895-1983
This series chronicles the work of Miriam Young Holden in various women's organizations. Included are appointment books, scrapbooks, letter books, minutes, and newsletters related to such organizations as the National Woman's Party, the World Center for Women's Archives, the New York Urban League, and the Women's International League, among others. Two dominant threads run through this series: materials related to contemporary women's rights and those related to the history of women. Of note are the large collection of correspondence of the National Women's Party (including the schism in 1947) and extensive correspondence regarding the Miriam Young Holden Library and how materials were gathered for this library as well as the World Center for Women's Archives.
This series is arranged alphabetically by the name of the organization.
Appointment Books, 1962-1975
Appointment Book, 1962
Appointment Book, 1966
Appointment Book, 1969
Appointment Book, 1970
Appointment Book, 1971
Appointment Book, 1972
Appointment Book, 1973
Appointment Book, 1974
Appointment Book, 1975
The Burke Foundation, 1929 March 27
Columbus Hill Clinic, 1925
Harvard Law Record, 1965-1966
Henry Street Settlement, 1918-1927
Hudson Guild, 1923-1924
League of Women Voters, 1965-1969
Lucy Stone League, 1966-1969
National Council of Women, 1961-1965
National Council of Women, 1966-1967
National Council of Women, 1968
National Council of Women, 1969
National Woman's Party, 1956-1963
National Woman's Party, 1963-1966
National Woman's Party, 1966-1977
New York Historical Society, 1967
Skillman Mother's Club, 1924
Speedwell Society, 1931-1934
Teachers Union Auxiliary, 1924
Utopia Neighborhood Club, 1933
Youth Consultation Service, 1966
Series 4: Subject Files, 1676-1980
This series, constituting the largest in the collection, aptly demonstrates the effort expended by Miriam Young Holden in her work of researching the history of women as well as her active involvement in contemporary women's rights movements. The vast array of detailed subjects illustrates Holden's passion for discovering the role women have played in not only modern American history, but also in ancient and global history. The large amounts of materials related to contemporary women's issues also point to her work in groups such as the National Woman's Party and the World Center for Women's Archives.
This series is arranged in alphabetical order, according to subject. Papers related to Eugenie Andruss Leonard, Elsa Grove Butler, Arthur Holden, and Miriam Holden are grouped by that individual.
Abortion, 1967-1971
Abramson, Shraga, 1952 January 29
Academy of American Poets, 1953-1964
Adams, Abigail, 1947-1964
Adams, Grace, 1939 March
Adams, Hannah, undated
Adams, John Quincy, 1955 July
Addams, Jane, 1968
Adler, Mortimer J., 1966 March
Advertisements- Cards, undated
Aesop's Fables, circa 1965
Africa, 1961-1962
African-Americans, 1967-1971
Agassiz Family, 1959-1964
Agriculture- Women, 1956 March 26
Air Force Manual Controversy, 1960
Alaska, 1963 March 25
Alcoholics Anonymous, 1955 July 1-3
Alcoholism, 1964-1967
Alcott, Louis May, 1958-1975
Alexander, Francesca, 1902
Alumnae Advisory Center, 1962-1967
America First Committee, 1940-1941
American Artist, undated
American Authors: 1795-1895, undated
American Bicentennial, 1973 April 8
American Birth Control League, 1936
American Fiction, 1957-1963
American Heritage, 1955 March
American History, 1947-1953
American Indians, 1940-1975
American Library Directory, 1964
American Library in Paris, 1965
American Library Service, 1964
American Lyceum, circa 1968
American Man, 1967 January 10
American Novel- First, 1960 April 28
American Panorama, 1963
American Philosophical Society, 1948
American Tract Society, undated
American Woman's Council, 1954
American Women, circa 1935-1966
American Youth Congress, undated
The Americans, 1965
Americans All Over, 1940
America's Future, 1960
"America's Grande Dames", 1968 May 5
Amish, 1960-1961
Amsterdam Pen Corporation, 1966
Anaconda, 1976 April 22
"Ancilla's Share", undated
Ancient Egyptian Art, 1952
Anderson-Navarro, Mary, circa 1964
Angels, 1951-1952
Animal Cruelty, 1963
Animal Welfare Institute, 1966
Animals- Humane Slaughter, 1950-1958
Animals- Humane Society, 1963-1971
Anthony, Katharine, 1965
Antiquarian Bookman, 1950 January
Anti-Semitism, 1960-1966
Antislavery, 1960-1962
Anti-Vivisection, 1950-1966
Aphrodite Statue, 1962 November 3
April Fools Day, 1944 March 31
Arab Information Center, 1959
Arab News and Views, 1967-1968
Arawak Indians, 1968 April 11
Arden, Elizabeth, 1946 May
Argosy Book Stores, undated
Aristotle, 1946
Armstrong, Helen Maitland, 1948
Arnold, Benedict, 1968
Art, 1947-1965
The Art & History of Books, 1968
The Art of Living, circa 1940
The Art Workshop, 1939
Articles About Women, 1963-1964
Artificial Insemination, 1955-1958
Artists, 1949-1961
Arthur H. Clark Company, 1969
Associated Church Press, 1959
Assumption of the Virgin, 1950
Atherton, Gertrude, 1897-1903
Audubon, John James, circa 1897
Audubon Wildlife Films, 1969-1970
Austen, Jane, undated
Australia- Women, 1963-1968
Autobiographies, 1958 August 31
Avis & Rockwell Gardiner, undated
Bacon, Delia, circa 1959
Baer, Albert M., circa 1968
Baer, Helene G., 1952-1966
Bahá'í Faith, 1948
Baker, Elizabeth F., 1964
Balabanoff, Angelica, 1948
Bali Dancers, circa 1952
Ballard, George, 1964
Ballet Guild, 1939
Balsan, Consuelo Vanderbilt, 1964
Baltimore & Ohio Magazine, 1949-1952
Bancroft Awards, 1955-1971
Barnard College, 1929-1964
Barnard College Forum, 1949-1956
Barringer, Emily Dunning, circa 1952
Barthé, Richmond, circa 1939
Barton, Clara, 1953-1963
Bateman, Hester, 1963-1967
