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- Series 1: Board of Director and Executive Committee Materials, 1964-1987
- Series 2: Case Files, 1962-1974
- C, 1081
- R, 1082, 1968
- Ap, 1083, 1968
- M, 1084
- R, 1085, 1968
- C, 1086, 1968
- M, 1087-1089, 1968
- B, 1090, 1968
- C, 1091
- M, 1092-1094, 1968
- R, 1095, 1968
- M, 1096, 1968
- R, 1097, 1968
- B, 1098, 1968
- C, 1099, 1968
- R, 1100-1102, 1968
- M, 1103
- R, 1104
- M, 1105-1107, 1968
- Ap, 1108
- M, 1109-1113, 1968
- Mo, 1114, 1968
- M, 1115, 1968
- R, 1116
- M, 1117-1118
- C, 1119
- M, 1120-1123, 1968
- R, 1124-1125, 1968
- M, 1126, 1968
- C, 1127
- M, 1128-1131, 1968
- Dep, 1132, 1968
- R, 1133
- M, 1134-1136
- R, 1137-1139, 1968
- M, 1140-1142, 1965-1967
- R, 1143-1146, 1963-1965
- Dorado Case and Obsolete Penal Code M 400, 1965 March
- Federal Legislation Anti-Violence Proposals M 401, 1965 March
- Summary of Florida Juvenile Court System M 402, 1965 March
- California Privileged Communication Doctrine M 403, 1965 April
- FSM Fair Hearing For Students B 404, 1965 March
- Rights of Students to See Lawyers and Make Calls M 405, 1965 April
- Georgia Versus Kitchens Testimony of Observations Made During Illegal Search M 406, 1965 May
- Shields Versus Midtown Bowling Lanes. Desegregation Suit B 407, 1965 May
- Bibliography on Voting R 408, 1965 May
- Draft Amendment to Voting Bill M 409, 1965 May
- On the Role of Martin Luther King R 410, 1965
- Rachel Versus Georgia Opinion 5th Circuit Ct. R 412, 1965 March
- Changing Concepts of Urban Renewal R 413, 1965 April
- Negro Demonstration and the Heckler's Veto R 414, 1965 May
- Protection of the Site Families of Urban Renewal R 415, 1965 April
- School boycotts-Rational and Justification R 416, 1965 May
- Criminal Law Application NY "Stop & Frisk" Law (CCP177) to Various Situation M 417, undated
- Shields Versus Midtown Bowling Lanes B 418, 1965 June
- Marshall Versus McComb B 419, 1965 June
- Summary of Law Review Articles and Notes M 421, 1965 June
- Memo on Veterans Act of 1944 M 422, 1965 June, 1944
- Case of Waldo Kent Ferguson M 423, 1965 June
- Legal Remedies for Defector Segregation R 424, 1965 April
- Failure of Urban Renewal Criticism of Policies of Low Income Housing Creation R 425, 1965 April
- Permissible Arrest with Service Days After Misdemeanor M 426, 1965 June
- R 428, 1964
- R 429, 1965
- R 430, undated
- R 431, 1964
- Man. Bail Projects Background Information and Forms R 432, 1965 June
- Memo and Opinion on Disorderly Conduct Prosecution M 433, 1965 June
- Housing Tactics Demonstrations: Legal Aspects M 434, 1965 June
- Con. & Statutory Provisions Regarding: Civil Rights Activity M 435, 1965 June
- Bowling Alley Under Title II, Civil Rights Act 1965 M 436, 1965 June, 1965
- Violations of Due Process for Traffic Violations M 427, 1965 June
- Federal Programs for Employment in Southern Rural Areas R 438, 1965 June
- M 439, 1967
- Community Organization and Plans for Impoverished Areas M 440, 1965 June
- Disbarment of Negro. Due process 14th Amendment M 441, 1965 June
- Title II Suit Barbershop B 442, 1965 June
- Fair Labor Standards Act Applied to Sharecroppers M 444, 1965 June
- Complaint for Dismissal of Negro Teachers After School Integration B 445, 1965 June
- Federal Statutes and Comments Regarding Various Areas of Civil Rights R 446, 1965 June
- Procedure in Virginia Rape Case M 443, 1965 June
- Title III Suits: Causes of Action, etc. M 447, 1965 June
- Authority of Civil Rights Committee to Remove Employees From Position Upon Doubt of Loyalty M 448, 1965 June
- Demonstration-"Unlawful Intrusion" M 449, 1965 July
- Demonstration-Injunction in Bogalusa B 450, 1964 August
- Cost for Suit (Civil) Won and Costs Allowable M 451, undated
- Testimony on Federal Bail Procedures M 453, undated
- Bail-Federal Courts-Excessive Bail & Removal M 543, undated
- Motion for Summary Judgment in Title II-Public Accommodations-Civil Rights Act B 455, 1965
- Landlord-Tenant-Leases-Rent Withholding-Eviction-Summary Proceeding M 454, undated
- Civil Suits M 455, undated
- Criminal Law Demonstrations Statures M 455, undated
- Injunction Regarding Integrate New Orleans Taxicabs B 456, undated
- Testimony to Protect Indian rights M 457, 1965
- Civil Procedure for Directed Verdict and New Trial. Also Grounds for Objections to Interrogatories M458, undated
- Federal Procedure on Judge's Discretion on Cost Bonds M 459, undated
- Refusal to Name "Governing Authority" in Suit M 460, undated
- Motion to Nolle Proseque Regarding: Lapse of Time Between Indictments B 461, 1965
- Landlord Libeling Tenant; Damages Pleaded; Communication to Rent & Rehabilitation Privileges M 463, 1965 July
- Amending Answers for Federal Rules of Civil Procedure #33 M 463, undated
- Statutes and Cases Referring: Burglary in Alabama M 464, 1965
- Studies in Administrating of Public Assistance M 465, 1965 June
- Coerced Confessions Federal & California Rules M 466, 1965 July
- Illegal Practice of Medicine in Georgia M 467, 1965 August
- Use of Civil Rights Act 42 United States Congress to Stop Officials From Violating Rights of the Accused R 468, 1968 July
- Massachusetts Law Prohibiting Racial Imbalance in Schools M 469, 1968 August
- Declaratory Judgment Suit Under 42 United States Congress 1981-Boston School Board B-470, 1965 August
