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- The Left Book Club, 1931-2018
- Subject Files, 1928-1998
- Writers of the Left Addition, 1932-1996
- Joyce Carol Oates Addition, 1969-1989
- History Files, 1927-1999
- Literature Files, 1928-1997
- Additional Publishing Files, 1926-1999
- Bott, Alan and Clephane, Irene, 1932-1973
- Chase, Edna Woolman and Chase, Ilka, 1954-1998
- de Kok, Winifred, 1931-1955
- Duncan, Isadora, 1927-1988
- Eisler, Paul, 1944-1956
- Eyles, Leonora, 1942-1956
- Foot, Michael and Bruce, Donald, 1948-1949
- Hamburger, Estelle, 1939-1949
- Home, Evelyn, 1954-1955
- Home, Evelyn, 1953-1969
- Larkin, Margaret, 1957-1962
- Levi, Carlo, 1953-1959
- Ryan, Cornelius, 1958-1994
- Lloyd-George, David, 1938-1979
- Macdougall, Allan Ross, 1926-1987
- Manson, J.B., 1944-1946
- Merz, Charles, 1928
- Nijinsky, Romola, 1933-1987
- Quigley, Janet, 1957- 1958
- Ross, Lillian, 1952-1986
- Rostand, Jean, 1935-1936
- Rubenstein, Helena, 1930-1983
- Sanger, Margaret, 1939
- Stone, Janet, 1954-1966
- Stravinsky, Igor, 1935-1967
- Thompson, Edward, 1939
- Thompson, Edward, 1940-1986
- Thompson, Edward, 1946-1988
- Thompson, Edward, 1943
- Vogt, William, 1947-1984
- Vogt, William, 1960-1986
- Adams, Abby, 1989-1995
- Berthoud, Joy, 1994 - 1998
- Brownrigg, Sylvia, 1996 - 1998
- Coveney, Michael, 1990 - 1993
- Drower, George, 1995 - 1996
- Drower, George, 1994 - 1998
- Fairfax-Lucy, Alice, 1987 - 1992
- Foot, Michael, 1997
- Giles, Fiona, 1996 - 1998
- Jones, Mervyn, 1991 - 1994
- Mitford, Jessica, 1991 - 1993
- Parkin, Molly, 1991 - 1994
- Winters, Nancy, 1993 - 1998
- Wright, William, 1990 - 1993
- Ackerley, Chris, 1985-1986
- Avonson, Stephen and Robins, Natalie, 1986
- Freeman, Sarah, 1989
- French, Alison, 1988-1998
- Hocken, Sheila, 1982-1984
- Hocken, Sheila, 1987-1991
- Hocken, Sheila, 1990-1992
- Hyland, Paul, 1977-1988
- Hyland, Paul, 1981-1989
- Hyland, Paul, 1985-1994
- Kilroy, Roger, 1984-1996
- Mahoney, Irene, 1975-1979
- Meynell, Dame Alix, 1986-1989
- Miller, Casey and Swift, Kate, 1977-1997
- Moffat, Gwen, 1971-1974
- Perrin, Jim, 1984-1993
- Silone, Ignazio, 1964-1979
- Silone, Ignazio, 1969-1974
- Silone, Ignazio, 1963-1979
- Silone, Ignazio, 1968-1979
- Strachey, Barbara and Samuels, Jayne, 1982-1994
- West, Jessamyn, 1976-1979
- Wilson, Colin, 1987-1990
- Ackorth, Evelyn, 1964-1969
- Axline, Virginia, 1965-1996
- Ball, Ian, 1973-1989
- Cardus, Neville, 1961-1984
- Coren, Alan, 1968-1974
- Colin, Jean, 1972-1985
- Day, Lillian, 1965-1975
- Davis Hubbard, Wynant, 1962-1970
- Eisley, Loren, 1957-1988
- Evans, Douglas, 1972-1974
- Felton, Monica, 1965-1970
- Freeman, Sarah, 1975-1984
- Friedan, Betty, 1962-1998
- Friedan, Betty, 1976-1997
- Huff, Darrell, 1954-1969
- Huff, Darrell, 1964-1976
- H. Lewis, Arthur, 1960-1961
- Lincoln, Victoria, 1962-1976
- Mannes, Marya, 1965-1987
- Margolius Kovaly, Heda, 1986-1997
- N. Hume, Ivor, 1973-1980
- Peterson, William, 1964
- Poole, Lynn & Gray, 1966-1979
- Sand, George (with Dan Hofstadter), 1978-1988
- Bell, J.H.B., 1987-1988
- Bonatti, Walter, 1984
- Bonington, Chris, 1971-1990
- Brett, David, 1981-1988
- Brown, Joe, 1966-1998
- Brown, Hamish, 1978-1996
- Brown, Hamish, 1974-1996
- Brown, Hamish, 1988-1997
- Calvert, Harry, 1982-1989
- Craig, Robert W., 1979-1989
- Drasdo, Harold and Tobias, Michael Charles, 1979-1986
- Faux, Ronald, 1979-1983
- Gray, Dennis, 1969-1992
- Hazleton, Lesley, 1979-1983
- Heckmair, Anderl, 1973-1989
- Jerome, John, 1978-1981
- Mazeaud, Pierre, 1971-1975
- Nunn, Paul, 1978-1982
- Olsen, Jack, 1962-1990
- Roth, Arthur, 1981-1989
- Scarr, Josephine, 1962-1977
- Slesser, Malcolm, 1965-1974
- Smythe, F.S., 1934
- Stephens, Joy, 1987-1994
- Allen, Robert L., 1970-1975
- Boyle, Sarah Patton, 1962-1963
- Clark, Kenneth B., 1965-1990
- Cohen, Jerry; Murphy, William B., 1965-1966
- Conrad, Earl; Patterson, Hayward, 1949-1977
- De Meyer, John, 1938
- Dunbar, Ernest, 1967-1971
- Feibleman, Peter S., 1966-1970
- Goldman, Peter, 1973-1979
- Harrison, G.B., 1965-1976
- Ewer, Monica, 1929-1930
- Istrati, Penait, 1931-1946
- Johnson, C.S., 1943
- Katz, Naomi; Milton, Nancy, 1974-1981
- Love, Edmund G., 1960
- Malcom, J.E., 1957
- Martin, John Bartlow, 1957
- De Meyer, John, 1935
- Beer, Olivier, 1978-1998
- Mauriac, Francois, 1933-1944
- Meadows, Catherine, 1934-1937
- Meadows, Catherine, 1934-1937
- Meyrink, Gustav, 1928-1980
- Mitchell, Stuart, 1957-1960
- Moon, Lorna, 1929-1991
- Moore, Ward, 1986
- Morreale, Ben, 1957-1960
- Morressy, John E., 1966-1967
- Newerov, Howard, 1954-1959
- Newhouse, Edward, 1954
- Pace, Tom, 1970
- Routley, Erik, 1971-1985
- Silver, James, 1964-1966
- Stockwell, John, 1981-1985
- Thompson, E. B., 1946-1948
- Trillin, Calvin, 1964
- Welch, James, 1974-1984
- White, Walter, 1951-1969
- Bell, Dean, 1995
- Berth, Alan, 1951-1964
- Bonatti, Walter, 1973-1983
- Campbell, Alexander, 1945-1946
- Daniels, Jonathan, 1950
- Davis, L.J., 1986-1995
- Deiss, J.J., 1965-1990
- Denman, Roy, 1999
- Dessi, Giuseppe, 1975-1978
- Dooley, Thomas A., 1958-1960
- Ekvall, Robert B., 1952-1983
- Gresham, William Lindsay, 1954-1958
- Hanslick, Eduard, 1990
- Kennet, Wayland, 1973-1975
- Leslie, Robert Franklin, 1979-1992
- Lilly, John C., 1961-1994
- Lucie-Smith, Edward, 1964-1973
- Massie, Robert, 1967-1981
- Megaw, Arthur Stanley, 1949-1961
- Mitchell, Ewan, 1961-1969
- Perrin, Jim, 1985-1994
- Seidler, Fritz, 1933
- Smith, Michael, 1986-1994
- Thomson, David, 1971-1974
- Weeks, Stephen, 1982-1987
- Ardley, D.H., 1976-1989
- Beaumont, Peter, 1996
- Bird, David, 1999
- Briggs, Jack and Zina, 1997-1998
- Bryant, Mark, 1994-1996
- Bulloch, John & Darwish, Adel, 1993 - 1994
- Cox, Nicola, 1994
- Diack, Lesley, 1963 - 1986
- Ellis, A. R., 1968 - 1984
- Elzbieta, 1993-1994
- Elzbieta, 1993-1994
- Few, Roger, 1992-1994
- Freuchen, Peter, 1953 - 1963
- Freuchen, Peter, 1955 - 1958
- Ganeri, Anita, 1995-1996
- Gillham, Mary, 1966 - 1974
- Kearns, William J. & Britton, Beverley, 1955 - 1958
- Kokko, Yrjö, 1953 - 1964
- Lewis, David, 1963 - 1965
- Malleson, Constance, 1946 - 1949
- de Poncins, Gontran, 1955 - 1958
- Ruesch, Hans, 1950 - 1973
- Ruud, Ivar & Maxwell, A. E., 1975 - 1979
- Scherman, Katharine, 1956 - 1959
- Scherman, Katharine, 1975 - 1981
- Simpson, Myrtle, 1972 - 1979
- Simpson, Myrtle, 1976 - 1987
- Simpson, Myrtle, 1969 - 1976
- Simpson, Myrtle, 1963 - 1976
- Simpson, Myrtle, 1965 - 1975
- Tresidder, Jody, 1988-1991
- Alexander, F.M., 1984-1998
- Barlow, Wilfred, 1970-1992
- Barlow, Wilfred, 1974-1991
- Bruce-Mitford, Rupert, 1973-1988
- Ceram, C.W., undated
- Chailley, Jacques, 1970-1984
- Drower, Margaret, 1972-1995
- Edwards, I.E.S., 1979-1980
- Forsstrom, Brita and Hampson, Mel, 1992-1998
- Gimpel, Jean, 1975-1987
- Gray, John, 1989-1998
- Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich, 1972-1996
- Bird, David, undated
- Bird, David and Bourke, Tim, undated
- Bird, David and Cochemé, Simon, undated
- Bird, David and Cochemé, Simon, 1994
- Bird, David and Klinger, Ron, 1991
- Forquet, Pietro, 1986-1995
- Freeman, Lucy, 1961-1963
- Griffiths, J.N.R., 1979-1981
- Hampton, Christopher, 1968-1977
- Herm, Gerhard, 1973-1984
- Jannersten, Eric, 1979-1982
- Jannersten, Eric, 1979-1982
- Jourdain, Patrick, 1981
- Klinger, Ron, 1993-1994
- Klinger, Ron, undated
- Klinger, Ron, 1987-1994
- Klinger, Ron, 1986
- Klinger, Ron, 1986
- Klinger, Ron, 1995
- Klinger, Ron, 1992
- Klinger, Ron, 1980-1981
- Klinger, Ron, undated
- Klinger, Ron, undated
- Klinger, Ron, undated
- Klinger, Ron, 1987-1990
- Klinger, Ron, 1992-1996
- Klinger, Ron, 1982-1983
- Klinger, Ron and Kambites, Andrew, 1997
- Klinger, Ron and Kambites, Andrew, 1997
- Klinger, Ron and Kambites, Andrew, undated
- Klinger, Ron and Kambites, Andrew, undated
