The American Civil Liberties Union Records, The Roger Baldwin years, document the activities of the ACLU from 1917 through 1950. The files contain materials on conscientious objection, freedom of speech, academic and religious freedom, censorship, labor rights, the Espionage Act of 1917, political demonstrations, political propaganda, the Ku Klux Klan and other patrioteering organizations, mob violence, racism, lynching, and other civil liberty issues. Materials include correspondence and newspaper clippings.
Materials are physically arranged in the volumes first by format (correspondence or newspaper clippings), and then chronologically. The microfilm is a direct copy of the volumes. Several volumes appear on one reel of microfilm. For example, Reel 1 contains Volumes 1-8. The Reel Contents list provides a list of reels and the volumes they contain. In addition to the Reel Contents list, the Clippings Series and Correspondence Series provides a list of the same material organized by format and topic.
Clippings--States--CA, 1912
Clippings--States--CA, 1912
Correspondence--States, 1917-1918
CA, dates not examined
IL, IN, IA, KS, dates not examined
NY, NM, ND, NC, dates not examined
OH, OK, OR, PA, dates not examined
WA, WV, WI, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1917-1919
Clippings--General, 1917-1919
Deportations, dates not examined
Espionage Act, dates not examined
Free Speech, dates not examined
IWW Cases, dates not examined
Espionage Act, dates not examined
Espionage Act, dates not examined
Espionage Act, dates not examined
Sedition, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1918-1923
Correspondence--General, 1918-1919
Correspondence--General, 1917-1919
Indictments, 1917-1918
Jail Conditions, 1918-1919
Military Amnesty, 1919
Legal Defense Requests [by state], 1919
Military Prisons, 1919
Alcatraz Island; Fort Douglas; Fort Jay (Governor's Island); Jefferson Barracks, dates not examined
Fort Leavenworth, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, 1918-1919
A-B, dates not examined
C-E, dates not examined
F-L, dates not examined
M-P, dates not examined
R-Z, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, undated
Clippings--General, 1919-1920
Clippings--States, 1919-1920
Correspondence--States, 1920
Clippings--General, 1919-1920
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1920
Clippings--Legislation, 1920
Clippings--General, 1920
Correspondence--General, 1920
Correspondence--General, 1920
Correspondence--States, 1920
Correspondence--States, 1920
Clippings--States, 1920
CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
MN, MS, MO, MT, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
WA, dates not examined
Correspondence--Organizational Matters--Weekly Reports on Civil Liberty Situation, 1920-1921
Correspondence--States, 1920-1921
AL, AZ, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NY, undated
Legal Case Files, dates not examined
Legal Notes, dates not examined
Writings, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1921
Correspondence--General, 1921
Correspondence--States, 1921
AL, CA, dates not examined
Clippings--General, undated
Correspondence--States, 1921
Clippings--General, 1921
Clippings--States, 1921
NJ, NY, dates not examined
TX, VA, WA, WV, WI, Haiti, Philippine Islands, PR, Dominican Republic, VI, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1921
Correspondence--States, 1921
IL, dates not examined
IN, IA, KS, dates not examined
NE, NJ, NM, NY, dates not examined
WV, WI, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1921-1922
Clippings--General, 1921
Negroes, dates not examined
Ku Klux Klan, dates not examined
Strikes, dates not examined
Strikes, 1921
Alabama-New York, 1921
North Carolina-Wisconsin, 1921
West Virginia, 1921
Correspondence--General, 1922
Clippings--General, 1922
Clippings--States, undated
Clippings--General, undated
Clippings--Academic Freedom, undated
Clippings--Legislation, undated
Clippings--General, 1922
Clippings--States, 1922
Clippings--General--Strikes, 1922
Clippings--States, 1922
Correspondence--States, 1922
AL, AR, AZ, CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, FL, FL, dates not examined
KS, dates not examined
KS, KY, LA, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
NY, ND, OH, OK, dates not examined
PA, RI, dates not examined
SC, SD, TN, TX, dates not examined
VI, Samoa, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1923
Clippings--General, 1923
Ku Klux Klan, dates not examined
Ku Klux Klan, dates not examined
Amnesty Campaign, dates not examined
Federal Departments, undated
Labor, undated
Clippings--States, 1923
AL, AZ, AR, CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DE, CA, dates not examined
LA, MD, MA, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1923
AL, AZ, AR, CA, dates not examined
OH, OK, OR, PA, dates not examined
WV, WI, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1924
Clippings--General, 1924
Clippings--States, 1924
Correspondence--States, 1924
AL, AK, AZ, AR, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MA, MI, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
PA, RI, dates not examined
TX, VA, WA, dates not examined
WV, WI, WA, dates not examined
VI, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1925
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1925
Clippings--General, 1925
Correspondence--States, 1925
AL, AZ, AR, CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
TX, UT, VA, WA, dates not examined
WV, WI, WA, dates not examined
VI, dates not examined
Clippings--States, 1925
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1926
Clippings--Legislation, 1926
Correspondence--General, undated
Clippings--General, 1926
Correspondence--States, 1926
Clippings--States, 1926
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1927
Correspondence--General, undated
Third Degree, dates not examined
Aliens, dates not examined
Attacks on ACLU, dates not examined
Attacks on ACLU, dates not examined
Clippings--Legislation, 1927
Clippings--States, 1927
Correspondence--States, 1927
Clippings--States, 1927
MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NJ, NY, NM, ND, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, WI, dates not examined
AR, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, NY, NM, NC, OH, OK, OR, SD, TN, TX, WV, WA, General, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1928
Clippings--Censorship, undated
Clippings--General, undated
Clippings--Legislation, 1928
Clippings--General, undated
Correspondence--General, 1928
Correspondence--States, 1928
AR, CA, dates not examined
CO, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
NM, NY, OH, OK, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
Clippings--States, 1928
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1929
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1929
Correspondence--General, 1929
Clippings--Censorship, 1929
Clippings--General, undated
Possessions, dates not examined
Foreign, dates not examined
Bail Fund, dates not examined
Mob Violence, dates not examined
Clippings--States, 1929
Correspondence--States, 1929
AZ, CA, dates not examined
CA, CO, CT, dates not examined
NY, NC, dates not examined
NC, dates not examined
OH, PA, dates not examined
Correspondence--Censorship, 1930
Clippings--States, 1930
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1930
Clippings--Legislation, 1930
Clippings--States, 1930
Clippings--General, 1930
Clippings--States, 1930
Correspondence--States, 1930
AL, AR, AZ, dates not examined
AL, AR, AZ, CO, dates not examined
CO, CT, DC, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
GA, dates not examined
GA, dates not examined
IL, IN, IA, dates not examined
KS, KY, LA, MA, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
WA, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1931
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1931
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1931
Correspondence--State Legislation, 1931
Clippings--General, 1931
Correspondence--Censorship, 1931
Correspondence--General, undated
Clippings--General, 1931
Correspondence--General, 1931
Clippings--General, 1931
Clippings--States, 1931
AL, AZ, AR, dates not examined
KY, dates not examined
LA, MD, MA, MI, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1931
CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DE, DC, dates not examined
KY, dates not examined
LA, ME, MD, MA, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
MI, MN, MS, MO, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, OH, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
RI, SC, TN, TX, dates not examined
Correspondence--Censorship, 1931-1933
Correspondence--Censorship, 1931-1933
Correspondence--Censorship, 1931-1933
Correspondence--States, 1932-1933
NYC, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1932
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1932
Clippings--General, 1932
Lynchings; Negroes; Patrioteering Organizations; Religious Freedom; Third Degree, dates not examined
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1932
Correspondence--General, 1932
Correspondence--Injunctions, 1932
Clippings--Legislation, 1932
Clippings--General, undated
Correspondence--General, 1932
Clippings--States, 1932
AL, dates not examined
AR, CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DE, DC, dates not examined
DC, dates not examined
FL, GA, IL, dates not examined
IN, IA, KS, KY, dates not examined
KY, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NY, NC, ND, OH, dates not examined
TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, VI, Haiti, Philippine Islands, PR, Nicaragua, HI, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1932
AL, dates not examined
AZ, CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
DC, dates not examined
FL, GA, dates not examined
GA, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IN, KY, dates not examined
KY, dates not examined
LA, ME, MD, MA, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MI, MN, dates not examined
MN, MS, MO, dates not examined
NE, NV, NH, NJ, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, ND, OH, dates not examined
OH, OK, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1932
PA, dates not examined
PA, RI, TN, TX, dates not examined
VT, VA, dates not examined
Clippings--States, 1932-1933
PA, dates not examined
Clippings--Censorship, 1933
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1933
Correspondence--General, 1933
Correspondence--General, 1933
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1933
AR, CA, FL, IL, IA, KY, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, NJ, NY, RI, TX, WA, WI, General News, dates not examined
Correspondence--Censorship, 1933
Correspondence--Censorship, 1933
Motion Pictures; Theatre, undated
Correspondence--Censorship, 1933
Theatre, dates not examined
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1933
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1933
Correspondence--Injunctions, 1933
Correspondence--States, 1933
Correspondence--General, 1933
Clippings--Legislation, 1933
Clippings--States, 1933
Clippings--General, 1933
Clippings--General, 1933
Clippings--States, 1933
AL, dates not examined
AL, dates not examined
AR, CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
IL, IN, IA, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
WV, WI, Panama Canal Zone, Cuba, Haiti, HI, Philippine Islands, Samoa, VI, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1933
AL, dates not examined
AL, dates not examined
AZ, AR, CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
Canada, CO, CT, dates not examined
DE, DC, FL, dates not examined
GA, dates not examined
ID, IL, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IN, IA, KS, KY, dates not examined
KY, LA, ME, MD, dates not examined
MA, MI, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1933
NY, dates not examined
NC, OH, dates not examined
OH, OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
RI, SC, SD, TN, dates not examined
TX, UT, VT, dates not examined
VA, WA, WV, WI, dates not examined
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1934
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1934
Clippings--General--Aliens, undated
Clippings--Academic Freedom, undated
Clippings--General--Aliens, undated
Clippings-Censorship, undated
Correspondence--General--Aliens, 1934
Clippings--Censorship, 1934
Clippings--Academic Freedom, undated
Correspondence--Censorship, 1934
AL, CA, IL, IN, IA, LA, MA, MI, MO, NY, OH, VA, WI, WY, Federal Censorship, dates not examined
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1934
Correspondence--Censorship, 1934
Correspondence--Censorship, 1934
Correspondence--Injunctions, 1934
Clippings--Legislation, undated
Clippings--General, undated
Clippings--States--NYC, 1934
Correspondence--States--NYC, 1934
Correspondence--General, 1934
Clippings--General, 1934
Correspondence--General, 1934
Clippings--States, 1934
AL, AZ, AR, CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
NM, NY, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1934
AL, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
CA, Canada, CO, dates not examined
CT, DE, DC, dates not examined
DC, dates not examined
GA, dates not examined
ID, IL, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IN, IA, KS, dates not examined
KY, LA, ME, MD, dates not examined
MD, MA, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, ND, OH, dates not examined
OH, OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1935
Correspondence--Censorship, 1935
Radio Censorship, dates not examined
Correspondence--Censorship, 1935
Clippings--Censorship, 1935
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1935
Clippings--Legislation, 1935
Correspondence--General, 1935
Clippings--General, 1935
Clippings--Legislation, 1935
Clippings--States, 1935
NYC, NY, dates not examined
NYC, dates not examined
NYC, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1935
Correspondence--Injunctions, 1935
Correspondence--State Legislation, 1935
Clippings--States, 1935
NYC, dates not examined
AL, AZ, AR, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NM, dates not examined
PA, RI, SC, SD, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1935
AL, AZ, dates not examined
AR, dates not examined
AR, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DE, DC, dates not examined
DC, FL, GA, dates not examined
ID, GA, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IL, IN, IA, KS, dates not examined
KY, dates not examined
LA, ME, MD, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MI, MN, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NM, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, ND, dates not examined
OH, dates not examined
OK, dates not examined
OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
WI, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1936
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1936
