These records, which document Bradley's life outside of his senate career, were kept in his personal possession before transfer to Princeton University and document his time as a Princeton University student, an athlete, a writer, and the liminal time between his senate career and his bid for the presidential nomination in 2000.
The order in which these records came to Princeton has been maintained.
Term Papers, 1960-1965
Basketball Fanmail, 1965
The Bell Debate, undated
Primary Race, undated
Nassau Herald, 1965
Freshman Herald, 1966
Class of 1965 Flag, 1965
Political Speeches, 1972
Rope, circa 1961-1965
Knicks Fan Mail, 1969-1976
Phone Records, 1973-1974
Appointment Book, 1974
New Jersey Mail, 1977
Work Trends, 1998
Reports, undated
Correspondence, 1998
Open Spaces, 1998
Aronoff Memos, 1998
Political News, 1998
Votes and Ratings, 1997
Kids Voting, 1998
Appointments, 1979-1996
Series 2: Writings, 1965-1996
This series includes two parts -- "book blurbs" (endorsements from Bradley for others' writings) and drafts (and related research) for his memoir, Life on the Run .
The order in which these records came to Princeton has been maintained.
While the records in Series 4 document the work of Bradley's senate office, this series includes files that were in the Senator's custody and were created or kept by him. They include memoranda, subject files, schedules, briefing books, and records regarding the appointment of persons to various offices.
The order in which these records came to Princeton has been maintained.
Senate Campaign, 1959-1989
Jim Dugan, 1974
Fan Mail, 1975
Black Panthers, 1971
Roloflex, 1977
Volunteers, 1977
Political Workers, 1977
Political Staff, 1974
New Jersey General, 1974
Parks Council, 1975
Congress Letter, 1973
Answering Service, 1974
Task Force Reports, 1969
Labor Strikes, 1978
Land Use, undated
Mass Transit, 1976-1978
Medicare, 1978
Medicine, 1977
Mental Health, 1977
Miscellaneous, undated
Natural Gas - U.S., 1978
Nursing, 1978
Panama Canal, undated
Tocks Island Dam, 1974
Senate Campaign, 1974
Greece, 1977
Gun Control, 1978
Handicapped, 1977-1978
Health Care, 1977
Humphrey Hawkins, 1978
Human Rights, 1978
Inflation, 1978
Israel, 1978
Japan, 1972
Korea, undated
Advertising, 1978
Anonymous Letters, 1978
Autograph Requests, 1978
Bell, Jeffrey, 1977-1978
Common Cause, 1978
Finance Letters, 1978
Thank You Letters, 1978
Requests, 1978
Debates, 1978
Energy, 1978
Ethnic Groups, 1978
Hartz Mountain, 1978
Invitations, 1978-1979
Labor, 1961, 1978
Judicial Selection, 1978
Lobbyists, 1978
Mastriani, Joseph, 1978
Media Endoresments, 1978
Memos, 1978
Princeton Letter, 1978
Volunteers, 1978
Speeches - Crime, 1978
COPE Luncheon, 1978
Labor Union Letter, 1978
A Day on the Run, 1978
