Consists of deeds, wills, leases, powers of attorney, bonds, claims, agreements, and other miscellaneous documents.
Arranged chronologically
Deed of John Harrison to Thomas Higgins for 1200 acres near Rocky Hill, NJ, 1702 February 23
Will of John Hooke, 1710 March 22
Deed of Peter Nevins to his sons for 100 acres of land in [Somerset County?], NJ, 1752 May 1
Deed of John Denniston to Francis Costigin for property in Middlesex Co., NJ, 1754 January 14
Deed of Job Stockton to Richard Stockton for land in Princeton, NJ [Red Hill?], 1765 September 5
Lease of John Barwell & Thomas Rockford to Richard Stockton for 1250 acres, 1767 November 20
Deed of Leggit Smith to Henry Latourette for land in Winsor [sic], NJ (recorded), 1771 May 1
Deed of Joseph Price to his son Michael Price for property at Laurel Swamp, NJ, 1774 April 20
Land Arbitration between John Clarkson and Richard Ware for property in Morris County, 1775 June 2
Agreement between William Dickinson and Richard Ware over land in Roxbury, NJ, 1776 December 28
Deed of William Bowne to William Parker & Jacob Corlis for property in Middletown, NJ, 1784 July 29
Deed (copy) of Thomas Lawrence to William Henry for property in Princeton, NJ, 1786 December 9
Deed of Alexander Smith to Col. Samuel Forman for property in Winser [sic], NJ, 1790 March 25
Deed of Edward Fisher to Benjamin Rush for property in Northunberland Co., PA, 1793 March 25
Grant from the Governor to Daniel Huger for 20,000 acres in Buncombe Co., NC, 1795 October 10
Deed of Isaac Anderson to John Cheilan & Others for land in Somerset Co., NJ, 1796 October 29
Deed of Theodore Hopkins & Others to Robert Watts for property near New Brunswick, NJ, 1800 March 8
Deed of Robert Watts to James Hamilton & John Couper for land in Georgia (recorded), 1803 February
Deed of Joseph Levittree to Jonathan Schieffelin for land in Franklin Co., Ohio, 1804 October 15
Deed of Joseph Levittree to Jonathan Schieffelin for land in Franklin Co., Ohio, 1804 October 15
Documents relating to Jonathan Rhea's sale of "White Hill" to Richard Stockton, 1804 November 26
Deed of Walter & Mrs. Beaumont to William Clarkson for property in New Jersey, 1815 November 23
Deed of Nathan Price to Reuben Tucker & Evan Evans for land in Sussex Co., NJ, 1819 September 14
Deed of Ralph Phillips for Lewis W. R. Phillips for land near Franklinton, Ohio, 1823 January 9
Deed of Lucius Horatio Stockton to Richard Stockton for property in Montgomery, NJ, 1827 January 25
Will of H. M. Stockton, 1828 July 1
Deed of the Executors of Richard Stockton to Isaac Field for property in Mansfield, NJ, 1829 May 19
Deed of the Executors of Richard Stockton to Isaac Field for Property in Mansfield, NJ, 1829 May 21
Quit Claim Deed of Thomas Shearman & wife to Joseph Mount for property in Howell, NJ, 1832 June 16
Bond of Juliet C. Washington & Samuel Bayard to Robert F. Stockton for $25,000, 1835 October 27
Deed of Joseph Alsop to Robert F. Stockton for land in Spotsylvania, VA w/diagram, 1848 June 6
Sale of part of a lease of the Morrison Mine from George Fisher to Benjamin Cason, 1848 September 19
Deed of Richard H. Pulliam to Robert F. Stockton for land in Spotsylvania, VA, 1848 October 11
Agreement between D. W. K. Bowles and Robert F. Stockton re: Fluvanna mine, VA, 1849 February 19
Agreement between George W. Fisher and Robert F. Stockton re: Louis County mine, 1849 March 19
Agreement between George Fisher and Robert F. Stockton as the the Morrison Mine, 1849 August 4
Agreement regarding the leasing of the Morrison Mine to Robert F. Stockton, 1849 December 7
Release of Richard H. Pulliam to Robert F. Stockton for land in Spotsylvania, VA, 1850 February 21
Agreement between Richard Stockton and Robert F. Stockton re: Springdale Farm, 1851 April 21
Agreement between Robert F. Stockton & John P. Stockton re: the will of John Potter, 1858 July 19
Undated material, undated
Consists of correspondence with individuals such as Elisha Boudinot, Charles Kinsey, and Mary Ashfield, as well as others.
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Consists of an anonymous poem, dedicated to Mrs. L. V. B, a resolution of the Joint Board of the Delaware and Raritan Canal Company on the death of Robert F. Stockton, and a sermon.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Consists of bound manuscripts on deposit.
Arranged alphabetically by author.
- Scope and Contents
The collection consists of various personal and business papers of members of the Stockton family of Princeton, New Jersey, particularly those of Richard Stockton (Princeton Class of 1779), which were formerly preserved at Morven, the family's ancestral home. Included are many deeds, leases, and other land transactions, mostly for Princeton and counties in the central New Jersey area; wills; land and financial papers of Robert F. and Lucius Stockton; legal documents relating to the John B. Livingston vs. Thomas Gibbons case (1821); and miscellaneous correspondence. There are also ten bound volumes comprising commonplace books, notebooks, lecture notes, and other writings kept by various Stockton family members, which are on deposit.
- Arrangement
Arranged chronologically in folders labelled deeds, wills, or documents: 1700-1775, 1776-1800, 1804-1866.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Stockton, Richard
Richard Stockton (Princeton Class of 1779) was an American lawyer, farmer, and politician.
- Acquisition:
Gift of Mrs. P.H. Gresh. Papers deposited by Mrs. Wardlaw Miles. Letter from Richard Stockton to Benjamin Rush is a gift of Alfred H. Bill.
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Processing Information
Stockton Family Manuscripts on Deposit (Series 4) were renumbered by Kelly Bolding in January 2019.
- Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Except for Volumes 1 and 3 of the Stockton Family Manuscripts on Deposit (Series 4), single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form..
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Stockton Family Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (scamss): Box 1-4
- Subject Terms:
- Real property -- New Jersey -- Princeton.
- Genre Terms:
- Deeds.
Family papers
Legal documents.
Wills. - Names:
- Morven (Princeton N.J. : Estate)
Stockton family - Places:
- Hunterdon County (N.J.) -- History -- 1775-1865. -- Sources
Mercer County (N.J.) -- History -- 1775-1865. -- Sources
Middlesex County (N.J.) -- History -- 1775-1865. -- Sources
Monmouth County (N.J.) -- History -- 1775-1865. -- Sources
Somerset County (N.J.) -- History -- 1775-1865. -- Sources
New Jersey -- History -- 1775-1865. -- Sources
Princeton (N.J.) -- History -- 1775-1865. -- Sources
Princeton (N.J.) -- Social life and customs.