Correspondence--General, undated
Clippings--Censorship, 1936
Clippings--Censorship, 1936
Clippings--Censorship, undated
Clippings--General, undated
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1936
Clippings--Legislation, 1936
Clippings--General, 1936
Clippings--States, 1936
NYC, dates not examined
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1936
Correspondence--State Legislation, 1936
Clippings--General, 1936
Correspondence--General--Radio, 1936
Clippings--States, 1936
AL, AK, AZ, AR, dates not examined
Clippings--States, 1936
Correspondence--States, 1936
AL, dates not examined
AL, AZ, AR, dates not examined
AR, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DE, DC, dates not examined
DC, FL, dates not examined
GA, ID, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IN, dates not examined
IN, IA, KS, KY, dates not examined
KY, LA, dates not examined
ME, MD, MA, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
MN, MS, MO, MT, dates not examined
NE, NH, NJ, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NJ, NM, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, ND, OH, dates not examined
OH, OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
RI, PA, SC, SD, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1936
TN, TX, UT, VT, dates not examined
VA, WA, dates not examined
PR, Samoa, VI, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1937
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1937
Correspondence--Censorship, 1937
Clippings--Censorship, 1937
Correspondence--Censorship, 1937
Clippings--Legislation, 1937
Correspondence--General, 1937
Correspondence--General, undated
Third Degree; Religious Freedom; Mass Picketing and Violence in Strikes, dates not examined
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1937
Clippings--Legislation, 1937
Correspondence--General, undated
Correspondence--Injunctions, undated
PA, dates not examined
RI, SD, TX, WV, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1937
Clippings--States, 1937
NYC, dates not examined
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1937
Legislation, undated
Correspondence--General, 1937
Clippings--General, 1937
Clippings--States, 1937
AL, AZ, AR, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NJ, NM, dates not examined
NC, OH, OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1937
AL, dates not examined
AZ, AR, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DE, DC, dates not examined
DC, dates not examined
FL, dates not examined
FL, dates not examined
GA, dates not examined
GA, ID, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IN, IA, KS, dates not examined
KY, LA, dates not examined
ME, dates not examined
MD, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NM, NY, dates not examined
NC, ND, OH, dates not examined
OH, dates not examined
OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
RI, SC, TN, dates not examined
TX, dates not examined
PR, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1938
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1938
Clippings--Censorship, 1938
Correspondence--Censorship, 1938
Correspondence--Censorship, undated
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1938
Clippings--Legislation, 1938
Clippings--Legislation, undated
Correspondence--General, 1938
Clippings--General, 1938
Correspondence--Injunctions, undated
Clippings--States, 1938
NYC, dates not examined
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1938
Clippings--General, 1938
Clippings--General, undated
Clippings--States, 1938
AL, AR, CA, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1938
AL, AZ, AR, dates not examined
CA (Mooney Case), dates not examined
CA - Northern CA, dates not examined
CA - Southern CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DC, dates not examined
FL, GA, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IL, IN, dates not examined
IA, dates not examined
KS, KY, LA, dates not examined
ME, MD, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NJ, NM, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, ND, dates not examined
OH, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
PA, RI, TN, dates not examined
TX, dates not examined
PR, dates not examined
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1939
Correspondence--Censorship, 1939
Clippings--Censorship, 1939
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1939
Clippings--Legislation, 1939
Correspondence--General, 1939
Clippings--General, 1939
Clippings--General, 1939
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1939
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1939
Correspondence--General, 1939
Clippings--General, 1939
Correspondence--State Legislation, 1939
Clippings--States, 1939
AL, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NY, NC, OH, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1939
AL, AZ, AR, dates not examined
CA - Northern CA, dates not examined
CA - Southern CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DE, dates not examined
DC, FL, dates not examined
GA, IL, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IN, IA, KS, dates not examined
KY, LA, ME, dates not examined
MD, MA, dates not examined
MA, MI, dates not examined
MI, MN, dates not examined
MS, MO, NE, NH, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NJ, NM, NY, dates not examined
NC, OH, dates not examined
OH, OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
PA, RI, dates not examined
SC, TN, TX, dates not examined
TX, VT, VA, dates not examined
PR, dates not examined
PR, VI, dates not examined
WA, WI, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1939
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1940
AR, CA, CO, GA, MI, MO, MT, NJ, NY, OK, PA, TN, WI, Academic Freedom: General, dates not examined
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1940
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1940
NY, dates not examined
NY, OK, dates not examined
PA, TN, WI, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1940
Clippings--Censorship, undated
Correspondence--Censorship, 1940
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1940
Clippings--Legislation, 1940
Clippings--General, 1940
Correspondence--General, 1940
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1940
Correspondence--General, 1940
Clippings--General, 1940
Correspondence--General, undated
Clippings--States, 1940
Correspondence--States, 1940
AL, AZ, AR, dates not examined
CA - Northern CA, dates not examined
CA - Southern CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DE, DC, dates not examined
DC, dates not examined
FL, GA, ID, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IN, IA, KS, KY, dates not examined
LA, ME, MD, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
MN, MS, dates not examined
MS, MO, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NJ, NM, NY, dates not examined
NC, ND, OH, dates not examined
OK, dates not examined
OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
TX, UT, VT, dates not examined
VT, VA, dates not examined
WA, WV, dates not examined
PR, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1941
MO, NH, NJ, NY, dates not examined
NYC, OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, TN, VT, WA, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1941
Birth Control; Negroes; Poll Tax; Religious Freedom; Violence and Discrimination, dates not examined
Correspondence--Censorship, 1941
Clippings--Censorship, 1941
Correspondence--General, 1941
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1941
Clippings--Legislation, 1941
Clippings--General, 1941
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1941
Clippings--General, 1941
Correspondence--General, undated
Correspondence--State Legislation, 1941
Clippings--General, 1941
Clippings--States, 1941
AL, AR, CA, dates not examined
MN, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1941
AL, AR, AZ, dates not examined
CA - Northern CA, dates not examined
CA - Southern CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, dates not examined
DE, DC, FL, dates not examined
FL, dates not examined
GA, dates not examined
ID, IL, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IL, IN, dates not examined
IN, dates not examined
IA, KS, dates not examined
KS, KY, dates not examined
LA, ME, MD, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MI, MN, dates not examined
MN, MS, MO, dates not examined
MT, NH, NJ, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NM, NY, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, OH, OK, dates not examined
OK, OR, PA, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
TX, dates not examined
TX, UT, VT, dates not examined
VA, WA, WV, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1942
Birth Control; Poll Tax; Religious Freedom; Violence and Discrimination, dates not examined
Clippings--Censorship, 1942
Correspondence--Censorship, 1942
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1942
Clippings--General, 1942
Enemy Aliens, dates not examined
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1942
Clippings--Legislation, 1942
Correspondence--General, 1942
Clippings--General, 1942
Correspondence--General, 1942
Minority Parties, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1942
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1942
Clippings--General, 1942
Correspondence--General, 1942
Clippings--General, 1942
Correspondence--General, 1942
Radio, dates not examined
Clippings--States, 1942
Correspondence--States, 1942
AL, AZ, dates not examined
AR, CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
CT, DE, DC, FL, dates not examined
GA, ID, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
IN, IA, KS, dates not examined
KY, LA, ME, MD, dates not examined
MA, dates not examined
MI, MN, dates not examined
MS, MO, dates not examined
MO, dates not examined
MT, NE, NH, NJ, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NM, NY, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NY, NC, dates not examined
OH, dates not examined
OK, dates not examined
OR, PA, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
TX, UT, VT, dates not examined
VA, dates not examined
WA, WV, WI, dates not examined
Clippings--Censorship, undated
Clippings--General, 1943
Correspondence--Censorship, 1943
Clippings--General, undated
Correspondence--General, 1943
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1943
Correspondence--Federal Departments, 1943
Correspondence--General, 1943
Correspondence--General, undated
Enemy Aliens, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1943
Clippings--Legislation, 1943
Clippings--General--Negroes, 1943
Correspondence--General, 1943
Clippings--States, 1943
NYC, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1943
Clippings--General, 1943
Clippings--General, 1943
Correspondence--General, 1943
Sedition Cases, dates not examined
Sedition Cases, dates not examined
War, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1943
Clippings--States, 1943
AL, AR, CA, dates not examined
MI, dates not examined
MI, MN, MS, MO, dates not examined
NE, NJ, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1943
AL, AK, AZ, AR, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DC, FL, dates not examined
HI, dates not examined
KY, LA, ME, MD, dates not examined
MA, MI, dates not examined
MI, MN, dates not examined
MN, dates not examined
MS, dates not examined
NJ, NM, NY, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
OH, dates not examined
OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, TN, dates not examined
TX, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1944
Clippings--General, 1944
Associated Press, dates not examined
Aliens, dates not examined
Carlo Tresca, dates not examined
Clippings--Academic Freedom, undated
Clippings--Censorship, 1944
Correspondence--Censorship, 1944
Clippings--General, 1944
Correspondence--General, 1944
Clippings--Legislation, 1944
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1944
Correspondence--General, 1944
Clippings--General, 1944
Clippings--General--Sedition, 1944
Clippings--State Legislation, 1944
Clippings--General, undated
Clippings--States, 1944
Correspondence--States, 1944
AL, AZ, AR, dates not examined
IL, dates not examined
MI, MN, dates not examined
MS, MO, NJ, dates not examined
NJ, NM, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, OH, OK, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1945
Clippings--Academic Freedom, 1945
Clippings--Censorship, 1945
Correspondence--Censorship, 1945
Clippings--General, 1945
Clippings--Legislation, 1945
Correspondence--General, 1945
Indians, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1945
Correspondence--General, undated
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1945
Clippings--General, 1945
Correspondence--General, 1945
Sedition, dates not examined
Radio, dates not examined
Aliens, dates not examined
Aliens, dates not examined
Denaturalization, dates not examined
Deportations, dates not examined
Deportations, dates not examined
Deportations, dates not examined
Enemy Aliens, dates not examined
Enemy Aliens, dates not examined
Sedition, dates not examined
Correspondence--Censorship, undated
Clippings--General--Labor, undated
Clippings--States, 1945
Clippings--States, 1945
Correspondence--States, 1945
AL, AZ, AR, CA, dates not examined
CA, dates not examined
DC, FL, dates not examined
GA, IL, dates not examined
MA, MI, dates not examined
MN, MS, MO, NE, dates not examined
NV, NJ, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, OH, dates not examined
OH, OR, PA, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
TX, dates not examined
UT, VA, WA, WI, dates not examined
VI, HI, dates not examined
Clippings--General, 1946
Clippings--Censorship, 1946
Clippings--Censorship, 1946
Clippings--General, 1946
Correspondence--Censorship, 1946
Correspondence--General, undated
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1946
Clippings--General, 1946
Clippings--States, undated
Clippings--Legislation, 1946
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1946
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1946
Clippings--General, 1946
Poll Tax; Radio; Sedition; United Nations; Veterans; Civil Liberties Issues, dates not examined
Clippings--General--Labor, undated
Clippings--States, 1946
Correspondence--States, 1946
AL, AR, CA, dates not examined
CO, CT, DC, FL, dates not examined
GA, HI, IL, dates not examined
IL, IN, dates not examined
MO, NE, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
NC, OH, OR, dates not examined
PA, dates not examined
VA, WA, WV, WI, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1946
Correspondence--General--Labor, 1946
Correspondence--General, 1946
Clippings--Clippings, Chronological, 1947
Correspondence--General, undated
Correspondence--Censorship, 1947
Correspondence--Censorship, 1947
Correspondence--General, 1947
Correspondence--State Legislation, 1947