Press Releases, 1978
Endorsements, 1978
Letters, 1978
PAC Letter, 1978
Lists, 1977-1978
VIP List, undated
Princeton Alummi, 1977
Princeton Club, 1974
Completed Events, 1977
Officer Procedures, 1977
Campaign Workers, 1977
Appointments, 1974
Forums - Primary, 1978
Election Results, 1978
Campaign Schedules, 1977
Appointments, 1973
Campaign Releases, 1984
Daybook, undated
Volunteers List, 1984
Election Day, 1984
Resumes, 1984
Bradley Bio, 1984
Debate File, 1984
Keller / Norton, undated
Videotapes, undated
Memoranda, 1989-1996
Road Schedules, 1992
Health Care, 1993-1994
Senate Mail, 1989-1993
Health Care Binder, 1994
Drafts, 1995 July
Briefing Book, 1989-1992
Cassette Tapes, undated
Campaign Manual, 1972
Floor Statements, 1990
1990 Campaign, 1987-1991
Senate Mail, 1979-1996
Voter Statistics, 1984-1990
Memoranda, 1988-1989
Notepads, 1984-1990
Foreign Gifts, 1993
Videotapes, undated
Briefing Materials, 1982
Various Notes, undated
Notepad, undated
NAFTA Notes, 1987-1991
Mementos, 1984
Politics, 1977
Udall Delegate, 1976
Oxford - Dartmouth, 1967
Steer Palace Suit, 1973
Airlie Conference, 1969
Air Force Manual, 1967
Asia Trip, 1970
Reader's Digest, 1986
The Poison Tree, 1976
Events Chart, 1994
Savings and Loans, 1990
Memorabilia, 1985-1996
1978 Campaign, 1977-1979
Memoranda, 1989-1990
Memorandum, 1990
Magazines, 1977
Election Costs, 1978
Press Clips, 1989-1990
Fair Tax Book, 1989
Campaign Flyers, undated
Voter Study, 1983-1990
Memorandum, 1983
New Book File, 1985-1990
State Clips, 1995
National Clips, 1995
Press Clips, 1995-1996
95th Congress, 1977
Brazil, 1977
Cogeneration, 1977-1978
Corrections, 1977-1978
Crime, 1976-1978
Cyprus, 1977-1978
Day Care, 1977-1978
Deep Seabed Mining, 1978
Deepwater Ports, 1978
Defense, undated
Energy Policy, undated
Federal Aid, 1976
Flood Control, 1977-1978
Food Policy, undated
Ford Foundation, 1977
Foreign Aid, undated
Foreign Policy, undated
Foreign Trade, 1977
Gasahol, 1977-1978
Chemical Weapons, 1983
Mentally Disabled, 1980
Zero-Sum Society, 1980
Clinton Appointments, 1962-1996
Abate, Frank, 1992
Adams, Irving, 1993
Adams, William, 1993
Ahmed, Fakhruddin, 1993
Alben, Alex, 1993
Alexander, William, 1993
Allen, Kenneth, 1994
Andora, Anthony, 1993
Apfel, Kenneth, undated
Apgar, David, 1992-1993
Applebaum, David, 1993
Armstrong, Paul, 1995
Aronoff, Yael, 1993
Aver, Jean, 1993
Bacher, Clandine, 1996
Bacon, Roxana, 1993
Baeza, Mario, 1993
Bailey, Sue, 1994-1995
Bankoff, Barbara, 1994
Barbour, William, 1992
Barnett, Dick, 1992
Barron, Matt, 1992
Bartlett, Edward, 1993
Beard, Daniel, 1993
Beck, Eckhardt, 1992
Beder, Henry, 1993
Bell, J. Wade, 1992-1993
Beller, Herbert, 1994
Bergen, Stanley, 1993
Berman, Brian, 1992-1993
Berry, Joyce, 1993
Biennen, Henry, 1993
