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- Series 1: QRL Issue Files, 1943-1999
- Series 2: Correspondence Files, 1937-1999
- A-Ab, dates not examined
- Abse, Dannie and Joan, 1972-1999
- Ac-Al, dates not examined
- Academy of American Poets, dates not examined
- Aiken, Conrad, dates not examined
- Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., dates not examined
- Allen, Dick, dates not examined
- Am-An, dates not examined
- Anderson, Lee, dates not examined
- Anthony, George, dates not examined
- Appleman, Philip, dates not examined
- Ap-As, dates not examined
- Arendt, Hannah, dates not examined
- Arner, Robert, dates not examined
- Ashbery, John, dates not examined
- Association of American Publishers, Inc., dates not examined
- At-Au, dates not examined
- Atheneum Publishers, dates not examined
- Auden, W. H., dates not examined
- Austin, Alex, dates not examined
- Av-Ay, dates not examined
- Axelrod, Joseph, dates not examined
- Ba, dates not examined
- Balaban, John, dates not examined
- Barolini, Helen, dates not examined
- Barrows, Anita, dates not examined
- BC Research (Bruccoli Clark Inc.), dates not examined
- Be, dates not examined
- Beck, Warren, dates not examined
- Becker, Edwin J., dates not examined
- Belitt, Ben, dates not examined
- Bell, Charles G., dates not examined
- Bell, Marvin, dates not examined
- Bellow, Saul, dates not examined
- Benedikt, Michael, dates not examined
- Bentley, Beth, dates not examined
- Berg, Stephen ( American Poetry Review), dates not examined
- Bernstein, Marver H., dates not examined
- Bernstein, Michael A., dates not examined
- Berry, Wendell, dates not examined
- Berryman, John, dates not examined
- Bertolino, James, dates not examined
- Bewley, Marius, dates not examined
- Beye, Holly, dates not examined
- Bi-Bj, dates not examined
- Bishop, Elizabeth, dates not examined
- Bl, dates not examined
- Blackmur, Richard P., dates not examined
- Blue Spruce, Paula, dates not examined
- Bly, Robert, dates not examined
- Bo, dates not examined
- Bobrowski, Johannes (translations of poems), dates not examined
- Bogan, Louise, dates not examined
- Bonnefoy, Yves, dates not examined
- Borum, Paul, dates not examined
- Botsford, Keith, dates not examined
- Death of Doctor Osip Mayer, dates not examined
- The Prince of Homburg by H. von Kleist, dates not examined
- Bouvard, Marguerite, dates not examined
- Br-Bran, dates not examined
- Bradley, David, dates not examined
- Brandeis, Irma, dates not examined
- Brandeis University, dates not examined
- Brau-Bro, dates not examined
- Brooks, Cleanth, dates not examined
- Broughton, T. Alan, dates not examined
- Brown, Clarence, dates not examined
- Brown, Rosellen, dates not examined
- Bru, dates not examined
- Bu, dates not examined
- Buechner, Frederick, dates not examined
- Bullis, Jerald, dates not examined
- Bunge, Nancy L., dates not examined
- Burford, William, dates not examined
- Burgum, Edwin Berry, dates not examined
- Burke, Kenneth, dates not examined
- Burnshaw, Stanley, dates not examined
- Burr, Gray, dates not examined
- Burrows, E. G., dates not examined
- Bursk, Christopher, dates not examined
- Burt, Struthers, dates not examined
- Busch, Frederick M., dates not examined
- Ca, dates not examined
- Caldwell, Erskine, dates not examined
- Callaway, Kathy, dates not examined
- Cambon, Glauco, dates not examined
- Campbell, Roy, dates not examined
- Capouya, Emile, dates not examined
- Cardwell, Guy, dates not examined
- Carlisle, Olga Andreyev, dates not examined
- Carrier, Warren, 1944-1996
- Carroll, Donald, dates not examined
- Carruth, Hayden, dates not examined
- Carson, Anne, dates not examined
- Ce, dates not examined
- Ch, dates not examined
- Chatto and Windus Ltd., dates not examined
- Cheng, Anne, dates not examined
- Cherry, Kelly, dates not examined