Correspondence--States, 1947
Correspondence--General, 1947
Correspondence--States, 1947
AL, AZ, AR, CA, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NM, NY, dates not examined
NY, NYC, dates not examined
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1947
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1947
Correspondence--States, 1947
January-June, dates not examined
Clippings--Chronological, 1948
Correspondence--General, undated
Correspondence--States, 1948
Correspondence--Censorship, 1948
Correspondence--General, 1948
Correspondence--General, 1948
Communism; Presidential Conventions, 1948; Communism; Indians; Indian Cases, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1948
Correspondence--States, 1948
Correspondence--General, 1948
Clippings--General, 1949
Clippings--General, 1949
Clippings--Organizational Matters, 1949
Clippings--Censorship, 1949
Clippings--Federal Departments, 1949
Clippings--General, undated
Clippings--Legislation, 1949
Clippings--States, 1949
Clippings--General, 1949
Clippings--States, 1949
Correspondence--General, undated
Correspondence--Censorship, 1949
Correspondence--General, undated
Indians, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1949
Correspondence--State Legislation, 1949
Correspondence--General, 1949
Labor, dates not examined
Libel, dates not examined
Medicine, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1949
Race Relations, dates not examined
Sedition, dates not examined
United Nations, dates not examined
United Nations, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1949
AL, AZ, CA, CT, dates not examined
DE, DC, FL, GA, dates not examined
HI, IL, IN, KS, dates not examined
NJ, dates not examined
NY, dates not examined
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1949
Correspondence--States, 1949
VT, dates not examined
VA, dates not examined
WA, dates not examined
WV, dates not examined
WI, dates not examined
Correspondence--Academic Freedom, 1950
Correspondence--General, 1950
Correspondence--Censorship, 1950
Loyalty Program, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1950
Correspondence--General, 1950
Labor, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1950
Medical Freedom, dates not examined
Correspondence--General, 1950
Race Relations, dates not examined
Race Relations, dates not examined
United Nations, dates not examined
Wiretapping, dates not examined
Correspondence--States, 1950
Correspondence--NYC Committee, 1950
Correspondence--States, 1950
Clippings--General, 1950
Clippings--General--Aliens, undated
Clippings--Censorship, undated
Clippings--General, undated
Clippings--Legislation, undated
Clippings--General, undated
Labor, dates not examined
Race Relations, dates not examined
Radio, dates not examined
Wiretapping, dates not examined
Clippings--States, 1950
Clippings--General, 1950
Appendix, 1934-1946
Atomic Energy, 1946
Censorship, 1937-1946
Communists: "Daily Worker", 1935
Federal Departments, 1943-1946
Federal Legislation, 1946
Equal Rights Amendment, 1946
Foreign Agents Registration, 1946
Atomic Bomb Bill, 1946
Biemiller (Pacific Islands), 1946
President's Anti-Strike Bill, 1946
Case- H.R. 5262, 1946
H.R. 4497, 1946
H.R. 4844- Chinese Wives, 1946
H.R. 43- Hobbs, 1946
Post Office, 1946
H.R. 3639- Voluntary Admission, 1946
H.R. 325- Martin Resolution, 1946
H.R. 5454- Eberharter, 1946
Barnes Labor Bill, 1946
Race Hatred Bill, 1946
H.R. 32- Hobbs, 1946
Indians, 1946
Committee, 1946
Religious Freedom, 1946
Navajos, 1946
General, 1946
Japanese Americans, 1946
ACLU Test, 1946
Deportations, 1946
Renunciation, 1946
Claims Bill, 1946
Hardship Case, 1946
Evacuee Storage, 1946
Nurses Aides, 1946
Travel Restrictions, 1946
Hawaiian Nesei Dinner, 1946
Marines, 1946
Reward, 1946
Alien Property Custodian, 1946
Myer Award, 1946
General Correspondence, 1946
Oyama Case, 1946
Nakashima-Oyeda Test Case, 1946
Peruvian Japanese, 1946
Takahashi Fishing License, 1946
Canadian Deportation, 1946
Abo Case, 1946
Inouye Case, 1946
Higa Case, 1946
Furukawa Case, 1946
Issei Citizenship, 1946
Ando, 1946
Enemy Aliens, 1946
Tamura Deportation, 1946
Sato Deportation, 1946
Katsuki Hardship Deportation, 1946
Hoshimiya, 1946
Heart Mountain, 1946
Konishi, 1946
Mittmer Deportation, 1946
Okamota Case, 1946
Hamada Deportation, 1946
Labor, 1934-1946
Penn Anthracite Mining Co., 1934
Incitement and Violence, 1934
Strikes, 1946
Press Wireless Strike, 1946
Anti-Labor Law Test, 1943
Colorado Strike Case, 1943
Congress on Civil Rights, 1946
"In Fact", 1946
"Information Service", 1946
Institute of Ethnic Affairs, 1946
Mankind United, 1946
NAACP Bulletin, 1946
National Refugee Service, 1946
Socialist Workers Party, 1945
United States Student Assembly, 1946
Workers Defense League, 1946
Max Stephan Case, 1943
General Material, 1943
Appeal Letter to FDR, 1943
Memoranda on Case, 1943
Mimeographed Material, 1943
Outside Inquiries, 1943
Briefs and Legal Papers, 1943
ACLU 25th Anniversary, 1946
Board of Directors, 1946
Correspondence, 1943
ACLU National Committee, 1943
ACLU, 1943 May 3
ACLU Deaths, 1943
ACLU Deaths, 1946
ACLU Board of Directors, 1943
ACLU Minutes, 1945
Advisory Associates, 1940
America First, 1940
American Legion, 1940
American Forward Movement, 1940
American Liberty League, 1940
Anti-Semetic, General, 1940
Citizens National League, 1940
Christian American Crusade, 1940
Crusaders, 1940
Daughters of America, 1940
Defenders of Democracy, 1940
Disabled War Veterans, 1940
Committee for the Nation, 1934-1935
Fascism, General, 1940
Athearn Material, 1940
Fraternal Order, 1940
Friends of New Germany, 1940
German American League, 1940
Immigration Restriction League, 1940
Jewish War Veterans, 1940
Ku Klux Klan, 1940
Liberty Magazine, 1940
Loyal Legion, 1940
Militant Christian Association, 1940
National Sentinel, 1940
National Socialist League, 1940
Nazis, 1940
Order of Independent Americans, 1940
Order of '76, 1940
Private Armies, 1940
Protocals of Zion, 1940
Re-Publisher, 1940
R.O.T.C. Association, 1940
Student Americaneers, Inc., 1940
Sunday Worker, 1940
James True Association, 1940
United States Flag Association, 1940
Veterans Reserve Corps., 1940
Veterans Voters League, 1940
White Russia Group, 1940
American Legion, 1946
R.E. Rolland Co., 1940
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1934-1936
Silver Shirts, 1940
Mickey Owen Suspension Case, 1946
Army, 1946
A. F. Whitney Correspondence, 1943
Lynching, 1946
Anti-Semitism, 1946
Negroes, 1938, 1946
Poll Tax, 1946
Police Training Bulletin, 1946
Restrictive Convenants, 1946
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1946
Sedition, 1945-1946
Hartney, Joseph, 1946
Kentucky, 1946
Dennis, Lawrence, 1946
Couchois, James, 1946
General, 1945
States, 1943-1946
Guam, 1946
Hawaii: Internment, 1946
Haiti, 1946
Phillipines: Knutson Bill, 1946
Marianas (Guam), 1946
Pacific Islands, 1945
Phillipines: Army Abuses, 1946
Puerto Rico, 1946
Puerto Rico: Schools, 1946
Virgin Islands, 1946
West Indies, 1946
Veterans, 1946
United Nations, 1946
Visa Regulations, 1946
Voting Rights, 1946
Series 2: Clippings, 1912-1950
The ACLU through a clipping service and from its local committees and agents received hundreds of clippings annually which it organized. The sheer variety of journals included in these series is staggering. Much material is taken from left-wing press and little-known local and regional papers. A small sample volume included over thirty-six different papers ranging from the Seattle Industrial Worker and the Riverside, California Press on the West Coast to the Providence Journal and the Baltimore Post on the East Coast, from the Albion, Michigan Recorder and Minnesota Labor Review in the mid-west to the El Paso Herald and Denver Rocky Mountain News in the mountain west
In addition to the Reel Contents list, the Clippings Series and Correspondence Series provides a list of the same material organized by format and topic. These series have been created in order to provide subject access to this collection. Therefore, locations of materials in this list are spread throughout the collection.
Alabama, 1927-1936
Arkansas, 1927-1940
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
California, 1925-1950
1925, 1925
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1950, 1950
Canada, 1938
1938, 1938
Colorado, 1925-1941
Compulsory Military Drill Laws, 1936
1936, 1936
Connecticut, 1934-1937
Delaware, 1925-1929
District of Columbia, 1925-1937
Flag Salute Laws, 1936
1936, 1936
Florida, 1927-1941
General, 1917-1950
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
General Student Trends, 1936
1936, 1936
Georgia, 1925-1941
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
Great Britain, 1938
1938, 1938
1937, 1937
Illinois, 1927-1937
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
Indiana, 1925-1941
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1941, 1941
Iowa, 1929-1936
Kansas, 1925-1941
Kentucky, 1932-1937
Louisiana, 1927-1937
1927, 1927
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
Maine, 1936
1936, 1936
Maryland, 1932-1937
Massachusetts, 1925-1949
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1949, 1949
Michigan, 1927-1941
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
Minnesota, 1927-1938
Miscellaneous Student Problems, 1937
1937, 1937
Mississippi, 1927
1927, 1927
Missouri, 1927-1941
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
Montana, 1937-1940
New Hampshire, 1927-1941
New Jersey, 1925-1950
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1950, 1950
New Mexico, 1927
1927, 1927
New York, 1925-1950
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New York City, 1936-1937
North Carolina, 1927-1936
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
North Dakota, 1927-1937
Ohio, 1925-1941
1925, 1925
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
Oklahoma, 1927-1941
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
Oregon, 1925-1938
1925, 1925
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
Pennsylvania, 1925-1950
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1950, 1950
1936, 1936
1936, 1936
Puerto Rico, 1938
1938, 1938
Rhode Island, 1933-1937
South Carolina, 1927
1927, 1927
Student Anti-War Strikes, 1937
1937, 1937
Student Peace Strikes Laws, 1936
1936, 1936
Teachers Loyalty Oath, 1936
1936, 1936
Tennessee, 1927-1940
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
Tennessee (Scopes Case), 1925
1925, 1925
Texas, 1925-1944
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1944, 1944
Vermont, 1936
1936, 1936
Virginia, 1937-1938
Washington, 1927-1941
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
West Virginia, 1927-1938
Wisconsin, 1927-1940
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
Alabama, 1934-1940
Anti-Trust, 1945
1945, 1945
Arkansas, 1933
1933, 1933
1950, 1950
Bingo, 1943
1943, 1943
Book Censorship, 1934-1949
1934, 1934
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
California, 1933-1934
California, 1936-1950
Colorado, 1934-1939
Comics Censorship, 1949
1949, 1949
Commentators Censorship, 1945
1945, 1945
Connecticut, 1936-1937
Delaware, 1937-1939
District of Columbia, 1933-1936
Florida, 1937
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
Georgia, 1928-1950
General, 1928-1950
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Illinois, 1933-1950
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Iowa, 1934-1939
Kansas, 1933-1937
Kentucky, 1934-1940
Louisiana, 1933-1950
Magazine Censorship, 1938-1945
Maine, 1937-1938
Maryland, 1939
1939, 1939
Massachusetts, 1928-1950
1928, 1928
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Michigan, 1928-1940
1928, 1928
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
Minnesota, 1928-1934
Missouri, 1937-1939
Montana, 1936-1939
Motion Picture Censorship, 1929-1950
1929, 1929
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Nebraska, 1937-1939
New Jersey, 1933-1950
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New Mexico, 1936
1936, 1936
New York, 1928-1950
1928, 1928
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1934, 1934
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New York City, 1937
1937, 1937
Newsstand Censorship, 1942
1942, 1942
North Carolina, 1936-1939
North Dakota, 1936
1936, 1936
Ohio, 1934-1940
Oklahoma, 1936-1939
Oregon, 1934-1939
Pennsylvania, 1928-1940
1928, 1928
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1936, 1936
Petrillo Ban, 1943
1943, 1943
Post Office Censorship, 1933-1949
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Press Censorship, 1933-1950
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Radio Censorship, 1933-1944
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Rhode Island, 1937
1937, 1937
South Dakota, 1936
1936, 1936
Tennessee, 1938-1939
Texas, 1936-1940
Theatre Censorship, 1935-1950
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1942, 1942
1945, 1945
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Virginia, 1933-1939
War Correspondent Censorship, 1945
1945, 1945
War Scare Censorship, 1940
1940, 1940
Washington, 1934-1937
Wisconsin, 1933-1940
1947 January, 1947 January
1947 February, 1947 February
1947 March, 1947 March
1947 April, 1947 April
1947 May, 1947 May
1947 June, 1947 June
1947 July, 1947 July
1947 October, 1947 October
1947 November, 1947 November
1947 December, 1947 December
1948 March, 1948 March
1948 April, 1948 April
1948 May, 1948 May
1948 June, 1948 June
1948 July, 1948 July
1948 August, 1948 August
1948 September, 1948 September
1948 October, 1948 October
1948 November, 1948 November
1948 December, 1948 December
1923, 1923
Civil Service Commission, 1935-1944
1935, 1935
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Congress, 1930-1946
1930, 1930
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Dies Committee, 1943-1944
Education, Bureau of, 1920-1925
ERB, Department of Labor, 1935
1935, 1935
Executive, 1921-1935
1921, 1921
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
Executive Appointments, 1939
1939, 1939
Federal Loyalty Program, 1949-1950
Federal Radio Commission, 1927
1927, 1927
Interior, Department of the, 1931-1941
Justice, Department of, 1920-1944
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Kerr Committee, 1943-1944
Labor, Department of, 1920-1943
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
Lobby Investigation Committee, 1936
1936, 1936
Loyalty Cases, 1949-1950
NIRA Codes - Department of Labor, 1935
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1945, 1945
National Recovery Administration, 1933
Post Office Department, 1920-1941
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
State, Department of, 1920-1946
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Supreme Court, 1922-1949
1922, 1922
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Treasury, Department of the, 1929-1933
War Agencies, 1942
1942, 1942
War and Navy, Departments of, 1920-1946
1920, 1920
1922, 1922
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
War Information, Office of, 1943-1945
War Labor Board, 1943
1943, 1943