- Defacto Segregation R-471, 1965 May
- Exclusion of Evidence, Mississippi Criminal Law M 479, 1965 September
- Chase Manhattan Sit-Ins. Disorderly Conduct (722) Obstructing an Officer B 473, 1965 September
- Sec 1851 D.L. Resisting an Officer M 474, 1965 September, 1851
- Explanation of Mississippi Voter Registration Laws M 475, 1965 September
- Voting Injunctions M 477, undated
- Mississippi Statute Against Inter-Racial Common Law Marriages B 478, 1965 September
- Prejudicial Pre-Trial Statements. United States Supreme Court Certiorari Petition B 479, 1965 August
- Removal Because of Unequal Penalties in Demonstrations, undated
- Integration Per Health, Education & Welfare Guidelines-Opinions R 481, 1965 August
- Desegregation of Public Facilities Injunction B 482, 1965 August
- Summary of 1965 Voting Rights Act & Analysis R 483, 1965 August, 1965
- Constitutional Status of Obscenity M 484, 1965 September
- Legal Remedies for De Facto Segregation M 485, 1965 September
- Motion for Rehearing Based on Property Ownership M 486, 1965 September
- Capital Punishment for Rape as Cruel M 477, 1965 September
- Appeal Denial of Removal in Mississippi Demonstration B 487, 1965 September
- Methods of Combating On-The-Job Discrimination M 488, 1965 September
- Can Negroes Enjoin School Tax Increase? M 489, 1965 September
- How to Take Affidavits and Sample Regarding: L.A. Riots M 490, 1965 August
- Vagueness Attack on House Committee on Un-American Activities M 491, 1965 September
- Eliminating Arrest Questions on Employment Applications New York. M 492, 1965 September
- Poll Tax Statute Attacked B 493, 1965 September
- Omnibus Desegregation Action B 494, 1965 September
- M 495, undated
- M 496, undated
- Right to Bail Pending Appeal of Contempt Conviction M 497, 1965 September
- Consent Order to Desegregation of North Carolina Hospital B 498, 1965 September
- M 499, 1966 March
- Parade & Assembly Ordinance Attacked on Vagueness M 500, 1965 September
- Illinois Statute Requiring School Board to Take Affirmative Desegregation M 501, 1965 September
- Omnibus Desegregation Suit of Courthouse B 502, 1965 September
- Request Equal Employment Commission to act M 503, 1965 September
- How to Show Discriminatory legislative intent M 504, 1965 September
- Proposal for Newark Legal Service Project M 505, 1965 September
- Education B 505, 1965
- Challenging Use of Segregated Tax B 506, 1965 September
- Equal Protection Challenge to Prisoner Forced to Remain in Jail B 507, 1965 September
- Confessions to FKI in Criminal Proceeding M 508, 1965 September
- Critique of Newark Rent Control Ordinance R-509, 1965 September
- Right to Petition Government for Redress B 510, 1965 September
- Memo of Law Regarding Demonstrators in Residential Areas M 511, 1965 August
- Dombrowski Versus Pfister. Brief Amicus Curiae B 512, 1965 September
- Memo Analyzing House Bill 40-40 Massachusetts Legislature Low Income Housing M 513, 1965 August
- Search of Car After Arrest M 514, 1965 September
- Activity of Judge as Basis for New Trial M 515, 1965 September
- Summary of N.J. Landlord-Tenant Law M 516, 1965 September
- M 517, undated
- Prohibiting Communists From Using Passport in Unconstitutional M 518, 1965 September
- Obstructing Entrance to Federal Courthouse M 519, 1965 September
- Segregation in Prisons M 520, 1965 September
- Mississippi Statute Punishing Parents of Illegitimate Children M 521, 1965 August
- State & Federal Procedure to Comply Miss. Towns to Provide Municipal Services M 522, 1965 September
- Federal District Court Can Stay Its Mandate After Notice of Appeal M 523, 1965 September
- Negro Contract of Enlistment in Navy Fraudulent B 524, 1965 September
- Peacock Versus Greenwood; Cox Versus State Opinions and summary B 525, 1965 September
- M 526, undated
- Challenge to Fair Housing Ordinance M 527, 1965 September
- Excessive Bail is a Denial of Equal Rights M 528, 1965 September
- Statute of Limitations as Common Law Defense 42 USC 1983 Action M 529, 1965 September, 1983
- Index to Welfare Periodicals R 530, 1965 June
- M 531, undated
- Memo on 722 New York Penal Law "Disorderly Conduct" M 532, 1964 July
- Civil Rights Act-64 Legislative History 201(d) & 201(c) of Civil Rights Act of 1964 M 533, 1964 March, 1964
- Tax Exemption of Student Civil Rights Organizations M 534, 1966 February
- Housing Block Busting M 535, undated
- Education Legal Aspects of Racial Imbalance In Boston Public Schools M 536, 1966 February
- M 532, undated
- Welfare Equality of Rights for Public Welfare Clients by New York University Welfare Project on Social Welfare Law, undated
- Requests for Research Memos, 1966-1967
- Requests for Memos-Al Lerner, 1965-1966
- List of Memos and Research Materials in Council's files as of, 15, 1965 November
- Letters regarding Briefs and Memos, 1963-1967
- Law Library, dates not examined
- Requests, 1965
- Background and Sources, 1962-1964
- "Law Books-USA", 1964
- And Secretarial Projects Forms, undated
- Hold, 1965
- File Control, undated
- Research Report Form, undated
- M 319, undated
- Motion to Disqualify Judge Cox M 320, 1965 January
- M 321, undated
- Challenge to Jury for Racial Exclusion B-322, 1964 December
- Demand for Trial B 323, 1964 December
