Series 3: Subject Files, 1921-1990
The subject files consist of records gathered by the ACLU on various topics of interest pertaining to its mission. The records here are divided into four broad categories: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association; Due Process of Law; Equality Before the Law; and International Civil Liberties. Except for International Civil Liberties, each is then further subdivided alphabetically by topic. Generally, the subject files contain background material on a topic, as well as correspondence, memoranda, and other items documenting the ACLU's involvement with the issue.
Subseries 3 is divided into four broad subject areas and further divided alphabetically within each by topic.
General, 1950
General, 1950
Free Speech Case, Lady D'Arcy, 1953
Miscellaneous, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1956
Miscellaneous, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1959
Atheists/Agnostics, Rights of, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Freedom of Speech, comments, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1961
John Birch Society, Comments, 1961
John Birch Society, Documents, 1961
Restrictions against Criticism, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1962
Free Speech Rights; Military, 1962
Mails - Privacy; Latta, John H, 1962
(Ultra) Right Wing; Documents, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1963
Radical Right--Right Wing Movement; Conference, Radical Right and United Nations 1963, April 5, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1964
Right Wing Groups, (General), 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1965
Privacy, Invasion of: General, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1966
Draft, (General), 1966
Fluoridation Issue; (General), 1966
John Birch Society, 1966
Narcotic Addicts (General), 1966
Narcotic Addicts (General), 1966
Right Wing Groups; (General), 1966
Vietnam War: (General), 1966
Vietnam War: ACLU Materials, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1967
Abortion, (General), 1967
Divorce; (General), 1967
Divorce; (General), 1967
Flag Desecration; Penalties, 1967
Long Hair, Beards; (General), 1967
Right Wing Groups; (General), 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1968
Abortion (General), 1968
Birth Control (General), 1968
Civil Disobedience (General), 1968
Death Penalty (General), 1968
Disclosure Census (General), 1968
Draft (General), 1968
Fluoridation Issue (General), 1968
Miscellaneous, 1969
Right Wing Groups; (General), 1969
Population Control (General), 1970
Miscellaneous, 1971
Miscellaneous, 1972
Subseries 3A.2: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association: Academic Freedom, 1947-1985
Miscellaneous: General, 1947
Education: Campus Speakers Ban, 1947
Education: General, 1947
Students: General, 1947
Teachers: General, 1947
Miscellaneous: General, 1948
Cases: Barfoot, 1948
Cases: Ganier: Equal Pay, 1947
Cases: General, undated
Cases: Ohio Loyalty Oath, 1948
Campus Unrest: Speakers, 1948
Teachers: Harvard University, 1948
Miscellaneous: General, 1949
Miscellaneous: Loyalty Oaths, 1949
Students: Harvard Crimson, 1949
Teachers: General, 1950
Campus Unrest: General, 1950
Cases: Brooklyn College, 1950
Cases: General, 1950
Cases: Kansas Textbook Ban, 1950
Cases: New York City Board of Education Resolution to Have Schools Fly United Nations Flag, 1950
Education: General, 1950
Legislation: General, 1950
Students: General, 1950
Teachers: General, 1950
Miscellaneous: General, 1951
Cases: Dworkin v. Cleveland, 1951
Cases: Hunt Purdue Case, 1951
Cases: Morell Loyalty Case, 1951
Cases: Shore Parochial School, 1951
Cases: Thorpe, 1951
Communists: General, 1951
Education: General, 1951
Loyalty Oaths: General, 1951
Students: General, 1951
Teachers: General, 1951
Miscellaneous: Arden House, 1952
Miscellaneous: General, 1952
Campus Unrest: General, 1952
Cases: Bulley Case, 1952
Cases: General, 1951-1952
Cases: Kurtick, 1951-1952
Cases: Lorch, 1952
Cases: New Mexico Highlands, 1952
Communists: Miscellaneous, 1952
Education: General, 1952
Legislation: General, 1952
Loyalty Oaths: General, 1952
Students: General, 1952
Teachers: General, 1952
Miscellaneous: General, 1953
Campus Unrest: General, 1953
Cases: Brown v. Dunnaway, 1953
Cases: Colorado Loyalty Oath, 1953
Cases: Flag Salute, 1953
Cases: General, 1953
Cases: Heimlich: Finley, 1953
Cases: MacRae Dismissal, 1952-1953
Cases: Madsen, 1953
Cases: Perry v. Buffalo, 1953
Cases: Ray, Alpheas, 1953
Cases: Stoddard: Dismissal, 1953
Cases: Weinberg: Dismissal, 1953
Cases: Weitman: Dismissal, 1953
Cases: Zilsel (CT), 1953
Communists: General, 1953
Education: General, 1953
Legislation: General, 1953
Loyalty Oaths: Miscellaneous, 1953
Students: General, 1953
Teachers: General, 1953
Miscellaneous: General, 1954
Miscellaneous: General, 1954
Cases: Andelson, Robert V, 1954
Cases: Clark Texas, 1954
Cases: Davis, Kansas, 1954
Cases: Gotesky, 1954
Cases: Gurney, 1954
Cases: Katzowitz, 1954
Cases: Mitchell: Nebraska, 1954
Cases: Oliver and Camp Crock, 1954
Communism: General, 1954
Education: Banned Books, 1954
Education: Law Schools, 1954
Miscellaneous: General, 1955-1956
Cases: Deacon, Thomas, 1954-1955
Cases: Deinum, Andreas, 1955-1956
Cases: General, 1955
Cases: Lenz v. Queens College, 1955
Cases: Schudakoff: Tacoma, WA, 1955
Cases: Tulane Bar Association, 1955
Education: General, 1955
Miscellaneous: General, 1956
Miscellaneous: General Communication with American Association of University Professors, 1956
Teachers: Tenure: General, 1956
Miscellaneous: General, 1957
Education: General, 1957
Education: New York City Board of Education v. Allen: Ruling banning "Teacher Informr.", 1957
General, 1958
Cases: American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Censure of University of Michigan, 1958
Cases: General, 1958
Cases: University of Colorado, 1958
Teachers: AAUP, 1958
Miscellaneous: General, 1959
Cases: General, 1959
Loyalty Oaths: Teachers, 1959
Miscellaneous: General, 1960
Education: General, 1960
Education: Compulsory ROTC, 1960
Education: Fulbright Program, 1960
Students: General, 1960
Cases: Flag Saluting, 1961
Cases: General, 1961
Cases: O'Keefe, Edward, 1961
Cases: Olson Obscenity, 1961
Cases: Wyman Teacher Dismissal, 1961
Education: General, 1961
Students: General, 1961
Miscellaneous: General, 1962
Education: General, 1962
Education: Campus Speaker Ban, 1962
Education: Mass, John, 1962
Education: Queens College, NY, 1962
Education: Senate Bill 1456, 1962
Loyalty Oaths: Miscellaneous, 1962
Students: Expulsion, 1962
Students: Press Association, 1962
Teachers: General, 1962
Miscellaneous: General, 1962
Cases: General, 1963
Communists: Campus Ban, 1963
Miscellaneous: General, 1964
Education: General, 1964
Education: Hofstra University, 1964
Miscellaneous: General, 1965
Miscellaneous: State Laws, 1965
Loyalty Oaths: General, 1965
Loyalty Oaths: Scholarships, 1965
Students: Privacy, 1965
Miscellaneous: General, 1966
Education: General, 1966
Education: Barred on Campus, 1966
Education: General, 1966
Education: "Long Hair" Cases, 1966
Teachers: Public Review Board, 1966
Miscellaneous: General, 1967
Cases: Bratton, Carolyn: Academic Freedom violation, Bluefield State College (Virginia), 1967
Miscellaneous: General, 1968
Cases: Appointment of John Hatchett as Director of New York University's Black Student Center, 1968
Communism: General, 1968
Education: General, 1968
Education: ROTC-General, 1968
Misc: General, 1969
Campus Unrest: General, 1969
Legislation: General, 1969
Loyalty Oaths: General, 1969
Miscellaneous: General, 1970
Education: Voucher, 1970
Miscellaneous: Committee correspondence re: faculty participation in campus demonstrations, 1971
Miscellaneous: General, 1971
Cases: General, 1971
Education: Vouchers in schools, 1971
Miscellaneous: General, 1972
Education: Education amendment, 1972
Education: General, 1972
Students: Rights - general, 1972
Miscellaneous: General, 1973
Education: School Law Reporter, 1973
Miscellaneous: General, 1974
Miscellaneous: General, 1976
Miscellaneous: General, 1977
Miscellaneous: General, 1978
Miscellaneous: General, 1979
Academic Access, 1963
General Access: Miscellaneous, 1963
General Access: Miscellaneous, 1964
Press Access: Miscellaneous, 1964
General Access: Miscellaneous, 1965
Press Access: Brookings Institute; Proposed Study, "Mass Media Coverage of Government", 1965
Public Access: Miscellaneous, 1965
General Access: Miscellaneous, 1966
General Access: ACLU Policy, 1966
General Access: Classification, 1966
General Access: Miscellaneous, 1968
Legislation: Miscellaneous, 1971
General Access: Classification, 1972
General Access: Census, 1977
Peekskill Riots: Hearings, 1949
Case: Beauharnais, Joseph V, 1951
General, 1952
General, 1954
General, 1956
General, 1956
General, 1958
Ban: Meeting - Communism, 1958
Ban: Seeger, Pete Concert, 1958
General, 1959
Protest: Lipman, Arnold J, 1959
Protest: Need for New Schools, 1959
Assembly: Mob Intimidation, 1960
General, 1960
Protest: Westwillow v. Taylor, 1960
General, 1961
General, 1962
General, 1963
Demonstrations: ACLU Statement, 1963
General, 1964
Assembly: American Nazi Party, 1964
Demonstrations, 1964
General, 1965
Assembly: Baltimore County, MD, 1965
General: State Level, 1965
Misc: Parade and Assembly Bill, 1965
Misc: Vietnam, 1965
Misc: World War Memorial, 1964-1965
General, 1966
Protest: Sit-In on Draft Board, 1966
Vietnam: "While Brave Men Die", 1966
Vietnam: Demonstration, 1966
General, 1967
Demonstrations - General, 1967
Misc: Gun Control, 1967-1975
General, 1968-1969
Assembly - General, 1968
Demonstrations - General, 1968
General, 1969
Assembly: Handguns, 1969
General, 1970
Demonstrations - General, 1970
General, 1971
General, 1972
Protest, 1972
General, 1973
Protest, 1973
Shockley Incident, 1973
General, 1974
Commercial Speech, 1974
General, 1977
Assembly: Ku Klux Klan, 1977
Misc: Skokie Correspondence, 1977
General, 1978
Misc: Handgun Control, 1978
Misc: Skokie Correspondence, 1978
Misc: Handgun Control, 1979
Books: The Nealy Bill, 1939
Movies and Theater: Economic and Political Impact; Distribution of American Movies Abroad, 1940
Miscellaneous: New York City Commissioner of Licenses Censorship, Report by Osmond Fraenkel, 1945
Miscellaneous, 1947
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1947
Cases: Boston Common, 1947
Cases: "Burning Cross" movie, 1947
Cases: "Curley" movie, 1947
Cases: "Forever Amber" movie, 1947
Cases: "Is This Tomorrow" Book, 1947
Military: Japan, Mail to, 1946-1947
Military: Occupied Areas, 1947
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1947
Post Office: Japan, Mail to, 1947
Miscellaneous, 1948
Books: "Let the Chips Fall", 1948
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1948
Cases: "Iron Curtain" (movie), 1948
Cases: Philadelphia Book Raids, 1948
Cases: Ohio v. Learner, 1948
Cases: Roth v. Goldman - Books, 1948
Cases: "Wild Palms" Book, 1948
Comics: Kansas City Ordinance, 1948
Library: Miscellaneous, 1948
Military: Japan, Mail to, 1948
Movies and Theater: Boston, 1948
Movies and Theater: Japan, 1947-1948
Newspapers: Miscellaneous, 1948
Post Office: Books, 1948
Post Office: "Mothers of Life", 1948
Miscellaneous, 1949
Miscellaneous: New York City Censorship Bill Investing Broader Powers in License Commissioner, 1949
Books: Japan, 1949
Cases: Book Censorship, 1949
Cases: "Superior Men" book, 1949
Cases: Test Case Proposals, 1949
Comic Books: Miscellaneous, 1949
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1949
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1949
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1949
Books: Miscellaneous, 1950
Books: "A Diary of Love", 1950
Books: "God's Little Acre", 1950
Books: Textbook Bias, 1949-1950
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1950
Cases: "Curley" movie, 1950
Cases: "Feeling Alright" movie, 1950
Comics: Miscellaneous, 1950
Post Office: "Alternative" Ban, 1950
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1950
Post Office: "NUS", 1950
Miscellaneous, 1951
Books: "American Government", 1951
Books: "Common Human Needs", 1951
Books: Dubuque, Iowa, 1951
Books: "From Here to Eternity", 1951
Books: "How to Have a Baby", 1951
Books: New Jersey Ban, 1951
Books: "Seeds of Treason", 1951
Books: "Spartacus", 1951
Books: "Raintree County", 1951
Cases: U.S. v. Ross Products, 1951
Comic Books: Miscellaneous, 1951
Comic Books: "Sad Sack", 1951
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1951
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1951
Post Office: "Alethea", 1951
Post Office: "Alternative", 1951
Post Office: "Love and Death", 1951
Post Office: Nude Photos, 1951
Post Office: Nudist Magazines, 1951
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1951
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous, 1952
Books: Miscellaneous, 1952
Books: "U.S.A. Confidential", 1952
Comic Books: Miscellaneous, 1952
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1952
Obscenity: "Harvard Lampoon", 1952
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1952
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1952
Miscellaneous, 1953
Books: Miscellaneous, 1953
Books: Denver, Colorado, 1953
Books: "From Here to Eternity", 1953
Books: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1953
Books: "Robin Hood", 1953
Books: St. Cloud, Minnesota, 1953
Cases: "Teenage Menace", 1953
Comic Books: Miscellaneous, 1953
Library: Brooksville, Florida, 1953
Library: San Antonio, Texas, 1953
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1953
Post Office: "Bolshevik", 1953
Post Office: Maddy, Basil, 1953
Pressure Groups: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, "March of Time", 1953
Pressure Groups: National Organization of Decent Literature: Suppression of Books in Brooklyn, 1953
Miscellaneous, 1954
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1954
Cases: "La Ronde" - movie, 1954
Cases: "Mom and Dad" - movie, 1954
Comic Books: Miscellaneous, 1954
Comic Books: Comics Code, 1954
Comic Books: Hartford, CT, 1954
Comic Books: Ordinances, 1954
Comic Books: Vermont, 1954
Movies and Theater: "Latuko", 1954
[Folder Does Not Exist], undated
Movies and Theater: Ordinances, 1954
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1954
Post Office: Orbach, Howard, 1954
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1954
Miscellaneous, 1955
Miscellaneous: Ordinances, 1955
Books: "Strange Fruit", 1955
Cases: Movie: "Game of Love", 1955
Cases: Movie: "Miss Julie", 1955
Comic Books: Miscellaneous, 1955
Comic Books: ACLU Statement, 1955
Federal Government: Censorship, 1955
Federal Government: Censorship, 1955
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1955
Post Office: "Expose", 1955
Miscellaneous, 1956
Miscellaneous: Ginzburg, Ralph: Guggenheim Proposal on NY Society for Suppression of Vice, 1956
Books: Miscellaneous, 1956
Comic Books: Miscellaneous, 1956
Comic Books: Ordinances, 1956
Libel: Mississippi Bill, 1956
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1956
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1956
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1956
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous, 1957
Books: Miscellaneous, 1957
Books: "The Dice of God", 1957
Books: "Krebiozen", 1957
Comics: Miscellaneous, 1957
Libel: "Confidential", 1957
Movies and Theater: Ohio Bill, 1957
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1957
Obscenity: Books, 1957
Obscenity: Pennsylvania Bill, 1957
Obscenity: Wisconsin Bill, 1957
Post Office: "Lolita", 1957
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1957
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous, 1958
Miscellaneous: TV - Radio, 1958
Books: "All the Golden Doors", 1958
Books: Miscellaneous, 1958
Books: Massachusetts Bill, 1958
Books: "Peyton Place", 1958
Books: "South Blood", 1958
Books: "Suit with Red Lining", 1958
Cases-movies: "Garden of Eden", 1958
Comic books: Miscellaneous, 1958
Comic books: Code, 1958
Comic books: Idaho Act, 1958
Library: "Lolita", 1958
Movies and Theater: MPAA code, 1958
Military: Miscellaneous, 1958
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1958
Obscenity: Louisiana - Bill, 1958
Obscenity: Michigan Statute, 1958
Obscenity: Minnesota Bill, 1958
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1958
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1958