War Manpower Commission, 1943-1944
War Production Board, 1943
1943, 1943
Wickersham Commission, 1931-1932
Works Progress Administration, 1935-1942
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
Subseries 5 - General--Clippings, 1912-1950
Aliens, 1934-1950
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1942, 1942
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
American Bar Association, 1938-1939
ACLU Policies, 1949
1949, 1949
ACLU Publications, 1950
1950, 1950
American Federation of Labor, 1929-1930
American Newspaper Guild, 1943
1943, 1943
Amnesty, 1917-1923
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
Anti-Injunction, 1931
1931, 1931
Anti-Labor Movements, 1922-1942
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1935, 1935
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
Anti-Lynching Campaign, 1930
1930, 1930
Anti-Radical Propaganda, 1924
1924, 1924
Associated Press, 1943-1946
Asylum, Right of, 1930
1930, 1930
Bail Fund, 1929
1929, 1929
Baldwin, Roger N., 1946-1950
Birth Control, 1931-1945
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1935, 1935
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
Board of Directors, 1949-1950
Children's Crusade, 1922
1922, 1922
1934, 1934
Communists, 1944-1950
Conscientious Objectors, 1917-1950
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1917-1919, 1917-1919
Denaturalizations, 1943
1943, 1943
Deportations, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
Drive for Extra Session, 1931
1931, 1931
Exclusion Cases, 1943
1943, 1943
Freedom of Expression, 1917-1949
Indians, 1934-1949
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1939, 1939
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1949, 1949
1920, 1920
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1912, 1912
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Interference with Meetings, 1935
1935, 1935
International Civil Liberties, 1920-1950
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Japanese-Americans, 1942-1949
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Jehovah's Witnesses, 1949
1949, 1949
Ku Klux Klan, 1921-1924
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1922, 1922
1922-1924, 1922-1924
1923, 1923
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
Labor, 1920-1950
1920, 1920
1922, 1922
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Labor Injunctions, 1923-1937
Labor Injunctions/Prosecutions, 1922
1922, 1922
Labor Spying, 1921-1939
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1930, 1930
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
Labor Strikes, 1921-1923
Labor Strikes, 1921-1922
1921, 1921
1921, 1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1922, 1922
1922, 1922
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1935, 1935
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
Leaflet Distribution, 1942
1942, 1942
Local Affiliates, 1949
1949, 1949
Lynchings/Mob Violence, 1917-1943
1917-1920, 1917-1920
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
Malin, Patrick Murphy, 1950
1950, 1950
Meetings and Conferences, 1949-1950
Minority Parties Repression, 1940-1942
Miscellaneous, 1941
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
Negroes, 1920-1943
1920, 1920
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
New York City Court House, 1919-1920
1919-1920, 1919-1920
New York Commercial Articles, 1924
1924, 1924
Non-Partisan League, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
Occupied Areas, 1950
1950, 1950
Open Shop Campaign, 1921-1923
Patrioteering Organizations, 1917-1944
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1924, 1924
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1922, 1922
1922, 1922
1922, 1922
Peonage, 1942-1943
People's Council, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
Persecution of Radicals, 1942
1942, 1942
Political Parties, 1920
1920, 1920
Political Prisoners, 1919-1921
Poll Tax, 1940-1946
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Possessions, 1926-1929
1921, 1921
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
Propaganda For Civil Liberties, 1920-1945
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
Prosecution of Radicals, 1935
1935, 1935
Publications, 1949
1949, 1949
Race Discrimination, 1928-1946
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Race Relations, 1949-1950
Radio, 1938-1950
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1950, 1950
Radio and Television, 1949
1949, 1949
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1923, 1923
Religious Freedom, 1931-1949
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1935, 1935
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1920, 1920
Search and Seizure, 1949
1949, 1949
Sedition, 1917-1946
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Sedition Cases, 1942
1942, 1942
State Constabularies, 1923-1930
Third Degree, 1930-1935
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
Tresca, Carlo, 1944-1945
United Mine Workers of America, 1930
1930, 1930
United Nations, 1945-1946
Veterans, 1946
1946, 1946
War Hysteria, 1940-1942
Wiretapping, 1934-1950
1934, 1934
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1950, 1950
Women's Equal Rights, 1949
1949, 1949
Yellow Dog Contracts, 1930-1931
Alien Legislation, 1942
1942, 1942
Aliens, 1936
1936, 1936
Anti-Alien Legislation, 1939-1941
1943, 1943
Anti-Labor Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
Anti-Labor Legislation, 1942
1942, 1942
Anti-Lynching Bill, 1936-1941
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
Anti-Sedition Bills, 1936
1936, 1936
Anti-Strike Legislation, 1941
1941, 1941
Anti-Trust Drive, 1940
1940, 1940
Army Draft Bill, 1941
1941, 1941
Bankhead Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
Bland Radio Operator's Bill, 1941
1941, 1941
1940, 1940
Case Bill, 1946
1946, 1946
Censorship Bill, 1939
1939, 1939
City Legislation, 1926-1937
1926, 1926
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1938, 1938
1938, 1938
1943, 1943
Disclosure Bill, 1941
1941, 1941
Discrimination Bill, 1941-1943
1936, 1936
Draft, 1945-1946
Espionage Act, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
Espionage Act–OH, OK, OR, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
Espionage Act–PA, PR, RI, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
Equal Rights, 1946
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
Farm Labor Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
1941, 1941
Federal Legislation, 1921-1950
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1920, 1920
1939, 1939
Geyer Anti-Poll-Tax Bill, 1940
1940, 1940
Healey Foreign Divorce Bill, 1936
1936, 1936
Hobbs Anti-Racketeering, 1946
1946, 1946
Immigration Law Amendment, 1931
1931, 1931
Kennedy Radio Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
1940, 1940
Labor, 1946
1946, 1946
Labor Legislation, 1943
1943, 1943
Langer Censorship Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
Lend-Lease Bill, 1941
1941, 1941
Leo Radio Bill, 1946
1946, 1946
1940, 1940
Lynch Race Hatred Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
McMahon Atomic Bill, 1946
1946, 1946
1938, 1938
Miscellaneous, 1931-1946
1931, 1931
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
1946, 1946
1931, 1931
Neeley Motion Picture Bill, 1939-1940
Oriental Exclusion Act, 1943
1943, 1943
Poll Tax, 1943
1943, 1943
Property Seizure Bill, 1941
1941, 1941
Radio Control Bill, 1939
1939, 1939
Radio Freedom of the Air Bills, 1936
1936, 1936
Radio Regulation Bills, 1937-1938
Sabotage Bill, 1941
1941, 1941
Senate Tax Records Inspection, 1940
1940, 1940
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
Soldier Vote Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
State Legislation, 1921-1950
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1950, 1950
Strike, 1946
1946, 1946
Strike Bills, Miscellaneous, 1943
1943, 1943
Supreme Court Reform Bill, 1937
1937, 1937
Wage-Hour Act, 1941
1941, 1941
Wagner Act, 1941
1941, 1941
Wagner Act, Bills to Revise, 1940
1940, 1940
Wagner Labor Relations Act, 1938-1939
War Security Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
1920, 1920
Wheeler-White Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
Wiretapping Bill, 1941
1941, 1941
Woodruff Anti-Alien Bill, 1943
1943, 1943
Subseries 7 - States--Clippings, 1919-1950
Alabama, 1919-1949
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Alaska, 1920-1936
Arizona, 1919-1942
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1942, 1942
Arkansas, 1919-1946
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
California, 1920-1924
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
California, 1925-1950
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Canada, 1934-1942
Colorado, 1920-1949
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
1949, 1949
Connecticut, 1920-1949
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Cuba, 1930-1935
Delaware, 1920-1941
1920, 1920
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1941, 1941
District of Columbia, 1920-1949
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1949, 1949
Dominican Republic, 1921-1922
Florida, 1920-1949
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Georgia, 1920-1949
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1949, 1949
Haiti, 1920-1935
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1927, 1927
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
Hawaii, 1920-1949
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Idaho, 1920-1944
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
Illinois, 1920-1950
1945, 1945
1920, 1920
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Indian Territory, 1930
1930, 1930
Indiana, 1920-1950
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1950, 1950
Iowa, 1920-1944
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
Kansas, 1919-1949
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1949, 1949
Kentucky, 1919-1946
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Louisiana, 1919-1946
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Maine, 1924-1949
1924, 1924
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1942, 1942
1949, 1949
Maryland, 1919-1949
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1949, 1949
1949, 1949
Massachusetts, 1919-1950
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Michigan, 1921-1949
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Minnesota, 1920-1945
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
Mississippi, 1920-1946
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1946, 1946
Missouri, 1920-1949
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Montana, 1920-1941
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1925, 1925
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
Nebraska, 1920-1944
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1938, 1938
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Nevada, 1920-1940
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1931, 1931
1936, 1936
1940, 1940
New Hampshire, 1920-1949
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1942, 1942
1949, 1949
New Jersey, 1920-1950
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1938, 1938
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New Jersey (Passaic Strike), 1926
New Mexico, 1920-1941
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1923, 1923
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
New York, 1920-1950
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1930, 1930
New York City, 1933-1949
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1930, 1930
Nicaragua, 1930-1936
North Carolina, 1920-1946
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
North Dakota, 1920-1935
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
Ohio, 1920-1946
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Oklahoma, 1920-1944
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Oregon, 1920-1949
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Panama, 1930
1930, 1930
Panama Canal Zone, 1933-1935
Pennsylvania, 1920-1950
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1932-1933, 1932-1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Philippine Islands, 1920-1946
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1927, 1927
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Puerto Rico, 1921-1946
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Rhode Island, 1920-1944
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Samoa, 1923-1941
South Carolina, 1921-1946
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1946, 1946
South Dakota, 1920-1935
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1926, 1926
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
Tennessee, 1920-1946
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
Texas, 1920-1949
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Utah, 1925-1944
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1944, 1944
Vermont, 1931-1949
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1949, 1949
Virgin Islands, 1921-1945
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1927, 1927
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
Virginia, 1920-1949
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
Washington, 1920-1949
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1949, 1949
Washington: Centralia Murder Case, 1920
1920, 1920
West Virginia, 1920-1944
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Wisconsin, 1920-1944
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
Wyoming, 1922-1935
Series 3: Correspondence, 1917-1950
The correspondence of the ACLU is wide-ranging and reflects the growth in the various matters in which the ACLU took an interest over time. While most series focus on the work of the organization itself, there are several series which deal with events or organizations outside the scope of the ACLU itself. Of particular importance is the States Correspondence series (Series 21) which contains much on the ACLU's involvement with cases throughout the nation.
In addition to the Reel Contents list, the Clippings Series and Correspondence Series provides a list of the same material organized by format and topic. These series have been created in order to provide subject access to this collection. Therefore, locations of materials in this list are spread throughout the collection.
Alabama, 1931-1947
1937, 1937
Arizona, 1948
1948, 1948
Arkansas, 1926-1940
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
California, 1926-1950
1926, 1926
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1950, 1950
Colorado, 1926-1947
Compulsory Military Training, 1940
1940, 1940
Connecticut, 1924-1950
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1947, 1947
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Delaware, 1929-1939
1940, 1940
District of Columbia, 1925-1934
Faculty Study, 1946
1946, 1946
Flag Salute Statutes, 1937
1937, 1937
Florida, 1925-1939
1925, 1925