Bates, Katherine Lee, 1959 August 11
Bathroom- History, 1960
Batsto Mansion, 1959 March 9
Baylor, Ruth M., 1959-1960
Beach, Sylvia, 1964 December 5
Beard, Mary, 1938-1953
Beecher, Catherine Esther, 1956
Beethoven Festival, circa 1972
Beguines, 1949
Belgian Congo- Queen Kankasi, 1943
Benedict, Ruth, 1959
Benjamin, Mary A., undated
Bernhardt, Sarah, 1967
Berol, Alfred C., undated
Besant, Annie, 1960
Bestor, Arthur Eugene, Jr., 1950
Betes Noires and Straw Men, 1964
Better Times, 1931 November 30
The Bible, 1954
"Bible Helps", undated
Bibliographies, circa 1940
Bibliographies- New Books, 1966
Bierstadt, Edward Hale, 1893-1963
Birth Control, 1922-1970
Birth Rate, 1960
"Black Like Me", 1964 March 4
Black Studies, 1969 October 26
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1927-1950
Blackwell Family, 1927-1967
Blair House, 1964
Blindness, 1968
Bloomer, Amelia J., 1939-1960
Bloor, Ella Reeve, circa 1942
Blow, Susan, circa 1935
The Blue Cat- Antiques, undated
Blue Cross Health Insurance, 1966
Bluemel, Elinor, undated
Blumenthal, Walter Hart, 1962
Bly, Nelly, circa 1956
B'nai B'rith, circa 1960
Bobula, Dr. Ida, 1948-1960
Bogan, Louise, 1970 February 5
Bonheur, Rosa, 1849-1961
Book Catalogues, 1948-1956
Book Publishers, circa 1944-1948
Bookbinding, undated
Books for Sale, 1964
Books to Order, circa 1958
Booth, Mary Louise, 1942
Borden, Lizzie, 1966
Borgia, Lucretia, 1954 January 5
Boston, 1943-1952
Boston Athenaeum, 1946-1953
Boston- Beacon Hill, 1965 June 13
Boston Common, 1965
Boston Museum, 1956
Boston Public Library, 1939-1948
Botta, Anne Charlotte Lynch, undated
Bourke-White, Margaret, 1963
Bradstreet, Anne, circa 1949
Brawne, Fanny, 1949
British Honduras, 1962
Brontë, Emily, 1948
Brook Farm, 1941
Brook, Van Wyck, 1962
Brown, Barbara, 1966 November 6
Brown, Charles Brockden, undated
Brown, Mary Milbank, undated
Brown, Phillip, 1944
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, undated
Bryn Mawr College, 1962-1965
Buck, Pearl S., 1933-1938
Bundling, 1938
Bunyon Tercentenary, 1930
Burr, Aaron, 1958
Bury, Elizabeth Lawrence, 1917
Bynner, Witter, 1958
Calamity Jane, 1885 February 11
Calvin Bullock Forum, 1966-1967
Campbell, Dorcas, 1928-1960
Campbell, Killie, 1966
Camp Fire Girls, Inc., 1939
Canada, undated
Canadian Women Bibliography, 1964
Capital Gains Tax, undated
Carleton, May, 1859
Carroll, Anna Ella, circa 1940
Carroll Club, Inc., 1936-1945
Carson, Rachel, 1964 April 15
Carter, John Mack, 1968 January 13
Cartoons, undated
Cassatt, Mary, 1953-1966
Catalogues- 19th-Century, circa 1897
Catalogues of Women's Books, 1944-1967
Catalyst, undated
Catherine of Cleves, 1966
Catholic Church, undated
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 1928-1956
Caulfield, Genevieve, 1963
Cavalcade of America, 1954
Cavell, Edith, 1941 July 6
Celnick, Max, 1959-1961
Ceylon- Women, 1967
Channel 13, 1966-1968
Channing, William Ellery, circa 1955
Chapman, Maria Weston, undated
Charlottesville Garden Club, undated
Chase, Agnes, 1963 September 26
Chase, Kate, 1953
Chase, Mary Ellen, circa 1965
Cheshire Bookshop, 1965
Chess, 1965
Children of the Bible, 1956-1959
Children's Bibliographies, 1952
Children's Books, 1966
Children's Literature, 1953
Chinese Love Tales, circa 1951
Chinese Women, 1940
Christ Church, Oxford, 1973
Christina of Sweden, 1969
Christmas, 1951-1970
Churchill, Lady, undated
Church Libraries, 1949-1952
The Church Woman, 1964
Churches, 1950-1959
Circle for Negro Relief, Inc., 1923
Civil Defense- 19th Precinct, 1942
Civil Liberties Union, 1966-1967
Civil Rights- Saturday Review, 1968
Civil Rights Bill, 1964
Civil War, 1958-1964
Civil War Times Illustrated, 1971
Clark, B. Preston, Jr., undated
Clay, Judith, 1954
Clay, Laura, 1968
Clay, Vidal, 1958
Cleopatra, 1952
Clinical Trends, 1966
Cobbe, Frances Power, undated
Code of Hammurabi, circa 1915
Coed Dormitories, 1968 December 28
Coeducation, 1968
Coghlan, Mrs., undated
Colette, 1954-1960
Collections, circa 1955
Colonial Women, 1894
Colum, Mary, 1947
Columbia Associates, 1963
Columbia University Press, 1942
Comics- "Wonder Woman", 1942-1954
Commodities, 1964 April 9
Common Cause, Inc., circa 1947
Communism, 1949-1955
Concord Books, undated
Constitutional Rights of Women, 1935
Consumers League of New York, 1939
Coolidge, Grace, 1962
Cooper, A. W., 1867 April 18
Copperheads, 1942
Cornelian Corner Theory, 1949
Courtesy, 1971 May 2
Crane, Cora, 1960
Creation of Woman- Hindoo, undated
Creative Club, Inc., undated
Creativity of Women, 1963 August 25
"A Creed of Work for Women", undated
Crime in England, 1952 April 13
Cuba, 1966 January 30
Curie, Pierre and Marie, 1959
Cushman, Pauline, 1961
Dana, Nathalie, 1963 September 10
Danish Women Painters, undated
Daphnus and Cloe, circa 1949
d'Arc Jeanne, undated
Davis, Pauline Wright, undated
de Staël, Madame, undated
Dead Sea Scrolls, 1955-1956
Death at an Early Age, 1967
de Beauvoir, Simone, 1953-1965
Deen, Edith and Edgar, 1954-1972
Deland, Margaret, 1941-1951
Delaney, Mrs.- Flora, undated
de Montenay, Georgette, undated
de Pisan, Christine, undated
The Deputy, 1964
Destiny and Glory, 1957
de Valoise, Marguerite, 1946
Dexter, Elizabeth A., 1926-1927
Dickens, Charles, 1953
Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth, 1941-1951
Dickinson, Emily, 1932-1956
Dime Novel Club, circa 1945
Dines, Alta E., 1965 April 5
Dissertations, 1962-1968
The Distaff Poets, undated
Divorce, 1952-1965
Dix, Dorothea, 1957-1969
Dix, Dorothy, 1952
Dognapping, 1966
Donner Party- Women, 1943
Dorsey, Dr. Rebecca Lee, 1954
Dover Publications, undated
Draft Riots, 1963 July 7
Dried Plants, undated
Duncan, Isadora, 1952
Dunham, Katherine, 1940-1956
Durgin, Jane, undated