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous, 1959
Books: "Ten North Frederick", 1959
Cases: Knutson Indictment, 1959
Comic Books: Miscellaneous, 1959
Customs: Miscellaneous, 1959
Customs: Soviet magazines, 1959
Movies and Theater: Ohio Bill, 1959
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1959
Obscenity: Florida Bill, 1959
Obscenity: Ohio Bill, 1959
Obscenity: Pennsylvania Bill, 1959
Obscenity: Rhode Island Bill, 1959
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1959
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1959
Pressure Groups: San Mateo County (California) Citizens Committee for Better Reading Material, 1959
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous, 1960
Books: Miscellaneous, 1960
Books: Textbooks, 1960
Cases-movies: The Lovers, 1960
Customs: Miscellaneous, 1960
Customs: "Ikiru", 1960
Library: Miscellaneous, 1962
Library: Clifton, NJ, 1962
Movie: Miscellaneous, 1960
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1960
Obscenity: Alaska Bill, 1960
Obscenity: Georgia Bill, 1960
Obscenity: Indiana Law, 1960
Obscenity: Louisiana Bill, 1960
Obscenity: Massachusetts Bill, 1960
Obscenity: New Jersey Bill, 1960
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1960
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1960
Pressure Groups: Catholic, 1960
Books: Miscellaneous, 1961
Books: "Tropic of Cancer", 1961
Books: "The Un-Americans", 1961
Cases: King v. Studt, 1961
Cases: People v. Finkerstein, 1961
Cases: Upham v. Dill, 1961
Cases: State of W.S. v. Chobot, 1961
Cases: Comic Book Statute, 1961
Customs: Miscellaneous, 1961
Library: Miscellaneous, 1961
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1961
Obscenity: Miscellaneous Bills, 1961
Obscenity: California Bill, 1961
Obscenity: Georgia: Anti-Sale, 1961
Obscenity: Indiana: Bill, 1961
Obscenity: Maryland Bill, 1961
Obscenity: Nebraska Bill, 1961
Obscenity: Oklahoma Bill, 1961
Obscenity: Oregon Bill, 1961
Obscenity: Washington Bills, 1961
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1961
Post Office: Form 2921, 1961
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1961
Pressure Groups: Monitor South, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
Miscellaneous: Handbills, 1962
Books: Carpetbaggers, 1962
Books: Tropic of Cancer, 1962
Customs: Miscellaneous, 1962
Customs: Seizure of Fanny, 1962
Customs: Seizure of Nexus, 1962
Movie: The Lovers, 1961-1962
Newspaper: Miscellaneous, 1962
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1963
Miscellaneous: Handbills, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1963
Libel: Martin Luther King, 1963
Obscenity: Michigan Bill, 1963
Obscenity: Washington Bill, 1963
Post Office: Forwarding Mail, 1963
Post Office: "Nexus", 1961
Miscellaneous, 1964
Books: Another Country, 1964
Books: The Naked Lunch, 1964
Books: Tropic of Cancer, 1964
Customs: Miscellaneous, 1964
Customs: Seizure of Film, 1964
Movies and Theater: The Deputy, 1964
Obscenity: NY Bill, 1964
Post Office: Bill: H.R. 319, 1964
Post Office: The Realist, 1964
Post Office: Sex Life of a Cop, 1964
Books: "Candy", 1965
Books: "Fanny Hill", 1965
Cases: Travis v. Ratterman, 1965
Cases: U.S. v. 18 Packages, 1965
Customs: Foreign Mail Detained, 1965
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1965
Obscenity: Miscellaneous Bill, 1965
Obscenity: Nebraska Bill, 1965
Obscenity: New Jersey Bill, 1965
Post Office: Bill H.R. 319, 1965
Post Office: Bill H.R. 980, 1965
Post Office: Bill S. 2548, 1965
Post Office: The Realist, 1965
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1965
Books: Miscellaneous, 1966
Books: Candy, 1966
Cases: Maas v. U.S., 1966
Customs: Miscellaneous, 1966
Libel: Criminal Libel, 1966
Movies and Theater: "491", 1966
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1966
Obscenity: House Bills, 1966
Obscenity: Maryland Bill, 1966
Obscenity: New Jersey Bill, 1966
Post Office: Homosexual Mail, 1966
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1966
Movies and Theater: Ulysses, 1967
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1967
Obscenity: Minnesota Bill, 1967
Post Office: Bill H.R. 2382, 1967
Cases: Landau v. Fording, 1968
Obscenity: Obscenity Project, 1968
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1969
Obscenity: The Humanist, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1970
Post Office: Mail Fraud Bills, 1970
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1971
Post Office: Miscellaneous, 1971
Obscenity: Miscellaneous, 1972
Miscellaneous, 1973
Obscenity: Miscellaneous Bills, 1973
Miscellaneous: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, 1977
Pressure Groups: TV, 1976
Obscenity: Child Pornography, 1977
Pressure Groups: Miscellaneous, 1977
Obscenity: Dial-A-Porn, 1984
Subseries 3A.6: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association: Church and State, 1947-1986
Miscellaneous, 1947
Public Schools: Lord's Prayer, 1947
Released Time: Miscellaneous, 1947
Miscellaneous, 1948
Released Time: Miscellaneous, 1948
Miscellaneous, 1949
Education: Federal Issues, 1949
Released Time, 1949
Cases: Rev. Melish suit, 1950
Child Custody: DeBour, Henry, 1950
Education: Miscellaneous, 1950
Jehovah's Witnesses: Expulsion, 1950
Public Schools: Nuns Teaching, 1950
Miscellaneous, 1951
U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican, 1951
Public Schools: Prayer, 1951
Public Schools: Released Time, 1951
Miscellaneous, 1952
Religious Use of Firehouses, 1952
Jehovah's Witnesses: Louisiana, 1952
Miscellaneous, 1953
Atheism: Non-Communists, 1953
Public Schools: Saying Grace, 1953
Miscellaneous, 1954
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1954
Education: Amish, 1954
Public Schools: Released Time, 1954
Miscellaneous, 1955
Child Custody: Miscellaneous, 1955
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1955
Public Schools: Miscellaneous, 1955
Public Schools: Bible Reading, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1956
POAU Correspondence, 1956
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1956
Cases: Jehovah's Witness, 1956
Public Schools: Prayers, 1956
Miscellaneous, 1957
Hill-Burton Act of 1957, 1947
Masonic Services, 1957
New Jersey Church-State Laws, 1957
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1957
Public Schools: Correspondence, 1957
Public Schools: Prayer, 1957
Public Schools: Released Time, 1957
Miscellaneous, 1958
Chaplains in the Air Force, 1958
Tax Exemption Problem, 1958
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1958
Education: Lincoln Square Project (New York, NY): Public Funds, Fordham University Campus, 1958
Public Schools: Miscellaneous, 1958
Public Schools: Prayer, 1958
Public Schools: Released Time, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1959
Civil Divorce, 1959
Comments, 1959
Public Schools: Miscellaneous, 1959
Public Schools: Bible Clubs, 1959
Public Schools: Bible, 1959
Public Schools: Prayer, 1959
Public Schools: Released Time, 1959
Sunday Blue Laws: Indiana Bill, 1959
Transportation: Miscellaneous, 1959
Transportation: Augusta, Maine, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Child Custody: Adoption, 1960
Child Custody: Miscellaneous, 1960
Public Schools: Miscellaneous, 1960
Public Schools: Bible, 1960
Public Schools: Released Time, 1960
Transportation: Miscellaneous, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1961
Civil Weddings: Maryland, 1961
Education: Maryland Affiliate, 1961
Education: Maryland Affiliate, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
ACLU Affiliates' Positions, 1962
Alaska Issues, 1962
American Jewish Committee, 1962
Civil Defense Shelter Program, 1962
Evolution Law: Texas, 1962
Illinois CLU, 1962
Education: Miscellaneous, 1962
Public Funds: Federal, 1962
Sunday Blue Laws: Indiana, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1963
Education: Miscellaneous, 1963
Education: Federal, 1958-1963
Public Funds: Federal, 1959-1963
Public Funds: Federal, 1959-1963
Anti-Poverty Bill, 1964
Anti-Poverty Bill Objections, 1964
Public Issues: General, 1964
Education: Miscellaneous, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Chaplaincy, Military, 1965
Juries: Belief in God Required, 1965
Public Issues, 1965
Scopes Trial: Clippings, 1965
Education: Miscellaneous, 1965
Education: Clippings, 1965
Public Funds: Federal Aid to Elementary and Secondary Schools: Organizations Opposed to, 1965
Public Funds: Federal Aid, Elementary and Secondary Schools: Views, Other Organizations, 1965
Public Funds: Federal, 1965
Public Schools: Bible, 1965
Public Schools: Shared Time, 1965
Transportation: Miscellaneous, 1965
Anti-Evolution Law, 1966
Anti-Poverty Program, 1966
Amish School Controversy, 1966
Census Bureau, 1966
Public Issues, 1966
Religious Oath Eliminated, 1966
Education: Miscellaneous, 1966
Education: State Level, 1966
Public Funds: Federal, 1966
Public Schools: Prayer, 1966
Public Schools: Shared Time, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Amish School Rules Inadequate, 1967
Legislation, 1967
Public Issues, 1967
Religion - Atheism Discussion, 1967
Education: Miscellaneous, 1967
Public Funds: Federal, 1967
Public Funds: Federal, 1967
Public Funds: Federal, 1967
Public Funds: Released Time, 1967
Transportation: Miscellaneous, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Public Funds: Federal, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1969
Compulsory Chapel Services, 1969
Public Issues, 1969
Public Issues, 1970
Education: Miscellaneous, 1970
Education: Legislation, 1970
Public Funds: Tax Exemptions, 1970
Education: Miscellaneous, 1971
Miscellaneous, 1972
Amish Education, 1972
Welfare to Religious Orders, 1972
Public Funds: Parochiaid, 1969-1972
Public Funds: Parochiaid, 1969-1972
Public Funds: Tax Exemption, 1972
Public Funds: Voucher Plans, 1972
Miscellaneous, 1973
Snake Handling, 1973
Public Schools: Shared Time, 1976
Deprogramming: Testimonies, 1977
Public Schools: Prayer, 1977
Public Schools: Shared Time, 1977
Miscellaneous, 1978
Transcendental Meditation, 1978
Public Funds: IRS Ruling, 1978
Clergy-Penitent Privileges, 1979
Prayer at Public Meetings, 1983
Packet on Secular Humanism Ban, 1985
American Atheists, 1986
Brainwashing, 1976-1977
Brotherhood of the Sun, 1977
Cases, 1975-1976
Conservatorship Law, 1977
Correspondence, 1977
Custody, 1976-1977
Deprogrammers, 1975-1977
Houk, David: Hare Krishna, 1977
Morris, Christine: New York, 1977
Newsletters, 1976-1977
Rufty, Frances: Hare Krishna, 1977
Scientology, 1976-1977
Statements, 1976-1977
Testimonies, 1976
Unification Church (Moonies), 1977
Victims, 1975-1977
Willis, Peter: Episcopal, 1977
General, 1970
Energy Matters; Correspondence, 1974
Plutonium as Fuel, 1974
Nuclear Fission, 1975
Energy Matters; Correspondence, 1975
Subseries 3A.9: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association: Freedom of Movement, 1942-1978
Political Refugees, 1946
Deportation: Harisiades, Peter, 1947
Deportation: Rait, Meher S, 1947
Deportation: Spanish Refugees, 1947
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1947
Immigration: Belbenoit, Rene, 1947
Immigration: Domingo, W.A., 1947
Immigration: Frick, Frederick, 1947
Immigration: Halperin, Israel, 1947
Immigration: Roy, Krishna, 1947
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1947
Naturalization: Vogl, Carl A, 1947
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1948
Deportation: Burklin, Frank, 1948
Deportation: Joliot-Curie, Mme, 1948
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1948
Immigration: Czech Student, 1948
Immigration: Displaced Persons, 1948
Immigration: Mowrer, Richard, 1948
Immigration: O'Donnell, Peadar, 1948
Immigration: Payne, Robert, 1948
Immigration: Radvanyi, Laszlo, 1948
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1948
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1948
Passport: Magil, A.B., 1948
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1949
Deportation: Greek Seamen, 1949
Deportation: Johns, Ines A, 1949
Deportation: Rocher, Rudolph, 1949
Deportation: Rodney, James, 1949
Deportation: Spanish Refugees, 1949
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1949
Immigration: Borghi, Armando, 1949
Immigration: Displaced Persons, 1949
Immigration: Gieseking, Walter, 1949
Immigration: Halamy, T, 1949
Immigration: Invi, Kiyo Sue, 1949
Immigration: Lin, Pei-fen, 1949
Immigration: Students, 1949
Immigration: Van Wyk, Xavier J, 1949
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1949
Naturalization: Fornication, 1949
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1949
Passport: Oath, 1949
Passport: Ishikara, Naoka, 1949
Passport: Lens, Sidney, 1949
Passport: Stagg, Samuel Wells, 1949
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1950
Deportation: Borich, Frank, 1950
Deportation: Chandra, Dr. K, 1950
Deportation: Danielsen, Arne, 1950
Deportation: Gregoire, Armand, 1950
Deportation: Ludecke, Kurt, 1950
Deportation: Morgenau, Mrs. D, 1950
Deportation: Ratkovich, Joseph, 1950
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1950
Immigration: Adler, Katherina, 1950
Immigration: Hausen, Erich H, 1950
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1950
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1950
Passport: du Berrier, Hilaire, 1950
Passport: Greek Seaman, 1950
Passport: Sanger, Margaret, 1950
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1951
Deportation: Belbenoit, Rene, 1951
Deportation: Kerin, Patrick F, 1951
Deportation: T'ien Hsin Yuan, 1951
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1951
Immigration: Report on Aliens, 1951
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1951
Naturalization: Tucci, Niccolo, 1951
Passport: ACLU Report, 1951
Passport: Lamont, Corliss, 1951
Passport: Talbot, David, 1951
Markovich, Mirko, 1951-1952
Deportation: Abrams, Williams, 1952
Deportation: Chinese Students, 1952
Deportation: Gill, James, 1950-1952
Deportation: Giuricin, Sirano, 1952
Deportation: Hurd, Douglas, 1952
Deportation: Kim, Diamond, 1952
Deportation: Park, Sang Ryup, 1952
Deportation: Saltzman, Benny, 1952
Deportation: Sentner, Antonia, 1952
Deportation: Wheeler, Yoko, 1952
Deportation: Young, Martin, 1952
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1952
Immigration: Guerin, Daniel, 1952
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1952
Naturalization: Kaplan, Hyman, 1952
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1952
Passport: Belenky, Robert, 1952
Passport: Lens, Sid, 1951-1954
Passport: Sanger, Margaret, 1952
Passport: Stewart, Robert L, 1952
Passport: Pauling, Dr. Linus, 1952
Passport: Vucinich, Wayne J, 1952
Passport: Wilson, Elliott H, 1952
Davis, Garry, 1953
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1953
Deportation: Arcimegas, German, 1953
Deportation: Azim, Alian Abdul, 1953
Deportation: McNeil, Allan D, 1953
Deportation: Sanchez, Manuel, 1953
Deportation: Venza, Anthony, 1953
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1953
Immigration: Andersson, Berndt, 1953
Immigration: Elder, Henry, 1952-1953
Immigration: Halliday, Kay, 1953
Immigration: Hutton, Clayton, 1953
Immigration: Mao, Han-Lee, 1953
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1953
Naturalization: Mohrer, H.Z., 1953
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1953
Passport: Bergman, Walter, 1953
Passport: Davis, Jerome, 1952-1953
Passport: Ressencourt, Eugene, 1953
Passport: Robinson, James H, 1953
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1954
Deportation: Haymes, Richard B, 1954
Deportation: Karasek, Martin, 1954
Deportation: Linn, Ethel, 1954
Deportation: Lo Duca, Rocco, 1954
Deportation: Mezei, Ignatz, 1954
Deportation: Wei, Hsuan, 1954
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1954
Immigration: Fuse, Toyo-Masa, 1954
Immigration: Orans, Alice, 1954
Immigration: Polish Seamen, 1954
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1954
Naturalization: Mazel, Karen, 1954
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1954
Passport: Miller, Arthur, 1954
Miller de Silva, Rhoda, 1955
Bergman, Ingrid, 1956
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1955
Deportation: Accordi, Joseph, 1955
Deportation: Mila, Edo H, 1953-1955
Deportation: Stornes, Mona, 1955
Deportation: Tan See Bou, 1955
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1955
Immigration: Jacobs, Paul, 1955
Immigration: Murumbi, Joseph, 1955
