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Photograph: Einstein, unknown
Box 2, Folder 23
Patents on O-P Dichlorobenzene, undated
Box 38, Folder 29
Anthropology, undated
Box 182
Presentations, Miscellaneous, undated
Box 121, Folder 31
Card File, undated
Box 128, Folder 78
1941-1942, undated
Box 133, Folder 23
1943, undated
Box 133, Folder 24
1944-1945, undated
Box 133, Folder 25
Book Review, undated
Box 135, Folder 11
Students, undated
Box 135, Folder 16
Civil Service, undated
Box 135, Folder 17
Junior Class, undated
Box 135, Folder 36
Freshman and Sophomores, undated
Box 135, Folder 157
Military Committee, undated
Box 135, Folder 180
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, undated
Box 135, Folder 182
Shipbuilding, undated
Box 135, Folder 204
Waddell, J. A. L, undated
Box 135, Folder 226
Addresses, undated
Box 136, Folder 2
School of Science Building, undated
Box 137, Folder 94
Outline of Courses in Foundations, undated
Box 137, Folder 127
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, undated
Box 137, Folder 160
Photographs, undated
Box 138, Folder 8
"Design of a 100 Kilowatt Four Pole Direct Railway Generator", undated
Box 144, Folder 3
Calculations for 1400 Watt Direct Current Dynamo, undated, undated
Box 144, Folder 6
Clark, W. A., Calculations, undated
Box 144, Folder 7
Calculations, undated
Box 144, Folder 8
DeLong, Oscar A., "Ultra Radio Frequencies", undated
Box 144, Folder 9
Williams, Samuel Baker, Thesis, undated
Box 144, Folder 10
"The Western Electric One Hundred Light Arc Dynamo", undated
Box 144, Folder 11
Holt, Sidney Tarzewall, "The Control of Electric Currents", undated
Box 144, Folder 12
Brokaw, R. W., Calculations, undated
Box 144, Folder 13
Boyd, Albert B., "30 Kilowatt Transformer", undated
Box 144, Folder 14
Thesis, Unknown Author, undated
Box 144, Folder 16
Building Plans, undated
Box 145, Folder 25
Departmental Photos, undated
Box 146, Folder 18
Lectures, undated
Box 147, Folder 23-24
President's Report, undated
Box 148, Folder 21