- Klinger, Ron and Kelsey, Hugh, 1988
- Klinger, Ron and Kelsey, Hugh, 1985
- Klinger, Ron and Kelsey, Hugh, 1987-1992
- Klinger, Ron and Kelsey, Hugh, 1984-1985
- Leppmann, Wolfgang, 1970-1971
- MacLeod, Iain, 1979-1980
- Marlowe, John, 1969-1988
- McNeil, Keith and Reese, Terence, 1992
- Mead, Margaret and Calas, Nicolas, 1953-1954
- Millar, Ronald, 1970-1986
- Morris, C., 1962-1970
- Nicholson, Joyce, 1984-1985
- Novrup, Sven and Kelsey, Hugh, 1988
- Ottlik, Géza and Kelsey, Hugh, 1978-1991
- Parkes, James, 1964-1975
- Portland Club, The, undated
- Portland Club, The, 1992
- Portland Club, The, 1993
- Pottage, Julian, 1991
- Reiner, Traudl and Reiner, Walter, 1991-1994
- Cole, Hugo, 1971-1984
- Reese, Terence, 1988
- Reese, Terence, undated
- Reese, Terence, 1989-1990
- Reese, Terence, 1987
- Reese, Terence, 1989
- Reese, Terence (Translated and Edited by), undated
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, undated
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, undated
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, undated
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, 1986
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, 1981-1995
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, undated
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, 1983-1995
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, undated
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, undated
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, undated
- Reese, Terence and Bird, David, 1992-1993
- Reese, Terence and Dormer, Albert, undated
- Reese, Terence and Flint, Honor, 1990-1992
- Reese, Terence and McNeil, Keith, 1993
- Reese, Terence and Pottage, Julian, undated
- Reese, Terence and Pottage, Julian, 1984-1989
- Reese, Terence and Pottage, Julian, 1985-1986
- Reese, Terence and Rixi, Marcus, 1989
- Reese, Terence and Trezel, Roger, 1981-1983
- Reese, Terence and Trezel, Roger, 1981-1986
- Reese, Terence and Trezel, Roger, 1982-1988
- Reese, Terence and Trezel, Roger, 1978-1992
- Reese, Terence and Trezel, Roger, 1979-1988
- Reese, Terence and Trezel, Roger, 1978-1988
- Reese, Terence and Trezel, Roger, 1978-1982
- Reese, Terence and Trezel, Roger, 1978-1989
- Reese, Terence and Trezel, Roger, 1979-1985
- Roth, D.L.M., 1985-1995
- Roth, D.L.M., 1989-1995
- Roth, D.L.M., 1995
- Roth, D.L.M., 1991-1997
- Rothstein, Andrew, 1940-1941
- Roudinesco, Jean-Marc, 1976-1980
- Quillin, Viv, 1994-1995
- Chauvin, Remy, 1969-1976
- Delamain, Jacques, 1933-1939
- Delamain, Jacques, 1931-1983
- Dix, Carol, 1974-1984
- Eckert, Allan W., 1967-1971
- Fichtelius; Sjolander, 1972-1989
- Fisher, John, 1983-1991
- Fisher, John, 1987-1989
- Foster, Vergil E., 1960-1962
- Gaul, Abro, 1953-1960
- [edited by Stanley and Rosalind Godlovitch, and John Harris], 1970-1985
- Hargreaves, John, 1984-1988
- Halstock, Max, 1980-1991
- Heiney, Paul, 1989-1995
- Hill, Ralph Nading, 1956-1959
- Izzi, Guglielmo; Mezzatesta, Francesco, 1979-1988
- Massingham, Betty, 1970-1988
- Robertson, R. B., 1957-1962
- Willis, Dr. Malcom B., 1990-1991
- Willis, Dr. Malcom B., 1991-1995
- Anderson, Barbara, 1949
- Armstrong, Sue, 1986-1992
- Bailey, Geoffrey, 1960-1982
- Baillie, Joanna, 1957
- Baldick, Robert, 1969
- Bankhead, Tallulah, 1986-1989
- Barr, Stringfellow, 1952-1953
- Barr, Stringfellow, 1949-1953
- Barber, Richard, 1975-1977
- Barker, Sir Ernest, 1949
- Barlow, Wilfred, 1973-1983
- Bell, Edward, 1936-1952
- Clifton-Taylor, Alec, 1979-1997
- Collins, Diana, 1988-1989
- Cushnan, Dan, 1953-1966
- Custance, John, 1987-1989
- Daly, Elizabeth, 1940-1991
- Davis, Richard, 1991
- Dobb, Maurice, 1987-1997
- Gregg, R.B., 1954-1960
- Heron Ward, Richard, 1933
- Jones, A.R., 1959-1996
- Little, Peter, 1977
- Loppert, Max, 1977-1980
- Madge, Charles, 1939
- McCallum, Neil, 1979-1980
- Mussett, Hannah, 1972-1979
- Nathan, H.L., 1929
- Nathan, H.L., 1929
- Ottenheimer, Peter, 1985-1987
- Pendergraft, Patricia, 1988-1994
- Penman, Danny, undated
- Platt, Charles & Jolliffe, Gray, 1985-1999
- Phillips, E.A., 1946-1952
- Pollard, Jim, 1997-1999
- Pond, Lily, 1995-1996
- Pratchett, Terry, 1994
- Rozak, Theodore, 1978-1996
- Rubenstein, Harold & J.C. Trewin, undated
- Shaw, Bob, 1992-1996
- Winokur, Jon, 1992
- Worsley-Gough, Barbara, 1933
- Wright, Trevor, 1995-1997
- Bercovici, Eric, 1978-1979
- Blake, William J, 1958-1959
- Bowker, David, 1994-1997
- Bryson, John, 1989-1993
- Dame, Lawrence, 1942-1983
- Field, Hermann & Mierzenski, Stanislaw, 1957-1965
- Grieve, Mary, 1962-1969
- Household, Geoffrey, 1984
- Marlow, Louis, 1930-1939
- Meredith, Anne, 1936-1946
- Meredith, Anne, 1934-1946
- Merewether, Anne, 1933-1946
- Meyerstein, E.H.W., 1951-1992
- Meyerstein, E.H.W., 1952-1992
- Meyerstein, E.H.W., 1951-1954
- Meyerstein, E.H.W., 1951-1992
- Middleton, Richard, 1963-1992
- Moffatt, Gwen, 1978-1990
- Newhouse, Edward, 1951-1953
- Petite, Irving, 1964-1969
- Sanctuary, Gerald & Whitehead, Constance, 1975-1988
- Schami, Rafik, 1987-1996
- Taylor, Dwight, 1959-1963
- White, Graham, 1950
- Wood, William, 1962-1995
- Airey, W. T. G., 1939
- Arneden, Odd, 1968-1979
- Bates, Marston, 1952-1960
- Baybars, Taner, 1969-1976
- Byrd, Ernestine Naomi, 1965-1980
- Caillois, Roger, 1960-1995
- Carrighar, Sally, 1975-1977
- Chauvin, Remy, 1967-1968
- Dodge, Ernst, 1968-1986
- Falkus, Hugh, 1980-1989
- Farson, Negley, 1935-1969
- Fisher, John, 1985-1988
- Furnas, J. C., 1949-1956
- Hughes, Glyn, 1974-1979
- King-Hall, L., 1934-1935
- Korn, Jerry, 1961-1973
- Lenard, Alexander, 1964-1965
- Lengyl, Lee, 1940-1950
- Lewis, David, 1964-1975
- Makereti, 1937-1987
- Pern, Stephen, 1978-1990
- Powell, S.W., 1941-1944
- Senior, Michael, 1976-1992
- Steinberg, Dr. I. N., 1946-1948
- Tennant, Kylie, 1958-1984
- Throckmorton, Peter, 1968-1977
- Whipple, A.B.C., 1957
- Whipple, A.B.C., 1960-1969
- White, Robb, 1964
- Williams, Harold, 1963-1967
- Donnelley, Paul, 1996-1997
- Engel, Matthew, 1994-1997
- Franklin, Olga, undated
- Lewis-Smith, Victor, 1993-1995
- Lowe, Richard, 1994-1997
- Rich, Sebastian, 1989-1992
- Rolph, C.H., 1973-1982
- Rolph, C.H., 1970-1980
- Rosenfeld, Elsbeth, 1963-1983
- Rosten, Leo, 1963-1966
- Styles, Showell, 1969-1978
- Styles, Showell, 1970-1983
- Styles, Showell, 1975-1990
- Styles, Showell, 1962-1977
- Terray, Lionel, 1962-1994
- Terray, Lionel and Franco, Jean, 1965-1970
- Unsworth, Walt, 1967-1980
- Unsworth, Walt, 1964-1972
- Unsworth, Walt, 1964-1973
- Walter, David, 1994-1996
- Ward, Michael, 1971-1984
- Ackland, Rodney, 1936-1947
- Ackland, Rodney, 1932
- Arlett, Vera J., 1947
- Armstrong, Anthony and Simpson, Harold, 1934
- Bax, Clifford, 1931
- Bax, Clifford, 1947
- Bax, Clifford, 1930-1953
- Bax, Clifford, 1931-1948
- Bax, Clifford, 1931-1950
- Betti, Ugo, 1956-1987
- Bourne, John, 1937-1939
- Bradley, Lillian Trimble, 1933-1948
- Brecht, Bertholt, 1947-1997
- Cheeseman, Peter, 1968-1970
- Chetham-Strode, W., 1933
- Connelly, Marc, 1930-1975
- Dale, James, 1969-1980
- Daviot, Gordon, 1934-1950
- Daviot, Gordon, 1946-1986
- Fagan, James Bernard, 1931-1970
- Fauchois, Rene, 1933
- Findlater, Richard, 1948-1989
- Ginsbury, Norman, 1934-1936
- Gould, Gerald, 1935-1984
- Gow, Ronald, 1933
- Gregory, Frank, 1932
- Hart, Moss and George Kaufman, 1932-1957
- Harwood, H. M., 1934
- Hodson, James Lansdale, 1953-1976
- Hodson, James Lansdale, 1929-1936
- Hodson, James Lansdale, 1934-1935
- Howe, Winifred, 1935-1948
- Kaufman, George S. and Ryskind, Morrie, 1936-1938
- Kellett, E.E., 1935-1936
- Kelly, Judith, 1949
- Kendall, Guy, 1932-1969
- Lenormand, H.R., 1928-1960
- Lenormand, H.R., 1937
- Lion, Leon M., 1928
- Mackenzie, Ronald, 1932
- Monkhouse, Allan, 1929
- Monkhouse, Allan, 1932
- Munro, C. K., 1949
- Munro, C. K., 1931-1949
- Paul, Mrs. Eden, 1943