Immigration: Russell, Bertrand, 1955
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1955
Naturalization: Browder, Earl, 1955
Naturalization: Kaplan, Hyman, 1955
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1955
Passport: Lens, Sid, 1954-1955
Passport: Nathan, Otto, 1955
Passport: Robeson, Paul, 1955
Passport: Wilson, James W, 1955
Passport: Wirin, A.L., 1954-1955
Chwostov, Alexis and Tanya, 1956
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1956
Deportation: Chinese Students, 1954
Deportation: Confidentiality, 1956
Deportation: Heikkinen, Knut, 1956
Deportation: Juhn, John, 1956
Deportation: Paul, Rajendra, 1956
Deportation: Shynn, Doo Sik, 1956
Deportation: Tsiang Hsi Tseng, 1956
Deportation: Tullman, David, 1956
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1956
Immigration: Copley, Nina, 1953-1956
Immigration: Kotsambas, Gust, 1956
Naturalization: Finkel, 1956
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1956
Passport: Boudin, Leonard B, 1956
Passport: Harris, Erna, 1956
Passport: Hinton, Carmelita, 1956
Passport: Robeson, Paul, 1956
Passport: Todd, David, 1956
Renunciation of Citizenship, 1957
Yugoslavian Visa, 1957
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1957
Deportation: Barton v. Sentner, 1957
Deportation: Bean, Rufus, 1954-1958
Deportation: Confidentiality, 1957
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1957
Immigration: Pendell, Alla E, 1957
Naturalization: Jehle, Herbert, 1957
Passports: Miscellaneous, 1957
Passport: Robeson, Paul, 1957
Russian Seamen, 1956
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1958
Deportation: Hyun, David, 1954-1958
Deportation: Hyun, David, 1954-1958
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1958
Immigration: Barkan, Yechiel, 1958
Immigration: Eibel, Richard, 1958
Immigration: Eibel, Richard, 1958
Immigration: Jimenez, M. Perez, 1958
Immigration: Martinez, George, 1958
Immigration: Mitchell, Harvey, 1958
Immigration: Scott, Michael, 1958
Immigration: Spanish Sailors, 1958
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1958
Passports: Miscellaneous, 1958
Passport: Gunther, John Arthur, 1958
Passport: Hamilton, Betty, 1958
Passport: Willcox, Henry, 1958
Interrogation, 1959
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1959
Deportation: Jain, Jagdish, 1959
Deportation: Santiago, Jo Ann, 1959
Deportation: Shafaghat, Moussa, 1959
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1959
Immigration: Erdus, Paul, 1959
Immigration: Hsuan, Weil, 1959
Immigration: Kaplan, Blanche, 1959
Naturalization: Montein, Oscar, 1959
Naturalization: Nagle, Elly, 1959
Naturalization: Woo, Yin Shing, 1959
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1959
Passport: Frank, Waldo, 1959
Passport: Kaufmann - Grinstead, 1959
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1960
Deportation: Johnston, John R, 1960
Deportation: Strong, Michael, 1960
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1960
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1960
Naturalization: Nishi, Masaki, 1960
Naturalization: Dickford, Rita, 1960
Naturalization: Seeger, Anna, 1960
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1960
Passport: Jerome, Fred, 1960
Passport: Non-Communist Oath, 1960
Cuba and U.S. Relations, 1961
Illegal Detention, 1961
Resident Alien Travel, 1961
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1961
Deportation: Jadwat, Cassim M, 1961
Deportation: Marcello, Carlos, 1961
Deportation: Perman, Davio S, 1961
Deportation: Wolf, Hazel Anna, 1961
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1961
Immigration: Application Forms, 1961
Immigration: Szlajmer, Julius, 1961
Immigration: Zilliacus, Konni, 1961
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1961
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1961
Passport: Application Forms, 1961
Passport: Gravzer, Leo, 1961
Passports: Iglesias, Sylvia, 1961
Passports: Stewart, Chalmers K, 1961
Deportation: Bielecki, George, 1962
Deportation: Premice, Lucas, 1962
Deportation: Politics, Gus, 1962
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1962
Immigration: Adoption, 1962
Immigration: Cuban Refugees, 1962
Immigration: Golson, Jack, 1962
Immigration: Illegal Aliens, 1962
Immigration: Legislation, 1962
Immigration: Refugees, 1962
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1962
Naturalization: Comic Strip, 1962
Naturalization: Erben, H.F., 1962
Naturalization: Milner, Esther, 1962
Passports: Miscellaneous, 1962
Passports: Cuba, Travel to, 1962
Passport: Reed, Dean, 1962
Passport: Smith, Earl L, 1962
Deportation: Miscellaneous, 1963
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1963
Immigration: Bunge, Mario, 1963
Immigration: Kunst, Arnold, 1963
Immigration: Struelens, Michel, 1963
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1963
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1962
Passport: Application, 1963
Passport: Cadgene, Henri M, 1963
Passports: Cuba, Travel to, 1963
Passport: Mayer, Milton S, 1963
Passport: Porter, Eugene, 1959-1960
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1964
Immigration: Nhu, Ngo Dinh, 1964
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1964
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1964
Passport: Application Form, 1964
Passport: Cuba, Travel to, 1964
Religion and Naturalization, 1965
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1965
Immigration: Legislation, 1965
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1965
Passport: Cuba, Travel to, 1965
Naturalization: Miscellaneous, 1966
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1966
Passport: Legislation, 1966
Passport: Ramsey, Ronald, 1966
Foreign Visitors, 1967
Deportations: Statistics, 1961
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1967
Immigration: Nguyen, Van Luy, 1967
Passport: Phoenix Project, 1967
Travel Tax, 1968
Deportations: Miscellaneous, 1968
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1968
Passport: Miscellaneous, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1969
Preventative Detention, 1969
Passport: Cuba, Travel, 1969
Passport: Oath, 1969
Deportation: Iranian students, 1970
Passport: Place of Birth, 1970
Political Asylum, 1971
Reitman, Alan: Correspondence, 1971
Alien Rights, 1972
Immigration: Miscellaneous, 1972
Immigration: Overstayed Visas, 1972
Legislation: Miscellaneous, 1972
Miscellaneous, 1973
Immigration: Refugees, 1973
Alien rights, 1975
Alien rights, 1976
Immigration: Blanco, Hugo, 1976
Naturalization: Nott, John W, 1978
Subseries 3A.10: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association: Labor and Business, 1937-1978
ACLU Statements on Labor, 1937
ACLU Statements on Labor, 1937
Unions: Trade Union Report, 1941
Riesman Article on Unions, 1943
ACLU Statement on Strikes, 1947
Miscellaneous, 1947
Protest: General, 1947
Unions: General, 1947
Cases: General, 1948
Federal Government: Memo concerning President Turman's Deal with Labor Strike Organizers, 1948
ACLU Trade Union Report, 1948
Miscellaneous, 1948
Cases: General, 1949
Miscellaneous, 1949
Protest: Congressional Investigation of United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, 1949
Unions: Textile Workers Union, 1949
Cases: General, 1950
Cases: General, 1950
Cases: Headrickson et. al. v. Cab Drivers Union: Union Suspension for unclear reasons, 1950
Cases: Weinstock v. Ladisky: Painters Union Expulsions for Membership in Communist Party, 1950
General, 1950
Unions: Musicians Union, 1950
Unions: United Auto Workers, 1950
Cases: General, 1951
Legislation: Taft-Hartley Act, 1951
Miscellaneous, 1951
Other Organizations: CIO, 1951
State: Department of Welfare, New York State: Inquiry of Employees Communist Affiliation, 1951
Unions: Marine Cook Union, 1951
Cases: General, 1952
Miscellaneous, 1952
Unions: Closed Union Shops, 1952
ACLU Policy Statements, 1953
Alien Social Security Problems, 1953
Mexican Labor, 1953
Migratory Labor, 1953
Case: Bonwit Teller v. National Labor Relations Board: Employee Anti-Union Speech, 1951-1953
Case: General, 1953
Union: General, 1953
Cases: General, 1954
Miscellaneous, 1954
Cases: General, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1956
Miscellaneous, 1956
Cases: General, 1957
Cases: Government and Civic Workers Organizing Committee v. Windsor: AL Anti-Union law, 1957
General, 1957
Labor Reports, 1957
Migratory Labor, 1957
Unions: United Auto Workers, 1957
Cases: General, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1958
Unions: International Union of Electrical Workers Dismissal of Employees Using 5th Amendment, 1958
Discrimination against old age, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1959
Migratory Labor, 1959
Protest: General, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Cases: General, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
Unions: International Association of Machinists: Unexplained expulsion of three workers, 1962
Unions: Collective Bargaining, 1963
Unions: General, 1963
Unions: General, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Unions: Free Speech in Unions, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
General Issues, 1967
Correspondence: General, 1968
Correspondence: Reitman Correspondence and Background Information on Labor/Employment, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1969
Correspondence: Baldwin, Roger letter concerning ACLU participation in Patterson Silk Strike, 1975
Correspondence: General, 1976
Correspondence: General, 1977
Correspondence: Reitman, 1978
Subseries 3A.11: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association: Right to License, 1954-1972
Disbarment; Nix, Kirksey, 1955
Disbarment; Schlesinger, Hymen, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Cohen v. Hurley, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1961
Bar Exam Denial; Zipkin, M, 1961
Disbarment; Isserman, A. J, 1961
U.S. Forestry Service; Ban on Employee's Resignation in Protest of Anti-Communist Writing, 1961
Subseries 3A.12: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association: Loyalty and Security, 1939-1981
Lamont, Corliss, 1947
Cases - Loyalty: Okazaki, Jon, 1947
Atomic Loyalty - Oak Ridge, TN, 1948
Communism, 1948
Cases - Miscellaneous, 1948
Cases - Loyalty: Cross, H.W., 1948
Cases - Loyalty: Long, Helen A, 1948
Atomic Energy Commission, 1949
Cases - Loyalty: Cepeda, Luis, 1949
Cases - Pueblo v. Merson, 1950
Cases - Loyalty: Goodman, Sol, 1950
Cases - Loyalty: Grayson, J.W., 1950
Cases - Loyalty: Hiss, Alger, 1950
Military: Inquiries, 1950
Sedition and Subversion: Congress of American Women - Department of Justice Registration, 1950
Sedition and Subversion: Council on African Affairs - Madison Square Garden Refusal to Rent, 1950
Miscellaneous, 1951
Cryptographic Clearance, 1951
Loyalty Oaths, 1951
Cases - Contempt: Green, Abner, 1951
Cases - Industry: Marine Cooks and Stewards Injunction to Stop Coast Guard Security Screening, 1951
Cases - Loyalty: Miscellaneous, 1951
Cases - Security: Sobol, Alex, 1951
Miscellaneous, 1952
National Security Council, 1952
Self Incrimination, 1951-1952
Coast Guard Loyalty Program, 1952
Kenyon, Dorothy: Women's Forum, 1952
Cases - Loyalty: Miscellaneous, 1952
Cases - Loyalty: Feder, Joseph, 1952
Cases - Loyalty: Green, Aron, 1952
Cases - Loyalty: Nebel, Henry, 1952
Cases - Loyalty: Shafran, Max, 1952
Cases - Security: Cox, Melvin, 1952
Cases - Security: Jones, Lee, 1952
Advertisement, 1952
Alder, Larry, 1950
American Legion, 1950-1952
Berg, Louis Article, 1952
Blacklisting Correspondence, 1950
Comments, 1952
Complaints, 1952
Correspondence, 1950
Correspondence, 1950
Draper TV Case, 1950
Ellington, Duke, undated
Lee, Gypsy Rose, undated
Levine - Libel Suit, 1952
Manuscript, 1952
McCullough, Hester, undated
Muir, Jean, undated
Peoria, IL, 1950
Publicity, 1952
Red Channels, 1950-1952
Red Channels Interviews, 1950
Red Channels Summary Data, undated
Reviews, 1952
Wicker, Irene, 1950
Cases - Miscellaneous, 1953
Cases - Security: Melcher, Jay, 1953
Cases - Smith Act: Hawaii, 1953
McCarthy - Miscellaneous, 1953
McCarthy - Bortz, Louis, 1953
McCarthy - Rules of Procedure, 1953
Fifth Amendment: Miscellaneous, 1953
House Un-American Activities Committee: Ferman, Irving Reports on Congressional Hearings, 1953
House Un-American Activities Committee: Oxnam, Bishop G. Bromley - Washington Post Article, 1953
House Un-American Activities Committee: Private Circularization of Information on File, 1952-1953
Military: Miscellaneous, 1953
Rosenberg: ACLU Policy, 1951-1953
Rosenberg: Comments, 1952
Rosenberg: Comments, 1952
Rosenberg: New Haven Civil Liberties Council Appeal to President for Executive Clemency, 1952-1953
Blacklisting in Radio-TV, 1954
Gwinn Amendment, 1954
Transit Authority Loyalty Oath, 1954
Cases - Conner, Marie, 1953-1954
Cases - U.S. v. Sotomayer, 1954
Cases - Loyalty: Miscellaneous, 1954
Cases - Loyalty: Abels, Harry, 1954
Cases - Loyalty: Flasher, Jack, 1954
Cases - Loyalty: Hunt, William, 1954
Cases - Military: Kosec, Carl, 1954
Cases - Security: Kahn, Noah, 1954
Congressional Investigating Committee: Senate Subcommittee on Security - Grimes, Chas. P, 1954
Federal Loyalty Program: Federal Employees Security Program - Breakdown of Dismissals, 1954
Fifth Amendment: Miscellaneous, 1954
House Un-American Activities Committee: Jarrico, Paul - "Self-Incrimination" Case, 1953-1954
Miscellaneous, 1955
Gwinn Amendment, 1955
Cases - Miscellaneous, 1955
Cases - Internal Security Act of 1950: Brownell v. Jefferson School of Social Science, 1953-1955
Cases - Military: Budin, Earl, 1955
Cases - Military: Haak, Harold, 1955
Cases - Military: Minicus, Lt, 1955
Cases - Private Industry: United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers v. General Electric Co., 1955
Congressional Investigating Committees: Senate Post Office and Civil Service Subcommittee, 1955
Fifth Amendment: Miscellaneous, 1955
House Un-American Activities Committee: ACLU's Statement - National Renaissance Party, 1955
Coast Guard, 1956
Political Freedom, 1956
Cases - Military: Schustack, 1956
Cases - Military: Sidon, Kent, 1956
Cases - Private Industry: Walker, Doris - Cutter Laboratories Communist Firing Case, 1955-1956
Federal Loyalty Program: League of Women Voters - "Liberty and Security Study Report", 1956
Fifth Amendment: Miscellaneous, 1956
Military: Miscellaneous, 1956
Sedition and Subversion: Communism - Attacks on Allen, Robert, Colorado State Legislator, 1956
Sedition and Subversion: Denial of Social Security Benefits to Communist Party Employees, 1956
Cases - Barnes, Robert D., undated
Cases - Civilian: Tignor, T.A., 1957
Cases - Contempt: Seeger, Pete, 1957
Cases - Gwinn Amendment: Wright, et al. v. Housing Authority of Denver, Colorado, 1953-1957
Cases - Military: Bond, Peter, 1957
Cases - Military: Libes, Sol, 1957
Federal Loyalty Program: ACLU 13-Point Program for Revision of Employee Security Program, 1957
Fifth Amendment: Miscellaneous, 1957
Sedition and Subversion: Concentration Camps Provision of "Internal Security Act of 1950", 1957
Loyalty Oath - State Employees, 1958
Cases - Creeche, Ben, 1958
Cases - Lorch, Grace, 1957-1958
Military: Miscellaneous, 1958
Military: Worosila v. Brucker, 1958
Federal Loyalty Program: Security Policy on Non-Secure and Secret Scientific Research, 1958
Military: Reserve Officers, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1959
Cases - Trimble v. Johnston, 1959
Congressional Investigating Committee: American Bar Association Justice Department Study, 1959
Legislation: Civil Liberties, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1961
Cases - Miscellaneous, 1961
Cases - Albertson v. Lubin, 1961
Cases - Miller, Charles, 1961
Cases - Schlesinger, Hymen, 1961
Fifth Amendment: Miscellaneous, 1961
Legislation: Smith Act, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
Internal Security Act of 1950, 1962
Loyalty Oath Affidavit, 1962
House Un-American Activities Committee: Letter of Intimidation to University of Cincinnati, 1962
House Un-American Activities Committee: Probe of Peace Movement of Women's Strike for Peace, 1962
House Un-American Activities Committee: U.S. National Student Association Report on HUAC, 1962
Legislation: Bush Bill, 1962
Legislation: Frances Amendment, 1962
Internal Security Measures, 1963
House Un-American Activities Committee: Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1964
Loyalty Oaths, 1964
