Contents and Arrangement

"Vatikanskii spisok" ("Codex Vaticanus"), undated

1 folder

Collection Overview

Collection Description & Creator Information

Scope and Contents

Copies of OM's 1930-1935 poems made by NM in 1935, 8 envelopes, each contains several numbered pages of poems, pp. missing: 12, 23-24, part of 29-30, 31-32, 1. pp. 1-8 (1930-1935)

1. pp. 1-8: I. Kuda kak strashno nam s toboi..., no. 202II. Ty rozu Gafiza kolyshesh..., no. 204III. Akh, nichego ia ne vizhu..., no. 296IV. Ty krasok sebe pozhelala..., no. 205V. Zakutav rot, kak vlazhnuiu rozu..., no. 207VI. Ruku platkom obmotai..., no. 178VII. Orushchikh kamnei gosudarstvo..., no. 179VIII. Ne razvaliny -- net..., no. 180IX. Kholodno roze v snegu..., 211X. Kakaia roskosh v nishchenskom selen'i..., no. 183XI. O porfirnye tsokaia granity..., no. 182XII. Lazur' da glina, glina da lazur'..., no. 215XIII. Ia tebia nikogda ne uvizhu..., no. 184XIV. Na politseiskoi bumage verzhe..., no. 189XV. Ne govori nikomu..., no. 201XVI. Koliuchaia rech araratskoi doliny..., no. 186XVII. Kak liub mne natugoi zhivushchii..., 217XVIII. Dikaia koshka armianskaia rech..., no. 218XIX. I po zverinomu voet liud'e... no. 220XX. Ia vernulsia v moi gorod, znakomyi do slez..., no. 221 verso: "Odin evrei, dolzhno byt'...," no.?: stanza in hand of NMXXI. S mirom derzhavnym ia byl lish rebiacheski sviazan..., no. 222XXII. My s toboi na kukhne posidim..., no. 224XXIII. Ia skazhu tebe s poslednei priamotoi..., no. 226XXIV. Za gremuchuiu doblest' griadushchikh vekov..., 197XXV. Koliut resnitsy. V grudi prikipela sleza.., no. 229XXVI. Zhil Aleksandr Gertsevich..., no. 228XXVII. Noch na dvore. Barskaia lzha... no. 204XXVIII. Net, ne spriatatsia mne ot velikoi mury..., no. 232XXIX. Ia s dymiashchei luchinoi vkhozhu... ( Nepravda), no. 231 (no title)XXX. Ia p'iu za voennye astry, za vse, chem korili menia..., no. 2332. pp. 9-11: I. Sokhrani moiu rech navsegda..., no. 235, Moscow, Starosadskii per.II. Neuzheli ia uvizhu zavtra? ( Kantsonna), no. 236III. Polnoch v Moskve. Roskoshno buddiiskoe leto..., no. 260[IV-VII: "Otryvki iz unichtozhennykh stikhov" (fragments of destroyed poems), 2 copies]IV. V god tridtsat' pervyi ot rozhden'ia veka..., no. 237V. Uzh ia liubliu moskovskie zakony..., no. 238VI. Zakhochesh zhit', togda gliadish s ulybkoi..., no. 239VII. Ia bol'she ne rebenok..., no. 240VIII. Dovol'no kuksit'sia! Bumagi v stol zasunem..., no. 2473. pp. 13-16: I. Segodnia mozhno sniat' dekal'komani..., no. 221II. Eshche daleko mne do patriarkha..., no. 251III. Tam, gde kupal'ni-bumagopriadil'ni..., no. 224IV. O, kak my liubim litsemerit'..., no. 253V. Lamark ( Byl starik, zastenchivyi, kak mal'chik...), no. 254VI. Kogda v dalekuiu Koreiu..., no. 255VII. Daite Tiutchevu strekozu..., no. 259VIII. "Kakoe leto! Molodykh rabochikh... ": last stanza of Segodnia mozhno sniat' dekal'komani... no. 221, later copy in hand of NM4. pp. 17-19: I. Vy pomnite, kak beguny..., no. 257, VoronezhII. "Uvy, rastaiala svecha...": last four stanzas of Novellino ( Vy pomnite, kak beguny...), no. 256III. Impressionizm ( Khudozhnik nam izobrazil...), no. 258IV-VI. Stikhi o russkoi poezii...: Siad', Derzhavin, razvalis'..., no. 233, undated Zashumela, zadrozhala..., no. 263, 1932 July 4 Poliubil ia les prekrasnyi..., no. 235, 1932 July 3-7VII. Batiushkov ( Slovno guliaka s volshebnoiu trost'iu...), no. 2615. pp. 20-22: I. Sebia gubia, sebe protivorecha..., 266II. Ne iskushai chuzhikh narechii, no postaraisia ikh zabyt'..., no. 240III. Ariost ( Vo vsei Italii priiatneishii, umneishii...), no. 267IV. Drug Ariosta, drug Petrarki, Tasso drug..., 269, Old Crimea, 1933 May Voronezh; 1935 August On reverse side: Ukrashalsia otbornoi sobachinoi..., no. 353: copy in hand of NM (blue ink), crossed out in pencil, undatedV. Ariost (V Evrope kholodno, v Italii temno...)6. pp. 25-28: I. Liubliu poiavlenie tkani..., no. 275, Moscow, 1933 November, Voronezh, 1935 JulyII. Liubliu poiavlenie tkani.., variant, no. 276, MoscowIII. O, babochka, o, musul'manka..., no. 247, MoscowIV. Shestogo chuvstva kroshechnyi pridatok..., no. 278, MoscowV. Preodolev zatverzhennost' prirody..., no. 249, MoscowVI. Kogda, unichtozhiv nabrosok..., no. 250, MoscowVII. I Shubert na vode i Motsart v ptich'em game..., no. 281, MoscowVIII. I klena zubchataia lapa..., no. 282, MoscowIX. Skazhi mne, chertezhnik pustyni..., no. 253, MoscowX. V igol'chatykh chumnykh bokalakh..., no. 254, MoscowXI. I ia vykhozhu iz prostranstva..., no. 285, Moscow, fragment torn off, date missingXII. Kak iz odnoi vysokogornoi shcheli..., no. 256, Moscow, date corrected in pencilXIII. Reka, razbukhshaia ot slez solenykh..., no. 488, date corrected in pencilXIV. Kak solovei sirotstvuiushchii slavit..., no. 487, date corrected in pencilXV. Kogda usnet zemlia i zhar otpyshet..., no. 489, Moscow, date corrected in pencilXVI. Promchalis' dni moi, kak by olenei kosiashchii beg..., no. 490, Moscow date corrected in pencil 7. pp. 29-307. pp. 29-30: I. On dirizhiroval kavkazskimi gorami..., no. 262II. A posredi tolpy --zadumchivyi, bradatyi..., no. 290III. Masteritsa vinovatykh vzorov..., no. 2958. pp. 33-40: I. Ia zhivu na vazhnykh ogorodakh..., no. 304II. Naushnichki, naushniki moi!..., no. 268III. Pusti menia, otdai menia, Voronezh..IV. Ia dolzhen zhit', khotia ia dvazhdy umer..., no. 305V. Chernozem ( Pereuvazhena, perecherna, vsia v khole...), no. 299VI. Mir nachinalsia strashen i velik..., no. 516VII. Mne kazhetsia, my govorit' dolzhny..., no. ?VIII. Da, ia lezhu v zemle, gubami shevelia..., no. 306IX. Eshche my zhizn'iu polny v polnoi mere..., no. 302X. Den' stoial o piati golovakh. Sploshnye piat' sutok..., no. 313XI. Ot syroi prostyni govoriashchaia..., no. 281XII. Rimskikh nochei polnovesnye slitki... no. 284XIII. Vozmozhna li zhenshchine mertvoi khvala?..., no. 314, last two lines corrected in pencil in hand of NMXIV. Na mertvykh resnitsakh Isaakii zamerz..., no. 315XV. Kak na Kame-reke glazu temno, kogda..., no. 308XVI. Ia smotrel, udaliaias' na khvoinyi vostok..., no. 310XVII-XXIII Stansy, no. 312XVII. "Ia ne khochu sred' iunoshei teplichnykh..."XVIII. "Prokliatyi shov, nelepaia zateia..."XIX. "Podumaesh, kak v Cherdyne-golube..."XX. "I ty, Moskva, sestra moia, legka..."XXI. "Moia strana so mnoiu govorila..."XXII. "Ia dolzhen zhit', dysha i bol'sheveia..."XXIII. "I ne ograblen ia i ne nadlomlen..."XXIV. Bezhit volna, volnoi volne khrebet lomaia..., no. 319XXV. Ispolniu dymchatyi obriad..., no. 318XXVI. Za Paganini dlinnopalym..., no. 298XXVII. Ne muchnistoi babochkoiu beloi..., no. 288, Voronezh