Bierbaum, Martin, 1993
Blank, Ronald, 1993
Blumenthal, Bruce, 1993
Bompa, Tudor, 1994
Bones, Jim, 1994
Bowser, Alan, 1992-1993
Boylan, Rachel, 1993
Bradway, Wallace, 1994
Branson, William, 1993
Bravaco, John, 1993
Brody, Martin, 1993
Brown, Lee, 1993
Brown, Roger, 1994
Brown, William, 1993
Brunsdale, Anne, 1993
Bryant, Wayne, 1993
Byars, Karin, 1993
Bylone, Charles, 1994
Byrne, Nancy, 1993
Byrnes, Rachel, 1993
Cadette, Walter, 1993
Cari, Joseph, 1993-1994
Carrington, Walter, 1993
Carter, Gary, 1996
Casey, Don, 1993
Casper, Andrew, 1993
Celeste, Richard, 1993
Chai, David, 1994
Cherian, Joy, 1993
Choye, Carole, 1993
Chu, Benjamin, 1992-1993
Cicippio, Joseph, 1993
Codey, Lawrence, 1994
Cohen, Edward, 1993
Cohen, Howard, 1992
Cohen, Philip, 1992-1993
Coleman, Denise, 1993
Coleman, Paulette, 1993
Connors, John, 1993
Constantinov, Clay, 1994
Conte, Pia, undated
Cooper, John, 1994
Cooper, Lucy, 1993
Coveny, Michel P., 1993
Cowan, Marcia K., 1994
Cowart, Ron, 1987, 1993
Crespo, Hilda, 1994
Cronheim, Dorothy, 1993
Cutler, Lynn, 1993
Czincila, Robert, 1993
Dallah, Dorothy, 1993
D'Arms, John, 1993
Davis, Sheila, 1993
De Battiste, Carol, 1993
De Cotiis, Alfred, 1995
DeCou, Eugene, 1994
Deer, Ada, 1992-1993
Del Tufo, Robert, 1993
Denenberg, Herb, 1993
Derryck, Vivan, 1992
Despres, Gina, 1994
Depres, John, 1992-1993
De Vos, Lloyd, 1993
DeWilde, Peter, 1993
DiDomenica, Franco, 1993
Dilbeck, Eugene, 1993
Disario, Martha, 1993
Donohue, Mary, 1994-1995
Donovan, Douglas, 1993
Dowling, Mary, 1993
Downs, Tom, 1993
Drake, Barbara, 1994
Dreyfus, Daniel, 1993
Durag, Paul, 1993-1994
Dutta, Kanak, 1992-1993
Duvernay, Terrence, 1992
Eagleton, Thomas, 1993
Ebbin, Marc, 1993
Edwards, Steven, 1993
Ellis, Robert, 1992-1993
Ely, Joe, 1993
Etsch, Mary, 1993-1994
Evans, Samuel, 1996
Falk, Pamela, 1993
Farmer, Thomas, 1993
Feinberg, Richard, 1992
Ferch, John, 1992-1993
Ferro, Simon, 1993
Fischer, Jerome, 1993
Foley, Maurice, 1994
Forman, Ira, 1993
Forsberg, David, 1994
Foster, Badi, 1993
Fowler, Wyche, 1996
Fox, Jeanne, 1992
Frampton, George, 1993
Fraytak, Dana, 1996
Freeman, Harry, 1993
Freiser, Joel, 1993
Frycznski, Stanley, 1993
Fryer, Deborah, 1993
Fuchs, Ira, 1993-1994
Fukushima, Glen, 1993
Gabriele, Rocco, 1993
Gabrielsen, Erika, 1993
Gardner, David, 1993
Gaymon, James, 1994
Geary, Daniel, 1992
Geisel, Ritchie, 1993
Geracimos, Ann, 1993
Gerst, Andrew, 1993
Gilad, Yehuda, 1993
Gilbert, Robert, 1993
Glade, Brian, 1992-1993
Goldberg, David, 1993
Gordon, E. Quinton, 1993
Gould, William, 1995
Graff, Thomas, 1993
Greenberg, Gary, 1992
Grunow, Ernest, 1994
Guarini, Frank, 1993
Guide, Lisa, 1992
Gutman, Jeffrey, 1992
Haberle, Joan, 1993-1994
Hall, John, 1992
Hampton, Joe, 1992
Hannigan, Henry, 1993
Hantman, Alan, 1995-1996