Cases - Miscellaneous, 1964
House Un-American Activities Committee: Materials for ACLU Pamphlet "The Case Against HUAC", 1964
House Un-American Activities Committee: Materials for ACLU Pamphlet "The Case Against HUAC", 1964
Loyalty Oaths, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Loyalty Oaths, 1966
Speiser McCarthyism Speech, 1966
Legislation: Amendment to Internal Security Act Prohibiting Obstruction of Armed Forces, 1966
Loyalty Oaths, 1967
Legislation: Miscellaneous, 1967
Loyalty Oaths, 1968
House Un-American Activities Committee: Campus Organizations Critical of Vietnam Policy, 1966-1968
House Un-American Activities Committee: Campus Organizations Critical of Vietnam Policy, 1966-1968
Military: Miscellaneous, 1967-1968
Internal Security Measures, 1969
Loyalty Oaths, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1970
Miscellaneous, 1981
House Un-American Activities Committee: National Organizations for the Abolition of HUAC, 1961
Film, 1960
Wheeldin v. Wheeler, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1961
Film, 1961
Hoover Report, 1960-1961
Lewis, Fulton, 1961
Military Use, 1961
Previews and Reactions, 1961
Riots and Arrests, 1961
Proposed Content Analysis, 1961
Roosevelt Trailer, 1961
Affiliate Actions, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1960-1965
Subseries 3A.13: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association: Mass Communications, 1945-1988
Radio/TV: Radio scripts, 1947
FCC: Misc, 1947
Radio/TV: Misc, 1946-1947
FCC: Atheist case, 1947-1948
FCC: Daily News case, 1948
Press: Communist slander, 1949
FCC: Forced listening, 1950
Press: Misc, 1950
Press: McCroy, John: libel, 1950
FCC: Misc, 1951
Movies: Misc, 1951
Movies: Reviews, 1951
Movies: "Fresh Laid Plans", 1951
Movies: "The Well", 1951
Radio/TV: Misc: radio, 1951
Radio/TV: Misc: TV, 1951
Radio/TV: Censorship codes, 1951
Radio/TV: Forced listening, 1951
Libel, 1952
Libel: Johnson, Thomasina, 1952
Blacklisting: Misc, 1952
Blacklisting: Lee, Canada, 1952
Blacklisting: Loeb, Philip, 1952
Blacklisting: Sloane, Allan, 1952
FCC: Theater-TV hearings, 1950-1952
FCC: WLIB: Re-editorializing on Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) issue, 1950-1952
Movies: Miscellaneous, 1952
Press: Miscellaneous, 1952
Press: Time magazine, McCarthy, 1952
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1952
Radio/TV: Captive audience, 1952
Radio/TV: Cases, misc, 1952
Radio/TV: Code of ethics - TV, 1952
Radio/TV: Educational TV, 1952
Radio/TV: Gary, Barry: attack, 1952
Radio/TV: Loyalty board, 1952
Radio/TV: Rice-Eastman debate, 1952
Radio/TV: Richards case, 1952
Radio/TV: Subscription TV, 1952
Miscellaneous, 1953
Blacklisting: Misc, 1953
Blacklisting: Pitts, Zasu, 1953
Blacklisting: Shayon, Robert L, 1953
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1953
FCC: Educational TV, 1953
FCC: Theaters-TV, 1953
FCC: United Electrical Workers (UEW) complaint: cancellation of film "A Time for Greatness", 1953
Movies: Miscellaneous, 1953
Movies: Loyalty oaths, 1953
Press: Miscellaneous, 1953
Press: Pre-trial depositions, 1953
Press: Times-Picayune v. U.S., 1953
Radio/TV: Radio, 1953
Radio/TV: TV, 1953
Radio/TV: News Analysis, 1953
Radio/TV: WGBH (educational TV) proposed restrictions on unfriendly congressional witnesses, 1953
Blacklisting: Misc, 1954
FCC: Regulations, 1953-1954
Press: Miscellaneous, 1954
Press: New York County Lawyers Association conference on fair trial and free press, 1954-1955
Radio/TV: Radio, 1954
Radio/TV: TV, 1954
Radio/TV: Commercial practices, 1954
Radio/TV: Commercials, 1954
Radio/TV: WMCA radio series, 1954
FCC: Transit radio ruling, 1954-1955
Films: Miscellaneous, 1955
Press: Miscellaneous, 1955
Press: Byrd v. Smith, 1955
Press: New York City Board of Education Ban on Press Conference with School Principals, 1955
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1955
Radio/TV: Burt, Hardy: Complaint of Pressure-Group Activity against "Facts Forum", 1954-1956
Radio/TV: "Facts Forum" Panel, 1955
Blacklisting: Miscellaneous, 1956
FCC: "Protest Clause" Proposed Legislature to Amend Federal Communications Commission Act, 1955-1956
Movies: Civil Liberties Films, 1956
Press: Miscellaneous, 1956
Press: Criticism of Fee System for Courthouse Officers, Daily Times, Legal, Georgia, 1955-1956
Press: Easton Express and Walter, Congressman Francis: Refusal to Print, Pennsylvania, 1956
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1956
Radio/TV: New TV Code, 1956
Radio/TV: WMCA Radio Series, 1956
Blacklisting: Miscellaneous, 1957
FCC: Broadcasting Horse Racing Information Denial of License Renewal Vineland, NJ, 1956-1957
FCC: Educational TV, 1957
FCC: Spectrum Hearings, 1957
Press: Miscellaneous, 1957
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1957
Radio/TV: Diversity in Radio/TV Industry, ACLU Request for Congressional Investigation, 1957
Radio/TV: Sevareid, Eric: CBS Cancellation of Broadcast re: State Department Passport, 1957
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1958
FCC: FM License Disputed WLIB, 1958
Press: Miscellaneous, 1958
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous TV, 1958
Radio/TV: Radio Free Europe, 1958
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1959
Press: Miscellaneous, 1959
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1959
Radio/TV: Cases-Miscellaneous, 1959
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1960
FCC: Cable TV, 1960
FCC: Stanton, Frank Statement, 1960
FCC: TV-Allocations, 1959-1960
Press: General, 1960
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1960
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1961
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1961
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1962
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1962
Radio/TV: Buddhist Exclusion, 1962
Radio/TV: Loyalty Oath, 1962
Radio/TV: Operation Abolition, 1962
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1963
FCC: Correspondence with, 1963
FCC: Fairness Doctrine, 1963
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1963
Radio/TV: "Fairness" Doctrine, 1963
Radio/TV: Outside Publications, 1963
Blacklisting: Miscellaneous, 1964
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1964
FCC: Miscellaneous Documents, 1964
FCC: Commercials: Time Limits, 1964
FCC: Correspondence with, 1964
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1964
Radio/TV: Equal Time, 1964
Radio/TV: Fairness Doctrine, 1964
Radio/TV: Pre-Trial Publicity, 1964
Radio/TV: UHF, 1964
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1965
FCC: Miscellaneous Documents, 1965
FCC: Correspondence with, 1965
FCC: Equal Time, 1965
FCC: Fairness Doctrine, 1964-1965
FCC: Programming Content, 1965
FCC: Program Service Forms, 1965
FCC: Rule Making, 1965
FCC: UHF, 1965
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1965
Radio/TV: UHF Allocation, 1965
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1965-1966
FCC: Miscellaneous Documents, 1966
FCC: Miscellaneous Documents, 1966
FCC: Cable TV, 1966
FCC: Cable TV, Documents, 1966
FCC: Fairness Doctrine, 1965-1966
FCC: Pacifica Foundation, 1966
FCC: UHF, 1966
Radio/TV: Call-in Programs, 1966
Radio/TV: Community Antenna, 1966
Radio/TV: Equal Time, 1966
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1967
FCC: Miscellaneous Documents, 1967
FCC: ABC License Applications, 1967
FCC: Fairness Doctrine, 1967
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1967
Radio/TV: Cable TV, 1967
Radio/TV: Fairness Doctrine, 1967
Radio/TV: Racist Speech, 1967
FCC: Miscellaneous Documents, 1968
FCC: Cable TV Hearings, 1968
FCC: License Renewal WLBT, 1968
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1968
Radio/TV: Fairness Doctrine, 1968
Access to Media, 1969
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1969
FCC: Cable TV, 1968-1969
FCC: Cable TV Documents, 1968-1969
FCC: Violence and Television, 1969
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1969
FCC: Miscellaneous, 1970
FCC: Cable TV Documents, 1970
FCC: CBS v. U.S. and FCC, 1970
Press: Subpoenas of Newspeople, 1970
Press: Access to the Media, 1970
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1970
Radio/TV: Cable TV, 1970
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1971
Misc.: Access to the Media, 1971
Misc: Committee for Open Media, 1971
Misc: Fairness Doctrine, 1971
Misc: Right of Access, 1971
FCC: Miscellaneous Documents, 1971
FCC: Cable TV, 1971
FCC: Cable TV: Documents, 1971
FCC: Call-In Programs, 1971
FCC: Communications Satellite, 1971
FCC: Communications Satellite, 1971
Access to the Media, 1972
Print Media, 1972
FCC: Cable TV: Documents, 1972
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1972
Radio/TV: Fairness Doctrine, 1972
Radio/TV: Public Access TV, 1972
Miscellaneous, 1973
FCC: A.T.andT. v. FCC, 1973
FCC: Broadcast License Renewal, 1973
FCC: Cable TV: Documents, 1973
FCC: Prime Time Access Rule, 1973
FCC: Quello, James: Nomination, 1973
Press: Reporter's Privileges, 1973
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1973
Radio/TV: Publi-Cable, Inc, 1973
FCC: Broadcast License Renewal, 1974
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1974
Radio/TV: Time Access Rule, 1974
FCC: ABC v. FCC, 1975
Radio/TV: Public Broadcasting, 1975
FCC: Cable TV Channel Capacity, 1976
Press: National News Council, 1976
FCC: Cable TV, 1977
FCC: Home Box Office v. FCC, 1977
Radio/TV: Children and TV, 1977
Radio/TV: Violence and TV, 1977
Miscellaneous, 1978
Miscellaneous: Pressure Groups, 1978
Cable TV: ACLU Statement, 1978
Radio/TV: Cable TV, 1978
Radio/TV: TV in the Courtroom, 1978
FCC: Children's Advertising, 1979
FCC: Ferris, Charles Chairman, 1979
Radio/TV: Miscellaneous, 1979
Radio/TV: TV in the Courtroom, 1979
Radio/TV: Cable TV, 1981
Radio/TV: TV in the Courtroom, 1980
Radio/TV: Fairness Doctrine, 1983
Miscellaneous: Violence and Sexual Violence in Film, Television, Cable and Home Video, 1985
Subseries 3A.14: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association: Military Rights, 1941-1983
C.O.: Amnesty: General, 1946-1947
C.O.: "Amnesty Bulletin", 1946-1947
C.O. Cases: Berman, Herman, 1947
C.O. Cases: Randall, John, 1947
C.O. Cases: Weber, Henry, 1947
C.O.: Miscellaneous, 1948
C.O.: Amnesty: General, 1947-1948
C.O.: Committee on Amnesty, 1948
C.O.: Jehovah's Witnesses, 1948
C.O.: Naturalization of Aliens, 1948
C.O. Cases: Boulding, Kenneth, 1948
C.O. Cases: Test Cases, 1948
C.O.: Miscellaneous, 1949
C.O.: England, 1949
C.O.: Indictments, 1949
C.O.: Refusal to Pay Taxes, 1949
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1949
C.O. Cases: General, 1950
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1948-1950
C.O. Cases: Swift, Albert D, 1950
C.O.: General, 1951
C.O. Cases: General, 1951
C.O. Cases: Koster-Baron, 1951
C.O. Cases: Votaw, Greg, 1951
C.O.: General, 1952
C.O. Cases: General, 1952
C.O.: General, 1953
C.O.: Amnesty: General, 1953
C.O. Cases: General, 1953
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1953
C.O. Cases: Head, Ted Vernon, 1953
C.O.: General, 1954
C.O. Cases: General, 1954
C.O. Cases: Frost, Justin, 1954
C.O.: General, 1955
C.O.: Naturalization Problem, 1955
C.O.: Second Prosecutions, 1955
C.O.: Student Deferments, 1955
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1955
C.O. Cases: Skillen, Glenn, 1955
C.O. Cases: Weaver, Kendraw S, 1955
C.O. Cases: Weberman, Samuel L, 1955
C.O.: General, 1956
C.O.: Statistics of Cases, 1956
C.O. Cases: Clark, Arthur, 1956
C.O. Cases: Dimock, Mark W, 1956
C.O. Cases: Hewson, S. Wendell, 1956
C.O. Cases: Lumpkin, Mrs. W.W., 1956
C.O. Cases: Mayer, Milton, 1956
C.O.: General, 1957
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1957
C.O. Cases: Adams, Robert K, 1957
C.O. Cases: Cupp, Orville, 1957
C.O. Cases: Miner, Pvt. Loren, 1957
C.O.: General, 1958
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1958
C.O.: General, 1959
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1959
C.O. Cases: Hart, W.W., Jr, 1959
C.O.: General, 1960
C.O.: Washington Young Friends, 1960
C.O. Cases: South, Walter N, 1960
C.O. Cases: Sandin, Max, 1961
C.O.: General, 1961-1962
C.O. Cases: Mohr, Stephan J, 1962
C.O. Cases: Etcheverry, Frederic W. - Challenge to Universal Military Training Service Act, 1963
C.O. Cases: Owen, Carlton, 1963
C.O.: General, 1964
C.O. Cases: Keyes, Gene, 1964
C.O.: General, 1965
C.O. Cases: Shank, Lloyd: Public Employee Dismissed for Advocating Conscientious Objection, 1965
C.O.: Miscellaneous, 1966
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1966
Draft: General, 1966
C.O.: General, 1967
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1967
Draft: General, 1967
C.O.: General, 1968
Draft: General, 1968
Draft: Draft Card Burning, 1968
Draft: New Jersey Draft Panel, 1968
C.O.: General, 1969
C.O. Cases: Miscellaneous, 1969
C.O. Cases: Storsve, Harold E, 1969
Draft: Miscellaneous, 1969
Draft: Miscellaneous Cases, 1969
C.O.: Miscellaneous, 1970
Draft: General, 1970
Vietnam War: Miscellaneous, 1970
C.O.: General, 1972
Draft: General, 1972
Vietnam War: Miscellaneous, 1972
Draft: Miscellaneous, 1973
Draft: Reitman Correspondence, 1973
C.O.: Ennis Correspondence, 1975
C.O.: General, 1983
Miscellaneous, 1956
Miscellaneous; Cases, 1957
Assault Conviction; Peoples, A, 1957
Civil Defense Bill - Maine, 1955
Residence Laws, 1956
Extradition Case; Hogg, L, 1957
Extradition Case; McGaha, P, 1957
Murder Case; Melendez, J, 1957
Murder Case; Mitchell, E, 1957
Right to Counsel, 1956
Right to Counsel; Cicenia, V, 1957
Right to Counsel; Mayes, J, 1957
Banishment Case; Blackman, 1958
Banishment Case; Vines, H, 1958
Bond Detention; Porter, E., Jr, 1958
Due Process Case; Boyd, R, 1958
Extradition Case; Chambers, S, 1958
Extradition Case; Mills, F, 1958
Murder Case; Corey, J.R., 1957-1959
Murder Case; NY v. Brulins, 1958
Murder Case; Utah v. Rodgers, 1958
Murder Case; William, Charles, 1958
Right to Counsel; Kooka, J, 1958
Robbery Conviction; Gray, R.E., 1958
Vice Conviction; Martin, E, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1959
Miscellaneous; Cases, 1959
Blood Testing Bill - New York, 1959
Burglary Conviction; Jeronis, 1959
Court Abuse; Day, G, 1959
Extradition Case; "Peonage", 1959
Extradition Case; Reid, W, 1959
5th Amendment; Miscellaneous, 1959
Flogging Bill - Delaware, 1959
Grand Juries; Miscellaneous, 1959
Illegal Detention; Wagner, A, 1959
Judges Improper Practices, 1959
Murder Case; Brown, William, 1959
Murder Case; Redenbaugh, J, 1959
Post-Trial Sentence; Brandt, G, 1959
Property Rights, 1959
Rape Case; Maine v. MacDougall, 1959
Right to Privacy, 1959
Robbery Conviction; Velenti, J, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Miscellaneous; Cases, 1960
Abortion Conviction; Perry, A, 1960
Capital Punishment, 1960
Criminal Libel, 1960
Detention Case; Higdon, B, 1960
Due Process Case; Monts, H.O., 1960
Fifth Amendment, 1960
Fluoridation Issue, 1960
Forgery Case; Allen v. U.S., 1960
Immunity Bill - Delaware, 1960
Insanity Plea; McNaughton Rule, 1960
Judges Improper Practices, 1960
Murder Case; Gibson, O, 1960
Murder Case; Rosenthal, G, 1960
Property Rights, 1960
Rape Indictment; Hedgepeth, S, 1960
Right to Counsel, 1960
Epileptics' Rights; Forney, H, 1962
Retroactivity of Mapp Ruling, 1962
Shoplifter's Search Law, 1962
Habeas Corpus; Proposed Bill, 1964
Right to Counsel; Markham, J, 1964
Right to Counsel; Oswald, L.H., 1964
Fair Trial v. Free Press, 1966
Court Proceedings, 1972
Holmes Case, 1953-1956
Miscellaneous, 1957-1959
Miscellaneous, 1957-1959
Due Process, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1960
Juvenile -Rape Case, 1960
Harris v. Kennedy, 1962-1964
Harris v. Kennedy, 1962-1964
Miscellaneous, 1965-1968
Miscellaneous, 1965-1968
Miscellaneous, 1965-1968
Miscellaneous, 1965-1968
Miscellaneous, 1969-1973
Miscellaneous, 1969-1973
Miscellaneous, 1971
Miscellaneous, 1969-1973
Miscellaneous, 1973
Due Process, 1974
Miscellaneous, 1975
Due Process, 1976
Miscellaneous, 1977-1987
Miscellaneous, 1977-1987
Miscellaneous, 1977-1987
Miscellaneous, 1954
Murder Case - Frank Smith, 1954
Miscellaneous, 1955
Arson Case (13 year old child), 1955
Court Rights of U.S. Troops, 1955
Death Penalty, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1956
Commissioner Rules, New Mexico, 1956
Stay of Execution Case, 1956
Extradition Case, 1955-1956
Imported Liquor "Tax" Case, 1956