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
General, 1918-1950
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1921, 1921
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1936, 1936
1940, 1940
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Georgia, 1926-1948
1926, 1926
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1948, 1948
Idaho, 1925
1925, 1925
Illinois, 1925-1950
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1929, 1929
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1945, 1945
1950, 1950
Indiana, 1930-1948
1930, 1930
1933, 1933
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1943, 1943
1948, 1948
Iowa, 1931-1944
Kansas, 1924-1950
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1950, 1950
Kentucky, 1926-1944
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1932, 1932
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1944, 1944
Louisiana, 1926-1940
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
Maine, 1931-1945
Maryland, 1928-1950
1928, 1928
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1947, 1947
1950, 1950
Massachusetts, 1926-1950
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1946, 1946
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Michigan, 1926-1950
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
Militarism in the Schools, 1930
1930, 1930
Minnesota, 1931-1941
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
Mississippi, 1926-1938
Missouri, 1924-1945
1924, 1924
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
Montana, 1926-1941
Nebraska, 1933-1941
New Hampshire, 1933-1945
New Jersey, 1925-1950
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
New Mexico, 1928-1940
New York, 1924-1950
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New York City, 1933-1950
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1941, 1941
1941, 1941
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
North Carolina, 1926-1934
Ohio, 1924-1950
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1939, 1939
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
Oklahoma, 1928-1947
1928, 1928
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1947, 1947
Oregon, 1926-1941
Pennsylvania, 1925-1950
1925, 1925
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1950, 1950
Rhode Island, 1930-1939
South Carolina, 1926
1926, 1926
South Dakota, 1925-1933
Survey, 1945
1945, 1945
Teachers Loyalty Oath Laws, 1937
1937, 1937
Tennessee, 1925-1941
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
Tenure Policy, 1945
1945, 1945
Texas, 1926-1950
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1950, 1950
Utah, 1926-1950
Vermont, 1933-1941
Virginia, 1925-1945
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
Washington, 1926-1941
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
West Virginia, 1925-1950
Wisconsin, 1929-1940
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
Alabama, 1934
1934, 1934
Art Censorship, 1931-1933
1931-1933, 1931-1933
Associated Press Suit, 1943-1944
1950, 1950
Blue Laws, 1931-1933
1931-1933, 1931-1933
Book Censorship, 1930-1950
1930, 1930
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
California, 1934
1934, 1934
Censorship Cases, 1946-1950
Censorship Pamphlet, 1937
1937, 1937
Comic Book Censorship, 1948-1950
Customs Censorship, 1931-1950
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1933, 1933
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Editorials, 1930
1930, 1930
Federal Censorship, 1934
1934, 1934
Free Speech, 1917-1950
1917-1921, 1917-1921
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1944, 1944
1946, 1946
1950, 1950
Freedom of the Press, 1946-1950
General, 1931-1950
1931, 1931
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Illinois, 1934
1934, 1934
Indiana, 1934
1934, 1934
Iowa, 1934
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
Legion of Decency Campaign, 1934
1934, 1934
Louisiana, 1934
1934, 1934
Magazine Censorship, 1931-1950
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
Massachusetts, 1934
1934, 1934
Michigan, 1934
1934, 1934
Missouri, 1934
1934, 1934
Motion Picture Censorship, 1930-1950
1930, 1930
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New York, 1934
1934, 1934
Nudity, 1946-1948
Ohio, 1934
1934, 1934
Post Office Censorship, 1918-1950
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1931, 1931
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Press Censorship, 1930-1950
1930, 1930
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
Pressure Group Censorship, 1949-1950
Radio Censorship, 1930-1950
1930, 1930
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1946, 1946
1950, 1950
Theatre Censorship, 1930-1950
1930, 1930
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
Virginia, 1934
1934, 1934
Wisconsin, 1934
1934, 1934
Western Union Censorship, 1935-1936
Wyoming, 1934
1934, 1934
Absolutists, 1944
Alabama, 1917-1918
Alcatraz Island Prisoners, 1919-1920
Alien Pacifists Citizenship, 1949
Amnesty, 1946-1950
Amnesty Bulletin, 1947
1947, 1947
Angell, Ernest, 1942
1942, 1942
Annunziata, John, 1942
Appeal Letters, 1945
Arizona, 1917-1918
Arkansas, 1917-1918
Army and Navy Cases, 1945
1945, 1945
Army Officer's Statement, 1919-1920
Articles, 1944
Attorneys, 1944
Bail, 1944
Biddle Letter, 1945
Biddle Report, 1945
British Act, 1940
Brooks, R. B, 1944
California, 1941
1941, 1941
Camp Conditions, 1941-1942
Camp Cody, New Mexico, 1917-1918
Camp Custer, Michigan, 1917-1918
Camp Del Rio, Texas, 1917-1918
Camp Dix, New Jersey, 1917-1918
Camp Dodge, Iowa, 1917-1918
Camp Funston, Kansas, 1917-1918
Camp Gordon, Georgia, 1917-1918
Camp Grant, Illinois, 1917-1918
Camp Greenleaf, Georgia, 1917-1918
Camp Hancock, Georgia, 1917-1918
Camp Kearney, California, 1917-1918
Camp Kelly, Texas, 1917-1918
Camp Lee, Virginia, 1917-1918
Camp Lewis, Washington, 1917-1918
Camp Meade, Maryland, 1917-1918
Camp Merritt, New Jersey, 1917-1918
Camp Pike, Arkansas, 1917-1918
Camp Questionnaire, 1919
Camp Sheridan, Alabama, 1917-1918
Camp Sherman, Ohio, 1917-1918
Camp Taylor, Kentucky, 1917-1918
Camp Travis, Texas, 1917-1918
Camp Tremont, California, 1917-1918
Camp Upton, New York, 1917-1918
Camp Wheeler, Georgia, 1917-1918
Central Committee for Amnesty, 1949-1950
Christian Century, 1944
Citizenship, 1944
Civilian Public Service, 1944
Colorado, 1942
1942, 1942
Committee for Amnesty, 1948
1948, 1948
Conferences and Circulars, 1917-1918
Connecticut, 1941-1942
Conscience and War, 1944
1944, 1944
Conscientious Objector, 1944
Conscientious Objector Law, 1942
Cornell, Julius, 1945-1946
Delaware, 1917-1918
Demobilization of CPS, 1945
Dependency, 1944
Dinner, 1919-1920
District of Columbia, 1941
1941, 1941
Dykstra, Clarence, 1941
1941, 1941
Eichel, Julius (Absolutist), 1945
England, 1949
1949, 1949
Evens, Harold, 1946
Farm Furloughs, 1918
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1941
1941, 1941
Finances, 1944
Florida, 1917-1918
Fort Douglas, Utah, 1919-1920
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1917-1918
Fort MacArthur, Texas, 1917-1918
Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, 1917-1918
Fort Porter, New York, 1917-1918
Fort Presidio, California, 1917-1918
Fort Riley, Kansas, 1917-1918
Fort Slocum, New York, 1917-1918
Fort Snelling, Minnesota, 1917-1918
French, Paul, 1942-1944
General, 1917-1950
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1917-1920, 1917-1920
1919, 1919
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1927, 1927
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Government Correspondence, 1941-1942
Habeas Corpus, 1944
Heggblom, 1945
Idaho, 1917-1918
Illinois, 1940
1940, 1940
Indians, 1941
1941, 1941
Indians, 1944
1944, 1944
Indictments, 1949
Individual Cases (A-Z), 1917-1918
Individual Cases (A-C), 1919
Individual Cases (D-F), 1919
Individual Cases (G-K), 1919
Individual Cases (L-O), 1919
Individual Cases (P-Sh), 1919
Individual Cases (Sil-Z), 1919
Individual Cases (A-D), 1944
Individual Cases (D-J), 1944
Individual Cases (K-M), 1944
Individual Cases (M-R), 1944
Individual Cases (R-S), 1944
Individual Cases (S-Z), 1944
Individual Cases (A-C), 1945
Individual Cases (D-L), 1945
Individual Cases (M-N), 1945
Individual Cases (O-S), 1945
Individual Cases (S-Z), 1945
Individual Cases (A-H), 1946
Individual Cases (L-W), 1946
Individual Cases (V-W), 1946
Individual Cases (V-Z), 1946
Individual Cases (A-Z), 1947
Individual Cases (A-Z), 1948
Individual Cases (A-Z), 1949
Individual Cases (A-Z), 1950
Individuals Cooperating, 1917-1918
Japanese-Americans, 1944
Jehovah's Witnesses, 1946-1948
Justice, Department of, 1940
Kansas, 1942
1942, 1942
Kentucky, 1917-1918
Legal Matters, 1945-1946
Legislation, 1917-1918
Local Organizations, 1917-1918
Loss of Rights, 1948
Louisiana, 1941
1941, 1941
Lunde, Theodore H, 1918-1920
Maryland, 1941
1941, 1941
Massachusetts, 1940-1942
May-Bailey Bill, 1945
Mead Investigating Committee, 1945
Metropolitan Board, 1944
Michigan, 1941-1942
Middletown and Williamsburg, 1945
Mimeograph Material (Outside), 1944
Minnesota, 1941-1942
Minutes, 1945
Miscellaneous Literature, 1944
Missouri, 1917-1918
Montana, 1942
1942, 1942
Muste, A. J, 1942
National Organizations, 1917-1918
Naturalization, 1949
1949, 1949
Nebraska, 1941
1941, 1941
New Jersey, 1940-1942
New Mexico, 1917-1918
New York, 1940-1942
New York City, 1941
North Carolina, 1942
1942, 1942
North Dakota, 1917-1918
Ohio, 1940-1942
Oklahoma, 1917-1918
Olmstead, Remington, Jr, 1942
Oregon, 1940-1941
Pacifists, 1942
Parole Regulations, 1941
1941, 1941
Paroles, 1945-1947
Passport Oath, 1946
1946, 1946
Passports, 1948
Pay Issue, 1944
Peck, James, 1942
Peebles, Truman, 1945
Pennsylvania, 1940-1942
Postwar Military Conscription, 1945
Press Releases, 1945
Prison, 1945-1946
Public Opinion Poll, 1945
Publicity and Publications, 1917-1945
Puerto Rico, 1945
1945, 1945
Registrants, 1944
Religious Organizations, 1917-1918
Rhode Island, 1917-1918
Salmon case, Benjamin, 1920-1921
Selective Service Act, 1945-1949
South Dakota, 1917-1918
Stephens, Max, 1943
1943, 1943
Stimson Letter, 1945
Tax Protests, 1949
1949, 1949
Teachers, 1942
Tennessee, 1917-1918
Texas, 1942
1942, 1942
Truman Letter, 1945
Vermont, 1917-1918
Virginia, 1940
1940, 1940
Voting Rights, 1945
War Department, 1917-1918
Washington, 1917-1918
Washington Office, 1944
1944, 1944
Wealth Conscription, 1945
Wisconsin, 1942
1942, 1942
Alien Cases, 1943
1943, 1943
Alien Registration, 1941
1941, 1941
1940, 1940
Aliens, 1941-1942
Army, Department of, 1944-1945
Atomic Energy Commission, 1947-1949
Atomic Loyalty Investigations, 1948
1948, 1948
Census, Bureau of, 1950
1950, 1950
Citizenship Cases, 1941-1943
Civil Service Commission, 1942-1950
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1950, 1950
Civil Service Dismissals, 1941-1944
Civil Service Ruling, 1932
1932, 1932
Civilian Conservation Corps, 1937
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
Communism, 1948
1948, 1948
Congress, 1934-1947
Defense, Department of, 1950
1950, 1950
Denaturalization, 1943-1945
Denaturalization Cases, 1942-1943
Deportations, 1941-1943
Dies Committee, 1943-1946
1943, 1943
1935, 1935
Education, Bureau of, 1924
1924, 1924
Enemy Aliens, 1942
1942, 1942
Evacuation and Exclusion Cases, 1943
1943, 1943
Evacuations, 1944
1944, 1944
Executive, 1933-1938
1946, 1946
1948, 1948
Federal Judges, 1932
1932, 1932
Government Manual, 1944
1944, 1944
Hart Committee, 1945
1945, 1945
1935, 1935
Immigration Bureau, 1931
1931, 1931
Indian Bureau, 1930-1931
Indian Cases, 1948
1948, 1948
Indians, 1948
1948, 1948
Indians - Department of Labor, 1936
1936, 1936
1950, 1950
Japanese-American Internment, 1942-1950
1942, 1942
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Justice, Department of, 1924-1950
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1939, 1939
Kerr Investigating Committee, 1943
1943, 1943
Labor, Department of, 1924-1947
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1944, 1944
1947, 1947
1950, 1950
1936, 1936
Loyalty, 1949
1949, 1949
Loyalty Cases, 1947-1950
Loyalty Program, Federal, 1947-1950
National Recovery Administration, 1933
Navy, Department of the, 1931
1931, 1931
Patrioteering Organizations, 1927
1927, 1927
Political Appointments, 1950
1950, 1950
Post Office Department, 1926-1950
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1933, 1933
1938, 1938
1946, 1946
1950, 1950
Presidential Conventions, 1948, 1948
1948, 1948
1935, 1935
Speeches, 1944
1944, 1944
State, Department of, 1925-1950
1925, 1925
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1947, 1947
1950, 1950
Supreme Court, 1930-1939
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
War, Department of, 1924-1934
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1943, 1943
White House, 1950
1950, 1950
Wickersham Commission, 1931
1931, 1931
Wiretapping, 1950
1950, 1950
Works Progress Administration, 1938
1938, 1938
AAA Amendments, 1935
Alaska and Hawaii Statehood, 1950
1950, 1950
Alaskan Indian Property Bill, 1948
Alien Fishermen Ban Bill, 1950
Alien Husbands Bill, 1948
Alien Legislation, 1938-1943
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
Alien Registration, 1930-1943
Aliens, 1935
Aliens Deportation Bill, 1949
Aliens, Deportation, 1935
Amlie Resolution, 1935
Amnesty Bill, 1931
Anti-Lynching Legislation, 1936
Anonymity, 1944
Anti-Discrimination Proposals, 1943
Anti-Injunction Legislation, 1935
1935, 1935
Anti-Japanese Bill, 1944
Anti-Lynching Legislation, 1934
1934, 1934
Anti-Lynching Legislation, 1937-1950
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
Anti-Poll Tax Legislation, 1948-1949
Anti-Racketeering Bill, 1934
Anti-Red-Flag Ordinances, 1935
Anti-Semitism, 1944
Anti-Strike Legislation, 1942
Anti-Trust Bill, 1947
Anti-Trust Laws, 1941
Appropriation Bill, 1936
Asylum, 1934
Atomic Bomb Bill, 1946
1944, 1944
Balabanoff, 1945
Banking Bill, 1934
Barbour Defamation Bill, 1940
Barnes Labor Bill, 1946
Beitter Post Office Bill, 1941
Biemuller (Pacific Islands), 1946
Bill of Rights Day, 1943
1940, 1940
Bills Before Congress, 1947
Birth Control, 1931-1936
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
Bridges Deportation Bill, 1941
Burdick Compensation Bill, 1941
Campbell, Edmund, 1932
Cannon Farm Worker Bill, 1943
Carter Bills, Captain Archie, 1942
1942, 1942
Carver Memorial Bill, 1942
Case (Labor), 1947
Case - H.R. 5262, 1946
Case-Pace Amendments, 1941
Cellar Right of Assembly Bill, 1937
Cellar Wiretapping Bill, 1941
Censorship, 1930
Censorship Bill - Higgins, 1937
Censorship - Gag Bill, 1933
Chain Gang, Abolition of, 1933
Child Labor Amendment, 1934
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1944
Chinese Shore Leave, 1943
Chinese Wives, 1946
1946, 1946
Citizenship for Foreign Seamen, 1944
1937, 1937
Civil Rights Act of 1949, 1949
Civil Rights Bill - Maverick, 1938
1938, 1938
Civil Rights Law, 1944
Civil Rights Legislation, 1950
1950, 1950
Clark Bills (War), 1935
Cloture, 1947
1948, 1948
Coffee National Guard Bill, 1939
Compensation for Prisoners, 1944
Congressional Leaders, 1950
Congressional Research Workers, 1931