Hausker, Karl, 1992
Haynes, Margaret, 1992
Hedden, James, 1994
Higgins, John, 1995
Hall, Calvin, undated
Hill, Mike, 1993
Hovey, Diane, 1993
Hsiao, Beverley, 1992
Herta, A.R. "Tony", 1993
Hughes, Harold, 1993
Hughes, William, 1995
Hull, David, 1993
Hull, Lois, 1993-1994
Hunt, Swanee, 1993
Hurt, Jeffrey, 1992
Hyde, Jeanette, 1993
Hyman, Allen, 1996
Hyman, Lester, 1992
Hynes, Edwards, 1993
Hynes, Pat, 1993
Imperatore, Arthur, 1994
Irvin, Patricia, 1992
Irvin, Milton, 1992-1994
Irving, Robert, 1993
Jackson, Keith, 1993
Jackson, Robert, 1993
Jackson, Sean, 1993
Jarmon, Jack, 1993
Jenoff, Pam, 1993-1994
Jensen, Thomas, 1993
Johnson, Diane, 1993
Johnston, Carla, 1992
Jones, David Brent, 1995
Jones, David R., 1993
Jones, Michael, 1993
Jones, William, 1993
Jordan, Barbara, 1993
Jordan, Emma, undated
Kallas, James, 1992-1994
Kane, William, 1994-1995
Kaplan, Wayne, 1993-1994
Kathie, Carole, 1992
Karch, John, 1993
Katz, Sherman, 1993-1994
Keefe, John, 1993
Keefe, Thomas, 1993
Keegan, John, 1993
Kehler, J. Grant, 1995
Keller, John, 1992
Kempf, Stephen, 1993
Kempher, Martin, 1993
Kenmore, Ayse, 1992
Kerry, Margaret, 1993
Khanna, Gopal, 1993
Kier, William, 1991-1993
Kievit, Kenneth, 1995
Kimble, Gary, 1993-1994
King, James Coyne, 1996
Kirk, Robert, 1993
Kirkland, Lane, 1993
Klear, Jordan, 1995-1996
Koch, Patricia, 1993
Kohl, Glen, 1993-1994
Kollos, James, 1994-1995
Korngut, Lewis, 1994
Kraemer, Betty, 1993
Kramer, Jerome, 1993
Kubiak, Greg, 1995-1996
Kyle, Robert, 1992-1993
Labbok, Miriam, 1995
Lafer, Fred, 1993
Landrigan, Philip, 1994
Larkin, Deborah, 1993
Leach, James, 1992-1993
Leahy, B. Thomas, 1993
Lebow, Cynthia, 1993
Lebowitz, Stephen, 1994
Lee, Yungman, 1992-1993
Leff, Ilene, 1993
Lefkoe, Michael, 1993
Legowski, Margaret, 1993
Leive, David, 1994
Lenz, Kenneth, 1994
Lerman, Miles, 1993
Leverett, Larry, 1993
Levin, Susan, 1996
Lewis, Bernard, 1993
Lewis, Carl, 1993
Lewis-James, Rose, 1993
Linton, Gordon, 1993
Lita, Robert, 1992, 1994
Lloyd-Jones, Jean, 1993
Locke, Roselyn, 1993
Lott, James, 1992-1993
Lourenco, Ruy, 1992-1993
Love, Lisa, 1994-1996
Lubchenko, Jane, 1996
Ludwig, Gene, 1992-1993
Lukens, Ira, 1993
Mach, Joseph, 1993
Macmanus, Patrick, 1996
Magnell, Glenn, 1993
Maiman, Seth, 1992-1993
Malcolm, Tom, 1993
Marin, Mel, 1992-1993
Marino, Anthony, undated
Mark, Robert, 1993
Martinez, Elvid, 1996
Mason, John, 1996
Matheson, David, 1992
Mathews, Michael, 1993
Mattek, David, 1993
McCaddin, Joe, 1992-1993
McCurry, Mike, 1993
McFadden, Rosemary, 1993
McGee, Leland, 1993
McIntyre, Michael, 1993
McMillen, Tom, 1992-1993
McQuilln, Michael, 1993
Melcher, John, 1993-1994
Mellon, Thomas, 1993
Meltzer, Reena, 1996
Merlino, Joseph, 1993
Metzger, A.J., 1993-1994
Meyer, John, 1996
Meyer, Gene, 1992