Raid Cases, 1953-1956
Raid Cases, 1953-1956
Raid Cases, 1953-1956
Rape Cases, 1955-1956
Uxoricide Case, 1956
Miscellaneous, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1962
Deprived of Counsel, 1962
Fair Trial, 1961-1962
Fifth Amendment, 1962
Habeas Corpus Case, 1962
Indigent Defendants, 1962
Kidnapping Extradition Case, 1962
Witnesses Held as Prisoners, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1963
Codarre, Edwin, 1962-1963
Denial of Counsel, 1963
Equality Before the Law, 1963
Indigent Defendants, 1963
Indigent Defendants, 1963
Indigent Right to Counsel, 1963
Insurrection Law Invalid, 1963
Jury Trial, 1963
Manhattan Bail Project, 1963
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Right to Represent Litigants, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1964
Bail, 1964
Confession of Alleged Accomplice Read Aloud to Jury - Douglas v. Alabama (Jessie Elliot), 1964
Confession Without Counsel, 1964
Contempt of Court; Improper, 1964
Right to Counsel, 1964
Delayed Sentencing Practice, 1964
Delayed Sentences, 1964
Fair Trial v. Free Press, 1964
Fair Trial v. Free Press, 1964
Fair Trial v. Free Press, 1964
Jury, All white, 1964
Jury Trials in Contempt Cases, 1964
Juvenile Court Act, 1962
Morality and The Law, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1965
Bail Reform, Act of 1965, 1965
Child Judged Delinquent, 1965
Confession in Rape Case, 1965
Counsel, Right to denied, 1965
Criminal Contempt, 1965
Criminal Justice, 1965
Death Penalty (General), 1965
Death Penalty, 1965
Death Penalty, 1965
Death Penalty, 1965
Fair Trial v. Free Press, 1965
Fair Trial v. Free Press, 1965
Free Press v. Fair Trial, 1965
Free Press v. Fair Trial, 1965
Habitual Criminal Question, 1965
Indictment Held for Trial, 1965
Indigents, Bail for, 1965
Juries, 1965
Jury Exclusion of Negroes, 1965
Juvenile Rights, 1965
Lawyers and Unpopular Client, 1965
Ruby (Jack) Case, 1965
Perjury, 1965
Pre-Trial Publicity, 1965
Prosecutions, Unfairness in, 1965
Rape, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1966
Bail Reform Bills, 1966
Coerced Confession, 1966
Coerced Confession, 1966
Correspondence (General), 1966
Counsel, 1966
Death Penalty, 1965-1966
Fair Trial v. Free Press, 1966
Fair Trial v. Free Press, 1966
Federal Criminal Convictions, 1966
Free Press v. Fair Trial, 1966
Juries; Negro Exclusion, 1966
Juries; Negro Exclusion, 1966
Juries; Negro Exclusion, 1966
Juvenile Rights, 1966
Pre-Trial Publicity, 1966
Recidivist (Criminal Relapse), 1966
Sacco-Vanzetti Case, 1966
Self-Incrimination, 1966
Simmons, Dykes, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1967
Bail, Excessive, 1967
Counsel, Rights Denied, 1967
Counsel Deprived, 1967
Death Penalty, 1967
Death Penalty, 1967
Death Penalty, 1967
Death Penalty Study, 1967
Fair Trial v. Free Press, 1967
Free Press and Fair Trial, 1967
President Kennedy, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Amicus Representation Demanded, 1968
Bail, Excessive, 1968
Convicted of Wife Poisoning, 1968
Death Penalty, 1968
Hearing Denied, 1968
Judicial Review, 1968
Jury Selection Materials, 1965-1968
Juvenile Court, 1968
Juveniles, Rights of, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1969
Confession Without Attorney, 1969
Court Observer, 1969
Court Observer, 1969
Death Penalty, 1969
Fair Trial-Free Press, 1969
Fair Trial-Free Press, 1969
Juvenile Delinquency, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1970
Federal Level - General Issues, 1970
Miscellaneous, 1971
Federal Level, 1971
Davis, Angela Case, 1971
Miscellaneous, 1973
Court Observer Procedures, 1973
Death Penalty, 1973
Pretrial Intervention Program, 1974
Proposal for Statewide Implementation of a Uniform Program of Pretrial Intervention Under, 1974
Testimony By Mary Ellen Gale, 1974
Victimless Crimes, 1974
Miscellaneous, 1975
Equal Protection and the Poor, 1975
Executive Branch, 1947-1984
Civil Service: Occupied Areas, 1947
Civil Service: Tobias, Mervyn, 1947
Department of Justice: FBI, 1947
Department of Justice, 1949
Department of Justice: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Allegations of Pressures, 1950
Department of Justice: FBI; Hoover Statements on National Security - Re: Civil Liberties, 1950
Department of Justice: Immigration and Naturalization; Job Applicant Interview Questions, 1950
Miscellaneous, 1951
Miscellaneous: Nimitz Commission; Commission on Internal Security and Individual Rights, 1951
Department of Justice: Subversive Listings, Attorney General's; 1950 and 1951, 1950, 1951, 1950-1951
Miscellaneous, 1952
Miscellaneous: ACLU Proposal for a National Commission on Security and Individual Freedom, 1952
President: Truman; Attempted Assassination - 1951-1952 (Collazo-Torresola), 1952, 1951-1952, 1952
Miscellaneous, 1953
Department of Defense: General, 1953
State Department: Conference with Secretary of State on Transport Procedures, 1952-1953, 1953
Miscellaneous, 1954
Miscellaneous: Fashion Academy Gold Medal Award; F.T.C. Complaint and Publicity Release, 1954
Department of Defense: Race Question in Personnel Security Questionnaire For Industrial Plants, 1954
Department of Justice: Attorney General Brownell's "Disclosure of File FBI Information", 1954
Department of Justice: O.T. Beckley; Complaint Re: Immigration Officer Review, 1952-1954, 1954
Department of Justice: FBI Agents' Intimidation of Rosen Defense Committee and Virgil Vogel, 1954
Department of Justice: Reporter Magazine Article Re: FBI Disclosure of File Information, 1954
Department of Justice: National Lawyers Guild; Attorney General's Subversive Listing - FBI, 1954
Department of Justice: Ninth National Conference on Citizenship, 1954 September 15-17, 1954
Department of Justice: Joseph H. Cort; U.S. Citizenship Revocation and Political Asylum Case, 1954
State Department: Madrid, Spain; Closure of Protestant Churches Under American Auspices, 1954
Miscellaneous, 1955
Miscellaneous: Wilson, Curtis C.; Post Office Employee, "Hatch Act" Dismissal -Houston, TX, 1955
Department of Justice: State Governors' Use of FBI File Information in Security Investigations, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1956
Department of Defense: Attorney Fees in Veterans Administration Cases; Re: $10 Limitation, 1956
Department of Justice: Rev. Forbes' Testimony; Philadelphia Civil Rights Congress Re: ACLU, 1956
Department of Justice: Pezzati, et al.; International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, 1956
Department of Justice: Thomson, William O.; FBI Interview - Williamsburg, Massachusetts, 1956
Miscellaneous, 1957
Department of Defense: Marine Corps Report; Re: Deaths of Six Trainees at Parris Island, 1957
Department of Defense: Marine Corps Report; ACLU Report on Practices at Parris Island, 1957
Department of Justice: Commission on Civil Rights; Authorized by Civil Rights Act of 1957, 1957
Department of Justice: Alleged FBI Harassment of Chicago Independent Socialist League Members, 1957
Department of Justice: Letters to Resigning Officials in Department of Justice and FBI, 1957
Miscellaneous, 1958
Miscellaneous: Spector, Theodore; Civilian Employee, Department of Interior - Dismissed, 1958
Defense Department: Blackburne, George; Civil Service, "Self-Incrimination" - Resignation, 1958
Defense Department: Civil Service Employment Overseas; Roos, Anne Marie; English Teacher, 1958
Defense Department: Phillips; Homosexual Discharge Re: Use of Polygraph Tests in Court Martial, 1958
Defense Department: Wood and O'Shea Against Commanding Officers Re: Parris Island Drowning, 1958
Department of Justice: Independent Socialist League; Workers Party and Social Youth League, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1959
Miscellaneous: Bloch, Judith; U.S. Joint Publications Research Service--Employment Complaint, 1959
Miscellaneous: Hart, Julia E., v. U.S.--Department of Justice Employee Discharge Case, 1959
Miscellaneous: Smith, R.N.--Forest Service Employee's Public School Activities (Hatch Act), 1959
Department of Defense: Marine Corps Revised; Policy Re: Brutality of Recruit Trainees, 1959
Department of Defense: Sample, Eugene; Efficiency Rating - Commission Status Complaint Case, 1959
State Department: ACLU Invitation to Soviet Premier Kruschev to Visit ACLU While in U.S., 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Miscellaneous: Wheat Acreage, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1961
Miscellaneous: Owens, James N, 1961
Miscellaneous: Zenor, Chas. A, 1961
Department of Defense: General, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
Miscellaneous: Appeals; Rules, 1962
Miscellaneous: Infringement of Right to Judicial Review; Citizenship, Loss, Expatriation, 1961-1962
Miscellaneous: Stalker, Jesse, 1962
Miscellaneous: Taking of Private Property for a Public Use; Condemnation Proceedings, 1956-1962
Department of Treasury: Schumacher, Walter; Tax Exemption Denial, Explanation Denial, - IRS, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1963
Miscellaneous: Coast Guard Port Security Program; Mariner's License Denied - Socialist, 1956-1963
Miscellaneous: Coast Guard Port Security Program; Mariner's Licenses Denied Socialist, 1956-1963
Miscellaneous: Federal Trade Commission, Public Investigation; Kroger Co., Hall v. Lemke, 1962-1963
Miscellaneous: Infringement of Right to Publish; Stroud, Robert v. Bureau of Prisons, 1961-1963
Miscellaneous: Internal Revenue Service; Seizure of Taxicabs in Liquor Purchase by Fare, 1963
Miscellaneous: Murrow, Edward, 1963
Miscellaneous: Pre-Employment Activities; Discharged by FAA Despite Veterans Preference, 1961-1963
Civil Service Commission: Williams, Dan Alton; Confrontation Case - Air Force Academy, 1961-1963
FDA: Religious Freedom, 1963
FDA: Tape Recorders, 1963
Department of Prisons: Miscellaneous Parole Revocation; Cases - Executive Branch Due Process, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1964
Civil Service Commission: Job Applicant Contends Possible Homosexual Relationships Irrelevant, 1963
Department of Justice: Subversive Activities Control Act; Enforcement - Communist Registration, 1964
Department of Justice: FBI Agent Discharged, Criticized Employer to Senator; Turner, William W, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous: Home Rule, 1965
Miscellaneous: Judges, 1965
Miscellaneous: Tax Exemption, 1965
Miscellaneous: Customs Bureau, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Miscellaneous: Ombudsman, 1966
Civil Service: Miscellaneous, 1966
FAA: Psychological Testing, 1966
Department of Justice: Central Intelligence Agency Accuses Citizen of Being Soviet Spy, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Miscellaneous: Miscegenation, 1967
Miscellaneous: Ombudsman, 1967
Department of Defense: Coast Guard Denies Clearance to Merchant Mariner; Ivshinsky, Ben, 1967
Department of Treasury: Internal Revenue Service; Income Tax Levy Against Communist Party, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Miscellaneous: Critic of Vietnam War Policy Denied Clearance on White House Panel, 1967-1968
Miscellaneous: 1961 Amendment to Social Security Act Discriminates Against Men, 1968, 1961, 1968
Trade Commission: Federal Trade Commission; Press Releases Issued Before Allegations Proven, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1969
Miscellaneous: Secret Service, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1970
Miscellaneous, 1971
Department of Justice: FBI, 1971
Miscellaneous, 1972
Miscellaneous, 1972
President - Watergate: Count One for Impeachment Nixon v. the First Amendment by Harry Kranz, 1973
President - Watergate: The 1st Pamphlet Proposing the Creation of Committees of Correspondence, 1973
President - Watergate, 1973
Miscellaneous: Impeachment, 1974
Impeachment: Congress, 1974
Impeachment: Literature; ACLU, 1974
Impeachment: The Law of Presidential Impeachment by the Committee on Federal Legislation, 1974
Impeachment: Neier's File, 1974
Impeachment: Polls, 1974
Impeachment: Oklahoma, 1974
Impeachment: Radio, TV, Films, 1974
Miscellaneous, 1976
Miscellaneous, 1976
Legislative Branch, 1947-1973
Miscellaneous: Congress, 1947
Miscellaneous: Legislation, 1952
Miscellaneous, 1953
Congress: David Lawrence and Fraenkel Correspondence Debates on Congressional Investigations, 1954
House of Repsresentatives: Proposed Code of Fair Procedures for Investigating Committees, 1955
Senate: Senate Banking Committee - Stock Market Investigation; Proposed Walter Winchell, 1955
Senate: Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency Hearings Re: TV Crime, Comic Books, 1955
Congress: Miscellaneous, 1956
Congress: Miscellaneous, 1956
Congress: Miscellaneous, 1956
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1956
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1956
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1956
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1956
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1956
Congress: Miscellaneous, 1957
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1957
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1957
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1957
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1957
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1957
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1957
Senate: Miscellaneous, 1957
Congress: Miscellaneous, 1958
House of Representatives: Denied Hearing to Communist Party, by House Ways and Means Committee, 1963
House of Representatives: Wartime Sedition Act H.R. 4897 Hearings Committee on Judiciary, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Senate: Privacy, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Miscellaneous: Ombudsman, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1970
Judiciary Branch, 1951-1964
Miscellaneous: Courts, 1951
Miscellaneous: Courts, 1952
Miscellaneous: Courts, 1953-1957
Miscellaneous: Courts, 1953-1957
Miscellaneous: Courts, 1953-1957
Miscellaneous: Courts, 1953-1957
Miscellaneous: Courts, 1953-1957
Supreme Court: Attacks, 1957
Supreme Court: Decisions, 1957
Supreme Court: Miscellaneous, 1958
Supreme Court: Attacks, 1958
Supreme Court: Social Order, 1958
Supreme Court: Decisions, 1958
Supreme Court: Miscellaneous, 1959
Supreme Court: Attacks, 1959
Supreme Court: Comments, 1959
States, 1958-1967
Miscellaneous, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1964
Miscellaneous: Alaska, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous: Tax Collectors, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Miscellaneous: Jails, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Federal: Fascism Curbs, 1938
Federal: Soldiers Vote Bills, 1943
Federal: Anti-Racketeering, 1946
Federal: General, 1947
Federal: Anti-lynch Bill, 1947
Federal: Anti-Poll Tax Bill, 1947
Federal: Anti-Trust Bill, 1947
Federal: Cloture, 1947
Federal: Deportation of Aliens, 1947
Federal: Greek Rehabilitation, 1947
Federal: Guam and Samoa Bill, 1947
Federal: Immigration Bill, 1947
Federal: Labor Legislation, 1947
Federal: Judiciary Code, 1947
Federal: Soldiers Bride Act, 1947
Federal: Taft-Hartley Bill, 1947
State: Iowa FEPC, 1947
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1948
Federal: Alien Husbands Bill, 1948
Federal: Hawaii Statehood Bill, 1948
Federal: Taft-Hartley Law, 1948
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1949
Federal: Labor Bills; General, 1949
Federal: Labor Bills; General, 1949
Federal: Nakamura Relief Bill, 1949
Federal: Poll Tax Bills, 1949
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1950
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1950
Federal: Immigration and Naturalization: Exclusion and Expulsion of Subversive Aliens, 1950
Federal: Labor Legislation, 1950
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1951
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1951
Federal: Baldinger, 1951
Federal: Broyles Bills, 1951
Federal: Equal Pay Bills, 1951
Federal: Estonians Asylum Bill, 1951
Federal: Genocide Convention, 1951
Federal: House Rules Committee, 1951
Federal: Immigration Bill, 1951
Federal: Mexican Labor Bill, 1951
Federal: Mutual Security Act, 1951
Federal: Obscenity Bill, 1951
State: Loyalty Oaths, 1951
State: Sedition Laws, 1951
State: Civil Rights Laws, 1951
State: California Los Angeles County Registration Ordinance ( California v. Steinberg), 1951
State: California Los Angeles Loyalty Oath Test Case ( Garner v. Board of Public Works), 1951
