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- Adamic, Louis, dates not examined
- Adams, Franklin P., dates not examined
- Adams, James Truslow, dates not examined
- Ade, George, dates not examined
- Aiken, Conrad, dates not examined
- Anderson, Maxwell, dates not examined
- Anderson, Sherwood, dates not examined
- Beard, Mary R., dates not examined
- Beebe, William, dates not examined
- Bemelmans, Ludwig, dates not examined
- Benchley, Robert, dates not examined
- Benet, Stephen Vincent, dates not examined
- Benet, William Rose, dates not examined
- This is My Best: Ballots, dates not examined
- Bowers, Claude G., dates not examined
- Boyle, Kay, dates not examined
- Bromfield, Louis, dates not examined
- Brooks, Van Wyck, dates not examined
- Buck, Pearl S., dates not examined
- Cabell, James Branch, dates not examined
- Caldwell, Erskine, dates not examined
- Callaghan, Morley, dates not examined
- Canby, Henry Seidel, dates not examined
- Cather, Willa, dates not examined
- Chamberlain, John, dates not examined
- Chase, Mary Ellen, dates not examined
- Chase, Stuart, dates not examined
- Cobb, Irvin S., dates not examined
- Coffin, Robert P. Tristram, dates not examined
- Corwin, Norman, dates not examined
- Cozzens, James Gould, dates not examined
- Cummings, E. E., dates not examined
- De Kruif, Paul, dates not examined
- De Voto, Bernard, dates not examined
- Dewey, John, dates not examined
- Doolittle, Hilda, dates not examined
- Dreiser, Theodore, dates not examined
- Edman, Irwin, dates not examined
- Farrell, James T., dates not examined
- Faulkner, William, dates not examined
- Ferber, Edna, dates not examined
- Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, dates not examined
- Frost, Robert, dates not examined
- Gannett, Lewis, dates not examined
- Gibbs, Wolcott, dates not examined
- Glasgow, Ellen, dates not examined
- Gunther, John, dates not examined
- Hellman, Lillian, dates not examined
- Hemingway, Ernest, dates not examined
- Hergesheimer, Joseph, dates not examined
- Holloway, Emory, dates not examined
- Hughes, Langston, dates not examined
- Jeffers, Robinson, dates not examined
- Kreymborg, Alfred, dates not examined
- Krutch, Joseph Wood, dates not examined
- Leacock, Stephen, dates not examined
- Lewis, Sinclair, dates not examined
- Lippmann, Walter, dates not examined
- Mac Leish, Archibald, dates not examined
- Marquand, John P., dates not examined
- Masters, Edgar Lee, dates not examined
- Mencken H. L., dates not examined
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent, dates not examined
- Millikan, Robert A., dates not examined
- Moore, Marianne, dates not examined
- Morley, Christopher, dates not examined
- Nash, Ogden, dates not examined
- Nathan, George Jean, dates not examined
- Nathan, Robert, dates not examined
- Nevins, Allan, dates not examined
- Odets, Clifford, dates not examined
- O'Neill, Eugene, dates not examined
- Parker, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Peattie, Donald C., dates not examined
- Perelman, S. J., dates not examined
- Porter, Katherine Anne, dates not examined
- Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, dates not examined
- Repplier, Agnes, dates not examined
- Rice, Elmer, dates not examined
- Richter, Conrad, dates not examined
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., dates not examined
- Rukeyser, Muriel, dates not examined
- Sandburg, Carl, dates not examined
- Santayana, George, dates not examined
- Saroyan, William, dates not examined
- Shaw, Irwin, dates not examined
- Sheean, Vincent, dates not examined
- Sherwood, Robert E., dates not examined
- Shirer, William L., dates not examined
- Sinclair, Upton, dates not examined
- Skinner, Cornelia Otis, dates not examined
- Steinbeck, John, dates not examined
- Stevens, Wallace, dates not examined
- Stuart, Jesse, dates not examined
- Sullivan, Frank, dates not examined
- Tarkington, Booth, dates not examined
- This is My Best: Notes (Pre-publication), dates not examined
- This is My Best: Notes (Post-publication), dates not examined
- This is My Best: Clippings, dates not examined
- Thompson, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Thurber, James, dates not examined
- Untermeyer, Louis, dates not examined
- Van Doren, Carl, dates not examined
- Van Doren, Mark, dates not examined
- Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, dates not examined
- Van Paassen, Pierre, dates not examined
- White, E. B., dates not examined
- White, William Allen, dates not examined
- Wilder, Thornton, dates not examined
- Williams, William Carlos, dates not examined
- Wilson, Edmund, dates not examined
- Woollcott, Alexander, dates not examined
- Wright, Richard, dates not examined
- Young, Stark, dates not examined
- Aiken, Conrad, dates not examined
- Anderson, Maxwell, dates not examined
- Aragon, Louis, dates not examined
- Asch, Sholem, dates not examined
- Atherton, Gertrude, dates not examined
- Auden, W. H., dates not examined
- Aurobindo, Sri, dates not examined
- Azuela, Mariano, dates not examined
- Baroja, Pio, dates not examined
- Belloc, Hilaire, dates not examined
- Bemelmans, Ludwig, dates not examined
- Benet, William Rose, dates not examined
- Bowen, Elizabeth, dates not examined
- Bromfield, Louis, dates not examined
- Brooks, Van Wyck, dates not examined
- Buck, Pearl S., dates not examined
- Bunin, Ivan, dates not examined
- Cabell, James Branch, dates not examined
- Caldwell, Erskine, dates not examined
- Callaghan, Morley, dates not examined
- Camus, Albert, dates not examined
- Canby, Henry Seidel, dates not examined
- Chase, Mary Ellen, dates not examined
- Churchill, Winston, dates not examined
- Claudel, Paul, dates not examined
- Cocteau, Jean, dates not examined
- Coffin, Robert P. Tristram, dates not examined
- Colette, dates not examined
- Colum, Padraic, dates not examined
- Coward, Noel, dates not examined
- Croce, Benedetto, dates not examined
- Cronin, A. J., dates not examined
- De La Mare, Walter, dates not examined
- De La Roche, Mazo, dates not examined
- De Voto, Bernard, dates not examined
- Dewey, John, dates not examined
- Dinesen, Isak, dates not examined
- Dos Passos, John, dates not examined
- Dunsany, Lord, dates not examined
- Edman, Irwin, dates not examined
- Ehrenburg, Ilya, dates not examined
- Einstein, Albert, dates not examined
- Eliot, T. S., dates not examined
- Erskine, John, dates not examined
- Farrell, James T., dates not examined
- Faulkner, William, dates not examined
- Ferber, Edna, dates not examined
- Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, dates not examined
- Forster, E. M., dates not examined
- Frost, Robert, dates not examined
- Gide, Andre, dates not examined
- Green, Julian, dates not examined
- Greene, Graham, dates not examined
- Gunther, John, dates not examined
- Hamsun, Knut, dates not examined
- Hemingway, Ernest, dates not examined
- Hergesheimer, Joseph, dates not examined
- Hersey, John, dates not examined
- Hesse, Hermann, dates not examined
- Hu, Shih, dates not examined
- Huxley, Aldous, dates not examined
- Huxley, Julian, dates not examined
- Jeffers, Robinson, dates not examined
- Jensen, Johannes V., dates not examined
- Joad, C. E. M., dates not examined
- Koestler, Arthur, dates not examined
- Lamont, William H. F., dates not examined
- Laxness, Halldor, dates not examined
- Lewis, Sinclair, dates not examined
- Lin, Yutang, dates not examined
- Ludwig, Emil, dates not examined
- Mac Leish, Archibald, dates not examined
- Madariaga, Salvador de, dates not examined
- Mallea, Eduardo, dates not examined
- Malraux, Andre, dates not examined
- Mann, Thomas, dates not examined
- Maritain, Jacques, dates not examined
- Marquand, John, dates not examined
- Martin du Gard, Roger, dates not examined
- Masefield, John, dates not examined
- Masters, Edgar Lee, dates not examined
- Maugham, William Somerset, dates not examined
- Mauriac, Francois, dates not examined
- Maurois, Andre, dates not examined
- Mencken, H. L., dates not examined
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent, dates not examined
- Milne, A. A., dates not examined
- Mistral, Gabriela, dates not examined
- Molnar, Ferenc, dates not examined
- Morley, Christopher, dates not examined
- Mumford, Lewis, dates not examined
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, dates not examined
- Neruda, Pablo, dates not examined
- Noyes, Alfred, dates not examined
- O'Casey, Sean, dates not examined
- O'Flaherty, Liam, dates not examined
- O'Hara, Mary, dates not examined
- Olbracht, Ivan, dates not examined
- O'Neill, Eugene, dates not examined
- Ortega y Gasset, Jose, dates not examined
- Papini, Giovanni, dates not examined
- Parker, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Peattie, Donald Culross, dates not examined
- Perse, St. John, dates not examined
- Porter, Katherine Anne, dates not examined
- Priestley, J. B., dates not examined
- Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, dates not examined
- Remarque, Erich Maria, dates not examined
- Richter, Conrad, dates not examined
- Roberts, Kenneth, dates not examined
- Romains, Jules, dates not examined
- Russell, Bertrand, dates not examined
- Sackville-West, Victoria Mary, dates not examined
- Sandburg, Carl, dates not examined
- Santayana, George, dates not examined
- Saroyan, William, dates not examined
- Sartre, Jean Paul, dates not examined
- Sassoon, Siegfried, dates not examined
- Schweitzer, Albert, dates not examined
- Scott, Evelyn, dates not examined
- Shaw, George Bernard, dates not examined
- Sheean, Vincent, dates not examined
- Sherwood, Robert Emmet, dates not examined
- Shirer, William L., dates not examined
- Sholokov, Mikhail, dates not examined
- Sikelianos, Anghelos, dates not examined
- Sillanpaa, F. E., dates not examined
- Silone, Ignazio, dates not examined
- Sinclair, Upton, dates not examined
- Sitwell, Edith, dates not examined
- Stead, Christina, dates not examined
- Steinbeck, John, dates not examined
- Stribling, T. S., dates not examined
- Stuart, Jesse, dates not examined
- Taggard, Genevieve, dates not examined
- Thompson, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Thurber, James, dates not examined
- Toynbee, Arnold J., dates not examined
- Undset, Sigrid, dates not examined
- Van Doren, Carl, dates not examined