Eames-Story, Emma, undated
Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy, circa 1946
Eddy, Mary Baker, 1962-1966
Edmondson, William, 1937-1947
Edson, Elie, 1969 March 11
Educated Women, 1966
Education- 19th-Century, 1867-1876
Education- Funding, 1960-1968
Education, Higher, 1952-1965
Education- Public Schools, 1895
Education- Russian, 1957
Edwards, Amelia B., undated
Egyptian Women, circa 1949
Eisenhower, Mamie, circa 1953-1961
Elizabeth I of England, 1959
Elizabethan Woman, undated
Ellis, Havelock, circa 1959
Emblem Books, 1954
Embury, Philip, 1878-1898
Engineers- Women, 1951-1954
English Bible- Exhibition, 1963
English Literature, 1965
The English Novel, 1951
English Regalia, 1953
English-Speaking Union, 1940
English Women, 1942-1954
E. P. Goldschmidt & Co., circa 1965
Episcopalian Marriage Canon, 1958
Equal Pay Act of 1963, 1963-1964
Equal Pay Rights, 1961-1966
Equal Rights, 1966-1971
Equal Rights Amendment, 1930-1939
Equal Rights Amendment, 1940-1949
Equal Rights Amendment, 1950-1959
Equal Rights Amendment, 1960-1969
Equal Rights Amendment, 1970-1979
Equal Rights Amendment, undated
Equal Rights Magazine, 1936-1954
Espy, Hilda Cole, 1963
Ethical Culture, 1943
Eudy, Mary Cummings, 1935
Evelyn College, 1938-1962
Explorers- Women, 1939-1951
Export Book Co., undated
Fair Labor Standards Act, 1961
Fawcett Library, 1959-1962
Federal Council of Churches, undated
Federal Theatre Project, 1939
Federal Union World, 1941 April
Feminine Evil, 1964
Feminism, 1970
Fenelon and Madame Guyon, 1956
Ferber, Edna, 1968
Fern, Fanny, 1872-1945
Financial Reports, 1936 August 27
Finch College, 1962-1975
Finland- Woman Lawyer, 1956
Fischel Minimum Wage Bill, 1937
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1958
Fishing, undated
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 1970
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 1942
Folger Library, 1971-1972
Follen, Charles T.C., undated
Ford Foundation, 1956
Ford, Henry, 1967
Foreign Policy Association, 1923
Forgotten American Heroins, 1961
Foundations, 1935-1937
Fourteenth Amendment, 1963
Fox, Helen Morganthau, 1955
Frank, Anne, 1959-1967
Franklin, Benjamin, 1950-1967
Freedom Train, 1947-1948
French, Eleanor Clark, 1964
French Women of Letters, undated
French Women and the Vote, 1965
Frescoes, 1956
Fresh Air Fund, 1972
Fretz, Mary Helene, circa 1961
Friedan, Betty, 1963-1972
Frietchie, Barbara, 1914-1944
Fromm, Erich, 1965-1969
Fuller, Margaret, 1855-1957
Furness, Betty, 1967
Galileo, undated
Gallery of Modern Art, 1965
Gallup Poll Results, 1963 November
Gandhi, Indira, 1966
Gandhi, Mahandas, circa 1968
Gardner, Julia (Mrs. Jack), 1965
Gellhorn, Edna, 1963
Georgian Women Statue, 1966
German Women, 1948-1957
Gill, Laura Drake, undated
Girls Club of New York, 1963
Glasgow, Ellen, 1958
Goddard, Ruth, 1960-1969
Godesses, 1959-1961
Goeppert-Mayer, Dr. Maria, 1963
Goldfinch, circa 1946
Goodspeed, Charles E., undated
Goodspeed's Bookstore, 1939
Goudy, Bertha S., circa 1958
Grand, Sarah, 1943
Gray, Susan M., circa 1924
Green, Hetty, 1951-1960
Greene, Mary, 1949
Greenwalt, Mary Elizabeth, 1950
Greenwood, Grace, 1893 March 3
Greer, Germaine, 1971
Grolier Club, 1951
Grosset and Dunlop, circa 1957
Grove, Elsa Butler, 1911-1965
Gutenberg, Johann, 1967
Hading, Jane, undated
Haffkine, Waldemar Mordecai, 1972
Hagedorn Family, 1960
Haight, Elizabeth Hazleton, 1922
Haiku, 1963
Hale, Sarah Josepha, 1960-1963
Halkett, Lady Anne, 1917
Hamilton, Alexander, undated
Hamilton, Alice, 1961-1969
Hammett Herald, 1943-1944
Hampton Chronicle, 1965 April 22
Handbook on Women Workers, 1962-1963
Hansl, Eva vB., 1938-1967
Harlem, 1925 August 8
Harraden, Beatrice, undated
Harris, M.A., 1964
Hartford, Huntington, 1964
Haughery, Margaret, circa 1946-1956
Haverstick, Iola, 1968
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, undated
Hays, Elinor, 1961
Heffernan, Father Joseph R., undated
Hellman, C. Doris, 1948-1963
Hemans, Felicia, 1956
Hemingway, Ernest, 1971
Herschel, Sir John, undated
Hicks, Edward, undated
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, undated
Hill, Elsie, 1959-1968
Hill, Mildred, undated
Hiroshima, 1951
Hirsch, Willard, 1949
Histoire de France, 1956
History, 1943-1963
History of Civilization, circa 1924
History News, 1951
History of Science Society, 1961
History of Women, 1974
Hobbes, John Oliver, undated
Hobby, Oveta Culp, 1953
Hoff, Grace Whitney, circa 1933
Hoffman, Malvina, 1966
Holden, Agnes, 1939-1963
Holden, Arthur Cort- Draft of Prayer to be Offered at the Unitarian Church of All Souls, 1952 May 11
Holden, Arthur Cort- Speech, undated
Holden, Arthur Cort- "What is to Replace the Discredited Market Theory of Credit?", 1966 August
Holden, Edwin A., 1931-1947
Holden, Jane, 1938
Holde, Jeffrey S., 1970-1978
Holden, Luisa, 1970-1978
Holden, Mary Cort, 1970-1980
Holden, Miriam Young, 1935-1977
Holden, Richmond Y., 1941-1978
Holden, Virginia, 1961
Holman-Hunt, Diana, 1961
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1878-1902
Holmes Protection, Inc., undated
Homans, Abigail Adams, 1965-1966
Homer, Winslow, 1964-1967
Homosexuals, 1966-1971
Hoop Skirts, 1859 December 24
Horizon, undated
Hottell, Althea K., circa 1962
Houghton Library, 1949-1952
Houses of Literary People, 1952
Howe, Julia Ward, 1944-1965
Howe, Mark Antony DeWolfe, 1965
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 1964
Howells, William, undated
Howgate, James C., 1965
Hoxie, Mary, circa 1953
Hroswitha Club, 1956-1976
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1964
Hunt Botanical Library, 1960
Huntington, Anna Hyatt, 1952
Huntington Library, 1936-1959
Hurricane Information, 1965