State: Florida Sex-Maniac Bill, 1951
State: Nebraska Loyalty Oath, 1951
State: Texas Loyalty Oath Bill, 1951
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1952
Federal: Cloture Rule, 1952
Federal: Human Rights Covenant, 1952
Federal: Smith Act, Repeal of, 1952
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1953
Federal: FEPC Legislation, 1953
Federal: Indian Bill, 1953
Federal: Mezei Relief Bills, 1953
State: General, 1953
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1954
Federal: Bricker Amendment, 1954
Federal: Communist Control Act, 1954
Federal: Federal Immunity Law, 1954
Federal: Indian Legislation, 1954
State: Louisiana 1954 Acts and Constitutional Amendments (De-Segregation Amendment), undated
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1955
Federal: Civilian Award Bills, 1954
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1956
Federal: Habeas Corpus Bill, 1956
Federal: Passport Bill, 1956
Federal: States' Rights Bill, 1956
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1957
Federal: Civil Rights of 1957, 1957
Federal: Civil Rights of 1957, 1957
Federal: Civil Rights of 1957, 1957
Federal: Civil Rights of 1957, 1957
State: Illinois Miscellaneous, 1957
State: Ohio Miscellaneous, 1957
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1958
Federal: Alaska Statehood, 1958
Federal: Bombings and use of Explosives in Civil Rights Disturbance, Justice Department, 1958
Federal: Humane Slaughter Bill, 1958
Federal: Labor Legislation, 1958
Federal: Mail Obscenity Bill, 1958
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1959
Federal: Mail Obscenity Bills, 1959
Federal: Public Defender Bill, 1959
Federal: Miscellaneous, 1960
Federal: Anti-Racketeering, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1947
Miscellaneous Cases, 1947
Alien Land Laws, 1947
Bonham v. Bouiss, 1947
Canadian Japanese, 1947
Education, 1947
Evacuation Claims Act, 1947
Hardship Deportations, 1947
Inouye Renunciation, 1947
Ishii (Cases), 1947
Kido Japan Trip, 1947
Kinoshita (cases), 1947
Land Law, 1947
Matsumoto, 1947
Nagata (cases), 1947
Peruvian Cases, 1947
Seki Renunciation, 1947
Sikino v. Clark, 1947
Strandees, 1947
Wirin v. Collins, 1947
Eastlake Strandee Case, 1948
Evacuations, 1948
Inouye Renunciation Case, 1948
Ishikawa Strandee Case, 1948
Iwamoto Case, 1948
Kawakita Treason Case, 1948
Tambara v. Clark, 1948
Miscellaneous, 1949
Acheson v. Murarami, 1949
Arirawa v. Acheson, 1949
Fujizawa v. Acheson, 1949
Inouye Renunciation Case, 1949
Kawakita Treason Case, 1949
Strandee Cases, 1949
Miscellaneous, 1951
Uyeno v. Acheson, 1951
Evacuation Claims Program, 1953
Comments on 1942 Evacuation, 1955
Mental Health: Miscellaneous, 1944
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1945
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1946
Mentally Ill: The Starry Cross, 1946
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1947
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1948
Mental Health: Miscellaneous, 1949
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1950
Cases: Reiss, Arnold, 1950
Cases: Clairmonte, Harold S, 1951
Cases: Wisniewski, Theresa, 1951
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1951
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1950-1952
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1952
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1953
Cases: Holt, Mary B, 1953
Cases: Howard, Harry P, 1953
Cases: Miller, Robert H, 1953
Cases: Schnautz, Henry, 1953
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1954
Cases: Ulpts, Dr. G.E., 1954
Cases: Weinschenk, Fred, 1954
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1955
Cases: Francis, Wallace E, 1955
Cases: Lothrop, Blanche H, 1955
Cases: Norris, Edgar, 1955
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1956
Cases: Hotchkiss, Elizabeth, 1956
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1957
Cases: "Crack-pot" Mail, 1957
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1958
Commitment: Cases-General, 1958
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1958
Mentally Ill: "Crackpot" Mail, 1958
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1956-1959
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1959
Mentally Ill: "Crackpot" Mail, 1959
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1960
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1960
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1961
Cases: Tarmon, John, 1961
Mentally Ill: "Crack-pot" Mail, 1961
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1961
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1962
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1962
Mentally Ill: Persecution Mail, 1962
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1963
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1964
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1965
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1965
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1966
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1967
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1968
Mentally Ill: Dockets of Cases, 1969
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1969
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1970
Mental Retardation: Summary and Proposals of National Council on Rights of Mental Ill, 1971-1972
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1972
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1973
Mental Retardation: Department of Justice News Release on Reforms in Maryland State Hospital, 1974
Mentally Ill: "Psychiatry and the Presumption of Expertise" Ennis, Bruce, and Litwack, 1974
Mentally Ill: Miscellaneous, 1975
Mental Health: American Psychological Association Convention: Reitman, Alan: Comments, 1975
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1955
Cases: Kisseloff, Albert, 1957
Cases: Elam, Gordon, 1958
Cases: Small, John F, 1959
Cases: Ayres, Joseph W, 1960
Cases: De Castro, Angel, 1959
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1960
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1961
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1962
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1963
Cases: Harris, Robert M, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1967
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1969
Draft: Draft Repeal, 1971
Search and Seizure: Cases, 1951
Brutality: Beckeman, M, 1953
Brutality: Police Shootings, 1953
Brutality: Coles, W, 1954
Brutality: Madame Florelli, 1954
Brutality: Police Shootings, 1954
Brutality: Miscellaneous, 1955
Brutality: Police Shootings, 1955
Search and Seizure: Limon, J, 1955
Search and Seizure: O'Hara, J, 1956
Search and Seizure: Schied, H, 1957
Miscellaneous, 1958
Brutality: Carrasguillo, C, 1958
Brutality: Halsell, J, 1958
Brutality: Liuba, M, 1957-1958
Miscellaneous, 1959
Miscellaneous: Roadblocks, 1959
Brutality: Bristol, G, 1959
Brutality: Fitzsimons, P, 1959
Brutality: Police Shootings, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Brutality: Jackson, L, 1960
Brutality: Jackson, S, 1960
Police Review Boards: Attack, 1960
Miscellaneous: Roadblocks, 1961
Brutality: Miscellaneous, 1961
Brutality: Anchorage, Alaska, 1961
Brutality: Dyke, D, 1961
Brutality: San Antonio, Texas, 1961
Search and Seizure: Right of Entry Provision in Zoning Ordinance - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
Brutality: Jones, Ashton, 1962
Illegal Police Practices: Commissioners' Committee on Police Arrests for Investigation, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1963
Brutality: Alcoholics, 1963
Brutality: Broughten, R.H., 1963
Brutality: Falco, F. - Killed, 1963
Brutality: Shuford, F.G., 1963
Miscellaneous, 1964
Miscellaneous: Arrest Records, 1964
Brutality: Miscellaneous, 1964
Brutality: Dellello, R, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Miscellaneous: Fingerprinting, 1966
Miscellaneous: "Report of the Commission on Equal Opportunities" - New Haven, Connecticut, 1966
Illegal Police Practices: Photographing of Demonstrators - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Miscellaneous: Arrest Records, 1967
Brutality: Police Homicide, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Brutality: Miscellaneous, 1968
Search and Seizure: Jones, C, 1968
Brutality: Black Panthers, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1976
Brutality: Miscellaneous, 1970
Brutality: ACLU Study, 1972
Brutality: Croom Case, 1972
Miscellaneous, 1973
Brutality: Dixon, P, 1973
Prisoners: Miscellaneous, 1959
Prisoners: Mail: Alabama, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Arizona, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: California, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Connecticut, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Florida, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Georgia, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Georgia, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Illinois, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Indiana, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Kansas, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Kansas, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Kentucky, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Louisiana, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Michigan, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Minnesota, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Missouri, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Montana, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Nevada, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: New Jersey, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: New York, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Ohio, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Oregon, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Rhode Island, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: South Dakota, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Tennessee, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Texas, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Utah, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Virginia, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Washington, 1960
Prisoners: Mail: Wyoming, 1960
Prisoners: General, 1961
Prisoners: Writing in Jail, 1970
Prisoners: General, 1971
Prisoners: Miscellaneous, 1972
Prisoners: General, 1973
Prisoners: Miscellaneous, 1975-1976
Prisoners: Miscellaneous, 1975-1976
Prisoners: Miscellaneous, 1975-1976
Prisoners: Miscellaneous, 1980
Medical Rights: Leprosy, 1945
Medical Rights: Euthanasia, 1949
Medical Rights: New York State Medical Practice Act: refugee doctor's citizenship requirement, 1950
Medical Rights: Fee Splitting, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1964, 1967
Drugs: Marijuana, 1967
Miscellaneous: Databanks, 1969
Miscellaneous: Fluoridation, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1970
Miscellaneous: Fluoridation, 1970
Data Collection: Storage, 1970
Drugs: Miscellaneous, 1970
Medical Rights: Human Subjects, 1970
Miscellaneous, 1971
Drugs: Marijuana misc, 1971
Drugs: Marijuana Project, 1971
Medical Rights: Human Subjects, 1971
Drugs: Miscellaneous, 1972
Miscellaneous, 1973
Drugs: Marijuana, 1973
Drugs: Marijuana: State bills, 1973
Drugs: Minimum sentences, 1973
Medical Rights: Miscellaneous, 1973
Sexual Privacy: ACLU project, 1973
Sexual Privacy: Prostitution, 1974
Drugs: ACLU and drug debate, 1975
Drugs: Marijuana, 1975
Smoking: Miscellaneous, 1975
Medical Rights: Psychosurgery, 1977
Smoking: ACLU Policy, 1977
Smoking: Miscellaneous, 1978
Drugs: Testing, 1985
ACLU Policy, 1951
Bratburd v. State of Maryland, 1952
Arguments, 1953-1955
FBI Report on Lewis, Napthali, 1955
Justice Hofstadter's Decision, 1955
Hurt, R. Conviction, 1955
Legislation: Buffalo, NY, 1955
Minnesota Bill, 1955
New Jersey Bill, 1955
Pennsylvania Bill, 1955
Wirin v. Parker, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1956
New Jersey Legislation, 1956
New York Bills, 1956
Santa Monica, California, 1956
Miscellaneous, 1957
FBI Wiretaps, 1957
Illinois Bill, 1957
New York Wiretap Case Decision, 1957
Pennsylvania Wiretap Bills, 1957
Schrunk Conviction, 1957
U.S. v. Benanti, 1957
Miscellaneous, 1958
FBI Wiretapping Problem, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1959
Television: "Kaleidoscope", 1959
New York Bills, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Connecticut Wiretap Bills, 1960
Monitoring of Overseas Calls, 1960
Social Work Teaching Methods, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1961
ACLU Policy, 1961
Baton Rouge, LA Investigation, 1961
Cases: Miscellaneous, 1961
Federal Legislation, 1961
Silverman v. U.S., 1961
State Legislation, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
Federal Legislation, 1962
State Legislation, 1962
U.S. v. De Fusco, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1963
Illinois Wiretapping Bill, 1963
Ohio Case, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1964
Alaska Wiretapping Ban, 1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Federal Legislation, 1967
Illinois State Legislation, 1967
Crime Bill, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1969
Surveillance, 1971
Miscellaneous, 1972
Governmental Surveillance, 1974
Miscellaneous, undated
Education: Racial Integration, 1947
Housing: Restrictive Covenants, 1947
Mexicans: Civil Rights - Texas, 1948
Miscellaneous, 1948-1949
State: Ohio - Race Hate Letter, 1949
Cases: Groveland, Florida, 1950
Housing: Discrimination, 1951
Housing: Segregation Survey, 1951
Mexicans: Discrimination, 1951
Miscellaneous: Ku Klux Klan, 1951
Cases: Cicero Riots - Illinois, 1952
Education: Discrimination, 1952
Housing: General, 1952
Housing: Restrictive Covenant, 1952
Miscellaneous: General, 1952
Miscellaneous: Group Libel, 1952
Housing: General, 1953
Housing: Restrictive Covenants, 1953
Miscellaneous: General, 1953
Cases: Landsen: Cairo, IL, 1954
Interracial: Linnie v. Alabama, 1954
Miscellaneous: General, 1954
Cases: General, 1955
Mexicans: General, 1955
Education: General, 1956
Employment: Equality-General, 1956
Interracial: General, 1956
Legislation: Monroe Resolutions; to Reduce Congressional Representation in Mississippi, 1956
Miscellaneous: General, 1956
Private Organization: American Bar Association; "Race Question" from Membership Forms, 1956
Transportation: Bus Boycott, 1956
Federal Government: Communicable Disease Center Refusal to Fire Afro-American Secretary, 1957
Federal Government: 10th Anniversary of Report "To Secure These Rights": President's Committee, 1957
Housing: Restrictive Covenants, 1957
Legislation: State Level, 1957
Public Accommodation: General, 1957
Housing: General, 1958
Housing: Public Housing, 1958
Legislation: Federal: General, 1958
Miscellaneous: General, 1958
Private Organization: American Jewish Congress Reports on State and Local Discrimination, 1958
Public Accommodation: General, 1958
Voting Rights: General, 1958
Education: California Attorney General's Ruling Banning Discrimination by Fraternities, 1959
Employment: General Issues, 1959
Federal Government: Comments Regarding 1957-58 Annual Report on President's Committee, 1959
Housing: General, 1959
Private Organizations: American Legion Order Banning Racial Discrimination in "40 and 8", 1959
Public Accommodation: General, 1959
Voting Rights: General, 1959
Education: Fraternity Bias, 1960
Education: General, 1960
Employment: General, 1960
Federal Government: Hotels in National Parks: Employment Discrimination against Blacks, 1960
Housing: Open Occupancy Laws, 1960
Miscellaneous: ACLU Rebuttal to Alabama Attorney General's Statement of ACLU Promotion, 1960
Miscellaneous: Anti-Semitism, 1960
Miscellaneous: General, 1960
Cases: General, 1961
Federal Government: Air Force Base School: South Carolina Ban - Afro-American Servicemen's, 1961
Housing: General, 1961
Interracial Laws: General, 1961
Legislation: Clark-Celler Bill, 1961
Legislation: State and Local, 1961
Miscellaneous: General, 1961
Private Organization: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Newsletter, 1961
Protest Movement: CORE Freedom Riders Group: Testing Bus Station Segregation - Alabama, 1961
