Includes topical files, scientific information, notes, manuscripts of works, printed matter of various forms, class records, lectures, and speeches.
Arranged by genre of material.
MSS of How Much Truth Is There in Darwin, for the Christian Century, 1948 July 7 issue, 1948 July 7
MSS for proceedings of American Philosophical Society, By Means of Low Temperatures, 1938 April 21
MSS Orientation, Differentiation, and Cleavage in the Early Development of the Egg (Crepidula), 1933
MSS The Embryology of Amphioxus, copy approved for printing by the Journal of Morphology, 1932
Principles and Possibilities of the Human Evolution - from the William Potter Memorial Lecture, 1930
Lectures, speeches, 1894-1948
Lectures and Notes, 1894-1943
Heredity and Environment - N.W. Harris Lectures at Northwestern University 1914 (six folders), 1914
Lecture notes for a general biology text, Principles of General Biology, and outline, 1921-1922
Assorted Lectures, 1895-1948
An alphabetical series of correspondence with professional colleagues and friends. And two oversize folders (photographs, etc.).
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Abbott, A. C., dates not examined
Abbott, Mather, dates not examined
Abbott, W. N., dates not examined
Algase, Gertrude, dates not examined
Andrews, E. A., dates not examined
Angell, James R., dates not examined
Ashworth, J. H., dates not examined
Bailey, L. H., dates not examined
Baltzer, F., dates not examined
Banta, A. M., dates not examined
Barba, Philip S., dates not examined
Bard, Philip, dates not examined
Barker, F. D., dates not examined
Bashford, J. W., dates not examined
Becker, Elery R., dates not examined
Beekley, Wm. M., dates not examined
Berrill, John, dates not examined
Bigelow, W. F., dates not examined
Birge, Edward A., dates not examined
Black, Marvin M., dates not examined
Bleyer, Adrian, dates not examined
Boas, Franz, dates not examined
Bogacki, Kamil, dates not examined
Boring, Alice, dates not examined
Boveri, Theodor, dates not examined
Bowden, A. O., dates not examined
Bowditch, Harold, dates not examined
Bowman, A. K., dates not examined
Boyd, Julian P., dates not examined
Boyer, Carl, dates not examined
Brachet, Albert, dates not examined
Brady, Eugene, dates not examined
Brauer, A., dates not examined
Breed, Robert S., dates not examined
Brewer, Orville, dates not examined
Bronk, Detlev W., dates not examined
Brooks, W. K., dates not examined
Brown, Amos P., dates not examined
Brumbaugh, M. G., dates not examined
Bryant, Henry G., dates not examined
Burk, Charles M., dates not examined
Burk, Jesse Y., dates not examined
Butler, Elmer G., dates not examined
Calkins, Gary M., dates not examined
Capps, Edward, dates not examined
Carter, E. C., dates not examined
Carter, W. S., dates not examined
Carty, John J., dates not examined
Cary, Austin, dates not examined
Cary, Lewis R., dates not examined
Casteel, Dana B., dates not examined
Castle, W. E., dates not examined
Cattell, Owen, dates not examined
Cattell, Ware, dates not examined
Causey, David, dates not examined
Chambers, Robert, dates not examined
Chase, H. W., dates not examined
Chidester, F. E., dates not examined
Child, C. M., dates not examined
Clark, J. Bayard, dates not examined
Clement, A. C., dates not examined
Coar, Herbert G., dates not examined
Cobb, N. A., dates not examined
Coe, W. R., dates not examined
Collins, H. H., dates not examined
Colton, S. W., dates not examined
Compton, Karl T., dates not examined
Conrad, Henry S., dates not examined
Cooke, A. E., dates not examined
Cope, E. D., dates not examined
Cotton, E. H., dates not examined
Cotton, Henry A., dates not examined
Coulter, John M., dates not examined
Cowdry, E. V., dates not examined
Crawley, Howard, dates not examined
Crew, Henry, dates not examined
Cross, Wilbur, dates not examined
Crozier, W. J., dates not examined
Cummings, E. R., dates not examined
"D" - inclusive, dates not examined
Dahlgren, Ulric, dates not examined
Dalcq, Albert, dates not examined
Daniel, J. Frank, dates not examined
Dean, Bashford, dates not examined
DeVries, Hugo, dates not examined
Dodds, Harold W., dates not examined
Dohrn, Reinhart, dates not examined
Donahue, Kenneth, dates not examined
Draper, John W., dates not examined
Drew, Gilman A., dates not examined
Driesch, Hans, dates not examined
Duggar, B. M., dates not examined
Earle, Olive, dates not examined
East, Edward M., dates not examined
Edge, Walter E., dates not examined
Edsall, David L., dates not examined