Hurricanes- Clippings, 1954-1963
Hurst, Fannie, 1968
Hussey, Mary Inda, 1918-1952
India, 1967
Indian Affairs Newsletter, 1961-1965
Ingersoll, Robert G., undated
Interest Rates, 1947
Ireland, 1963
Iroquois, 1960
Irwin, Inez, undated
Israeli Women, 1954-1964
Izard Family, 1958
J. L. Hammett Company, 1925-1963
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1882
Jacoby, John, circa 1964
Japanese Women, 1955
Jardine, Florence Resor, 1954
Jefferson, Thomas, 1964
Jenkins, Lawrence W., 1946
Jewish Artifacts, 1964
Jewish Book Lists, 1943-1953
Jewish Book of Secrets, 1964
"Jewish Declaration", circa 1965
Jewish Holidays, 1955
Jewish Women, 1957-1961
Jews- Black, 1968
Jews- Soviet Jewry, 1967-1968
John Birch Society, 1961
Johnson, James Weldon, 1931
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 1963-1965
Jones, John Paul, 1951
Judaism, 1952-1969
Junior League Magazine, undated
Junior League of New York, 1936
Juvenile Miscellany, 1956
Kaidu, Daughter of, circa 1947
Kassler, Bennett, 1947
Kellems, Vivien, 1960
Keller, Helen, 1968
Kelsey, Mary, 1948
Kemble, Fanny, undated
Kempe, Margery, 1936
Kennedy, John F., 1958-1964
Kenyon, Dorothy, 1968 February 22
Keun, Odette, circa 1939
King, S. LeRoy, 1949
Kingsley, Mary, 1962 October 8
Kinsey Report, 1953
Kiplinger Tax letter, 1964-1966
Knight, Sarah Kemble, 1964
Kollwitz, Kaethe, 1956
Kress Foundation, 1964
Ku Klux Klan- Woman Leader, 1966
Kupferman, Theodore R., 1966-1967
Labé, Louise, circa 1974
Lacarda Gallery, 1972
Ladies in Revolt, circa 1934
Lady's Almanac, 1871
Lady's Monthly Museum, undated
Lamb, Martha Joanna, undated
Lambie, Margaret, undated
Langtry, Lily, undated
Latin American Women, 1941-1966
Lawyers- Women, 1966
Lawrence, Jessie- Poems, 1945-1947
Lazarus, Emma, 1888-1955
League for Political Education, 1931
League of Composers, 1966
League for Nations Association, 1945
Lease, Mary Elizabeth, circa 1970
Lee Mansion National Memorial, 1952
Legal Status of Women, 1938-1958
Lehman, Herbert H., 1971
Lehmann, Lotte, 1950-1976
Leona Rostenberg Rare Books, undated
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated: Subject Headings, undated
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated: Research Pending, circa 1964
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (January 1-16), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (January 17-31), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (February 1-29), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (March 1-15), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (March 16-31), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (April 1-15), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (April 16-30), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (May 1-15), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (May 16-31), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (June 1-16), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (June 16-30), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (July 1-15), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (July 16-31), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (August 1-15), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (August 16-31), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (September 1-15), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (September 16-30), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (October 1-15), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (October 16-31), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (November 1-15), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (November 16-30), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (December 1-15), circa 1964-1967
Calendar of Events in Which American Colonial Women Participated (December 16-31), circa 1964-1967
Catholic University, 1944 November 4
Correspondence, 1959-1965
History of Women- Typescripts, undated
Law Baron and Femme, undated
Notes, undated
Pott, Elizabeth, undated
Rights of Women, undated
Vocational Citizenship, undated
Women and the Church, 1938-1952
Leonard, Margery, 1964-1970
Lerner, Gerda, 1962-1973
Leslie, Miriam Florence, 1973
Levy, Adele Rosenwald, 1960
Levy, Florence Nightingale, 1947
Librarians, 1942-1966
Libraries, 1939-1967
Library Journal, 1950
Library of Congress, 1941-1958
Lincoln, Abraham, 1934-1959
Lincoln, Mary Todd, circa 1958
Lind, Jenny, undated
Lindbergh, Charles, 1960
Lindsay, John V., undated
Lindsay, Malvina, 1945
Lithuanian Women, undated
Lloyd, Alice, circa 1954
Lockwood, Belva, 1956-1959
Lone Star Cement Corporation, 1966
Long Island, 1943-1967
Long Island Forum, 1946-1977
Long Island University, 1967
Long Island Women, circa 1948-1956
Lost Colony of Roanoke, 1964
Louise of Savoy, 1967
Louisiana State University, undated
Lowell Offering, undated
Lowry, W. McNeil, 1962
Luce, Clare Boothe, 1953
Lucy Stone League, Inc., 1956-1975
Lutz, Alma, 1946-1958
Lutzker, Edythe, 1963-1970
Maat- Goddess, undated
Macaulay, Catherine, 1903-1950
MacDowell Colony, 1957
Macmillan Company, undated
Madison, Dolley, 1955-1958
Magazine Excerpts: Women, undated
Magazines Women Read, 1949
Magnificat, 1955
Malayan Women, 1957
Manhattan School of Music, 1941
Manley, Seon, 1965
Mannes, Marya, 1968
Mannin, Ethel, circa 1935
"Man's World", undated
Many a Voyage, circa 1960
Map Makers, 1945
Margaret Brent Fellowship, 1963-1964
Margaret, Princess of England, 1965
Marin, John, 1932
Marlborough-Blenheim, circa 1940
Marriage, 1965
Marriage Counseling, 1964 March 1
Marta of Muscovy, 1945 August 5
Martineau, Harriet, 1876-1957
Mary of Nimmegan, undated
Maternity Center Association, 1922
Maternity Leave, undated