The collection has been foldered strictly in the order in which it was found. Most of the material had been previously processed and described. Many items were identified and grouped by Nadezhda Mandelʹshtam; part of the collection was organized by Nikolai Khardzhiev; much of the work on collating and describing poetry and prose manuscripts was done by Irina Semenko. The present inventory draws almost exclusively on these earlier descriptions. In several cases, however, no description was available, and attempts were made to organize certain items (without disturbing the original order of item envelopes) and identify them. Thus, Nadezhda Mandelʹshtam's correspondence (Box 3, Folders 102-104) has been itemized and chronologically arranged within the three envelopes in which it was originally placed. Some additional corrections (Boxes 1 & 3) have been made by Pavel Polian (Nerler) in December 1999.

Material for some items was frequently found in different parts of the collection, therefore, for prose, cross-reference has been made to relevant folders. Besides, for poetry and for prose, respective indexes to titles and first lines have been compiled. For letters, there are indexes to addressees and senders.

Collection History


No appraisal information is available.

Processing Information

This collection was processed by Yevgeny Pavlov in 1997. Finding aid written by Yevgeny Pavlov in 1997.

During 2022, restrictions on original materials where researchers were required to use surrogates were lifted as part of a restrictions review project.

Access & Use

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

The Trustees of Princeton University hold the copyright for materials in this collection that were created by Osip Mandel'shtam. Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, any copyright vested in the donor has passed to The Trustees of Princeton University and researchers do not need to obtain permission, complete any forms, or receive a letter to move forward with use of donor-created materials within the collection. For materials in the collection not created by the donor, or where the material is not an original, the copyright is likely not held by the University. In these instances, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have a question about who owns the copyright for an item, you may request clarification by contacting us through the Ask Us! form.

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Credit this material:

"Vatikanskii spisok" ("Codex Vaticanus"); Osip Mandelʹshtam Papers, C0539, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library

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