Series 1, Correspondence, 1881-1996
Series 1, Correspondence (1897-1981) consists mainly of personal and business correspondence. Some of the documents are not letters per se, but they relate to correspondence Baldwin had and for this reason have been included in the correspondence series rather than with the subject files. This series gives a fairly complete picture of the diversity of Baldwin's interests, for his correspondence touched on all areas of his life. However, Baldwin had few long-term correspondents, perhaps detracting somewhat from the richness of the materials in this series.
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Miscellaneous, 1925-1981
Academic Requests, 1953-1981
Act for Peace, 1959
Addams, Jane, 1974
Addams, Jane Hall of Fame, 1967-1968
Adelphi University, 1968
Adenauer, Konrad, 1949
Affidavits & Statements, 1950-1952
Allen, William H, 1915
Allison, Brent, 1920
America, 1954-1968
ACLU, 1952-1981
ACLU - 50th Anniversary, 1976
ACLU Foundation, 1972
American Friends of Ichud, 1957-1958
American Veterans' Committee, 1950
Angell, Ernest, 1959-1960
Baker, Josephine, 1962-1977
Balabanoff, Angelica, 1927
Baldwin, Carl, 1974
Baldwin, Dick, 1953
Baldwin, Evelyn Preston, 1938-1978
Baldwin, F.F., 1934-1939
Baldwin Family, 1979
Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 85th Birthday, International Rights of Man Dinner, 1968 December 06
Bellair, Harry, 1919
Benitez, Jaime, 1963
Benton, William, 1947
Bergendall, Tom, 1978
Berkman, Alexander, 1916-1974
Betancourt, Romulo, 1963-1964
Bethune, Mary McLeod, 1945-1955
Biddle, Francis, 1952-1969
Birds: Miscellaneous, 1944-1978
Birds: Audubon Society, 1944-1964
Birds: Baldwin Sanctuary, 1962-1964
B'nai B'rith, 1952-1955
Bowles, Chester, 1948-1960
British Visas, 1927-1938
Brandeis University, 1952-1969
Brazier, Richard, 1964
Brooks, John Graham, 1933
Brown, Harold Z, 1926-1930
Brown, William, 1964
Buck, Pearl, 1964
Bulkey, Mary E, 1923-1970
Bundy, William P, 1964
Cabot, Richard C, 1922
California Trip, 1956
Caribbean Conservation, 1968-1974
Caribbean Tour, 1954
Casals, Pablo, 1966-1973
Children's Code, 1914
Civil Rights Defense Committee, 1948
Clark, Grenville, 1967-1981
Club Organization, 1911
Coe, George, 1951
Coffin, William, 1966
Columbia Lecture Bureau, 1949-1950
Columbus Citizen, 1950
Communism: Miscellaneous, 1934-1964
Conscientious Objection, 1936-1970
Cox, Marshall, 1972
Daniel, Jonathan, 1951
Davis, Philip, 1915
Debs, Eugene, 1964-1965
Dell Brook (Family Farm), 1947-1980
Democracy, 1952
Dennis, Eugene (Daily Worker), 1961
Dennis, Lawrence, 1953
Denver Post, 1950
Department of Justice, 1918
Department of State, 1918
deSchweinitz, Dorothea, 1968-1980
Dewey, Thomas E, 1945
Distinguished New Yorker Medal, 1967
Dominican Republic, 1967
Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie, 1925-1978
DuBois, W. E. B, 1944
Duran, Gustavo, 1969
Eastman, Crystal, 1918
Eastman, Max, 1969-1972
Edwards, Forest, 1915
Eliot, Thomas D, 1911-1915
Encampment for Citizenship, 1966
Environment and Civil Rights, 1969
Environmental Conference, 1972
Ernst, Morris, 1951-1968
Ethical Culture Society, 1949-1969