- Van Doren, Mark, dates not examined
- Van Paassen, Pierre, dates not examined
- Waugh, Evelyn, dates not examined
- West, Rebecca, dates not examined
- White, E. B., dates not examined
- Whitehead, Alfred North, dates not examined
- Widdemer, Margaret, dates not examined
- Wilder, Thornton, dates not examined
- Wilson, Edmund, dates not examined
- Wright, Richard, dates not examined
- Publicity, dates not examined
- Authors' Ballots, dates not examined
- Other Ballots, dates not examined
- Miscellaneous Correspondence: Pre-publication, dates not examined
- Miscellaneous Correspondence: Post-publication, dates not examined
- Notes, dates not examined
- Clippings, dates not examined
- World's Best on Television, dates not examined
- Churchill, Winston, dates not examined
- Haldane, J. B. S., dates not examined
- Heisenberg, Werner, dates not examined
- Hocking, William Ernest, dates not examined
- Huxley, Aldous, dates not examined
- Jaspers, Karl, dates not examined
- Jung, C. G., dates not examined
- Madariaga, Salvador de, dates not examined
- Marcel, Gabriel, dates not examined
- Maritain, Jacques, dates not examined
- Mumford, Lewis, dates not examined
- Niebuhr, Reinhold, dates not examined
- Oppenheimer, Robert, dates not examined
- Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, dates not examined
- Russell, Bertrand, Lord, dates not examined
- Sartre, Jean Paul, dates not examined
- Schweitzer, Albert, dates not examined
- Shirer, William L., dates not examined
- Silone, Ignazio, dates not examined
- Sorokin, Pitirim A., dates not examined
- Trevelyan, G. M., dates not examined
- West, Rebecca, dates not examined
- Wright, Frank Lloyd, dates not examined
- Wright, Richard, dates not examined
- English Edition, dates not examined
- This is My Philosophy, dates not examined
- This is My Philosophy: Clippings, dates not examined
- This is My Philosophy: Miscellaneous Correspondence (Pre-publication), dates not examined
- This is My Philosophy: Miscellaneous correspondence (post-publication), dates not examined
- This is My Philosophy: Notes, dates not examined
- This is My Philosophy: Other Foreign Editions, dates not examined
- Notebooks, dates not examined
- Anderson, Sherwood, dates not examined
- Antheil, George, dates not examined
- Baylor, Donn, dates not examined
- Bemelmans, Ludwig, dates not examined
- Berriault, Gina, dates not examined
- Biro, Luglo, dates not examined
- Burnett, Hallie Southgate Abbett, dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit, dates not examined
- Burwell, Basil, dates not examined
- Christowe, Stoyan, dates not examined
- Coffin, Robert P. Tristram, dates not examined
- Coleman, Richard, dates not examined
- Corey, Lewis, dates not examined
- Davison, Edward, dates not examined
- De Vries, Peter, dates not examined
- Dunn, Bernice, dates not examined
- Dunsany, Lord, dates not examined
- Eisenberg, Frances, dates not examined
- Embrey, Josephine, dates not examined
- Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, dates not examined
- Fles, Barthold, dates not examined
- Fodor, M. W., dates not examined
- Fott, Arthur, dates not examined
- Gannett, Lewis, dates not examined
- Geoghegan, John J., dates not examined
- Gidlow, Elsa, dates not examined
- Green, Gerald, dates not examined
- Gunther, John, dates not examined
- Halliday, Charles, dates not examined
- Halliday, Charles, dates not examined
- Hand, Elizabeth Tallmadge, dates not examined
- Hayes, Dorsha, dates not examined
- Holbrook, Estelle, dates not examined
- Huxley, Aldous, dates not examined
- Keen, Raya, dates not examined
- Komroff, Manuel, dates not examined
- Laing, Dilys, dates not examined
- Landau, Annette Henkin, dates not examined
- Leary, Francis, dates not examined
- Magnes, William D., dates not examined
- Mallan, Lloyd, dates not examined
- Mann, Thomas, dates not examined
- Mantzowitz, Leo, dates not examined
- McCullers, Carson, dates not examined
- Medearis, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Medearis, Mary, dates not examined
- Moffett, Langston, dates not examined
- O'Flaherty, Liam, dates not examined
- O'Hara, Mary, dates not examined
- Oxman, Sam N., dates not examined
- Purdy, James, dates not examined
- Rodman, Howard, dates not examined
- Salinger, Jerome David, dates not examined
- Salinger, Jerome David, dates not examined
- Saroyan, William, dates not examined
- Schmitt, Gladys, dates not examined
- Schulberg, Budd, dates not examined
- Seager, Allan, dates not examined
- Shirer, Tess, dates not examined
- Shirer, William, dates not examined
- Stefandelis, Paul, dates not examined
- Stuart, Jesse, dates not examined
- Sunderlin, Sylvia Sweetman, dates not examined
- Turner, Ethel, dates not examined
- Ullman, James Ramsey, dates not examined
- Urquhart, Fred, dates not examined
- Weidman, Jerome, dates not examined
- Williams, Tennessee, dates not examined
- Wise, E. S., dates not examined
- Wright, Richard, dates not examined
- Yohannan, Nellie, dates not examined
- Ziegler, dates not examined
- Zostchenko, Mikhail, dates not examined
- Miscellaneous Manuscripts: Anonymous, undated
- Miscellaneous Correspondence, dates not examined
- Author's Workshop Proof Book, dates not examined
- Arreola, Juan Jose, dates not examined
- Ashkenazi, Touvia, dates not examined
- Berger, T. L., dates not examined
- Brookhouser, Frank, dates not examined
- Burks, Arthur J., dates not examined
- Burnett, Hallie, dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit, dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit, dates not examined
- Cary, Joyce, dates not examined
- Conner, Rearden, dates not examined
- Conrad, John, dates not examined
- Dunphy, Jack, dates not examined
- Erisman, Robert O., dates not examined
- Fifield, William, dates not examined
- Fles, Barthold, dates not examined
- Gannett, Lewis, dates not examined
- Glanville, Brian, dates not examined
- Groetsch, Robert, dates not examined
- Hubner, Robert Norman, dates not examined
- Keller, Victor, dates not examined
- Kues, Marcel, dates not examined
- Leary, Francis, dates not examined
- Lewis, Sinclair, dates not examined
- Light, Raymond, dates not examined
- Loggins, Vernon, dates not examined
- Lund, Robert, dates not examined
- Magnes, William D., dates not examined
- Maguire, R. A. J., dates not examined
- Marchand-Brown, Margaret, dates not examined
- McCleary, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Moffett, George, dates not examined
- Moscoso-Gongora, Peter, dates not examined
- Paul, Elliot, dates not examined
- Paynter, Henry, dates not examined
- Paynter, Henry, dates not examined
- Paynter, Henry, dates not examined
- Petersen, dates not examined
- Phillips, dates not examined
- Rader, Paul, dates not examined
- Schmidt, Carl F. Jr., dates not examined
- Schneider, Isidor, dates not examined
- Scott, James Ralph M. D., dates not examined
- Stoumen, Louis Clyde, dates not examined
- Strasser, G., dates not examined
- Stuart, Jesse, dates not examined
- Ullman, James M., dates not examined
- Wright, Richard, dates not examined
- Wyckoff, James, dates not examined
- Yezbak, John, dates not examined
- Unidentified Papers, dates not examined
- Atwood, Cole, dates not examined
- Austin, Alex, dates not examined
- Austin, John, dates not examined
- Barnett, Lincoln Kinnear, dates not examined
- Baro, Gene, dates not examined
- Barrington, Margaret, dates not examined
- Basham, B. J., dates not examined
- Bates, H. E., dates not examined
- Beauchamp, Catherine, dates not examined
- Berger, T. L., dates not examined
- Biro, Louis, dates not examined
- Bowen, Elizabeth, dates not examined
- Bukowski, Charles, dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit, dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit (Book Club Project), dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit (Detect the Author Project), dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit (Factual Fiction Project), dates not examined
- Burt, John, dates not examined
- Butler, W. H., dates not examined
- Carlile, Clancy, dates not examined
- Carunungan, Celso Al., dates not examined
- Chapin, Victor, dates not examined
- Connolly, John, dates not examined
- Courtright, Eugenie, dates not examined
- Daninos, Pierre, dates not examined
- Dratler, Jay, dates not examined
- Early, Donald, dates not examined
- Evia, Edgar D., dates not examined
- Field, Martin, dates not examined
- Friedlander, Mort, dates not examined
- Garvin, William, dates not examined
- Gaterat, Pierre, dates not examined
- Gibbs, Angelica, dates not examined
- Gillis, Jackson, dates not examined
- Glaeser, Ernst, dates not examined
- Gold, Herbert, dates not examined
- Gould, Milton, dates not examined
- Greenwood, Robert, dates not examined
- Guinther, John J., dates not examined
- Haley, Glen, dates not examined
- Harrington, Evans, dates not examined
- Hart, William C., dates not examined
- Hatchell, H. C., dates not examined
- Helfer, Harold, dates not examined
- Hesse, Hermann, dates not examined
- Jacobi, Ernest A., dates not examined
- Johnson, Robert Lee, dates not examined
- Jonathan, Mary, dates not examined
- Kennon, Patrick E., dates not examined
- Knapp, Frank A. Jr., dates not examined
- Krasner, William, dates not examined
- Laing, Dilys, dates not examined
- Langford, Gerald, dates not examined
- Langlois, Alfred, dates not examined
- Leogrande, Ernest, dates not examined
- Le Sueur, Meridel, dates not examined
- Level, Maurice, dates not examined
- Livermore, Charles, dates not examined
- Lozier, Will, dates not examined
- Lynch, Benito, dates not examined
- Mac Callum, Russell, dates not examined
- Marple, Allen, dates not examined
- Marshall, Alan, dates not examined
- Martinez, Charlotte, dates not examined
- McKay, Neil, dates not examined
- McKenna, Edward L., dates not examined
- Michie, Norman, dates not examined
- Montgomery, Ellen Bliven, dates not examined
- Moore, Alice Hollingsworth, dates not examined
- Morley, John Royston (Book 1), dates not examined
- Morley, John Royston (Book 2), dates not examined
- Morley, John Royston (Book 3), dates not examined
- Moss, Grace, dates not examined
- Mull, R. L., dates not examined
- Munsterberg, Peggy B., dates not examined
- Murray, Robert C., dates not examined
- Newton, David, dates not examined