Miah, Kahlu, 1993
Miller, Arthur, 1993
Miller, Daniel, 1993
Miller, Deborah, 1993
Miller, Denise, 1993
Mintzer, Irving, 1993
Moldaw, Stuart, 1993
Moler, Betsy, 1994
Molloy, Russ, 1994
Montefusco, Joseph, 1993
Moody, Jim, 1993-1994
Morgano, General, 1994
Morita, Susan, 1993
Mukhoti, Bela, 1992-1993
Mulvey, Neil, 1993-1994
Murphy, Beverly, 1993
Murphy, George, 1993
Muse, Robert, 1993
Mylon, Mark, 1992-1993
Nakai, Mitsuo, 1993-1996
Nathanson, Marc, 1994
Natividad, Irene, 1992
Navas, William, 1994
Neely, Roger, 1992-1993
Newman, Charles, 1992
Newsom, Eric, 1994
Oestreicher, Paul, 1994
Offen, Neil, 1993
O'Flahrety, Dan, 1992
Okura, K. Patrick, 1993
Opalski, Douglas, 1993
Otis, Clarence, 1993
O'Toole, Tara, 1993
Oxam, Stephen, 1992-1993
Pace, Richard, 1993-1994
Palacios, Kay, 1994
Palans, Lloyd, 1993-1995
Panush, Richard, 1994
Paper, Lewis, 1993
Parker, Roxanne, 1993
Payne, Edith, 1992
Peeler, David, 1993
Perlmutter, Sandra, 1993
Perskie, Steve, 1996
Phipps, Samuel, 1993
Pocchio, Michael, 1993
Poker, E. Fred, 1993
Polhemus, John, 1994
Pollack, Debra, 1993
Pugliese, Lawrence, 1992
Purkayastha, Ari, 1993
Quinn, Oliver, 1992
Raabe, Mark, 1993
Rackley, Lurma, 1992
Rado, Stuart, 1989, 1993
Rajoppi, Joanne, 1993
Rashad, Ahmad, 1992-1993
Redlener, Irvin, 1992
Reeves, Sandra, 1993
Reiche, Frank, 1992-1993
Reid, Catherine, 1993
Retsinas, Nicolas, 1993
Rhodes, Linda, 1995
Ritch, John, 1992-1993
Rivera, Flerida, 1993
Robertson, George, 1994
Robinson, Harry, 1994
Robinson, Sandra, 1993
Roos, John, 1992
Rosen, Benjamin, 1992
Rosen, Howard, 1993-1994
Rosenberg, Robin, 1993
Rosier, Richard, 1993
Ross-Lee, Barbara, 1993
Rubenstein, Joshua, 1993
Rusche, Sue, 1993
Rushing, Jack, 1992
Russell, Madeleine, 1993
Rutkow, Ira, 1983, 1989
Ryder, John, 1993
Sagner, Alan, 1993-1994
Scalera, Nicholas, 1993
Schneider, Mark, 1993
Schumacher, Roger, 1993
Schwartz, Adrienne, 1993
Sexton, Brian, 1992-1993
Sgro, Charles, 1993
Shane, Bill, 1993
Shaw, David, 1994
Shaw, R. Bruce, 1993
Shea, Thomas, 1993
Shelton, Sally, 1993
Shisler, Rober, 1994
Siegel, Jeffry, 1994
Siegel, John, 1993
Sierros, Steve, 1993
Silk, Leonard, 1994
Singer, William, 1993
Slaby, Andrew, 1993
Smallen, David, 1993
Smith, David, 1993
Smith, R. Grant, 1995
Smith, Sheila, 1992-1993
Smollen, Joseph, 1993
Socolow, Robert, 1990
Soderberg, Noel, 1993
Solsbery, Lee, 1993
Spehr, Albert, 1994
Spencer, Ralph, 1993
Stamos, Peter, 1992
Stanton, John, 1994
Stanton, Reginald, 1993
Stanton, Thomas, 1993
Stanwick, Kathy, 1993
Stanzione, Janine, 1993
Stawnychy, Petro, 1993
Sterling, Howard, 1993
Stillings, Bruce, 1993
Stokes, Donald, 1993
Stone, John, 1993
Suchlicki, Jaime, 1993
Suleiman, Ezra, 1993
Summa, Don, 1995-1996
Susman, Louis, 1993
Suydam, Larry, 1992-1994
Svec, Milan, 1994