- Complaint Form & Background of Title VI, 1964 Civil Rights Act M 324, 1965 February, 1964
- Nondiscrimination in Federal-Assisted R 325, 1964 December
- Opinion: Harvey Versus Mississippi R 326, 1965 January
- Rules for Establishment of Clinic for Minors in New York City M 327, 1965 February
- The NLRB and Racial Discrimination M 328, 1965 February
- M 329, undated
- Political Structure of Alabama M 330, 1965 February
- Removal to Federal Court After Trial at Justice M 332, 1964 December
- M 333, 1967
- M 334, 1967
- Statistics on Negro & White Unemployment Since WWII R 335, 1965 January
- Injunction to End Segregated School System B 336, 1965 February
- Summary of Voting Rights M 337, 1965 February
- M 338, undated
- Outlines of Social Crisis in Savannah, Georgia; New York City; Chester R 339, 1964 December
- Ordinances Against Discrimination (Pittsburgh) R 340, 1964 November
- Summary of 1964 Civil Rights Act R 341, 1964 August, 1964
- History and Present Status of Section 2 of 14th Amendment R 342, 1961 October
- Forgotten Remedy for the Voteless Negro R 343, 1961 January
- Housing-Urban Removal: Civil Rights Commission Report R 344, 1961
- Evaluation of Civil Rights Bill, Title 1(Voting Rights) M 345, 1963
- Mississippi Political Handbook R 346, 1962
- Amendments to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure M 347, 1965 February
- Consequences of Demonstrations in Chase Manhattan Plaza M 348, 1965 February
- Alabama Application for Registration to Vote F 349, 1965 March
- M 350, 1967
- Economic Approach to Civil Rights R 351, 1963 January
- R 352, 1968
- Protest, Civil Disobedience & Rule of Law R 353, 1964 December
- Utilizing Community Resources (Atlanta) R 354, 1964 September
- Burkes Versus Whitley Denial of Rights to Counsel B 355, 1964
- Effect of Jordan Versus Hutchinson M 356, 1965 March
- Suggestions for Legislation on Housing M 357, 1965 February
- R 358, undated
- M 359, 1967 August
- R 360, undated
- Procedure Requirements for Filing Tout Claims in Berkley Sit-Ins R 361, 1964
- Use of Deadly Force in Making Arrests R 362, 1965 February
- Demonstrations at Chase Manhattan Plaza R 364, 1965 February
- Use of Public Opinion polls R 365, undated
- Opinion on LCDC program M 366, 1964 December
- Influence of De Maply & Riviere on American Constitution R 367, 1964 December
- M 368, undated
- R 369, 1967 July
- Alston Versus Butts Registration to Vote B 370, 1964 May
- Anti-Klan Laws in North Carolina M 371, 1964 September
- Rights & Behavior on Arrest M 372, undated
- Peace Bonds and Bonds for Good Behavior R 373, 1965 January
- "The Activist" Notes on the Harlem Riot R 374, 1965 March
- People of California Versus Mario Savio B 375, 1965 February
- U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Report R 376, 1965 February
- The Parker Case Life Sentence for Burglary B 377, 1965 March
- Unlawful Taking of Vehicle in North Carolina M 378, 1965 March
- Adequacy of Education Legislation & Civil Rights R 379, 1965 March
- U.N. Charter, Treaties & Civil Rights M 380, 1965 March
- Illinois Post-Conviction Hearing Act M 381, 1964 November
- Jury Selection in North Carolina M 382, 1964 November
- Roman Law & the U.S. Constitution R 383, 1965 March
- Racial Discrimination in Southern Federal Courts R 384, 1965 April
- R 385, undated
- Voting Rights Act of 1965 R 386, 1965 April, 1965
- Denial of Right to Summon Attorney and Bondsman M 387, 1965 April
- Habeas Corpus in Sit-In Before 1964 Civil Rights Act B 388, 1965 March, 1964
- M 389, undated
- Poverty Act R 390, 1964 August
- Articles on Welfare Laws-Mandelker R 391, 1957 December
- R 392, 1967 July
- Legal Guide to State of Alabama SNCC M 393, 1965 March
- Proposed Amendments to 1965 Voting Bill M 394, 1965 June, 1965
- R 395, 1967 July
- M 397, undated
- Police Brutality California And Other States M 399, 1965 May
- Impeaching Your Own Witness (California) M 396, 1965 May
- Legal Difficulties in Low-Income Communities LSCRRC Research Guide M 398, 1964 December
- Capital Punishment-Rape Survey, 1965
- M 538, 1965 July
- Welfare Proc. Safeguards Increased by Changes in Regulating Government Fair Hearing M 538, undated
- Poverty Recommendations for a Legal Education Program for the Poor M 529, undated
- Poverty See Welfare M 540, undated
- Poverty Selected Cases on Poverty From Civil Liberties Docket R 541, undated
- M 542, undated
- Procedure Whether Judge Who Succeeds Sentencing Judge Can Reduce Sent O 543, 1966 February
- Housing Natural Capital Area Civil Liberties Union Report on the Landlord Tenant Council M 544, undated
- M 545, undated
- Injunctions I. Requirement of Bond on an Injunction II. Convening a 3 Judicial Panel to test the Constitution M 545, undated
- Juries Jury Discrimination in Ga. M 547, 1966 January
- Meeting of North Carolina City Boards of Education Required by Law Open to Public M 548, 1965 December
- Voting A Note on the Purging of Registration Books in North Carolina M 549, undated
- Education Paper: Chi's Washburne Trade School: A Delegation of Social Discrimination M 550, undated
- Employment A Consideration of Preferential Seniority Rights for Negro Employees M 550, 1965 December
- Bail Education Courts State Bail Procedure & 8th Amendment M 551, undated
- Education Prosecution Under Louisiana Compulsory Attendance Statute M 553, undated