- Ornstein, William, dates not examined
- Palmer, C., dates not examined
- Pfeiffer, Grace, dates not examined
- Potok, Herman, dates not examined
- Purcell, Donald, dates not examined
- Purdy, James, dates not examined
- Rader, Paul, dates not examined
- Rank, Meo, dates not examined
- Ratigan, William, dates not examined
- Reid, Constance, dates not examined
- Richter, Lilyan, dates not examined
- Rock, Anthony, dates not examined
- Saurin, Arnold, dates not examined
- Schoenfeld, Bernard, dates not examined
- Schuster, E. H., dates not examined
- Seger, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Selman, Jerome and Abe, dates not examined
- Spingarn, Lawrence P., dates not examined
- Stein, Agnes H., dates not examined
- Stoll, Dennis Gray, dates not examined
- Stratton, Constance, dates not examined
- Urquhart, Fred, dates not examined
- Wall, Edward, dates not examined
- Wann, dates not examined
- Wathen, Richard, dates not examined
- Whyte, Bill, dates not examined
- Wilkinson, Virginia, dates not examined
- Wisehart, M. K., dates not examined
- Woodard, Charles R., dates not examined
- Woodhill, Ruth L., dates not examined
- Woolrich, Cornell, dates not examined
- Wright, Waldo Carlton, dates not examined
- Unidentified Authors, dates not examined
- Story #5, dates not examined
- Miscellaneous Notes, dates not examined
- Ackerman, Robert W., dates not examined
- Alch, Alan H., dates not examined
- Aldington, Richard, dates not examined
- Alpert, Hollis, dates not examined
- Anderson, Edward, dates not examined
- Anderson, Merrill, dates not examined
- Anderson, Sherwood, dates not examined
- Angoff, Charles, dates not examined
- Angus-Butterworth, L. M., dates not examined
- Appleton, Adelina, dates not examined
- Archibald, William, dates not examined
- Armfield, Eugene, dates not examined
- Armstrong, M. M., dates not examined
- Arnold, Elliott, dates not examined
- Ashery, Raphael, dates not examined
- Ashkenazi, Touvia, dates not examined
- Austin, Alex, dates not examined
- Bahr, Jerome, dates not examined
- Baker, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Bakst, Gertrude K., dates not examined
- Ballou, Jenny, dates not examined
- Barach, Edmund, dates not examined
- Barnes, Nancy, dates not examined
- Barnouw, Victor, dates not examined
- Bartel, Clyde G., dates not examined
- Baum, R. F., dates not examined
- Baum, Vicki, dates not examined
- Beachcroft, T. O., dates not examined
- Beck, Warren, dates not examined
- Belitt, Ben, dates not examined
- Bell, Ed, dates not examined
- Bemelmans, Ludwig, dates not examined
- Berriault, Gina, dates not examined
- Berridge, Elizabeth, dates not examined
- Berwick, Donald M., dates not examined
- Bland, Winifred, dates not examined
- Bonosky, Phillip, dates not examined
- Boyd, James, dates not examined
- Brennan, Dan, dates not examined
- Brossard, Chandler, dates not examined
- Brown, Thos. K. III, dates not examined
- Chassler, Sey, dates not examined
- Colemou, dates not examined
- Conner, Rearden, dates not examined
- Conrad, John, dates not examined
- D'Agostino, Guido, dates not examined
- Eisner, Alfred, dates not examined
- Franklin, Jessie Mule, dates not examined
- Freedgood, Morton, dates not examined
- Friend, Julius W., dates not examined
- Garvin, William, dates not examined
- Gatto, Nicholas, dates not examined
- Gizycka, Felicia, dates not examined
- Goodwin, Geraint, dates not examined
- Gould, Frank R., dates not examined
- Grebanier, Bernard D. N., dates not examined
- Grebanier, Jerry, dates not examined
- Green, Anne, dates not examined
- Green, Gerald, dates not examined
- Greene, Graham, dates not examined
- Greene, Ward, dates not examined
- Greenleaf, Richard, dates not examined
- Grosberg, Marian, dates not examined
- Gross, Edwin A., dates not examined
- Grove, J. Edgar, dates not examined
- Grove, Walt, dates not examined
- Guss, Jack R., dates not examined
- Gustafsson, Evelyn, dates not examined
- Hale, William Harlan, dates not examined
- Hall, Edward Fitch, dates not examined
- Hall, Elizabeth, dates not examined
- Hall, James B. M., dates not examined
- Hamada, Sinai C., dates not examined
- Hamilton, H. M., dates not examined
- Hamos, George, dates not examined
- Hannum, Alberta Pierson, dates not examined
- Hardman, F. A., dates not examined
- Harris, Clare Sparkes, dates not examined
- Harris, Mark, dates not examined
- Hart, Elizabeth, dates not examined
- Hassell, Harriet, dates not examined
- Hatcher, Harlan, dates not examined
- Haussermann, John William, dates not examined
- Havill, Edward, dates not examined
- Hayes, Joseph, dates not examined
- Healy, J. V., dates not examined
- Heller, Joseph, dates not examined
- Hertel, Elsa, dates not examined
- Heth, Edward Harris, dates not examined
- Hewlett, John, dates not examined
- Higgins, James, dates not examined
- Hill, Arnold, dates not examined
- Hirt, Hans, dates not examined
- Hochman, Eugene J., dates not examined
- Hoffman, Malcolm A., dates not examined
- Hoke, Travis, dates not examined
- Howells, Thomas Dillon, dates not examined
- Hubner, Robert Norman, dates not examined
- Hull, Helen, dates not examined
- Humason, Sally, dates not examined
- Hunt, Hamlen, dates not examined
- Hunt, Mary Fassett, dates not examined
- Iams, Jack, dates not examined
- Innis, Mary, dates not examined
- Ionides, Margaret, dates not examined
- Jacobs, Carl, dates not examined
- Kandel, Aben, dates not examined
- Kandel, Judith, dates not examined
- Kaplan, Ralph, dates not examined
- Kauffmann, Stanley, dates not examined
- Kayko, Ingeborg, dates not examined
- Kelly, Frank K., dates not examined
- Kenison, Gloria, dates not examined
- Kennedy, Charles O'Brien, dates not examined
- Kilgour, Vernon, dates not examined
- Kinel, Lola, dates not examined
- Kirkpatrick, Doris, dates not examined
- Knight, Laurette Mac Duffie, dates not examined
- Knittel, Barbara Elrod, dates not examined
- Koestler, Arthur, dates not examined
- Krim, Matthew, dates not examined
- Kunasz, Paul, dates not examined
- Kutner, Nanette, dates not examined
- Lambert, Ruth, dates not examined
- L'Amour, Louis, dates not examined
- Langdon, John, dates not examined
- Langford, Gerald, dates not examined
- Lanux, Eyre de, dates not examined
- Latzko, Andreas, dates not examined
- Laughlin, James, IV, dates not examined
- Leibst, Signe Mauren, dates not examined
- Le Sueur, Meridel, dates not examined
- Levin, Meyer, dates not examined
- Lewis, Cavish, dates not examined
- Lewis, Herbert Clyde, dates not examined
- Lewis, Hobart, dates not examined
- Lewiton, Mina, dates not examined
- Linn, R. H., dates not examined
- Lippincott, Arthur, dates not examined
- Livermore, C. P., dates not examined
- Lofts, Norah, dates not examined
- Loveridge, George, dates not examined
- Lowry, Malcolm, dates not examined
- Lowry, Robert, dates not examined
- Lynch, Benito, dates not examined
- Lyon, Marjorie, dates not examined
- Mabon, Prescott, dates not examined
- Maddux, Rachel, dates not examined
- Magagna, Ernestine, dates not examined
- Mallinger, Rhea, dates not examined
- Malmgreen, Henry Peter, dates not examined
- Maltz, Albert, dates not examined
- Mann, E. L., dates not examined
- March, William, dates not examined
- Marcus, Paul, dates not examined
- Markewich, Robert, dates not examined
- Marks, Marjorie, dates not examined
- Marple, Allen, dates not examined
- Martin, Charles, dates not examined
- Martin, Curtis, dates not examined
- Mayer, Else, dates not examined
- Mayorga, Margaret, dates not examined
- Mazet, H. S., dates not examined
- McCleary, Dorothy, dates not examined
- McConky, A. G., dates not examined
- McCullers, Carson, dates not examined
- McCune, Helen, dates not examined
- McDaniel, Eluard Luchell, dates not examined
- McGehee, Florence, dates not examined
- McGovern, Hugh, dates not examined
- McHugh, Clora, dates not examined
- McKelvey, Richard L., dates not examined
- McKinin, Lawrence, dates not examined
- McLaverty, Michael, dates not examined
- McWilliams, Richebaurg G., dates not examined
- Meckfessel, William, dates not examined
- Medearis, Mary, dates not examined
- Mencken, Sara Haardt, dates not examined
- Mendes, Alfred H., dates not examined
- Merriam, Eve, dates not examined
- Merrick, Elliott, dates not examined
- Merrick, Rebecca, dates not examined
- Merrill, Phyllis, dates not examined
- Meyers, Georg Nelson, dates not examined
- Meyerson, Elsa B., dates not examined
- Mickelsen, Gunnar, dates not examined
- Miller, Nolan, dates not examined
- Millin, Sarah Gertrude, dates not examined
- Moll, Elick A., dates not examined
- Monash, Paul, dates not examined
- Moody, Charlotte, dates not examined
- Mooney, Booth, dates not examined
- Moore, Alice Hollingsworth, dates not examined
- Moore, Virginia, dates not examined
- Morris, Edita, dates not examined
- Morris, Henry, dates not examined
- Morris, I. V., dates not examined
- Mulliken, John, dates not examined
- Murphy, Marjorie, dates not examined
- Murray, Floy, dates not examined
- Murtagh, L. Dillon, dates not examined
- Myers, Virginia, dates not examined
- Nathan, Paul S., dates not examined
- Neagoe, Peter, dates not examined
- Neugass, James, dates not examined
- Newman, Thomas, dates not examined
- Nies, Frederick, dates not examined
- Norwood, Hayden E., dates not examined
- O'Brien, John Courtney, dates not examined
- O'Conaill, Domhnall, dates not examined
- O'Faolain, Sean, dates not examined
- Offord, Carl Ruthven, dates not examined
- O'Flaherty, Liam, dates not examined
- O'Hagan, Howard, dates not examined
- O'Hara, Mary, dates not examined
- Olmsted, Stanley, dates not examined
- Olson, Ted, dates not examined
- Orme, Neely, dates not examined
- Ormos, Laszlo, dates not examined
- Outlaw-Shallit, L., dates not examined
- Palmer, J. W., dates not examined
- Panetta, George, dates not examined
- Panter Downes, Mollie, dates not examined
- Paradise, Viola, dates not examined
- Park, Frances, dates not examined
- Parr, Janet, dates not examined
- Patchen, Kenneth, dates not examined
- Patten, Katherine, dates not examined
- Peace, Neville, dates not examined
- Pereda, Prudencio de, dates not examined
- Phillips, Richard H., dates not examined
- Post, Mary Brinker, dates not examined
- Powell, Dawn, dates not examined
- Preston, Charles, dates not examined