Protest Movement: State Government Attempts to Stop Freedom Riders: Mississippi and New York, 1961
Public Accommodations: General, 1961
Voting Rights: General, 1961
Education: General, 1962
Employment: Equal Pay, 1962
Employment: General, 1962
Interracial: General, 1962
Private Organizations: CORE Discrimination Case and "criminal anarchy" in Los Angeles, 1962
Public Accommodations: Views of Private Organizations Concerning Recent Decisions and Cases, 1962
Protest Movement: Demonstrations in Albany, GA.; Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, 1962
Protest Movement: General, 1962
Protest Movement: General, 1962
Voting Rights: General, 1962
Voting Rights: Southern States, 1962
Employment: Miscellaneous, 1963
Federal Government: ACLU Proposal to Make Civil Rights Commission to Create a Permanent, 1963
Federal Government: ACLU Testimony; Proposal to Extend Term of Civil Rights Commission, 1963
Housing: General, 1963
Public Accommodation: General, 1963
Voting Rights: General, 1963
Employment: General, 1964
Miscellaneous: Correspondence, 1964
Protest Movement: General, 1964
Public Accommodations: General, 1964
Voting Rights: General, 1964
Voting Rights: Georgia: Issues, 1964
Housing: General, 1965
Legislation: General, 1965
Protest Movement: General, 1965
Voting Rights: General, 1965
Housing: General, 1966
Private Organization: Survey of African-American Affiliates Towards Whites: Confidential, 1966
Voting Rights: Mississippi, 1966
Housing: General Issues, 1967
Housing: General Issues, 1967
Voting Rights: General, 1967
Housing: General, 1968
Voting Rights: General, 1968
Employment: General, 1969
Housing: General, 1969
Private Organization: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: General, 1969
Education: General, 1970
Housing: General, 1970
Voting Rights: General, 1970
Education: General Issues, 1971
Employment: General, 1971
Housing: General, 1971
Education: General, 1972
Education: General, 1973
Employment: Affirmative Action, 1973
Employment: General, 1973
Federal Government: American GI Forum of United States: Discrimination Practices, 1976-1977
General Issues, 1985
General Issues, 1990
Military Discharges, 1951
Miscellaneous, 1953
Miscellaneous, 1953
ONE Magazine, 1956-1957
ACLU Policy Statement, 1957
Carey, John R.; Case - Ohio, 1957
Mattachine Society, 1957
Requests for Assistance, 1957
Miscellaneous, 1958
Requests for Assistance, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1962
Homophile Organizations, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1967
Inman v. Miami, Florida, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1970-1972
Miscellaneous, 1970-1972
ACLU Policy, 1973
National Gay Taskforce, 1975-1976
Miscellaneous, 1978
Gay CIA Employee, 1987
Alaskan Indians, 1947
Appropriations, 1947
Claims Commission, 1947
Consultants, 1947
General, 1947
Land: Leasing to Non-Indians, 1947
Navajo Indians, 1947
Alaskan Indians, 1948
Civil Rights Committee, 1948
Florida Flood Control Bill, 1948
General, 1948
Liquor Laws, 1948
Navajo Indians, 1948
Pomo Indians, 1948
Seminoles, 1948
Tongass National Forest, 1948
Alaska Indians, 1949
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1949
General, 1949
Legislation, 1949
Mescalero Apache Tribe, 1949
Navajo Indians, 1949
New York State Indians, 1949
Pueblo Indians, 1949
Russo-American Treaty of 1867, 1949
Alaskan Indians, 1950
Arizona Indians, 1950
Bosone Indian Bill, 1950
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1950
Contracts, 1950
Counsel, 1950
Farmer's Home Administration, 1950
Fort Berthold Indians Bill, 1950
General, 1950
Land Mortgages, 1950
Legislation, 1950
Pyramid Lake Indians, 1950
San Carlos Apache Tribe, 1950
Waccamaw Indians, 1950
Alaskan Indians, 1951
Blackfeet Tribe, 1951
Bosone Indians, 1951
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1951
Claims, 1951
Committees, 1951
Contracts, 1951
Contracts: Lawyers, 1951
Counsel, 1951
General, 1951
Pyramid Lake Indians, 1951
Southwest Indian News Letter, 1951
Chapman, Oscar, 1952
Committee, 1952
Contracts, 1952
Curry, James, 1952
General, 1952
Law and Order Bill, 1952
Pyramid Lake Indians, 1952
Standing Rock Reservation, 1952
Curry, James E, 1953
Development, 1953
Legislation: Cohn, Felix S, 1953
Legislation: Horn, Frances L, 1953
Legislation: Washington Office, 1953
General, 1954
Indian Civil Rights Committee, 1954
Legislation: Frances L. Horn, 1954
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1955
General, 1955
Indian Civil Rights Panel, 1955
Legislation, 1955
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1956
Coordinating Committee, 1956
General, 1956
Legislation, 1956
General, 1957
Legislation, 1957
Alaskan Indians, 1958
Arrow Incorporated, 1958
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1958
Civil Rights Committee, 1958
Council on Indian Affairs, 1958
Department of Interior, 1958
Indian Affairs Conference, 1958
General, 1958
Klamath Indian Forest, 1958
Land: Sales, 1958
Legislation, 1958
National Broadcasting Company, 1958
Navajo Indians, 1958
Seneca Indians, 1958
Tuscarora Indians, 1958
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1959
Canadian Indians, 1959
General, 1959
Legislation, 1959
New York State Indians, 1959
Tuscaroras Indians, 1959
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1960
General, 1961
Legislation, 1961
Navajo Indians, 1961
Cheyenne Indians, 1962
Civil Liberties and Indians, 1962
General, 1962
Lumbee Indians, 1962
Navajo Indians, 1962
Sioux Indians, 1962
General, 1963
Kinzua Dam, 1963
Knowles Dam, 1963
Fishing Rights, 1964
General, 1964
Legislation: Peyote, 1964
General, 1965
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1966
Forbes, Jack D, 1966
General, 1966
General, 1967
General, 1968
General, 1969
Seneca Indians, 1969
General, 1970
General, 1971
General, 1971
General, 1971
General, 1974
General, 1977
General, 1977
Labor: General, 1963
Labor: New York v. La Fountain, 1963
Labor: New York v. La Fountain, 1963
Poverty: General, 1963
Labor: General, 1964
Poverty: General, 1964
Poverty: Welfare, 1965
Poverty: Civil Rights, 1965
Poverty: Minimum Annual Income, 1966
Welfare: General, 1966
Miscellaneous: Public Housing, 1967
Welfare: General, 1967
Welfare: General, 1968
Welfare: General, 1968
Civil Rights: General, 1969
Welfare: General, 1969
Poverty: General, 1970
Welfare: Operation Nevada, 1971
Welfare: General, 1971
Poverty: General, 1972
Welfare: General, 1972
Welfare: General, 1972
Welfare: Practices, 1979
Poll Tax Bill, 1942
Poll Tax Bills, 1949
Ban: America First Ballot, 1952
Socialist Party, 1952
General, 1959
General, 1960
Reapportionment, 1960
Reapportionment Bills, 1960
Voting Rights, 1960
Camacho, Jose: Literacy, 1961
General, 1961
Reapportionment, 1961
Right to Vote: Denial, 1961
General, 1962
Reapportionment, 1962
Reapportionment: Indiana, 1962
General, 1963
Disunity Amendments, 1964
General, 1964
Hatch Act: Section 9 (a), 1964
Reapportionment, 1964
Reapportionment: South Dakota, 1964
Residency Law, 1964
General, 1965
Reapportionment, 1965
Reapportionment: Alan Reitman, 1965
Voter Residency, 1965
Election Campaign Literature, 1966
General, 1966
Reapportionment, 1966
Reapportionment: Wade v. Nolan, 1966
Right to Vote: Age-Related, 1966
General, 1967
Hatch Act, 1967
General, 1968
Right to Vote: Communist Party, 1968
General, 1969
Hatch Act, 1969
General, 1970
General, 1971
General, 1972-1975
General, 1972-1975
General, 1972-1975
Employment - Barmaids, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1956
Ban on Barmaids, 1956
Equal Rights Amendment, 1953-1956
Jury Duty, 1956
Equal pay, data on, 1957
Equal Rights Amendment, 1957
Women Jurors, 1957
Miscellaneous, 1958
Birth Control, 1958
Education, 1959
Birth Control, 1959
Birth control; ACLU Policy, 1959
Education, 1959
Equal Rights Amendment, 1958-1959
Birth Control, 1960
Education, 1960
Equal Rights Amendment, 1960
Hoyt v. Florida; Jury Service, 1961
General, 1962
Airplane Accommodations, 1962
Employment; Equal Pay Act, 1962
Birth Control, 1963
Employment; Equal Pay Act, 1963
Equal Rights Amendment, 1962-1963
Fourteenth Amendment, 1963
Status of Women; Rose Beazas, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1964
Birth Control, 1964
Legislation, 1964
Republican National Convention, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Abortion, 1966
Birth Control, 1966
Birth Control; Legislation, 1966
Employment, 1966
Jury Duty, 1966
Jury Duty, 1966
Veteran's Preference Act, 1965-1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Abortion, 1966-1967
Employment, 1967
Legislation, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Family Planning - Programs, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1969
Abortion, 1969
Abortion, 1969
Abortion, 1969
Abortion; Florida statutes, 1969
Abortion; Kansas legislation, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1970
Abortion, 1970
Birth Control, 1970
Cases, 1970
Cases, 1970
Employment, 1970
Equal Rights Amendment, 1970
Family Assistance Plan, 1970
Legislation, 1970
Women's Right Amendment, 1970
Women's Bureau Conference, 1970
Miscellaneous, 1971
Abortion, 1971
Employment, 1971
Legislation, 1971
Miscellaneous, 1972
Abortion, 1972
Education - Public Schools, 1972
Equal Rights Amendment, 1972
Women's Rights Audit, 1972
Miscellaneous, 1973
Abortion, 1973
Child Care Deductions, 1973
Education, 1973
Employment, 1973
Equal Rights Amendment, 1973
Population, 1973
Sterilization, Elective, 1973
Abortion, 1974
Equal Rights Amendment, 1974
Legislation - Rape Trials, 1974
Status of Women; Federal Law, 1974
Miscellaneous, 1975
Employment, 1975
Legislation - Rape Trials, 1975
Sterilization, Elective, 1975
Abortion, 1976
Miscellaneous, 1977
Abortion, 1978
Employment, 1978
Equal Rights Amendment, 1978
Miscellaneous, 1979
Employment - Equal Pay, 1980
Reproductive Freedom; Abortion, 1982
Abortion, 1984
Subject Files, 1942-1982
Austria, 1947
Canada - Canadian Japanese, 1947
England - Correspondence, 1947
Geneva Conference, 1947
Genocide, 1947
Haiti - U.S. Loan, 1947
International Bill of Rights, 1947
Refugees, 1947
International Students, 1948
Philippines, 1947-1948
United Nations Charter, 1948
United Nations - Genocide, 1948
United Nations - Human Rights, 1948
Canada, 1949
Ells, C.W. Estate, 1949
England, 1949
Irish Civil Liberties Union, 1949
North Atlantic Treaty, 1949
United Nations Day, 1949
Argentina, 1950
Denmark, Romer, L.M., 1950
Haiti - Women's Voting Rights, 1950
Overseas News Agency Project, 1950
Non-Government Organizations, 1950
Miscellaneous, 1951
Argentina - Paz, Dr. Gainza, 1951
Canada, 1951
France, 1951
India, 1949, 1951
Non-Governmental Agencies, 1951
Paris Conference, 1951
World Assembly of Youth, 1951
United Nations, 1951
United Nations - Human Rights, 1951
United Nations - Slavery, 1951
Correspondence, 1952
Non-Government Organizations, 1952
Paris Conference, 1952
United Nations - Miscellaneous, 1952
United Nations - Employees, 1952
United Nations - UNESCO, 1952
Miscellaneous, 1953
Koji Prison Camp Riots, 1952-1953
United Nations, 1953
United Nations - Cases, 1953
Ecquador, 1954
England, 1954
England - Henry, C, 1954
Foreign, 1954
Germany, 1954
Germany - Cases, 1954
Germany - Selective Service, 1954
Germany - Spandau Prison, 1953-1954
Haiti's Sesquicentennial, 1954
International Civil Liberties, 1954
Japan, 1954
Japan - Civil Liberties Union, 1954
United Nations, 1954
Bricker Amendment, 1955
Correspondence, 1955
Egypt-Zionist Espionage Trials, 1955
Germany - Cases, 1955
Japan, 1955
Japan - Case Burke, Paul D, 1955
Japan - War Criminals, 1955
United Nations, 1955
United Nations, 1956
Bicker Amendment, 1956
Canada, 1956
Formosa Trip Proposal, 1956
Jungschlaeger, Leon, 1956
Poznan Trials-Poland, 1956
United Nations-Miscellaneous, 1957
United Nations-U.S. Mission, 1956
Bricker Amendment, 1957
Force Treaty Status, 1957
Japan - Civil Liberties Bureau, 1957
Japan - Civil Liberties Union, 1957
Japan - Embassy of Japan, 1957
United Nations, 1957
Miscellaneous, 1958
De Galindez, Dr. Jesus, 1956-1958
Status of Force Pact, Korea, 1958
United Nations, 1958
Miscellaneous, 1959
Huber, Gusti - Israel, 1959
Poland - Inheritance Case, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Cuba - Proposed Ted Lee Report, 1960
Foreign Press, 1960
Japan, 1960
Mexico, 1960
United Nations, 1960
Miscellaneous, 1961
Canada, 1961
Connally Amendment, 1961
Connally Amendment, 1961
Connally Amendment, 1961
Cuba, 1961
Japan, 1961
Japan Civil Liberties Union, 1961
Israel-Eichmann Trial, 1961
Mexico, 1961
United Nations, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1962
Cuba, 1962
Japanese Civil Liberties Union, 1962
United Nations, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1963
Africa, 1963
Canada, 1963
England, 1963
Germany, 1963
Germany-Wulinger, Robert, 1962-1963
Japan, 1962-1963
Jehovah's Witnesses, 1963
Korea, 1963
South America, 1963
United Nations, 1963
World Habeas Corpus, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1964
Awards and Fellowships, 1964
Bill of Rights Day, 1964
Canada, 1964
England, 1964
United Nations, 1964
United Nations-Hovet, Thomas, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1965
Hovet, Thomas, 1965
Iran, 1965
Israel-Lavon Affairs, 1965
Vietnam, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1966
Canada, 1966
Egypt, 1966
England, 1966
Japan Civil Liberties Union, 1966
United Nations, 1966
United Nations-Schick, Marvin, 1966
West Germany, 1966
World Peace through Law Center, 1966
England, 1967
Japan Civil Liberties Union, 1967
Soviet Union, 1967
West Germany, 1967
World Peace through Law Center, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Austria, 1968
Canada, 1968
England, 1968
Iran, 1968
Japan Civil Liberties Union, 1966
United Nations, 1968
Amnesty International, 1969
Ghana, 1969
Israel, 1969
Japan Civil Liberties Union, 1969
Poland-Parnas, Jozef Case, 1968-1969
South Africa, 1969
West Germany, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1970
American Jewish Committee, 1970
Amnesty International, 1970
Canada, 1970
Great Britain, 1969-1970
India, 1970
Israel, 1970
Japan, 1970
Mexico, 1970
Proxmire Genocide Treaty, 1970
United Nations, 1970
Miscellaneous, 1971
Brazil - Living Theater, 1971
Canada, 1972
Genocide Convention, 1972
Soviet Union, 1972
Canada, 1973
Court of Man, 1973
Ireland, 1972-1973
World Peace Tax Fund, 1978
Occupied Areas, 1946-1973
Korea-Miscellaneous, 1946
Korean-Provost Courts Manual, 1946
Germany-Japan Mail Service, 1946
Germany, 1947
Germany-Correspondence, 1947
Germany-Printed Matter Ban, 1947
Germany-Trade Unions, 1947
Japan, 1947
Japan - Cases, 1947
Japan - Correspondence, 1947
Japan - Education, 1947-1948
Japan - Films, 1947
Japan - Occupational Policies, 1947
Japan - Korea Trip, 1947
Korea, 1947
Korea - Correspondence, 1947
Korea - Civil Liberties, 1947
Miscellaneous, 1948
Austria, 1948
Germany, 1948
Germany - Farben Case, 1948
Germany - Goedell Kurt Case, 1948
Germany - Helm, Wilfred Case, 1948
Germany - Ilse Koch Case, 1948
Germany - Narvid Case, 1948
Germany - Sievers Case, 1948
Germany - Soloviev Arrest Case, 1948
Germany - Visa, Kraatzke Case, 1948
Germany - War Crimes Trials, 1948
Germany - Wentzel Case, 1948
Germany - Ybarbo Conviction, 1948
Germany - Correspondence, 1948
Germany - Trade Unions, 1948
Japan - Civil Liberties Union, 1948
Japan - Dr. Holmes Case, 1947-1948
Japan - Miller, Jacob Case, 1948
Japan - Peruvian Japanese Case, 1948
Japan - War Criminal Cases, 1948
Japan - Correspondence Ayusawa, 1948
Japan-Labor Policy, 1948
Japan-Occupation Policies, 1948
Japan- U.N. Associations, 1948
Japan-Marriage Restrictions, 1948
Japan-Police System, 1948
Japan-Pre-censorship, 1948
Japan-Press, 1948, 1948
Korea, 1948
Korea-Electoral Laws, 1948
Japan, 1948
Austria, 1949
Austria-Censorship, 1949
Austria-Occupational Policy, 1949
Miscellaneous, 1949
Germany, 1949
Germany - Cases, 1949
Germany- Bohle Case, 1949
Germany- Barth-Zeiler Case, 1949
Germany- Dietz Case, 1949
Germany- Eber, C. Case, 1949
Germany- Fiege, Carl Case, 1949
Germany- German-Chinese Cases, 1949
Germany- Helm, Wilfred Case, 1949
Germany- Knees, Adalbert Case, 1949
Germany- Mayer, Josef Case, 1949
Germany- Reil, Hane Case, 1949
Germany- Romain, Alfred Case, 1949
Germany- Schatz, Amy Case, 1949
Germany- Schierlein, Emil Case, 1949
Germany- Wipperman Case, 1949
Germany-Civil Rights Program, 1949
Germany-Correspondence, 1949
Germany - Delegations, 1950
Germany-Occupational Policy, 1949
Germany-Trade Unions, 1949
