Contents and Arrangement

Correspondence, 1949-1982 (mostly 1976-1978)

3 boxes
Correspondence Content List
Select Items
Checklist of Correspondence ContactsundatedBox 1, Folder 1
Aldridge, John1977Box 1, Folder 2
Alvarez, Al1977Box 1, Folder 3
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters1978Box 1, Folder 4
Amis, Kingsley1979Box 1, Folder 5
Arrowsmith, William1976-1977Box 1, Folder 6
Atlas, James1976-1977Box 1, Folder 7
Bandler, Bernard1977Box 1, Folder 8
Barr, Stringfellow1976-1978Box 1, Folder 9
Barzun, Jacques1976Box 1, Folder 10
Beinecke Library, Yale University1976Box 1, Folder 11
Belgion, Montgomery and Helen1977Box 1, Folder 12
Bellow, Saul1976-1978Box 1, Folder 13
Berlind, Bruce1977Box 1, Folder 14
Berryman, Kate1976-1977Box 1, Folder 15
Blackmur, Elizabeth1976-1980Box 1, Folder 16
Blumenthal, Marvin R1976Box 1, Folder 17
Borgerhoff, E.B.O., Mrs. (Nini)1976Box 1, Folder 18
Boyd, Julian P1977-1978Box 1, Folder 19
Boyers, Robert1979Box 1, Folder 20
Bretagne, Mary1976Box 1, Folder 21
Brooks, Cleanth1978Box 1, Folder 22
Brower, Helen P1976Box 1, Folder 23
Brown, Katharine1976-1979Box 1, Folder 24
Bryn Mawr College1978Box 1, Folder 25
Buckley, William F., Jr1977Box 1, Folder 26
Buckman, Gertrude1978Box 1, Folder 27
Buechner, Frederick1976Box 1, Folder 28
Bunn, James1977Box 1, Folder 29
Burke, Kenneth1976-1979Box 1, Folder 30
Burnham, James1977-1978Box 1, Folder 31
Butscher, Edward1977Box 1, Folder 32
California, University of1978Box 1, Folder 33
Cambridge High and Latin School1976Box 1, Folder 34
Cambridge Historical Commission1976-1979Box 1, Folder 35
Challener, Richard D1977Box 1, Folder 36
Clemons, Walter1976-1977Box 1, Folder 37
Codman, Florence1977Box 1, Folder 38
Columbia University1978Box 1, Folder 39
Conarroe, Joel1977Box 1, Folder 40
Cone, Edward T1976-1977Box 1, Folder 41
Core, George1977-1978Box 1, Folder 42
Cowley, Malcolm1976-1978Box 1, Folder 43
Cox, Rowland1977Box 1, Folder 44
Coxe, Louis1976-1977Box 1, Folder 45
Cozzens, James Gould1977Box 1, Folder 46
Cummington Community of the Arts1977Box 1, Folder 47
Cutter, Margot1978-1979Box 1, Folder 48
Daiches, David1976Box 1, Folder 49
Dalmas, Victor1977-1978Box 1, Folder 50
Darrell, Robert Donaldson1976-1982Box 1, Folder 51
Davison, Betty1976Box 1, Folder 52
Davison, Peter1977Box 1, Folder 53
Delaware, University of1978Box 1, Folder 54
Dennis, Rodney G1976Box 1, Folder 55
De Vries, Peter1976-1978Box 1, Folder 56
Dodds, Harold W1976-1977Box 1, Folder 57
Donoghue, Denis1977-1979Box 1, Folder 58
Downs, Brian and Evelyn1976Box 1, Folder 59
Duncan, Harry1977Box 1, Folder 60
Dupee, F.W.1977Box 1, Folder 61
Eberhart, Richard and Betty1976-1977Box 1, Folder 62
Edel, Leon1976-1977Box 1, Folder 63
Eden, Pat1977-1978Box 1, Folder 64
Efron, Arthur1977Box 1, Folder 65
Emerson, Sheila1977-1978Box 1, Folder 66
Engel, Monroe1976Box 1, Folder 67
Erskine, Albert R., Jr1978Box 1, Folder 68
Fergusson, Francis1976-1977Box 1, Folder 69
Fiedler, Leslie A1976Box 1, Folder 70
Firuski, Maurice1976Box 1, Folder 71
Fish, Doris1977Box 1, Folder 72
Fitts, Cornelia H1977-1978Box 1, Folder 73
Fitzgerald, Robert1976-1978Box 1, Folder 74
Foster, Richard J1977Box 1, Folder 75
Frank, Joseph1976-1977Box 1, Folder 76
Frye, Northrop1976Box 1, Folder 77
Fuller, Robert G., Jr1976Box 1, Folder 78
Fuller, Robert W1977Box 1, Folder 79
Fussell, Paul1976Box 1, Folder 80
Gemmell, Edgar M1977Box 1, Folder 81
Giroux, Robert1976Box 1, Folder 82
Goic, Cedomil1977Box 1, Folder 83
Goldfrank, Sylvia1977-1978Box 1, Folder 84
Goldfrank, Wally1977Box 1, Folder 85
Goodman, William1977-1979Box 1, Folder 86
Goodspeed, George T1979Box 1, Folder 87
Gordon, Caroline1977Box 1, Folder 88