- Price, Willard, dates not examined
- Purdy, James, dates not examined
- Randall, L. V., dates not examined
- Rank, Meo, dates not examined
- Raymond, Bernard, dates not examined
- Richmond, Roaldus, dates not examined
- Richter, Lilyan, dates not examined
- Robinson, Agnes Jordt, dates not examined
- Robinson, Ralph W., Jr., dates not examined
- Rockefeller, Kay, dates not examined
- Rose, Roma, dates not examined
- Rosenfeld, Louis Zara, dates not examined
- Roskolenko, Harry, dates not examined
- Ross, Jerome D., dates not examined
- Ross, Nancy Wilson, dates not examined
- Rossi, Frank, dates not examined
- Rotha, Paul, dates not examined
- Rowell, Donna, dates not examined
- Russell, Mary Porter, dates not examined
- Ryan, Stella, dates not examined
- Sabsay, Nahum, dates not examined
- St. Joseph, Ellis, dates not examined
- Sale, Richard B., dates not examined
- Salinger, J. D., dates not examined
- Samson, Erin, dates not examined
- Sandoz, Mari, dates not examined
- Santos, Benvenido N., dates not examined
- Sargeant, Winthrop, dates not examined
- Savler, David S., dates not examined
- Sayers, Frances Clarke, dates not examined
- Schaal, Eric, dates not examined
- Schmitt, Gladys, dates not examined
- Schorer, Mark, dates not examined
- Schulberg, Budd Wilson, dates not examined
- Scribner, Frederick, dates not examined
- Seager, Allan, dates not examined
- Seger, Dorothy Hart, dates not examined
- Seligsohn, I. J., dates not examined
- Selman, Jerome and Abe, dates not examined
- Shallit, Joseph, dates not examined
- Shaplen, Robert, dates not examined
- Sharp, Dolph, dates not examined
- Sharp, Margery, dates not examined
- Shaw, George Bernard, dates not examined
- Shaw, Irwin, dates not examined
- Sherwin, Vernon, dates not examined
- Shore, Joseph N., dates not examined
- Shore, Wilma, dates not examined
- Shubin, Seymour, dates not examined
- Sills, Ben, dates not examined
- Singer, Jeanne, dates not examined
- Siodmak, Curt, dates not examined
- Slautterback, Hilda, dates not examined
- Smilow, Fred, dates not examined
- Smith, Alexis H., dates not examined
- Smith, Dale, dates not examined
- Smith, H. K., dates not examined
- Smith, Louise Reinhardt, dates not examined
- Smitter, Wessel Hyatt, dates not examined
- Sonnichsen, Eric, dates not examined
- Spiro, Frank K., dates not examined
- Squires, J. Radcliffe, dates not examined
- Stefandelis, Paul, dates not examined
- Stegner, Wallace, dates not examined
- Steiss, Albert J., dates not examined
- Steppach, Rolfe von, dates not examined
- Stern, Morton, dates not examined
- Stevenson, Philip, dates not examined
- Stieglitz, Alfred, dates not examined
- Stiles, Villa, dates not examined
- Still, James, dates not examined
- Stouman, Knud, dates not examined
- Stowe, Perry, dates not examined
- Stratton, Constance, dates not examined
- Straw, Irene Calvert, dates not examined
- Stuart, Jeb, dates not examined
- Stuart, Jesse, dates not examined
- Suhl, Yuri, dates not examined
- Sylvester, Harry, dates not examined
- Tamas, Istvan, dates not examined
- Tarjan, Edde, dates not examined
- Taylor, Kressmann, dates not examined
- Thielen, Benedict, dates not examined
- Thompson, Lovell, dates not examined
- Thompson, Sylvia, dates not examined
- Toumanova, Nina Andronikova, Princess, dates not examined
- Trapp, Jacob, dates not examined
- Traver, Robert, dates not examined
- Tressler, Irving Dart, dates not examined
- Turner, Ethel, dates not examined
- Turner, William, dates not examined
- Ullman, James Ramsey, dates not examined
- Urquhart, Fred, dates not examined
- Vance, John Frazier, dates not examined
- Vatsek, Joan, dates not examined
- Von der Goltz, Peggy, dates not examined
- Voorhees, B. V., dates not examined
- Waldron, Eli (Tabb), dates not examined
- Wexler, Gerald, dates not examined
- White, Sarabeth, dates not examined
- Wilkinson, Virginia S., dates not examined
- Williams, Scott G., dates not examined
- Williams, Tennessee, dates not examined
- Wilson, Leon, dates not examined
- Woodhill, Ruth L., dates not examined
- Wyckoff, James, dates not examined
- Yao She-Yin, dates not examined
- College Contest Stories, dates not examined
- Adams, J. Donald, dates not examined
- Alexander, dates not examined
- Anderson, Sherwood, dates not examined
- Angus-Butterworth, dates not examined
- Arguilla, Manuel, dates not examined
- Armour, Louis L., dates not examined
- Armstrong, Matthew, dates not examined
- Barnes, Nancy, dates not examined
- Beck, Warren, dates not examined
- Belitt, Ben, dates not examined
- Bell, Neil, dates not examined
- Bessie, Alvah, dates not examined
- Beston, Shirley, dates not examined
- Bialk, Elisa, dates not examined
- Brace, Ernest, dates not examined
- Bregy, Philip A., dates not examined
- Bryan, Jack Yeaman, dates not examined
- Bunin, Ivan, dates not examined
- Burlingame, Roger and Watkins, Ann, dates not examined
- Burnett, Hallie, dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit - Gannett, Lewis - Gunther, John - Knight, Eric, dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit, dates not examined
- Callaghan, Morley, dates not examined
- Coatsworth, Elizabeth, dates not examined
- Cole, Madelene, dates not examined
- Cooke, Charles, dates not examined
- Crawford, Frances E., dates not examined
- Crowell, Chester, dates not examined
- Cummings, E. E., dates not examined
- Davey, Ruth W., dates not examined
- Denny, Alma, dates not examined
- Duranty, Walter, dates not examined
- Edinburgh Castle Menu - Anchor Line with Inscription?, dates not examined
- Evans, Nancy, dates not examined
- Fleming, Berry, dates not examined
- Fodor, M. W. and Others, dates not examined
- Foley, J., dates not examined
- Ford, Ford Madox, dates not examined
- Frost, Frances, dates not examined
- Gannett, Lewis, dates not examined
- Gibbs, Angelica, dates not examined
- Gish, Lillian, dates not examined
- Gossman, Oliver, dates not examined
- Greene, Graham, dates not examined
- Gregory, Horace, dates not examined
- Hale, William Harlan, dates not examined
- Hall, Elizabeth, dates not examined
- Hassell, Rachel, dates not examined
- Hertel, Elsa, dates not examined
- Hunt, Humlen, dates not examined
- Huxley, dates not examined
- Ionides, Margaret, dates not examined
- Kapstein, L. J., dates not examined
- Keall, Aola, dates not examined
- Krauss, William A., dates not examined
- Kruttel, Barbara E., dates not examined
- Lofts, Norah, dates not examined
- Lyon, Marjorie, dates not examined
- Maddux, Rachel, dates not examined
- Mailer, Norman, dates not examined
- Malmgreen, Henry Peter, dates not examined
- Maltz, Albert, dates not examined
- Marshall, Allan, dates not examined
- McCleary, Dorothy, dates not examined
- Meredith, Burgess, dates not examined
- Moffett, Langston, dates not examined
- Moore, Virginia, dates not examined
- Morris, Edita, dates not examined
- Morris, Ira V., dates not examined
- Murphy, Marjorie, dates not examined
- O'Brien, Edward, dates not examined
- O'Hara, Mary, dates not examined
- Olds, Sara Whitney, dates not examined
- Parsons, dates not examined
- Patterson, J. M., dates not examined
- Rubens: "Venus", dates not examined
- Russell, Mary Porter, dates not examined
- Ryan, Stella, dates not examined
- Sandoz, Mari, dates not examined
- Schmitt, Gladys, dates not examined
- Schorer, Mark, dates not examined
- Shandeling, A. E., dates not examined
- Silone, Ignazio, dates not examined
- Simon, Kurt, dates not examined
- Smith, Alexis H., dates not examined
- Stein, Gertrude, dates not examined
- Still, James, dates not examined
- Story: Advertising Sheet with 15 Photos, dates not examined
- Thilenius, Helen, dates not examined
- Toumanova, Nina Andronikova, Princess, dates not examined
- Turner, Ethel, dates not examined
- Warren, Virginia Lee, dates not examined
- Wilhelm, Gale, dates not examined
- Wilson, Leon, dates not examined
- Winslow, Thyra Samter, dates not examined
- Wright, Richard, dates not examined
- Zugsmith, Leane, dates not examined
- Unidentified Author Photos, dates not examined
- Photos with Illegible Names, dates not examined
- Anderson, Sherwood, dates not examined
- Bartlett, Margaret, dates not examined
- Beston, Elizabeth Coatsworth, dates not examined
- Bezzerides, A., dates not examined
- Brookhouser, Frank, dates not examined
- Brooks, Van Wyck, dates not examined
- Burns, Robert, dates not examined
- Burns, Robert, dates not examined
- Caldwell, Erskine, dates not examined
- Coon, Carleton Stevens, dates not examined
- Dahlberg, Edward, dates not examined
- Dell, Floyd, dates not examined
- Dreiser, Theodore, dates not examined
- "End Pages", dates not examined
- "End Pages" clip, dates not examined
- "End Pages" W.B. - M.F., dates not examined
- Farrar, John, dates not examined
- Fast, Howard, dates not examined
- Faulkner, William, dates not examined
- Film Treatment Magazine, dates not examined
- Fishbaugh, W. E., dates not examined
- Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, dates not examined
- Fletcher, John Gould, dates not examined
- Foley, Martha: Misprint folder, dates not examined
- Frank, Waldo, dates not examined
- Gannett, Lewis S., dates not examined
- Gehman, Richard B., dates not examined
- Ghiselin, Brewster, dates not examined
- Gossman, Oliver and Hedy, dates not examined
- Guggenheim Foundation, dates not examined
- Gunther, John, dates not examined
- Hansen, Harry, dates not examined
- Hartley, Marsden, dates not examined
- Hecht, Ben, dates not examined
- Hecht, George J., dates not examined
- Hemingway, Ernest, dates not examined
- Henle, James, dates not examined
- Komroff, Manuel, dates not examined
- MacLeish, Archibald, dates not examined
- Mencken, H. L., dates not examined
- Poore, Charles, dates not examined
- Roskolenko, Harry, dates not examined
- Russ, Wilma, dates not examined
- Sandburg, Carl, dates not examined
- Saroyan, William, dates not examined
- Stein, Gertrude, dates not examined
- Stuart, Jesse, dates not examined
- Wolfe, Thomas, dates not examined
- Air Force Contest, dates not examined
- April, Steve - Time for Challenging, dates not examined
- Armed Forces Contest, dates not examined
- Avery Hopwood Award, dates not examined
- Bunin, Ivan, dates not examined
- Carey - Thomas Awards, dates not examined
- Chromcik, L. F., dates not examined