- Ci-Cl, dates not examined
- Cicellis, Kay (also Tsitsele, Kaie), dates not examined
- Citino, David, dates not examined
- Claire, William F., dates not examined
- Clark, Naomi, dates not examined
- Cloud, Jess, dates not examined
- Coa-Col, dates not examined
- Cohen, Joseph, dates not examined
- Colladay, Morrison, 1963-1970
- Colt, Byron, dates not examined
- Com-Cox, dates not examined
- Cook, Albert, dates not examined
- Coover, Robert, 1966-1998
- Corman, Cid, dates not examined
- Corn, Alfred, dates not examined
- Cr-Cu, dates not examined
- Creekmore, Hubert, dates not examined
- Creeley, Robert, dates not examined
- Crowder, A. B. (Ashby Bland), dates not examined
- Cummings, E. E., dates not examined
- Da, dates not examined
- Dacey, Philip, dates not examined
- Dana, Robert, dates not examined
- Daniels, Guy, dates not examined
- Daniels, Sarah (Sally), dates not examined
- Darr, Ann, dates not examined
- Darie, Donald, dates not examined
- De, dates not examined
- Dean, Leonard Fellows, dates not examined
- Decker, Michael B., dates not examined
- DeJong, David C., dates not examined
- De Man, Paul, dates not examined
- Denis, Normand LaPorte, dates not examined
- Denney, Reuel, dates not examined
- Der Hovanessian, Diana, dates not examined
- Deutch, Richard, dates not examined
- Deutsch, Babette, dates not examined
- Di, dates not examined
- Dickey, James, dates not examined
- Do, dates not examined
- Doggett, Frank, dates not examined
- Donnelly, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Donohue, Harold, dates not examined
- Donoso, Jose and Maria Pilar, dates not examined
- Doughty, LeGarde S., dates not examined
- Dr-Dy, dates not examined
- Drabik, Graeth'yna, dates not examined
- Ducornet, Guy and Rikki (Erica), dates not examined
- Duncan, Harry (The Cummington Press), dates not examined
- Duncan, Robert, dates not examined
- Dunlop, Lane, dates not examined
- Durrell, Lawrence, dates not examined
- E, dates not examined
- Eaton, Charles Edward, dates not examined
- Eberhart, Richard, dates not examined
- Edwards, Harvey, dates not examined
- Edwards, John, dates not examined
- Ehrenpreis, Irvin, dates not examined
- Eisenhard, John and Antoinette, dates not examined
- Eliot, T. S., dates not examined
- Elliott, George P., dates not examined
- Engels, John, dates not examined
- The English Institute (1973 meeting), dates not examined
- English, Maurice, dates not examined
- Enslin, Theodore, dates not examined
- Esposito, Nancy, dates not examined
- Ewart, Gavin, dates not examined
- Fa, dates not examined
- Fabricant, Carole, dates not examined
- Fagles, Robert, dates not examined
- Fairchild, B. H. (Pete), dates not examined
- Fairlight, Ruth, dates not examined
- Farrell, James T., dates not examined
- Fe, dates not examined
- Feinstein, Elaine, dates not examined
- Feirstein, Frederick, dates not examined
- Feldman, Ruth, dates not examined
- Fergusson, Francis, dates not examined
- Fi, dates not examined
- Field, Edward, dates not examined
- Field, Ruth, dates not examined
- Finkel, Donald and Connie, dates not examined
- Fitts, Dudley, dates not examined
- Fitzgerald, Robert, dates not examined
- Fl, dates not examined
- Flaherty, Doug, dates not examined
- Fletcher, Frances, dates not examined
- Fletcher, John Gould, dates not examined
- Flint, Robert W., dates not examined
- Flores, Angel, dates not examined
- Fo, dates not examined
- Fogel, Ruby, dates not examined
- Ford, Charles Henri, dates not examined
- Ford, Richard, dates not examined
- Foster, Edward Halsey, dates not examined
- Fowler, Alastair, dates not examined
- Fowlie, Wallace (Michel), dates not examined
- Fox, Siv Cedering, dates not examined
- Fr, dates not examined
- Fraenkel, Michael, dates not examined
- Francis, H. E., dates not examined