Gordon, Ernest1977Box 1, Folder 89
Greenberg, Clement1976Box 1, Folder 90
Griswold, Christine Weston1976-1977Box 1, Folder 91
Grolier Book Shop1978Box 1, Folder 92
Guerard, Albert J., Jr1976Box 1, Folder 93
Guggenheim, John Simon, Memorial Foundation1976-1979Box 1, Folder 94
Haffenden, John1976-1977Box 2, Folder 1
Hall, Donald1977Box 2, Folder 2
Hamovitch, Mitzi1977Box 2, Folder 3
Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, Inc1977-1979Box 2, Folder 4
Harrison, James1978Box 2, Folder 5
Hartle, Robert1976-1977Box 2, Folder 6
Hollander, Robert1976-1977Box 2, Folder 7
Horton, Tessa1976-1982Box 2, Folder 8
Howe, Irving1977Box 2, Folder 9
Howes, Barbara1978Box 2, Folder 10
Illinois, University of1978Box 2, Folder 11
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J.1976Box 2, Folder 12
Iowa, University of1978Box 2, Folder 13
John Hopkins University1978Box 2, Folder 14
Johnson, E.D.H.1976Box 2, Folder 15
Johnson-Lally, Robert1980Box 2, Folder 16
Josephson, Matthew1977Box 2, Folder 17
Jurow, Joan1977-1978Box 2, Folder 18
Kaplan, Ralph1977Box 2, Folder 19
Kaufmann, R. James1976-1977Box 2, Folder 20
Kazin, Alfred1975-1976Box 2, Folder 21
Keeley, Edmund L1976-1977Box 2, Folder 22
Keeley, Robert V1977Box 2, Folder 23
Kent, Robert1977Box 2, Folder 24
Kenyon College1977-1978Box 2, Folder 25
Kirstein, Lincoln1976-1981Box 2, Folder 26
Kraft, Joseph1977-1978Box 2, Folder 27
Kronenberger, Louis1976-1977Box 2, Folder 28
Krupnick, Mark1977Box 2, Folder 29
Larsen, Roy E1977Box 2, Folder 30
Laughlin, James1976-1977Box 2, Folder 31
Lawrence Library, Fairfield, Maine1978Box 2, Folder 32
Leininger, Phillip1976Box 2, Folder 33
Leitch, Alexander1976Box 2, Folder 34
Lemonick, Aaron1976Box 2, Folder 35
Litz, A. Walton1976-1980Box 2, Folder 36
Loomis, Gloria1977Box 2, Folder 37
Lowell, Robert1977Box 2, Folder 38
Macdonald, Dwight1977-1978Box 2, Folder 39
MacDowell Colony, Inc1977-1978Box 2, Folder 40
MacLeish, Archibald1977-1978Box 2, Folder 41
Macleod, Norman1977Box 2, Folder 42
Maine State Library1976Box 2, Folder 43
Makowsky, Veronica A1976-1980Box 2, Folder 44
Mann, Herbert F1977-1978Box 2, Folder 45
Marrafino, Elizabeth1977Box 2, Folder 46
Marshall, John1975-1980Box 2, Folder 47
Marshall, Mary1977Box 2, Folder 48
Martin, Jay1978Box 2, Folder 49
Massachusetts, University of1978Box 2, Folder 50
Mayor, A. Hyatt1977Box 2, Folder 51
McCarthy, Mary1976-1977Box 2, Folder 52
McCord, David1977-1978Box 2, Folder 53
Meredith, William1976-1978Box 2, Folder 54
Merwin, W.S.1976-1977Box 2, Folder 55
Middlebury College1978Box 2, Folder 56
Minnesota, University of1976-1977Box 2, Folder 57
Monas, Sidney1976Box 2, Folder 58
Morgan, Frederick1977Box 2, Folder 59
Morgenstern, Oskar1976Box 2, Folder 60
Murray, Harry1977Box 2, Folder 61
Nebraska, University of1978Box 2, Folder 62
Nemerov, Howard1977Box 2, Folder 63
Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois1976Box 2, Folder 64
North American Review1977Box 2, Folder 65
Northwestern University1978Box 2, Folder 66
O'Faolain, Sean1976-1977Box 2, Folder 67
Oppenheimer, Paul1976-1977Box 2, Folder 68
Orrok, George and Elizabeth1977-1980Box 2, Folder 69
Palmer, George Anthony1976Box 2, Folder 70
Palmer, John1977Box 2, Folder 71
Palmer, Phoebe1976-1979Box 2, Folder 72
Pattee, Lincoln and Barbara1977Box 2, Folder 73
Pell, John H.G.1977Box 2, Folder 74
University of Pennsylvania1978Box 2, Folder 75
Perkins, Leland F1976-1977Box 2, Folder 76
Perosa, Sergio1977Box 2, Folder 77
Persons, Stow1977-1980Box 2, Folder 78
Phillips, William1977-1978Box 2, Folder 79
Porter, Kenneth Wiggins1977Box 2, Folder 80
Princeton Alumni Association1976Box 2, Folder 81
Princeton University Archives1976-1977Box 2, Folder 82