- Collegiate Short Story Contest, dates not examined
- Collegiate Story Contest, 1934
- Collegiate Story Contest, 1935
- Collegiate Story Contest 1938, 1938
- Common Sense, dates not examined
- Cournos, John, dates not examined
- Curtis, Edith, dates not examined
- Doubleday, Doran: Novel Contest, dates not examined
- Evans, Nancy, dates not examined
- Five Arts Award, dates not examined
- Junior League Contest, dates not examined
- O'Brien, Edward J., dates not examined
- O'Brien, Edward J., dates not examined
- O'Brien, Edward J., dates not examined
- O'Neill, E., dates not examined
- P.E.N. Club, dates not examined
- Prisons: Request for Story, dates not examined
- Prisons: Pamphlets, Clippings, etc., dates not examined
- Story in England, dates not examined
- Story Pocket Book, dates not examined
- WPA Story Contest, dates not examined
- Buck, Pearl S., dates not examined
- Bunin, Ivan, dates not examined
- Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, dates not examined
- Frost, Robert, dates not examined
- Hersey, John, dates not examined
- Jones, James, dates not examined
- Lowry, Malcolm, dates not examined
- Mailer, Norman, dates not examined
- O'Hara, Mary, dates not examined
- O'Hara, Mary, dates not examined
- Quintanilla, Luis, dates not examined
- Salinger, J. D., dates not examined
- Salinger, J. D., dates not examined
- Saroyan, William, dates not examined
- Saroyan, William, dates not examined
- Stuart, Jesse, dates not examined
- Stuart, Jesse, dates not examined
- Van Doren, Mark, dates not examined
- Williams, Tennessee, dates not examined
- Wright, Richard, dates not examined
- Albee, George, dates not examined
- Algren, Nelson, dates not examined
- Ayme, Marcel: "One Wife, Divisible", dates not examined
- Bemelmans, Ludwig, dates not examined
- Bencke, Erik, dates not examined
- Berriault, Gina, dates not examined
- Biggs, Gloria Neustadt, dates not examined
- Bird, Kenneth, dates not examined
- Breit, Harvey, dates not examined
- Brown, Thomas K., III, dates not examined
- Buhl, William, dates not examined
- Bunin, Ivan, dates not examined
- Burnett, Hallie, dates not examined
- Burnett, Wanda, dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit: "The Maker of Signs", dates not examined
- Burnett, Whit, dates not examined
- Capote, Truman, dates not examined
- Cheever, John, dates not examined
- Cloete, Stuart, dates not examined
- Cochran, Robert W., dates not examined
- Daninos, Pierre, dates not examined
- Darling, Frederick, dates not examined
- Deane, Martha, dates not examined
- De Vries, Peter, dates not examined
- Dinelli, Mel, dates not examined
- Dinesen, Isak, dates not examined
- Du Maurier, Daphne, dates not examined
- Dunsany, Lord, dates not examined
- Emett, dates not examined
- Fadiman, Clifton, dates not examined
- Faizant, Jacques, dates not examined
- Farrel, James, dates not examined
- Faulkner, William, dates not examined
- ffolkes, Michael, dates not examined
- Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, dates not examined
- Flora, Paul, dates not examined
- Foff, Arthur, dates not examined
- Friers, Rowel, dates not examined
- Gizycka, Felicia, dates not examined
- Gobel, George, dates not examined
- Goodwin, John B. L., dates not examined
- Greene, Graham, dates not examined
- Hahn, Emily, dates not examined
- Himstedt, Arnold, dates not examined
- Hollington, John, dates not examined
- Hunt, Hamlen, dates not examined
- Janeway, Elizabeth Hall, dates not examined
- Kalis, Bethel Laurence, dates not examined
- Ketcham, Hank, dates not examined
- Key, Ted, dates not examined
- Knowles, John, dates not examined
- Kober, Arthur, 1956
- Lardner, John, 1955
- Liggett, Capt. Byron, 1960
- Loggins, Vernon, 1954
- Mailer, Norman, 1954-1961
- Maugham, Somerset, 1954-1958
- McCullers, Carson, 1961
- McKenney, Ruth, 1955
- Metcalfe, John, 1954-1955
- Moravia, Alberto, 1955
- The New Yorker, 1956
- Norton, Mary, 1954
- O'Brien, Flann, 1954-1955
- O'Hara, Mary, 1961
- Paul, Louis, 1955
- Payne, Robert, 1954
- Peichl, Gustav, 1955
- Perelman, S.J., 1956
- Petry, Anne, undated
- Poore, Charles, 1955
- Pucciani, Oreste, 1960
- Rifkin, Shepard, 1954
- Ross, Fred, 1954
- Salinger, J. D, 1961
- Saroyan, William, 1944-1961
- Sarton, Mary, 1954
- Seabrook, William B, 1954-1960
- Shirer, William, 1955
- Skinner, Cornelia Otis, 1955
- Squires, James, 1960
- Stegner, Wallace, 1961
- Steinbeck, John, 1954-1957
- Stoumen, Louis Clyde, 1954
- Stuart, Jesse, 1960-1961
- Sullivan, Frank, 1956
- Sundgaard, Arnold, 1955
- Thurber, James, 1954-1956
- Ullman, James Ramsey, 1961
- Walker, Turnley, 1961
- Weidman, Jerome, 1961
- Wexler, Jerry, 1954
- Wiles, A. F, 1955
- Williams, Tennessee, 1961
- Wilson, Angus, 1954
- Wright, Richard, 1955-1956
- Wyckoff, James, 1954
- Seas of God, 1944-1945
- The Tough Ones: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1953-1959
- The Tough Ones: Business Papers, 1954-1959
- The Tough Ones: Notes, 1954
- Tales of Terror: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1954-1957
- Tales of Terror: Finances, 1955-1959
- Tales of Terror: Notes, undated
- Anthology of Recorded Poetry: Correspondence, 1954
- Anthology of Recorded Poetry: Notes, circa 1954
- This is My Best Humor: Financial, 1955
- This is My Best Humor: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1954-1955
- This is My Best Humor: Notes, 1955
- This is My Best Humor: Clips, 1955-1956
- This is My Funniest: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1956-1957
- This is My Funniest: Notes, 1957
- Projected Novella Anthology, 1955-1957
- Proposed Negro Anthology: Correspondence, 1955-1959
- Proposed Negro Anthology: Notes, 1955-1959
- Proposed Negro Anthology: PR, undated
- Things With Claws: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1960
- Things With Claws: Business Papers, Notes, 1960-1961
- Firsts of the Famous: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1961-1962
- Firsts of the Famous: Foreign Editions, 1962
- Firsts of the Famous: Notes, 1962
- Abbott, John S. C, 1954-1955
- Allardice, Corbin, 1954
- Anderson, Sherwood, 1958
- Ayre, Robert, 1942-1943
- Barrie, Wendy, 1956
- Bemelmans, Ludwig, 1945
- Benchley, Robert, 1945-1956
- Benet, Stephen Vincent, 1945-1946
- Berger, Josef, 1933-1943
- Berners, Lord, 1942-1943
- Bolitho, William, 1954
- Bridgeman, William, 1955
- Broomfield, Louis, 1945
- Brooks, Van Wyck, 1945-1958
- Broun, Heywood, 1954
- Buck, Pearl S., 1943-1945
- Buhl, William, 1956-1961
- Burnett, Whit, undated
- Burnett, Whit, 1957-1958
- Burt, John, 1954-1956
- Byrd, Richard, 1954-1957
- Caidin, Martin, 1954
- Caldwell, Erskine, 1945
- Campbell, Patrick, 1944
- Carrington, Ulrich Steindorff, 1954-1957
- Cather, Willa, 1945
- Chamberlain, John, 1956
- Charteris, Leslie, 1954-1957
- Chaveliere, Haakon, 1943
- Cloete, Stuart, 1943
- Cochran, Robert W., 1942-1943
- Collier, John, 1956
- Conrad, Joseph, 1954-1957
- Cook, Whitfield, 1942-1943
- Corwin, Norman, 1945
- Cousins, Norman, 1958
- Cronyn, George, 1935-1943
- Cuppy, Will, 1956
- D'Agostino, Guido, 1944
- Dali, Salvador, 1958-1959
- Davenport, Russell, 1945
- Day, Chon, 1956
- Deane, Martha (Marian Young Taylor), 1956
- De La Roche, Maz, 1946
- Derleth, August, 1943
- De Voto, Bernard, 1954
- Dinesen, Isak, 1954-1957
- Diol, Philippe, 1954
- Duncan, Isadora, 1958-1961
- Dunsany, Lord, 1942-1943
- Edman, Irwin, 1945
- Eisenberg, Frances, 1942-1943
- Eliot, T.S., 1945-1956
- Ellis, Havelock, 1958
- Faulkner, William, 1945
- Fenstad, Trondby, 1942-1943
- Ferber, Edna, 1945
- Fessier, Michael, 1942-1946
- Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1945
- Fontaine, Robert, 1944
- Franklin, Sidney, 1954-1957
- Freuchen, Peter, 1954-1957
- Frost, Robert, 1945-1946
- Frost, Robert, 1945
- Gannett, Lewis, 1956
- Gatland, Kenneth W. and Kunesch, Anthony M., 1954-1957
- Gerould, Christopher, 1942-1943
- Gheerbrant, Alain, 1954-1957
- Gide, Andre, 1958
- Greene, Graham, 1954-1957
- Griffin, John H., 1958
- Gunther, John, 1945
- Habbick, Andrew S., 1956
- Hall, James Norman, 1954-1957
- Harris, Larry, 1956
- Hemingway, Ernest, 1945-1956
- Henry, Maurice, undated
- Herzog, Maurice, 1954-1957
- Heyerdahl, Thor, 1954-1957
- Holden, Raymond, 1956
- Hughes, Langston, 1945-1958
- Hunt, Sir John, 1954-1955
- Hurston, Zora Neale, 1945
- Huxley, Aldous, 1943
- "J.D.", 1960
- Jeffers, Robinson, 1945
- Jense, Johannes V., 1954-1957
- Johnson, Dorothy, 1954-1956
- Johnson, Osa, 1954
- Knight, Eric, 1944-1956
- Krauss, William A., 1942-1943
- Langsam, Walter C., 1958
- Laurence, William L., 1954
- Lewis, Sinclair, 1945
- MacLeish, Archibald, 1945
- Mann, Heinrich, 1943
- Mann, Thomas, 1943
- Marquand, J. P., 1945
- Marquis, Don, 1956
- Masters, Edgar Lee, 1945
- Maurois, Andre, 1958
- Maxwell, Elsa, 1943
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1945-1946
- Miller, Henry, 1958
- Molnar, Ferenc, 1943
- Murphy, Grace E. Barstow, 1954-1957
- Murphy, Robert Cushman, 1954-1957
- Nash, Ogden, 1956
- Nathan, George Jean, 1945
- O'Brien, Flann, 1941-1942
- O'Connor, Philip, 1958
- O'Neil, Eugene, 1945
- Parker, Dorothy, 1945
- Paul, Louis, 1945
- Perry, Al, 1958
- Pionnier, Robert, 1955
- Poore, Charles, 1956-1958
- Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, undated
- Redman, Ben Ray, 1956
- Reik, Theodor, 1958
- Romains, Jules, 1943
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1958
- Saint-Exupery, Antoine de, 1955-1957
- Sandburg, Carl, 1945
- Santayana, George, 1945
- Saroyan, William, 1945-1946
- Schorer, Mark, 1945
- Schrotter, 1956
- Searle, Ronald, 1956
- Sellar and Yeatman, 1956
- Sherwood, Robert E., 1945
- Shirer, William L., 1945-1946
- Simonoff (?), 1943
- Slatkin, Charles, 1946-1947
- Smith, Betty, 1958
- Smyth, Henry D., 1954
- Steinbeck, John, 1945
- Stern, James, 1954
- Stewart, Kilton, 1954-1957
- Stuart, Jesse, 1945-1946
- Swing, Raymond, 1946
- Tarkinton, Booth, 1945-1946
- Tazieff, Haroun, 1954
- Thompson, Dorothy, 1945
- Thornton, Francis B., 1954
- Thurber, James, 1945
- Trapnell, Edward R., 1954
- Umland, Rudolph, 1944
- Unset, Sigrid, 1943
- Untermeyer, Louis, 1945
- Van Doren, Carl, 1945
- Vighi, Vittorio, 1955
- Ware, Edmund, 1954
- White, William C, 1942-1943
- Wilder, Thornton, 1945
- Wilson, Roy, 1956
- Wright, Richard, 1945
- Yezbak, John, 1944
- Two Bottles of Relish, 1942-1944
- American Authors Today: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1946-1947