- Frank, Joseph, dates not examined
- Frankenberg, Lloyd, dates not examined
- Friar, Kimon, dates not examined
- Friebert, Stuart, dates not examined
- Friedman, B.H., dates not examined
- Friedman, Norman, dates not examined
- Fulton, Robin, dates not examined
- Fussell, Betty, Paul, and Erwin, dates not examined
- Ga, dates not examined
- Galler, David, 1955-1999
- Gardien, Kent, dates not examined
- Gardner, John, dates not examined
- Garrigue, Jean, dates not examined
- Gaskell, Ronald, dates not examined
- Ge, dates not examined
- George, Don, dates not examined
- Gh-Gi, dates not examined
- Ghiselin, Brewster, dates not examined
- Gibbons, Reginald, dates not examined
- Gifford, William, dates not examined
- Gioia, Dana 12 Gl, dates not examined
- Gladstone, Alice, dates not examined
- Glass, Larry, dates not examined
- Glicksberg, Charles I., dates not examined
- Go, dates not examined
- Godine, David R., dates not examined
- Gogol, John M., dates not examined
- Goldbarth, Albert, dates not examined
- Goldstein, Laurence, dates not examined
- Golffing, Francis and Barbara, dates not examined
- Goodheart, Eugene, dates not examined
- Goodheart, Pat, dates not examined
- Goodman, Mitchell, dates not examined
- Goodman, Paul, dates not examined
- Goodwin, Inge, dates not examined
- Gordon, Don, dates not examined
- Gra, dates not examined
- Graham, W. S., dates not examined
- Gre, dates not examined
- Greene, Jonathan, dates not examined
- Gregor, Arthur, dates not examined
- Gregory, Horace, dates not examined
- Gri-Gu, dates not examined
- Guenther, Charles, dates not examined
- Gustafson, Ralph, dates not examined
- Gustafsson, Lars, dates not examined
- Guthrie, Ramon, dates not examined
- Ha, dates not examined
- Hadas, Rachel, dates not examined
- Halpern, Daniel, dates not examined
- Halpern, Elliott, dates not examined
- Halpern, Martin, dates not examined
- Hamburger, Michael, dates not examined
- Hamilton, Ian, dates not examined
- Hammer, Peter, dates not examined
- Harper, Michael S., dates not examined
- Harrier, Richard, dates not examined
- Hart, John E., dates not examined
- Hart, Lawrence, dates not examined
- Hays, H. R., dates not examined
- He, dates not examined
- Heath-Stubbs, John, dates not examined
- Hecht, Anthony, dates not examined
- Hecht, Roger, 1950-1990
- Heilman, Robert B., dates not examined
- Heliczer, Piero, dates not examined
- Herschberger, Ruth, dates not examined
- Heyen, William, dates not examined
- Hi, dates not examined
- Hirsch, Stefan, dates not examined
- Hirschfield, Jane, dates not examined
- Ho, dates not examined
- Hoagland, Edward, dates not examined
- Hochman, Sandra, dates not examined
- Hoffman, Daniel G., dates not examined
- Hoffman, Frederick J., dates not examined
- Hoffman, Jill, dates not examined
- Holender, Barbara D., dates not examined
- Hollahan, Eugene, dates not examined
- Holmes, John, dates not examined
- Honig, Edwin, dates not examined
- Hopper, Paul, dates not examined
- Hopwood Poetry Contest: University of Michigan (1973), dates not examined
- Hoskins, Katherine, dates not examined
- Howard, Richard, dates not examined
- Hu-Hy, dates not examined
- Hughes, Daniel, dates not examined
- Hughes, Olwyn, dates not examined
- AGerald and Breena@ Aby C. J. Allan@, dates not examined
- Hugo, Richard F., dates not examined
- Humphrey, William and Dorothy, 1958-1982
- Hunt, William, dates not examined
- Hutchinson, Robert, dates not examined
- Hyman, Stanley Edgar, dates not examined
- I, dates not examined
- Ignatow, David and Rose, dates not examined
- Inez, Colette, dates not examined
- Institute for Advanced Study, dates not examined
- Isherwood, Christopher, dates not examined
- J, dates not examined
- Jackson David, dates not examined
- Jarrell, Randall, dates not examined
- Jones, Paul R., dates not examined