- Pollock, Seton and Graham, Wilfrid, 1945-1970
- Reid, Arthur, 1937
- Roose-Evans, James, 1972-1975
- Rubinstein, H. F., 1946
- Rubinstein, H. F. and Arlett, Vera, 1949
- [edited by H.F. Rubinstein and J.C. Trewin], undated
- Rubinstein, H.F., 1943-1949
- Rubinstein, Harold, 1970-1971
- Rubinstein, Harold, 1950
- Rubinstein, Harold, 1964-1965
- Sherwood, Robert, 1934
- Spewack, Sam and Bella, 1936
- Sternheim, Carl, 1935
- Stuart, Aimee and Stuart, Philip, 1934-1948
- Traubner, Richard, 1982-1988
- Trussler, Simon, 1970-1977
- Trussler, Simon, 1967-1974
- Trussler, Simon, 1969-1991
- Whitworth, Geoffrey, 1930-1949
- Williams, Emlyn, 1935-1937
- Wise, Ernest George, 1929-1930
- Barter, John P., 1966-1990
- Brown, Francis Yeats, 1936-1959
- Carr, Donald E., 1964-1984
- Churchill, Stella, 1934-1938
- Clover, Anne, 1987-1994
- Collins, Joan, 1980-1992
- Galton, Lawrence, 1953-1957
- Gatty, Ronald, 1979-1988
- Gibson, Tony and Singleton, Jack, 1954-1965
- Gould, Lawrence, 1948-1953
- Graham, Jory, 1981-1995
- Graupner, Heinz, 1959-1962
- Hutschnecker, Arnold, 1951
- Kaehele, Edna, 1952-1975
- Kitzinger, Sheila, 1970-1988
- Kitzinger, Sheila, 1986-1991
- La Fane, Pamela, 1980-1993
- Leff, Dr. S, 1950-1951
- Lennane, Jean and John, 1975-1985
- Mann, Marty, 1951-1985
- Murray, Dr. D. Stark, 1954-1962
- Murray, Dr. D. Stark, 1941-1942
- O'Donnell, Michael, 1986-1992
- Riddell, Patrick, 1954-1987
- Simon, Anne W., 1968-1971
- Stuart, F.D., 1932-1938
- Ubell, Earl, 1974-1975
- Warfield, Frances, 1957-1989
- Warfield, Frances, 1948-1986
- West, Paul, 1968-1986
- Bartlett, Sarah, 1996-1999
- Glyn Jones, Richard, 1998
- Jefferson, Alan, 1991-1995
- Kitzinger, Sheila, 1961-1998
- Leigh, Juliet, 1994-1996
- Moncur, Andrew, 1993-1996
- Ware, Porter, 1966-1983
- Weissweiler, Eva, 1985-1986
- Witherby, 1994-1998
- Wollitz, Kenneth, 1982-1987
- Etchingham, Kathy, 1997-1998
- Hennessy, Peter, 1986-1996
- Hennessy, Peter, 1994-1997
- Nicholson, Stuart, 1993-1997
- Sheean, Vincent, 1956-1984
- Wangford, Hank, 1994-1997
- Birkett, Dea, 1989-1996
- Cowen, Robert C., 1960-1984
- Evans, Jon (Edited by), 1967-1982
- Farwell, George, 1963-1966
- Ford, Corey, 1966-1970
- Lamb, Dana and Ginger, 1980
- MacLiesh, Fleming and Krieger, Martin, 1962-1966
- McPhee, Colin, 1947-1994
- Michelmore, Peter, 1965-1969
- Parkes, James, 1967-1978
- Poncins, Gontran De, 1944-1953
- Richardson, Dorothy, 1983-1990
- Ridgway, Marie Christine, 1990-1993
- Saunders, Michael, 1973-1994
- Shapiro, Harry L., 1936-1983
- Siggins, A.J., 1930-1933
- Silve, Claude, 1946-1947
- Sim, Katharine, 1968-1984
- Spectre, Peter H. and Larkin, David, 1991-1992
- Thompson, J. Eric S., 1955-1961
- Toulson, Shirley, 1981-1990
- Toxopeus, Klaas, 1953-1956
- Treat, Ida, 1929-1953
- Trebitsch-Lincoln, Ignatius T., 1931-1985
- Trueman, A.E., 1937-1989
- Ward, Frank Kingdon, 1946-1979
- Crowhurst, Eric & Kambites, Andrew, 1989-1995
- Dormer, Albert, 1995-1998
- Dormer, Albert, 1995-1998
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1990-1992
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1992
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1990-1996
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1987
- Kelsey, Hugh & Klinger, Ron, 1974-1991
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1975-1981
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1988 1994
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1988-1989
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1995
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1977-1994
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1990-1994
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1987-1991
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1990
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1988
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1987
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1987
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1990
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1990
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1990
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1987-1992
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1981-1997
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1985-1987
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1983-1986
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1981-1993
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1984-1996
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1978-1996
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1980-1990
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1982-1993
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1983-1991
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1984-1990
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1984-1986
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1978-1986
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1978-1986
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1985-1993
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1989
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1977-1985
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1978-1989
- Kelsey, Hugh & Kambites, Andrew, 1995
- Kelsey, Hugh & Kambites, Andrew, 1995
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1981-1989
- Kelsey, Hugh, 1986-1987
- Klinger, R.D., 1987
- Klinger, R.D., 1988
- Klinger & Kambites, 1997
- Klinger, Ron, 1988-1989
- Klinger, Ron, 1986-1987
- Klinger, Ron, 1975-1978
- Klinger, Ron, 1995
- Klinger, Ron, 1998
- Klinger, Ron, 1990-1995
- Klinger, Ron, 1989-1991
- Pagett, Nicola, 1997-1998
- Saunders, P.F., 1997-1998
- Senior, Brian, 1989-1990
- Senior, Brian, 1990
- Barzun, Jacques, 1945
- Blewitt, Trevor, 1933-1934
- Bliss, Trudy, 1948-1996
- Bliss, Trudy, 1951-1976
- Gilkes, A. N., 1956-1958
- Gross, Ronald and Beatrice, 1971-1984
- Jacks, M. L., 1954-1983
- James, Walter, 1977
- Jenkins, Elizabeth, 1947-1987
- Keller, Helen, 1955-1995
- Manning, Leah, 1967-1994
- Middleton, Nigel and Weitzman, 1971-1984
- Norton, Andre, 1971-1987
- Partridge, John, 1965-1993
- Poole, Vera E., 1951
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1993
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1989-1994
- Reich, Wilhelm and Neill, A. S., 1981-1989
- Rothman, Esther, 1971-1977
- Stinetorf, Louise, 1959-1962
- Various, 1928
- Various, 1929
- Various, 1930-1969
- Various, 1954-1984
- Various, 1933
- Various, 1937
- Various, 1932-1961
- Various, 1932-1961
- Various, 1931
- Various, 1938-1967
- Various, 1936-1964
- Various, 1933-1963
- Various, 1934
- Various, 1952-1976
- Ziman, John and Rose, Jasper, 1962
- Babkin, B. P., 1949-1968
- Barnett, Lincoln, 1949-1988
- Berrill, N. J., 1951-1984
- Berrill, N. J., 1952-1962
- Bowes, Pratima, 1964-1968
- Bleibtrau, John, 1967-1983
- Browne, Maurice, 1945-1946
- Bruce, Robert, 1973-1996
- Bruce, Robert, 1972-1988
- Callow, Clive, 1970-1992
- Commoner, Barry, 1965-1974
- Curtis, Richard Alan, 1969
- Dennis, F. Hamlyn, 1944-1945
- Dent, John Yerbury, 1936-1943
- Dunlap, Jane, 1961-1968
- Ehrlich, Paul and Anne, 1981-1996
- Eiseley, Loren, 1958-1988
- Eiseley, Loren, 1960-1988
- Eiseley, Loren, 1961-1989
- Elkington, John, 1990-1993
- Evans, Christopher, 1981-1988
- Gregor, Arthur S., 1960-1978
- Hecht, Selig, 1951-1984
- Hutchinson, Harold, 1974-1977
- Infield, Leopold, 1933-1967
- Jungk, Dr. Robert, 1956-1993
- Kaempffert, Waldemar, 1953
- Levitt, Dr. I.M., 1956-1957
- Lister, R.P., 1962-1969
- Lundgren, W.R., 1955-1958
- McKie, Dr. Douglas, 1935-1991
- Newman, James R., edited by, 1956-1990
- Pfeiffer, John, 1960-1961
- Pfeiffer, John, 1956-1963
- Pfeiffer, John, 1954-1955
- Platt, Charles, 1983-1990
- Stephen, Neil, 1964-1966