- American Authors Today: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1947 February 28
- American Authors Today: Notes, undated
- Proposed "Peace and War" Anthology: Notes, undated
- The Spirit of Adventure: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1953-1959
- The Spirit of Adventure: Notes, 1954-1960
- The Spirit of Adventure: Clips, 1956
- Animal Spirits, 1956-1962
- Scarlet Treasury: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1956-1958
- Scarlet Treasury: Notes, 1956-1961
- The Spirit of Man: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1957-1958
- The Spirit of Man: Business Papers, Notes, 1959-1961
- The Spirit of Man: Clips, 1958
- N, 1946
- Novellas Clippings, 1937-1938
- O, 1945-1947
- Opera, 1933
- Oxman, Sam N., 1935
- Pa - Ph: General Correspondence, 1945-1947
- Panetta, George, 1939-1945
- Peterson, Edwin, 1946-1947
- Pictures, 1935
- Pirandello, Luigi, 1934
- Po - Py, 1946-1948
- Post Office, 1940-1948
- Praise, 1935-1942
- Mrs. Prince, 1936
- Proletarian Literature, 1935
- Publicity, 1947
- Publicity: Dodd, Martha, Clippings, 1938
- Q, 1939-1941
- Quintanilla, Luis, 1940-1944
- Ra - Re, 1946-1947
- Reactions to Lists, 1935
- Recall-Mss, 1935
- Rees, Gilbert, 1947
- Reprints: Vatsek, Miss, 1941
- Rf - Rh, 1948
- Ri - Ry, 1945-1948
- S, 1945-1948
- Saroyan, William, 1935-1948
- Recommendations for Awards, 1935
- Rejection Slips, 1937-1942
- Reprints, 1946-1948
- Reynal-Hitchcock, 1936
- Scherman, Harry, 1933-1939
- Schmidt, Dr., 1948
- Scholastic, 1938-1945
- Scribner, Frederick, 1935-1937
- Se - Sh, 1945-1948
- Shedd, Margaret, 1934
- Si - Sl, 1934-1948
- Silone, Ignazio, 1934
- Simon, Dr. Kurt, 1935-1936
- Singsen, F.M., 1936-1937
- Sm - St, 1934-1948
- South America Project, 1941
- Speakers, undated
- St - Sy, 1938-1947
- Stefandelis, Paul, 1943-1946
- "Story": Growth, etc., 1943-1947
- T - General Correspondence, 1944-1947
- Miscellaneous - Daily, 1936
- Taylor, Kressman, 1938-1939
- Thompson, W.S., 1935
- Thornton - Monte, Correspondence, 1945-1946
- U - V, 1945-1948
- Union, 1934-1935
- Vanguard Press, 1933-1939
- Wa - Wh, 1945-1948
- Wi - Wy, 1946-1948
- Wylie, Lou, 1934-1943
- X - Y, 1936-1947
- Z, 1934-1947
- Zostchenko, 1934-1935
- A, 1947-1953
- B, 1948-1956
- B, 1946-1954
- Brennan, Dan, 1951-1953
- Bukowski, Charles, 1954
- C, 1948-1951
- C, 1948-1949
- C, 1949-1955
- Checks, 1934
- Clipping Service, 1951-1952
- D, 1948-1956
- Dinelli, Mel, 1946-1950
- E, 1948-1954
- Eisenberg, Frances, 1941-1949
- F, 1944-1951
- F, 1948-1956
- Ga - Gi, 1945-1948
- Go - Gu, 1945-1947
- Ha - He, 1945-1948
- Hi - Hu, 1945-1949
- J, 1946-1947
- Ka - Ku, 1942-1948
- Knight, Eric, 1937-1947
- La - Le, 1942-1948
- Laughlin IV, James, 1934-1940
- Li - Ly, 1945-1947
- Ma - Mi, 1945-1948
- MacCallum, Russell, 1942-1947
- Maddux, Rachel, 1937-1943
- Magnes, William, 1946-1947
- Marshall, Alan, 1934
- M - Me, 1945-1948
- Mc, 1945-1947
- McCleary, Dorothy, 1946-1948
- Me, 1945-1947
- Medearis, Mary, 1939-1944
- Mo - Mu, 1945-1948
- Medearis, Mary, 1942-1946
- Medearis, Clippings, 1942
- Mi - Mu, 1945-1948
- Moffett, Langston, 1944-1947
- Moffett - Publicity, Clippings, 1947
- N, 1941-1947
- Neal, Elaine, 1946-1947
- Novels - Submissions, 1947
- P, 1946-1947
- Pauker, John, undated
- Post, Mary Brinker, 1936-1938
- Publicity, 1936-1940
- Q, 1940-1941
- Ra - Ri, 1945-1946
- Ro - Ru, 1945-1948
- Russ, Mrs. W.T., 1948
- S - Sc, 1936-1947
- Sa - Si, 1945-1948
- Saint - Phalle, 1947-1948
- Sh, 1936-1943
- Thompson, Dorothy, 1936
- Miscellaneous, 1934-1950
- O, 1945-1948
- Parkhurst, Winthrop, 1940
- Sargent, Winthrop, 1940-1942
- Schmitt, Gladys, 1939-1947
- Schmitt, Gladys: Clippings, "David the King", 1946
- Se - So, 1939-1947
- Se - So, 1936-1945
- Simon and Schuster, 1938-1945
- Slochower, Harry, 1942-1944
- Smith, Harrison, 1939-1941
- Sp - Sz, 1937-1945
- Stackpole Sons, 1939
- Stafford, Jean, 1936-1938
- T, 1936-1947
- T, 1937-1944
- U, 1937-1946
- Urquhart, Fred, 1941-1947
- V, 1936-1943
- Wa - Wh, 1938-1948
- Wa - Wh, 1936-1944
- Wa - Wh, 1936-1947
- Wa - Wh, 1936-1943
- Whittaker, Evelyn, 1944
- Wi - Wz, 1936-1948
- Wi - Wz, 1935-1942
- Wi - Wz, 1936-1947
- Wolf, Ben, 1947
- Woods, William, 1946
- X - Y - Z, 1936-1948
- Yohannnan, Nellie, 1936
- Zernatto, Riccarda, 1945-1947
- Ziegler, Isabelle, 1946-1948
- Abell, Edward B, 1946
- Alexander, Sidney, 1946-1947
- Allen, James, 1945
- Allen, Virginia, 1946
- Altman, Rebecca, 1947
- Amlin, Charles, 1946
- Andermann, L, 1945-1946
- Anderson, Elsie, 1946
- Anderson, Lucile, 1946
- Anderson, Sherwood, 1938-1948
- Andrea, Marianne, 1946
- Andrews, F. Emerson, 1946
- Andrews, Robin c, 1946
- Angus-Butterworth, L. M, 1947
- Annis, Hazel I, 1947
- Antaeus, 1946
- Arguilla, Lyd, 1947
- Arnold, John H, 1947
- Ashkenazi, Touvia, 1947
- Atamian, David, 1946
- Ault, Louise, 1948
- Austin, Alex, 1946-1948
- Austin, James, 1945
- Authors' Guild, undated
- Avery, Emmett L, 1945
- Ayre, Robert, 1937-1944
- Bacon, Peggy, undated
- Baker, Benys Val, undated
- Baker, Ernestine M, 1946
- Bakst, (?), 1947
- Ballowe, Hewitt L., 1946-1948
- Barclay, Charlotte, 1947
- Barnett, Margery, 1947
- Barrington, Margaret, undated
- Bates, H. E., 1945
- Baum, Stanley, 1946
- Bayley, Isabel, 1945
- Beatty, Bessie, 1946
- Beidler, Margaret, 1946
- Belitt, Benjamin, 1947
- Bemelmans, Ludwig, 1938-1946
- Bentley, Richard, 1947
- Bernstein, Hillel, 1947
- Bernstein, Leonard, 1945
- Berridge, Elizabeth, 1947
- Berry, (?), 1947
- Berry, E.M., 1947-1948
- Bertwell, Lorna, 1946
- Berwick, Donald M., 1947
- Betalatti, John, 1945
- Bice, Monna, 1944
- Biggs, Gloria, 1947
- Biographical Encyclopedia of the World, 1946
- Bishop, James, 1947
- Blake, H., 1945
- Bolen, Bea, 1947
- Bondies, Harry R., 1946
- Boniface, Marjorie, 1947
- Bonosky, Philip, 1945-1947
- Book of the Month Club News, 1945
- Born, Doris, 1947
- Boutell, Clip, 1947
- Bouty, Georges, 1945
- Boyden, Frederick B, 1946
- Bradbury, Ray, undated
- Brady, Melvin David, 1946
- Brainerd, Betty, 1947
- Brennan, Daniel, 1944-1948
- Brennecke, Ernest, 1945-1947
- Brenner, Selma H., 1946
- Brickell, Herschel, 1946
- Britton, S.H., 1945
- Brookhouser, Frank, 1945-1948
- Brossard, Chandler, 1947
- Brotherton, J.C., 1947
- Brown, Dorothy Millard, 1945
- Brown, Natahe, 1945
- Brown, Thomas, 1942-1948
- Brown, W.B., 1948
- Bryner, Leonid, 1946
- Buacco, Jean, 1942
- Buck, Lillian E., 1944-1945
- Bukowski, Charles, 1945-1947
- Burack, A.S., 1946-1948
- Burch, Bradley, 1946
- Burnett, Hallie, 1941-1942
- Burnjohn, Isaac Henry, 1945-1946
- Burns, Gerald, 1946
- Burnside, Norman, 1946-1947
- Butler, E.P., 1935
- Caldwell, Erskine, 1945
- Coggins, Carolyn, 1945-1946
- Cooke, Charles, 1946-1947
- Crawford, Nelson Antrim, 1943
- D'Agostino, Guido, 1942-1945
- Davison, Edward, 1937-1939
- Acceptance Notices, 1935
- Book Index, 1946
- Burns, Robert, 1941-1946
- Canada, 1935-1936
- Censorship: Life Magazine, 1938
- Chambrun, Jacques, 1943
- Childers, Beulah, 1945-1946
- Christmas Cards, Lists, 1938
- Clubs: General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1932-1936
- Definitions for Today, 1943
- Derleth, August, 1949
- De Vries, Peter, 1946
- Doret, Bernard, 1941-1944
- Douglass, Eri, 1936
- Dwarre, Nils, 1946
- Evans, Ernestine, 1942-1947
- Fifield, William, 1940-1945
- Comments, A - Z, 1937-1947
- Correspondence - C, 1944-1948
- Correspondence - D, 1945-1948
- Correspondence - E, 1945-1947
- Correspondence - F, 1945-1948
- Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1945-1947
- Miscellaneous Lists, undated
- Praise, 1948-1953
- Circulars, 1934-1952
- Story: Organization, 1959
- Story: Competitiors, 1958-1959
- Contributors, 1948
- Distributors, undated
- Story: Editorial - Jesse Stuart, 1958
- Delasandro, Pearl, 1959
- Straubel, James, 1949
- Petersen, William: "Man is What the Weather is", 1939-1943
- Garmise, Bert, 1949
- Story: Promotion, 1951-1959
- Gillette, King C., 1955
- Story Magazine: Novels, Criticism of, 1933-1939
- Rader, Paul, 1949-1950
- Crank and Complaint Letters, 1933-1940
- Gillette: Beards, 1953-1955
- Story Press: A, 1944-1947
- Story Press: B, 1945-1948
- Story Press: C, 1944-1948
- Story Press: D, 1945-1947
- Story Press: E, 1945-1948
- Story Press: F, 1945-1948
- Story Press: G, 1935-1940
- Story Press: G, 1947-1954
- Story Press: H, 1945-1951
- Story Press: H, 1948-1952
- Story Press: I - J, 1936-1956
- Story Press: K, 1945-1954
- Story Press: K, 1944-1954
- Story Press: L, 1945-1948
- Story Press: L, 1945-1954
- Story Press: M, 1946-1953
- Story Press: M, 1948-1954
- Story Press: N, 1948-1953
- Story File: O,P,Q, 1947-1956
- Story File: O,P,Q, 1948-1953
- Story Press: R, 1948-1955
- Story Press: S, 1948-1954
- Story Press: S, 1947-1951
- Story Press: T,U,V, 1948-1954
- Story Press: W, 1948-1956
- Story Press: W, 1948-1951
- Story Press: X,Y,Z, 1948-1953
- Ballowe, H. L., 1945-1946
- Bishop, John Peale, 1939
- Book of the Month Club, 1939-1943
- Brown, Curtis, 1936-1946
- Burwell, Basil, 1945
- Canfield, Cass, 1936-1946
- Case, Charlotte, 1946
- Coleman, Richard, 1940-1948
- Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1936-1941
- Dunbar, Georgia Serwood, 1947
- Dunn, Bernice, 1944
- Eisenberg, Frances, 1938-1947
- Ellson, Hal, 1944-1948
- Farnham, Alice, 1944-1947
- Fodor, Marcel W., 1940-1947
- Foff, Arthur, 1943-1948
- Gelfan, Lewis David, 1947
- Gunther, John, 1947-1949
- Halliday, Charles, 1948
- F - Miscellaneous, 1938-1941
- Hayes, Dorsha, 1940
- Hirsch, Leon D., 1943-1944
- Holbrook, Estelle, undated
- Hughes, Langston, 1947
- Irish, William, 1944-1947
- Jennings, Curits E., 1943-1947
- Keen, Raya, 1945-1947
- Knox School, 1955
- Komroff, Manuel, 1949-1956
- Leary, Francis W., 1946-1948
- M - Miscellaneous, 1936-1944
- MacCallum, Russell, 1946-1949
- McCleary, Dorothy, 1934-1954
- Moffett, Lanston, 1952-1955
- Rich, Williston, 1950
- Russ, Wilma, 1956-1958
- Silveton, Doris, 1961
- Spingarn, Lawrence P., 1953-1954
- Stewart, Kilton, 1948
- Stowe, Perry, 1952-1956
- Taylor, Winthrop, 1950-1955
- Thompson, Dorothy, 1936
- Thomson, V., 1938
- Zimpel, Lloyd, 1954
- Double Solitaire, 1940
- Foreign Publishers, 1936
- Job Applications, 1949-1955
- Literary Agents: A - B, 1937-1943
- Literary Agents: A - B, 1937-1944
- Literary Agents: C - G, 1937-1946
- Literary Agents: H - K, 1937-1947
- Literary Agents: H - K, 1937-1944