Eisen, Gustave, dates not examined
Embree, Edwin R., dates not examined
Erdmann, Rhoda, dates not examined
"F" - inclusive, dates not examined
Farr, Marcus S., dates not examined
Fels, Samuel S., dates not examined
Field, George W., dates not examined
Fine, Henry B., dates not examined
Fine, John, dates not examined
Finley, John, dates not examined
Fisher, W. K., dates not examined
Flexner, Simon, dates not examined
Floyd, William, dates not examined
Foot, Katherine, dates not examined
Fowler, Colleen, dates not examined
Fox, Henry, dates not examined
Fox, W. Sherwood, dates not examined
von Frisch, Karl, dates not examined
Fry, Henry J., dates not examined
Gaunt, Robert, dates not examined
Gee, N. Gist, dates not examined
Geiser, S. W., dates not examined
Gerould, John H., dates not examined
Gilbert, Ross W., dates not examined
Glaser, O. C., dates not examined
Goldforb, A. J., dates not examined
Goodrich, C. F., dates not examined
Goodrich, E. S., dates not examined
Goucher, J. F., dates not examined
Graf, Arnold, dates not examined
von Graff, L., dates not examined
Graham, Frank P., dates not examined
Grant, Madison, dates not examined
Grave, Caswell, dates not examined
Green, Chas W., dates not examined
Greene, Roger S., dates not examined
Greenman, M. J., dates not examined
Grier, Norman M., dates not examined
Gudger, E. W., dates not examined
Hale, George E., dates not examined
Hancock, A. B., dates not examined
Hancock, Harris, dates not examined
Harger, C. G., dates not examined
Hargitt, C. W., dates not examined
Harper, Isabel, dates not examined
Harper, R. A., dates not examined
Heath, Harold, dates not examined
Heilbrunn, L. V., dates not examined
Herlant, Maurice, dates not examined
Hickman, C. P., dates not examined
Hirasaka, H., dates not examined
Hoadley, Leigh, dates not examined
Hoar, D. Blakely, dates not examined
Holmes, David H., dates not examined
Holmes, S. J., dates not examined
Holmgren, Nils, dates not examined
Hooper, Frank F., dates not examined
Horne, Robert C., dates not examined
Howard, L. O., dates not examined
Hoy, W. E., dates not examined
Hoyt, W. F., dates not examined
Hrdlicka, Ales, dates not examined
Huber, G. Carl, dates not examined
Hughes, Percy, dates not examined
Hyman, O. W., dates not examined
Huxley, Julian, dates not examined
Illick, J. T., dates not examined
Iltis, Hugo, dates not examined
Imamura, Sakio, dates not examined
Inoue, Shinya, dates not examined
Ishikawa, C., dates not examined
Ives, C. P., dates not examined
James, Henry, dates not examined
James, Walter B., dates not examined
Jastrow, Joseph, dates not examined
Jayne, Horace, dates not examined
Jennings, H. S., dates not examined
Jesse, R. H., dates not examined
Jewett, Frank B., dates not examined
Johnson, John C., dates not examined
Johnston, J. B., dates not examined
Jones, Donald F., dates not examined
Jordan, H. E., dates not examined
Just, E. E., dates not examined
Keen, W. W., dates not examined
Kemmerer, E. W., dates not examined
Kingsley, J. S., dates not examined
Kingsley, Mary, dates not examined
Komai, Taku, dates not examined
Kribs, H. G., dates not examined
Landacre, F. L., dates not examined
Lefevre, George, dates not examined
Light, S. F., dates not examined
Lillie, Frank R., dates not examined
Lindsey, A. W., dates not examined
Linton, Edwin, dates not examined
Lipman, Jacob G., dates not examined
Loeb, Jacques, dates not examined
Loeb, Robert F., dates not examined
Longley, W. H., dates not examined
MacBride, E. W., dates not examined
MacCallum, W. G., dates not examined
MacDougl, D. T., dates not examined
Macht, David I., dates not examined
Macklin, C. C., dates not examined
Main, John H. T., dates not examined
Malisoff, W. M., dates not examined
Marchand, Henri, dates not examined
Mark, Edward L., dates not examined
Marks, E. Sidney, dates not examined
Marshall, John, dates not examined
Mason, Frances, dates not examined
Mast, S. O., dates not examined
Mayer, Alfred G., dates not examined
McClendon, J. F., dates not examined
McClung, C. E., dates not examined
McFarland, F. M., dates not examined
Mead, A. D., dates not examined
Meigs, Edward B., dates not examined
Meltzer, S. J., dates not examined
Merriam, C. Hart, dates not examined
Merriam, John C., dates not examined
Metz, Charles W., dates not examined
Miner, Roy W., dates not examined
Moore, A. R., dates not examined
Moore, George T., dates not examined
Moore, J. Percy, dates not examined
Morgan, T. H., dates not examined
Morrison, Fannie, dates not examined