- Ka, dates not examined
- Kaplan, Allan, dates not examined
- Karlen, Arno, dates not examined
- Karlinsky, Simon, dates not examined
- Kaufman, Shirley, dates not examined
- Kazin, Alfred, dates not examined
- Ke, dates not examined
- Keeley, Edmund (Mike), dates not examined
- Kemp, Lysander, dates not examined
- Kempher, Ruth Moon, dates not examined
- Kendall, Robert, dates not examined
- Kessler, Jascha, dates not examined
- Key West Review, dates not examined
- Keyser, Samuel Jay, dates not examined
- Kh-Ki, dates not examined
- Kinnell, Galway, dates not examined
- Kinzie, Mary, dates not examined
- Kizer, Carolyn, dates not examined
- Kl, dates not examined
- Klein, Alexander, dates not examined
- Kn, dates not examined
- Knauber, Charles Francis, dates not examined
- Knebel, Fletcher, dates not examined
- Knight, Douglas M., dates not examined
- Knight, Lynne, dates not examined
- Ko, dates not examined
- Koch, Kenneth, dates not examined
- Koethe, John L., dates not examined
- Kohler, Richard, dates not examined
- Kooser, Ted, dates not examined
- Kosinski, Jerzy, dates not examined
- Kr, dates not examined
- Kramer, Lawrence, dates not examined
- Kreymborg, Alfred, dates not examined
- Kroll, Judith, dates not examined
- Ku-Ky, dates not examined
- Kumin, Maxine, dates not examined
- Kunitz, Stanley, dates not examined
- Kuspit, Donald B., dates not examined
- Kuzma, Greg, dates not examined
- La, dates not examined
- Laing, Alexander, dates not examined
- Laing, Dilys, dates not examined
- Langbaum, Robert, dates not examined
- Lattimore, Richmond, dates not examined
- Laughlin, James, dates not examined
- Lazarus, Arnold, dates not examined
- Le, dates not examined
- Leary, Paris, dates not examined
- Legler, Philip, dates not examined
- LeGuin, Ursula K., dates not examined
- Lehman, David, dates not examined
- Leibowitz, Herbert, dates not examined
- Lenson, David, dates not examined
- LeSage, Lawrence, dates not examined
- Lesser, Rike, dates not examined
- Levertor, Denise, dates not examined
- Levin, Harry, dates not examined
- Levine, Philip, dates not examined
- Levitin, Alexis, dates not examined
- Lewis, C. S., dates not examined
- Lewis, Wyndham, dates not examined
- Lh-Ll, dates not examined
- Lieberman, Laurence, dates not examined
- Lipking, Lawrence, dates not examined
- Lipsitz, Lou, dates not examined
- Lipton, Lawrence, dates not examined
- Little, Geraldine Clinton, dates not examined
- Lo, dates not examined
- Logan, John, dates not examined
- Longenbach, James, dates not examined
- Lowell, Robert (Cal), dates not examined
- Lu, dates not examined
- Ludwig, Jack, dates not examined
- Ly, dates not examined
- Lyons, Nick and Mari, dates not examined
- Lytle, Andrew, dates not examined
- Mac, dates not examined
- MacGowan, Christopher, dates not examined
- MacInnes, Mairi, dates not examined
- Mack, Maynard, dates not examined
- MacLean, Kenneth, dates not examined
- MacLeish, Archibald, dates not examined
- Macleod, dates not examined
- Mac Low, Jackson, dates not examined
- Macmillan Company, dates not examined
- MacShane, Frank, dates not examined
- Mad-Maz, dates not examined
- Malanga, Gerard, dates not examined
- Malin, Irving, dates not examined
- Mallan, Lloyd, dates not examined
- Manhattan Poetry Review, dates not examined
- March, Michael, dates not examined
- Marcus, Morton, dates not examined
- Marks, S. J., dates not examined
- Marsh, Willard, dates not examined
- Martenet, May Davies, dates not examined
- Martin, Philip, dates not examined
- Martinez, Demetria, dates not examined
- Martz, Louis, dates not examined
- Masters, Hilary, dates not examined
- Matthews, William, dates not examined
- Mattick Paul, dates not examined
- Mayhall, Jane, dates not examined
- Mc, dates not examined
- McCann, David, dates not examined