- Literary Agents: H - K, 1938-1947
- Literary Agents: L - M, 1937-1948
- Literary Agents: L - M, 1937-1948
- Literary Agents: L - M, 1937-1941
- Stories Rejected, 1949-1950
- Society Lists, undated
- Aley, Ruth, 1935-1945
- Authors' Workshop for Veterans, 1947
- Black, Helen, 1936-1941
- Black Star Publishing Company Inc., 1936-1938
- Blassingame, Lurton, 1937-1948
- Brandt and Brandt, 1937-1946
- Brandt and Brandt, 1932-1938
- Jacques Chambrun Inc., 1943-1948
- Curtis Brown, Ltd., 1937-1948
- Feature Fiction, 1935-1939
- Finder, Leonard V., 1940
- Fles, Barthold, 1937-1946
- Fles, Barthold, 1934-1944
- Goldman, Morton, 1934-1935
- Gregory, Blanche, dates not examined
- Hardy, Robert Thomas, Inc., 1934-1943
- Hayward, Leland, 1942-1947
- Herz, Henriette, 1935-1940
- Hill and Peters, 1935-1942
- Holly, Flora Mai, 1935-1944
- International Literary Bureau, 1935-1942
- Joseph, Nannine, 1935-1944
- Lieber, Maxim, 1942-1945
- Liebling-Wood, 1938-1946
- McCall, Monica, 1940-1942
- McIntosh and Otis, Inc., 1935-1945
- McKeogh and Boyd, Inc., 1934-1944
- Literary Agents: M - O, 1937-1948
- Literary Agents: M - O, 1936-1948
- Literary Agents: P - R, 1937-1947
- Literary Agents: P - R, 1937-1948
- Literary Agents: S - V, 1937-1948
- Literary Agents: S - V, 1934-1948
- Literary Agents: W - Z, 1937-1948
- Matson and Duggan, 1937-1944
- Newald, Ellen, 1947-1948
- Nowell, Elizabeth, 1935-1937
- Nowell, Elizabeth, 1935-1941
- Ober, Harold, 1939-1947
- Ober, Harold, 1935-1938
- Paget Literary Agency, Inc., 1934-1948
- Pauker, Edmond, 1939-1946
- Pauker, Edmond, undated
- Powers, Marcella, 1947
- Pritchett, Mary Leonard, 1937-1943
- Reynolds and Son, Paul R., 1935-1943
- Rice, Virginia, 1935-1943
- Sanders, Sydney A., 1935-1946
- Saunders, Marion, 1934-1948
- Watkins, Ann, Inc., 1936-1945
- Watkins, Ann, Inc., 1934-1937
- Wing, Willis Kingsley, 1935-1945
- Zipser, Arthur, 1943-1946
- AFG Literary Agency, 1949
- Aley, Ruth, 1951-1952
- Al - Fer, 1952
- Altshuler, Harry, 1949-1953
- Ballenger, H.D., 1952
- Bauer, William, 1953
- Boyd, Madeleine, 1951-1952
- Chambrun, Jacques, 1948-1951
- Colin, Rosica, 1953
- Comert, Anne-Marie, 1953-1954
- Cowl, Carl, 1951-1954
- Crain, Maurice, 1951
- Curtis, Brown Ltd., 1951-1953
- Garon-Brooke and Schultz, Inc., 1952-1953
- Gregory, Fitch and Hendricks, 1951-1952
- Hale, Jeanne, 1951
- Hector, Shirley, Agency, 1951-1953
- Herman, Robert J, 1952
- Holmes-Neatrour, 1951
- Horch, Franz J., 1951-1952
- Howell, Miriam, 1953
- Ingersoll and Brennan, 1953
- Jackinson, Alex, 1954
- Joseph, Nannine, 1953-1954
- Kroll, Lucy, 1952-1955
- Lenniger, August, 1951
- Lester Lewis Associates, 1954
- Martin, Ann, 1953
- M.C.A. Management, Ltd., 1951-1954
- McIntosh, Mavis, 1951-1953
- McIntosh and Otis, Inc., 1943-1952
- Mead, Daniel S., 1952-1953
- Meredith, Scott, 1951-1960
- Meyer, Helmut, 1953-1954
- Ober, Harold, 1951-1960
- Orner, Faustina, 1954
- Pauker, Edmond, 1943-1952
- Pfeffer, Max, 1953-1955
- Phillips, Leslie Gordon, 1949-1953
- Porcelain, Sidney E., 1952
- Powers, Marcella, 1952-1954
- Rodell, Marie F., 1951-1952
- Russell and Volkening, Inc., 1948-1960
- Satenstein, Sidney, 1950-1951
- Saunders, Marion, 1952-1954
- Schaffner, John, 1953-1960
- Schubert, Bernard L., Inc., 1951-1954
- Schulberg, Ad, 1951-1960
- Strassman, Toni, 1947-1960
- Watkins, Ann, 1938-1961
- Williams, Annie Laurie, 1951
- Wolf, Harriet, 1949-1954
- Woodburn, Eve, 1951
- Young, James, School for Writers, 1951-1960
- Agents - Listing of Clients, 1934-1945
- Borchardt, Georges, 1959-1960
- Brandt and Brandt, 1951-1960
- Brown, James, Associates, 1952-1960
- Crain, Maurice, 1959
- Curtis Brown, Ltd., 1960
- Elmo, Ann, 1959-1960
- Fles, Barthold, 1959
- Ingersoll and Brennan, 1959-1960
- Klausner, Bertha, 1951-1960
- Littauer and Wilkinson, 1959
- Matson, Harold, 1951-1960
- McCall, Monica, 1959-1960
- Miscellaneous Literary Agents: A - Z, 1959-1960
- Morris, William, 1953-1960
- Reynolds, Paul R., 1951-1960
- Russell and Volkening, 1959-1960
- Script Delivery Service, 1960
- Teaching Offers, 1935-1948
- Watkins, A., 1959-1960
- White, Kenneth S., 1953-1960
- Wing, Willis Kingsley, 1948-1959
- Wood, Audrey, 1951-1960
- Boulder Conference, 1935-1938
- Boulder Conference, 1935-1936
- Farleigh-Dickinson Conference, 1958-1964
- Farleigh-Dickinson Conference, 1962-1964
- Georgetown Conference, 1964
- Utah Conference, 1947-1949
- Wagner - N.Y. Writers' Conference, 1956-1964
- Ads, 1935-1937
- Books Received, 1935-1939
- Copyright, 1934-1935
- Exchange, 1933-1940
- On-the-Job-Training, 1948
- Reprints, 1949-1950
- Reprints, 1949-1950
- Reprints, 1951-1952
- Reprints, 1951-1952
- Reprints - Avon Books, 1951-1953
- Reprints - Ballantine Books, 1952-1953
- Reprints - Bantam Books, 1951-1953
- Reprints - Canada and England, 1951-1953
- Reprints - Dell, 1951
- Reprints - Popular, 1953
- Paid Reprints, 1939-1947
- Paid Reprints, 1939-1947
- Reprints, 1941-1946
- Reprints, 1940-1943
- Reprints, 1938-1940
- Drawings, undated
- Letter in German, 1931
- Miscellaneous, undated
- Notes, 1962
- Page Proof Corrections, undated
- Photostats and Proofs, 1962
- Printing Information, undated
- Printing Information, 1961-1962
- Process Press, 1962
- Production Schedule, 1962
- Publicity, 1962
- Smith, Pringle, Notes to, 1962
- Story Covers, 1960-1962
- Subscription Insert, 1962
- Two Photographs, undated
- 24 Photoengraving Plates, dates not examined
- Certificate of Incorporation (Cover Page Only), dates not examined
- Story - Clippings, dates not examined
- Financial Documents and Ledgers (Unfoldered), 1939-1961
- Minutes for Story Magazine, undated
- Stock Certificates, undated
- Story Magazine (German Edition), 1950
- Clippings relating to Story Magazine, undated
- Story Reviews, 1949-1951
- Miscellaneous, 1949-1950
- Scrapbook of Subscription Solicitations, 1935-1938
- Burnett, Hallie Southgate A., 1941
- Cochran, Robert W., 1938
- Cook, Whitfield, 1937-1939
- Cronyn, George, 1945
- D'Agostino, Guido, 1938-1944
- Derleth, August W., 1955
- De Vries, Peter, 1936
- Eisenberg, Frances, 1942
- Fenstad, Trondby, 1936
- Gizycka, Felicia, 1940
- Hunt, Hamlen, 1938
- Medearis, Mary, 1941-1945
- Knight, Eric, 1936
- Krauss, William A., 1937
- Mailer, Norman, 1941
- McCullers, Carson Smith, 1936
- The New Yorker, 1945-1946
- O'Hara, Mary, undated
- Salinger, Jerome D., 1940
- Chorer, Mark, 1937
- Stuart, Jesse, 1939-1940
- Sundgaard, Arnold, 1938
- Yohanan, Nellie, 1936
- Friends of Authors, 1936-1943
- Friends of Authors, 1937-1938
- Friends of Authors, 1936-1943
- Radio, 1939-1945
- The Salt Lake Tribune, 1954 June 23
- Tonight's Best Story, 1940-1964
- "Best", Vol. I, undated
- "Best", Vol. II, undated
- "World's Best", Vol. IV, undated
- This is My Best, 1940
- This is My Best - Radio Show, 1940-1944
- This is My Best - Radio Show - Material and Ideas, 1940-1945
- Memos, 1944
- Notebook, 1944-1946
- Radio Broadcasts, 1934-1936
- Agents - Radio, 4th Series, 1945-1946
- Article on Television, 1961
- List for Strange Stories, undated
- Review of the Week, 1944-1965
- School, 1960-1961
- Scripts, 1936-1938
- This is My Best, 1942-1963
- TV Ideas, 1942-1962
- TV Stories, 1936-1951
- TV Stories, 1938-1950
- TV with Best Authors - Project, 1943-1953
- Tonight's Best Story, 1940-1942
- Burnett - Morgan - Shurr (Old Correspondence), 1952-1953
- Derleth, August, 1953-1954
- Fifield, William, 1952-1955
- Foley, Theresa, 1953-1954
- Garvey, Margaret, 1953-1954
- Gold, Herbert, 1953-1954
- McNamara, Ed, 1953-1954
- Modesto, John, 1949-1954
- Morgan, Brewster, 1954-1955
- Morgan, Brewster - Chronology, 1951-1954
- Morgan, Brewster, List of Stories to, 1945-1954
- Morgan, Brewster - Rogers, Edmund, 1954-1955
- Morgan, Brewster - Shurr, Lester, 1953-1955
- Morgan, Brewster - Television, 1950-1954
- Morgan, Brewster - TV Contract, 1952-1954
- Raphael, Fred, 1946
- Schneider, Robert, 1953-1954
- St. Joseph, Ellis, 1953-1954
- Television and Radio Notes, 1939-1946
- Television and Radio Notes, 1936-1943
- Television - Canine, William and Wolf, Harriet, 1953-1955
- Television to Pay, 1954
- Television - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1951-1955
- Radio Before 1948, 1948-1949
- Reddy, John, 1950-1957
- Rogers, Edmund, 1951-1955
- Sharpe, Don, 1948-1957
- This is My Best, 1945-1954
- This is My Best - Contracts, etc., 1942-1946
- This is My Best - Radio, 1938-1946
- This is My Best - Radio (Comment - Reviews, etc.), 1944-1945
- This is My Best - Radio (Publicity), 1944-1945
- This is My Best - Souvaine Company, 1949-1951
- This is My Best - The Spirit of Man, 1957
- Time to be Young, 1945-1955
- World Best, 1949-1950
- Burnett, Whit - Burnett, Hallie (Book Review), 1948
- Movies, 1936-1950
- Short Stories - Lists, undated
- Television/Movie Rights - Correspondence: Dos Passos - Saroyan - Wilder, 1940-1941
- Television - Mutual Television Productions, 1951-1953
- Television - Source Material, 1938-1948
- Television - Stevens, Mark, 1951-1955
- Television - Synopsis, 1941-1950
- Television - Miscellaneous Correspondence, etc., 1949-1950
- ALMA (Association of Literary Magazines of America), 1962
- ALMA - Correspondence, 1961-1962
- ALMA - Correspondence, 1961-1962
- ALMA - Correspondence, 1962
- ALMA - Correspondence, 1962
- ALMA - Financial Data, 1961-1962
- ALMA - Inquiries, 1961-1962
- ALMA - Organizational, 1961
- ALMA - Publicity, 1961
- ASLA - (American Society of Literary Arts), 1962-1963
- M, 1961
- Miller, Roy, undated
- Whittemore, Reed, 1961-1962
- Questionnaires, undated
- College Contest, 1961-1962
- College Contracts, 1961-1962
- Contract Best College, 1961-1962
- Photographs and Biographies, 1958-1961
- Photographs - Universities and Colleges, 1961
- Reviews, 1962
- Royalties, 1961
- Short Story Contest, 1961-1962
- College Lists, 1961
- College Short Stories Contest, 1961
- College Short Stories Contest, 1960-1961
- College Short Stories Contest: Biographies Not Used, 1961
- College Short Story Contest: Extra Copies of Stories, 1961
- College Short Story Contest: Extra Copies of Stories, 1961
- College Short Story Contest: Stories Left Out, 1961
- 15th College Contest, 1960-1962
- Judges' Payment, 1961
- Letters Endorsement, 1961
- Reviews College, 1961-1962
- Voting and Lists, 1961
- College - No Postage, 1961
- College - No Postage, 1961
- College - No Postage, 1961
- College - No Postage, 1961