- Criminal Law American Civil Liberties Union Brief-Amicus Curiae US Supreme Court Regarding: Counsel During Police Interrogations Requested and Protestors Privileges Against Self-Incrimination B 554, undated
- Civil Rights Act-64 Not Place of Public Accommodation B 555, 1965 December
- Housing Paper-Anti Open Occupancy Legislation: an Historical Anomaly M 557, undated
- Political Action Mississippi State Law Governing Nomination and Election of Candidate M 558, 1966
- Counsel See: Criminal Law B 559, 1965 October
- Education Paper on Compensatory Education in San Francisco M 560, undated
- Procedure Subpoena Duces Tecum Not Available Material Into New Document O 561, undated
- Discrimination Exclusion of Negroes from Louisiana State Education of Embalmers-State Action M 562, undated
- M 562, 1967 July
- M 563, 1965 March
- Statutes Relating to Consumer Referral Contracts in Installment Sales M 563, undated
- Voting 4 of Voting Rights Act of '65 as Applied to Halifax County, N.C. M 564, 1965 November
- Counsel Canons of Ethic & New York Law Regarding Act of Legislation Research Council M 565, 1965 November
- M 566, undated
- Injunction Complaint by Viet Nam Day Comm. Seeking injunction Versus City of Oakland Interference with March B 567, undated
- Federal Jurisdiction Brief Opposition to Motion by City of Americus, Georgia. To Remand States Basis For Removal B 568, undated
- Federal Jurisdiction Removal Petition Where Defendant Charged With "Circulation, Insurrectionary Literature" B 569, 1965 November
- Survey of Remuneration Systems for Justice of Peace in Various States M 570, 1965 November
- Political Action Political Activity and Tax Exempt Organizations M 571, 1965 October
- First Amendment can Board of Education of Liverpool, Cali Require ACLU to File Prior "Statement of Info" to Use School for Meeting M 572, 1965
- Statutes Commentary on Uniform Civil Rights Act, undated
- M 574, 1966 June
- Fourteenth Amendment Reapportionment., Compilation of Cases Where Court Shortened Legislative Sessions M 575, undated
- Demonstrations 1851 if New York Penal Law "Resisting Public Officer" M 576, 1965 July, 1851
- Housing Tentative Draft of Lease F 578, 1965 November
- Poverty Community Action Project in Black Belt of Alabama M 580, undated
- Demonstration Jurisdiction State and Federal Governments Cases in Situations Similar to That Existing Between the Port of Oakland and the United States Army as to the Land Proposed to be Used by the Vietnam Day Committee for a Teach-In, undated
- M 579, 1965
- Injunction From District Court of the United States for Middle District of Georgia-Enjoining Prosecution and Segregation Practices O-578, undated
- M 581, undated
- Criminal Law Joining a Criminal Conspiracy M 582, undated
- Statutes See Criminal Law M 583, undated
- Counsel Criminal Law Federal Juries B 584A, 1965 October
- Counsel B 584, 1965 September
- Injunction Is Declaratory Relief Available Where Injunctive Relief Is Not? (See memo on same by John Lang) M 585, 1965 October
- Federal Jurisdiction Removal of Federal Court City of Greenwood Versus Peacock M 586, 1964
- Federal Jurisdiction Removal-Carmichael Case M 587, undated
- Civil Suits Recovery of Costs in Civil Suits in Federal District Court M 588, undated
- Injunction Possible federal Injunctions in Defense of Watts riot cases M 589, undated
- Juries Injunctive relief From Discriminatory selection of Juries M 590, 1965 July
- Bibliographies Civil Liberties Docket R 591, 1965 April
- Civil Rights Act-64 See: Employment M 592, 1964
- Criminal Law Memo on Burnett appeals M 593, undated
- Bibliographies Including Fund-Docket Report R 594, 1965 September
- Housing Against City Anti-Open Occupancy Ordinance M 595, 1965 May
- Counsel Matters Pertaining to Provisional Counsel for ACME (NSM) in Detroit M 596, undated
- First Amendment Draft Brief-Street Trades Ordinances Regarding Detroit NSN M 598, undated
- Procedure Draft Memo Brief for Consolidation of trials Regarding ACME-Detroit M 599, 1965 July
- Counsel: Role of Legal Aid in Detroit M 600, undated
- Criminal Law Brief for Traffic Court Referee-Detroit and Brief in Court of Appeals of Michigan B 601, 1965
- Fourteenth Amendment See Civil Rights Act-64 B 602, undated
- Civil Rights Act-64 Complaint Federal District Court of Maryland end Segregation in Volunteer Fire Department, Swimming Pool and Arena, 1965 July
- Injunction Motion Seeking Temporary Restraining Order Against Enforcement of Anti-picketing Ordinance Federal District Court-Charleston, South Carolina, 1965 September
- Employment Complaint to Department of Army of Discrimination by US Steel in Job Promotions B 604, 1965
- R 605, undated
- Poverty Securing C.A.P. Grant in Bolivar County, Mississippi M 606, undated
- Procedure Memo on Injunction Rending Application M 607, undated
- Housing Opinion of General Attorney of Wisconsin Claiming Lack of Authority of Realty Board to Revoke or Suspend ) 609, 1965 May
- Employment Use of Arrest Record in Employment in New York City and New York Supreme Court M 609, undated
- Fourteenth Amendment Proposal for National Clearing House M 610, 1965 November
- B 610, 1966 October
- A 611, undated
- M 612, undated
- C 613, undated
- M 614, undated
- B 615, 1965 December