- McCarthy, Mary, dates not examined
- McClatchy, J. D. (Sandy), dates not examined
- McCloskey, Mark, dates not examined
- McCormick, James, dates not examined
- McDuff, David, dates not examined
- McGahey, Jeanne, dates not examined
- Mcguire, William, dates not examined
- McKinnon, Karen, dates not examined
- Mea-Mez, dates not examined
- Mele, Frank, dates not examined
- Menashe, Samuel, dates not examined
- Mencken, H. L., dates not examined
- Meredith, William, dates not examined
- Merrill, James, dates not examined
- Merton, Thomas, dates not examined
- Merwin, William S., dates not examined
- Mic-Miz, dates not examined
- Middlebrook, Diane, dates not examined
- Middleton, Christopher, dates not examined
- Miller, Arthur, dates not examined
- Miller, Fred R., dates not examined
- Miller, Henry, dates not examined
- Miller, Phil, dates not examined
- Mishkin, Julia, dates not examined
- Mitchell, Martin S., dates not examined
- Mo, dates not examined
- Moffitt, John, dates not examined
- Molyneux, Thomas W., dates not examined
- Montale, Eugenio, dates not examined
- Moon, Samuel, dates not examined
- Moore, Marianne, dates not examined
- Moore, Nicholas, dates not examined
- Moore, Richard, dates not examined
- Moore, Rosalie, dates not examined
- Morgan, Fred, dates not examined
- Morgan, John, dates not examined
- Morgan, Robin, dates not examined
- Morris, Herbert, dates not examined
- Morris, Wright and Jo, dates not examined
- Morrison, R. H., dates not examined
- Morse, Samuel French, dates not examined
- Mortensen, Arthur, dates not examined
- Morwitz, Ernest (and Olga M. Perlzweig), dates not examined
- Moss, Howard, dates not examined
- Moss, Stanley, dates not examined
- Ms.-My, dates not examined
- Mudrick, Marvin, dates not examined
- Mueller, Lisel, dates not examined
- Muldoon, Paul, dates not examined
- Murphy, Richard, dates not examined
- Murray, G. E., dates not examined
- Murray, Philip, dates not examined
- Na, dates not examined
- Nathan, Leonard, dates not examined
- The Nation, dates not examined
- The National Translation Center ( Delos), dates not examined
- Ne, dates not examined
- Neider, Charles, dates not examined
- Nelson, Paul, dates not examined
- Nelson, Victoria, dates not examined
- Nemerov, Howard, dates not examined
- Nerber, John, dates not examined
- Newman, Daniel, dates not examined
- New York University Press (publisher of Gunsight), dates not examined
- The New Yorker, dates not examined
- Ni-Nu, dates not examined
- Nicholson, Norman, dates not examined
- Niedecker, Lorine, dates not examined
- Nims, John Frederick, dates not examined
- Nishiwaki, Junzaburo, dates not examined
- Noll, Lou Barker (Bink), dates not examined
- Nordfors, Margaret, dates not examined
- Nordhaus, Jean, dates not examined
- Norse, Harold, dates not examined
- Nye, Robert, dates not examined
- O, dates not examined
- Oates, Joyce Carol, dates not examined
- Oberg, Arthur, dates not examined
- O'Connell, Richard, dates not examined
- O'Connor, William Van, dates not examined
- Odets, Clifford, dates not examined
- O'Hara, Frank, dates not examined
- The Ohio Review, dates not examined
- O'Keefe, Richard R., dates not examined
- Olds, Sharon, dates not examined
- Olson, Lawrence, dates not examined
- Orlovitz, Gil, 1944-1949
- Orlovitz, Gil, 1950-1973
- Ostriker, Alicia, dates not examined
- Ostroff, Anthony, dates not examined
- Ostrom, Alan, dates not examined
- P-Pao, dates not examined
- Pacernick, Gary, dates not examined
- Pacifici, Sergio, dates not examined
- Pack, Robert, dates not examined
- Paige, D. D.: correspondence, 1937-1982
- Paige, D. D.: miscellaneous manuscripts, dates not examined
- Palmer, Winthrop Bushnell, dates not examined
- Par-Pay, dates not examined
- The Paris Review, dates not examined
- Parkinson, Thomas (Francis), dates not examined