Matriarchies, 1956
Matriots Foundation, Inc., 1944
Mayas, 1950 August 13
The Mayflower- Bibliography, 1957
McCarthy, John, Jr., 1966
McCormick, Anne O'Hare, 1954 May 30
McGinley, Phyllis, 1965 June 27
McGuffrey's Reader, undated
McIntosh, Millicent C., 1950-1953
McLachlan, Laurentia, circa 1956
McLeary, Dorothy, 1964 November 15
McLoughlin Family, circa 1959
McPherson, Aimee Semple, 1944
Mead, Margaret, 1962
Mecom, Jane, 1950 October 15
Medical Lectures to Women, 1851
Medicare, 1966
Medicine, circa 1950
Meir, Golda, 1964 January 3
Meltzer, Milton, 1965
Mennonites (Anabaptists), circa 1936
Merian, Maria Sibylla, undated
Mesta, Perle, 1949-1965
Metropolitan Opera, 1974-1975
Mexican Woman Poet, 1951
Middle East Institute, 1960-1961
Midwives, 1959 March 24
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1934-1960
Miller, Emma Guffey, 1963-1965
Miniature Books, 1970
Minimum Wage Law, 1937
Mississippi Cooperatives, 1966
Mitchell, Maria, 1889-1959
Mixer, Charles W., 1972
Moers, Ellen, 1963
Moïse, Penina, undated
Monberg, Erik S., undated
Monroe, James, undated
Montagu, Ashley, 1952 March 1
Montez, Lola, 1949-1957
"Moral Re-Armament", 1939 May 14
Morata, Olympia Fulvia, 1974 May
More, Hannah, 1947
Morris, Esther Hobart, 1960
Mother, circa 1964
Mother Goose, 1965
Motley, Constance Baker, 1963-1966
Mott, Lucretia, 1852-1958
Mount Berry School for Boys, undated
Mount Holyoke College, circa 1947
Mountain Men and the Fur Trade, 1967
Mowatt, Anna Cora, 1955 January 16
Multiple Births, 1948 October 31
Murray, Pauli, 1965
Museum of Modern Art, 1969
Museum of the City of New York, 1968
Museums of New York, 1939
Mushrooms, 1957-1962
Music and Women, 1948
Mythical Beasts, circa 1951-1954
Naden, Constance, 1890
Nantucket Story, 1745-1885
Nast, Thomas, 1967
Nation, Carry, 1966 November 25
National Business Woman, 1965 July
National Conference of the President's Commission for the Observance of Human Rights Year, 1968
National Consumers' League, 1936
National Council of Women of the United States- Programs, Fliers, and Advertisements, 1936-1971
National Council on the Aging, 1962
National Man's Legion, 1961
National Planning Association, 1948
National Urban League, 1928-1965
National Woman's Party- Photograph of National Woman's Party Council Session, 1947 January 12
Natural History of Love, 1959-1960
Negro Country Life, 1929-1932
Negro Heritage Library, 1965
Negro History, circa 1929-1969
Negro Women, 1945-1965
Negroes, 1940-1969
Nehry, Jawaharlal, 1961-1965
Nemcová, Božene, circa 1964
Nestor, Agnes, 1949
New Feminist Bookstore, undated
New Frontier Women, 1962 March 17
New Jersey Exhibit, 1964
New York City, 1962-1967
New York City Center, undated
New York Homes, undated
New York Public Library, 1940-1963
New York Societal Library, 1937
New York World's Fair, 1939
New York Zoological Society, undated
Ney, Elizabeth, 1943 April 18
Nightingale, Florence, 1941-1961
Nineteenth-Century Women, 1891-1966
Norma Ashe, 1942
Norman, Dorothy, 1965-1976
Norton, Caroline, undated
Notable American Women, 1968-1972
Novels of 1916, undated
Nurses, 1947-1962
O'Hara, John, 1970 April 12
O'Keefe, Georgia, 1932-1970
"Old Dominion Dames", 1895
Oliver, Cora, 1896
Olschak, Blanche Christine, 1954-1971
O'Neill, William- Everyone Was Brave: The Rise and Fall of Feminism in America, 1969 November 9
Orcutt, William Dana, circa 1953
The Order of the Unicorn, 1964-1969
Oregon, circa 1961
Orientalia, Inc., 1960 November 8
Ouida, circa 1951
Overbury Collection, circa 1950
Ovid, undated
Pain, Mary- Photostat of Deed, 1676
Pakistani Women Authors, undated
Palmer, Bertha, 1960
Pan American Union, undated
Pankhurst, Emmeline, 1968
Park, Alice, 1948
Parsons, Alice, 1964 October 31
Part-Time Jobs for Women, 1957 April
"Patriarchal Values in Women's Education" by Sophie Drinker and Josephine Schreier, 1954 March
Patriotism, 1951-1967
Patterson, Betsy, circa 1963
Paul J. Sachs Collection, undated
Peabody Sisters, 1950 January 8
Peace House, 1941 February
Pearl Harbor, 1944
Pechey-Phipson, Dr. Edith, 1963-1964
Pellet, Betty, 1965 April 12
Penn, Hannah, 1945
Pennsylvania, undated
Pennsylvania Gazette, 1971 October
Perkins, Frances, 1936 October 7
Peron, Eva, 1952
Peterson, Esther, 1964 November 10
Peto, Florence, 1941
Pictures and Prints- Women, undated
Pierpont Morgan Library, 1939-1950
Pike, Bishop James, 1957-1961
Pilgrims, undated
The Pill, 1971 January 31
Pillsbury, Parker, 1847-1972
Pinckster Day, undated
Pingin, Charles F., circa 1911
Pinkham, Lydia, 1949 August 21
Pioneers- Outstanding Women, undated
Planned Parenthood, 1969
Play of the Month Guild, 1966
Play Schools Association, 1966-1972
Playing Cards, 1966 March 13
Pocahontas, 1964
Poetry, undated
Poetry for Children, 1954 July 31
Poetry, Japanese, undated
Poetry Society of America, 1963
Poetry, Spanish, undated
Poets, American, 1948-1966
Poliomyelitis, 1945 July 20
Polish Women, 1962
Pollitzer, Anita, 1964 April 2-9
Pond, J. B., 1903 June 22
Pope Joan, 1963 May 4
Porter, Sylvia, 1960 November 28
Portuguese, 1967 November 29
Post, Charles A., undated
Potter, Beatrix, 1966
Prémontval, Marie Anne, 1965
Presbyterian Life, 1955-1956
Presidential Women, 1948-1968
Primitive Art, 1927-1930
Princeton Club of New York, 1978
Professions for Women, 1969 March 2
Progressive City Committee, 1937
Progressive Movements, circa 1914
Prostitution, circa 1957
Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State (POAU), 1960-1962
The Public Interest, circa 1971-1972
Pug Dog Show, 1966
Pyramid Texts, 1952
Quakers, 1891
Quaker Women, circa 1949
Queen Elizabeth II, 1952-1967
Quincy, Josiah, circa 1946
Quogue, 1964-1975
R. R. Bowker Company, 1964
Race Relations, 1930-1963