- Sprigge, Elizabeth and Kihm, Jean-Jacques, 1967-1975
- Stillson, Blanche, 1955
- Sullivan, Vere, 1946
- Alexander, F.M., 1986-1997
- Blandy, Mary, 1968-1976
- Doren, Mark Van (Introduction by), 1958-1970
- Douglas, Alfred, 1975-1992
- Fromm, Erich, 1950-1951
- Godley, John, 1949-1985
- Greenwood, H. Powys, 1947-1981
- Hayes, Cathy, 1951-1993
- Hirschmann, Edward, 1959-1968
- Huber, Jack T., 1965-1967
- Jefferson, Lara, 1974-1978
- Kupfer, Fern, 1981-1985
- Miller, Milton L., 1957-1960
- Moore, Katharine, 1962-1994
- Overstreet, H.A., 1952-1958
- Overstreet, H.A., 1949-1955
- Puharich, Andrija, 1958-1964
- Rhine, Louisa E., 1961-1989
- Ropp, Robert S. de, 1957-1964
- Rosa, Karl Robert, 1974-1984
- Rose, Louis and Morgan, Bryan, 1965-1979
- Russell, Wilfrid, 1961-1995
- Singer, June, 1972-1981
- Sizemore, Chris Costner and Pittillo, Elen Sain, 1977-1989
- St. John, John, 1976-1988
- Wheelis, Allen, 1957-1967
- Varady, Ralph, 1958
- Waldman, Milton, 1931-1963
- White, Amber Blanco, 1941-1960
- Ziman, Edmund, 1950-1992
- Aaronson, L, 1951-1989
- Abbott, Anthony, 1928
- Abercrombie, Lascelles, 1957
- Albee, George Sumner, 1960-1984
- Alexander, F.M., 1986-1993
- Avery, Gillian (Compiled by), 1963-1966
- Blue, Adrianne, 1994-1998
- Bogdanor, Vernon, 1996-1997
- Coad, Jonathan, 1980-1984
- Collins, Diana, 1989
- Colodny, Leonard and Gettlin, Robert, 1997
- Dimitroff, undated
- Douglas, Alfred, 1971-1993
- Falkus, Hugh, 1987-1996
- French, Yvonne, 1933-1996
- Fritz, Jean, 1980
- Garcon, Maurice, 1926-1929
- Joensuu, Matti Yrjänä, 1984-1995
- Kahle, Hans, 1939
- Karlin, Alma M., 1932
- Kingsley, Sidney, 1934
- Kostolanyi, Desider, 1928-1960
- Massingham, Betty, 1974-1982
- Masterman, J.C., 1933-1984
- Masterman, J.C., 1939-1947
- Masterman, W.S., 1928-1934
- Matsumoto, Toru and Lerrigo, Marion O., 1947-1975
- Maxwell and Rudd, 1985
- Moore, Virginia, 1928
- Moore-Pataleewa, Barbara, 1950-1960
- O'Neal, Zibby, 1982-1996
- Partridge, Frances, 1982-1994
- Porter, Eliot and Porter Jonathan, 1984-1985
- Reilly, Charles, 1946
- Riesenberg, Felix, 1933
- Ripley, Dillon, 1968-1975
- Schevill, Ferdinand, 1950-1962
- Schlumberger, Jean, 1932-1983
- Searle, Humphrey (Translated by), 1988
- Segal, Dr. L., 1941-1986
- Seymour, John, 1989-1998
- Schimanski, Stefan, 1946-1949
- Seymour, William Kean, 1929-1951
- Sharp, Clifford, 1932-1935
- Sigmund, Elizabeth Jane, 1976
- Tammuz, Benjamin, 1980
- Trites, W.B., 1928
- Various, undated
- Whitehead, William, 1929
- Whitney, Leon F., 1953-1968
- Wolf, William J., 1954-1956
- Burk, John, 1955-1996
- Darvas, Robert & Lukacs, Paul, 1980-1982
- Delbanco, Nicholas, 1982-1989
- del Fiorentino, Dante, 1952-1983
- Fassett, Agatha, 1960-1987
- Fecher, Constance, 1971
- Fletcher, Richard, 1968-1977
- Gatti, Carlos, 1952-1969
- Heppenstall, Rayner, 1971-1980
- Maurois, Andre, 1928
- Mellers, Wilfred, 1968-1980
- Moore, Sonia, 1960-1978
- Nketia, J.K., 1973-1998
- Northcott, Bayan, 1975-1983
- Norton, Herter, 1962-1971
- O'Connor, Garry, 1977-1987
- Pincherle, Marc, 1963-1982
- Richardson, Joanna, 1974-1977
- Whone, Herbert, 1973-1990
- Whone, Herbert, 1971-1997
- Whone, Herbert, 1975-1995
- Wigmore, Richard, 1992-1997
- Wood, Sir Henry, 1938-1998
- Wood, Jessie, 1954-1994
- Jones, Ann and Schechter, Susan, 1992
- Jones, E.B.C., 1931
- Krishnamurti, J, 1968-2005
- Krishnamurti, J, 1969-2003
- Krishnamurti, J, 1995-1999
- Krishnamurti, J, 1989-1998
- Krishnamurti, J, 1985-1995
- Krishnamurti, J, 1967-1992
- Krishnamurti, J, 1979-1991
- Krishnamurti, J, 1979-1991
- Miller, J.D.C., 1997-1999
- Vernon, Roland, 1992-1994
- Barbary, James, 1971-1980
- Burgen, Stephen, 1994-1998
- Burke, Greg, 1997-1998
- Carney, Ian, 1995
- Cook, Beryl, 1993-1998
- Coward, Matt & Lyttleton, David, 1995
- Haydon, Geoffrey, 1995-1998
- Hennessy, Peter, 1995
- Howard, Keith, 1998
- Howarth, Peter, 1996-1998
- Huggett, David & Cashmore, Stephen, 1998
- Innes, Michael, 1956-1992
- Lindsay Gresham, William, 1959-1974
- Marlowe, Derek, 1966-1984
- Mathers, E.P., 1933-1977
- Melchett, Lord, 1931
- Ocampo, Victoria, 1963
- Orsborn, Carol, 1996-1997
- Peterson & Hillkirk, 1990-1995
- Pilger, John, 1974-1984
- Pullen, Robert & Taylor, Stephen, 1994-1998
- Purdy, James, 1957-1958
- Purdy, James, 1956-1988
- Stevenson, Sucie, 1987-1988
- Wolkowsky, Maria, 1964-1968
- Willings, Heather, 1978-1989
- Yeo, Stephen, 1968-1972
- Aburish, Said, 1995
- Betts, PY, 1933
- Blakelock, Denys, 1966
- Brockway, George & Lucile, 1966-1971
- Carswell, John, 1964-1966
- Cate, Dick, 1986-1995
- Chapman, John, 1960
- Chapin, Henry & Walton Smith, F.G., 1952-1955
- Cowan, Ian, 1969-1984
- Faris, D.K., 1958
- Forsyte, Charles, 1980-1988
- Friedman, Maurice, 1966-1976
- Hirsch, Fred, 1965-1975
- Jardine, Lisa & Stewart, Alan, 1995-1999
- Krick & Fleming, 1955
- Keating, William J., 1956
- Lauterbach, Richard, 1950
- Lomond, Elizabeth, 1932
- Masur, Harold Q., 1972-1978
- Mossiker, Frances, 1961-1984
- Palmer, John, 1939
- Rosenthal, Erik, 1986-1987
- Schafer, Boyd C., 1955
- Schauffler, Dr. Robert McEwen, 1936
- Sereny, Gitta, 1957-1973
- Sherman, Dan, 1981-1994
- Sommerfield, John, 1938-1939
- Sherriff, R.C., undated
- Spencer, Elizabeth, 1954-1955
- Stevenson, James, 1984-1991
- Stevenson, James, 1978-1987
- Torquemada, 1934-1935
- Torquemada, 1985-1986
- Webb, Jolyon & Gollancz Ltd, 1994-1995
- Wyeth, N.C., 1991-1992
- Verne, Jules, 1928-1957
- Bains, Jas and Johal, Sanjiev, 1997-1998
- Beattie, Geoffrey, 1995-1997
- Bills, Peter, 1994-1996
- Bills, Peter, 1992-1996
- Blue, Adrianne, 1994-1997
- Cahn, Edmond, 1966-1971
- Calvert, E. Roy, 1970-1971
- Danforth, Harold R. and Horan, James D., 1958-1961
- Douglas, William O., 1952-1968
- Douglas, William O., 1951-1958
- Douglas, William O., 1950-1957
- Douglas, William O., 1953-1962
- Frank, Jerome and Barbara, 1957-1964
- Hopkinson, H. T., 1933
- Houts, Marshall, 1967-1971
- Howard, H.E., 1933-1934
- Joyce, James Avery, 1960-1975
- Langford, Gerald, 1962-1963
- Marcelin, Pierre and Thoby-Marcelin, Philippe, 1950-1953
- Nizer, Louis, 1967-1975
- Reynolds, Quentin, 1950-1991
- Street, David, 1983-1993
- Todd, Mabel L (Edited By), 1951-1955
- Turgenev, 1936
- Turkus, Burton B. and Feder, Sid, 1951-1981
- Vara, Sil, 1929
- Wade, Rosalind, 1931
- Wagoner, David, 1954-1958
- Walker, P.C. Gordon, 1933-1941
- Weaver, John D., 1967-1985
- Weihofen, Henry, 1956-1960
- Winslow, Horatio and Quirk, Leslie, 1928
- Andersen, Hans Christian, and Seidler, Tor (retold by) and Marcellino, Fred (illustrated by), 1991-1996
- Fenwick, Elizabeth, 1986
- Fritz, Jean, 1964-1984
- Fuller, Edmund, 1967-1979
- Gard, Joyce, 1960-1989
- Gard, Joyce, 1966-1977
- Gard, Joyce, 1964-1977
- Gard, Joyce, 1968-1978
- Gard, Joyce, 1963-1977
- Gifford, Griselda, 1974-1985
- Gifford, Griselda, 1975-1984
- Hall-Quest, Olga, 1961-1967
- Higham, Jon, 1988-1993
- Hill, Kay, 1962-1989
- Hocken, Sheila, 1979-1992
- James, Kathleen, 1971-1989
- Jones, Harold, 1963-1992
- Langstaff, John and Bryan, Ashley (Illustrated By), 1986-1990
- Marcellino, Fred (Illustrated By), 1992-1996
- Marshak, Samuel, 1963-1969
- Peck, Dennis, 1966-1974
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1985-1994
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1993
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1986-1992
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1990-1992
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1991-1992
- Razvan, 1992-1993
- Sauva, Louis, 1993-1994
- Solotareff, Gregoire, 1989
- Thampi, Parvathi, 1962-1969
- Barfield, Arthur Owen, 1949-1963
- Bierce, Ambrose, 1967-1996
- Boothby, Robert, 1947-1978
- Cardus, Neville, 1985-1986
- Carr, E.H., 1933-1974
- Crossman, R.H.S, 1940
- Denison, Michael and Taylor, Phoebe Atwood and Swan, Alan, 1988-1990