European Peace, 1946-1951
European Tour, 1950
Fargo-Moorhead Open Forum, 1954
Farnum, Fred, 1922-1979
Felicani, Aldino, 1948-1967
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1945
Fisk University, 1949
Flax, Dorothy Ellin, 1960
Florina Lasker Award of NYCLU, 1957
Ford Hall Forum, 1971
Frankfurter, Felix, 1936
Franklin Lecture Series, 1961
Freeman, Joseph, 1931-1938
Fry, Varian, 1951
Fullerton, Hugh, 1930
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1968
Gartz, Cran E, 1922-1924
Gay Rights, 1950
Gellhorn, Edna, 1967-1970
Genocide Convention, 1970-1971
Georgetown University, 1980
Germany, 1950
Germany, 1950
Giberti, Louis, 1940-1942
Goldman, Albert, 1948
Goldman, Emma, 1909-1940, 1968-1980
Gollancz, Sir Victor and Lady, 1967
Greenbaum, Edward S, 1957
Grose, Laurence Rich, 1960-1972
Harris, Professor W. F, 1916
Harvard: Miscellaneous, 1933-1978
Harvard: Class of, 1905, 1954-1973
Haskell, Natalie, 1963-1972
Haverford College, 1976
Hays, Arthur Garfield, 1881-1954
Haywood, William D, 1962-1963
Heidenberger, Peter, 1951-1972
Hennacy, Ammon, 1944-1970
Holmes, John Hayes, 1949-1966
Hoover, J. Edgar, 1948
Hopkins Charitable Fund, 1956-1959
Huebsch, Ben, 1964
Huntley, James, 1955
India: Miscellaneous, 1931-1972
India: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1964-1969
India: Gandhi Foundation, 1949
India: Ghose, Shalian, 1937
India: Gregg, Richard, 1931
India: India League of America, 1956
India: Nehru, Jawaharlal, 1939-1967
India: Raghuram, Neal, 1966
India: Rai, Lajpat, 1969
Israel/Palestine, 1947-1971
Jackson, Gardner, 1928-1929
James, William Oral, 1918
Japan, 1949-1952
Japan Civil Liberties Union, 1971
Japan & Korea, 1947
Japanese-American Issues, 1964-1968
Jewish Issues, 1945-1950
Jones, Mother, 1929-1930
Juvenile Court Matters: Missouri State Legislation on Supervision of Private Charities, 1913
Kades, Charles, 1958-1961
Kasama, Frank A, 1954
Kennedy, John F, 1960
Kenyon, Dorothy, 1972
Kim, Andrew, 1948-1952
Kipp, Mrs. Albert, 1935
Kizer, Benjamin H, 1969
Korea, 1950-1957
Kropotkin, Peter, 1961
Krutch, Joseph Wood, 1961
Kunstler, William M, 1962
Labadie, Laurance, 1936
Labor Colleges, 1938-1972
LaGuardia, Fiorello H, 1941
Laski, Harold, 1945
Lehman, Fritz, 1917
Lehman, Herbert, 1958-1962
Liberalism, 1962
Lilienthal, David, 1979
Lindeman, Edward C, 1953-1955
Lippman, Walter, undated
Litchfield, Edward, 1968
MacArthur, Douglas, 1947-1981
Mack, Julian W, 1964
Martha's Vineyard Gazette, 1953
McCarthyism, 1952-1958
McCloy, John J, 1950
Medical Discrimination, 1970
Meiklejohn, Alexander, 1965
Morgenthau, Hans J, 1965
Merrill, C.H., 1915
Munzenberg, Willi, 1938-1940
Murrow, Edward R, 1959
Nagel, Charles, 1954
Native American Issues, 1969-1979
Navy Department, 1969
Nearing, Scott, 1963
Nettlau, Max, 1927
New Deal, 1934
New York University, 1969-1970
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1933-1960
Northwestern University, 1974
Offers of Jobs, 1908-1915
O'Hare, Frank P, 1959-1981
One World Award Committee, 1950-1951
Order of the Rising Sun, 1963
Outdoors, 1965
Pacifica Foundation, 1960
Pacifist Organizations, 1966