Morse, Edward S., dates not examined
Moulton, F. R., dates not examined
Mowbray, A. S., dates not examined
Mudd, Stuart, dates not examined
Mullenix, R. C., dates not examined
Muller, H. J., dates not examined
Munro, Dana C., dates not examined
Musser, J. H., dates not examined
Neal, H. V., dates not examined
Neiglick, Anna, dates not examined
Nelson, E. T., dates not examined
Nelson, James A., dates not examined
Neville, Ruby, dates not examined
Newman, H. H., dates not examined
Nickerson, W. S., dates not examined
Norman, W. W., dates not examined
Ortmann, A. E., dates not examined
Orton, J. H., dates not examined
Oshima, Hiroshi, dates not examined
Parker, G. H., dates not examined
Parkhurst, Helen, dates not examined
Paton, David, dates not examined
Paton, Stewart, dates not examined
Patten, William, dates not examined
Patterson, J. T., dates not examined
Pearl, Raymond, dates not examined
Pearse, A. S., dates not examined
Peck, Fred B., dates not examined
Penhallow, D. P., dates not examined
Pennock, Edward, dates not examined
Pensa, Antonio, dates not examined
Pepper, William, dates not examined
Phillips, E. F., dates not examined
Pickering, I., dates not examined
Pinchot, Gifford, dates not examined
Pine, John B., dates not examined
Pinsky, David, dates not examined
Pollard, J. E., dates not examined
Pond, Samuel E., dates not examined
Pratt, Henry S., dates not examined
Quinn, Arthur H., dates not examined
Rand, Herbert W., dates not examined
Ratcliffe, S. K., dates not examined
Read, David A., dates not examined
Reagan, F. P., dates not examined
Reed, H. S., dates not examined
Reese, Albert M., dates not examined
Reighard, Jacob, dates not examined
Reiland, Karl, dates not examined
Reiner, Jacob, dates not examined
Reinke, E. E., dates not examined
Retzius, Gustav, dates not examined
Rice, C. Hilton, dates not examined
Richards, Aute, dates not examined
Riddle, Oscar, dates not examined
Riesman, David, dates not examined
Rignana, Eugenio, dates not examined
Roberts, Owen J., dates not examined
Rockey, N. L., dates not examined
Rogers, Fred W., dates not examined
Rose, Wickliffe, dates not examined
Roux, Wilhelm, dates not examined
Rucker, W. H., dates not examined
Ryder, John A., dates not examined
Sarton, George, dates not examined
Savage, Henry L., dates not examined
Schaeffer, A. A., dates not examined
Schaper, Mary, dates not examined
Schelling, Felix, dates not examined
Schiedt, R. C., dates not examined
Schmidt, G. A., dates not examined
Schmucker, S. C., dates not examined
Scott, Samuel B., dates not examined
Scott, W. E. D., dates not examined
See, T. J. J., dates not examined
Seifriz, William, dates not examined
Senior, H. D., dates not examined
Shapiro, Herbert, dates not examined
Shaw, Charles H., dates not examined
Shull, George H., dates not examined
Smallwood, W. M., dates not examined
Smith, Edgar F., dates not examined
Smith, Theobald, dates not examined
Snook, H. Clyde, dates not examined
Sparks, Edwin E., dates not examined
Speidel, Carl C., dates not examined
Spemann, Hans, dates not examined
Spitzka, Anthony, dates not examined
Stanton, T. W., dates not examined
Stockard, C. R., dates not examined
Stone, Witmer, dates not examined
Street, Julian, dates not examined
Strobel, E. C., dates not examined
Sumner, F. B., dates not examined
Swingle, W. W., dates not examined
Taylor, C. V., dates not examined
Teall, Edward N., dates not examined
Tennent, D. H., dates not examined
Terry, R. J., dates not examined
Thomas, M. Carey, dates not examined
Thomas, Norman, dates not examined
Tonks, Oliver S., dates not examined
Turner, Ewart E., dates not examined
Tyson, Stuart L., dates not examined
Vaise, Andre, dates not examined
van Dyke, Henry, dates not examined
Veblen, Oswald, dates not examined
Vejdovsky, F., dates not examined
Vincent, John H., dates not examined
Vogt, W., dates not examined
Wade, F. D., dates not examined
Walsh, James J., dates not examined
Walton, Barnard, dates not examined
Ward, Henry B., dates not examined
Wardwell, E. H., dates not examined
Watase, S., dates not examined
Weber, R., dates not examined
Weber, S. E., dates not examined
Weiss, Paul, dates not examined
Welch, Herbert, dates not examined
Wells, H. Gideon, dates not examined
Werbik, Marie, dates not examined
Wessell, Elmer, dates not examined
Westerberg, Hugo, dates not examined
Wheeler, Wilfrid, dates not examined
White, E. Grace, dates not examined
Whiting, Anna R., dates not examined
Whitman, Frank, dates not examined
Whitney, W. R., dates not examined