- Denison, Michael, 1971-1986
- Downie, R. Angus, 1969-1989
- Eckstein, Gustav, 1948-1959
- Edwards, Dr. W.H., 1928-1947
- Edwards, Dr. W.H., undated
- Egan, Michael, 1935-1946
- Egan, Michael, 1936-1957
- Egan, Michael, 1939-1957
- Evans, Jean, 1954-1972
- Everitt, Charles P., 1951-1955
- Gillmor, Robert and Tunnicliffe, Charles, 1991
- Hailes, Julia, 1991
- Hawkins, Desmond, 1979-1991
- Heath, Ambrose, 1952-1956
- Henderson, Fred, 1932-1933
- Hill, Patti, 1955
- Hindus, Maurice, 1933
- Hocken, Sheila, 1992
- Husband, Pat and Klinger, Ron and Kelsey Hugh, undated
- Husband, Pat and Klinger, Ron and Kelsey Hugh, 1988
- Irvine, Lucy, 1983-1985
- Johnson, Jinny, 1995-1997
- Krementz, Jill, 1982-1991
- Leighton, Clare, 1936-1943
- MacOwan, Norman, 1938-1984
- Marcelin, Pierre and Thoby-Marcelin Philippe, 1950-1958
- Niall, Ian, 1989-1990
- O'Neill, John P. and Grossman, Alvin, 1987-1992
- Patton, Frances Gray, 1951-1958
- Penrose, Roland, undated
- Ralph, Philip Lee, 1954-1956
- Rawson, Graham (Translated By), 1929
- Reed, Talbot Baines, 1928
- Ross, Ishbel, 1950-1954
- Rudd and Maxwell, 1980
- Ryalls, Alan, 1962-1963
- Rylant, Cynthia and Stevenson, Suçie, 1987-1994
- Rylant, Cynthia and Stevenson, Suçie, 1989-1990
- Rylant, Cynthia and Stevenson, Suçie, 1993
- Rylant, Cynthia and Stevenson, Suçie, 1987-1991
- Schocken Books, 1967-1969
- Steig, William, 1988-1993
- Sternberg, Fritz, 1951-1987
- Tafuri, Nancy, 1988-1991
- Tafuri, Nancy, 1993
- Whitfield, Philip, 1991-1993
- Wilkinson, Louis, 1929-1967
- Williams, Guy (Edited By), 1962
- Alburger, Mary Anne, 1976-1992
- Alburger, Mary Anne, 1978-1998
- Aughinbaugh, W.E., 1938-1939
- Benson, Ross, 1991-1994
- Blandy, Mary, 1966-1979
- Bourne, Aleck, 1961-1970
- Cummings, Stephen and Ullman, Dana, 1986-1991
- Curtin, Jim, 1991-1993
- Dubal, David, 1984-1995
- Desti, Mary, 1929-1969
- Green, Johnny & Barker, Garry, 1996-1997
- Horricks, Raymond, 1958-1998
- Horricks, Raymond, 1956-1972
- Knight, Gladys, 1997-1998
- Lasky, Jesse, 1957-1979
- Lee, Samantha, 1995-1997
- Lohf, Sabine, 1988-1989
- Lohf, Sabine, 1989-1993
- Lohf, Sabine, 1989-1993
- Lohf, Sabine, 1989-1993
- Lohf, Sabine, 1989-1993
- Middleton, Richard, 1972-1997
- Morgan, Alun and Horricks, Raymond, 1955-1985
- Nicholson, Stuart, 1994-1996
- Shrewsbury, J.F.D., 1964-1976
- Simpson, Eileen, 1979-1981
- Smpson, Myrtle, 1969-1989
- Thwaites, J.G., 1963-1964
- Walker, Kenneth, 1959-1960
- Anderson, Patrick, 1963
- Berdyaev, Nicholas, 1951-1982
- Bronowski, Jacob, 1954-1958
- Browne, Maurice, 1950-1998
- Cameron, K.N., 1950-1951
- Cherbonnier, E. LaB., 1955-1968
- Comfort, Will Levington, 1931-1951
- Cushion, J.P., 1965-1967
- Duguid, Julian, 1931-1963
- Duguid, Julian, 1933-1936
- Hinde, Thomas, 1984-1999
- Howe, Irvine, 1970-1974
- Jameson, Storm, 1975-1981
- Jaspers, Karl, 1950-1955
- Johnson, Edgar, 1953-1984
- Johnson, Edgar & Eleanor, 1963-1970
- Joseph, M.K., 1963-1992
- Josephson, M., 1928-1980
- Josephson, Matthew, 1931
- Kambites, Andrew & Husband, Pat, 1990
- New Fabian Research Bureau, 1934-1935
- Newman, Bernard, 1948-1954
- Nucho, Fuad, 1966-1970
- Padfield, Peter, 1992-1995
- Roy, Rene, 1932
- Sneyd, P.W., 1932
- Spencer, Gilbert, 1960-1991
- Spurling, Hilary, 1970-1994
- Stanley, Arthur, 1933-1934
- Stanley, Arthur, 1955-1987
- Stanley, Arthur, 1936-1996
- Stanley, Arthur, 1948-1951
- Stanley, Arthur, 1946-1947
- Stowe, Leland, 1956-1977
- Straus, Ralph, 1928
- Straus, Ralph, 1927-1928
- Thompson, Josiah, 1973-1982
- Unsworth, Walt, 1989
- Ward, R.H., 1967-1971
- Watson, Francis, 1973-1978
- Welby, T. Earle, 1928-1929
- Zabel, Morton Darwen, 1957
- Auer, Martin and Klages, Simone, 1991-1992
- Auer, Martin and Klages, Simone, 1991-1992
- Baumann, Kurt, 1979-1992
- Baxter, Leon, 1991-1993
- Baxter, Leon, 1991-1993
- Berry, Liz, 1987-1994
- Chessex, Jacques, 1989
- Chute, Marchette, 1961-1971
- Coman, Carolyn, 1996-1997
- Coman, Carolyn, 1996-1997
- Cooper, Paul & Fenimore, 1930-1989
- Cornwell, Judy, 1987-1995
- Craig, John, 1972-1992
- Crockett, Lucy Herndon, 1948-1959
- Erlich, Lillian, 1962-1971
- Fair, Sylvia, 1974-1996
- Fair, Sylvia, 1973-1984
- Haugaard, Erik, 1967-1993
- Haugaard, Erik, 1966-1977
- Haugaard, Erik, 1967-1977
- Haugaard, Erik, 1965-1976
- Johns, June, 1968-1980
- Johns, June, 1968-1978
- Jones, Adrienne, 1974-1982
- Joyce, William, 1985-1992
- Joyce, William, 1988-1992
- Kerr, M.E., 1989-1990
- Kerr, M.E., 1973-1986
- Kruger, Veronica, 1981-1989
- Lang, Ernst M., 1962-1967
- Lawrence, Ann, 1972-1991
- Lawrence, Ann, 1976-1984
- Mantle, Winifred, 1964-1970
- Mantle, Winifred, 1966-1971
- McCleepy, William, 1960-1968
- Treviño, Elizabeth Borton De, 1965-1972
- Barnes, Stuart and Seabrook, Mike (Edited By), 1994-1996
- Bowkett, Stephen, 1987-1993
- Brasher, Christopher, 1961-1983
- Champion, Bob and Powell, Jonathan, 1980-1998
- Chessex, Jacques and Bour Daniele, 1979-1985
- Cleary, Mick, 1996
- Dehn, Olive, 1967-1974
- Dehn, Olive, 1979-1992
- Dhondy, Farrukh, 1986-1997
- Dumas, Philippe, 1978-1989
- Few, Roger, 1991-1993
- Few, Roger, 1992-1993
- Harriman, Margaret, 1966-1969
- Johnson, Jinny, 1995
- Leach, Jack, 1958-1981
- Scott, Brough, 1981-1991
- Scott, Brough, 1995
- Scott, Brough, 1985-1991
- Tresilian, Liz, 1983-1984
- Tresilian, Liz, 1983-1988
- Wyatt, Derek, 1993-1996
- Bowler, Dave, 1998
- Lambert, Charles, 1996-1997
- Orakwue, Stella, 1994-1999
- Sandford, Christopher, 1990-1992
- Steen, Rob, 1991-1993
- Steen, Rob, 1994-1996
- Tennant, Ivo, 1992-1996
- Tennant, Ivo, 1990-1993
- Trimby, Robin, 1979-1982
- Watson, Don, 1994-1995
- When Saturday Comes, 1994-1995
- Wilde, Simon, 1993-1998
- Wilde, Simon, 1993-1998
- Winder, Robert, 1994-1999
- Crace, John, 1995-1998
- Dunas, Felice, 1997-1998
- Jones, Brian & Watson, Carol; llustrated by Peter Owen, 1991-1994
- Lockey, Ronald M., 1987-1991
- Nannini, Roger, 1991-1992
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1985-1986
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1989
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1993-1996
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1996-1997
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1990-1992
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1991-1992
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1989
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1991-1996
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1993
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1992-1993
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1987-1990
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1986-1992
- Stevenson, James, 1987-1996
- Stevenson, James, 1983-1991
- Stevenson, James, 1985-1986
- Stevenson, James, 1982-1987
- Stevenson, James, 1988
- Stevenson, James, 1987-1988
- Stevenson, James, 1978-1985
- Stevenson, James, 1985-1986
- Stevenson, James, 1980-1987
- Beard, James, 1964-1971
- Berry, Liz, 1983-1990
- Blue, Adriene, 1992-1993
- Coxe, Anthony and Araminta Hippisley, 1986-1996
- Deford, Frank, 1976-1982
- Freeman, Sarah, 1978-1990
- Jordan, Brian, 1989-1994
- Jordan, Brian, 1988-1994
- Liebling, A. J., 1986
- Moore, Patrick, 1961-1988
- Odets, Clifford, 1938
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1986-1993
- Purves, Libby, 1981-1994
- Selby, Bettina, 1983-1991
- Small, David, 1987-1988
- Talbert, William, 1956-1975
- Stewart, Katie, 1978-1992
- Tilden, 1949-1950
- Talbert, William F. and John Seymour Sharnik, 1959-1964
- Welby, T. Earle, 1930-1932
- Capper, Jessie, 1930
- Crace, John, 1997-1998
- Baker, John, 1996-1998
- Baldwin, Michael, 1979-1989
- Brock, Betty, 1972-1978
- Cadogen, Mary & Craig, Patricia, 1978-1996
- Dyson, John, 1985-1988
- Endore, Guy, 1958-1960
- Furedi, Frank, 1997-1998