Palmer, A. Mitchell, 1966
Panel of Americans, 1968
Pearson, T. Gilbert, 1959
Personal, 1917, 1929-1981
Pol, Heinz, 1950-1955
Post-War World Council, 1950
Pozner, Vladimir, 1938
Prison: Miscellaneous, 1918-1919
Prison: Immediate Family, 1918
Prison: Personal Friends, 1918
Prison: Nonpolitical Prisoners, 1919
Prison: Relatives, 1918-1919
Publishers, 1932-1956
Puerto Rico: Civil Rights, 1959-1965
Puerto Rico: Civil Rights, 1966-1969
Puerto Rico: Civil Rights, 1970-1971
Puerto Rico: Civil Rights, 1972-1973
Puerto Rico: Civil Rights, 1974-1978
Puerto Rico: Draft Case, 1970
Puerto Rico: Presidential Vote, 1971
Radicalism, 1915-1922
Race Relations, 1969
Reedy, William Marion, 1963
Reedy, William Marion, 1963
References, 1952-1964
Reissig, Herman F, 1939-1973
Remington, William W, 1948-1950
Requests for Legal Aid, 1970
Rockefeller, Laurance S, 1956
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1948-1964
Rose, Milton C, 1956
Ryman, Charlotte M, 1896-1898
Ryman, Charlotte M, 1898-1899
Ryman, Charlotte M, 1899-1918
Ryman, Rosalyn, 1897
Sacco-Vanzetti Case, 1922-1976
Sacco-Vanzetti Memorial Award, 1981
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1925-1955
Salvemini, Gaetano, 1933-1934
Sanger, Margaret, 1916, 1952-1967
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr, 1954-1961
Schroeder, Theodore, 1970
Sinclair, Upton, 1939-1971
Smith, Luther Ely, 1941-1951
Sobell, Merton, 1958
Social Service Conference, 1915
Social Work - Miscellaneous, 1937
Socialist Party, 1918
Speaking Engagements, 1953-1979
Speaking Engagements, 1948-1963
Speiser, Lawrence, 1969
Stoeker, Helene, 1943
Stolz, Otto, 1925-1930
Strachey, John, 1933-1940
Strong, Anna Louise, 1969-1981
Sumeris, Edward, Jr, 1949-1958
Supreme Court, 1927
Survey, The, 1915-1971
Thant, U, 1971
Thomas, Norman, 1925-1971
"Tokyo Rose" Book, 1978
Tony Colket Fund, 1927-1968
Tran Van Dinh, 1963-1974
Tresca, Carlo, 1945-1964
Urey, Harold C, 1944-1955
Valtin, Jan, 1941
Van Dinh, Tran, 1963-1974
Van Kleeck, Mary, 1938
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 1927
Vietnam, 1969-1970
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1947
Virgin Islands, 1966-1970
Von Trott, Adam, 1963-1970
Vonnegut, Franklin, 1952
Wallace, Roy, 1917
Warburg, James P, 1949-1950
Ward, Harry, 1961-1963
Warren, Earl, 1970-1972
Washington University, 1903-1958
West Coast Tour, 1950
Wilkie, Wendell, 1941-1942
William C. Whitney Foundation, 1956
Williams, Chester S, 1968
Williams, George H, 1948
WINS News Conference, 1968
Winston, Henry, 1960-1961
Wirin, Al, 1963
Woltman, Fred, 1968
World Federation, 1942-1965
World War II, 1942
Yale Political Union, 1967
Yale University, 1968-1970
Young Males, 1911
Series 2, Subject Files (1911-1981) contains a wide variety of materials relating to Baldwin's public life. The bulk of the documents in this series are notes, memoranda, printed matter, occasional articles, and other unpublished non-correspondence material. This series does not treat the range of subjects as does the Correspondence Series, but the subjects to which the material relate are treated in much greater depth.