Radio's Daytime Serial, 1945-1946
Raiveford, Christina, undated
Ramsey, Martha, undated
Rangarao, Shanti, 1960-1967
Rationing of Shoes, 1943 April 25
Rau, Santha Rama, 1960
Ream, Vinnie, 1973 April 1
Reik, Theodor, undated
Religious Tensions, 1959 July 28
Remington, Frederick, 1966 August
The Republic- Plato, undated
Rice-Wray, Edris, 1966 April 24
Richards, Ellen H., undated
Ripley, George, 1960 August 7
Riverhead Kennel Club, 1972 July 26
Robinson, Conchita, undated
"Romance of Colonial History", 1886
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1958-1964
Roper, Margaret, 1961 March 21
Rose, Eleanor Holm, 1952 August 9
Rose, Ernestine, 1959-1961
Rosensohn, Etta, 1957
Rosett, Louise Carey, 1949 September
Ross, Betsy, 1952
Ross, Ishbel, circa 1951
Rostenberg, Leona, 1965-1974
The Royle Forum, 1959 March 15
Rumphs, George Eberhard, undated
Ruskin, John, 1960-1969
Russia, 1959 August 6-8
Russian Women, 1946 March 3
Rutherford, Lewis, 1836 August 25
Sailors' Snug Harbor, undated
Saint Augistine, Florida, 1964
Saint Joan, 1976
Saint Joan Society, 1943-1944
Saint Lidwina, 1946
Saints, 1949-1961
Salmon, Lucy Maynard, circa 1943
Samson, Deborah, undated
Sand, George, undated
Sandoz Bulletin, 1967
Sanger, Margaret, 1965-1967
Santa Fe Trail, circa 1948-1961
Santa Rosa da Lima, undated
Sarah Lawrence College, 1954-1963
Savage, Augusta, 1962
Scarab, undated
Scarecrow Press, 1954-1955
Scatalogic Rites, undated
Schomburg Collection, 1940-1975
School and Society, 1943 October 16
Schurman, Anna Maria, undated
Schurz, Carl, undated
Schwengel, Fred, 1962
Schwimmer, Rosika, 1935-1948
Scott, Catherine, 1696-1702
Scottish Castles, undated
Scribner, Arthur Hawley, 1934
Scripps College Library, 1940-1951
Scudder, Dr. Ida S., 1960 October 30
Sculptors, 1943-1946
Sculpture- Nude, undated
Sea Horse, undated
Searles, Edna, 1950-1961
The Second Sex, 1953
Seeger, Pete, 1969
Senesch, Hannah, undated
Sergio, Lisa, undated
Sex, 1955-1964
Sex Test, 1967
Sexual Ethics, undated
Shakers, 1957 April
Shakespeare Club, 1963-1964
Shaw, Bernard, 1952-1957
Shelley, Mary, circa 1944
Shelton, Marion Brown, circa 1927
Sheridan, Clare, 1970 June 3
Sicilian Courting Practices, undated
Skating Club of New York, 1939-1940
Slave Documents, 1814-1854
Slavery (Tunis), undated
Slayden, Ellen Maury, 1963
Smith College, 1959
Smith College Archives, 1889-1953
Smith, Elizabeth Oakes, 1914-1941
Smith, Margaret Chase, 1951-1964
Smolin, Nat, undated
The Snarks, Ltd., 1958 March 21
Social Register, 1964 September 26
Socialist Party, circa 1912
Sophia, Countess of Leven, 1951
Sophia Smith Collection, 1962
Sorosis, 1958-1975
Source Book Press, 1970
Southcott, Joanna, undated
Southern Relief Fund, 1878 October 8
Soviet Union- Women, 1971 June 13
Spear, C., 1879 June 29
Speedwell Society, 1930-1934
Sphere, 1964
"The Spokeswoman", 1970-1972
Sprague, Julian King, 1960 October 1
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1862-1963
Stark, Freya, 1967 March 21
Status of Women, 1936-1968
Status of Women, 1936
Status of Women, 1944-1948
Status of Women, 1962
Status of Women, 1963
Status of Women, 1964-1968
Staudinger, Else, 1964-1966
Stephania, circa 1953
Stephens, Ann, 1860-1864
Stern, Madeline, 1946-1971
Stewart, Isabel, 1963
Stieglitz, Alfred, 1934-1963
Stone, Lucy, 1961-1962
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1961-1964
Stowe, Lyman Beecher, 1963
Suffrage, 1850-1969
Suffrage Leaders- Pictures, undated
The Suffragette, 1915 June 11
Sugar Loaf, Long Island, 1956-1957
Suhl, Yuri, 1955
Sumerians, 1950-1952
Sumerian Tablets, 1959
Summer Jobs, 1966
Superwomen, 1963
Supreme Court, 1952
Surratt, Mary Eugenie, undated
Survey Associates, Inc., 1939
Survey Graphic, 1926-1938
Susanna and the Elders, undated
Swastikas, 1960
Symbolism, undated
Synagogues, 1872-1957
Szeps, Berta, 1939 February 26
Szold, Henrietta, 1942-1961
Tahiti, 1953
Tara, circa 1931
Tarbell, Ida M., 1909-1910
Tax Exemptions, 1966
Teachers, 1940-1941
Television, 1954-1961
Temperance Song Book, circa 1971
Temple of Understanding, 1960-1961
Tenement Houses, undated
Texas, 1968
Texas Women, 1961-1965
Textbooks, 1961-1962
Thackery, William Makepeace, 1955
Thomas, Dorothy, 1960-1962
Thomson, Polly, 1960 March 22
Thurman, Sue Bailey, circa 1939
Tibet, 1889-1969
Tiernan, Frances, undated
Tiffany Lamps, 1965 April 1
Tillich, Paul, circa 1967
Time-Life Books, undated
Tolstoy, Countess Sonya, 1961
Totemism, circa 1937
Townsend, Sally, 1952 August 10
Travel- Stagecoach, circa 1900
Trovillion Private Press, circa 1940
Tunison, Fanny, 1944-1945
Turtle Bay Music School, undated
Twain, Mark, circa 1961-1962
"Twice A Year", 1939-1940
Ukranian Women, 1953
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1951 October
Underhill, John, 1959 February
Understanding Women, circa 1929
Unemployment, 1930-1931
Union Settlement, 1937
Unions, circa 1924
United Hospital Campaign, undated
United Neighborhood Houses, 1929-1941
United States Flag, circa 1923
United States War Cemetary, undated
University Women, 1956-1962
University Women's Forum, 1959-1963
Unwed Mothers, 1971 January 3
Valentines, 1954-1969
Van Doren, Dorothy, undated
Vanguard Press, 1951-1954
van Nierop, Leonie, 1960 November 7
Vassar College, 1915-1969
Vassar College Centennial, 1960-1961
Vaudeville, circa 1940
Victoria Royal, circa 1970
Vietnamese, 1967 March 22
Vinton, Iris, undated
Virgin Birth, 1955 November 7
Virginia Day Nursery, 1939
Virginia History, 1953
Virginity, circa 1958
Vitamins, undated
Vivisection, 1947-1962
Wald, Lillian, 1966-1970
Walker, Dr. Mary E., 1895-1963
Ward, Barbara, 1959
Warren, Josiah, circa 1934
Warren, Mercy, 1789-1951
Warren, Minnie, undated