- Best College Writing, 1962-1963
- Certifications of the Prize Winners, 1962
- College Charts, 1962-1963
- College Short Story Contest: Inquiries, 1962
- College Short Story Contest: Stories, 1963
- College Story: "Fantasia" by Hamilton, Judith, undated
- College, 1962-1963
- College Photos, 1962
- College Contest, 1962
- College Contest Contracts, 1962-1963
- Contract Best College Writing - Random House, 1962-1963
- List of Entries, etc., 1962-1963
- Payments, 1962
- Random House Prize College Stories (Bensky, Larry), 1961-1963
- Reviews of College Stories, 1962-1963
- Bensky, L., 1962
- Certifications, 1962
- College, Comments, Envelopes, etc., 1962
- College Short Story Contest: Inquiries, 1962
- College Short Story Contest: Stories Left Out, undated
- College Short Story Contest: "The Last Branch Ruined", 1962
- College Contest Publicity, 1963
- Rejects, undated
- Rejected by Random House, undated
- College of Notre Dame of Maryland, undated
- Illinois Colleges, 1963
- Miscellaneous College Rejects, 1963
- Miscellaneous College Rejects, 1963
- Miscellaneous College Rejects, 1963
- New York Colleges, 1963
- Pennsylvania Colleges, 1963
- Pennsylvania Colleges, 1963
- Pennsylvania Colleges, 1963
- Certification of College Writing Rejects, 1962-1964
- Certification of 1963 College Writing Rejects, 1963-1964
- Certification of 1963 College Writing Rejects, 1963
- 1963 College Writing Contest Correspondence, 1963-1964
- Incomplete Set: Winners 1963 College Short Story Contest, undated
- Incomplete Set: Winners 1963 College Short Story Contest, undated
- Incomplete Set: Winners 1963 College Short Story Contest, undated
- Incomplete Set: Winners of College Short Story Contest, 1963
- Incomplete Set: Winners of College Short Story Contest, 1963
- Incomplete Set: Winners of College Short Story Contest, 1963
- Certification of College Writing Contest Finalist, 1963
- College Contest Judges, 1963-1964
- College Stories: Preface, 1961-1964
- College Writing Contest: Student Verifications and Lists, 1963
- College Writing Contest Publicity, 1963
- Contracts - Winners - Prize College Stories, 1963-1964
- Correspondence, College Writing Contest Finalists, 1963-1964
- Photographs - Winners College Writing Contest, 1963
- Prize College Stories, 1963-1964
- Publicity Release Prize College Stories, 1963-1964
- Table of Contents - Prize College Stories, 1963-1964
- Title, Names and Index Cards, 1963
- College Winners, 1938-1948
- Prize College Stories, 1963
- Prize College Stories, 1964
- Prize College Stories, 1964
- Prize College Stories, 1964
- Short Stories: Tearsheets, 1933-1938
- "The Stone Soldier" and Other Prize College Stories, 1964
- "The Stone Soldier" and Other Prize College Stories, 1964
- WPA - Publicity Clippings, 1936-1937
- College Contest Entries - No Return Envelopes, 1964
- Miscellaneous, undated
- Miscellaneous, undated
- Miscellaneous, undated
- Miscellaneous, undated
- Pennsylvania, undated
- Story Magazine College Contest: Certificates, 1964
- Story Magazine College Contest: Certificates and Stories, 1964
- Story Magazine College Contest: Certificates and Stories, 1964
- 25 Copies of Story Magazine, 1932-1934
- Story Magazine, 1935-1937
- Story Magazine, 1937-1940
- Story Magazine, 1940-1945
- Story Magazine, 1945-1962
- Story Magazine, 1962-1964
- Burnett, Whit: Personal Finances, 1947-1949
- Burnett, Whit: Personal Finances, 1946-1949
- Burnett, Whit - Personal - Paid Bills, 1948-1949
- Burnett, Whit - Personal - Paid Bills, 1948-1949
- Burnett, Whit - Personal - Paid Bills, 1947-1949
- Burnett, Whit: Unpaid, 1947-1949
- Burnett, Whit: Unpaid - Summary, 1949
- Statements of Liability, 1948-1949
- Story Magazine: Unpaid, 1947-1949
- Unpaid Invoices, 1938-1949
- Burnett, Whit: Insurance - Current, 1950-1951
- Burnett, Whit: Insurance - Current, 1948-1951
- Burnett, Whit: Insurance - Current, 1949-1950
- Burnett, Whit: Old Income, 1947-1949
- Burnett, Whit: Taxes - FIT, 1945-1950
- Burnett, Whit: Taxes - FIT, 1939-1952
- Burnett, Whit: Taxes - FIT, 1940-1952
- Insurance - Expired, 1935-1946
- Burnett, Whit: Taxes - Personal, 1944-1947
- Burnett, Whit: Taxes - Personal, 1942-1945
- Census, 1948
- Miscellaneous Tax Matters, 1941-1949
- New York State and City Taxes, 1938-1948
- New York Unemployment Insurance, 1948-1951
- New York Unemployment Insurance, 1942-1948
- New York Unemployment Insurance, 1936-1942
- Social Security, 1937-1948
- Story Insurance, 1947-1949
- Financial Papers and Receipts, undated
- Current Bills, 1959
- Bills Paid, 1959
- Checkbook, 1958
- 17 Bankbooks, 1955-1962
- Ledger, 1948-1959
- 10 Bankbooks, 1957-1960
- Story Magazine: Design and Artwork, 1939-1963
- Story Magazine: Design and Artwork, 1962
- Story Magazine No. 6, 1961-1962
- Story Magazine No. 6: Artwork, undated
- Story Magazine No. 7: Artwork, 1962
- Story Magazine No. 7: Proofs, undated
- Story Magazine: Typescripts, undated
- Story Magazine: Typescripts, undated
- Poster: Aqueduct, undated
- Story Magazine: Artwork, 1961
- Story Magazine: Artwork and Biographies, 1960-1962
- Story Magazine: Fillers, 1962
- Story Magazine: Original Copy, 1963
- Story Magazine No. 4: Proofs and Galleys, 1963
- Story Magazine No. 4: Proofs and Galleys, undated
- Story Magazine No. 4: Typescripts, undated
- Story Magazine No. 4: Typescripts, undated
- Story Magazine No. 4: Typescripts, 1963
- Story Magazine: Artwork, undated
- Story Magazine: Cover Design, 1963
- Story Magazine: Galleys, 1962
- Story Magazine: Typescripts, 1963
- Story Magazine: Typescripts, undated
- Story Magazine: Typescripts, undated
- Abrahams, William, 1951-1953
- Albee, George, 1952-1953
- Anderson, Merrill, 1947-1951
- Ashkenazi, Touvia, 1942-1952
- Baker, Denys Val, 1951-1952
- Baroff, Gene, 1947-1953
- Beck, V. J., 1951-1953
- Brooks, Graham, 1949-1952
- Burks, Arthur, 1947-1951
- Burnett, Whit, 1951
- Canzoneri, Robert, 1952-1954
- Conner, Rearden, 1951-1952
- Dodson, Daniel, 1949-1952
- Foley, Teresa, 1948-1953
- Helfer, Harold, 1951-1954
- Magnes, William, 1946-1955
- McNamara, Ed, 1948-1952
- Nelson, Edna Deu Pree, 1951-1952
- Sayres, William, 1951-1952
- Shallit, Joseph, 1947-1965
- Shen, Ts'ung-Wen, 1948-1951
- Stoumen, Louis Clyde, 1947-1951
- Tobin, Richard, 1951-1952
- Walker, Turnley, 1951-1952
- Wiegand, William, 1948-1951
- Wyckoff, James, 1947-1952
- Index Accepted, 1949
- Reprints From Story Magazine, 1952-1954
- Royalties, 1952-1955
- Story Magazine No. 1: Contracts Returned, 1951-1954
- Story Magazine No. 1: Subsidiary Rights, 1951-1953
- Story Magazine No. 2: Contracts Signed, 1952-1955
- Story Magazine No. 2: Correspondence, 1952-1953
- Story Magazine No. 2: Reviews, 1952-1953
- Writers' Friends Lists, 1951
- Unprocessed Materials, dates not examined
- Correspondence, 1874-1989
- Correspondence, 1943-1987
- Manuscripts, dates not examined
- Manuscripts of Whit Burnett, dates not examined
- Manuscripts Co-authored or Co-edited by Whit and Hallie Burnett, dates not examined
- Manuscripts of Whit and Hallie Burnett's Family Members, dates not examined
- Various Papers Related to Story Magazine, dates not examined
- Additions, 1965-1980
Salinger, J. D., dates not examined
- Collection Creator:
- Story Press and Princeton University. Library. Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
- Dates:
- dates not examined
- Located In:
- Box 35, Folder 12
- Extent:
- 1 folder
- Languages:
- English
- Scope and Contents
Contains a manuscript for "The Children's Echelon."
- Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Credit this material:
Salinger, J. D.; Story Magazine and Story Press Records, C0104, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (mss): Box 35
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Sylvia Yu and Heather Shannon in 2000. Finding aid written by Sylvia Yu and Heather Shannon in 2000.
The collection title was updated in 2022 by Faith Charlton to be closer in alignment with DACS. Although multiple parties are associated with the collection's provenance, technically making this an assembled collection, the bulk of the collection is from the creator; thus Princeton Univeristy Library was not included in the title as the creator. PUL as a corporate body was added as the collector.
In 2022, restrictions on Ernest Hemingway and J. D. Salinger materials where researchers were required to use surrogates were lifted as part of a restrictions review project.
Collection Overview
Collection Description & Creator Information
- Scope and Contents
Contains a manuscript for "The Children's Echelon."
- Arrangement
The collection has been arranged primarily in alphabetical series by author, with approximately 30 boxes containing the Burnetts' personal papers and manuscripts not directly related to Story. The 44 boxes of 1989-1999 Story author files are arranged alphabetically by author and story title.
Collection History
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Sylvia Yu and Heather Shannon in 2000. Finding aid written by Sylvia Yu and Heather Shannon in 2000.
The collection title was updated in 2022 by Faith Charlton to be closer in alignment with DACS. Although multiple parties are associated with the collection's provenance, technically making this an assembled collection, the bulk of the collection is from the creator; thus Princeton Univeristy Library was not included in the title as the creator. PUL as a corporate body was added as the collector.
In 2022, restrictions on Ernest Hemingway and J. D. Salinger materials where researchers were required to use surrogates were lifted as part of a restrictions review project.
Access & Use
- Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Salinger, J. D.; Story Magazine and Story Press Records, C0104, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (mss): Box 35
Find More
- Related Materials
Burnett, Whit. The Literary Life and the Hell with It (Harper, 1939).
- Bibliography
Wallace Stevens' letters were published in the Glenn MacLeod article "A New Version of Wallace Stevens," Princeton University Library Chronicle, XLI(1):22-29, Autumn 1979.
Most of the information in the historical note is summarized and compiled from "What's STORY magazine? - A Brief History," published on the Writer's Digest website at: http://www.writersdigest.com,as well as from the Gale Literary Databases and the Story collection files.
- Names:
- Story Press