- Goldstein, Bernard, 1949-1973
- Gorman, Herbert S., 1929
- Green, Anna K., 1945
- Grierson, Edward, 1969-1975
- Lawrence, Ann, 1978-1983
- Leigh, Bill, 1975-1990
- Leitch, Patricia, 1964-1971
- Lowenfeld, Margaret, 1934-1964
- Luchaire, Antonia Vallentin, 1934-1939
- Menuhin, Yehudi, 1971-1976
- Mitford, Jessica, 1988-1996
- Mossiker, Frances, 1976-1980
- Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art / Fox / Marks, 1987-1993
- Padfield, Peter, 1984-1987
- Poirier, Rene, 1960-1996
- Price, Nancy, 1947-1953
- Price, Nancy, 1937-1978
- Price, Nancy, 1934-1938
- Price, Nancy, 1944
- Privat, M., 1929
- Wells, Phil, 1990-1993
- Bentz, H.G., 1953-1957
- Berdyaev, Nicholas, 1952-1976
- Bloch-Michel, Jean, 1949
- Brittain, Vera, 1933
- Clayson, Alan, 1992-1996
- Craft, Robert, 1971-1994
- Elkington, John and Hailes, Julia, 1990-1996
- Goldman, Albert and Sprinchorn, Evert, 1967-1983
- de la Grange, Henry-Louis, 1976-1986
- Hodson, J.L., 1936-1961
- Hollis, Christopher, 1928
- Howard, Sidney, 1933
- Jackson, Samuel, 1935
- Knapp-Fisher, H.C., 1933
- Kroll, Maria, 1973-1977
- Kurtén, Bjorn, 1970-1971
- Lamport, Felicia, 1962
- Lamport, Felicia, 1950-1983
- Mills, Robert P., 1962-1964
- Montagu, Ivor (translator), 1932-1987
- Osborne, Charles, 1978-1992
- Parker, John, 1991-1994
- Parker, John, 1992-1997
- Pearton, Maurice, 1974-1987
- Phelps, Guy, 1974-1980
- Pincherle, Marc, 1957-1958
- Pirie, Peter, 1977-1981
- Porter, Andrew, 1973-1977
- Sherriff, R.C., 1968-1979
- Tammuz, Benjamin, 1973-1980
- Toye, Francis, 1962-1984
- Williams, Gladys, 1962-1972
- Beales, Lancelot, 1936
- Berkeley, Lennox, 1929-1984
- Burgess, Tyrrell, 1970-1982
- Delisle Burns, C., 1938-1982
- Burt, Nathaniel, 1954-1961
- Cadogan, Mary and Craig, Patricia, 1973-1993
- Carlson, Pierce, 1985-1988
- Cameron, David Kerr, 1983-1995
- Cameron, Eleanor, 1986
- de Forest, Izette, 1954-1969
- DeJong, David Cornel, 1944
- Dodds, John, 1953-1968
- Dukes, Ashley, 1927
- Dukes, Ashley, 1928
- Bugnet, Commandant, 1929
- France, Anatole, 1926-1929
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982-1992
- Garvin, Viola, 1928-1997
- Gibson, Tony, 1955-1975
- Goldman, Penryn, 1932-1947
- Goldsmith, Margaret Leland, 1928-1972
- Gould, Gerald, 1930-1984
- Hampden Jackson, J., 1946
- Hinde, Thomas, 1986
- Holbrook, Stewart, 1953-1955
- [no name], 1961-1975
- Holland, Ruth, 1931
- Hudson, Canon Cyril E., 1943-1949
- Instad, Helge, 1933
- Ironside, Robert, 1956-1957
- Husband, Pat, 1988
- Jacobs, Noah Jonathan, 1958-1969
- Kambites, Andrew, 1990-1992
- Kitzinger, Sheila, 1988-1992
- Klinger, Ron, 1989
- Jeans, Ronald, 1931
- Johns, Geoffrey, 1962-1963
- Johnson, Alison, 1989-1992
- Lennox, Gilbert, 1935-1986
- Mackenzie, Ronald, 1934-1948
- Michel, G. and Weaver, R., 1971
- Middleton, Richard, 1972
- Miller, Betty, 1934
- Miller, Betty, 1935-1984
- Mills, C.A., 1943-1969
- Phelan, Jim, 1937-1938
- Puri, Swami Omananda, 1997
- Reid, Charles, 1961-1979
- Rushdie, Salman, undated
- Smith, Denis, 1979-1990
- Spurling, Hilary, 1977-1986
- St. John, Robert, 1964
- Stewart, Alan, 1978-1994
- Stoddard, Lothrop, 1928
- Tait, James W., 1989
- [edited by Gillian Avery, illustrated by John Verney], 1964-1965
- [Appleton, George S.], 1963
- Walker Smith, Derek, 1930-1950
- White, E.B., 1942-1975
- von Weizsacker, Ernst, 1987
- Welch, Oliver J.G., 1933-1934
- 1930-1974
- 1931
- Avery, Gillian, 1965-1970
- Avery, Gillian, 1964-1984
- Avery, Gillian, 1964-1980
- Bosley, Keith, 1966-1986
- Bowen-Davies, Olwen, 1966
- Call, Hughie, 1964-1965
- Chamberlain, E.R., 1966-1968
- Dadds, Keith & Jane, 1966-1973
- Dadds, Keith & Jane, 1965-1966
- Dixon, Margorie, 1969-1980
- Ephron, Delia, 1981-1995
- [edited by John Evans], 1939-1973
- Fleischman, Sid, 1978-1982
- Fleischman, Sid, 1979-1987
- Froman, Robert, 1963-1978
- Furlong, Monica, 1986-1994
- Godden, Leslie J., 1965-1966
- Gray, Dulcie and Denison, Michael, 1964-1985
- Green, Roger Lancelyn; illustrated by Richard Beer, 1963-1993
- Jenkins, Elizabeth, 1946-1950
- Neill, A.S., 1981-1996
- Minney, R.J., 1964
- O'Neil, Zibby, 1980-1996
- O'Neil, Zibby, 1985-1996
- Owens, Gareth, 1984-1990
- Philips, Robert, 1972-1987
- Berry, Liz, 1996-1997
- Berry, Liz, 1983-1994
- Berry, Liz, 1996
- Berry, Liz, 1982-1999
- Dumas, Philippe, 1979-1992
- Dumas, Philippe, 1980-1984
- Dumas, Philippe, 1978-1981
- Elzbieta, 1992-1995
- Engdahl, Sylvia, 1975-1985
- Farish, Terry, 1989-1993
- Gifford, Griselda, 1978-1987
- Gifford, Griselda, 1976-1996
- Gifford, Griselda, 1978-1981
- Hamilton, Virginia, 1987-1988
- Hamilton, Virginia, 1983-1986
- Nannini, Roger, 1991-1993
- Nannini, Roger, 1990-1991
- Norton, Andre, 1973-1981
- Norton, Andre, 1975-1976
- Parish, Peggy, 1963-1983
- Poutney, Shirley, 1994
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1988-1989
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1989
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1989-1990
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1988-1989
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1988-1989
- Rogers, R.M., 1960-1966
- Brand, Christianna, 1961-1990
- Branfield, John, 1970-1985
- Branfield, John, 1971-1990
- Branfield, John, 1974-1988
- Branfield, John, 1982-1987
- Branfield, John, 1987-1992
- Branfield, John, 1988-1994
- Branfield, John, 1989-1993
- Browning, William, 1976-1987
- Bush, Helen, 1965-1989
- Calhoun, Mary, 1979-1986
- Daly, Niki, 1979-1995
- Derwent, Lavinia, 1970-1987
- Derwent, Lavinia, 1972-1986
- Dhondy, Farrukh, 1980-1993
- Dickinson, Peter, 1974-1994
- DuBois, Theodora, 1961-1976
- DuBois, Theodora, 1964-1976
- Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan, 1974-1975
- Hart, Jane, 1982-1996
- Kroeber, Theodora, 1975-1980
- Lewis, Naomi and Jones, Harold, 1978-1997
- McKenna, Terry, 1979-1989
- Muir, Helen, 1982-1991
- Muntz, Elizabeth and Sprigge, Elizabeth, 1964-1973
- Nic Leodhas, Sorche, 1975
- Solotareff, Grégoire, 1987-1989
- van Pelt, Dr; Ambrose, Dr; Newbold, Dr., 1952-1974
- Cate, Dick, 1990-1993
- Cate, Dick, 1988-1995
- Cate, Dick, 1988-1995
- Cate, Dick, 1987-1995
- Daniels, Robin, 1975-1983
- Leighton, Clare, 1939-1977
- Leighton, Clare, 1946-1981
- Leighton, Clare, 1936-1977
- Nordoff, Pal & Robbins, Clive, 1970-1994
- Nottebohm, Gustav, 1978-1988
- Mehdevi, Anne Sinclair, 1956
- Mehdevi, Anne Sinclair, 1959-1990
- Mehdevi, Anne Sinclair, 1953
- Molesworth, Mrs., undated
- Piston, Walter, 1948-1998
- Pleasants, Henry, 1950-1988
- Pleasants, Henry, 1964-1987
- Pownall, David, 1977-1993
- Pragoff, Fiona, 1989-1996
- Pryor, Ainslie, 1987-1992
- Pryor, Ainslie, 1988-1992
- Rayner, Mary, 1985-1990
- Reed, W.H., 1936-1997
- Rinaldo, C.L., 1974-1975
- Rolland, (Marie) Romain, 1928-1970
- Rossetti, Christina, 1977-1997
- Seidler, Tor, 1987-1995
- Skelton, Geoffrey, 1975-1982
- Skelton, Geoffrey, 1981-1989
- Skelton, Geoffrey, 1970-1992
- Allaby, Michael, 1982-1988
- Anderson, J.R.L., 1973-1982
- Barbary, James, 1974-1986
- Beckles-Wilson, Robina, 1960-1967
- Behn, Harry, 1963-1965
- Behn, Harry, 1964-1977
- Burnford, Sheila, 1972-1981
- Cresswell, Helen; Chamberlain, Margaret, 1987-1992
- Daly, Niki, 1980-1992
- Daly, Niki, 1982-1992
- Daly, Niki, 1978-1992
- Derwent, Lavinia, 1968-1990
- Derwent, Lavinia, 1974-1987
- Elliott, Janice, 1969-1982
- Fender, Kay & Dumas, Philippa, 1977-1985
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1962-1992
- Jones, Harold (illustrator), 1974-1992
- Kingsley, Charles, 1960-1990
- Liddell, Robert, 1954-1977
- Luchaire, Madame, 1934-1955
- Newman, Ernest, 1967-1969
- Newman, Ernest, 1963-1977
- Newman, Ernest, 1969-1988
- Andres, Stefan, 1954-1980
- Bacharach, A.L., 1935
- Bacon, Martha, 1971
- Ben-Tovim, Atarah & Boyd, Doglas, 1984-1995
- Boucourechliev, André, 1984-1992
- Brown, David, 1975-1995