- O 616, undated
- O 617, undated
- C 618, undated
- C 619, undated
- M 620, undated
- O 621, 1967 November
- B 622, 1967 October
- M 623, 1966 August
- M 624, 1966 June
- C 625, undated
- C 626, undated
- M 627, undated
- B 628, 1966 October
- M 629, undated
- R 630, 1966 September
- B 631, undated
- B-Pet. 632, 1968 January
- R 633, undated
- C 634, 1966 July
- R 635, undated
- R 636, undated
- B 637, undated
- M 638, 1966 July
- R 639, undated
- M 640, 1966 August
- Pet 641, 1966 January
- B 642, 1966 October
- Muhammad Ali Case B 643, undated
- R 644, 1965 December
- B 645, 1966 October
- B 646, undated
- M 647, undated
- C 648, undated
- B 649, 1965 October
- R 650, 1967 June
- R 651, 1966 June
- M 652, 1966
- M 653, 1967 June
- R 654, undated
- M 655, undated
- C 656, undated
- C 657, undated
- M 658-662, 1966 July-1966 August
- R 663, undated
- M 664, 1966 August
- M 665, 1967
- R 666, 1966-1967
- R 667, undated
- M 668, undated
- O 669, undated
- D 670, 1966 August
- B 671, undated
- M 672-683, undated
- R 684, 1966 July
- O 685, 1966 June
- M 686, 1966 May
- R 687, 1966 August
- O 688, undated
- M 689, undated
- B 690, undated
- M 691, 1967
- R 692, 1967 July
- M 693, undated
- M 694, undated
- R 695, undated
- R 696, 1966 July
- M 697, undated
- R 698, 1966 August
- M 699, undated
- M 700, 1966 August
- B 701, 1968 July
- C 702, undated
- N 703, 1967 May
- M 704, undated
- M 705, undated
- E 706, undated
- M 707-717, 1966-1967
- R 718, undated
- R 741, 1966 November
- R 722, 1966 November
- L 720, 1967 July
- M 719, 1967 August
- M 721, undated
- M 723-726, 1966 March-1967 August
- B 727, undated
- R 728, 1967 August
- B 729, 1966 August
- R 730, 1965
- M 731-737, 1950,1967, dates not examined
- Ar 738, 1966
- R 740, undated
- M 739, 1967 August
- M 742, undated
- M 743, undated
- C 744, undated
- R 745-749, 1967 April-1967 July
- M 750, undated
- Ap 751, 1966 October
- M 752-759, 1967
- R 760, undated
- B 761-763, 1967
- M 764, 1967 June
- R 765, 1967 May
- M 766, undated
- Ans. 767, undated
- M 768, undated
- R 768, undated
- B 769, undated
- B 770, undated
- B 771, undated
- M 772, undated
- R 774, undated
- M 775-779, 1967 July, undated, 1967
- R 780, 1967 June
- M 781, undated
- M 782-785, 1967 August, undated, 1967
- R 786, 1967
- R 787, 1967
- M 788-798, 1967 July-1967 August, undated, 1967
- R 799, undated
- M 800, 1966 March
- M 801, undated
- O 802, undated
- R 803, undated
- M 804, undated
- C 805, undated
- C 806, 1967 July
- R 807, undated
- M 808, 1967 October
- M 809, 1966 November
- C 810, undated
- M 811-815, 1966
- Pet 815, 1967
- C 816, 1966 August
- R 817, 1966 August
- C 818, undated
- M 819, undated
- R 820, 1966 July
- R 821, 1966 June
- B 822, 1966 August
- M 823, 1966 August
- C 824, undated
- R 825, undated
- C 826, 1966 July
- R 827, undated
- C 828, undated
- M 829, 1966 August
- B 830, undated
- M 831-835, 1966 June, undated, 1966
- R 836, undated
- M 837, 1964 July
- R 838, undated
- B 839, undated
- B 840, 1965
- M 841, undated
- M 842, undated
- R 843, 1965 June
- M 844-847, undated
- By Robert Swift M 848, 1968 July
- By Dick McMillin R 849, undated
- By Mike Kima M 850, undated
- By David Kenyon Af 851, undated
- By David Kenyon M 852, undated
- C 852, undated
- By David Rowan M 854, 1968 August
- By Don Stern M 855, 1968
- By William Hodge M 856, undated
- R 857, 1966
- By Ed Brunet M 858, 1968 July
- By Pat Maxwell Pet 859, 1966 July
- By Ed Brunet M 860, 1968 July
- By Sean Murphy M 861-64, undated
- By Marvin Goldsteien M 864, 1968 August
- By Ronald Plesser M 865-868, 1968 August
- By David Kenyon M 869, 1968 August
- By David Kenyon M 870, 1968 August
- By Sarah Gold R 871, 1968 July
- By Karen Justin M 872, 1968 July
- By Sarah Gold R 873, undated
- By Beth Liversen M 874, 1968
- By Susan Calkins M 875, 1968 July
- By Susan Calkins M 876, 1968 June
- By Mike Kina M 877, 1968 June
- By Ed Brunet R 878, 1968 June
- By Richard Weiss of Steve Sheller's Office M 879, undated
- M 880, 1964
- By Larry Schonbrun M 881, 1968 July
- By Awaldman M 882, undated
- A of E 883, undated
- By David Sharon M 884, 1968 July
- By Robert Stewart M 885, undated
- By Ann Cummings C 886, undated
- By D. Blodgett M 887, 1968 July
- C 888, undated
- By Larry Schonbrun M 889, 1968 June
- By Larry Schonbrun M 890, 1968 July
- By Steve Sheller's Office B 891, 1968 July
- By Steve Sheller's Office B 892, 1962 February
- By Steve Sheller's Office M 893, undated
- R 894, 1968 June
- M 895, 1968 July
- R 896-900, undated
- M 901, undated
- M 902, undated
- Pet 903, 1968 August
- R 904, 1968 August
- R 905, 1968 July
- M 906, undated
- M 907, undated
- R 908, 1968 July
- R 909, 1968 July
- M 910-916, 1968 July, undated, 1968
- C 917, undated
- Obj 918, undated
- C 919, 1968 July
- M 920-922, 1968 July, undated, 1968
- Mo 923, undated
- C 924, undated
- Pet-O 925, undated
- Pet 926, undated
- Pet 927, undated
- Mo 927, undated
- M 928, undated
- R 929, 1968 July
- R 930, undated
- M 931-933, 1968 June, undated, 1968
- C 934, undated
- M 935, undated
- M 936, undated
- R 937, undated
- C 938, undated
- Mo 939, undated
- M 940, undated
- R-C-M 941, undated
- M 942, undated
- Pet 943, 1968
- M 944, undated
- Mo 946, undated
- M 947-951, undated
- B 951, undated
- M 952, undated
