Contents and Arrangement

Committees, 1917 September-October

1 folder

Collection Overview

Collection Description & Creator Information


Arranged chronologically by loan issue and then numerically by Federal Reserve District.

Collection History


No materials were separated from this collection during processing in 2008.

Processing Information

This collection was processed by Adriane Hanson, Clelia Douyon and Grace Loro in 2008. Finding aid written by Adriane Hanson in August 2008.

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Collection is open for research use.

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Credit this material:

Committees; Liberty Loan Committee Records, MC089, Public Policy Papers, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library

Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library
65 Olden Street
Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
(609) 258-6345
Storage Note:
  • Mudd Manuscript Library (mudd): Box 9

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Related Materials

The Mudd Manuscript Library holds many collections related to World War I, including the papers of government officials, soldiers, journalists, individuals involved in aid work, peace negotiations and the economic rebuilding of Europe, and collected materials related to the war. Researchers wishing to access these collections should search for the subject "World War, 1914-1918" or related terms in the Princeton University Library Finding Aids website. Collections at the Mudd Manuscript Library of particular relevance to the Liberty Loan Committee Records include the Papers of the Woodrow Wilson Project Records and other collections on Wilson, and the papers of Secretary of War Lindley M. Garrison, Secretary of State Robert Lansing, Chairman of the Commission on Training Camp Activities Raymond Blaine Fosdick, and the Carey Cartoon Collection on foreign policy issues during World War I.

Related collections at other institutions include records on the Liberty Loans within the United States Treasury and other department records at the National Archives, a small collection of records of the Four Minute Men (who disseminated information on Liberty Loan campaigns) at the Tennessee State Library and Archives, and a small collection of records of the Bronx Liberty Loan Committee at the New York Historical Society.


The following sources were consulted during the preparation of the organizational history: The ABC of the Federal Reserve System by Edwin W. Kemmerer. Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey, 1936. "History Lesson: Loans for Nearly Everyone" by James Grant. Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, June 6, 1992. A History of the Federal Reserve by Allan H. Meltzer. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 2003. "Liberty Loan Triumph Seen Ten Years After" by Carson H. Hathaway. The New York Times, May 8, 1927.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System U.S.
National War Savings Committee (U.S.)
Strong, Benjamin (1872-1928)