- Campbell, Margaret, 1984-1997
- Evans, Edward, 1933-1936
- Fifield, Christopher, 1985-1995
- Gal, Hans, 1971-1987
- Gal, Hans, 1973-1989
- Garden, Dr. Edward, 1973-1984
- Godefroy, Vincent, 1974-1991
- Haendel, Ida, 1965-1995
- Heyworth, Peter [editor], 1969-1981
- Heyworth, Peter [editor], 1972-1987
- Jacob, H.E., 1949-1953
- Lefebure, Molly, 1984-1993
- Anglo, Sydney, 1968-1988
- Ashley-Cooper, Susan, 1978-1992
- Benn, Timothy, 1984-1994
- Brabazon, James, 1980-1992
- Chase, Richard, 1955-1969
- Clemo, Jack, 1979-1992
- Cosgrave, Patrick, 1967-1985
- Corrigan, D. Felicitas, 1967-1997
- Davis, Earle, 1963-1972
- Fuller, Edmond, 1966-1970
- Gervaso, Roberto, 1973-1984
- Gellner, Ernest, 1957-1990
- Griffiths, Richard, 1968-1975
- Gunn, Elizabeth, 1977-1983
- Hanford, James Holly, 1949-1981
- Highet, Gilbert, 1934-1951
- Holroyd, Stuart, 1957-1959
- Holroyd, Stuart, 1958-1987
- Holroyd, Stuart, 1956-1984
- Jeffries, Dr. Lilias, 1951-1963
- Jenkins, Elizabeth, 1985-1992
- Jenkins, Elizabeth, 1972-1979
- Kaiser, Walter, 1963-1980
- Sprigge, Elizabeth, 1970-1985
- Burton, Anthony, 1978-1989
- Falkus, Hugh, 1988-1992
- Falkus, Hugh, 1978-1988
- Falkus, Hugh, 1988-1995
- Fletcher, Nichola, 1985-1991
- Halford, F. M., 1989-1991
- Henderson, I. T. & Stirk, D. I., 1982-1989
- Kilnger, Ron, 1976-1992
- Kilnger, Ron, 1979-1981
- Kreh, L., 1988-1990
- Niall, Ian, 1990-1992
- Roberts, John, 1992
- Saville, Tom, 1990-1996
- Seabrook, Mike, 1991-1992
- Spencer, Sidney, 1990-1992
- Stirk, David, 1988-1995
- Stirk, David, 1989-1995
- Walker, Richard & Ingham, Maurice, 1988-1992
- Stolberg, B & Vinton, W.S., 1935
- Gibbons, Stuart, 1994-1996
- Giggle, Paul and Debbie, 1996-1998
- Kemp, Gillian, 1996-1998
- Klein, Robin, 1990
- Kochan, Nick and Whittington, Bob, 1991-1997
- Lee, Samantha, 1996-1998
- Matheopoulos, Helena, 1991-1996
- McCracken, Grant, 1996-1997
- Mackie, Mary, 1993-1995
- McKattie, Grace, 1989-1996
- Miller, Hugh, 1991
- Quillin, Viv, 1993-1996
- Quillin, Viv, 1994-1998
- Raviv, Dan & Melman, Yossi, 1990-1991
- Rawle, Graham, 1992-1996
- Reiner, Traudle and Walter, 1990-1994
- Reiner, Traudle and Walter, 1991-1993
- Winokur, Jon, 1989-1992
- Bannerman, Betty, 1986-1990
- Bennett, Daphne, 1979-1980
- Bridson, D.G., 1969-1981
- Brightling, Richard and Kelsey, Hugh, 1986-1987
- Gregg, Hubert, 1983-1996
- Hammond, Joan, 1969-1997
- Haskell, Arnold, 1934
- Haskell, Arnold, 1934-1964
- Haskell, Arnold, 1934-1989
- Haskell, Arnold, 1937-1986
- Lester, Susan, 1962-1977
- Manchester, P.W., 1945-1978
- Manchester, P.W. & Morley, I., 1949-1954
- Moberly, R.B., 1966-1977
- Montagu, Jeremy (editor), 1977-1987
- Murray, Gilbert, 1951
- Newman, Ernest, 1964-1980
- Pleasants, Henry, 1964-1993
- Read, Gardner, 1964-1980
- Rhodes, Anthony, 1974-1980
- Rosenthal, Harold, 1965-1973
- Rosenthal, Harold, 1965-1988
- Roslavleva, Natalia, 1988-1994
- Salaman, Esther, 1987-1995
- Scott Rohan, Michael, 1991-1994
- Skeggs, Douglas, 1986-1996
- Smith, Patrick J., 1971-1985
- Smith, R.W., 1933-1934
- Stewart, Alan, 1979-1989
- Williams, Guy R., 1962-1963
- Anon., 1962-1970
- Burnett James, David, 1977-1983
- Haydon, Geoffrey, 1993-1995
- Johnson, Philip, 1934
- Matheopoulos, Helena, 1988-1997
- Nicholas, Edward, 1949-1968
- Oakes, David, 1951-1955
- Paul, John, 1981-1982
- Poulenc, Francis, 1984-1993
- Osborne, Charles, 1991-1997
- Pullen, Robert & Taylor, Stephen, 1990-1998
- Slocombe, George, 1932
- Stoney, Samuel and Shelby, Gertrue M., 1930
- Strong, Anna Louise, 1944
- Stuart, F.D., 1930
- Swaffer, Hannen, 1946
- Swift, , Nancy, 1937-1938
- Taber, Gladys, 1950-1951
- Walsh, John (editor), 1992-1995
- Watson, Donald, 1987-1991
- Weaver, John, 1967-1970
- When Saturday Comes (Doug Cheeseman), 1993-1995
- 1933-1934
- Williams-Ellis, Amabel, 1939-1983
- Wright, Prof. Samson, 1933-1934
- Yerbury, F.R., 1928
- Cardus, Neville, 1964-1984
- Hogwood, Christopher, 1977-1989
- Holmes, John L., 1987-1992
- Holmes, John L., 1975-1993
- Kendall, Alan, 1990-1994
- Kolb, Annette, 1939-1998
- Loesser, Arthur, 1954
- Marek, George, 1964-1980
- Matthews, Denis, 1965-1973
- [Metropolitan Museum of Art], 1987-1988
- Methuen-Campbell, James, 1978-1992
- Moldenhauer, Hans, 1977-1993
- Osborne, Charles, 1970-1982
- Ostwald, Peter, 1983-1993
- Read, Gardner, 1973-1990
- Romanovsky-Krassingsky, Princess, 1959-1961
- Schonberg, Harold, 1967-1993
- Schonberg, Harold, 1963-1993
- Schrade, Leo, 1951-1983
- Searle, Humphrey, 1962-1995
- Blair, Peter Hunter, 1973-1996
- Born, Anne, 1980-1988
- Brunskill, R.W., 1997
- Brunskill, R.W., 1992-1994
- Brunskill, R.W., 1981-1988
- Brunskill, R.W., 1979-1996
- Brunskill, R.W., 1992-1996
- Brunskill, R.W., 1981-1991
- Clifton Taylor, Alec, 1986-1994
- Denyer, Susan, 1989-1993
- Hattersley, Roy, 1976-1980
- Hattersley, Roy, 1974-1988
- Hillier, Caroline, 1974-1991
- Hinde, Thomas, 1982-1989
- Hinde, Thomas, 1986-1994
- Lefebure, Molly, 1970-1987
- Lefebure, Molly, 1969-1988
- McNay, Michael, 1976-1990
- Mays, Spike, 1985-1996
- Niall, Ian, 1983-1996
- Pownall, David, 1977-1994
- Storey, Edward, 1974-1989
- Viatores, The, 1963-1994
- Adam, Ronald, 1937
- Allitt, John S., 1977-1980
- Bacharach, A.L. & Pearce, J.R., 1977-1989
- Baldock, Robert, 1989-1994
- Blom, Eric, 1934-1975
- Blum, David, 1986-1990
- Blume, Fredrich, 1975-1990
- Hartford, Robert, 1979-1996
- Kay, Norman, 1976-1977
- Kolodin, Irving, 1958-1962
- Lockwood, Lewis, 1993-1998
- Newbould, Brian, 1993-1999
- Osbourne, Charles, 1978-1991
- Osbourne, Charles, 1966-1993
- Osbourne, Charles, 1969-1996
- Simpson, Robert, 1965-1992
- Skelton, Geoffrey, 1972-1988
- Weaver, William and Chusid, Martin, 1974-1992
- Balls, Josephine, 1958-1978
- Berg, Sally & Lucian, 1966-1988
- Berger-Hamerschlag, Margareta, 1956-1988
- Blue, Rabbi Lionel, 1989-1994
- Blue, Rabbi Lionel, 1985-1995
- Chesser, Eustace, 1950-1975
- Child Study Association of America, 1936-1990
- Cloud, Yvonne, 1934-1936
- Cloud, Yvonne, 1937-1985
- Collier, Basil, 1938-1945
- Collis, Arthur, 1949-1952
- Cox, Nicola, 1986-1997
- Cox, Nicola, 1983-1997
- Cox, Nicola, 1979-1997
- Eccleshare, Elizabeth & St. John, Diana, 1962-1964
- Ellison, Mary, 1957-1976
- Gordon, Alexie & Bliss, Trudy, 1944-1961
- Goulart, Ron, 1969-1983
- Greenberg, Selma, 1978-1984
- Holland, Vyvyan, 1966-1976
- Johnson, B.S., undated
- Lamont, Heather, 1988-1993
- Macdonald, George, 1960-1987
- Pleasants, Henry, 1964-1980
- Pleasants, Henry, 1973-1993
- Pleasants, Henry, 1960-1971
- Robertson, James, 1961-1994
- Robinson, Kathy, 1986-1996
- Rootes, Nicholas, 1985-1987
- Stroud, John, 1964-1974
- Todd, Marjorie, 1961-1972
- Turner, W.J., 1936-1972
- Walker, Kenneth and Whitney, Owen, 1964-1967
- Wills, David, 1959-1975
- Baruch, Dorothy, 1952-1975
- Bossi, Elda, 1953-1957
- Brill, Kenneth & Thomas, Ruth, 1964-1977
- Brown, Caroline, 1954
- Cavanagh, W.E., 1958-1975
- Cutolo, Dr. S.R., 1956-1966
- Drawbell, James Wedgwood, 1934
- Fine, Benjamin, 1955
- Dubois, Rene, 1952-1974
- Ellison, Mary, 1957-1960
- Fuller, Edward, 1949-1969
- Hayden, T., 1981-1985
- Lasagna, M.D., Louis, 1962-1966
- LeBourdais, Isabel, 1965-1977
- Lee-Potter, Jeremy, 1995-1998
- Leitner, Charlotte & Emil, 1946-1947
- Karlen, Arno, 1995-1997
- Kohl, Herbert, 1967-1983
- Marti-Ibanez, Dr. Felix, 1960
- Mayer, Robert, 1944-1945
- Menday, R.P. and Wiles, John, 1958-1978
- Middleton, Nigel, 1969-1976
- Mussett, Hannah, 1975-1977
- Payer, Lynn, 1988-1995
- Pedley, Robin, 1956
- Pietroni, Patrick, 1987-1997
- Puri, Swami Omananda, undated
- Schmideberg, Dr. Melitta, 1945-1947
- Seabrook, Jeremy, 1978-1990
- Seabrook, Jeremy, 1977-1990
- Seabrook, Jeremy, 1976-1990
- Sobol, Harriet Langsam, 1977-1990
- Wright, Helen & Rapport, Samuel, 1962-1978
- Bright, Pamela, 1961-1978