- C 953-955, 1968
- B 957, 1968 May
- M 958, undated
- M 959, 1968 August
- M 960, undated
- R 961-972, 1963 December-1967 July
- M 973, undated
- M 974, undated
- R 975-983, 1965 July, undated, 1965
- M 984, undated
- Notice of Appeal 985, undated
- 986, undated
- C 987, undated
- R 988, undated
- Application 989-991, undated
- R 992-996, 1968
- B 991, 1968 July
- M 998, undated
- M 999, undated
- Requests for Memos From Research File, 1966 October
- Filing List, undated
- Damages Suit Under 28 USCA 1983 Et Al. B 275, 1964 August, 1983
- Complaint in Harris and Gordon Versus McDuffie B 188, 1964 August
- Whether a Jewish Real Estate Broker Has a Legal Remedy for Denial of Membership to Board M 102, 1964 February
- Brief for Appellants for Moses Versus Kennedy (D.C. Circuit) B 103, 1963 August
- M 106, 1967 August
- Briefs City of Danville Versus Baines B 109, 1963 July
- Analysis of Judiciary in Federal Courts on Civil Rights in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi M 110, 1963 September
- Complaints and NAACP Brief in Americus Case B 111, 1963 October
- Briefs and Papers From Poole Versus Barnett (Mississippi) B 112, 1963 October
- Amicus Curiae Brief in Rabinowitz v. U.S., 1964 February
- M 116, undated
- Paper and Comments on Regulating Discrimination in Public Accommodation R118, 1963 November
- Comments on Paper on Discrimination in Private Housing R 119, 1963 November
- Paper on Job Equality R 120, 1963 November
- Papers and Comments on The Constitution and Job Description R 121, 1963 November
- Paper and Comments on Discrimination in Education, undated
- M 123, 1967 August
- Brief for Defendant in People Versus Fawcett (New York)B 124, 1964 October
- M 125, undated
- Memo Post-1961 Changes in State Election Laws M 127, 1964 May
- Memo 28 USCA 1342 is Not Applicable to Johnson Versus Stevenson, 1964 June, 1342
- M 129, undated
- MEMO Private Action Under 2nd Section of 14th Amendment Justifiability M 134, undated
- M 135, 1967 July
- MEMO Application of the Exclusionary Rule of Evidence in Civil Proceeding M 136, 1965
- M 137, 1965 July
- B 138, undated
- Brief and Opinion of Young Versus Davis B 139, 1963 August
- Complaint and Progress Report on Gaynor Versus Rockefeller M 140, 1964 June
- Complaint in Gray Versus Mississippi (Class Action on Vote Deprivation) B 141, 1964 June
- Complaint in McReynolds and Pappenheim Versus Christenberry B 142, 1964 May
- Memo on Breach of Peace Motion for an Advised Verdict (California) M 143, undated
- MEMO Higher Court Supervision of Lower Courts in U.S. History, undated
- House and Senate Proposed Resolution to Enforce (2) of 14th Amendment and Comments R 145, 1963 June
- MEMO Does the Youthful Offenders law of New York convey any rights to those covered M 147, 1964 June
- MEMO Defenses under Section 2036, 2092 (2) and 722 (2) of the Penal Code of New York State M 148, 1964 June, 2036, 2092
- Procedure for Complaints Against Police in New York City R 151, 1964
- Biographies and Civil Rights Voting Records of 82 Senators R 153, 1964 May
- Mississippi Laws Against Civil Rights Activity Summer 1964 M 154, 1964 August, 1964
- Information Concerning the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party R 155, 1964 June
- M 161, 1967 July
- House Committee on Un-American Activities M 163, 1967 December
- M 167, 1967 July
- Gray and Wallace Versus Johnson Et Al B 166, 1964 June
- State of Louisiana Williams Versus Clemmons (Habeas Application) B 167, 1964 July
- M 169, undated
- M 170, 1967 July
- Memo on the Power of the Federal Government to Intervene in Mississippi (Professor Howe) R 171, 1964
- Procedure and Forms for a Certificate of Reasonable Doubt in New York F 172, undated
- Memo, undated
- Basic Supreme Court Demonstration Cases M 173, 1964 July
- Section 1530 Public Nuisance, of the New York Penal Code M 174, 1974 July, 1530
- Advancement of Appeal and Motion to Enjoin in Appellate Federal Court M 175, 1974 July
- Availability of Coram Nobis in New York Criminal Cases, undated
- Papers in United Church of Christ Petition to Intervene in Federal Communication Commission Renewal Hearing B 177, 1964 May
- Complaint in Desegregation of Ouachita Parish Library System B 178, 1964 March
- Brief and Opinion in Allen Versus State (Jury Exclusion) B 179, 1964 August
- M 183, 1967 July
- Memo: Retroactivity of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Sit-ins Cases M 184, 1964 August, 1964
- Memo: Whether opinion persuasive when appeal had been dismissed M 185, undated
- Mississippi Practice and Procedure Manual R 186, 1963 November
- Motion to Quash Venire Facias and Notice of Appeal in Commonwealth Versus Lonzer Et Al., undated
- Harris and Gordon Versus Honorable D. J. McDuffin Complaint for Damages, undated
- Complaint in Jelks Et Al Versus Perez B 189, 1964July, dates not examined
- R 190, undated
- R 191, undated
- United States Supreme Court of Danville, Virginia: Foss and Rollins Versus Lyons, Newell, Reynolds, and Price B 190, 1963
- Enforcement of State Laws and Municipal Ordinance in Housing and Health M 192, 1964 March
- Sit-ins-Business Torts M 193, 1964 January
- Technicalities as a Basis for Denial of Review in Alabama M 194, 1963 November
- Voting-Primary Election Statutes 13 Section 3114 Mississippi M 195, 1963 January