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Miscellaneous (Printed), 1917
Africa, 1960
African Americans in St. Louis: Industrial Conditions Among African Americans in St. Louis, 1914
ACLU: Chronology, 1917-1945
Bill of Rights Education, 1963
Drinking Songs (Harvard), undated
Egypt, 1969
Europe (Notes), 1952
Farewell Dinner, 1950
Human Rights, 1949-1951
Human Rights, 1970
Israel and Egypt, 1960
Micronesia, 1969-1970
Missouri Social Legislation, 1916
National Conference of Charities and Corrections: Committee on Kindred Groups, dates not examined
Point Four Program, 1949
Rosenberg Case, 1952-1953
Soviet Union: Miscellaneous, 1928
Soviet Union: Censorship, 1927
Soviet Union: Georgia, 1927
Soviet Union: Government, 1926
Soviet Union: Religion, 1924-1926
Soviet Union: Trip, 1927
Soviet Union: Trip, 1967
Soviet Union: Youth, 1927
Student Liberties, 1969
White House Luncheon, 1963
World Tour, 1959
World Tour: Notes, 1959
Series 3, Writings and Speeches (1912-1978): Baldwin was a prolific writer and speaker, although his only books were Juvenile Courts and Probation, written while he was in St. Louis, Liberty Under the Soviets, written in 1928, and Civil Liberties and Industrial Conflict, a book of speeches Baldwin gave at Harvard University with industrialist Clarence B. Randall, which was published in 1938. Baldwin was working on an autobiography sporadically during the 1950s and 1960s, but it was never
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Subseries 1, Writings, 1909-1979
Miscellaneous, 1933-1969
ACLU, 1955-1967
Autobiography - Galley Proof, 1950s
Autobiography Comments, 1955-1959
Biographies, 1909-1969
Book Reviews, 1931-1965
Civil Liberties, 1923-1979
Education, 1933
Foreign Issues: Africa, 1923-1942
Foreign Issues: Canada, 1924
Foreign Issues: Europe, 1935-1946
Foreign Issues: India, 1945
Foreign Issues: Japan, 1947-1948
Foreign Issues: Korea, 1947-1950
Human Rights, 1950-1966
Letters to the Editor, 1940-1975
Prison, 1918-1919
Race Relations, 1943-1946
Radicalism, 1922-1949
St. Louis, 1917
Social Work, 1912-1936
Subseries 2, Speeches, 1922-1978
Miscellaneous, 1940-1976
ACLU, 1955-1957
Civil Liberties, 1922-1978
Foreign Issues: Africa, 1946
Foreign Issues: Asia, 1957-1959
Foreign Issues: Europe, 1928-1958
Foreign Issues: Germany, 1933-1951
Foreign Issues: Japan, undated
Foreign Issues: Middle East, undated
Foreign Policy, 1960
Human Rights, 1951-1973
Radicalism, 1931-1954
Social Work, undated
Series 4, Miscellaneous (1922-1981) contains a variety of material relating to Baldwin directly. The crown jewel of this series is the collection of memoranda Baldwin wrote about himself and others that he knew. These memoranda cover topics ranging from the Scopes trial to Baldwin's attitude towards money. These memoranda not only help to clear up confusion about Baldwin's biography; they also offer an unusually direct glimpse into his mind, for he wrote freely about his attitudes and even relatively personal aspects of his life.
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Articles About Roger Baldwin, 1931-1978
Memoranda on People, 1965-1974
FBI Records, 1922-1965
Passports, 1963-1977
Series 5, Photographs, 1885-1979
Series 5, Photographs (ca. 1885-1981) includes photographs from almost all periods of Baldwin's life.
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Events: ACLU 40th Anniversary, 1960
Events: ACLU Conventions, 1960s
Events: Human Rights Dinner, 1968
Events: Marietta Tree's Dinner, 1968
Events: ACLU 50th Anniversary, 1970
Events: Honorary Degrees, undated
Events: Birthday Party, undated
Personal: Family Homes, undated
Personal: Miscellaneous, undated
Personal: Chaplin Family, undated
Slides of Roger N. Baldwin, undated
Political Activity: Japan Trip, 1947
Political Activity: Korea Trip, 1947
Series 6, Tribute Album, 1950
Series 6, Tribute Album (1950) contains one two-volume engraved album of correspondence from Baldwin's friends on the Thirtieth Anniversary of the ACLU on February 22, 1950. This occasion also marked Baldwin's retirement from his position of executive director at the ACLU.
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
- Scope and Contents
The Baldwin Papers consist mainly of typescript and manuscript documents, including personal correspondence, business correspondence, memoranda, published and typescript articles, manuscripts and notes for speeches, notes from travels, and printed material. There are also a considerable number of photographs and an album presented to Baldwin at the Thirtieth Anniversary of the ACLU, on February 22, 1950. The vast majority of the documents are in English, but there is also material in Spanish, German, and French, much but not all of which is translated.
While there are materials relating to all eras of Baldwin's life, from his childhood in Wellesley, Massachusetts to his death in 1981, some eras are more fully documented than others. The collection contains no documents from his undergraduate years at Harvard. Much of the material relating to Baldwin's term as executive director of the ACLU (1920-1950) is located in the ACLU Archives. The papers in this collection relating directly to the ACLU date almost exclusively from 1950. The only exceptions are papers relating to the Scopes trial, which Baldwin managed, and the Sacco-Vanzetti case, which are relatively well-represented here. There are also surprisingly few documents relating to Baldwin's involvement with the International League for the Rights of Man.