Connally Anti-Strike Bill, 1943
Connally Resolution, 1944
Conscription, 1950
1950, 1950
Copeland Radio Bill, 1936
1934, 1934
Cutting Bill (Naturalization), 1932
Denaturalization, 1944
Department of Justice, 1950
Deportation Laws, 1935
Deportation of Aliens, 1947
Detective Agencies Licenses, 1935
Dickstein Deportation Bill, 1936
Dickstein Racial Hatred Bill, 1939
Dies Committee, 1939
1939, 1939
Dies Deportation Bill, 1935-1937
Dirksen Resolution, 1941
Disaffection Bill (H.R. 5845), 1935
Disaffection Bill (S. 2253), 1935
Displaced Persons Bill, 1948-1950
Divorce and Mails, 1935
Douglas Procedure Bill, 1947
1946, 1946
Eastman, Elizabeth, 1932
Education Bills, Aid to, 1945
1950, 1950
Election Law Survey, 1945
Election Laws, 1945
Equal Rights Amendment, 1946
Espionage Act, 1934
1934, 1934
Espionage Act Repeal, 1932
Evacuation Claims Act, 1950
Evacuation Claims Bill, 1947
1947, 1947
Expatriation, 1945
Fact Finding Boards, 1946
1946, 1946
Federal Aid to Education, 1949
1949, 1949
Federal Aid to Education Bills, 1950
1950, 1950
Federal Legislation, 1929
1929, 1929
Filibuster Legislation, 1949
Filipino Citizenship, 1945
1945, 1945
Finger-Printing Legislation, 1935
Force Bill, 1937
Ford Strike Bill, 1941
Foreign Divorce Bill - Healey, 1938
Foreign Divorce and the Mails, 1936
G.I. Bill of Rights, 1944
Gag Legislation, 1935-1936
General Correspondence, 1927-1947
1927, 1927
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1947, 1947
Geyer Poll-Tax Bill, 1940
Gillette Bill, 1941
Grand Jury Fingerprinting, 1941
Green Deportation Bill, 1935
Griffin Bill, 1931
1931, 1931
Griffin Bill (Naturalization), 1932
1932, 1932
Group Libel Legislation, 1949
Guam Organic Act Bill, 1950
H. J. Res. 205, 1947
H. J. Resolution #361, 1937
H.R. 386, 1945
H.R. 4497, 1946
H.R. 5570 (Aliens), 1934
Hammond Bill, 1944
Hardship Deportation Bill, 1948
Hatch Act, 1948
1948, 1948
1940, 1940
Hatch-Burton-Ball Bill, 1945
Hawaiian Internment Bill, 1946
1946, 1946
Hawaii Statehood Bill, 1948
1931, 1931
Healey Foreign Divorce Bill, 1939
Hobbs (H.R. 3690), 1945
Hobbs - H.R. 43, 1946
Hobbs Anti-Racketeering Bill, 1943
Hobbs, H.R. 32, 1946
1946, 1946
Hoffman Union Bill, 1941
I.L.D. Legislative Letter, 1942-1945
Immigrant Spaniards, 1950
Immigration, 1935
Immigration Bill, 1932-1947
India Citizenship, 1945
Indian Bill, 1931
Indian Citizenship Biller, 1944
Indian Legislation, 1949
Indians Emancipation Act, 1947
Internal Security Act Bill, 1950
Internal Security Bill, 1949
Japanese, 1944
Japanese Alien Property Bill, 1948
Jehovah's Witnesses, 1944
Judicial Review, 1944
Judiciary Code, 1947
Jury Commissioners Legislation, 1949
Kerr Bill, 1935
Kerr Bill - Deportation, 1936
Kerr-Coolidge Quota Bill, 1937
Kidnapping Legislation, 1934
Kilgore-Murray Bill, 1944
Klein Stowaway Bill, 1947
Kramer Bill, 1935
Kramer Sedition Bill, 1936
LaFollette Bills, 1942
LaFollette Investigation, 1936
Labor Bills, 1949
Labor Legislation, 1941-1950
Labor Oppressive Bill, 1942
Langer Post Office Bill, 1943
Langer Public Defenders Bill, 1943
Legislative Calendars, 1935
Lend-Lease Bill, 1941
Library of Congress, 1942
Lindbergh Kidnapping Law, 1936
Literature Disclosure Bill, 1940
Lobby, 1935
Lobbyists Weekly Report Bill, 1948
Loyalty Commission Bill, 1947
Lundeen Resolution, 1934
Lynch Bill, 1944
Lynching Legislation, 1941
Martin Resolution, 1945
1945, 1945
May-Bailey Draft Bill, 1945
May-Johnson Atomic Bomb Bill, 1945
McCormack Sedition Bill, 1939
McKellar Bill, 1943
Mental Health Bills, 1949
Migrant Workers' Bill, 1944
Military Appropriations Bill, 1931
Military Bills - Fish, 1938
Military Disaffection Bill, 1936
Military Service Bill, 1944
Military Training, 1936
Minorities in Armed Services, 1944
Miscellaneous, 1933-1934
Miscellaneous, 1935
Miscellaneous Bills, 1941
1941, 1941
Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1941
1941, 1941
Miscellaneous Legislation, 1940
Model Civil Rights Law, 1947
Model Commitment Bill, 1945
Model Guard Act, 1942
Movie Censorship (H.R. 2999), 1935
Movie Censorship Bill, 1934
Nakamura Relief Bill, 1949
National Guard, 1935
National Guard Bill - Coffee, 1938
National Labor Relations Act, 1942
1942, 1942
1939, 1939
National Labor Relations Board, 1947
1947, 1947
Nationality Laws, 1933
Naturalization, 1933
Naturalization Act, 1931
Naturalization Bill, 1932
1932, 1932
Navajo Indian Relief Bills, 1948
Navy Discrimination Bill, 1944
Neely Film Block-Booking Bill, 1940
1940, 1940
Newspaper Bill, 1932
O'Day Resolution (Deportation), 1936
1936, 1936
Obscene Literature Bill - Mead, 1938
Obscene Publications Bill, 1950
Obscenity Mail Bill, 1949
Old Age Pensions, 1935
Optional Military Training, 1935
Organic Acts of Guam and Samoa, 1949
Oriental Exclusion Act, 1947
1947, 1947
Other Alien Deportation Bills, 1932
Other Anti-Strike Legislation, 1940
Other Bills, 1939
1939, 1939
Other Federal Legislation, 1921
Peacetime Military Training, 1946
Philippine Islands Bill, 1931
Phillips Bill, 1937
Picketing Decision, 1942
1950, 1950
Picketing of Foreign Embassies, 1938
Political Asylum, 1948
Political Prosecutions, 1940
Poll Tax, 1945
Post Office, 1946
Post Office Censorship, 1934-1944
1938, 1938
Post Office Fees Bill, 1932
Post Office Legal Matters, 1942
Post Office Legislation, 1945
1945, 1945
Post-War Conscription, 1945
1945, 1945
President's Anti-Strike Bill, 1946
President's Veto Message, 1950
1950, 1950
Problem of Indefinite Laws, 1940
Property Seizure Bill, 1941
Proposed Public Utilities Act, 1935
Public Defender Bill, 1937
Public Law 874, 1941
Puerto Rican Bill, 1944
Race Discrimination Amendment, 1943
Race Hatred Bill, 1944-1946
Race Hatred Legislation, 1945
1945, 1945
Radio Act Bill, Amendment to, 1932
Radio Bill, 1947
Radio Legislation, 1938-1942
1939, 1939
Reconversion, 1944
Rees Loyalty Bill, 1947
Repeal of Espionage Act, 1931
Repeal of Espionage Act, 1920
Repeal of Smith Act, 1945
Repeal of the Espionage Act, 1930
Repressive Laws, 1933
Restoration of Citizenship, 1930
Revenue Bill, 1934
Reynolds Bill - Immigration, 1936
Reynolds Communist Party Bill, 1941
Right of Assembly Legislation, 1937
Right of Asylum, 1931-1932
Right of Asylum Bill, 1935
S. 1019 (Gurney), 1947
S. 380, 1945
S. J. Res. 93, 1947
S. Res. 80 (Guam and Samoa), 1947
Scabs in Picketing, 1935
Scott Radio Bills, 1935
1935, 1935
Search and Seizure, 1947
Sedition Bills, Resolutions, 1935
Sedition Bill, 1919
Sedition Legislation, 1921
Selective Service Legislation, 1950
Sheppard Denaturalization Bill, 1943
Shipstead Bill, 1930
Smith Anti-Strike Bill, 1940
Smith Bill - Right of Petition, 1936
Social Security Act, 1936
Soldiers Bride Act, 1947
Soldiers Vote Bill, 1944
1944, 1944
Starnes Bill - Aliens, 1936
State Labor Relations Acts, 1939
1947, 1947
Statute of Limitations, 1945
Sterilization Laws, 1935
1950, 1950
Sumner #7737, 1942
Sumners - H.R. 7737, 1942
Supreme Court Decisions, 1942
Taft-Hartley Act, 1949
1949, 1949
Taft-Hartley Bill, 1947
Tariff Bill, 1930
The Capitol Daily, 1937
Third Degree Legislation, 1935
Thomas Military Bill, 1941
Trade Union Bill, 1944
Trade Union Democracy Bill, 1947
1950, 1950
Unemployment Insurance Bill, 1935
Universal Draft, 1930
Vinson Espionage Act, 1941
Voluntary Departure Bill, 1932
Voters in Federal Jobs, 1944
Wagner Act, 1934
Wagner Bill Referendum, 1935
Wagner Labor Disputes Bill, 1935
War Brides Act, 1948
War Secrets Bill, 1942
War Security Bill, 1943
Wire Tapping Bill, 1932
Wire-Tapping, 1931-1933
Wiretapping Bill, 1938
Wiretapping Bill, 1943
Wiretapping Legislation, 1940-1949
Wiretapping Security Bills, 1950
Women's Equal Pay Bills, 1950
Women's Equal Rights Amendment, 1948
1950, 1950
Work or Fight, 1945
1945, 1945
1939, 1939
1936, 1936
Advertising, 1944
1944, 1944
Aliens, Visas, Deportations, 1927-1950
1927, 1927
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1936, 1936
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1950, 1950
American Bar Association, 1940
1940, 1940
American Legion, 1920-1946
Amnesty, 1918-1924
1918-1923, 1918-1923
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
Amnesty: Political Prisoners, 1922
Attacks on ACLU, 1926-1943
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1927, 1927
1932, 1932
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1943, 1943
Birth Control, 1931-1933
1931-1933, 1931-1933
Census for, 1940
1940, 1940
1938, 1938
Communications, 1945
1945, 1945
Communism, 1935-1950
Communism and Subversion, 1950
1950, 1950
Court Martial, 1918
1918, 1918
Deportations, 1918-1950
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1920, 1920
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Enemy Aliens, 1918-1946
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
Fascism and Nazism, 1936
1936, 1936
1934, 1934
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
General Correspondence, 1919-1944
1919-1920, 1919-1920
1942, 1942
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Germany, 1948
Immigration, 1920
1920, 1920
Immigration and Naturalization, 1947
1947, 1947
Indians, 1932-1950
1932, 1932
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Indictments, 1917-1918
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1920, 1920
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Insanity Cases, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
International Civil Liberties, 1931-1950
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1948, 1948
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1950, 1950
Jail Conditions, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Japan, 1948
1948, 1948
Jehovah's Witnesses, 1941-1950
Korea, 1948
1948, 1948
Labor, 1934-1950
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1944, 1944
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1950, 1950
1950, 1950
Labor Cases, 1948
1948, 1948
Labor Strikes, 1941-1946
Legal, 1936
1936, 1936
Libel, 1949
1949, 1949
Lynchings, 1931-1946
Martial Law, 1933
1933, 1933
Medical Freedom, 1950
1950, 1950
Medicine, 1949
1949, 1949
Mexican-Americans, 1945-1946
Military Amnesty, 1919
1919, 1919
Military Cases, 1920
1920, 1920
1919, 1919
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1941, 1941
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
Miscellaneous, 1918-1920
Mob Violence, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Mob Violence Toward Lawyers, 1932
1932, 1932
Mobilization Policy, 1943
1943, 1943
Negroes, 1932-1946
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1946, 1946
1931, 1931
Negroes: Dick Hall Case, 1931
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
Occupied Areas, 1948
1948, 1948
1938, 1938
Outside Publications/Films, 1919-1950
Passaic Textile Strike, 1926
1926, 1926
Patrioteering Organizations, 1918-1942
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1927, 1927
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
Picketing, 1938
1938, 1938
Police, 1938
1938, 1938
Police Activities, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Police Questionnaire, 1919-1921
1919-1921, 1919-1921
Police Systems, State, 1933
1933, 1933
Political Freedom, 1950
1950, 1950
Political Prisoners, 1920
1920, 1920
Poll Tax, 1943-1946
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1927, 1927
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1935, 1935
1935, 1935
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
Race Relations/Discrimination, 1943-1950
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1945-1946, 1945-1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1950, 1950
Radio, 1936-1947
1936, 1936
1936, 1936
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
Radio and Television, 1950
1950, 1950
Records and Briefs, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Religious Freedom, 1931-1950
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1936, 1936
1935, 1935
Search and Seizure, 1950
1950, 1950
Sedition, 1920-1949
1920, 1920
1944, 1944
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Sedition Cases, 1943
Socialist Party, 1920
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
Spanish Americans, 1944-1946
Third Degree, 1927-1937
Treason, 1950
1950, 1950
U.S. vs. Schwimmer, 1928-1929
1928-1929, 1928-1929
United Nations, 1946-1950
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
United States Possessions, 1946
Veterans, 1946-1947
Visas and Passports, 1947-1950
Voting Rights, 1946
1946, 1946
War, 1943
1943, 1943
War Hysteria, 1940
1940, 1940
War Situation, 1939
1939, 1939
Wiretapping, 1950
1950, 1950
Alabama, 1931-1939
American Federation of Labor, 1931-1933
Anti-Injunction Campaign, 1934
1934, 1934
Arizona, 1931-1935
Arkansas, 1931-1937
California, 1931-1937
Colorado, 1931-1933
Connecticut, 1931-1939
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
Delaware, 1931-1937
Federal Legislation, 1932
1932, 1932
Florida, 1933-1939
Form Letters and Memoranda, 1932
1932, 1932
General, 1938-1939
Georgia, 1931-1937
Idaho, 1933
1933, 1933
Illinois, 1931-1933
Illinois, 1934-1937
Indiana, 1931-1933
Iowa, 1931-1939
Judge Cotillo Decision, 1933
1933, 1933
Kansas, 1931-1935
Kentucky, 1932-1938
Louisiana, 1931
1931, 1931
1935, 1935
Maine, 1931-1937
Maryland, 1933-1937
Massachusetts, 1931-1935
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
Michigan, 1931-1939
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
Minnesota, 1931-1935
Miscellaneous, 1933-1939
Mississippi, 1931-1933
Missouri, 1931-1937
Model State Bill, 1931
1931, 1931
Montana, 1933-1935
Nebraska, 1931-1937
Nevada, 1933-1937
New Hampshire, 1933-1937
New Jersey, 1931-1938
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
New Mexico, 1931-1935
New York, 1931-1935
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
New York City, 1933
1933, 1933
North Carolina, 1931-1935
North Dakota, 1931-1935
Ohio, 1931-1939
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
Oklahoma, 1931-1937
Oregon, 1931-1933
Pennsylvania, 1931-1937
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1937, 1937
Rhode Island, 1931-1938
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
South Carolina, 1931-1935
South Dakota, 1931-1937
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
Tennessee, 1931-1935
Texas, 1931-1937
Utah, 1933
1933, 1933
Vermont, 1933-1935
Virginia, 1931-1934
Washington, 1931-1935
West Virginia, 1933-1939
Wisconsin, 1931
1931, 1931
Wyoming, 1931-1935
All-India Congress Committee, 1936
1938, 1938
American Bar Association, 1936
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
American Council on Education, 1950
American Discussion League, 1940
1940, 1940
American Federation of Labor, 1936
1936, 1936
American Forum of Democracy, 1940
American Foundations Service, 1935
American Heritage Foundation, 1950
1950, 1950
American Jewish Committee, 1941-1950
American Jewish Congress, 1946-1950
1944, 1944
American Law and Lawyers, 1941
1941, 1941
1939, 1939
American Legion, 1945-1946
1938, 1938
American Overseas Aid, 1948
American Student Union, 1939
1939, 1939
American Union for Democracy, 1938
American Veterans Committee, 1947
American Youth Commission, 1940
American Youth Committee, 1942
American Youth Congress, 1937