Taalman, Juri, 1994-1995
Taft, Philip, 1993
Tam, Thomas, 1992
Taylor, Quentin, 1992
Terry, William, 1993
Terhsy, Russell, 1993
Thomas, Govan, 1993
Thomas, Jacqueline, 1993
Thompson, Anne, 1993
Tierney, Paul, 1993
Tucker, Robert, 1994
Tribe, Laurence, 1993
Troutman, Adewale, 1994
Turetsky, Vicki, 1993
Turner, Richard, 1992
Ungar, Rabbi Andre, 1996
Upmeyer, Neil, 1992
Valli, Mark, 1993
Van Amson, George, 1993
Vance, David, 1993
Van Horn, Carl, 1994
Vaughn, Jack, 1994
Vaughn, Kenneth, 1993
Voisin, Nancy, 1992
Wang, Charles, 1992-1995
Ware, Preston, 1994
Weidman, Richard, 1993
Weischadle, David, 1993
Weiss, Marina, 1992-1993
Weissman, Eugene, 1993
Weisel, Elie, 1993
Weland, Michael, 1993
Wexler, Arnold, 1994
White, Leland, 1993
Whittaker. James, 1993
Wilcox, Laura, 1993
Wilf, Leonard, 1993
Willenz, June, 1992-1993
Williams, Mary, 1993
Williams, Susan, 1993
Wilson, Chrys, 1988-1994
Wilson, Susan, 1992-1993
Wilzig, Siggi, 1993
Winkler, Howard, 1995
Winters, John, 1962-1993
Wobler, Gary, 1992-1993
Wolfson, Barbara, 1994
Woodson, Robert, 1996
Wright, D. Rex, 1993
Wussler, Robert, 1992
Wynn, Constance, 1993
Young, John, 1993-1994
Zazalli, James, 1993
Zimiga, Arthur, 1993
Zoffinger, George, 1992
Zuckerman, Robert, 1993
Federal Judgeships, 1994-1996
Awards, 1987-1990
News Clippings, 1992
ARM, 1996
Flag Burning, 1990
Whitney Museum, 1992
Ethnics, 1994
Letters from N.J., 1996
Legislation, 1983-1987
To Do, 1996
Transportation, 1990
Videos, 1995
Work Plan, undated
Women, 1995
Economy, 1987
Staff Retreat, 1994
Staff, 1992-1996
ACC Memo, 1996
Outreach Mailings, 1995
Trouble, 1996
Urban, 1995
Seniors, 1988
Shut Down, 1995
Accomplish Memo, 1996
New Jersey, 1996
Packwood, 1995
Paper Flow, 1991-1993
Polls, 1993
Knicks, 1991
Labor, 1996
Lee, George, 1992
Letters, 1993
Long Term, 1995
Lori, 1984
Deed Info, 1996
File, 1996
Deal With, 1996
Messages, 1996
I+R, 1995
Indians, 1995
Resumes, 1996
Notes on Files, 1996
Archive Memoranda, 1996
DSCC Database, 1996
Office Staff, 1993
Eakeley, Douglas, 1977
Lamer, Jeremy, 1981
McPhee, John, 1981
Reed, Willis, 1981
Rosenberg, Herb, 1979
Sarokin, H. Lee, 1978
Schade, Dewey D., 1979
Scher, John, 1981
Steger, Ulrich, 1981
Operation Raleigh, 1984
Children, 1984 -1988
Children, 1983 -1991
Photographs, undated
Other, 1990 -1995
Op-eds, 1981 -1989
These records document the legislative work of Bradley's Senate office. As is noted in each aide's group of records, each individual aide was assigned work according to his or her policy strengths (budget and fiscal issues, the environment, employment, health care, etc.).
These records have been arranged into several groupings, according to the legislative aide who produced them. Generally speaking, records are arranged by topic.