- Parsons, Ian and Trekkie (Marjorie) Ritchie, dates not examined
- Pastan, Linda, dates not examined
- Patchen, Kenneth, dates not examined
- Pauker, John, dates not examined
- Pe, dates not examined
- Pearson, Norman Holmes, dates not examined
- Peck, John, dates not examined
- Pentre, Barbara, dates not examined
- Perl, Jeffrey M., dates not examined
- Perloff, Marjorie, dates not examined
- Perry, Ronald, dates not examined
- Peters, Robert L., dates not examined
- Pettinella, Dora M., dates not examined
- Pevear, Richard, dates not examined
- Peyre, Henri, dates not examined
- Pf-Pl, dates not examined
- Phillips, Matt, dates not examined
- Phillips, Robert, dates not examined
- Pinsky, Robert, dates not examined
- Pitchford, Kenneth, dates not examined
- Plumly, Stanley, dates not examined
- Po, dates not examined
- Poetry (Chicago), dates not examined
- The Poetry Center, 92 nd Street Y, dates not examined
- Poggioli, Renato, dates not examined
- Pomeroy, Ralph, dates not examined
- Posner, David, dates not examined
- Poulin, A., dates not examined
- Pound, Ezra, dates not examined
- Powell, Clarence Alva, dates not examined
- Powell, Craig, dates not examined
- Powell, Joseph, dates not examined
- Powers, J. F., dates not examined
- Poy-Pu, dates not examined
- Price, Nancy, dates not examined
- Princeton University Library, dates not examined
- Princeton University Press, dates not examined
- Pritchard, John W., dates not examined
- Purvis, Nanci L., dates not examined
- The Pushcart Press, dates not examined
- Q, dates not examined
- Ra, dates not examined
- Rago, Henry, dates not examined
- Rainer, Dachine, dates not examined
- Raiziss, Sonia, dates not examined
- Rakosi, Carl, dates not examined
- Ramsey, Jarold, dates not examined
- Ramsey, Paul, dates not examined
- Ransom, John Crowe, dates not examined
- Ray, David, dates not examined
- Raymund, Bernard, dates not examined
- Re, dates not examined
- Reck, Michael, dates not examined
- Reed, John R., dates not examined
- Rehm, Rush, dates not examined
- Reid, Richard, dates not examined
- Rexroth, Kenneth, dates not examined
- Ri, dates not examined
- Rich, Adrienne, dates not examined
- Richardson, James, dates not examined
- Richman, Robert, dates not examined
- Ritchie, Elisavietta, dates not examined
- Ro, dates not examined
- Roditi, Edouard, dates not examined
- Rokeah, David, dates not examined
- Rorty, Amelie Oksenberg, dates not examined
- Rosen, Norma, dates not examined
- Rosenthal, David H., dates not examined
- Rosenthal, M. L., dates not examined
- Roskolenko, Harry, dates not examined
- Ru-Ry, dates not examined
- Rubin, David Lee, dates not examined
- Rubin, Larry, dates not examined
- Rudman, Mark, dates not examined
- Rudnick, Raphael (Ray), dates not examined
- Rudolph, Lee, dates not examined
- Russell, Peter, dates not examined
- Ryan, Michael, dates not examined
- Sa, dates not examined
- Sadoff, Ira, dates not examined
- Sandy, Stephen, dates not examined
- Saner, Reg(inald), dates not examined
- Saturday Review, dates not examined
- Sca-Sch, dates not examined
- Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg, dates not examined
- Schramm, Richard, dates not examined
- Schulman, Grace, dates not examined
- Schultz, Philip, dates not examined
- Schwartz, Rhoda, dates not examined
- Schwartz, Selwyn S., dates not examined
- Sco-Se, dates not examined
- Scott, Hardiman, dates not examined
- Segal, Lore, dates not examined
- Senior, John, dates not examined
- Settle, Mary Lee, dates not examined
- Sewall, Richard B., dates not examined
- Sewall Richard C., dates not examined
- Sexton, Anne, dates not examined
- Sh, dates not examined
- The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust ( Poems for Shakespeare 9, 1981), dates not examined
- Shapiro, Harold T., dates not examined