- Proof of Intent as an Element of Burglary and of Assault with Intent M 196, 1964 January
- R 197, undated
- Deprivation of Constitutional Rights Versus Exhaustion of Administration Remedies M 198, 1964 January
- Northern School Integration Litigation M 199, 1964 January
- Right to a Public Criminal Trial M 200, 1964 April
- Lampkin Versus Hodge Section 2 of 14th Amendment; Preliminary Questions M 201, 1964 March
- Peace Bonds and Bonds for Good Behavior M 202, 1964 September
- Removal petitions M 203, 1964 August
- R 204, 1966 July
- M 205, undated
- Civil Contempt M 206, 1964 August
- California Unlawful Assembly M 207, 1964 August
- Arkansas Election Law M 208, 1964 October
- Legality of Recording Telephone Conversations M 209, undated
- Mississippi Versus Bob Moses; Breach of Peace and Obstructing Traffic M 210, 1964 May
- Shareholder's Action Regarding Hiring and Trade Practice of Corps M 211, 1964 February
- Memo and Notes on the Federal Communication Commission Fairness Doctrine M 130, 1964 June
- M 331, 1964 July
- Memo on Mutual Aid and Co-op Between Civil Rights Groups and Military Base Commanders M 131, undated
- Brief on Motion to Dismiss People Versus Collins Reply Brief M 132, 1964 May
- De Facto Segregation in Employment M 214, 1964 January
- Huntington, New York Sit-In M 215, 1964 March
- Group Prejudice as Grounds for Change on Venue in a Criminal Proceeding M 216, 1964 February
- Pfetfer etc., Report on 20 State Agencies and the Laws They Administer R 217, 1961 December
- Ex Parte Injunction M 218, 1964 January
- M 219, undated
- Three-Judge-Courts-Defenses M 220, undated
- Involuntary Commitment to Bellevue R 221, 1964 September
- Civil Rights Acts of 1964-Gloss and Commentary M 222, 1964 August
- Federal Criminal Action Under 18 United States Code 241; Elm City Case M 223, 1964
- Lesbianism; Right to Counsel and Insufficient Notice in Indictment B 224, 1964
- Remedy for Protection of Civil Rights Workers Peace Bonds M 225, 1964 January
- Issuing of Write of Mandamus in Fidler Versus Kurtis M 226, 1963 November
- Prejury Indictment "In Substance" M 227, undated
- Constitutionality of Rule 23 (a) of the FROP M 228, undated
- Accused Complain of Exclusionary Practices in Choosing of a State Jury M 229, 1964 March
- M 230, 1965 December
- The Problem of Alabama Anti-Boycott Statute M 231, 1963 January
- In Grant Removal Should the Court Look at Situation Today or When Petition was Filed M 232, 1964 January
- Disobeying Illegal Injunctions M 233, 1964 March
- M 234, 1966 May
- Appearance of Out-of-State Council in Mississippi M 235, 1964 January
- M 236, 1966September, dates not examined
- Federal Habeus Corpus Exclusion of Negroes from the Grand Jury M 237, 1964 January
- Permissible Political Action in Federal Elections M 238, 1964 January
- M 240, 1967 August
- M 241, 1967 August
- Dombrowski Versus Pfister M 242, 1964 September
- Violence M 243, 1964 January
- Rabinowitz Versus United States M 244, 1964 June
- Criminal Action in the Elm City Case M 245, 1964 January
- Buddy Teager Et Al; Common Law Solicitations M 246, 1964 July
- M 247, undated
- Request for Admission of Fact Rule 36 (Los Angeles Code of Civil Procedures 1496) M 248, 1964 July
- Louisiana Civil Jury M 249, 1964 August
- Standing of White to Sue Under Unrah Act 352 California Civil Code M 250, 1964 January
- Interrogatories and Defense to Answering Saive M 251, 1964 January
- M 252, 1967 July
- People of California Versus Appelments B 253, 1964 May
- Boldan Versus Allen and Allen B 254, 1964 August
- M 256, 1967 July
- M 257, undated
- Campbell, Lonzer, and Walker Versus Virginia B 258, 1963 October
- Right to Bail in Mississippi Court Contempt Proceeding M 259, 1964 December
- Administrative Enforcement Process of the State Anti-Discrimination Agencies M 260, 1964 November
- The Right to Trial by Jury M 262, 1964 November
- Memorandum on Existing Federal Civil Rights Authority R 262, 1964 June
- Castle, Et Al Versus Schweggman Brothers Giant Supermarkets, Incorporated B 263, 1964 August
- Heart of Atlanta Motel Versus United States of America; Willis Et Al Versus Pickrick Restaurant B 265, 1965 July
- Brief for Plaintiffs in Crawford Versus Jackson and King Versus Birmingham B 266, 1966 July
- Dennis Et Al Versus Johnson Et Al B 267, 1964 August
- Dresner Et Al Versus City of Tallahassee B 268, 1963 October
- Griffin Et Al Versus State and County Boards of Education of Virginia B 268, 1964 August
- Hattiesburg Versus Hartfield (Opinion in Assault and Battery Case.) M 270, 1964 July
- Hughes Versus City of Danville B 271, 1964 August
- Plummer Et Al Versus Brock Et Al B 272, 1964 August
- Plaquemine, Louisiana and Dupont Annex Case (Memo) M 273, 1964 July
- New York State Versus Joachim Prinz Et Al B 274, 1964 July
- Employment Civil Suits B 275, undated
- Lampkin Versus Hodges M 276, 1964 November
- Property Law Approach to the Sit-in Cases M 277, 1964 January
- List of Cases in United States Supreme Court in Which NAACP Participated as Counsel 1954-1963 M 283, 1963 December, 1954-1963
- Mardon Walker Versus Georgia Defense-in-Error, Sit-in issues: B 284, 1964 August
- Americus Case Repeal by Georgia Anti-subversion Act M 285, 1963 October
- Inadequate Supervision De-Segregation in Northern Integration Proceeding M 286, 1964 May