Princeton University Library1976-1978Box 2, Folder 83
Princeton University Press1977-1978Box 2, Folder 84
Pritchett, Victor S1977Box 2, Folder 85
Putnam, Peter1977-1982Box 2, Folder 86
Quigg, Phillip W1977Box 2, Folder 87
Rabi, Isidor1977Box 2, Folder 88
Reeve, Franklin D1977-1978Box 2, Folder 89
Richards, I.A.1977Box 2, Folder 90
Rizzardi, Alfredo1979Box 2, Folder 91
Rochemont, Richard de1976Box 2, Folder 92
Rockefeller Archive Center1976-1977Box 2, Folder 93
Rockefeller Foundation1976-1977Box 2, Folder 94
Rosen, Charles W1977Box 2, Folder 95
Rosenwald, Peter J1977-1978Box 2, Folder 96
Roth, Philip1976-1977Box 2, Folder 97
Rowe, Elinor1978Box 2, Folder 98
Rubin, Louis1977Box 2, Folder 99
Rukeyser, Muriel1978Box 2, Folder 100
Rutgers University1978Box 2, Folder 101
Sautoy, Peter de1977Box 3, Folder 1
Scholz, Carol Krusen1977-1978Box 3, Folder 2
Schwarz, Alfred1976-1978Box 3, Folder 3
Scribner, Charles, Jr1978Box 3, Folder 4
Shapiro, Karl1978Box 3, Folder 5
Shellman, William1977Box 3, Folder 6
Simpson, Eileen1976-1978Box 3, Folder 7
Skinner, B.F.1977Box 3, Folder 8
Smith, William Jay1977-1978Box 3, Folder 9
Spackman, W.M.1977Box 3, Folder 10
Speaight, Robert1976Box 3, Folder 11
Springfield, Massachusetts, City of1979Box 3, Folder 12
Sproul, Adelaide1977-1978Box 3, Folder 13
Stanford, Donald E1977-1978Box 3, Folder 14
Steiner, George1976-1977Box 3, Folder 15
Stevens, Holly1977Box 3, Folder 16
Stroock, Alan M1977Box 3, Folder 17
Syracuse University1978Box 3, Folder 18
Tate, Allen1976-1977Box 3, Folder 19
Texas, University of1978Box 3, Folder 20
Thayer, Leon1978Box 3, Folder 21
Thomas, Harry1979Box 3, Folder 22
Thomson, Virgil1976-1982Box 3, Folder 23
Thorp, Willard1976Box 3, Folder 24
Thorpe, James1976-1977Box 3, Folder 25
Turkevitch, Ludmilla1977Box 3, Folder 26
Turner, Nancy Byrd1977Box 3, Folder 27
Van Eck, Leonard F1977-1978Box 3, Folder 28
Vicary, Emil T1977Box 3, Folder 29
Wahr, Fred B1977Box 3, Folder 30
Wald, Alan1976-1977Box 3, Folder 31
Ward, Aileen1977Box 3, Folder 32
Warren, Austin1976-1977Box 3, Folder 33
Warren, Robert Penn1976-1978Box 3, Folder 34
Washington University1978Box 3, Folder 35
Waterbury, Mary Blackmur1977-1978Box 3, Folder 36
Weisbuch, Robert1977Box 3, Folder 37
Wellek, Rene1977Box 3, Folder 38
Westoff, Charles1977Box 3, Folder 39
Wheelock, John Hall1976Box 3, Folder 40
White, George Abbott1977Box 3, Folder 41
Whitman, Marina1976Box 3, Folder 42
Wilbur, Richard1977Box 3, Folder 43
Wilmerding, Lucius1976-1977Box 3, Folder 44
Wolff, Geoffrey1977Box 3, Folder 45
Wood, Percy H., Jr1976Box 3, Folder 46
Blackmur, R. P., to Marshall, John1949Box 3, Folder 47

Collection Overview

Collection Description & Creator Information

Scope and Contents

Consists of correspondence of Fraser with friends, family, and associates of R. P. Blackmur, as well as one letter from R. P. Blackmur to John Marshall.


Fraser's correspondence is arranged alphabetically by correspondent, with a Blackmur letter at the end.

Collection History


AM 83-116


Five bound volumes of photocopies of typescripts were transferred to the ReCAP circulating collections at the point of accessioning in 2018.

Processing Information

Folder inventory prepared by Alicia Corona '13 in 2011.

Finding aid updated with new materials by Kelly Bolding in December 2018.

Access & Use

Conditions Governing Access

Open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.

Credit this material:

Correspondence; Russell A. Fraser Papers on R. P. Blackmur, C0574, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library

Firestone Library
One Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
(609) 258-3184
Storage Note:
  • ReCAP (rcpxm): Box 1-3