1937, 1937
Anti-Defamation League, 1950
1950, 1950
Anti-Fascist Association, 1935
Arbitrator, 1937
Associated Film Audiences, 1938
1938, 1938
Axis Victims League, 1949
Birth Control Review, 1940
Call, The, 1940
Carlo Tresca Jubilee, 1939
Carnegie Corporation, 1948
Chamber of Commerce, 1935
1935, 1935
1950, 1950
Civil Rights Congress, 1948-1950
Civil Rights Defense Committee, 1944
1944, 1944
1940, 1940
Committee for Cultural Freedom, 1940
Committee of Forty-Eight, 1921
Committee of Racial Equality, 1948
Committee on Educational Aid, 1947
Committee on Election Rights, 1940
1950, 1950
Communist Party, 1937-1940
Congress on Civil Rights, 1946
Cooperative Project, The, 1940
1947, 1947
Council for Democracy, 1940-1947
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1947, 1947
Council for Social Action, 1939
Council on Human Rights, 1950
Crusade for Freedom, 1950
Educational Broadcasting, 1939
Emergency Peace Campaign, 1936
Federation to Fight Fascism, 1947
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1947
Film Survey, 1938
Films for Democracy, 1938
Ford Foundation, 1950
1939, 1939
Foreign Policy Association, 1949
Free Company, 1942
Friends of Democracy, 1939-1949
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Friends of the Soviet Union, 1936
Frontier Films, 1938-1939
General Correspondence, 1937
1936, 1936
Hour, The, 1941-1943
Humanity Guild, 1939
I Am An American Day, 1942
In Fact, 1941-1946
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1939, 1939
Information Service, 1942-1947
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1940, 1940
Institute of Ethnic Affairs, 1946
Institute of Living Law, 1942
1942, 1942
International Labor Defense, 1935-1939
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
International Labor Defense, 1935-1945
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
International Rescue Committee, 1949
La Stampa Libers, 1936
Labor Leader, The, 1940
1940, 1940
Labor Organizations, General, 1932-1933
Labor Relations Report Service, 1938
Labor Research Association, 1937
1937, 1937
Labor's Non-Partisan League, 1938-1942
League for Democratic Control, 1921
League for Fair Play, 1940
League of Women Voters, 1949
1949, 1949
Legal Aid Society, 1936
1936, 1936
Liberal Party, 1944
Liberal Survey, 1939
1948, 1948
Mankind United, 1946
1947, 1947
Miscellaneous Organizations, 1934-1941
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1939, 1939
1936, 1936
National Consumers' League, 1936
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
National Council of Education, 1938
National Farm Labor Union, 1949
National Information Bureau, 1938-1942
National Lawyer's Guild, 1939-1947
National Negro Conference News, 1943
National Negro Congress, 1941
National Peace Conference, 1938
National Refugee Service, 1944-1946
1936, 1936
National Rifle Association, 1949
National Student Federation, 1936-1941
National Urban League, 1950
1950, 1950
1947, 1947
1950, 1950
New York World's Fair, 1939
News Letter, 1941
1941, 1941
No Frontier News, 1938
Non-Partisan Labor Defense, 1936
1936, 1936
1938, 1938
Office of Civilian Defense, 1942
1942, 1942
One World Award Committee, 1950
1950, 1950
Patriotic Citizenship, 1945
People's League of Alberta, 1936
People's Lobby, 1936-1947
Political Sciences Association, 1948
Post War World Council, 1944
Public Education Association, 1936
Rand School of Social Science, 1936
Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Fund, 1921
Shoe Worker's Union, 1933
Socialist Labor Party, 1947
1947, 1947
Socialist Party, 1937
Socialist Workers Party, 1945
Southern Tenant Farmers Union, 1943
Teachers' Union, 1939
1939, 1939
Townsend Harris Association, 1943
Trade Union Conference, 1933
Trinity League, 1939
Uncensored, 1941
1941, 1941
Union for Democratic Action, 1945-1947
United States Student Assembly, 1946
Visual Education Press, 1938
1938, 1938
Workers and Farmers Committee, 1933
Workers Defense League, 1937-1950
1939, 1939
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
World War Veterans, 1921
World's Fair Radio Day, 1940
Law and Freedom Bulletins, 1920-1926
Legal Case Files, 1920-1926
Legal Notes, 1920-1926
Legal Notes, 1920-1926
Writings, 1920-1926
Writings, 1920-1926
Academic Freedom, 1946-1947
Advisory Committee, 1942
Annual Report, 1939
Anti-Discrimination Bills, 1939
Anti-Semitic Speaker Arrests, 1940
Arrests, 1947
1947, 1947
Assembly, 1942
1942, 1942
Ban on Sound Trucks, 1940
1939, 1939
Bills to Amend Election Laws, 1939
1939, 1939
Browder Passport Case, Earl, 1940
1940, 1940
Building Workers Union, 1938
Busch Jewelry Store Strike, 1939
Cases, Miscellaneous, 1937-1950
Censorship, 1946
Christian Front Meetings, 1939
Citizen's Union, 1937
Citizen's Union Reports, 1940
City Council Bills, 1942-1947
Civil Liberties Bureau Bill, 1939
Civil Liberties Cases, 1941
Committee Meetings, 1938-1941
Coughlin Activities, Father, 1940
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
Discrimination, 1938-1946
Draper Case, Charles, 1939
Emergency Relief Bureau, 1938
Excessive Bail Situation, 1938
Foreign Consulates Picketing, 1940
Friedman Case, Joseph, 1939
Fur Workers Union Case, 1940
General Correspondence, 1939-1949
1939, 1939
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1949, 1949
Gerson Case, Simon, 1940
Ives Labor Report, 1940
Kern Contempt Case, Paul, 1940
Kuhn Case, Fritz, 1940
1940, 1940
Labor Bills, 1939
Leaflet Distribution, 1942
Legislation, 1937-1949
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1949, 1949
1940, 1940
Leviton Manufacturing Co. Case, 1940
Magistrates' Courts Survey, 1939
McNaboe Anti-Radical Bill, 1939
Minutes, 1944-1946
New Masses Subway Arrests, 1939
New York City Council, 1950
Nominating Committee, 1942
O'Dell Case, Lester, 1939
Organizational Matters, 1949-1950
Panto Murder, Peter, 1939
Peterson Papers, W. O, 1940
Police Department, 1938-1940
Police War Squad, 1939
Prosecutions, Miscellaneous, 1940
Public Assembly, 1937
Racial Discrimination, 1947
Radio Libel Bill, 1939
Rapp-Coudert Committee, 1942
Resignations, 1942
Ryan Political Activities Bill, 1940
Sacher Contempt Case, Harry, 1938
Scalise Prosecution, George, 1940
Social Justice Parade, 1939
Strikes and Injunctions, 1937
Strikes and Picketing, 1940
1940, 1940
Teamsters Union Prosecution, 1940
Third-Degree Bills, 1939
Transport Workers Union, 1940
United Anti-Nazi Council, 1938
Walsh Arrest, Bridget, 1940
1939, 1939
Wiretapping Bills, 1940
1940, 1940
Works Progress Administration, 1938-1939
1940, 1940
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1939, 1939
Academic Freedom Committee, 1925-1949
1925, 1925
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1937, 1937
Advertising, 1937
1937, 1937
Affiliates, Local, 1926-1950
1926, 1926
1930, 1930
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1936, 1936
1935, 1935
Aliens Committee, 1942
1942, 1942
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1927, 1927
1919, 1919
Annual Meetings, 1934-1947
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1947, 1947
Annual Report, 1932-1939
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
Anti-Radical Material, 1921
1921, 1921
Bail Fund, 1923-1941
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1933, 1933
Bailey, Forrest - Resignation, 1932
1932, 1932
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Baldwin, Roger N. - Director, 1948
1948, 1948
Baldwin, Roger N. - Luncheon, 1941
1941, 1941
1921, 1921
1921, 1921
1947-1948, 1947-1948
Bequests, 1929
1929, 1929
Bill of Rights Poster Contest, 1937
1937, 1937
Board of Directors, 1930-1950
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1940, 1940
British Group, Report of, 1920
1920, 1920
By-Laws, 1930-1936
1926, 1926
1926, 1926
California Affiliates, 1928
1928, 1928
Censorship, 1929
1929, 1929
Censorship Committee, 1937-1947
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
Chinese Committee, 1929
1929, 1929
Civil Liberties Activities, 1932
1932, 1932
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Civil Liberties Emblem, 1936
1936, 1936
Civil Liberties Quarterly, 1931-1938
1931, 1931
Civil Liberty and the Courts, 1931
1931, 1931
Civil Rights Conference, 1945
1945, 1945
Colleges and Universities, 1920-1921
1920-1921, 1920-1921
Communist Cases, Policy Toward, 1930
1930, 1930
1930, 1930
Communist Party, 1931
1931, 1931
Communists, Policy Towards, 1939
1939, 1939
Conference for Joint Action, 1931-1933
1935, 1935
Conferences, Mass Meetings, 1917-1921
Congressional Campaign, 1924
1924, 1924
1936, 1936
Cooperating Attorneys, 1917-1936
Cooperating Organizations, 1917-1936
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1926-1929, 1926-1929
1936, 1936
1920-1921, 1920-1921
Deaths, 1943-1946
Defense Fund Account, 1917-1919
1917-1919, 1917-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1917-1920, 1917-1920
1931, 1931
European Conference, 1927
1927, 1927
Executive Committee, 1920-1929
1920-1922, 1920-1922
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
Field Work, 1934
1934, 1934
Fieldston Group, 1936
1936, 1936
Finances, 1917-1930
1933, 1933
Form Letters, 1934-1936
48, Committee of, 1920-1921
Free Speech Publications, 1917-1921
1917-1921, 1917-1921
Gartenbaum, Samuel, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
General Correspondence, 1920-1943
General Counsel, 1928
1928, 1928
Harlem Committee, 1936
1936, 1936
1933, 1933
Hays Meeting Contributors, 1934
1934, 1934
Incorporation, 1926-1929
Index to Correspondence, 1917-1922
1917-1922, 1917-1922
1917-1922, 1917-1922
Indian Civil Rights Committee, 1946-1949
Indian Committee, 1928
1928, 1928
Indian Situation, 1929
1929, 1929
Industrial Espionage, 1921
1921, 1921
1917-1918, 1917-1918
Injunction Campaign, 1928
1928, 1928
Injunction Study, 1929
1929, 1929
1927, 1927
International Labor Defense, 1928-1931
Italian American Committee, 1928-1929
1941, 1941
Justice, Department of, 1920-1921
1926, 1926
Ku Klux Klan, 1921
1921, 1921
Labor, Department of, 1920-1921
1938, 1938
1938, 1938
Labor Panel, 1942
1942, 1942
Lamont, Corliss - Letters, 1936
1936, 1936
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1935, 1935
Lawyers Panel, 1942
1942, 1942
1920-1921, 1920-1921
League for Human Rights, 1933
1933, 1933
Legal Advisory Committee, 1928
1928, 1928
Legal Committee, 1942
1942, 1942
1917-1918, 1917-1918
Lincoln's Birthday Conference, 1941
Lunde Correspondence, 1920-1921
1920-1921, 1920-1921
Maurer Passport Case, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Meetings and Conferences, 1930-1950
Membership Drive, 1934-1936
Minority Parties, Committee on, 1942
1942, 1942
Miscellaneous, 1929-1935
Monthly Bulletin for Action, 1930-1931
1942, 1942
National Committee, 1920-1950
1920, 1920
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
1939, 1939
1931-1933, 1931-1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
National Information Bureau, 1921
1921, 1921
Nazi Controversy, 1933
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1934, 1934
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1937, 1937
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Nominating Committee, 1934-1947
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1943, 1943
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1942, 1942
One-Act Play Contest, 1939
1939, 1939
Peoples' Freedom Union, 1920-1921
1920-1921, 1920-1921
Pittsburgh Committee, 1928
1928, 1928
Policies, 1947
1947, 1947
Political Prisoners, 1931
1931, 1931
Poster Contest, 1936
1936, 1936
1920-1921, 1920-1921
Public Forums Subcommittee, 1936
1936, 1936
Publications, 1918-1920
1943-1946, 1943-1946
1926-1929, 1926-1929
Queens Subcommittee, 1936
1936, 1936
1921, 1921
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
Questionnaires, 1937
1937, 1937
1949, 1949
Race Discrimination Committee, 1942-1944
Radio Committee, 1937-1944
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Research Committee, 1936
1936, 1936
Rice's Trip, Elmer, 1936
1936, 1936
1943, 1943
Sakier Finance Committee, 1936
1936, 1936
Sedition Committee, 1935-1944
Speakers, 1918-1936
Special Committees, 1943-1948
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1944, 1944
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
Staff Counsel, 1937
1937, 1937
Standing Committees, 1942-1950
1942, 1942
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
State Chairmen, 1933-1940
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1918-1919, 1918-1919
1935, 1935
1934, 1934
Third Degree Study, 1929
1929, 1929
Un-Affiliated Committees, 1947-1948
Unemployed Subcommittee, 1936
1936, 1936
1944, 1944
Ward's Trip, Dr., 1936
1936, 1936
Ward's Western Trip, Dr., 1937
1937, 1937
1934, 1934
Washington Correspondents, 1917-1924
Washington Demonstration, 1920-1921
1920-1921, 1920-1921
Weekly Bulletin, Nos. 385-437, 1930
1930, 1930
Weekly Bulletin, Nos. 438-489, 1931
1946, 1946
Wilson, Woodrow, 1917-1918
1917-1918, 1917-1918
Woods, J. C. B., 1921
1921, 1921
Woolcott Membership Drive, 1936
1936, 1936
Worker's Defense Union, 1918-1919
1918-1919, 1918-1919
Workers' Schools, Committee on, 1935
1935, 1935
World War Veterans, 1920-1921
1920-1921, 1920-1921
Anti-Injunction Bills, 1931-1933
Anti-Yellow Dog Bills, 1931-1933
Censorship, 1931-1933
Criminal Prosecutions, 1933
Deportations, 1933
Executive Committee, 1930-1933
Israel Lazar Case, 1933
Labor Organizations, 1933
Legislation, 1933
Meetings and Demonstrations, 1933
1933, 1933
Official Lawlessness, 1933
Reactionaries, 1933
Sedition Law Repeal, 1931-1933
Special Session, 1931-1933
Strikes, 1933
1933, 1933
Woodlawn Cases, 1930
Alabama, 1928-1943
1931, 1931
Anti-Sit-Down Strike Bills, 1937
1937, 1937
Anti-Subversion Legislation, 1950
Arizona, 1931-1941
Arkansas, 1931-1943
California, 1931-1946
1931, 1931
1935, 1935
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
Civil Rights, 1943-1945
Colorado, 1931-1943
Connecticut, 1931-1943
Delaware, 1931-1945
1931, 1931
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
District of Columbia, 1945
1945, 1945
Fingerprinting Bills, 1937
1937, 1937
Florida, 1935-1943
General, 1928-1950
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Georgia, 1931-1943
Idaho, 1941-1943
Illinois, 1929-1943
Indiana, 1931-1941
Iowa, 1931-1943
Kansas, 1931-1943
Kentucky, 1941
1941, 1941
Labor Laws, 1943
1943, 1943
1939, 1939
Little Wagner Acts, 1938
1938, 1938
Louisiana, 1929-1931
Loyalty Oath Bills, 1935
1935, 1935
Maine, 1929-1943
Maryland, 1935-1943
Massachusetts, 1929-1945
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1935, 1935
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
Michigan, 1928-1943
Minnesota, 1929-1945
Mississippi, 1929-1935
Missouri, 1929-1945
1931, 1931
Montana, 1935-1943
Nebraska, 1931-1943
Nevada, 1929-1943
New Jersey, 1931-1944
New Mexico, 1931-1943
New York [see also Series 17], 1929-1945
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1936, 1936
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1936, 1936
North Carolina, 1928-1941
North Dakota, 1931-1943
Ohio, 1929-1945
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