- Cargill, Dr. David, 1964-1968
- Carter. G.B., 1938-1987
- Dally, Ann, 1964-1978
- Dally, Ann, 1967-1968
- Falk, Bernard & Blackwood, Dr. Roger, 1986-1991
- Fletcher, Joseph, 1954-1960
- Grant, Joan & Kelsey, Denys, 1968-1983
- Hahnemann, Samuel, 1982-1992
- Hall, Hamilton, 1979-1991
- Hancock, Graham & Carim, Enver, 1985-1990
- Hare, Ronald, 1954-1967
- Hargrave, John, 1930-1931
- Hargrave, John, 1949-1964
- Hayward, Gordon, 1937
- Hodgins, Eric, 1964-1980
- Hull, Audrey, 1970-1988
- Humphry, Derek, 1981-1983
- Jacobson, Bobbie, 1987-1991
- McNally, C. Eric, 1934-1983
- Mackenzie, Dr. Iain F., 1946-1947
- Macmillan, W.J., 1951-1966
- Martindale, Louisa, 1950-1953
- Miller, Benjamin & Goode, Ruth, 1960-1973
- Piff, Christine, 1984-1989
- Plesch, John, 1946-1994
- de Ropp, Robert S., 1960-1966
- Roueché, Berton, 1967-1983
- Roueché, Berton, 1953-1983
- Roueché, Berton, 1965-1983
- Roueché, Berton, 1963-1984
- Roueché, Berton, 1957-1958
- Swartz, Harry, 1949-1968
- Sharpe, Dr. William, 1952-1964
- Sharpe, Dr. William, 1953-1954
- Shrylock, Richard H., 1947-1982
- Thwaites, J.G., 1962-1964
- Walker, Kenneth, 1957-1958
- Wilson, D.M., 1965-1973
- Ballard, J.G., 1989
- Baumbach, Jonathan, 1965-1970
- Belfrage, Cedric, 1936-1968
- Cole, G.D.H., undated
- d'Anjou, Prince Alexis, 1983-1988
- Fausset, Hugh I'Anson, 1952-1961
- Hall, Donald, 1966-1988
- Elkington, John and Hailes, Julia, 1992
- Henderson, Zenna, 1987
- Jones, Nick, 1994-1997
- Jones, Nick, 1994-1997
- Little, Peter and English, David, 1977
- Mehdevi, A.S., 1958-1964
- Osborne, Charles, undated
- Paulsen, Gary, 1994-1995
- Paulsen, Gary, 1995-1996
- Riding, Laura, 1939
- Riding, Laura, 1928-1974
- Seymour-Smith, Martin, 1980
- Smedley, Agnes, 1993
- Sprigge, Elizabeth, 1969-1980
- Lefebure, Molly, 1969-1991
- O'Connor, Richard, 1964-1982
- Patterson, Rebecca, 1965-1968
- Pfeiffer, Karl. G., 1959-1970
- Plowman, Max, 1951-1996
- Rees, Richard, 1957-1986
- Small, Christopher, 1973-1991
- Small, Christopher, 1970-1995
- Speare, Elizabeth George, 1961-1993
- Speare, Elizabeth George, 1962-1979
- Spinola, Helen, 1961
- Stander, Siegfried, 1967-1977
- Stirling, Monica, 1955-1996
- Steig, William, 1986-1996
- Steig, William, 1984-1996
- Steig, William, 1990-1996
- Styles, Showell, 1970-1977
- Styles, Showell, 1967-1976
- Sudbery, Rodie, 1982-1993
- Sweeney, Joyce, 1983-1992
- Taber, Anthony, 1978-1988
- Thompson, Pat, 1989-1994
- de Trevino, Elizabeth Borton, 1966-1989
- de Trevino, Elizabeth Borton, 1967-1987
- Unsworth, Walter, 1969-1998
- Watson, James, 1968-1990
- Watson, James, 1971-1984
- Wersba, Barbara, 1964-1972
- Wersba, Barbara, 1965-1972
- Willis, Ted, 1986-1995
- Winn, Chris, 1981-1996
- Winthrop, Elizabeth, 1985-1995
- Ziefert, Harriet, 1983-1992
- Buckland, Sdney, 1988-1997
- Clarke, Keith, 1975-1984
- Clifton-Taylor, Alec, 1984-1988
- Fecher, Constance, 1970-1977
- Felstiner, John, 1972-1988
- Freud, Martin, 1938-1939
- Frishauer, Paul, 1933-1973
- Fromm, Erish, 1950-1986
- George-Michel, Michel, 1950-1988
- Grieg, Nordahl, 1944-1995
- Infeld, Leopold, 1941-1988
- Jones, Ann and Schechter, Susan, 1991-1992
- Kitchen, Fred and Greatorex, Clifford, 1943-1947
- Kambites, Andrew, 1993
- Kambites, Andrew, 1995
- Lewisohn, Richard, 1929-1985
- Lindelöf, Torbjörn, 1980-1995
- Lucie-Smith, Edward, 1972-1976
- Macartney, W.F.R., 1936-1980
- Marrack Jr., Prof. J.R. and Hern, Anthony, 1943-1949
- Matheopoulos, Helena, 1988-1994
- Morris, Edita, 1948-1952
- Morison, Stanley, 1928-1975
- Rasponi, Lanfranco, 1983-1995
- Ritter, Paul & Jean, 1971-1976
- Skelton, Thomas, 1949-1952
- Smith, Gordon, 1984-1986
- Smith, Nicol, 1941
- St. John, Christopher, 1932-1979
- Stirk, S.D., 1946-1966
- Stowell, Gordon, 1965-1985
- Syrkin, Marie, 1947-1988
- Swanwick, Helena, 1935-1998
- Vischer, Lady, 1952-1956
- Wechsberg, Joseph, 1953-1989
- Willis, Malcolm B., 1991-1995
- Williams-Ellis, Amabel, 1936
- Miscellanous, undated
Additional Publishing Files, 1926-1999
- Collection Creator:
- Gollancz, Victor (1893-1967) and Victor Gollancz Ltd.
- Dates:
- 1926-1999
- Extent:
- 58 boxes
- Languages:
- English
- Conditions Governing Access
Open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Acquisition:
AM 2023-080
- Credit this material:
Additional Publishing Files; Victor Gollancz Publishing Files, C1617, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Storage Note:
- ReCAP (rcpxm): Box 36-94
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
This collection contains digital files, which may require specific software or hardware for access. Refer to our Tips on Accessing Born-Digital Content for information on how to render these file formats.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Chloe Pfendler in January 2019. Finding aid written by Chloe Pfendler in January 2019 with folder inventory added by Benjamin Roberts '22. The series, Writers of the Left Addition, was added and described by Amy C. Vo in November 2021. The series, Joyce Carol Oates Addition, was added and described by Amy C. Vo in December 2021. The 2022 addition, which was incorporated as three additional series, was processed and the finding aid updated by Faith Charlton and Amy C. Vo with assistance from Lauren Williams, Daniel Zayas '26 and Yara Daraiseh '23 using description provided by the dealer.
The born-digital materials in this collection have been processed according to Princeton University Library's Born-Digital Processing Workflows. For more information on the workflow, please read our full Born-Digital Processing Information Note.
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Collection Overview
Collection Description & Creator Information
- Arrangement
Arrangement, primarily at the series level, was imposed by the dealer.
Collection History
- Acquisition:
AM 2023-080
- Appraisal
Several printed copies of duplicate Left Book Club publications were removed during 2019 processing.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Chloe Pfendler in January 2019. Finding aid written by Chloe Pfendler in January 2019 with folder inventory added by Benjamin Roberts '22. The series, Writers of the Left Addition, was added and described by Amy C. Vo in November 2021. The series, Joyce Carol Oates Addition, was added and described by Amy C. Vo in December 2021. The 2022 addition, which was incorporated as three additional series, was processed and the finding aid updated by Faith Charlton and Amy C. Vo with assistance from Lauren Williams, Daniel Zayas '26 and Yara Daraiseh '23 using description provided by the dealer.
The born-digital materials in this collection have been processed according to Princeton University Library's Born-Digital Processing Workflows. For more information on the workflow, please read our full Born-Digital Processing Information Note.
Access & Use
- Conditions Governing Access
Open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
This collection contains digital files, which may require specific software or hardware for access. Refer to our Tips on Accessing Born-Digital Content for information on how to render these file formats.
- Credit this material:
Additional Publishing Files; Victor Gollancz Publishing Files, C1617, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- ReCAP (rcpxm): Box 36-94
Find More
- Related Materials
A separate collection of author files from Victor Gollancz, Ltd can be found here: Victor Gollancz Author Files (C1467).
- Names:
- Oates, Joyce Carol (1938)
Strachey, John (1901-1963)
Brailsford, H. N. (Henry Noel) (1873-1958)
Braunthal, Julius (1891-1972)
Cole, G. D. H. (George Douglas Howard) (1889-1959)
Harrisson, Tom (1911-1976)
Joad, C. E. M. (Cyril Edwin Mitchinson) (1891-1953)
Brockway, Fenner (1888-1988)
Cripps, Richard Stafford, Sir (1889-1952)