- Methodist Church; Action by Northern ministers Against Jackson, Mississippi Church M 287, undated
- Weight of Evidence During Trial as Grounds for New Trial B 288, undated
- Simple Negligence Case B 289, 1964 August
- Schuck Versus City of Danville B 290, 1964 August
- Shorey Versus Warden (search and seizure) B 291, 1964
- Smith Versus Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission B 292, 1964 July
- Ozell Sutton Versus Bryant B 293, 1964 July
- Regarding Sam Tucker; Disbarment Procedure Proceeding B 294, 1964 August
- Whitfield Versus University of Arkansas B 295, 1964 August
- Williams and Bolden Versus Connell B 296, 1964 August
- State of Louisiana Ex Relatione Williams Versus Hanchey B 297, 1964 July
- M 298, 1967 July
- Bibliography-Civil Rights in the South R 299, undated
- Information Concerning House Judiciary Committee Members R 300, 1964
- Bibliography-Civil Rights in the North R 301, 1963 November
- Leading Cases in Civil Rights R 302, 1964 June
- New York Legislation on Discrimination R 303, 1964 July
- Possible Areas of Discrimination Involving Federal Programs-Appendix R 304, 1963 December
- Higgs: Washington Human Rights Project Research R 305, 1963 November
- 1. Prisoner Maltreatment; 2. Treatment of State Prisoners; 3. Mistreated State Prisoners M 278, 1964 April
- Study on Juvenile Courts in the South M 279, undated
- Permanent Continuance Based on Statements by Governors and Mayor in Demonstration M 280, 1964 April
- Removal Kit F 306, 1963 August
- Newsletters from Leadership Conference on Civil Rights R 313, 1964 December
- The Tort of Insult and The Innkeeper's Duty at Common Law M 314, 1965 January
- M 315-318, 1966 October-1967 June, undated, 1966
- Memos, etc prepared by Interns, 1969
- M, 1000
- R, 1001, 1968
- R, 1002, 1968
- M, 1003, 1966
- R, 1004-1006, 1967-1968
- M, 1007
- R, 1008
- M, 1009
- R, 1010-1013, 1966-1968
- M, 1014
- Af, 1015, 1968
- C, 1016
- M, 1017-1019, 1968
- R, 1020, 1965
- First Amendment M, 1025
- Housing Discrimination 14th Amendment M, 1026, 1964
- Pet M, 1022, 1967
- State Anti-Miscegenation M, 1027, 1965
- Counsel Regarding: Watts Riot Cases M, 1028
- M, 1029-1032, 1968
- R, 1021
- M, 1023-1024
- R, 1033
- M, 1034-1037, 1968
- B, 1038
- M, 1039
- Pet, 1040
- Pet, 1041
- Let, 1042, 1968
- M, 1043-1050, 1968
- O and C, 1051
- M, 1052-1054
- B and Pet, 1055, 1968
- M, 1056
- Pet, 1057
- M, 1058-1080, 1968
- Legal and Financial Materials, 1961-1987
- General Case Files, 1968-1969
- Series 3: Correspondence Files, 1967-1987
- Series 4: Pro Bono Publico Benefit and Award, 1972-1980
- Series 5: Proposals, Grants, and Fundraising, 1963-1986
- Series 6: Regional and Chapter Organization, 1961-1994
- Series 7: Summer Internship Program, 1964-1987
- 1997 Addition: Levy, Gutman, Goldberg and Kaplan internship files, 1976-1987
- 2016 Addition: "An Evaluation of the Law Students Civil Rights Research Council" by Melvin Wulf, 1977 October
M, 1039
- Collection Creator:
- Law Students Civil Rights Research Council (U.S.)
- Dates:
- 1039
- Located In:
- Box 12, Folder 19
- Extent:
- 1 folder
- Languages:
- English
- Conditions Governing Access
Materials in Subseries 7B: Intern Personnel Files are restricted for 75 years due to the presence of sensitive personal information. All other materials in this collection are open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Credit this material:
M; Law Students Civil Rights Research Council Records, MC070, Public Policy Papers, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (mudd): Box 12
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Pete Asch in 2008. Finding aid written by Pete Asch in August 2008.
Collection Overview
Collection Description & Creator Information
- Arrangement
Arranged roughly by case number.
Collection History
- Appraisal
No materials were separated from the collection during processing in 2008 or in 2016.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Pete Asch in 2008. Finding aid written by Pete Asch in August 2008.
Access & Use
- Conditions Governing Access
Materials in Subseries 7B: Intern Personnel Files are restricted for 75 years due to the presence of sensitive personal information. All other materials in this collection are open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
M; Law Students Civil Rights Research Council Records, MC070, Public Policy Papers, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (mudd): Box 12
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- Related Materials
Collections at the Mudd Manuscript Library of particular relevance to the Law Students Civil Rights Research Council are the American Civil Liberties Union Records, which shared office space with the LSCRRC and often cooperated on cases and programs.
- Bibliography
The following sources were consulted during preparation of the organizational history: Tobol, Amy Ruth (1999). Badge of Honor: The Law Students Civil Rights Research Council. (Doctoral Dissertation, State University of New York, Buffalo, 1999). Materials from the Law Students Civil Rights Research Council Records, 1961-1987; Public Policy Papers, Special Collections, Princeton University Library.
- Names:
- Law Students Civil Rights Research Council (U.S.)