Oklahoma, 1935-1943
Oregon, 1931-1945
Puerto Rico, 1945-1946
Rhode Island, 1931-1944
Sedition Bills, 1935
1935, 1935
South Carolina, 1931-1944
South Dakota, 1931-1935
Survey, 1939
1939, 1939
Tennessee, 1931-1935
Texas, 1929-1945
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1935, 1935
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
Utah, 1935-1945
Vermont, 1943
1943, 1943
Virgin Islands, 1935
1935, 1935
Virginia, 1931-1944
Washington, 1931-1943
West Virginia, 1935-1941
Wisconsin, 1931-1943
Wyoming, 1931-1941
Subseries 21 - States--Correspondence, 1917-1950
Alabama, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1920, 1920
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1921, 1921
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Alaska, 1917-1948
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1924, 1924
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1943, 1943
1948, 1948
Arizona, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920-1921, 1920-1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Arkansas, 1917-1930
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
Arkansas, 1933-1948
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
California, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1925, 1925
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1942, 1942
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
California (Mooney-Billings Case), 1931-1938
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1938, 1938
Canada, 1920-1950
1920, 1920
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1950, 1950
Colorado, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1943, 1943
1946, 1946
1950, 1950
Connecticut, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Costa Rica, 1931
1931, 1931
Cuba, 1936-1941
Delaware, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1949, 1949
District of Columbia, 1919-1950
1919, 1919
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Florida, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Georgia, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1930, 1930
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Guam, 1935-1948
1935, 1935
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1948, 1948
Haiti, 1927-1947
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1939, 1939
1942, 1942
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
Hawaii, 1922-1950
1922, 1922
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Idaho, 1917-1944
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
Illinois, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Indiana, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Iowa, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
Jamaica, 1942
1942, 1942
Japanese Islands Trusteeship, 1946
Kansas, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Kentucky, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Louisiana, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Maine, 1922-1949
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1949, 1949
Maryland, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1922, 1922
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Massachusetts, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Michigan, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Minnesota, 1917-1948
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
Mississippi, 1920-1948
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
Missouri, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Montana, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Nebraska, 1917-1948
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
Nevada, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1935, 1935
1940, 1940
1943, 1943
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New Hampshire, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1920, 1920
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New Jersey, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New Mexico, 1917-1947
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1947, 1947
New York, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
New York (Loyalty Oath Laws), 1935
1935, 1935
New York City, 1932-1950
1932-1933, 1932-1933
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1935, 1935
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1948, 1948
1950, 1950
Nicaragua, 1931-1932
North Carolina, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1920, 1920
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1929, 1929
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
North Dakota, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1930, 1930
1932, 1932
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Ohio, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Oklahoma, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Oregon, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Pacific Islands, 1946-1948
Panama Canal Zone, 1930-1948
Pennsylvania, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Philippine Islands, 1921-1949
1921, 1921
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1949, 1949
Puerto Rico, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Rhode Island, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Samoa, 1922-1941
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
South Carolina, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1922, 1922
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
South Dakota, 1919-1948
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1930, 1930
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
Tennessee, 1919-1950
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Texas, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Utah, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1925, 1925
1931, 1931
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Vermont, 1917-1950
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1929, 1929
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
1950, 1950
Virgin Islands, 1920-1948
1920, 1920
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
Virginia, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1920, 1920
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1922, 1922
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Washington, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921-1922, 1921-1922
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
West Indies, 1946
West Virginia, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1926, 1926
1927, 1927
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1946, 1946
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Wisconsin, 1917-1949
1917-1918, 1917-1918
1919, 1919
1920, 1920
1920, 1920
1921, 1921
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1924, 1924
1925, 1925
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1945, 1945
1946, 1946
1947, 1947
1948, 1948
1949, 1949
Wyoming, 1922-1947
1922, 1922
1928, 1928
1930, 1930
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1944, 1944
1947, 1947
Microfilm of the subgroup.
Arranged in the same order as the volumes, essentially chronological. Notes at the item level indicate on which reel that volume may be found.
- Scope and Contents
The American Civil Liberties Union Records, The Roger Baldwin years, document the activities of the ACLU from 1917 through 1950. The files contain materials on conscientious objection, freedom of speech, academic and religious freedom, censorship, labor rights, the Espionage Act of 1917, political demonstrations, political propaganda, the Ku Klux Klan and other patrioteering organizations, mob violence, racism, lynching, and other civil liberty issues. Materials include correspondence and newspaper clippings. Please see the series descriptions for additional descriptive information.
This collection consists of 1,886 bound volumes of records from the years 1917-1946, 226 volumes of loose records from 1946-1950, and three boxes (Appendixes 1-3) that contain material primarily from 1940-1946, much of which are available on microfilm. The microfilm does not include complete runs of administrative material such as board minutes, some materials relating to files on the removal of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn from the board, various labor issues, and radio censorship. There are 228 reels of microfilm in the collection.
- Arrangement
This finding aid provides two different arrangements for the materials. Series 1: Reel Contents - American Civil Liberties Union Microfilm are in the order that the materials are physically arranged: in the volumes first by format (correspondence or newspaper clippings) and then chronologically. Series 2: Clippings and Series 3: Correspondence provide an alternate arrangement of these same materials, organized by subject.
- Collection Creator Biography:
American civil liberties union
The ACLU is the preeminent civil liberties organization in the United States. The ACLU describes itself as "our nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country." Since its inception in 1920, the ACLU has played a part in nearly every significant American social or political issue in the 20th century. This includes important work in the areas of civil rights, children and women's rights, freedom of speech (and all First Amendment questions), and due process, among many others.
For a more detailed history of the ACLU, please see the history in the finding aid for the processed portion of the ACLU Records.
- Acquisition:
Gifted to the New York Public Library by Albert DeSilver, the Director of the National Civil Liberties Bureau in 1920. The New York Public Library deaccessioned the papers in 1953 to Princeton's Firestone Library. In 1976, the records were transferred to the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library.
Material relating to a 1912 Industrial Workers of the World free speech trial in San Diego, California is included in the collection. As it precedes the creation of the ACLU, its origin is unknown.
- Custodial History
The initial donation to the New York Public Library consisted of 10 volumes of canvas-backed post-bound original documents and clippings pasted on paper that were numbered starting with 1 for each year. NYPL removed the originals from the post-bindings, and pasted them into scrapbooks. This process increased the number of volumes and split materials that were originally described as a single volume. Volumes were renumbered with a combination of volume and letter designations (for example, 595A and 595B).
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Conditions Governing Access
Subgroup 1 is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 1, The Roger Baldwin Years; Public Policy Papers, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (scamudd): Boxes 1-12; 5678-5686; 5721
- Existence and Location of Copies
Microfilm of these volumes is available at the Mudd Manuscript Library. Additionally, digital images of volumes 1-71, 73-125, 127-135, and 138-141 are available online as downloadable PDFs. Please see the Reel Contents List for access to electronic copies.
FOR DIGITIZED CONTENT: Subgroup 1 has been digitized in its entirety and is available for members of the Princeton community to view here.
- Other Finding Aids
The ACLU Card Index (1917-1946) lists materials in this collection first chronologically and then by subject or name (original index cards are now located in AC123, Library Records). Please use the linked Card Index Subjects list and Names list (individuals are found under the heading "people" in the index) to identify relevant index terms and the years in which they appear. The cards provide reel (r), volume, and page numbers for each subject. This index has several limitations. Names are not indexed exhaustively, and material from 1946-1950 is not included. To gain access to these years, please use the Reel Contents and Series lists.
This finding aid describes a portion of the American Civil Liberties Union Records held at the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. For an overview of the entire collection, instructions on searching the collection and requesting materials, and other information, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.
- Subject Terms:
- African Americans -- Civil rights -- History. -- 20th century
African Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc -- United States -- 20th century
Amnesty -- United States -- 20th century
Anti-Communist movements -- United States -- History -- 20th century
Assembly, Right of -- United States -- 20th century
Censorship -- United States -- 20th century
Church and state -- United States -- 20th century
Citizen suits (Civil procedure) -- United States -- 20th century
Civil rights -- United States -- 20th century
Civil rights movements -- United States -- History -- 20th century
Civil rights workers -- United States -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Communism -- United States -- 20th century
Conscientious objectors -- United States -- 20th century.
Constitutional law -- United States -- 20th century
Discrimination -- United States -- 20th century
Draft resisters -- United States -- 20th century.
Due process of law -- United States -- 20th century
Equality before the law -- United States -- 20th century
Freedom of association -- United States -- 20th century
Freedom of information -- United States -- 20th century
Freedom of movement -- United States -- 20th century
Freedom of religion -- United States -- 20th century
Freedom of speech -- United States -- 20th century
Freedom of the press -- Minnesota. -- 20th century
Indigenous peoples of North America -- Civil rights. -- 20th century
Labor laws and legislation -- United States -- 20th century
Law -- United States -- 20th century -- Cases
Lawyers -- United States -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Legal aid -- United States -- 20th century
Legal services -- United States -- 20th century
Loyalty oaths -- United States -- 20th century
Minorities -- Legal status, laws, etc -- United States -- 20th century
Noncitizens -- United States -- Civil rights -- 20th century.
Police power -- United States -- 20th century
Political questions and judicial power -- United States -- 20th century
Privacy, Right of -- United States -- 20th century
Race discrimination -- Law and legislation -- United States -- 20th century
Records -- United States -- Access control -- 20th century
Sacco-Vanzetti Trial, Dedham, Mass., 1921.
Scottsboro Trial, Scottsboro, Ala., 1931.
Sex discrimination -- United States -- 20th century
Strikes and lockouts -- United States -- 20th century -- Cases
Subversive activities -- United States -- History -- 20th century
Teaching, Freedom of -- United States -- 20th century
Textile workers -- Labor unions -- New Jersey -- Patterson -- History. -- 20th century
Trials -- United States -- 20th century - Genre Terms:
- Briefs.
Legal correspondence.
Legal documents.