- Shapiro, Harvey, dates not examined
- Shapiro, Karl, dates not examined
- Shattuck, Charles, dates not examined
- Shattuck, Roger, dates not examined
- Sherwin, Judith Johnson, dates not examined
- Shumway, Mary, dates not examined
- Si, dates not examined
- Sibley, Frederic, dates not examined
- Siegel, Robert, dates not examined
- Silbert, Layle, dates not examined
- Simon, Edith, dates not examined
- Simon, John, dates not examined
- Simpson, Louis, dates not examined
- Sitwell, Edith, dates not examined
- Sk-Sl, dates not examined
- Skelton, dates not examined
- Slavitt, David R., dates not examined
- Sles, Steven L., dates not examined
- Slochower, Harry, dates not examined
- Slotznick, Michael, dates not examined
- Smallwood, Norah, dates not examined
- Sm, dates not examined
- Smith, Ken, dates not examined
- Smith, Michael B., dates not examined
- Sn-So, dates not examined
- Snodgrass, W. D., dates not examined
- So, Chongju, dates not examined
- The Southern Review, dates not examined
- Sp-Sq, dates not examined
- Spencer, Theodore, dates not examined
- Spiegelman, Willard, dates not examined
- Springarn, Lawrence P., dates not examined
- Squires, Radcliffe, dates not examined
- Sta-Ste, dates not examined
- St. John, Richard, dates not examined
- Stallman, Robert, dates not examined
- Stambler, Elizabeth, dates not examined
- Stambler, Peter, dates not examined
- Stanford, Ann, dates not examined
- Stanton, Joseph, dates not examined
- Starbuck, George, dates not examined
- Stevens, Holly, dates not examined
- Stevens, Wallace, 1943-1953
- Stevenson, Anne, dates not examined
- Sti-Stu, dates not examined
- Stock, Robert, dates not examined
- Strand, Mark, dates not examined
- Stryk, Lucien, dates not examined
- Stuart, Dabney, dates not examined
- Stubbs, Marcia, dates not examined
- Su-Sz, dates not examined
- Sulkin, Sidney, dates not examined
- Sullivan, Nancy, dates not examined
- Summers, Joseph H., dates not examined
- Swallow, Alan, dates not examined
- Swann, Brian, dates not examined
- Sward, Robert, dates not examined
- Swenson, Karen, dates not examined
- Ta, dates not examined
- Taggard, Genevieve, dates not examined
- Taggart, John, dates not examined
- Targan, Barry, dates not examined
- Tate, Allen, dates not examined
- Taupin, René, dates not examined
- Te-Tha, dates not examined
- Terrell, Carroll F., dates not examined
- Tho, dates not examined
- Thompson, Phyllis Hoge, dates not examined
- Ti-Tw, dates not examined
- The Times (London), dates not examined
- Tindall, William York, dates not examined
- Townley, Roderick, dates not examined
- Trachtenberg, Inge, dates not examined
- Trask, Willard R., dates not examined
- Triem, Eve, dates not examined
- Trilling, Lionel, dates not examined
- TriQuarterly, dates not examined
- Turner, Alberta, dates not examined
- Turner, Frederick, dates not examined
- Tyler, Parker, dates not examined
- U, dates not examined
- United States Information Agency, dates not examined
- Unterecker, John, dates not examined
- Urdang, Constance, dates not examined
- V, dates not examined
- Valk, E. M., dates not examined
- Van Duyn, Mona, dates not examined
- Vaughan, Virginia M., dates not examined
- Vazakas, Byron, dates not examined
- Ver Becke, W. Edwin, dates not examined
- Vidal, Gore, dates not examined
- Viereck, Peter, dates not examined
- Vigée, Claude, dates not examined
- Villa, Jose Garcia, dates not examined
- Villa, Roy, dates not examined
- Vliet, R. G., dates not examined
- Wa, dates not examined
- Walcutt, Charles Child, dates not examined
- Walker, Jeanne, dates not examined
- Walton, Eda Lou, dates not examined
- Wang, Shiren, dates not examined
- Wanning, Andrews, dates not examined
- Warfel, Harry R., dates not examined
- Warren, Austin, dates not examined
- Warren, Robert Penn, dates not examined