Wartime Sale of Books, 1944 May 25
Washington, George, 1969 February 16
Washington, Martha, 1957-1961
Washington Women, 1965 January 10
WBAI Radio, 1962-1963
Weber, Marianne, undated
Weeton, Ellen, circa 1936
Wellesley, 1963 December 6
Wells College, 1957
West, Rebecca, 1956
Whaling, 1964-1965
Wheatley, Phillis, 1945-1964
White, Carl J., undated
The White Goddess, circa 1948
White House, 1964 January 19
White House Library, 1964
White Marjorie, 1959
White, Walter, 1940
Whitely, Opal, 1956 November
Whitman, Walt, 1950-1966
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1842-1908
"Why Women Work?", 1965
The Wide, Wide World, undated
Widening Horizons, 1947-1962
Wife-Beating, 1967 March 17
Wife Sales in England, 1892
Wiggin, Kate Douglas, undated
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 1971 May 2
Wilde, Oscar, 1966-1969
Wilkie, Wendell, 1942
Willard, Emma, 1941-1946
Willard, Frances, circa 1940-1945
William and Mary College, undated
Williams, Mary Clay, circa 1933
Wilson, Samuel, 1966 May 8
Wilson, Woodrow, 1964 April 26
Wittenmyer, Annie, undated
Wives of the Presidents, 1954
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1914-1975
The Woman Citizen, 1956
Woman Criminologist, 1960 July
The Woman Today, undated
Woman's Book Club, 1949-1951
Woman's Library, New York, 1939
"The Woman's Pulpit", 1957-1970
Woman's Purpose, 1955 September
"The Woman's Way", 1944
Women and Labor, undated
Women and Revolution, 1969 March 2
Women, And Sometimes Men, circa 1957
Women and Success, 1964 February 9
"Women and the Constitution", 1956
Women- Arabs, 1960 August 22
Women Artists in America, 1962
Women as Consumers, undated
Women Athletes, 1949
Women, Attitudes Towards, 1968
Women- British, circa 1943
Women- Changing Roles, 1943-1966
Women- Citizenship, 1931
Women- Cursing, 1968 October 20
Women Equestrians, 1956 January
Women "Firsts", 1941-1971
Women- Housewives, 1941 December
Women in Action, 1947-1949
Women in Archeology, 1962 March 4
Women in Architecture, 1960 March 13
Women in Aviation, 1939-1970
Women in Banking, 1949-1966
Women in Business, 1950-1966
Women in Construction, 1960 October
Women in Government, 1951-1971
Women in Journalism, 1959-1971
Women in Literature, 1950
Women in Medicine, 1895-1970
Women in Music, 1956-1968
Women in Peace Work, 1937 April 10
Women in Politics, 1939-1966
Women in Public Service, 1949
Women in Religion, 1941
Women in Science, 1942-1968
Women in Sports, 1961 November 1
Women in the Catholic Church, 1964-1967
Women in the Church, 1940-1970
Women in the Civil War, 1945-1961
Women in the Courts, 1951 January
Women in the FBI, 1972 July 18
Women in the Making of America, 1941
Women in the Post-War Era, 1943-1945
Women in the West, 1963 May 5
Women in War Work, circa 1940-1943
Women- Jobs, 1965-1971
Women Lawyers, 1961-1966
Women Librarians, 1950-1966
Women- Middle East, 1956-1960
Women- New Jersey, undated
Women Novelists, 1964-1965
Women of Achievement, circa 1947
Women of Brazil, 1964
Women of the American West, 1944
Women of the Confederacy, circa 1936
Women Pioneers, circa 1963-1966
Women Printmakers, 1956 May 12
Women- Protesting, 1967 December 14
Women Rabbis, 1956-1957
Women- Sayings, undated
Women Shareholders, 1950-1957
Women, Society, and Sex, 1952-1973
Women Spies, 1952-1964
Women, Strong-Minded, 1949 March 10
Women- Unemployment, circa 1931
Women- Unmarried, 1951-1969
Women- Upper-Middle-Class, 1962
Women Volunteer Workers, 1955 July
Women War Dead, 1963 May 27
Women Who Influenced the World, 1954
Women- Working, 1888-1966
Women Writers, 1947 February 22
Women's Architectural Auxiliary of the New York Chapter, American Institute of Architects, 1966
Women's Artifices, undated
Women's Charter, 1936-1938
Women's City Club of New York, 1929-1940
Women's City Club of New York, 1940-1966
Women's Clubs, undated
Women's Colleges- Presidents, 1965
Women's Crime Rate, 1971
Women's Data Bank, 1970 April 15
Women's Expanding Role, 1949-1950
Women's Exploitation, circa 1970
Women's Fashions, 1963 September 29
Women's Legal Rights, 1948-1970
Women's Liberation, 1970
Women's Middle Years, 1950
Women's Ordination, 1955-1956
Women's Pay Gap, 1964
Women's Physical Strengths, 1959
Women's Portraits, 1949
Women's Rights, 1944-1963
Women's Roles, 1962-1970
Women's Roles in WWII, 1942-1944
Women's Work, circa 1955
Women's Work Roles, 1946-1961
Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly, undated
Woodhull, Victoria, 1871-1975
Woolf, Virginia, 1954 February 21
Woolley, Mary Emma, 1947-1955
Woolverton, Francis C., 1970
Working Wives, circa 1940-1958
World, undated
World Congress of Women, 1953
World Council of Churches, 1948-1956
Wright, Frances, circa 1939-1962
Wright, Patience, 1961 April
Wright, Rebecca, 1963
Wright, Susannah, undated
Wyeth, Andrew, 1966-1967
Wyndham, Horace, circa 1927
Yim, Louise, 1951 November 19
Young Americans for Freedom, 1961
Young, Lillian Richmond, 1937-1953
Young, Susan, circa 1890s
Youth Congress, undated
Zion Research Library, 1940-1967
Zonta International, 1952-1956
This series consists of the personal papers and documents of Miriam Young Holden. Personal papers include an address book, lists of appointments, certificates, a diary of Holden's time in Paris, a genealogical index of Harry H. Young's family, and photographs of MYH, her family, and friends. Documents include an extensive amount of papers related to stocks and investments with the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company, J. L. Hammet Company, and others. Also included are estate documents, trust documents, an extensive collection of tax papers, a birth certificate, and several revised wills.