Whynman, Edward, dates not examined
Wieland, G. R., dates not examined
Wigmore, John H., dates not examined
Wilcox, Alice W., dates not examined
Wilcox, Helen M., dates not examined
Wilcox, M. A., dates not examined
Wilder, Burt G., dates not examined
Wiley, Harvey W., dates not examined
Wilson, H. V., dates not examined
Wilson, W. P., dates not examined
Wilson, Woodrow, dates not examined
Wilson, Woodrow, dates not examined
Wilson, Woodrow, dates not examined
Winston, A. P., dates not examined
Witschi, Emil, dates not examined
Wood, William A., dates not examined
Woodard, T. M., dates not examined
Woodward, George, dates not examined
Wright, Helen, dates not examined
Wright, Henry W., dates not examined
Wright, Ramsay, dates not examined
Yocum, A. Duncan, dates not examined
Young, D. B., dates not examined
Zabriskie, A. A., dates not examined
Zeleny, Charles, dates not examined
Includes various financial papers, documents, and many travel brochures and information.
Arranged by genre of material.
Includes correspondence and related papers with professional and academic organizations.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Includes (unorganized) printed matter (booklets, magazines, clippings, etc.), correspondence, financial and organizational papers, drawings, photographs, and blueprints.
Arranged by genre of material.
Unorganized correspondence, documents, financial and organizational papers, etc., dates not examined
Consists of many unorganized glass microscopic slides.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
- Scope and Contents
The collection consists of works, correspondence, documents, and other material of Conklin. Included are manuscripts and notes of articles, lectures, and speeches, many of which reflect his life-long interest in three organisms, crepidula, cynthia (styla), and amphioxus, as well as Darwinism, and heredity and environment; correspondence regarding scientific, academic, and personal matters; material relating to professional (Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research) and academic (Phi Beta Kappa and The American Scholar, and various groups at the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton) interests; and papers regarding organizations in which Conklin was involved, such as the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, the American Association of University Professors, the American Philosophical Society, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, the Carnegie Institution, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Research Council, and the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. The collection also contains many slides used by Conklin to illustrate his lectures.
- Collection Creator Biography:
American biologist and educator, Edwin Grant Conklin specialized in embryology and cytology and was an ardent evolutionist. He was one of the leading proponents of the importance of cytoplasmic localization and segregation during development. Chairman of the biology department at Princeton (1908-1933), he published the widely-read Heredity and Environment in the Development of Men (1915).
- Acquisition:
Gift of Isabel Conklin. Additions transferred from the Princeton University archives.
- Custodial History
The collection was formed as a result of a departmental practice of combining into one collection manuscript material of various accessions relating to a particular author.
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Edwin Grant Conklin Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- This is stored in multiple locations.
- ReCAP (scarcpxm): Box 1-62
- Firestone Library (scamss): Box 63-87
- Subject Terms:
- Amphioxus.
Biologists -- United States. -- 20th century
Biology -- Study and teaching -- United States. -- 20th century
Cynthia (insects)
Princeton University -- Faculty. -- 20th century - Genre Terms:
- Correspondence
Microscope slides. - Names:
- Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching
Carnegie Institution of Washington.
American Association for the Advancement of Sciences
American association of university professors
American philosophical society
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.
Woods Hole oceanographic institution
Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.
National Academy of Sciences U.S.
Marine biological laboratory Woods Hole, Mass.
National Research Council U.S.
Princeton University. Dept. of Biology.
Scopes, John Thomas (1900-1970)