On the other hand, the materials relating to Baldwin's year in prison, his travels to the Soviet Union, Japan, Korea, and Germany, his interest in Puerto Rico, and his years in St. Louis are relatively rich. Baldwin's FBI file, although censored, sheds light on his involvement in radical politics. Also of interest are the memoranda Baldwin wrote throughout his later years about people he had known, experiences he had, and beliefs he had held. The photographs include many formal portraits of
Baldwin, his first baby picture to several taken while he was in his nineties, snapshots of dinners held in his honor, a few family pictures, pictures taken during his trips to Japan, Korea, and Germany, and various other photographs of his public life.
An unusual feature of this collection is that Baldwin himself has included specifically for the researcher occasional explanations of who people were, what his connection with them was, or why he saved something. Baldwin also wrote a series of memoranda about his life, people he knew, and his opinions and attitudes. These autobiographical addenda to the collection infuse the collection with an unusually immediate sense of Baldwin's presence.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Roger Nash Baldwin was born in Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, on January 21, 1884 into a prominent Boston family. His parents were Frank Fenno Baldwin and Lucy Cushing (Nash) Baldwin, and he was the first of six children, three boys and three girls. His parents were Unitarians with strong liberal connections; W. E. B. Dubois was a Baldwin family friend and a frequent guest at the house. Baldwin's upbringing in this atmosphere in Wellesley, where he attended public school, instilled in him a life-long sympathy for the underdog. He attended Harvard, graduating in 1905 with an A.B. and an A.M. (received after a summer course in sociology).
On the advice of his father's friend and lawyer, Louis D. Brandeis, he decided to become a social worker. From 1906 to 1917 he lived and worked in St. Louis, determined to make his own way rather than depend on the family connections that would have helped him in Boston. While there he worked in the neighborhood settlements, served as chief officer of the St. Louis Juvenile Court and voluntary secretary of the National Probation Association, and founded the sociology department at Washington University, where he taught from 1906 to 1910. While in St. Louis he wrote (with Bernard Flexner) Juvenile Courts and Probation, which remained a standard in the field for many years. Ironically, in the 1960s the ACLU challenged the standards promulgated in the book, citing the need to guarantee juveniles due process.
In St. Louis Baldwin became attracted to the radical political and social movements that greatly affected his politics until the 1930s. He was a close friend of the anarchist Emma Goldman and he moved in left-wing circles. During the 1920s he joined the I.W.W., and in 1927 he visited the Soviet Union, producing from his trip a book entitled Liberty Under the Soviets, published in 1928. He broke with the Communists and other radicals only in 1939, after having been horrified by the Nazi-Soviet Pact.
Baldwin left St. Louis in 1917, when the United States entered World War I, in order to become involved with the pacifist movement. He was a member of the American Union Against Militarism (AUAM), an organization which lobbied first against U.S. entrance into the war and later for a negotiated peace. He also worked with the National Civil Liberties Bureau (NCLB), an arm of the AUAM founded to defend conscientious objectors but which quickly broadened its scope to include in its mission defense of the freedoms of speech, press, and conscience. In 1918 Baldwin was called up for military service, but as a conscientious objector he refused to go. His arrest, trial, and conviction made headlines, and he spent a year in jail, calling it "my vacation on the government."
After his release, Baldwin spent four months in the Midwest working as an industrial laborer in several factories, but he was soon persuaded by his war-time NCLB colleagues to return to New York.
The end of the war had not meant an end to civil liberties violations, which were being fanned by the post-war "Red Scare," and in 1920 the NCLB was transformed into the American Civil Liberties Union. Baldwin became its executive director.
Baldwin remained in this position until 1950. As executive director, he was intimately associated with two of the biggest cases with which the ACLU was involved in these years, the Scopes trial and the Sacco-Vanzetti case. In 1950 Baldwin resigned as executive director to become the ACLU's international adviser and to devote himself more fully to his work with the International League for the Rights of Man, where he served as chair for fifteen years. In that position he traveled extensively; his ports of call included the Middle East, Cuba, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Peru, Nigeria, many Western European countries, Poland, and the Soviet Union.