Personal papers come first, arranged alphabetically. Photographs are contained within personal papers and are arranged with photos of Miriam Holden first, then her family, friends, other people and places, and ending with unidentified photos. Documents follow, also arranged alphabetically by type of document.
Address Book, undated
Appointments, undated
Book of Quotes and Verses, 1900
Cards and Invitations, 1915-1971
Certificates, 1932-1945
Diary: Paris, 1930-1931
Keys, undated
Miscellaneous Notes, undated
Memos, 1962-1972
Photographs, 1905-1971
Photographs: Eric Warren, 1966
Photographs: Misia Leonard, 1958
Photographs: Mary Pillbrook, undated
Photographs: Asuncion Robinson, 1943
Photographs: Mercedes Robinson, 1943
Bank Documents and Papers, 1929-1970
Bills and Receipts, 1946-1974
Birth Certificate, 1936 February 12
Insurance Documents, 1954-1958
Loan Documents, 1923-1924
Notes on Finances, 1949-1972
Publishing Documents, 1971
Stocks, 1950-1993
Taxes, 1949-1977
Taxes, 1949-1950
Taxes, 1960-1965
Taxes, 1967
Taxes, 1968
Taxes, 1969
Taxes, 1970-1971
Taxes, 1972-1977
Will, 1958-1973
- Scope and Contents
The collection contains personal papers of Holden, including lectures, speeches, articles and correspondence, reflecting the views of American feminists during the post-19th Amendment, pre- Feminine Mystique era, especially the early efforts to pass an equal rights Amendment. Also included alongside contemporary feminist views is a bulk of materials related to the role women have played in long history, from ancient Rome to the first women lawyers to depictions of women in mythical stories, reflecting Holden's belief that something needed to be done about the absence of women in the world's history.
Papers of mid-20th century women's rights groups feature prominently in this collection, especially the National Woman's Party, of which Miriam Holden was a member of the National Council. Materials from this group contain bound volumes of correspondence, pamphlets, Equal Rights, and a detailed record of the 1947 schism within the party. Also included are papers related to the World Center for Women's Archives, including extensive correspondence with Mary Beard. Also included are collections of papers belonging to Eugenie Andruss Leonard and Elsa Grove Butler, both friends of Holden and fellow women's studies scholars. Materials related to The American Woman in Colonial and Revolutionary Times, 1565-1800: A Syllabus with Bibliography, written by Miriam Holden, Eugenie Andruss Leonard, and Sophie Hutchinson Drinker, are also included as are the 34 radio scripts for the 1939-40 series "The Gallant American Woman," written by Jane Asham. Many of these materials represent the earliest stages of women's history as a body of scholarship and demonstrate efforts made by individuals before the formal establishment of this body of historical study in 1963.
The largest portion of this collection belongs to the Subject Files--materials collected by Miriam Holden on specific topics, people, events, and ideas. These largely cover subjects related to women's rights and history, although also include many other topics of interest to Holden, including anti-vivisection, hurricanes, New York social clubs, and social welfare. Many of these files include clippings, book reviews, pamphlets, advertisements, and notes. These subject files also include original 19th-century materials belonging to such important women as Belva Lockwood, Susan B. Anthony, Lydia Maria Child, Dorothea Dix, Caroline Norton, Alice Paul, and Victoria Woodhull. These materials largely include correspondence and writings. There are also several original sermons (mid-19th-century) and an autograph song by Victoria Woodhull on the Beecher & Tilton Scandal.
Above all, this collection clearly demonstrates the efforts of a woman who spent her life collecting knowledge about the role of women in history in a time when women's history had yet to be established as a formal field of historical inquiry as well as her dedication to the cause of advancing women's rights during the 20th-century.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Holden, Miriam Young.
Miriam Holden was born Miriam Young in Boston in 1893. She graduated from Miss Mary's School and attended Simmons College. After marrying Arthur Holden, she moved to New York, where she and her husband had three children. She was active in such diverse organizations as the Junior League, the Urban League, family-planning groups, and settlement-house work. She was on the advisory boards of the Women's Archives at Radcliffe College and the friends of the Columbia University Libraries, and co-authored The American Woman in Colonial and Revolutionary Times, 1565-1800. She was also a member of the National Council of the National Woman's Party and created the Miriam Young Holden Library in New York City in order to document the roles of women in history and to help researchers further the cause of women's histories. She died in 1977.
- Acquisition:
This collection was the gift of Miriam and Arthur Holden in 1980 (AM 80-58) with additional gifts from Arthur Holden in 1980 (AM 80-58a) and 1990 (AM 1990-108). Some materials were also extracted from the Arthur Holden Papers (C0767, AM 1994-121) in 1999. The collection was added to with a purchase in 1996 (AM 1996-07) and a gift from the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library in 2013 (AM 2012-72). Provenance and acquisition information was kept in tact as much as possible through reprocessing, but some materials were not documented in records.
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Processing Information
This collection underwent substantial reprocessing in 2014 by Nicholas Williams '2015, which included restructuring and re-housing of materials.
- Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Miriam Y. Holden Collection; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (scamss): Box 1-104
- Subject Terms:
- American literature -- Women authors. -- 20th century
Authors and publishers. -- 20th century
Authors, American. -- 20th century
Autographs -- Collections.
Book collectors -- United States -- 20th century
Christianity and other religions.
Civil rights -- United States -- 20th century
Civil rights movements -- United States -- 20th century
Collectors and collecting -- United States -- 20th century
Constitutional law -- United States -- 20th century
EDUCATION, HIGHER -- United States -- 20th century
Feminism -- Religious aspects -- Judaism.
Feminism and literature.
Feminists -- United States
Historians -- United States
International Women's Year, 1975.
Presidents' wives -- United States -- 20th century
Publishers and publishing.
Radio scripts -- United States
Slave records -- United States -- 19th century
Social reformers -- United States -- 20th century
Suffrage -- United States
Suffragettes -- United States -- 19th century
Women -- Economic conditions. -- 20th century
Women -- Education -- New Jersey -- Princeton.
Women -- Legal status, laws, etc.. -- 19th century
Women -- Suffrage -- United States
Women college students -- Education.
Women in politics.
Women's history.
Women's rights -- United States
Women's studies. - Genre Terms:
- Commonplace books -- 19th century
Correspondence -- 19th century
Engravings. -- 19th century - Names:
- World Center for Women's Archives
National Woman's Party
Princeton University
Asham, Jane