- Watkins, Vernon, dates not examined
- Watts, Harold H., dates not examined
- We, dates not examined
- Webb, Hank, dates not examined
- Weiss, Paul, dates not examined
- Weiss, Paul and Renee, dates not examined
- Wells, Henry W., dates not examined
- Welty, Eudora, dates not examined
- Wescott, Glenway, dates not examined
- Wesleyan University Press, dates not examined
- West, Carolyn Beaham, dates not examined
- West, Ray B., Jr., dates not examined
- Wh, dates not examined
- Whitman, Ruth, dates not examined
- Walt Whitman International Poetry Center, dates not examined
- Wi-WNYC, dates not examined
- Wilbur, Richard, dates not examined
- Wilkins, Susan, dates not examined
- Willard, Nancy, dates not examined
- Williams, Edward, dates not examined
- Williams, Gil, dates not examined
- Williams, Jonathan, dates not examined
- Williams, William Carlos (and Florence Williams), 1944-1960
- Willingham, Calder, dates not examined
- Wilson, Jonathan, dates not examined
- Wimsatt, W. K., Jr., and Margaret, dates not examined
- Witonski, Peter, dates not examined
- Witt, Harold, dates not examined
- Wo-Wy, dates not examined
- Wolfert, Helen, dates not examined
- Wolff, Geoffrey, dates not examined
- Wolff, Kurt H., dates not examined
- Woodman, Christopher, dates not examined
- Wright. James, dates not examined
- Y, dates not examined
- Young, David, dates not examined
- Z, dates not examined
- Zilkha, Berthie, dates not examined
- Zukofsky, Louis, dates not examined
- Unidentified Correspondents and Miscellaneous Manuscripts, dates not examined
- Letter drafts by Theodore Weiss to Unidentified Correspondents, dates not examined
- Series 3: Writings of Theodore Weiss, dates not examined
- Series 4: Photographs and Printed Material, dates not examined
- Series 5: Audiotapes, 1965-1969
Mueller, Lisel, dates not examined
- Collection Creator:
- Weiss, Renée Karol. and Weiss, Theodore Russell (1916-2003)
- Dates:
- dates not examined
- Located In:
- Box 42, Folder 32
- Extent:
- 1 folder
- Languages:
- English
- Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Credit this material:
Mueller, Lisel; Quarterly Review of Literature (QRL) Records, C0862, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (mss): Box 42
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Processing Information
Barbara Volz performed the preliminary processing of the collection, while Sylvia Yu completed its organization and wrote the finding aid. Matthew Fisher compiled and wordprocessed the QRL Author Index and Box/Folder listing.
Finding aid updated by Faith Charlton in 2022, including title change, collection description, and the addition of Renée Weiss as collection creator to elucidate her role per reparative description work.
Collection Overview
Collection Description & Creator Information
- Arrangement
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent and/or organization title.
Collection History
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Processing Information
Barbara Volz performed the preliminary processing of the collection, while Sylvia Yu completed its organization and wrote the finding aid. Matthew Fisher compiled and wordprocessed the QRL Author Index and Box/Folder listing.
Finding aid updated by Faith Charlton in 2022, including title change, collection description, and the addition of Renée Weiss as collection creator to elucidate her role per reparative description work.
Access & Use
- Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Mueller, Lisel; Quarterly Review of Literature (QRL) Records, C0862, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (mss): Box 42
Find More
- Related Materials
Weiss, Theodore, "QRL: Biography of a Little Magazine," in Princeton University Library Chronicle, Volume LXI, Number 2 (Winter 2000), pp. 217-232.