Baldwin became involved with international affairs in 1947, when the War Department invited him to go to Japan and South Korea to assist in developing civil liberties agencies in the infant democracies. He founded the Japan Civil Liberties Union, and the Japanese government awarded him the Order of the Rising Sun in recognition of his service to Japanese democracy. In 1948 General Lucius Clay invited Baldwin to Germany and Austria to perform a similar service in those two countries; he returned to Germany several times in subsequent years.
Baldwin was also extremely active in the study and protection of civil liberties in Puerto Rico, setting up a commission to deal with the issue in the 1960s. A close friend of Puerto Rico's Governor Luis Muñoz Marín, Baldwin traveled to Puerto Rico frequently in his later years. He often taught a seminar on constitutional rights at the University of Puerto Rico law school.
Baldwin was connected to various educational institutions throughout his life. In addition to his stint at Washington University and his recurrent seminar course at the University of Puerto Rico, he taught several courses at the New School for Social Research in New York. He served for many years on the Overseers' Visiting Committee to the Harvard Economics Department. He also received numerous honorary degrees, including ones from Brandeis, Columbia, Haverford, Washington University, and Yale. His other honors included the Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded in 1981.
Baldwin remained active right until the end of his long life; in a series of memoranda on old age, he attributed his longevity to his constant activity. He was an avid outdoorsman who loved canoeing and bird-watching. He was a director and vice-president of the National Audubon Society and donated some of his land in New Jersey to the Audubon Society as a bird sanctuary. While in St. Louis, Baldwin adopted two boys who had come to the attention of the Juvenile Court, Oral James and Otto Stolz. James followed his adoptive father to prison as a conscientious objector during World War I, while Stolz served in the army in France. Stolz committed suicide in 1930.
After being released from prison in 1919, Baldwin married Madeleine Zabriskie Doty, a journalist and feminist who never took Baldwin's name. They divorced in 1936, although they had not lived together for over a decade, and in 1936 Baldwin married Evelyn Preston. Evie had been married before and had two small boys, Carl and Roger, who chose to take Baldwin's name long before their mother, a feminist, did. Roger and Evie had one daughter, Helen. Evie died in 1962 at the age of 64 from cancer. Helen died in 1979 at the age of 41 from cancer. Baldwin himself died of heart failure on August 26, 1981, at the age of 97.
- Acquisition:
The Baldwin Papers were donated to Princeton University by Roger Baldwin himself. The library received the first shipment of papers in 1969 . Other shipments have been received periodically since then from both Baldwin and his step-son Carl Baldwin. In 1992 Samuel Walker donated to Princeton Roger Baldwin's FBI files, which he obtained under the Freedom of Information Act while he was researching his book In Defense of American Civil Liberties: A History of the ACLU. Correspondence between Roger Baldwin and Reinhard Oebike was donated by William J. vanden Heuvel in 2014. The accession number associated with this donation is ML.2014.038.
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Sponsorship:
These papers were processed with the generous support of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission and the John Foster and Janet Avery Dulles Fund.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Olivia Kew in 1995. Finding aid written by Olivia Kew in 1995.
- Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research use.
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Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
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- Credit this material:
Roger Nash Baldwin Papers; Public Policy Papers, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (scamudd): Box 1-33
- Existence and Location of Copies
Microfilm of this collection is stored onsite at Firestone Library (MICROFILM 11772) and a master copy of the microfilm is held offsite at the ReCAP storage facility (MICROFILM 3633).
- Subject Terms:
- Civil rights -- Puerto Rico. -- 20th century
Civil rights -- United States -- 20th century
Communism -- Soviet Union.
Communism -- United States
Government consultants -- United States -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Puerto Rico -- Politics and government. -- 20th century
Sacco-Vanzetti Trial, Dedham, Mass., 1921.
World War, 1914-1918 -- Conscientious objectors -- United States - Genre Terms:
- Audio tapes.
Photographs, Original.
Speeches. - Names:
- American civil liberties union
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
International League for the Rights of Man
Marshall Civil Liberties Trust Fund
Goldman, Emma (1869-1940) - Places:
- Soviet Union -- Politics and government. -- 20th century
United States -- Foreign relations. -- 20th century