Japan, 1949
Japan-Book Censorship, 1949
Japan- Matsumoto Case, 1949
Japan- Commission, Far Eastern, 1949
Japan-Correspondence, 1949
Japan-Habeas Corpus Law, 1949
Japan-Occupation Policy, 1949
Japan-Trade Unions, 1949
Korea, 1949
Miscellaneous, 1950
Exchange Program, 1950
Policy in Occupied Areas, 1950
Germany, 1950
Germany-Cases, 1950
Germany-Civil Liberties Union, 1950
Germany-Civil Rights Program, 1950
Germany-First Delegation, 1950
Germany-Second Delegation, 1950
Germany-Second Delegation, 1950
Germany-Landin, 1950
Germany-Partsch, 1950
Germany-Schoenstadt Case, 1950
Germany-Sollmann, 1950
Germany-Weizsaeker Case, 1950
Japan, 1950
Japan-Annual Report of Nisei, 1950
Japan-Censorship, 1950
Japan-Civil Liberties Union, 1950
Japan-Communism, 1950
Japan-Delegation, 1950
Japan-Kato's Visit to U.S., 1950
Japan-State Department, 1950
Japan-Strandee Cases, 1950
Japan-War Criminals, 1950
Korea, 1950
Axis Victim League, Inc, 1951
Germany, 1951
Germany - Cases, 1951
Germany - Barth Case, 1951
Germany - Faerber Martial Case, 1951
Germany - Jansson Case, 1951
Germany - Kemritz Case, 1951
Germany - Metzner Case, 1951
Germany - Military Cases, 1951
Germany - Mommsen Case, 1951
Germany - War Criminals Cases, 1951
Germany - Delegations, 1951
Germany - Extraditions, 1951
Germany-Reorientation Project, 1951
Germany-"This is Germany", 1951
Japan, 1951
Japan - Cases, 1951
Japan - Matsuomo Case, 1950-1951
Japan-Delegations, 1951
Korea Cases- News Censorship, 1951
News Notes on Occupied Areas, 1951
Occupied Areas Committee, 1951
Germany, 1952
Germany Cases, 1952
Germany - Hicog Case, 1952
Germany - Huber, Gusti Case, 1952
Germany - Lamm Loyalty Case, 1952
Germany - Waechter, Lily Case, 1952
Germany - Walk, E.P. Case, 1952
Germany - CIA Sabotage, 1952
Germany - Radio Journalists, 1952
Japan, 1952
Japan - Evacuation Claims, 1952
Japan - Peace Treaty, 1952
Japan-Renunciants, 1952
Japan-War Criminals, 1952
Korea-Prison Camps, 1952
Germany, 1953
Germany-Civil Liberties Union, 1953
Japan, 1953
Japan-Civil Liberties Union, 1953
Japan-War Criminal Trials, 1953
Japan, 1956
Japan-Civil Liberties Union, 1956
Japan-Barin Islands, 1955-1956
Japan-Naha, Okinawa, 1957
Japan-Thought Control Act, 1957
Germany- Miscellaneous, 1959
Japan-Okinawa: Press Summaries, 1959
Japan-Okinawa Problem, 1957-1959
Japan-Okinawa, 1960
Japan-Okinawa, 1961
Japan-Ryuku Islands, 1961
Japan-Okinawa, 1962
Japan-Okinawa-Penal Code, 1959-1962
Japan-Okinawa-U.N., 1962
Japan-Okinawa, 1963
Japan-Virgin Islands, 1963
Japan-Okinawa, 1964
Japan-Ryukyus-Civil rights, 1964
Japan-Okinawa, 1965
Japan-Okinawa, 1966-1973
Japan-Okinawa, 1966-1973
Japan-Okinawa, 1966-1973
Japan-Okinawa, 1966-1973
Japan-Okinawa, 1966-1973
American possessions, 1946-1979
Guam - General, 1946-1947
Guam - Navy Papers, 1947
Haiti - Possession, 1947
Hawaii - Foreign Language Bill, 1947
Philippines, 1947
Philippines - Military Bases, 1947
Puerto Rico, 1947
Puerto Rico - Curry, James E, 1947
Puerto Rico - El Mundo Case, 1947
Puerto Rico - Legislation, 1947
Puerto Rico - Vote Bill, 1947
Virgin Islands, 1947
Guam, 1948
Pacific Islands, 1948
Puerto Rico, 1948
Virgin Islands, 1948
Puerto Rico - Baldwin visit, 1953
Virgin Islands, 1953-1954
Virgin Islands, 1953-1954
Puerto Rico, 1955
Puerto Rico-Laws, Revision of, 1955
Virgin Islands, 1955
American Samoa, 1956
Guam, 1956
Puerto Rico, 1956
Puerto Rico-Stamp Proposal, 1956
Virgin Islands-Hatch Act, 1956
Virgin Islands-Report, 1956
Puerto Rico, 1957
Virgin Islands, 1957
Virgin Islands- Legislation, 1957
American Samoa, 1958
Puerto Rico-Censorship, 1958
Puerto Rico-Civil Liberties, 1958
Puerto Rico-Committee Minutes, 1958
Puerto Rico-Correspondence, 1958
Puerto Rico-Political Rights, 1958
Puerto Rico-Public Service, 1958
Puerto Rico-Rights of Women, 1958
Puerto Rico-Workers' Rights, 1958
Philippines-Baldwin, Roger, 1959
Puerto Rico, 1959
Puerto Rico-Correspondence, 1959
Samoa, 1959
Samoa-Appointment of Judges, 1959
Virgin Islands-Baldwin, Roger, 1959
Virgin Islands-Legislation, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1960
Guam, 1960
Guam-Home Rule Bills, 1960
Puerto Rico, 1960
Samoa-Constitution, 1960
Samoa-Correspondence, 1958-1960
Virgin Islands, 1960
Guam, 1961
Puerto Rico, 1961
Puerto Rico-ACLU Attorneys, 1961
Samoa, 1961
U.S. Territories Committee, 1961
Virgin Islands, 1961
Panama Canal, 1962
Puerto Rico, 1962
Virgin Islands, 1962
Virgin Islands-Legislation, 1962
Miscellaneous, 1963
Guam-Legislation, 1962-1963
Miscellaneous, 1963
Puerto Rico, 1963
Puerto Rico-Bill H.R. 5945, 1963
Puerto Rico-Correspondence, 1963
Guam, 1964
Panama Canal Zone, 1964
Puerto Rico, 1964
Puerto Rico-Press Clippings, 1964
Virgin Islands, 1964
Guam, 1965
Puerto Rico, 1965
Puerto Rico-Cancio, Hiram, 1965
Puerto Rico-Status, 1965
Puerto Rico- University of, 1965
Samoa, 1964-1965
Virgin Islands, 1965
Virgin Islands-Baldwin Trip, 1965
Guam, 1966
Virgin Islands-Elections, 1966
Virgin Islands-U.N., 1966
Panama Canal Zone, 1966
Puerto Rico, 1966
Samoa, 1963-1966
Miscellaneous, 1967
Guam-Election of Governor, 1967
Puerto Rico, 1967
Puerto Rico-Plebiscite Law, 1967
Puerto Rico-University of P.R., 1967
Samoa, 1967
Virgin Islands, 1967
Miscellaneous, 1968
Guam, 1968
Panama Canal Zone, 1968
Puerto Rico, 1968
Virgin Islands, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1969
Pacific Islands, 1969
Puerto Rico, 1969
Puerto Rico-ROTC Controversy, 1969
Puerto Rico-Voting Rights, 1969
Virgin Islands, 1969
Panama Canal Zone, 1970
Pacific Islands, 1970
Puerto Rico, 1970
Miscellaneous, 1971
Puerto Rico, 1971
Virgin Islands, 1971
Pacific Islands, 1972
Puerto Rico, 1972
Virgin Islands, 1972
Puerto Rico, 1973
Samoa, 1973
Virgin Islands, 1973
Micronesia, 1974
Puerto Rico, 1974
Samoa, 1974
Virgin Islands, 1974
Mariana Islands, 1975
Puerto Rico, 1975
Guam Alien Workers Case, 1978
ACLU Issues, 1978-1979
Cancelled Bail Bonds, 1927-1931
Cancelled Bail Bonds, 1927-1931
Alabama Ordinance, 1932
Model Code Ordinances, 1939
Model Code Ordinances, 1940
Municipal Ordinances, 1947
Public Meeting Ordinances, 1947
Director Search, 1949
ABA Model Crime Statutes, 1952
Elections: General, 1952
Exchange of Mailing Lists, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1951, 1955
Films: "Decision", 1959
Films - General, 1959
Films: "Inherit the Wind", 1959
Manuscripts American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook (Roger Baldwin Censorship Article), 1959
Elections: Issues, 1960
Manuscripts: General, 1961
Manuscripts: The Survey Action Technique of Defending Civil Liberties; La Noue, George, 1966
Teaching of the Bill of Rights, 1966
Conference: Repression, 1969
Divorce Reform, 1967-1969
Manuscripts: Kenyon, Dorothy, 1980
Microfilm, undated
Microfilm reels 1-358.
Arranged in numerical order.
Reels 1-43, undated
Reels 44-92, undated
Reels 93-139, undated
Reels 140-184, undated
Reels 185-229, undated
Reels 230-277, undated
Reels 278-317, undated
Reels 318-358, undated
- Scope and Contents
These Records document the activities of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in protecting individual rights between 1947 and 1995. The collection contains correspondence, clippings, court documents, memoranda, printed matter, minutes, reports, briefs, legal files, exhibit materials, and audio-visual materials. Also included are materials from ACLU affiliate organizations, the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee and national office legal department records (1945-1960).
Due to the exceptionally large volume within the ACLU Records, succinct series and subseries descriptions have been written, providing a basic outline of the records available. The researcher should always consult the folder list to ascertain if the records contain a topic of interest since not all subjects are mentioned in these brief descriptions.
The researcher should also be aware that many topics may be covered in more than one series or subseries. For instance, materials concerning freedom of the press are located in both the Mass Communications and Censorship subseries. Often the series descriptions note similar materials found in other parts of this collection. Due to limitations in processing time, not every file is in exact chronological or alphabetical order.
- Collection Creator Biography:
American civil liberties union
The ACLU is the preeminent civil liberties organization in the United States. The ACLU describes itself as "our nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country." Since its inception in 1920, the ACLU has played a part in nearly every significant American social or political issue in the 20th century. This includes important work in the areas of civil rights, children and women's rights, freedom of speech (and all First Amendment questions), and due process, among many others.
For a more detailed history of the ACLU, please see the history in the finding aid for the processed portion of the ACLU Records.
- Acquisition:
Materials are transferred from the ACLU annually.
- Appraisal
During the processing of this collection, many items were discarded, including newspaper clippings from the New York Times and other major newspapers, government publications, well- known serial publications, and publications and large distribution memoranda from well-known and well-documented organizations such as the American Jewish Committee or Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.
- Sponsorship:
These papers were processed with the generous support of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission and the John Foster and Janet Avery Dulles Fund.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Paula Jabloner in 1994-1996 with the assistance of Assistant Archivist for Technical Services Daniel Linke, Special Collections Assistants Amy Escott, Claire Johnston, Alison McCuaig, and Tom Rosko, and students Laurie Alexander, Christina Aragon, Laura Burt, Jue Chen, Clement Doyle, Joe Faber, Said Farah, Boyd Goodson, Naomi Harlin, Janet Hine, Matthew Honahan, Katherine Johnson, Damian Long, Theresa Marchitto, Laura Myones, Olivia Kew, Grace Koo, Dan Sack, Bijan Salehizadeh, Tina Wang, Kyle Weston, and Elizabeth Williamson.
- Conditions Governing Access
Subgroup 2 is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Subject Files Series; Public Policy Papers, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- This is stored in multiple locations.
- ReCAP (scarcpph): Boxes 704-1192; 821A; 821B
- Mudd Manuscript Library (scamudd): Box 5689-5696
- Existence and Location of Copies
American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Subject Files Series, Boxes 704 through 1192 are stored offsite. The records in these boxes have been digitized and are available online to members of the Princeton University Community, or visitors to campus, through the Princeton University Library's subscription to the Gale database American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990.
Public records of the ACLU from 1917 to 1989, have been microfilmed by the Microfilming Corporation of America (MCA) and University Microfilms International (UMI). These records include minutes of the board of directors, mailings to the board of directors, biennial conference papers, policy guides, the national legal docket, organization manuals, constitution and bylaws, legal briefs, and publications. The microfilm may be requested through this finding aid, in the second series.
- Other Finding Aids
This finding aid describes a portion of the American Civil Liberties Union Records held at the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. For an overview of the entire collection, instructions on searching the collection and requesting materials, and other information, please see the Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union Records.
- Bibliography
Historical sketch based on In Defense of American Liberties: A History of the ACLU by Samuel Walker. See also Samuel Walker's The American Civil Liberties Union: An Annotated Bibliography.
- Subject Terms:
- Abortion -- Law and legislation -- United States. -- 20th century
African Americans -- Civil rights -- History 20th century.
African Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.. -- 20th century
Amnesty -- United States. -- 20th century
Anti-Communist movements -- United States -- History -- 20th century -- Sources
Apportionment (Election law) -- United States. -- 20th century
Assembly, Right of -- United States. -- 20th century
Censorship -- United States. -- 20th century
Church and state --United States. -- 20th century
Citizen suits (Civil procedure) -- United States. -- 20th century
Civil rights -- United States. -- 20th century
Civil rights movements -- United States. -- 20th century
Civil rights workers -- United States. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Communism -- United States. -- 20th century
Conscientious objectors -- United States -- 20th century.
Constitutional law -- United States. -- 20th century
Discrimination -- United States. -- 20th century
Discrimination in employment - Law and legislation - United States - 20th century.
Draft resisters -- United States -- 20th century.
Due process of law -- United States. -- 20th century
Equality before the law -- United States. -- 20th century
Freedom of association -- United States. -- 20th century
Freedom of information -- United States. -- 20th century
Freedom of movement -- United States --20th century.
Freedom of religion -- United States. -- 20th century
Gay rights -- United States. -- 20th century
Homosexuality -- Government policy -- History -- United States. -- 20th century
Indigenous peoples of North America -- Civil rights. -- 20th century
Insanity -- Jurisprudence -- United States. -- 20th century
Internal security -- United States -- History. -- 20th century
Jews -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States. -- 20th century
Labor laws and legislation -- United States. -- 20th century
Law -- United States -- Cases. -- 20th century
Legal aid -- United States. -- 20th century
Legal services -- United States. -- 20th century
Loyalty oaths -- United States. -- 20th century
Mental health laws -- United States. -- 20th century
Minorities -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States. -- 20th century
Noncitizens -- United States -- Civil rights -- 20th century.
Police power -- United States. -- 20th century
Political questions and judicial power -- United States. -- 20th century
Political refugees -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States. -- 20th century
Political rights -- United States. -- 20th century
Political rights, Loss of -- United States. -- 20th century
Privacy, Right of - United States - 20th century.
Race discrimination -- Law and legislation -- United States. -- 20th century
Records -- Access control -- United States. -- 20th century
Sacco-Vanzetti Trial, Dedham, Mass., 1921.
Sex discrimination -- United States. -- 20th century
Strikes and lockouts -- United States -- Cases - 20th century.
Subversive activities -- United States. -- 20th century
Teaching, Freedom of -- United States. -- 20th century
Television in politics -- United States. -- 20th century
Trials -- United States. -- 20th century
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- United States.
Women's rights -- United States. -- 20th century - Genre Terms:
- Audiovisual materials.
Legal files.
Reports. - Names:
- American Union Against Militarism
United States. | Constitution. 1st-10th Amendments
Marshall Civil Liberties Trust Fund
National Civil Liberties Bureau (U.S.)
New York Times company
Baldwin, Roger N. (Roger Nash) (1884-1981)
Dorsen, Norman
Dulles, John Foster (1888-1959)
Ennis, Bruce J. (1941)
Epperson, Susan
Escobedo, Danny
Everson, Arch R.
Gault, Gerald Francis (1949 or 1950-)
Gideon, Clarence Earl
Griswold, Estelle
Hays, Arthur Garfield (1881-1954)
Holtzman, Elizabeth.
Jacobellis, Nico
Levy, Herbert Monte (1923)
Malin, Patrick Murphy (1903-1964)
Miranda, Ernesto
Neier, Aryeh (1937)
Neuborne, Burt (1941)
Nixon, Richard M. Richard Milhous (1913-1994)
Pemberton, John de J., Jr. (1919-2009)
Perry, Richard L.
Pound, Ezra (1885-1972)
Powell, John A. (John Anthony)
Reitman, Alan
Schempp, Edward L.
Schwarzschild, Henry
Scopes, John Thomas (1900-1970)
Seeger, Daniel A.
Tinker, John Frederick
Wulf, Melvin A. - Places:
- United States -- Armed forces -- Gay people.